Dec 17, 2013
Kerbal Space Program - HarvesteR

Just in time for the holidays! I'm very pleased to announce the 23rd update to KSP is now available.

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This update, as you all probably already know, was mainly focused in smoothing out the features we've added all through this year, patching up long-standing bugs, doing optimizations, and adding a few new features that were long awaited.

More Specifically:

* The Science Archives:
Browse through all the science you've done in your Career games in this new section of the R&D Facility.

* Tweakables:
Several parts can now be tweaked individually by right-clicking them during construction, allowing for entirely new possiblities in spacecraft construction.

* Science Revisited:
We've revised the way experiments are performed, stored and transmitted based on the feedback we got from the last release, to make Science much more engaging and interesting. Endlessly-repeatable transmissions that would let you max out a subject in a single mission are a thing of the past now.

* The Lab Module:
With experiments and transmissions no longer being freely repeatable, we've added the Lab Module to let you process your science data on the field, increasing the science gained by transmitting it. The Lab also allows you to reset single-use modules such as the Goo Canister and Materials Bay, since those will now become inoperable if their data is removed for transmission.

* The R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine:
The new 'Reactive Alternate-Propellant Intelligent Engine for Rockets' is a hybrid propulsion system that can run on external intake air while flying through the atmosphere, and will switch to internal oxidizer supply as you leave the atmosphere behind.

* EVA Data Collection:
Kerbals on EVA are now able to collect and store data from experiment modules and other science containers, including other EVAs.

* Part Tooltips Overhaul:
The old tooltips seen when hovering over part icons in the R&D or construction facilities have been completely overhauled. The new layout is a lot easier on the eyes and organizes information much more efficiently, making it easier to compare stats between parts and seeing what does what.

* All-Around Optimizations:
We've gone over a huge amount of code this time, to make sure the game is doing things as efficiently as possible. The optimizations were mainly focused around sources of lag with high part counts, so the game should be smoother around large ships. (Your mileage may vary, as no hardware setup is quite the same).

* 6-DOF Device Support for Windows:
Few games can benefit from a 6-degrees-of-freedom input device such as the Space Navigator like KSP. Seamless transition/rotation camera control on all scenes, plus pitch-roll-way and linear XYZ inputs in flight control mode, allowing for an unprecedented level of control. This feature is Windows-only for the time being, but we're ready to implement OSX and Linux support as soon as the drivers become available.

Plus a heap of other additions and fixes. Check out this article for the complete changelog.

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Steam players should be automatically updated. (Might be a few minutes. Restart Steam if it's taking too long).

Compatibility with previous versions:
We haven't had to bump the last-compatible versions on this update, so all previous saves and craft files should work just fine through the update. Do keep in mind mods may not work correctly, so it's always advisable to start out with a clean, unmodded install.

Happy Launchings, and Happy Holidays!

Dec 17, 2013
Kerbal Space Program - HarvesteR

Just in time for the holidays! I'm very pleased to announce the 23rd update to KSP is now available.

This update, as you all probably already know, was mainly focused in smoothing out the features we've added all through this year, patching up long-standing bugs, doing optimizations, and adding a few new features that were long awaited.

More Specifically:

* The Science Archives:
Browse through all the science you've done in your Career games in this new section of the R&D Facility.

* Tweakables:
Several parts can now be tweaked individually by right-clicking them during construction, allowing for entirely new possiblities in spacecraft construction.

* Science Revisited:
We've revised the way experiments are performed, stored and transmitted based on the feedback we got from the last release, to make Science much more engaging and interesting. Endlessly-repeatable transmissions that would let you max out a subject in a single mission are a thing of the past now.

* The Lab Module:
With experiments and transmissions no longer being freely repeatable, we've added the Lab Module to let you process your science data on the field, increasing the science gained by transmitting it. The Lab also allows you to reset single-use modules such as the Goo Canister and Materials Bay, since those will now become inoperable if their data is removed for transmission.

* The R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine:
The new 'Reactive Alternate-Propellant Intelligent Engine for Rockets' is a hybrid propulsion system that can run on external intake air while flying through the atmosphere, and will switch to internal oxidizer supply as you leave the atmosphere behind.

* EVA Data Collection:
Kerbals on EVA are now able to collect and store data from experiment modules and other science containers, including other EVAs.

* Part Tooltips Overhaul:
The old tooltips seen when hovering over part icons in the R&D or construction facilities have been completely overhauled. The new layout is a lot easier on the eyes and organizes information much more efficiently, making it easier to compare stats between parts and seeing what does what.

