Exo Rally Championship Playtest - noodlor
Fixed the missing survey drone marks
Trials of Cascadia - Brent Enross
Welcome back for June's update! Things are only heating up outside, and it's the same thing for the development of ToC! Besides continuing to work on the main story, and a bunch of small updates and bug fixes, we've been able to accomplish a lot of feature implementations as well. Let's take a quick look:


I always liked the rotating battles from Golden Sun, so we've added a new panning camera for combat to feel more immersive. This also comes with an update to all background art for a more pronounced 3D effect.


The Chain Meter is a new mechanic, where for each point of damage done by the party, it will continue to increase both the party's overall ATB speed, as well as a chance to duplicate any damage (at least until someone in the party loses health). This encourages you to cleanse those poisons and burns, and interrupt spells so that you can unleash a ton of bonus attacks with a high meter.


We've introduced gem socketing as a mechanic to customize your weapons and armor. Before, gems would drop from the random elemental shades out in the world, but they didn't have much use beyond a relatively weak spell or being sold to the vendor for a moderate amount of gold. Now, you are able to speak with any blacksmith to add gems to weapons, armor, and some accessories, granting them bonus stats depending on the color and grade.


You won't be able to find grade 2 'cut' gems, grade 3 'lux' gems, or grade 4 legendary gems out in the wild. Instead, blacksmiths can combine five of any color gem (for a small fee) in order to create a single higher rank gem. You can also trade in random junk items from monsters to the blacksmith to get a Mysterious Box, which also have a chance to contain higher grade gems. Just be warned that when you socket a gem, you cannot remove it... only replace.

Stay tuned for July's update around this time of the month!
Retaliate - Romans I XVI Gaming
Join us for a community live stream and key giveaway!

Beat the score of 54,500 to win your copy of Retaliate! Just link a screenshot of your score on X at https://x.com/Romans_I_XVI, first 10 screenshots posted win!
Aleph - τάν

The game's content is concise, highlighting only key points from each chapter for a quick grasp of its unique features.

Thank you for your watching.
Starship Simulator Dev Playtest - Fleetyard Studios
There's not a lot of new stuff in this build as I've been on holiday all week, but here's what's new:

  • The front of the ship now has its base geometry, which at this stage is still just a hollow shell.
  • The drone camera speed controls (mouse wheel) are now exponential, and have a much higher upper speed limit.
  • The drone camera now resets to the bridge with its default speed if you press the middle mouse button.
  • The first-person torch is now twice as bright, with double the range.
Sovereign Elect - iBlackPen
Streaming current demo footage the evening if I can, and will be present to answer questions, although I may have to type in chat due to a lack of private space. I answer questions on game's discussion board too, so feel free to share your thoughts. Thank you.

Regarding the demo:
It is an alpha build of Sovereign Elect where you can learn the basics of the game. There are many more mechanics/features missing so bear that in mind. It is exciting to share this with you and hope when the product polished and ready to go, you can experience firsthand the feeling of a Sovereign Elect.

*Live Stream*
Vault Apocalypse - zzzonked
Patch 1.01:

- Updated current boss music
- Added new boss music

Adjusted the unlocks of many heroes & weapons

- Bishop now requires 30 Max HP to unlock (was 50)
- Marksman now requires 30 Crit to unlock (was 50)
- Bandit now requires 2500 gems collected (was 10000)
- Miner now requires 600 Gems (was 1000)
- Doctor now requires 8+ Regen (was 10+)
- Survivor now requires finishing a wave with less than 3 health (was 1)
- Thief now requires completing 2 waves with no damage taken (was 3)
- Spectre now requires 3 runs completed (was 5)
- Frostfang now requires 20 frozen enemies killed by Frostfire bullets (was 100)
- Comet now requires 20 burning enemies killed (was 100)

In a future patch expect to see:

- Endless mode
- Challenges
- More weapons and powerups
- Many more bugfixes
Innocence Or Money Season 1 - Episodes 1 to 3 - MarcialART
Hello people! 👋 This will be a long post, so get your popcorn and get comfortable! 😎

First off, I need to extend my sincerest apologies for the radio silence over the past month here on Steam. If you've reached out via Steam messages or the forums and haven't heard back, or if you've sent me a friend invite that's gathered virtual dust, I'm truly sorry. I'm not inactive, far from it—I’m laser-focused on game development, and sadly that has left me with little to no time to respond. I appreciate your understanding and patience.

