Aug 27, 2015
Kenshi - Captain Deathbeard
The thievery update is out, in the "experimental" branch only for now. It's probably unstable and still in need of further balancing, so it's there as opt-in for those who want to try it out.

  • -Town populations slowly regenerate when residents die. Killing off a lot of NPCs that are affiliated with a nearby town will weaken that town slightly, it's possible to wipe out all the cannibal patrols roaming near a cannibal village for example. Currently "homeless" factions like the bandits are not affected by this.
  • -brought back the town info tooltip on the mapscreen to show population information. I will rely on player feedback for balancing it.
  • -Crime system (in progress)
  • -You can now steal from shops
  • -Crimes are recognised by the AI
  • -Police can put a bounty on your head and arrest you
  • -Civilians can raise the alarm and call police attention to a crime
  • -Pickpocketing: NPC is alerted if he notices you stealing from his inventory while he sleeps
  • -Selling stolen items has a chance of getting you in trouble, especially if you try to sell things back to the victim
  • -Sleeping NPCs are woken up by noise, but it's easier to rob them
  • -Police confiscate weapons and stolen goods. Then they sell them.
  • -Updated traders inventory:
  • -To trade with a shop you need to talk to the trader character.
  • -Interacting with the containers, counters, chest, etc. will be considering stealing. (Work In Progress)
  • -The traders inventory is infinite, so you can sell stuff more easily
  • -The trader stores his shop inventory in the actual containers around the shop. This means you can steal stuff from them.
  • -Some item containers now have locks. Traders keep the more valuable items in the more secure containers
  • -Added a node system to building placement. It ensures that any machines and storage you place is always accessible by characters and fixes a lot of bugs like when characters tried to access a storage box through a wall
  • -Emissive lighting added
  • -Added AI ability for super long-range pathfinding, even when zones in between start and destination are unloaded
  • -Fixed orders panel black text-on-black tooltips
  • -Fixed item labels not showing when loading a game with items on ground
  • -A few small movement system fixes
  • -Fixed undo when building walls
  • -Fixed game unpausing or closing the pause menu when autosaving.
  • -Fixed unpausing game possiblity while on the in-game main menu.
  • -Fixed/updated research window.

Aug 27, 2015
Kenshi - Captain Deathbeard
The thievery update is out, in the "experimental" branch only for now. It's probably unstable and still in need of further balancing, so it's there as opt-in for those who want to try it out.

  • -Town populations slowly regenerate when residents die. Killing off a lot of NPCs that are affiliated with a nearby town will weaken that town slightly, it's possible to wipe out all the cannibal patrols roaming near a cannibal village for example. Currently "homeless" factions like the bandits are not affected by this.
  • -brought back the town info tooltip on the mapscreen to show population information. I will rely on player feedback for balancing it.
  • -Crime system (in progress)
  • -You can now steal from shops
  • -Crimes are recognised by the AI
  • -Police can put a bounty on your head and arrest you
  • -Civilians can raise the alarm and call police attention to a crime
  • -Pickpocketing: NPC is alerted if he notices you stealing from his inventory while he sleeps
  • -Selling stolen items has a chance of getting you in trouble, especially if you try to sell things back to the victim
  • -Sleeping NPCs are woken up by noise, but it's easier to rob them
  • -Police confiscate weapons and stolen goods. Then they sell them.
  • -Updated traders inventory:
  • -To trade with a shop you need to talk to the trader character.
  • -Interacting with the containers, counters, chest, etc. will be considering stealing. (Work In Progress)
  • -The traders inventory is infinite, so you can sell stuff more easily
  • -The trader stores his shop inventory in the actual containers around the shop. This means you can steal stuff from them.
  • -Some item containers now have locks. Traders keep the more valuable items in the more secure containers
  • -Added a node system to building placement. It ensures that any machines and storage you place is always accessible by characters and fixes a lot of bugs like when characters tried to access a storage box through a wall
  • -Emissive lighting added
  • -Added AI ability for super long-range pathfinding, even when zones in between start and destination are unloaded
  • -Fixed orders panel black text-on-black tooltips
  • -Fixed item labels not showing when loading a game with items on ground
  • -A few small movement system fixes
  • -Fixed undo when building walls
  • -Fixed game unpausing or closing the pause menu when autosaving.
  • -Fixed unpausing game possiblity while on the in-game main menu.
  • -Fixed/updated research window.

