Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
If you've been paying close attention to our <a href="" target="_blank">YouTube Channel</a> and Blog, you've probably noticed that we've been adding a lot of speed painting videos. We decided to make a recap for you so you can take a look at all of them! Keep a close eye on our Channel for more awesome art and content!

The United Republic is readying its advanced aircraft and experimental weaponry in its pursuit of freedom and profit! For Liberty!

From the jungles of South America, the Latin Junta is preparing to throw its highly skilled guerrilla soldiers and toxic weapons into the fray for World Domination. Viva la Revolucion!

To the East, Asia's armies march to challenge the Old Superpowers and bring the rule of the Emperor of the Shogun Empire to rest of the world! Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!

The endless tides of soldiers and heavy weapon platforms of the Red Army are marching to war, ready to spread the benefits of Communism! За Родину! За коммунистическое будущее!

The world is on the brink of a war the likes of which has never been seen. A war of frightening weaponry and epic proportions! Are you ready to lead ? Are you ready to march to war ?

Special thanks to Jay Productions and our very own Michal Kus for the great videos and art!
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
If you've been paying close attention to our YouTube Channel and Blog, you've probably noticed that we've been adding a lot of speed painting videos. We decided to make a recap for you so you can take a look at all of them! Keep a close eye on our Channel for more awesome art and content!

The United Republic is readying its advanced aircraft and experimental weaponry in its pursuit of freedom and profit! For Liberty!

From the jungles of South America, the Latin Junta is preparing to throw its highly skilled guerrilla soldiers and toxic weapons into the fray for World Domination. Viva la Revolucion!

To the East, Asia's armies march to challenge the Old Superpowers and bring the rule of the Emperor of the Shogun Empire to rest of the world! Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!

The endless tides of soldiers and heavy weapon platforms of the Red Army are marching to war, ready to spread the benefits of Communism! За Родину! За коммунистическое будущее!

The world is on the brink of a war the likes of which has never been seen. A war of frightening weaponry and epic proportions! Are you ready to lead ? Are you ready to march to war ?

Special thanks to Jay Productions and our very own Michal Kus for the great videos and art!
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
We are looking for a kickass Canadian accent for a voice-over! As you all know March of War will be released pretty soon, and the Canadian Mounties are still without a voice. They are United Republic infantry and are similar to the G.I.s, but are more focused on fast movement around the battlefield.<p>

At any case we still need a good voice-over for this unit and that’s where you come in. The rules of this competition are simple:
<li>Record the following line “Those hosers won't know what hit them!”</li>
<li>And send it to us! The winner will be asked to record the whole script (14 short lines) and will be the voice of the Canadian Mounties!</li>
<li>The deadline of the competition is July 2nd. Submissions that are sent after that date will not be eligible.</li>
<div><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6886" title="MountyBlog" src="" alt="" width="543" height="768" /></a></div><p>
<span style="color: #cccccc;"><strong>How to record</strong></span><br>
Make sure you are in a quiet area with no background noise. If you’ve got a separate microphone, use that as it will limit the noise and static in the recording. However, be careful not to use the microphone close to your speakers. You won’t need to download a recording program, you can simply go to Soundcloud, make an account, and when you click on upload you will get the option to record something. Once your recording is done, you can easily share your voice-over with us by e-mailing the link to, or contact MechanicalAngel or SneakySoundz.<p>

<span style="color: #cccccc;"><strong>The Republican Mounties</strong></span><br>
The day the Canadian prime minister announced that Canada was breaking its bonds with the United Kingdom was the day the country erupted in flames. The Royalists, mostly consisting of the Mounties, protested this break with the Crown of England, arguing that they had sworn an oath the serve the Queen, not the prime minister. Without a police force, Canada almost spiralled into a civil war. The Royalists had taken up arms and were pursuing those who supported the Republic.<p>

After a particularly violent act of terrorism, where over a hundred civilians were killed after a bomb exploded in a market square in Vancouver, the United States decided, after many pleas from the prime minister, to intervene. This resulted in the quickest and dirtiest solution money can buy; targeted air raids to root out the rebels. The tired, starving, Royalists were no match for the planes and flying soldiers of the Republican forces.<p>

The United States brought down the Royalists and reinstated the Mounties as a division in the Republican army. With civil war avoided, Canada joined the United States, together forming the United Republic; the name chosen to emphasize that Royalists will not be tolerated.
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
We are looking for a kickass Canadian accent for a voice-over! As you all know March of War will be released pretty soon, and the Canadian Mounties are still without a voice. They are United Republic infantry and are similar to the G.I.s, but are more focused on fast movement around the battlefield.

At any case we still need a good voice-over for this unit and that’s where you come in. The rules of this competition are simple:
  • Record the following line “Those hosers won't know what hit them!”
  • And send it to us! The winner will be asked to record the whole script (14 short lines) and will be the voice of the Canadian Mounties!
  • The deadline of the competition is July 2nd. Submissions that are sent after that date will not be eligible.

