Feb 16, 2017
Kenshi - Koomatzu
0.95.18 has now been released to the main stable branch:

  • more stability fixes and small performance improvement
  • Fixed global fog blending between biomes
  • Reset global weather values (clouds, wetness, dust) when jumping long distances

  • Couple of stability patches

  • Fixed a major crash
  • Actually added some money items to loot to some of the shops and buildings

  • Added an info panel in the FACTIONS screen that shows any contracts with NPCs you have, like for mercenary bodyguards
  • Added repeat option to the crafting queue
  • Added sleeping bags. You need to buy some of these, they can be used to create camp beds and are re-usable.
  • Camp beds now have half the healing rate bonus of normal beds. Healing rate now displayed in the GUI
  • Wandering squads should now go shopping and relax at the bar for a while when they arrive in a new town, they also prefer to wait until morning to head out again.
  • Number of materials returned when dismantling something now clamped to at least 1, so camp beds are now re-usable
  • Added a move speed option to match the speed of your slowest character
  • Characters now suffer a skill penalty when working in the darkness, now you actually need lights in your base
  • Stolen items can now stack if they are stolen from the same source
  • Sometimes abandoned buildings and ruins can have locked doors
  • Added tooltip in new game advanced options window and options windows, to explain some of the settings.
  • Added a physical item for money
  • Fixed a bug where your buildings could get tagged with the wrong town, causing the AI to refuse to work/eat/use things
  • Fixed some situations where towns clash, eg if a player builds a huge town, or builds too close to other towns/nests and building ownership can come into conflict
  • Fixed map stacking
  • Fixed repeated knock-out animation loops when attempting to stealth-KO someone
  • Fixed building swaps for buildings in other faction's town.
  • Fixed crash dismantling building with mounted buildings. Also added some behavior.
  • Fixed dialogue log missing lines sometimes
  • Fixed an exploit where you could learn blueprints without buying them

Note: Please report any bugs or problems, or upload crash dumps to the Steam forum or official Lo-Fi Games forum so that we can fix as soon as we can. Thank you :)
Feb 16, 2017
Kenshi - Koomatzu
0.95.18 has now been released to the main stable branch:

  • more stability fixes and small performance improvement
  • Fixed global fog blending between biomes
  • Reset global weather values (clouds, wetness, dust) when jumping long distances

  • Couple of stability patches

  • Fixed a major crash
  • Actually added some money items to loot to some of the shops and buildings

  • Added an info panel in the FACTIONS screen that shows any contracts with NPCs you have, like for mercenary bodyguards
  • Added repeat option to the crafting queue
  • Added sleeping bags. You need to buy some of these, they can be used to create camp beds and are re-usable.
  • Camp beds now have half the healing rate bonus of normal beds. Healing rate now displayed in the GUI
  • Wandering squads should now go shopping and relax at the bar for a while when they arrive in a new town, they also prefer to wait until morning to head out again.
  • Number of materials returned when dismantling something now clamped to at least 1, so camp beds are now re-usable
  • Added a move speed option to match the speed of your slowest character
  • Characters now suffer a skill penalty when working in the darkness, now you actually need lights in your base
  • Stolen items can now stack if they are stolen from the same source
  • Sometimes abandoned buildings and ruins can have locked doors
  • Added tooltip in new game advanced options window and options windows, to explain some of the settings.
  • Added a physical item for money
  • Fixed a bug where your buildings could get tagged with the wrong town, causing the AI to refuse to work/eat/use things
  • Fixed some situations where towns clash, eg if a player builds a huge town, or builds too close to other towns/nests and building ownership can come into conflict
  • Fixed map stacking
  • Fixed repeated knock-out animation loops when attempting to stealth-KO someone
  • Fixed building swaps for buildings in other faction's town.
  • Fixed crash dismantling building with mounted buildings. Also added some behavior.
  • Fixed dialogue log missing lines sometimes
  • Fixed an exploit where you could learn blueprints without buying them

Note: Please report any bugs or problems, or upload crash dumps to the Steam forum or official Lo-Fi Games forum so that we can fix as soon as we can. Thank you :)
Kenshi - Koomatzu
0.95.14 is out now! This is on experimental only, to opt-in you have to right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. 0.93.11 is the current stable version, recommended for less bug-prone gaming.

