Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Konrad the Kitten 0.3.3 has just been released. The update adds a new Play Mode (hand-mode) and some smal things for christmas.

Hand-Mode (experimental)
You can now play Konrad without a plush-toy with the so called "Hand-Mode". In this mode you hold the Controller in your hand like in traditional games. You can grab Konrad with the trigger button. Konrad is released automatically when placed at an interaciton object. Hand-Mode can be activated in the settings menu.
This is our first draft for this mode, so its still experimental. (Changing the cat's size, for. ex. has some issues.)

A little Christmas
The living room area has been decorated for christmas. Additionally you can have a santa-hat for Konrad (triggered in the area-selection room).

We are working on more stuff but this is not ready to be released. Have a good christmas and a happy new year!
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Konrad the Kitten 0.3.3 has just been released. The update adds a new Play Mode (hand-mode) and some smal things for christmas.

Hand-Mode (experimental)
You can now play Konrad without a plush-toy with the so called "Hand-Mode". In this mode you hold the Controller in your hand like in traditional games. You can grab Konrad with the trigger button. Konrad is released automatically when placed at an interaciton object. Hand-Mode can be activated in the settings menu.
This is our first draft for this mode, so its still experimental. (Changing the cat's size, for. ex. has some issues.)

A little Christmas
The living room area has been decorated for christmas. Additionally you can have a santa-hat for Konrad (triggered in the area-selection room).

We are working on more stuff but this is not ready to be released. Have a good christmas and a happy new year!
Dec 7, 2016
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Finally, our website is live!

Konrad the Kitten now has a home at:
Dec 7, 2016
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Finally, our website is live!

Konrad the Kitten now has a home at:
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Konrad the Kitten 0.3.2 has just been released. The update adds support for the upcoming Oculus Touch controllers and some minor changes.
It took us much longer than expected delaying 0.4 into next year. Sorry for that. Sometimes things which look simple just take a while...

Multiplatform support
The game is now capable of internally handling multiple VR platforms. So everything which is hardware related is now handled separately, based on the vr platform. This also fixed most (but not all) ocurences of the game not starting when no controller is powered on.

The Touch
Oculus Rift with Oculus Touch is now supported. Be sure to configure the Guardian system before running the game as we are using this for centering the play area.
If you want to play with Oculus Rift, Oculus Touch Controllers are mandatory!

Calibration overhauled
We redesigned the rotational calibration from scratch and added some things. This has the follwing impacts:
* fixed rotation center bug
* added an energy-grid showing the actively used play-area during calibration
* added Chaperone / Guardian bounds being displayed during calibration
* tuned the size of the collision box of the calibration button (to not trigger accidentially)

Some more help
* help-board now shows a video on how to attach the controller to the plush toy (hit the help button to switch help-pages)
* updated the help text

Some internal stuff
* unififed the logging (for better debugging) - logging now has a exact timestamps, mutliple log-layers, etc.
* added Debug Mode (for internal debugging purposes)
* lowered waiting time on exit trigger
* some minor changes and fixes
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Konrad the Kitten 0.3.2 has just been released. The update adds support for the upcoming Oculus Touch controllers and some minor changes.
It took us much longer than expected delaying 0.4 into next year. Sorry for that. Sometimes things which look simple just take a while...

Multiplatform support
The game is now capable of internally handling multiple VR platforms. So everything which is hardware related is now handled separately, based on the vr platform. This also fixed most (but not all) ocurences of the game not starting when no controller is powered on.

The Touch
Oculus Rift with Oculus Touch is now supported. Be sure to configure the Guardian system before running the game as we are using this for centering the play area.
If you want to play with Oculus Rift, Oculus Touch Controllers are mandatory!

Calibration overhauled
We redesigned the rotational calibration from scratch and added some things. This has the follwing impacts:
* fixed rotation center bug
* added an energy-grid showing the actively used play-area during calibration
* added Chaperone / Guardian bounds being displayed during calibration
* tuned the size of the collision box of the calibration button (to not trigger accidentially)

Some more help
* help-board now shows a video on how to attach the controller to the plush toy (hit the help button to switch help-pages)
* updated the help text

Some internal stuff
* unififed the logging (for better debugging) - logging now has a exact timestamps, mutliple log-layers, etc.
* added Debug Mode (for internal debugging purposes)
* lowered waiting time on exit trigger
* some minor changes and fixes
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Konrad the Kitten 0.3.1 has just been released. The update brings more life into the 3 new house-areas.