* All-Around Optimizations:
We've gone over a huge amount of code this time, to make sure the game is doing things as efficiently as possible. The optimizations were mainly focused around sources of lag with high part counts, so the game should be smoother around large ships. (Your mileage may vary, as no hardware setup is quite the same).

* 6-DOF Device Support for Windows:
Few games can benefit from a 6-degrees-of-freedom input device such as the Space Navigator like KSP. Seamless transition/rotation camera control on all scenes, plus pitch-roll-way and linear XYZ inputs in flight control mode, allowing for an unprecedented level of control. This feature is Windows-only for the time being, but we're ready to implement OSX and Linux support as soon as the drivers become available.

Plus a heap of other additions and fixes. Check out this article for the complete changelog.

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Steam players should be automatically updated. (Might be a few minutes. Restart Steam if it's taking too long).

Compatibility with previous versions:
We haven't had to bump the last-compatible versions on this update, so all previous saves and craft files should work just fine through the update. Do keep in mind mods may not work correctly, so it's always advisable to start out with a clean, unmodded install.

Happy Launchings, and Happy Holidays!

Oct 21, 2013
Kerbal Space Program - HarvesteR

We've done a small update to the Steam build, to address an issue with the Launcher app. This doesn't affect the game itself, but there is a small update out, so in case you're wondering why your game was updated, that was it.

The KSP Launcher shows you a news feed so you've now got a place to quickly check out the latest news and dev blogs, and it also lets you tweak game settings before opening the game, which means you now have a way to undo any settings that might prevent the game from working properly, plus new settings which are only available from outside the game, like frameless windowed mode. Check out the Advanced Tab on the launcher settings to see the new options.


We've reverted the app config, to not open the launcher app just yet, since there are still a few issues with it on OSX and Linux, and also with the Steam Overlay. The Launcher is still available on your game files, so you can use it already if you want to (to use advanced settings and such), but Steam will open KSP directly for the time being, until we are 100% sure the launcher is functioning as it should.

Happy Launchings!

Oct 21, 2013
Kerbal Space Program - HarvesteR

We've done a small update to the Steam build, to address an issue with the Launcher app. This doesn't affect the game itself, but there is a small update out, so in case you're wondering why your game was updated, that was it.

The KSP Launcher shows you a news feed so you've now got a place to quickly check out the latest news and dev blogs, and it also lets you tweak game settings before opening the game, which means you now have a way to undo any settings that might prevent the game from working properly, plus new settings which are only available from outside the game, like frameless windowed mode. Check out the Advanced Tab on the launcher settings to see the new options.


We've reverted the app config, to not open the launcher app just yet, since there are still a few issues with it on OSX and Linux, and also with the Steam Overlay. The Launcher is still available on your game files, so you can use it already if you want to (to use advanced settings and such), but Steam will open KSP directly for the time being, until we are 100% sure the launcher is functioning as it should.

Happy Launchings!

Oct 16, 2013
Kerbal Space Program - HarvesteR

I'm very happy to announce that the 0.22 Update to KSP is now officially released!

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<iframe width="640" height="480" src="/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As you're all probably aware, this update introduces the long-awaited Career Mode which, while still under development, is now open. This update was one of, if not the largest update we've ever done in terms of amount of content and features.

Here's the changelog:

* Career Mode: - Career Mode is now open! Although still very much under development, you can now start new Career saves. - Sandbox mode, of course, is also available from the start. * Research and Development: - Added the Research & Development Facility to the Space Center. - R&D allows players to unlock parts (and later other stuff) by researching nodes on the Tech Tree (In Career Mode). * Science: - Researching requires Science, which must be earned by performing experiments during your missions. - You can now collect surface samples while on EVA, and process them to do Science. - Science experiments return results, which are different for each situation in which the experiment is performed. - Experiments can (as all proper experiments must) be repeated over many different situations across the whole Solar System. - Added a new dialog to show the results of experiments when reviewing the collected data. - Added a new dialog to show a breakdown of all scientific progress made after recovering a mission. * Parts: - Added new scientific parts, like the Materials Bay and the Mystery Goo™ Canister. Also added experiments to many existing parts. - The old science sensors now have a purpose. They all have their own experiments which enable them to log scientific data. - The antennas are now functional, and can be used to transmit science data back to Kerbin, if recovering the physical experiments is not an option. - Antennas consume massive amounts of power when transmitting. Make sure you have fresh batteries in. - Added a new deployable antenna, which is an intermediate model compared to the two original ones. - Completely remodelled the Communotron 88-88 Comms Dish. The new mesh uses the same placement rules so it won't break ships that have it. - Nose Cones now actually help with improving stability during atmospheric flight. - Revised a lot of part values and descriptions, in preparation for them actually meaning something in the near future. - Overhauled the landing legs and gears, they now have proper shock-absorbing suspensions. * Editor: - Added a system to allow saving and loading of Sub-Assemblies. - Subassemblies are subsets of spacecraft, which can later be attached to other designs and re-used. * Space Center: - The KSC Facilities have all been revised, and feature new ground meshes and many other graphical improvements. - Greatly improved the Island Airfield. - Added lighting FX to several facilities. The Runway (among many other things) is now properly lit at night. - Added a new backdrop and soundtrack for the Astronaut Complex Facility. - Added a new music track for the R&D Facility. * Flight: - It is now possible to recover a flight after landing/splashdown on Kerbin without going through the Tracking Station. Look above the Altimeter. - The SAS system was again largely overhauled, based on all the feedback we've gotten from everyone. It's now stabler than ever. * Solar System: - Celestial Bodies now support Biome Maps, which are used to create different conditions for experiments. - Biomes are currently implemented on Kerbin and on the Mun, more will be added on later updates. * Launcher: - We've got a new launcher application for KSP, featuring a news bulletin, patcher management, and also allows you to tweak settings from outside the game.