  • Added lots of new books and writings to the world
  • Bit more audio work, unarmed combat sounds added
  • Added sound emitters to buildings, foliage and map features, also building interior ambient sound variants
  • Garru now has attacks
  • NOTE: footsteps are temporarily inaudible in this version, will be fixed next update

  • Fixed certain nests not spawning residents
  • Fixed criminals getting released from cages early
  • Probable fix for NPCs vanishing some time after being captured
  • Fixed a bug that stopped some of the biome entry conversations from triggering
  • Fixed carried dead characters being left behind when their old squad unloads
  • Fixed path following case causing character to stick on walls
  • Thief fences won't freak out if you try to sell them drugs
  • Rounded health display text a bit so it wont stop at 99
  • Fixed build menu icon crash

  • Added a storage box for robotics parts
  • Fixed a crash in the construction set when opening dialogue objects
  • Doubled the "use" range of lights, in the hope it helps with lights sometimes being too far for engineers to reach
  • Tweaked food-finder AI to use closest food container
  • Removed the "no terrain cutting" from the options.  It was a debug option from a long time ago, and no longer needed.

Note: Please report any bugs or problems, or upload crash dumps to the Steam forum or official Lo-Fi Games forum so that we can fix as soon as we can. Thank you :)
Kenshi - Koomatzu
0.95.14 is out now! This is on experimental only, to opt-in you have to right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. 0.93.11 is the current stable version, recommended for less bug-prone gaming.

  • Added lots of new books and writings to the world
  • Bit more audio work, unarmed combat sounds added
  • Added sound emitters to buildings, foliage and map features, also building interior ambient sound variants
  • Garru now has attacks
  • NOTE: footsteps are temporarily inaudible in this version, will be fixed next update

  • Fixed certain nests not spawning residents
  • Fixed criminals getting released from cages early
  • Probable fix for NPCs vanishing some time after being captured
  • Fixed a bug that stopped some of the biome entry conversations from triggering
  • Fixed carried dead characters being left behind when their old squad unloads
  • Fixed path following case causing character to stick on walls
  • Thief fences won't freak out if you try to sell them drugs
  • Rounded health display text a bit so it wont stop at 99
  • Fixed build menu icon crash

  • Added a storage box for robotics parts
  • Fixed a crash in the construction set when opening dialogue objects
  • Doubled the "use" range of lights, in the hope it helps with lights sometimes being too far for engineers to reach
  • Tweaked food-finder AI to use closest food container
  • Removed the "no terrain cutting" from the options.  It was a debug option from a long time ago, and no longer needed.

Note: Please report any bugs or problems, or upload crash dumps to the Steam forum or official Lo-Fi Games forum so that we can fix as soon as we can. Thank you :)
Kenshi - Koomatzu
Now moved over to stable as of 10th Jan:

  • Martial arts damage amount reduced, so that it doesn't skyrocket so early (It was getting powerful too quickly).  Also sliiightly higher damage at low levels.
  • You can no longer bail out & recruit prisoners that hate you, or ones that are super strong.
  • Scorchlander strength changed to 0.9x, accounting for their slightly smaller build
  • Added more information to the farm placement tooltip to reduce confusion

Note: Please report any bugs or problems, or upload crash dumps to the Steam forum or official forum so that we can fix as soon as we can. Thank you :)
Kenshi - Koomatzu
Now moved over to stable as of 10th Jan:

  • Martial arts damage amount reduced, so that it doesn't skyrocket so early (It was getting powerful too quickly).  Also sliiightly higher damage at low levels.
  • You can no longer bail out & recruit prisoners that hate you, or ones that are super strong.
  • Scorchlander strength changed to 0.9x, accounting for their slightly smaller build
  • Added more information to the farm placement tooltip to reduce confusion

Note: Please report any bugs or problems, or upload crash dumps to the Steam forum or official forum so that we can fix as soon as we can. Thank you :)
Kenshi - Koomatzu
Update 0.95.10 has now been moved over to the main stable branch. If you're opted into the Experimental branch there won't be any change.

Please report any bugs or crashes via our Steam or Official forums and we'll look into them as soon as possible.

  • Unlocked southern map section. New content and factions!
  • General performance improvement with Ogre 2.0
  • Smuggling is now a career option. Buy narcotics or illegal goods and sell them wherever they are illegal to make huge profits. (You'll have to find where to buy/sell them yourself).
  • Added narcotics production to the tech tree
  • Tweaked the camera limit so you can look upwards a little more
  • A messagebox now tells you what item caused you to get arrested for smuggling
  • Added some feedback arrows to stealth mode
  • Added options setting for displaying the floating damage numbers