Aug 21, 2015
Kenshi - Captain Deathbeard
Sorry for the delay of the latest update, it has grown into a big one again. I have added thievery to the game now, along with AI crime-recognition and prison sentences, but consequently need a lot of time to balance everything. Currently there are a lot of situations where it's too easy (eg standing behind a shopkeeper and stealing from under his nose) or has unrecognised contexts (eg AI forgetting about crimes, or ignoring alarms), all of which I am currently hunting down and ironing out.

I hope to make a rough release next week, it will be in the experimental build only until I finish fixing all the bugs.

Here are the additions so far:
  • -Town populations slowly regenerate when residents die. Killing off a lot of NPCs that are affiliated with a nearby town will weaken that town slightly, it's possible to wipe out all the cannibal patrols roaming near a cannibal village for example. Currently "homeless" factions like the bandits are not affected by this.
  • Crime system
    -You can now steal from shops
    -Crimes are recognised by the AI
    -Police can put a bounty on your head and arrest you
    -Civilians can raise the alarm and call police attention to a crime
    -Pickpocketing: NPC is alerted if he notices you stealing from his inventory while he sleeps
    -Selling stolen items has a chance of getting you in trouble, especially if you try to sell things back to the victim
  • Updated traders inventory:
    -To trade with a shop you need to talk to the trader character.
    -Interacting with the containers, counters, chest, etc. will be considering stealing. (Work In Progress)
    -The traders inventory is infinite, so you can sell stuff more easily
    -The trader stores his shop inventory in the actual containers around the shop. This means you can steal stuff from them.
    -Some item containers now have locks. Traders keep the more valuable items in the more secure containers
  • -Added a node system to building placement. It ensures that any machines and storage you place is always accessible by characters and fixes a lot of bugs like when characters tried to access a storage box through a wall
  • -Emissive lighting added
  • -Added AI ability for super long-range pathfinding, even when zones in between start and destination are unloaded
Aug 21, 2015
Kenshi - Captain Deathbeard
Sorry for the delay of the latest update, it has grown into a big one again. I have added thievery to the game now, along with AI crime-recognition and prison sentences, but consequently need a lot of time to balance everything. Currently there are a lot of situations where it's too easy (eg standing behind a shopkeeper and stealing from under his nose) or has unrecognised contexts (eg AI forgetting about crimes, or ignoring alarms), all of which I am currently hunting down and ironing out.

I hope to make a rough release next week, it will be in the experimental build only until I finish fixing all the bugs.

Here are the additions so far:
  • -Town populations slowly regenerate when residents die. Killing off a lot of NPCs that are affiliated with a nearby town will weaken that town slightly, it's possible to wipe out all the cannibal patrols roaming near a cannibal village for example. Currently "homeless" factions like the bandits are not affected by this.
  • Crime system
    -You can now steal from shops
    -Crimes are recognised by the AI
    -Police can put a bounty on your head and arrest you
    -Civilians can raise the alarm and call police attention to a crime
    -Pickpocketing: NPC is alerted if he notices you stealing from his inventory while he sleeps
    -Selling stolen items has a chance of getting you in trouble, especially if you try to sell things back to the victim
  • Updated traders inventory:
    -To trade with a shop you need to talk to the trader character.
    -Interacting with the containers, counters, chest, etc. will be considering stealing. (Work In Progress)
    -The traders inventory is infinite, so you can sell stuff more easily
    -The trader stores his shop inventory in the actual containers around the shop. This means you can steal stuff from them.
    -Some item containers now have locks. Traders keep the more valuable items in the more secure containers
  • -Added a node system to building placement. It ensures that any machines and storage you place is always accessible by characters and fixes a lot of bugs like when characters tried to access a storage box through a wall
  • -Emissive lighting added
  • -Added AI ability for super long-range pathfinding, even when zones in between start and destination are unloaded
Jul 28, 2015
Kenshi - Koomatzu
  • Fix for the inverted "cant build near towns" range testing bug
  • Another hopeful fix for the teleporting into the void bug
  • Fixes for character portraits
  • Some small fixes for navmesh and AI within town walls
  • 1 more crashfix