Happy Launchings!

Oct 16, 2013
Kerbal Space Program - HarvesteR

I'm very happy to announce that the 0.22 Update to KSP is now officially released!

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As you're all probably aware, this update introduces the long-awaited Career Mode which, while still under development, is now open. This update was one of, if not the largest update we've ever done in terms of amount of content and features.

Here's the changelog:

* Career Mode: - Career Mode is now open! Although still very much under development, you can now start new Career saves. - Sandbox mode, of course, is also available from the start. * Research and Development: - Added the Research & Development Facility to the Space Center. - R&D allows players to unlock parts (and later other stuff) by researching nodes on the Tech Tree (In Career Mode). * Science: - Researching requires Science, which must be earned by performing experiments during your missions. - You can now collect surface samples while on EVA, and process them to do Science. - Science experiments return results, which are different for each situation in which the experiment is performed. - Experiments can (as all proper experiments must) be repeated over many different situations across the whole Solar System. - Added a new dialog to show the results of experiments when reviewing the collected data. - Added a new dialog to show a breakdown of all scientific progress made after recovering a mission. * Parts: - Added new scientific parts, like the Materials Bay and the Mystery Goo™ Canister. Also added experiments to many existing parts. - The old science sensors now have a purpose. They all have their own experiments which enable them to log scientific data. - The antennas are now functional, and can be used to transmit science data back to Kerbin, if recovering the physical experiments is not an option. - Antennas consume massive amounts of power when transmitting. Make sure you have fresh batteries in. - Added a new deployable antenna, which is an intermediate model compared to the two original ones. - Completely remodelled the Communotron 88-88 Comms Dish. The new mesh uses the same placement rules so it won't break ships that have it. - Nose Cones now actually help with improving stability during atmospheric flight. - Revised a lot of part values and descriptions, in preparation for them actually meaning something in the near future. - Overhauled the landing legs and gears, they now have proper shock-absorbing suspensions. * Editor: - Added a system to allow saving and loading of Sub-Assemblies. - Subassemblies are subsets of spacecraft, which can later be attached to other designs and re-used. * Space Center: - The KSC Facilities have all been revised, and feature new ground meshes and many other graphical improvements. - Greatly improved the Island Airfield. - Added lighting FX to several facilities. The Runway (among many other things) is now properly lit at night. - Added a new backdrop and soundtrack for the Astronaut Complex Facility. - Added a new music track for the R&D Facility. * Flight: - It is now possible to recover a flight after landing/splashdown on Kerbin without going through the Tracking Station. Look above the Altimeter. - The SAS system was again largely overhauled, based on all the feedback we've gotten from everyone. It's now stabler than ever. * Solar System: - Celestial Bodies now support Biome Maps, which are used to create different conditions for experiments. - Biomes are currently implemented on Kerbin and on the Mun, more will be added on later updates. * Launcher: - We've got a new launcher application for KSP, featuring a news bulletin, patcher management, and also allows you to tweak settings from outside the game.

Happy Launchings!

Jul 25, 2013
Kerbal Space Program - HarvesteR

I'm glad to announce we've just released the 0.21.1 Revision Patch for KSP.

This patch addresses some of the most critical issues found on the 0.21 update. Most importantly, it fixes a big issue where you could end up stuck in the Editor scenes, due to the Launch and Exit button becoming unresponsive; and also fixes the new SAS, which wasn't holding attitude like it should have been.

