Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Today we proudly present the Iron Grip: Warlord Minigame, made by Maas Bello who has been an intern here at ISOTX. The game is now perfected and fully playable! Iron Grip: Warlord The Flash Game. This is a completely free tower defense mini-game with all the elements from Iron Grip: Warlord.

<a href="" target="_blank">Click on this link or on the image below to start playing immediately!</a>

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" /></a></center>
<h3><span style="color: #ff9900;">Deathmatch vs the Devs</span></h3>
It's almost time! Today at 14:00 UTC several people from the ISOTX Development team will start playing the Iron Grip: Warlord Deathmatch Mode! We will be playing on the server called: ISOTX Official Deathmatch 1.14 (EU1). You will recognize any ISOTX member by the “ISOTX” tag in our username. But be prepared, we are intending to prove our worth on the field!

<img src="" alt="" />

We will play until approximately 16:00 UTC. Follow the <a href="" target="_blank">Iron Grip: Warlord Facebook page</a> to see how the Deathmatch vs the Devs Event is progressing! And of course check your Deathmatch scores on the <a href="" target"_blank">Iron Grip: Warlord Hall of Fame</a>!
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Today we proudly present the Iron Grip: Warlord Minigame, made by Maas Bello who has been an intern here at ISOTX. The game is now perfected and fully playable! Iron Grip: Warlord The Flash Game. This is a completely free tower defense mini-game with all the elements from Iron Grip: Warlord.

Click on this link or on the image below to start playing immediately!

<span style="color: #ff9900;">Deathmatch vs the Devs</span>
It's almost time! Today at 14:00 UTC several people from the ISOTX Development team will start playing the Iron Grip: Warlord Deathmatch Mode! We will be playing on the server called: ISOTX Official Deathmatch 1.14 (EU1). You will recognize any ISOTX member by the “ISOTX” tag in our username. But be prepared, we are intending to prove our worth on the field!

We will play until approximately 16:00 UTC. Follow the Iron Grip: Warlord Facebook page to see how the Deathmatch vs the Devs Event is progressing! And of course check your Deathmatch scores on the Iron Grip: Warlord Hall of Fame!
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Are you ready for Deathmatch versus the Devs?! This Friday, July 27th, you can pick up your virtual weapons and play the new Deathmatch game mode of the Iron Grip: Warlord’s Scorched Earth DLC – against the very people who made the game! Do you have the skill? No? Do you have the nerve?!

The ultra-special Deathmatch versus the Devs event starts this Friday around 14:00 UTC and will go on until around 16:00 UTC. You will recognize any ISOTX member by the “ISOTX” tag in our username. But be prepared, we won’t be sitting ducks!

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4493" title="WarlordVSDevs01" src="" alt="" width="520" height="276" />

If you haven’t gotten the <a href="">Scorched Earth DLC yet</a>, then head over to Steam to get it now and practice your Deathmatch skills because we won’t be holding back!

Haven’t tried Warlord yet? It’s still <a href="">on offer on Groupees</a>, where you can build a bundle of games of your own choice and pay what you want! Groupees supports various charities around the world, so it all goes to a good cause, even when you’ll be fragged on sight!

All Deathmatch scores count on the Warlord Hall of Fame. If you are the player with the highest amount of points when the timer reaches zero, you will win a Deathmatch Champion T-Shirt!

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe>
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Are you ready for Deathmatch versus the Devs?! This Friday, July 27th, you can pick up your virtual weapons and play the new Deathmatch game mode of the Iron Grip: Warlord’s Scorched Earth DLC – against the very people who made the game! Do you have the skill? No? Do you have the nerve?!

The ultra-special Deathmatch versus the Devs event starts this Friday around 14:00 UTC and will go on until around 16:00 UTC. You will recognize any ISOTX member by the “ISOTX” tag in our username. But be prepared, we won’t be sitting ducks!

If you haven’t gotten the Scorched Earth DLC yet, then head over to Steam to get it now and practice your Deathmatch skills because we won’t be holding back!

Haven’t tried Warlord yet? It’s still on offer on Groupees, where you can build a bundle of games of your own choice and pay what you want! Groupees supports various charities around the world, so it all goes to a good cause, even when you’ll be fragged on sight!

All Deathmatch scores count on the Warlord Hall of Fame. If you are the player with the highest amount of points when the timer reaches zero, you will win a Deathmatch Champion T-Shirt!