<span style="color: #cccccc;">How to record</span>

Make sure you are in a quiet area with no background noise. If you’ve got a separate microphone, use that as it will limit the noise and static in the recording. However, be careful not to use the microphone close to your speakers. You won’t need to download a recording program, you can simply go to Soundcloud, make an account, and when you click on upload you will get the option to record something. Once your recording is done, you can easily share your voice-over with us by e-mailing the link to, or contact MechanicalAngel or SneakySoundz.

<span style="color: #cccccc;">The Republican Mounties</span>

The day the Canadian prime minister announced that Canada was breaking its bonds with the United Kingdom was the day the country erupted in flames. The Royalists, mostly consisting of the Mounties, protested this break with the Crown of England, arguing that they had sworn an oath the serve the Queen, not the prime minister. Without a police force, Canada almost spiralled into a civil war. The Royalists had taken up arms and were pursuing those who supported the Republic.

After a particularly violent act of terrorism, where over a hundred civilians were killed after a bomb exploded in a market square in Vancouver, the United States decided, after many pleas from the prime minister, to intervene. This resulted in the quickest and dirtiest solution money can buy; targeted air raids to root out the rebels. The tired, starving, Royalists were no match for the planes and flying soldiers of the Republican forces.

The United States brought down the Royalists and reinstated the Mounties as a division in the Republican army. With civil war avoided, Canada joined the United States, together forming the United Republic; the name chosen to emphasize that Royalists will not be tolerated.
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Commander, I need your help! Over 5,000 people have already liked our Facebook page, but the war can’t start until we reach 100,000 likes! Will you help me? Soldiers who lend me a hand can win March of War posters, T-shirts, and other goodies.<p>

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country!” John F. Kennedy<p>

<span style="color: #cccccc;"><strong>Here is what you can do to join the war effort:</strong></span><br>
- <a href="">Like our page</a><br>
- Share this image on you own page and ask your friends to like us as well<p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-6869" title="ThisPersonWillMarchToWar01" src="" alt="" width="398" height="281" /></a></p>
<em>The line in front of the recruitment office was astronomical, going all the way around the corner. Joe had been waiting for an hour and only now saw the front door. He had dreamed of joining the army for years and today he’d turned eighteen.</em><p>

<em>His mother cried this morning; his father was proud though he didn’t say it. He would be out there, fighting for freedom. Joe didn’t care about the rumors of corruption and human experiments in the army. Starting today he would make his country proud!</em><p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6870" title="Union_MTW" src="" alt="" width="531" height="254" /></a></p>
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Commander, I need your help! Over 5,000 people have already liked our Facebook page, but the war can’t start until we reach 100,000 likes! Will you help me? Soldiers who lend me a hand can win March of War posters, T-shirts, and other goodies.

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country!” John F. Kennedy

<span style="color: #cccccc;">Here is what you can do to join the war effort:</span>

- Like our page

- Share this image on you own page and ask your friends to like us as well

The line in front of the recruitment office was astronomical, going all the way around the corner. Joe had been waiting for an hour and only now saw the front door. He had dreamed of joining the army for years and today he’d turned eighteen.

His mother cried this morning; his father was proud though he didn’t say it. He would be out there, fighting for freedom. Joe didn’t care about the rumors of corruption and human experiments in the army. Starting today he would make his country proud!

Jun 11, 2013
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
The tribes of Africa would never stand strong, they said. The tribes of Africa are savages, no more than the beasts they claim to master. While the world was looking at the European Alliance and the Soviet Union, the Warlords united to reclaim <em>their</em> lands. It was not unheard of for the tribes of Africa to stand together when it suited the need of all the tribes. To <em>stay</em> united, that was the surprise Africa had for the world. And that surprise came in the form of a dark diamond, Hanifa.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6830" title="African-beastmaster" src="" alt="" width="543" height="427" /></a></p>
“Her eyes shone like twin stars the night before the attack,” they said. Half of Africa is in love with her. Hanifa smiled at the serenades and the gifts. The men went to war for love, but she knew they won because she inspired something more in them. Among the beastmasters of the forgotten continent she was without peer. Her elephant Bin nuzzled his trunk in her neck. She fed him a papaya.</p>

She gazed over the plain filled with the warriors of Africa. Beside her the war elephant grazed peacefully. At times like this it was hard to imagine that the gentle elephant would gore the enemy at her command. That was a mistake her adversaries often made. The white men thought her soft. But they mistook her care and love for animals with compassion. Her brothers respected her, because she respected the spirit of the animal. Her animals respected her, because she cared for the spirit of the animal. Her enemies would be mistaken not to respect her, because she would never hesitate to harness the spirit of the animal.</p>