Here's the changelog:
==================================== v0.21.1 Bug Fixes and Tweaks: * Removed some unused assets from KSP/Parts. * Fixed an issue with some scenery meshes that could cause bits of the UI to become unresponsive in some cases (mainly in the VAB and SPH). * Tweaked some object scales slightly. * Tweaked the ocean color at sea level on Kerbin (was way too dark). * Fixed an issue that would cause lag while moving parts around the editor scenes if too many crews were hired at the same time. * Fixed an issue with the new SAS not properly maintaining attitude. Should be much better now. * Tweaked some parameters on the SAS to make it more responsive.

We've also changed a few other details about the SAS: Now, all command pods, be them probes or capsules, enable SAS for the vessel. Not all of them are able to apply torque on their own though, much like it's always been with the old system.

We've re-tuned the SAS to get a sharper response as well. The issue we found with it was a simple one but it had some very far-reaching implications. The new SAS releases the attitude hold when you apply input, so you can still control the ship with it on, but an issue on the logic for that was causing the attitude lock to not set very well, which resulted in it drifting off target.

As always, you can get the latest update through the KSPStore, the Patcher, or get auto-updated if you're on Steam.

(If Steam hasn't updated yet, try shutting it down and restarting. That usually causes it to refresh all apps)

Important Note:
* Do mind that as with any new release, you shouldn't expect mods to work with the new version. We strongly recommend doing a clean reinstall of your game on each new release.

Happy Launchings!

Jul 25, 2013
Kerbal Space Program - HarvesteR

I'm glad to announce we've just released the 0.21.1 Revision Patch for KSP.

This patch addresses some of the most critical issues found on the 0.21 update. Most importantly, it fixes a big issue where you could end up stuck in the Editor scenes, due to the Launch and Exit button becoming unresponsive; and also fixes the new SAS, which wasn't holding attitude like it should have been.

Here's the changelog:
==================================== v0.21.1 Bug Fixes and Tweaks: * Removed some unused assets from KSP/Parts. * Fixed an issue with some scenery meshes that could cause bits of the UI to become unresponsive in some cases (mainly in the VAB and SPH). * Tweaked some object scales slightly. * Tweaked the ocean color at sea level on Kerbin (was way too dark). * Fixed an issue that would cause lag while moving parts around the editor scenes if too many crews were hired at the same time. * Fixed an issue with the new SAS not properly maintaining attitude. Should be much better now. * Tweaked some parameters on the SAS to make it more responsive.

We've also changed a few other details about the SAS: Now, all command pods, be them probes or capsules, enable SAS for the vessel. Not all of them are able to apply torque on their own though, much like it's always been with the old system.

We've re-tuned the SAS to get a sharper response as well. The issue we found with it was a simple one but it had some very far-reaching implications. The new SAS releases the attitude hold when you apply input, so you can still control the ship with it on, but an issue on the logic for that was causing the attitude lock to not set very well, which resulted in it drifting off target.

As always, you can get the latest update through the KSPStore, the Patcher, or get auto-updated if you're on Steam.

(If Steam hasn't updated yet, try shutting it down and restarting. That usually causes it to refresh all apps)

Important Note:
* Do mind that as with any new release, you shouldn't expect mods to work with the new version. We strongly recommend doing a clean reinstall of your game on each new release.

Happy Launchings!

Jul 24, 2013
Kerbal Space Program - HarvesteR
Hi again,

I'm very happy to announce that we've just released the 0.21 update for KSP!

As you all probably know, this update was our first to focus mainly in Career Mode. We've still got a long way to go with that, but I can't tell you how satisfying it is to finally see progress in this part of the game, after over two years of working on the sandbox.

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Here are the main features for this update:

* Revised Flight-End scene flow.
In preparation for Career gameplay, we've redesigned the way flights are ended. Gone is the 'End Flight' button in the Pause Menu, cause of many a tale of accidental space station deletion. Now, you'll either get to return to the Space Center (as before), or when applicable, Revert to an earlier state (to launch or to the editors).

* New Space Center Scene.
The most underdeveloped part of the game finally gets its much deserved overhaul, featuring new models for nearly all the facilities, plus a couple of new ones as well. Keep on reading for more details on them.

* The Astronaut Complex Facility.
Another huge feature in the making, the Astronaut Complex is a new building at the Space Center, that gives you an overview of all your available victims brave explorers, and lets you recruit new ones from a list of applicants.