But today, I come bearing exciting news! 🤩

Season 2, Episode 1 is on the cusp of completion! I've taken your feedback to heart, especially concerning the pacing of Season 1's release. Unlike last time, where Episode 3 dropped on Steam and everyone was left waiting for what felt like eons for the entire season to be available, I’m shaking things up.

I'm thrilled to announce that Season 2 will debut as an "early access" title. Those who jump in early will get to experience each episode hot off the press as they are completed. It's a way to keep the adventure going without the lengthy intermissions!

In addition, many of you know that Innocence Or Money (IoM) is available across multiple platforms. There have been occasions when a release has hit another platform before Steam (no specifics mentioned to keep the peace with community guidelines hehe 😅), but that's changing. From now on, simultaneous releases are the new norm! Every platform will receive updates concurrently, same day, same hour. This way, I make sure no one is left out and everyone can dive into the IoM universe together, no matter the platform. 😍

This week I will be creating the Steam store page and I will also send the game for approval, the current status of Season 2 Episode 1 is the following:


IMAGES: 1.686 (100% Finished)
ANIMATIONS: 503!!! 🤩 (100% Finished)
I pushed myself to reach this number; now we have more cameras than Fred! 😎🎥
TEXT/STORY: 100% Finished
CODING: 95% Finished
TRANSLATIONS: 25% Finished
SOUNDS: 20% FInished

The game code has been modified from the core, and episode 1 of the second season is a base on which I will be able to build and develop many new things and take the IoM world to a new level. In the following months, a lot of new functionalities will be added during the development of Season 2.


Let's go with some pics and information.

2 New languages will be added:
* Arabic
* Spanish (Latin America)

The music player will have some new functionality (This is an old pic, the final one is ready but it's a surprise, so I'm not showing it 😉)

The floors of the gym bathrooms were upgraded with anti-slip coatings (Please note only the new floor, there is nothing else to see in this picture...) 😁

The first episode of season 2 has the corruption/money route as its main focus; however, details of the innocence route have also been worked on, such as Jennifer wearing her first uniform in the cafeteria. (I don't think many will see this image in the game so I'm posting it here 😂)

The first episode of season 2 has taken me many months of development, but I am satisfied with the content and it is in the final stretch, once Steam approves it I will inform you all to start the countdown to launch!

Make sure you read the whole story and go through the quests, if you don't, you might miss a scene like this one that is already included in the game... (HUGE SPOILER COMING!!!)


I hope soon to be announcing the good news of the launch 🚀, I wish you all a great week and again I apologize for not answering the messages (dm / forum / invitations), I think I won't be able to answer them until the game is launched. Thanks to everyone! See ya! 👋

Idle Fishing - AO Games
Hey, I know many of you had bad gold income after update 1.3, I am very sorry for it.

I released an update now that should fix the problem.

if you have any gold income/balancing issue, please let me know!

Thanks for playing my game ːsteamhappyː
Defending Lydia Collier - White Phantom Games

Defending Lydia Collier v.0.16.1 Released!

Thank you all for your patience, here is the latest update of Defending Lydia Collier and as long awaited, Achievements!

This is the first thing I've ever released on Steam, and I self publish so getting these working has been a bit tricky. I believe the Steam Achievements are now all working, but if you find any that are not then please use Discord (link in the game's menu) to let me know.

For Achievements, please start a new game! They are not retroactive.

This update also adds in new content for Tiffany, Vanessa and Sophie, returning everybody to the UK so that I can focus on the next big day in the story instead of small updates for individual characters.

Change Log:

Adds in 54 Achievements to the game, each with a corresponding unlockable image!

Adds in new content with Tiffany, Sophie and Vanessa, totally just over 500 renders, including Tiffany's phone and the group's return from the island.

Many bug fixes and quality of life changes to the earlier days to make the game more replayable and the computer less intrusive, this include persistent flags for finding information on the PC, and warnings when a choice will take you off a character's path.

Adds in missing content with Stephanie on Sunday and during the motorway stop if you've dated her before.

Stephanie's hard drive and the walkthrough will be added and updated very shortly.

Thanks for all the new and continued support!


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