The living kitchen
The kitchen is now less static and has gained some life.
* The windows have been opened, so you can watch outside.
* A bird flies by, once in a while.
* Sometimes a mouse looks surprised out of the cabinet below the sink.
* A sponge now drifts in the sink.
* A clock now ticks and shows the real time.

The living bathroom
The bathroom is now less static and has gained some life.
* The windows have been opened.
* Once in a while, a parrot lands in the window and looks inside.
* The rubber duck now floats in the bath tub.
* The tap is dripping sometimes.

The living living-room ;)
The living room is now less static and has gained some life.
* An aquarium has been added, with fishes swimming around.
* A clock ticks and shows the real time.
* Some furniture was added and some moved.

Enhanced existing active objects
* The Tablet-PC animation has been enhanced.
* The Cat-Toilet in the bathroom has been "pimped" to look nicer.
* The leaves of the Leave-Toilet no longer flicker.
* When Konrad plays with the toilet paper, sheets of paper are now falling down.

Minigame introductions
When starting a minigame now, you first see a little introduction of what to do in the minigame. The start of the minigame waits for you holding the kitten into a "start-sphere" until the countdown has run out.

Finetuned minigames
* Raised the resolution of the scoreboard font for better readability.
* The mice in the mouse-minigame now change directions more smooth.
* The river position in the fish-minigame is now better in reach.
* The difficulty of the parcours minigame has been finetuned.
* Some of the parcours element groups have been changed so that no longer objects are too close to your head.

3D bulleting boards
All displays (helpboard, minigame-scoreboard, etc.) are now real 3D objects.

Better sky
All skyboxes have been replaced with high-resolution sky boxes. Also some of them are a little different now.

Enhanced heart spawning
If hearts spawn outside the play area, they'll now move towards you. Also a bug has been fixed, occuring when you leave the game with hearts not being collected.

Adjusted lighting
Lighting was unified, simplified and adjusted. We will do a real lighting-update later.

unity bug reporting and analytics
We've activated Unity performance (bug) reporting and analytics to better identify issues and how people play the game. We hope this will help us finetuning the game to your playstyle.

Minor stuff
We've adjustes some trigger objects being too close to others, did some code changes and other minor changes.
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Konrad the Kitten 0.3.1 has just been released. The update brings more life into the 3 new house-areas.

The living kitchen
The kitchen is now less static and has gained some life.
* The windows have been opened, so you can watch outside.
* A bird flies by, once in a while.
* Sometimes a mouse looks surprised out of the cabinet below the sink.
* A sponge now drifts in the sink.
* A clock now ticks and shows the real time.

The living bathroom
The bathroom is now less static and has gained some life.
* The windows have been opened.
* Once in a while, a parrot lands in the window and looks inside.
* The rubber duck now floats in the bath tub.
* The tap is dripping sometimes.

The living living-room ;)
The living room is now less static and has gained some life.
* An aquarium has been added, with fishes swimming around.
* A clock ticks and shows the real time.
* Some furniture was added and some moved.

Enhanced existing active objects
* The Tablet-PC animation has been enhanced.
* The Cat-Toilet in the bathroom has been "pimped" to look nicer.
* The leaves of the Leave-Toilet no longer flicker.
* When Konrad plays with the toilet paper, sheets of paper are now falling down.

Minigame introductions
When starting a minigame now, you first see a little introduction of what to do in the minigame. The start of the minigame waits for you holding the kitten into a "start-sphere" until the countdown has run out.

Finetuned minigames
* Raised the resolution of the scoreboard font for better readability.
* The mice in the mouse-minigame now change directions more smooth.
* The river position in the fish-minigame is now better in reach.
* The difficulty of the parcours minigame has been finetuned.
* Some of the parcours element groups have been changed so that no longer objects are too close to your head.

3D bulleting boards
All displays (helpboard, minigame-scoreboard, etc.) are now real 3D objects.

Better sky
All skyboxes have been replaced with high-resolution sky boxes. Also some of them are a little different now.

Enhanced heart spawning
If hearts spawn outside the play area, they'll now move towards you. Also a bug has been fixed, occuring when you leave the game with hearts not being collected.

Adjusted lighting
Lighting was unified, simplified and adjusted. We will do a real lighting-update later.

unity bug reporting and analytics
We've activated Unity performance (bug) reporting and analytics to better identify issues and how people play the game. We hope this will help us finetuning the game to your playstyle.