Her reverie was roughly interrupted by screaming. Looking to check where the noise came from, she saw that one of the baragumu had gotten out of control and was stampeding through the camp. Fortunately, it was close by and Hanifa hurried over to lend a hand, loading her tranquilizer gun as she sprinted to the camp. She took aim; there was only one spot on a baragumu’s thick hide that could be penetrated by the dart. Her aim was true, and the behemoth sunk to the ground, crushing tents and men in the process. That was the risk of these beasts, nothing could ensure complete control. She would sit with the baragumu to make sure he would be calm when he woke, and then lead him back to the herd.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6831" title="African-Overlord" src="" alt="" width="543" height="508" /></a></p>
During colonial times the baragumu became almost extinct. Hunted down, like the rhino and the elephant, for their ivory and thick, strong hides. Despite her years of experience, it still amazed Hanifa that this king of beasts, the largest land animal in the world, had enough respect for her to follow her commands.
Jun 11, 2013
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
The tribes of Africa would never stand strong, they said. The tribes of Africa are savages, no more than the beasts they claim to master. While the world was looking at the European Alliance and the Soviet Union, the Warlords united to reclaim their lands. It was not unheard of for the tribes of Africa to stand together when it suited the need of all the tribes. To stay united, that was the surprise Africa had for the world. And that surprise came in the form of a dark diamond, Hanifa.

“Her eyes shone like twin stars the night before the attack,” they said. Half of Africa is in love with her. Hanifa smiled at the serenades and the gifts. The men went to war for love, but she knew they won because she inspired something more in them. Among the beastmasters of the forgotten continent she was without peer. Her elephant Bin nuzzled his trunk in her neck. She fed him a papaya.

She gazed over the plain filled with the warriors of Africa. Beside her the war elephant grazed peacefully. At times like this it was hard to imagine that the gentle elephant would gore the enemy at her command. That was a mistake her adversaries often made. The white men thought her soft. But they mistook her care and love for animals with compassion. Her brothers respected her, because she respected the spirit of the animal. Her animals respected her, because she cared for the spirit of the animal. Her enemies would be mistaken not to respect her, because she would never hesitate to harness the spirit of the animal.

Her reverie was roughly interrupted by screaming. Looking to check where the noise came from, she saw that one of the baragumu had gotten out of control and was stampeding through the camp. Fortunately, it was close by and Hanifa hurried over to lend a hand, loading her tranquilizer gun as she sprinted to the camp. She took aim; there was only one spot on a baragumu’s thick hide that could be penetrated by the dart. Her aim was true, and the behemoth sunk to the ground, crushing tents and men in the process. That was the risk of these beasts, nothing could ensure complete control. She would sit with the baragumu to make sure he would be calm when he woke, and then lead him back to the herd.

During colonial times the baragumu became almost extinct. Hunted down, like the rhino and the elephant, for their ivory and thick, strong hides. Despite her years of experience, it still amazed Hanifa that this king of beasts, the largest land animal in the world, had enough respect for her to follow her commands.
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
<a href="">The pilot episode of March of War will launch when we reach 100,000 likes on our Facebook page!</a> Keep an eye on our page for give-aways of March of War merchandise and competitions.

<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6807" title="100k_LikeCampagne_design01_marchToWar" src="" alt="" width="506" height="242" /></a></p>

<em>Havana 1944 - Compañeros, the eyes of the world are upon you. Fellow revolutionaries, the colonial oppressor was surprised when we took up arms and liberated ourselves! Not twenty years ago, the Brigadas Revoluciónarias started to build an America for the people, a Latin Junta.

We fought a bloody war. Many of us have given their lives, but many more or our enemies have fallen!

How different it is when people are free. How different it is when the people rule! I see thousands of compadres de revolución gather here on Plaza de la Revolución de Cuba, and I know that millions more support our cause! Today we will take up arms and show the world what it’s like when the people rule.

People of Havana, we march to war when 100,000 gather here tomorrow!

Hasta la victoria siempre!</em>
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
The pilot episode of March of War will launch when we reach 100,000 likes on our Facebook page! Keep an eye on our page for give-aways of March of War merchandise and competitions.

Havana 1944 - Compañeros, the eyes of the world are upon you. Fellow revolutionaries, the colonial oppressor was surprised when we took up arms and liberated ourselves! Not twenty years ago, the Brigadas Revoluciónarias started to build an America for the people, a Latin Junta.

We fought a bloody war. Many of us have given their lives, but many more or our enemies have fallen!

How different it is when people are free. How different it is when the people rule! I see thousands of compadres de revolución gather here on Plaza de la Revolución de Cuba, and I know that millions more support our cause! Today we will take up arms and show the world what it’s like when the people rule.

People of Havana, we march to war when 100,000 gather here tomorrow!

Hasta la victoria siempre!

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