As of now, both standard and opt-in experimental are 0.74.32
Jul 28, 2015
Kenshi - Koomatzu
  • Fix for the inverted "cant build near towns" range testing bug
  • Another hopeful fix for the teleporting into the void bug
  • Fixes for character portraits
  • Some small fixes for navmesh and AI within town walls
  • 1 more crashfix

As of now, both standard and opt-in experimental are 0.74.32
Jul 21, 2015
Kenshi - Koomatzu
We are still trying to track down the problem with squads/characters vanishing off the map or into the void, often when you load a game. We've added more debug information now, so if you load up your savegame and find that it's missing anyone, either send us the save or just the file called "save.log" that you should find in your save folder. This save.log file only appears if something bad was detected, so if you see it, send it in!

  • More debug logging information added to track down the teleportation bug
  • Stability fixes
  • Slavers shouldn't capture police and soldiers anymore.
  • Slave shops added to major towns. Still a WIP.
  • AI fix for engineers, they were picking the furthest instead of the closest target
  • AI fix for wandering traders
  • Possible AI fix for move orders getting cancelled
  • Fixed the police chief bounty hunting dialogue
  • Some fixes for wall upgrading
  • Fix for spawning under floor in some buildings
  • Fixed equip/drop item bug
  • Fixed the crazy "man standing on my head" ragdoll bug when you save a game while carrying someone
  • other small fixes
0.74.30 is currently the stable build. 0.74.31 is in the experimental branch.
Jul 21, 2015
Kenshi - Koomatzu
We are still trying to track down the problem with squads/characters vanishing off the map or into the void, often when you load a game. We've added more debug information now, so if you load up your savegame and find that it's missing anyone, either send us the save or just the file called "save.log" that you should find in your save folder. This save.log file only appears if something bad was detected, so if you see it, send it in!

  • More debug logging information added to track down the teleportation bug
  • Stability fixes
  • Slavers shouldn't capture police and soldiers anymore.
  • Slave shops added to major towns. Still a WIP.
  • AI fix for engineers, they were picking the furthest instead of the closest target
  • AI fix for wandering traders
  • Possible AI fix for move orders getting cancelled
  • Fixed the police chief bounty hunting dialogue
  • Some fixes for wall upgrading
  • Fix for spawning under floor in some buildings
  • Fixed equip/drop item bug
  • Fixed the crazy "man standing on my head" ragdoll bug when you save a game while carrying someone
  • other small fixes
0.74.30 is currently the stable build. 0.74.31 is in the experimental branch.
Kenshi - Koomatzu
Feature-wise, progress for Kenshi has been trickling along slowly this past month or two, however we now finally have some screens of what our artists have been working on while the programmers fix bugs:

^ Another new creature, a giant frog from the swamplands area of the new world map, all modeled up but still in need of animating. Note that Swamp Frogs aren't yet released in game.

^ More mystery ruins for the New Lands

^ Scaffolds of a mining town on the border of the Tar Sands. (Eventually there will be buildings on the flat tops with bridges connecting the flat-topped islands of rock/ small settlements. The tarry canyon bottoms will be fog-filled, unconnected from the tops and poisonous. So far, this is all procedural)

And in our latest experimental update, Chris recently added the small feature of Mercenary Shops. You'll now be able to hire temporary mercs to defend your base - these are currently only in the Experimental build and you'll need to import to a new game for them to appear.