    • Unarmed combat added.
    • Added a block for "thrust" direction, so you can now block unarmed and animal attacks
    • Added dodging to the combat system. You dodge when unarmed, and it can also be used to break out of stun-lock states
    • Characters now have rear-direction block animations
    • Made block animation blending look a little nicer
    • Added a few more combat stance animations for different weapons
    • Armour can now have skill bonuses for unarmed, dodge, and fist damage.
    • Backpacks now negatively impact dodging
    • Characters can no longer attack with their broken arms, they have to resort to kicks or whatever they can do
    • Likewise if your sword arm is broken you can't block, so you'll have to resort to dodging
    • Defensive combat mode now applies the +20 bonus to dodging if you are unarmed

    • Tweaked the formula for character muscle visibility. Its no longer affected by strength (which now only affects bulk) or toughness. The idea is to make characters end up looking a bit different to each other based on their skills (as opposed to everyone just ending up big and muscular)
    • --the new formula is: max(dexterity, martialArts) * 3.f + (athletics + swimming) - (cooking + science);
    • It now gets wet when it rains.
    • Added sound effect for barefoot characters

    • Increased amount of food sold in bars
    • Added more slaves to the slave towns
    • Added the plastic surgeon to empire towns
    • Low-level slaves are a bit more likely to join you, others like captured bandits now a little less likely.
    • Encumbrance and other penalties have a slightly lower effect on move speed
    • Dismantling buildings now gives back some of the materials
    • Increased the amount of fog men, there's also a rare fog man swarm
    • Animals can now bash down your gates, no more raptors hanging around outside
    • Slaves are now valued by skills

    • Characters now feel the weather.
    • Duststorms strongly affect visibility and hearing range, and prevent tracking by smell
    • Rain affects visibility and hearing range a small amount
    • Certain clothing can protect you from the elements. Goggles are good in dust storms.

  • Some fine-tuning for stealthy raids:
    • NPC hear range is halved when you are indoors and they are not (or vise-versa). Range is halved again if the door is closed
    • alarm range is halved, and gets halved again if you are indoors, and then halved again if the buildings door is closed
    • stealth knockouts take into account your visibility more, and you can't knockout someone if they are in combat unless they are totally unaware of you
    • Tweaked the follow AI for escaping slaves/prisoners so if you make a run for it they will keep up rather than stay behind trying to fight everyone
    • guards standing outside of a building will no longer keep the door open
    • shopkeepers won't talk to you if you are an enemy
    • The construction set now has a "translation mode" for using to translate the dialogue
    • Automatically fills out duplicated translation lines (eg if there are 30 different lines that say "ok" then you only need to translate it once instead of 30 times)
    • Added translation stats to the construction set
    • added back the dialog export function for translations to use poedit


    • Overhaul of the the animation blending system, combat animations should blend more smoothly now
    • Fixed the holy nation bounty collection
    • Fixed a common situation where NPCs wouldn't help defend their teammates if they weren't looking
    • Fixed vanishing furniture on import game
    • Fixed the main GUI displaying the wrong values for attack and defence skills
    • Removed a few things from the Stenn Desert to speed up performance
    • Fixed bar characters not spawning
    • Fixed some destroyed buildings not appearing in towns
    • Fixed randomly black buildings
    • Broken turrets fix (couldn't reload)
    • Some memory optimisations
    • Some small AI tweaks, including a max range to AI weapon looting
    • Fix for invisible harpoons
    • Fixed turrets to save how many harpoons they have loaded
    • Fixed interior not shown when inside a building and paused
    • Fixed random black inventory icons
    • Fixed characters in character editor showing on top of each other at start.
    • Fixed the incorrect damage resistAnce number in the damage floating text when in simple mode
    • Fixed stealth arrow markers not turning off
    • Stopped player from re-claiming bounties by releasing prisoners
    • Fixed a bug that was messing up the combat movement and making everybody bunch up too close
    • Fixed some flickery animations and some animation bugs
    • Fixed bounties getting deducted instead of awarded
    • Fixed a bug with populating towns (mongrel was a victim)
    • Fixed AI cores not getting spawned (needs import)
    • Fixed NPCs coming into your base to work at your farms
    • Fixed the bar squads duplicating when loading a game or returning to an area
    • Fixed a particular AI hauling bug
    • Fixed the trade window when you talk to a sleeping trader
    • Fixed non-player faction relations all being 0 on import
    • Tweaked weapon animation selection, mainly to fix the mismatching polearms stance, but also to add variety for specific weapons to use unique stances
    • Fixed a bug with some slaves not reacting when you free them
    • Reduced xp rate for toughness
    • Small bugfix for difficulty of clicking on characters while paused
    • a certain fix for AI/pathfinding with walls
    • Fixed a problem with npcs sometimes teleporting back on screen after walking off
    • Fixed the clouds
    • Fix for doors being un-clickable if you jump back and forth between zones
    • A fix for NPCs being unable to hurt you when you are disguised as an ally
    • Fixed duplicated clothing appearing on hive characters
    • Emissive disabled when there's no power to the light
    • Added the missing bar to Last Stand
    • Stopped battery charge changing when paused
    • Fixed a bug when loading a carried character and they drop in a random world position
    • Stopped random doors appearing when unloading
    • Farm fertility display popup fixed for fertility effect multiplier
    • Fixed custom column sorting for filenames
    • Fixed up the fogmen AI, some weren't bringing victims back to the nests, and they weren't always doing the worship thing
    • Fixed the missing "tied to a pole" animation
    • Fixed an important missing dialog option for the construction trader
    • Fixed the rain not affecting farm water amount
    • Reduced the "too close to town" build limit
    • Fixed a bug with the AI sometimes not acknowledging mines as a resource source