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe>
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Today Iron Grip: Warlord is available as part of the latest Groupees Bundle sale, <a href="" target="_blank">Build a Bundle 2</a>! To build the bundle, you can select up to 12 great games, most of which are available also on Steam. The best part is; you can pay the amount you want! Watch the <a href="" target="_blank">Build a Bundle 2 video on YouTube</a> to see the games you can get!

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4429" title="WarlordOnGroupees" src="" alt="" width="520" height="190" />

Groupees is a fast growing flash sale site featuring one of a kind deals on new music, games, videos, e-books and more. By buying these bundles you will also be supporting charities all around the world! Head over to <a href="" target="_blank">Groupees</a>, where artists and fans make great things happen!
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Today Iron Grip: Warlord is available as part of the latest Groupees Bundle sale, Build a Bundle 2! To build the bundle, you can select up to 12 great games, most of which are available also on Steam. The best part is; you can pay the amount you want! Watch the Build a Bundle 2 video on YouTube to see the games you can get!

Groupees is a fast growing flash sale site featuring one of a kind deals on new music, games, videos, e-books and more. By buying these bundles you will also be supporting charities all around the world! Head over to Groupees, where artists and fans make great things happen!
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Iron Grip: Warlord is now available in the Steam Summer sale – the best gaming sale of the year we all love and hate! Check these spectacular prizes for Iron Grip: Warlord and the Scorched Earth DLC. <a title="Warlord" href="" target="_blank">That’s right, everything is extremely cheap now!</a>

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4421" title="warlordSteamSale50pc03" src="" alt="" width="520" height="412" />

And if you’re wondering; yes, we’ve also cut the prices for the Iron Grip: Marauders Gem packages! Enjoy a 40% discount on any package in Marauders to top up your Gems!
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Iron Grip: Warlord is now available in the Steam Summer sale – the best gaming sale of the year we all love and hate! Check these spectacular prizes for Iron Grip: Warlord and the Scorched Earth DLC. That’s right, everything is extremely cheap now!

And if you’re wondering; yes, we’ve also cut the prices for the Iron Grip: Marauders Gem packages! Enjoy a 40% discount on any package in Marauders to top up your Gems!
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Today the Dev Team will enter Iron Grip: Warlord’s Deathmatch armed and ready! It’s showdown time!

At exactly <strong>15:00 UTC</strong> the Dev Team will log into the Warlord server <strong><span style="color: #ff9900;">ISOTX Official Deathmatch 1.14 (EU1)</span></strong> and start killing anyone in sight. Have you practiced enough? Can you actually kill them? Be aware we have many avid players and testers who are out to get you, so we are not going to be that easy to kill.

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4155" title="screenshot01" src="" alt="" width="520" height="385" />

How do you know you’re killing someone from the ISOTX Dev team? We will have ISOTX in our name so you can easily spot us!

All Deathmatch scores count on the <a title="Hall of Fame" href="" target="_blank">Hall of Fame</a>. If you are the player with the highest amount of points when the timer reaches zero, you will win a Deathmatch Champion T-Shirt!

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4152" title="TestersDeathmatch01" src="" alt="" width="520" height="370" />
<em>One of our testers wearing the Deathmatch Champion T-Shirt! Will you take it from him?</em>

The Deathmatch game mode is only available in the Scorched Earth expansion. If you haven’t got Scorched Earth yet, you can buy it from the <a title="Warlord Steam Page" href="" target="_blank">Steam Store</a>.

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4156" title="screenshotWebsite01" src="" alt="" width="520" height="399" />

Time's almost up!
Iron Grip: Warlord - ISOTX Community
Today the Dev Team will enter Iron Grip: Warlord’s Deathmatch armed and ready! It’s showdown time!

At exactly 15:00 UTC the Dev Team will log into the Warlord server <span style="color: #ff9900;">ISOTX Official Deathmatch 1.14 (EU1)</span> and start killing anyone in sight. Have you practiced enough? Can you actually kill them? Be aware we have many avid players and testers who are out to get you, so we are not going to be that easy to kill.

How do you know you’re killing someone from the ISOTX Dev team? We will have ISOTX in our name so you can easily spot us!

All Deathmatch scores count on the Hall of Fame. If you are the player with the highest amount of points when the timer reaches zero, you will win a Deathmatch Champion T-Shirt!

One of our testers wearing the Deathmatch Champion T-Shirt! Will you take it from him?

The Deathmatch game mode is only available in the Scorched Earth expansion. If you haven’t got Scorched Earth yet, you can buy it from the Steam Store.

Time's almost up!

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