Community Announcements - DreamatrixTeam
Hi all!

We just published a new patch for Legends of Dawn, so go on and grab it now.

Here's what you'll get:

Movement update:

We made some slight improvements to player movement. As you already know, there are two ways to move player around - using keyboard or by clicking on the place where we wish our player to move. We have added third type of movement now. Keyboard movement works the same way as before, just press the keys and move your player around. Mouse movement is slightly changed. If you click and release mouse button, your player will walk toward the place you clicked on. However, if you click and hold mouse button, your player will walk toward the mouse cursor.
Delay between click'n'walk and hold'n'walk is 450 ms. That means if you hold mouse for longer than 0.45 sec, your player will start following the mouse cursor.

Another small change we made is the way 'Take All' button works.

That's button with hand icon used to take all items when you open chests or crates, or other itemholders. Before this update this button worked in the following way: for each item in the chest, check if there is empty slot in the inventory and if there is, move item from chest to players inventory. And that's it.

Updated version works similar to this with few small changes. Now once you click on the Take All button, program first tries to match items in chest with stackable items in your inventory. If there is enough stack space, item is automatically stacked. If there is not enough space, program will add items to first empty slot, just as before.

On the other hand, few additional bugs are solved.
Slowdown during the combat with turrets has been fixed. All turrets should work fine now.

Player animation freezing during combat is also fixed.

Problem was caused by old animations.package which did not contain two updated animations for one hand+shield attacks. Current Legends of Dawn data tree contains some 91,000+ files sorted in 8,800 folders. These two animations were packed but not commited to current steam/retail versions. We have included those in the 1.51 patch so that should be it.

We have also added some fixes to the French translation of the game.

We are currently working on Wave of Darkness and sorting through the lists for both Legends of Dawn and Wave of Darkness.

There are many features we would like to implement and checking what is possible and/or compatible with current features takes some time.

Anyway, more updates will follow!
Community Announcements - DreamatrixTeam
We're on a roll here guys :-P

In short - yeah, we listened to your suggestions yet again :-)


Our friends translated Legends of Dawn to the following languages:

- Alexandre Mangin and his team.
- Equipe RPG France
- Chef du projet, traducteur et correcteur-relecteur final : Alexandre Mangin
- (All_zebest)
- Traducteur principal et support technique : targus
- Traducteur : wacas
- Conseiller linguistique et lexicographe : To_an
- Correcteur-relecteur : Geralt

Ivano Conte


Some of you have requested moving camera higher up. In this update we have changed maximum camera height so you can see bigger area around the player. There are some technical limitations that we'd like to explain so that you understand how camera position affects world rendering.

LoD world is divided in sectors. Each sector is 48x48 meters square. Number of entities in sector is not limited, but it affects rendering and streaming speed. For example wilderness sectors have mostly trees and rocks and few other objects in them. But towns are another story. You have houses, furniture, NPCs, their equipment and who knows what else. Each of these entities must be streamed in memory to be rendered. Number of visible entities directly affects framerate.

Moving camera higher up is absolutely no problem. It's just number that limits max camera height. Problem that arises with higher camera is that more entities will be visible. If you can see 100 entities while camera is 20 meters in the air, it may be 150 visible entities if you move camera 3 meters higher. That's 50% increase in number of visible entities for just 15% higher camera.

We have slightly modified max camera height. Now you can move it to ~23-24 meters. Note however that this will affect performance. This performance is mostly visible in town. While moving through the wilderness, this will have little or no impact on rendering speed.

Regarding viewing distances such as those in FPS games - LoD was from the start designed to have look similar to games such as Baldur's Gate or Diablo 2. This means camera at fixed distance from ground, with single viewing direction. Over time that changed to freely rotatable camera that can now be zoomed.

Moving engine to first person view is possible but not economically feasible. It would require major changes in level design. And even more importantly, changes in how the game is played.

As we mentioned before if camera is higher viewing area is bigger, thus more models must be rendered each frame. Same goes if camera is horizontal. Imagine camera on the hill looking horizontally over entire town. Now you must render all the entities from the entire town (minus small models culled due to distance from camera) and you must stream them in memory earlier.

So that's first major problem with horizontal/FPS camera. Second is graphics fidelity. Models and textures are not made for view from few meters. While playing in FPS mode, graphics will look much less detailed than graphics with camera 15-20 meters in the air.