Kenshi - Koomatzu
Update 0.95.10 has now been moved over to the main stable branch. If you're opted into the Experimental branch there won't be any change.

Please report any bugs or crashes via our Steam or Official forums and we'll look into them as soon as possible.

  • Unlocked southern map section. New content and factions!
  • General performance improvement with Ogre 2.0
  • Smuggling is now a career option. Buy narcotics or illegal goods and sell them wherever they are illegal to make huge profits. (You'll have to find where to buy/sell them yourself).
  • Added narcotics production to the tech tree
  • Tweaked the camera limit so you can look upwards a little more
  • A messagebox now tells you what item caused you to get arrested for smuggling
  • Added some feedback arrows to stealth mode
  • Added options setting for displaying the floating damage numbers

    • Unarmed combat added.
    • Added a block for "thrust" direction, so you can now block unarmed and animal attacks
    • Added dodging to the combat system. You dodge when unarmed, and it can also be used to break out of stun-lock states
    • Characters now have rear-direction block animations
    • Made block animation blending look a little nicer
    • Added a few more combat stance animations for different weapons
    • Armour can now have skill bonuses for unarmed, dodge, and fist damage.
    • Backpacks now negatively impact dodging
    • Characters can no longer attack with their broken arms, they have to resort to kicks or whatever they can do
    • Likewise if your sword arm is broken you can't block, so you'll have to resort to dodging
    • Defensive combat mode now applies the +20 bonus to dodging if you are unarmed

    • Tweaked the formula for character muscle visibility. Its no longer affected by strength (which now only affects bulk) or toughness. The idea is to make characters end up looking a bit different to each other based on their skills (as opposed to everyone just ending up big and muscular)
    • --the new formula is: max(dexterity, martialArts) * 3.f + (athletics + swimming) - (cooking + science);
    • It now gets wet when it rains.
    • Added sound effect for barefoot characters

    • Increased amount of food sold in bars
    • Added more slaves to the slave towns
    • Added the plastic surgeon to empire towns
    • Low-level slaves are a bit more likely to join you, others like captured bandits now a little less likely.
    • Encumbrance and other penalties have a slightly lower effect on move speed
    • Dismantling buildings now gives back some of the materials
    • Increased the amount of fog men, there's also a rare fog man swarm
    • Animals can now bash down your gates, no more raptors hanging around outside
    • Slaves are now valued by skills

    • Characters now feel the weather.
    • Duststorms strongly affect visibility and hearing range, and prevent tracking by smell
    • Rain affects visibility and hearing range a small amount
    • Certain clothing can protect you from the elements. Goggles are good in dust storms.

  • Some fine-tuning for stealthy raids:
    • NPC hear range is halved when you are indoors and they are not (or vise-versa). Range is halved again if the door is closed
    • alarm range is halved, and gets halved again if you are indoors, and then halved again if the buildings door is closed
    • stealth knockouts take into account your visibility more, and you can't knockout someone if they are in combat unless they are totally unaware of you
    • Tweaked the follow AI for escaping slaves/prisoners so if you make a run for it they will keep up rather than stay behind trying to fight everyone
    • guards standing outside of a building will no longer keep the door open
    • shopkeepers won't talk to you if you are an enemy
    • The construction set now has a "translation mode" for using to translate the dialogue
    • Automatically fills out duplicated translation lines (eg if there are 30 different lines that say "ok" then you only need to translate it once instead of 30 times)
    • Added translation stats to the construction set
    • added back the dialog export function for translations to use poedit