Now for the latest stability patches from over the last week. Remember to import to a new game with new updates:

  • Possible fix for characters vanishing into the void
  • Fixes for the auto-jobs AI getting stuck. If it still happens in any situations I will need someone to send me a savegame for it.
  • Improvement to the "reset positions" import function that will recover missing squads
  • Fix for when engineers stand idle as a result of an unreachable building
  • A fix for the prospecting window
  • A few more small things and stability fixes
  • Fix for 32-bit mode not running
0.74.26 (Stable version)
  • Walls now don't affect pathfinding until they are 20% built
  • Another possible fix for characters vanishing into the void
  • Some more auto-job AI fixes
  • Re-enabled civilian NPCs
  • More stability
  • Fixed characters running on the spot when the navmesh updates
  • AI fixes for the slave camp
  • Another fix for "reset positions" not recovering all squads
  • Fix for character movement overshooting the destination
  • More small fixes for movement and AI
  • Lights don't work until you finish building them
  • 2nd AI fix for movement overshooting the destination
  • Bugfix that was causing increased loading times at startup
  • Small combat animation fix
  • Dogs are less bitey, have more time between attacks
0.74.29 (Experimental opt-in version)
  • Added a mercenary guild that can be hired to guard your base. Need to import a new game to see their shops appear in towns
  • Fixed the "Day" always being 1 in some cases
  • A fix for getting stuck in doors
  • More stability improvements

Please keep sending in your crash dumps and bug reports, it's been a massive help so far, thank you to everyone!

Updates will continue to focus on bug-fixing and stability for the near future, my goal is to get a reasonably stable version released before we carry on with major features.
For this period Steam updates will be frequent- every day or two-, and the "Stable" and "Experimental" versions of the game will be similar. Once a stable build is achieved I will release a new standalone installer for the non-Steam folks. Most of our work will depend on the awesome players who send in crashDump files and buggy save games.
Kenshi - Koomatzu
Feature-wise, progress for Kenshi has been trickling along slowly this past month or two, however we now finally have some screens of what our artists have been working on while the programmers fix bugs:

^ Another new creature, a giant frog from the swamplands area of the new world map, all modeled up but still in need of animating. Note that Swamp Frogs aren't yet released in game.

^ More mystery ruins for the New Lands

^ Scaffolds of a mining town on the border of the Tar Sands. (Eventually there will be buildings on the flat tops with bridges connecting the flat-topped islands of rock/ small settlements. The tarry canyon bottoms will be fog-filled, unconnected from the tops and poisonous. So far, this is all procedural)

And in our latest experimental update, Chris recently added the small feature of Mercenary Shops. You'll now be able to hire temporary mercs to defend your base - these are currently only in the Experimental build and you'll need to import to a new game for them to appear.

Now for the latest stability patches from over the last week. Remember to import to a new game with new updates:

  • Possible fix for characters vanishing into the void
  • Fixes for the auto-jobs AI getting stuck. If it still happens in any situations I will need someone to send me a savegame for it.
  • Improvement to the "reset positions" import function that will recover missing squads
  • Fix for when engineers stand idle as a result of an unreachable building
  • A fix for the prospecting window
  • A few more small things and stability fixes
  • Fix for 32-bit mode not running
0.74.26 (Stable version)
  • Walls now don't affect pathfinding until they are 20% built
  • Another possible fix for characters vanishing into the void
  • Some more auto-job AI fixes
  • Re-enabled civilian NPCs
  • More stability
  • Fixed characters running on the spot when the navmesh updates
  • AI fixes for the slave camp
  • Another fix for "reset positions" not recovering all squads
  • Fix for character movement overshooting the destination
  • More small fixes for movement and AI
  • Lights don't work until you finish building them
  • 2nd AI fix for movement overshooting the destination
  • Bugfix that was causing increased loading times at startup
  • Small combat animation fix
  • Dogs are less bitey, have more time between attacks
0.74.29 (Experimental opt-in version)
  • Added a mercenary guild that can be hired to guard your base. Need to import a new game to see their shops appear in towns
  • Fixed the "Day" always being 1 in some cases
  • A fix for getting stuck in doors
  • More stability improvements

Please keep sending in your crash dumps and bug reports, it's been a massive help so far, thank you to everyone!

Updates will continue to focus on bug-fixing and stability for the near future, my goal is to get a reasonably stable version released before we carry on with major features.
For this period Steam updates will be frequent- every day or two-, and the "Stable" and "Experimental" versions of the game will be similar. Once a stable build is achieved I will release a new standalone installer for the non-Steam folks. Most of our work will depend on the awesome players who send in crashDump files and buggy save games.

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