* Crew Management
Along with the Astronaut Complex, this adds the ability to select the crew for a vessel before launch (from the launch sites or from the editors). Pick from the list of available crewmembers, and assign them to any (yes, any) part on the vessel.

* New VAB and SPH Interiors.
The insides of the construction facilities are also completely re-done, the models are not only vastly better-looking than before, they're far more efficient as well, so there's no performance tradeoff here.

* PSystem.
This was one of the biggest code overhauls we've ever pulled off. Now, instead of having everything duplicated in each of the game's scenes, all common elements like the scenery, game logic, ambience and the planetarium are created once and get reused. This means the world you see at the space center is now exactly the same as the one you see in flight, and in the tracking station. It also means much slicker transitions between scenes, as we don't have to respawn everything again.

* Overhauled SAS Flight Control Sytem.
Veteran players (and new ones alike) will be happy to know we’ve done away with the old Stability Augmentation System (or Sickness Avoidance Solution or whatever you want to call it) we had, which caused more flight stability problems than solutions sometimes, and re-built it completely from scratch. We can’t overstate how much of an improvement over the previous system this is.

* Much Improved terrain on Kerbin, the Mun, and other places.
New procedurally generated craters on the Mun, low hills around Kerbin, and a lot of other tweaks and optimization make for a much more interesting landscape to fly around and crash into land at.

* A Completely Redesigned Website.
Alex's secret project is finally revealed! Check it out.

And of course, the usual battery of bug fixes and tweaks. Read the full changelog here.

Important Upgrade Notes:

* Do mind that as on all new updates, you shouldn't expect mods to work properly.

* This new version is incompatible with SFS (savegame) files from previous versions. However, we now have a system that will allow you to upgrade these incompatible files if possible.

Happy Launchings!

Jul 24, 2013
Kerbal Space Program - HarvesteR
Hi again,

I'm very happy to announce that we've just released the 0.21 update for KSP!

As you all probably know, this update was our first to focus mainly in Career Mode. We've still got a long way to go with that, but I can't tell you how satisfying it is to finally see progress in this part of the game, after over two years of working on the sandbox.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here are the main features for this update:

* Revised Flight-End scene flow.
In preparation for Career gameplay, we've redesigned the way flights are ended. Gone is the 'End Flight' button in the Pause Menu, cause of many a tale of accidental space station deletion. Now, you'll either get to return to the Space Center (as before), or when applicable, Revert to an earlier state (to launch or to the editors).

* New Space Center Scene.
The most underdeveloped part of the game finally gets its much deserved overhaul, featuring new models for nearly all the facilities, plus a couple of new ones as well. Keep on reading for more details on them.

* The Astronaut Complex Facility.
Another huge feature in the making, the Astronaut Complex is a new building at the Space Center, that gives you an overview of all your available victims brave explorers, and lets you recruit new ones from a list of applicants.

* Crew Management
Along with the Astronaut Complex, this adds the ability to select the crew for a vessel before launch (from the launch sites or from the editors). Pick from the list of available crewmembers, and assign them to any (yes, any) part on the vessel.

* New VAB and SPH Interiors.
The insides of the construction facilities are also completely re-done, the models are not only vastly better-looking than before, they're far more efficient as well, so there's no performance tradeoff here.

* PSystem.
This was one of the biggest code overhauls we've ever pulled off. Now, instead of having everything duplicated in each of the game's scenes, all common elements like the scenery, game logic, ambience and the planetarium are created once and get reused. This means the world you see at the space center is now exactly the same as the one you see in flight, and in the tracking station. It also means much slicker transitions between scenes, as we don't have to respawn everything again.

* Overhauled SAS Flight Control Sytem.
Veteran players (and new ones alike) will be happy to know we’ve done away with the old Stability Augmentation System (or Sickness Avoidance Solution or whatever you want to call it) we had, which caused more flight stability problems than solutions sometimes, and re-built it completely from scratch. We can’t overstate how much of an improvement over the previous system this is.

* Much Improved terrain on Kerbin, the Mun, and other places.
New procedurally generated craters on the Mun, low hills around Kerbin, and a lot of other tweaks and optimization make for a much more interesting landscape to fly around and crash into land at.

* A Completely Redesigned Website.
Alex's secret project is finally revealed! Check it out.

And of course, the usual battery of bug fixes and tweaks. Read the full changelog here.

Important Upgrade Notes:

* Do mind that as on all new updates, you shouldn't expect mods to work properly.

* This new version is incompatible with SFS (savegame) files from previous versions. However, we now have a system that will allow you to upgrade these incompatible files if possible.

Happy Launchings!


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