Minor stuff
We've adjustes some trigger objects being too close to others, did some code changes and other minor changes.
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Intro for the Game
The game now starts with a short intro showing some warning hints and the game logo.

3D – Audio
All audio effects are now location based. So if the kitty plays with the tablet-PC, the sound comes from the actual object and not just from anywhere.

Removed “the house”
The house area was removed from the game as it is replaced with new stuff.

Added 3 new areas
Bathroom, kitchen and living room areas were added to replace the old house.

Added parcours minigame
Guide Konrad through the rings. The more sections you cross, the more hearts you’ll gain. The setup of ring-elements is random each time the minigame starts.

Added Tea-Party Minigame
Let Konrad throw down all the dishes on the table. Every cat likes to destroy stuff!

Palm-Toilet removed
The palm Toilet object was removed.

Reworked Water-Bowl and Cat-Toilet
Both objects were overhauled to look better and match their new locations.

Added Tablet-PC
Konrad now likes to play a little game on a tablet pc.

Added laundry tub
Wash the little kitty in the foamy laundry tub in the bathroom!

Added Toilet Paper
Konrad likes to play with the toilet paper roll.

Added balloon ride
Put Konrad in the basket and let him fly away for a ride with the little hot air balloon.

added TV remote
Little kittens like to switch channels on the TV.

Added pizza slice
Don’t get hungry, get some pizza!

Added Leave-Toilet
For doing big business in the forest area…

Added water-place
A little place to drink some fresh water in the forest.

Moved some objects to other areas
To match the environment, some objects were moved to other areas.

Heats disappearing
When changing a region, all hearts not being collected will disappear.

UI hidden in minigames
When playing a minigame, the star icons are hidden. Also the cat won’t do orientation based animations (cuddling, lifted, etc.) as long as you’re playing.

Improved collision detection
Collision detection now acts separately for the whole cat, it’s paw or the center of the cat. This improves especially minigames where little Konrad punches crabs, mice or similar.

Only purr if it’s requested
Konrad no longer purrs when being lifted or cuddled when he does not have the wish for it.

Fixed meow breaking cuddling/lifted animations
The “meow” animation no longer breaks orientation based animations like Konrad being lifted or cuddled.

Updated icons
Updated some of the existing wish-icons to look better.
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Intro for the Game
The game now starts with a short intro showing some warning hints and the game logo.

3D – Audio
All audio effects are now location based. So if the kitty plays with the tablet-PC, the sound comes from the actual object and not just from anywhere.

Removed “the house”
The house area was removed from the game as it is replaced with new stuff.

Added 3 new areas
Bathroom, kitchen and living room areas were added to replace the old house.

Added parcours minigame
Guide Konrad through the rings. The more sections you cross, the more hearts you’ll gain. The setup of ring-elements is random each time the minigame starts.

Added Tea-Party Minigame
Let Konrad throw down all the dishes on the table. Every cat likes to destroy stuff!

Palm-Toilet removed
The palm Toilet object was removed.

Reworked Water-Bowl and Cat-Toilet
Both objects were overhauled to look better and match their new locations.

Added Tablet-PC
Konrad now likes to play a little game on a tablet pc.

Added laundry tub
Wash the little kitty in the foamy laundry tub in the bathroom!

Added Toilet Paper
Konrad likes to play with the toilet paper roll.

Added balloon ride
Put Konrad in the basket and let him fly away for a ride with the little hot air balloon.

added TV remote
Little kittens like to switch channels on the TV.

Added pizza slice
Don’t get hungry, get some pizza!

Added Leave-Toilet
For doing big business in the forest area…

Added water-place
A little place to drink some fresh water in the forest.

Moved some objects to other areas
To match the environment, some objects were moved to other areas.

Heats disappearing
When changing a region, all hearts not being collected will disappear.

UI hidden in minigames
When playing a minigame, the star icons are hidden. Also the cat won’t do orientation based animations (cuddling, lifted, etc.) as long as you’re playing.

Improved collision detection
Collision detection now acts separately for the whole cat, it’s paw or the center of the cat. This improves especially minigames where little Konrad punches crabs, mice or similar.

Only purr if it’s requested
Konrad no longer purrs when being lifted or cuddled when he does not have the wish for it.

Fixed meow breaking cuddling/lifted animations
The “meow” animation no longer breaks orientation based animations like Konrad being lifted or cuddled.

Updated icons
Updated some of the existing wish-icons to look better.

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