Most importantly, moving to FPS view would require major changes in gameplay. Right now you can see monsters coming from all directions, you can cast spells on them, even if you are not facing them directly. That would all have to change if the FPS view is implemented.

Note that we are keeping your wishes in mind regarding FPS view, but for now we plan to keep LOD view mostly like it is. With maybe slight modifications.

Regarding streaming - as mentioned before world is divided into sectors. As player/camera moves around, sectors are streamed in and out of memory. LoD has fixed value of 1 sector around current one that will be streamed at any time. That means that at any given time there are 3x3 sectors loaded into memory. Again, this was mostly due to the 32-bit windows per-process memory allocation limit. We are working to make this configurable option so you will be able to change this using Options panel.

So that's for now. More updates coming soon.

As always, check the Steam for the update and please let us know how did you like the patch and if you have more ideas and suggestions.

Dreamatrix Team
Community Announcements - DreamatrixTeam
Great news for Legends of Dawn players - a new patch!

So before everyone asks, yeah we do actually listen to your suggestions :-)

What's in the patch?

- added new tooltips with more information about items

- improved FOV and camera zoom so that when zooming towards player, camera moves slightly forward thus giving larger view area

- various small optimizations and fixes

But, there are even more good news. The next patch will include French and Italian localization, and is coming in a few days. Please let us know how did you like the patch!

Feb 23, 2015
Community Announcements - DreamatrixTeam
Hi guys,

Well, it finally happened. The Legends of Dawn 1.30 patch is here!

As you can see, we stay with you and we keep improving Legends of Dawn. A lot of time has passed since we released the last LoD patch, but we are a really small team, and juggling with the new features you'll find in this patch is not a small task.

The big news for everyone that had memory performance issues with the game is that Legends of Dawn is now a 64-bit title (and 32-bit too). What does it mean for you? It means the game is not anymore "smothered" with the 2 GB of RAM limitation, which generated a lot of performance issues, even if the player had a "beast" of a PC. Thanks to the new 64-bit engine architecture, the game can now use all the RAM your system has.
What happens if you have a 32-bit Windows installed? You will still have an option to play last version in the 32-bit mode as you already do. Steam will automatically detect your system version. From this 1.30 version all future updates will be made for 64-bit version only. Therefore in order to experience better Legends of Dawn now and in the future we HIGHLY recommend an upgrade to 64-bit Windows operating system if you have more than 2 GB of system RAM.

Another great news is that we upgraded in-game physics implementation, so NVIDIA PhysX is not dependent on external software anymore. NVIDIA PhysX caused many issues in the past, whether in the scenarios where the PhysX driver wasn't recognized, or in the situations where the user simply forgot to install the drivers. This is now solved.

We also added upgrades to world streaming, made smoother animations, and a bunch of other fixes and upgrades. Please find the full list of upgrades below.

Patch 1.30

- 64-bit OS Support:
Game and engine are now 64-bit too. You can choose between 32-bit or 64-bit operating systems, but good news is that memory problems (64-bit) are thing of the past now. Game can now utilize all the RAM you have, well over 2GB per process that is the limit of 32-bit processes.

- Upgraded Physics:
NVidia PhysX is not dependent on external system software anymore. No more separate installation of physics software is required. External physics installation was cause of many problems in the past - from configurations where physics software was not recognized, even though it was installed, to problems with non-steam installations where users simply forgot to install physics software. This is now solved, physics is part of the game itself and should work without any intervention from the user or external software.

- Streaming is upgraded.

- Smoothed Animations.
Animation for all dynamic entities are now smoothed over time when transiting between animation states. This is most noticeable on monsters and player characters.

- Numerous small optimization's and fixes.

- Slight tweaks and changes to monster AI.

What's next for Legends of Dawn?

Some of you may know from our web site and forum that Legends of Dawn was developed as a part of a trilogy. A lot of work has been done in parallel on our upcoming title Wave of Darkness (WoD) while we were developing Legends on Dawn. One of the main reasons we had to upgrade Legends of Dawn to 64-bit is to make it compatible with new features and improvements that we can carry over from WoD which is 64-bit only.