    • Overhaul of the the animation blending system, combat animations should blend more smoothly now
    • Fixed the holy nation bounty collection
    • Fixed a common situation where NPCs wouldn't help defend their teammates if they weren't looking
    • Fixed vanishing furniture on import game
    • Fixed the main GUI displaying the wrong values for attack and defence skills
    • Removed a few things from the Stenn Desert to speed up performance
    • Fixed bar characters not spawning
    • Fixed some destroyed buildings not appearing in towns
    • Fixed randomly black buildings
    • Broken turrets fix (couldn't reload)
    • Some memory optimisations
    • Some small AI tweaks, including a max range to AI weapon looting
    • Fix for invisible harpoons
    • Fixed turrets to save how many harpoons they have loaded
    • Fixed interior not shown when inside a building and paused
    • Fixed random black inventory icons
    • Fixed characters in character editor showing on top of each other at start.
    • Fixed the incorrect damage resistAnce number in the damage floating text when in simple mode
    • Fixed stealth arrow markers not turning off
    • Stopped player from re-claiming bounties by releasing prisoners
    • Fixed a bug that was messing up the combat movement and making everybody bunch up too close
    • Fixed some flickery animations and some animation bugs
    • Fixed bounties getting deducted instead of awarded
    • Fixed a bug with populating towns (mongrel was a victim)
    • Fixed AI cores not getting spawned (needs import)
    • Fixed NPCs coming into your base to work at your farms
    • Fixed the bar squads duplicating when loading a game or returning to an area
    • Fixed a particular AI hauling bug
    • Fixed the trade window when you talk to a sleeping trader
    • Fixed non-player faction relations all being 0 on import
    • Tweaked weapon animation selection, mainly to fix the mismatching polearms stance, but also to add variety for specific weapons to use unique stances
    • Fixed a bug with some slaves not reacting when you free them
    • Reduced xp rate for toughness
    • Small bugfix for difficulty of clicking on characters while paused
    • a certain fix for AI/pathfinding with walls
    • Fixed a problem with npcs sometimes teleporting back on screen after walking off
    • Fixed the clouds
    • Fix for doors being un-clickable if you jump back and forth between zones
    • A fix for NPCs being unable to hurt you when you are disguised as an ally
    • Fixed duplicated clothing appearing on hive characters
    • Emissive disabled when there's no power to the light
    • Added the missing bar to Last Stand
    • Stopped battery charge changing when paused
    • Fixed a bug when loading a carried character and they drop in a random world position
    • Stopped random doors appearing when unloading
    • Farm fertility display popup fixed for fertility effect multiplier
    • Fixed custom column sorting for filenames
    • Fixed up the fogmen AI, some weren't bringing victims back to the nests, and they weren't always doing the worship thing
    • Fixed the missing "tied to a pole" animation
    • Fixed an important missing dialog option for the construction trader
    • Fixed the rain not affecting farm water amount
    • Reduced the "too close to town" build limit
    • Fixed a bug with the AI sometimes not acknowledging mines as a resource source

Kenshi - Koomatzu
0.95.10 is out now! This is on experimental only, to opt-in you have to right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. 0.93.28 is the current stable version, recommended for less bug-prone gaming.

  • Fixed the crash on saving/loading
  • Fixed up the fogmen AI, some weren't bringing victims back to the nests, and they weren't always doing the worship thing
  • Increased the amount of fog men, there's also a rare fog man swarm
  • Animals can now bash down your gates, no more raptors hanging around outside
  • Fixed the missing "tied to a pole" animation
  • Fixed an important missing dialog option for the construction trader
  • Fixed the rain not affecting farm water amount
  • Reduced the "too close to town" build limit
  • Fixed a bug with the AI sometimes not acknowledging mines as a resource source

Note: Please report any bugs or problems, or upload crash dumps to the Steam forum or official forum so that we can fix as soon as we can. Thank you :)
Kenshi - Koomatzu
0.95.10 is out now! This is on experimental only, to opt-in you have to right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. 0.93.28 is the current stable version, recommended for less bug-prone gaming.

  • Fixed the crash on saving/loading
  • Fixed up the fogmen AI, some weren't bringing victims back to the nests, and they weren't always doing the worship thing
  • Increased the amount of fog men, there's also a rare fog man swarm
  • Animals can now bash down your gates, no more raptors hanging around outside
  • Fixed the missing "tied to a pole" animation
  • Fixed an important missing dialog option for the construction trader
  • Fixed the rain not affecting farm water amount
  • Reduced the "too close to town" build limit
  • Fixed a bug with the AI sometimes not acknowledging mines as a resource source

Note: Please report any bugs or problems, or upload crash dumps to the Steam forum or official forum so that we can fix as soon as we can. Thank you :)

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