Therefore we are happy to announce that we are already working on our next patch for Legends of Dawn. With that patch we plan to bring a bunch of new updates and (WoD) features. We can't reveal the contents of this patch right now, nor the time of the release, but we will most definitely share info with you as we develop.

We are just about to start Wave of Darkness Kickstarter campaign and soon after that we plan to put WoD in Early Access here on Steam so you will have opportunity to be involved in WoD development and discuss which features you want in LoD as well.

LoD and WoD development will remain simultaneous so it is important to us that Legends of Dawn players understand that support for either game will eventually help both.

We hope that most of you will recognize our efforts and help with constructive suggestions, friendly atmosphere and help us create a joyful experience and outcome oriented helpful community.

Thanks for your support.

Dreamatrix Team
Community Announcements - DreamatrixTeam
After months of hard work we are happy to present to you the new patch 1.10 with our Dreamatrix Tools.
Despite some rumors we remain committed to our backers. Modding tools beta was an important stretch goal and a lot of unexpected work had to be done to make it happen. We hope that enthusiasts among you will experiment with tools and that knowledge base will start to grow within the community so that others less experienced users will be able to join the fun.
This patch upgrades all previous versions, from 1.00 to version 1.10. Steam players should update the game using Steam client. Everyone else can download patch via our site.

Patch 1.10 changes:
- modding tools added (world editor, materials/models editor, entity editor, flare editor, GUI editor and creature designer)
- added Editor Quick Guide
- added panel for custom mods (visible from character generation screen)
- added Unpacker (used to unpack the contents of the game on your HDD - it must be run before the first launch of editor)
- NTG quest conversation fixed
- spider tutorial quest fixed
- added Alienware Light FX for Alienware laptops and keyboards
- fixed model popup when traversing back and forth between two adjacent world sectors
- fixed water transparency bug
- reduced memory consumption (slightly lower)
- grass rendering is additionally optimized
- slight tweaks and changes to monster AI
- added new 30+ nodes for skill checks (usable from script editor)
- fixed bug with character zooming buttons reappearing when returning to main menu
- various small optimizations and fixes

We will continue to work on game improvements.
Thank you for sending valuable feedback and log files via emails, thanks for sharing suggestions on forums and for making Legends of Dawn community a growing and resourceful place.

Steam Trading Cards, badges and icons will be also available soon.
Aug 17, 2013
Community Announcements - DreamatrixTeam
patch 1.07:
- teleport stones added
- crafting panel drag'n'drop fixed
- creature levels fixes
- added small experience gained when fighting creatures 8+ lvl while 5+ levels above them
- tweaked merchant item levels
- crafting bug fixed
- memory consumption is now slightly lower
- changed/fixed third tutorial quest
- german language fixes
- croatian language bug fixed
- camera fov slightly increased
- grass rendering optimized
- dual wield combat sounds added

We have tweaked creature levels in one of the dungeons. Those were made to reflect slight changes from previous patch. Now players can advance (although very slowly) over max level since killing lvl 8+ creatures will increase player's experience and thus level.

We have also slightly tweaked item levels in merchant shops. Merchants now sell items of various levels. Also scroll of Recea, Scroll of Koshk and Scroll of Korden's Fall are all available in shops.

We have fixed crafting bug that manifested when crafting items while magical item is in first slot in inventory. Bug itself was very easy to fix but very hard to figure out (thanks crpgnut :).

Third tutorial quest (one with spider) used to require that player kills spider after (s)he starts the quest. ow it is possible to kill spider before quest starts.

We have implemented one teleport location per region. Using those players are able to fast-travel to regions previously visited.

Crafting panel had problem with drag'n'drop operation, one of the parameters in the panel was wrong and that could cause problems when dragging panel too much. This problem is now fixed.

We have also made various memory optimizations, both on CPU and GPU. Various language problem are also fixed. Mostly in german language (thanks to Alex). Croatian language had bug which was caused by conversion of text from excel to txt format that caused crash when displaying experience in console window. This is fixed. Camera FOV is now slightly larger. Grass rendering is slightly optimized. It turns out that grass required unproportional amount of resources. This should work better now. Final dungeon (which only had entrance) now has exit. We intentionally prevented players from exiting the dungeon, but scrolls of teleportation made that limitation void. Players can now enter and exit that dungeon as they please. Dual wield combat are sound added.

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