Hexters - Draconus Entertainment
Fresh hotfixes!

Fixes some pathing problems and missing level Caves of CMOS level complete trigger.


Patch notes V0.4.0a - Rubber Ducky:

  • FIXED Garage objective was not triggering in Level Mountains of Memory
  • FIXED Factory was generating Bit Bricks regardless of its storage limits
  • FIXED Cargo Drones were unable to move across the Bit Bridge
  • FIXED Exit condition in Level Caves of CMOS not triggering
  • FIXED Level play time in pause menu was wrong after loading a savegame
  • FIXED Reaper carrying Soul Canisters were dropped on the ground after loading a savegame
  • FIXED There were some path-finding issues after demolishing a Firewall AND finishing Bit Bridge
  • UPDATED Hexters and vehicles now avoid walls and edges a bit better

View developer notes at Draconus forums


How often do you intend to update the Early Access version?
Depends a bit of what kind of update we're cooking up, but we're hoping big updates such as new levels and features would be around 4 to 6 weeks. However since our team is small, we cannot guarantee this. What we can promise is to do our best.

Does the game work on OSX?

And Linux?
Oh yes!

Consoles? Mobile?
Nope. Maybe in the future consoles might be interesting but we need some serious sales figures before this is realistic.

I found a bug or I got suggestions!
We're sure you do, and we're asking you to let us know either here on steam forums or Draconus forums

What about multiplayer?
We'd love to do a co-op multiplayer, but it's not really viable right now. Help us out by getting some wind under our wings and it becomes more realistic :)


Thanks for your support!
Hexters - Draconus Entertainment

Hexters is turning one year old in a few weeks and we're releasing our biggest update this far! We got a new level Corruption Caverns for you, including new character, mechanics and game dynamics for your delight. Hope you enjoy it!

Here are some highlights of this release:

Push deeper into the dark caverns

Mysterious monoliths...

Dabble in digital dark arts, by having Reapers to harvest the soul weed left from the enemies...

...And bring it back to the Crypt where it can be used to compile more Hexters!

Mausoleums allow Reaper quickly move to where the action is

Or perhaps you prefer the light arts, build Chapels and employ Chaplains!

It's time to now get get rid of that annoying Corruption!

If you think you can pass the digusting Corruption Cores

And of course, as usually a lot of internal improvements and fixes to improve the overall playability and performance of the game.


Patch notes V0.4.0 - Rubber Ducky:

  • NEW Level Corruption Caverns
  • NEW Level Corruption Caverns music added to soundtrack
  • NEW Building: Crypt
  • NEW Building: Chapel
  • NEW Building: Mausoleum
  • NEW Structure: Monolith
  • NEW Structure: Mysterious altar
  • NEW Structure: Corruption core
  • NEW Prop: Decorative torch
  • NEW Prop: Mysterious altar mechanism
  • NEW Log message: Building overload
  • NEW Log message: Hexter recompiled
  • NEW Log message: Corruption Core detected
  • NEW Log message: New torch revealed
  • NEW Log message: Vault door opened
  • NEW Introducing a powerful new mysterious character
  • NEW Ditty system when Hexter acquires a special role
  • NEW Reaper ditties
  • NEW Chaplain ditties
  • NEW Gameplay dynamics with actively spreading corruption and cleansing
  • NEW Leash fx when Hexters are hauling a data module (artifact, blueprint, mapdata etc)
  • NEW Info panel action buttons can now display alerts (used in Research Lab to denote misprogrammed recipe)
  • NEW Each building or construction site now displays all hauls coming in
  • NEW Finally added random idle animation to advisor character
  • NEW Soul weed functionality
  • NEW Spreading corruption with corruption core is present
  • NEW LMB on worker slot now selects the worker
  • NEW World boundaries are now rendered as never ending terrain instead of just being cut off
  • NEW Domicile "rest until full HP" functionality
  • NEW Unlit, revealed torches now have an icon in strategic map
  • NEW Added sfx to certain actions and events
  • NEW Death sfx for hexters
  • FIXED Resources would sometimes get out of world bounds and mess hauling AI
  • FIXED Last vault door in Caves of CMOS could not be opened and the required relic amount is decreased
  • FIXED Research overlay getting stuck when leaving build mode on research buildings
  • FIXED Save failed when stockpile was under construction
  • FIXED Relics in museum had status icons
  • FIXED Hexters are no longer afraid of dead enemies
  • FIXED Cyberscapeologist no longer targets hives
  • FIXED In some rare conditions enemies could pass closed vault doors
  • FIXED Perimeter did not take in account steep walls
  • FIXED Drones had some pathing problems in certain conditions
  • FIXED Enemy detected log message clicking was disabled
  • FIXED HUD was not properly always updated when buildings were completed
  • FIXED Game over restart button asked for confirmation
  • FIXED Vault doors could be selected from the bounding box instead of the actual mesh
  • FIXED HUD research facility button tooltip string was missing
  • FIXED Squad button was missing hotkey string
  • FIXED Extract task for bit pillars had wonky pathfinding issues in certain rare conditions
  • FIXED Enemy sometimes chose unreachable targets
  • FIXED Laser generated new damage FX every frame if game was paused
  • FIXED Flashlight shadows were unnecessarily way too accurate
  • FIXED Having multiple Bunkers made squad HUD button to work a bit wrong
  • FIXED Some corruption related data was not serialized properly
  • FIXED Cycles did not vanish if connection was severed
  • FIXED Overloading barrier controls caused the node connection to persist
  • UPDATED Tweaks to undesirable job handling
  • UPDATED Lots of jobs and tasks now properly show the decal lines
  • UPDATED Drastically toned down the repository character random idle animation
  • UPDATED Soul weed visual changes
  • UPDATED Removed deprecated designated hauler dialogue from Bios Beach level
  • UPDATED Smoothed W.I.S.P. movement
  • UPDATED Lamp intensity changes
  • UPDATED Node changes in world map
  • UPDATED Improved Research lab tool tips
  • UPDATED Improved research window
  • UPDATED Improved error messaging if load game fails
  • UPDATED Game will now trigger game over if all hexters are dead and there are no possibility to compile more
  • UPDATED Research complete sfx volume increased, was a bit too easy to miss it
  • UPDATED Enemy detected now triggers only after the first enemy is seen
  • UPDATED Doubled flee task duration, should help hexters to run away from enemies better
  • UPDATED Implemented max cap for level enemy spawning for more control in late game
  • UPDATED Added User Statue to main menu background scene

View developer notes at Draconus forums


How often do you intend to update the Early Access version?
Depends a bit of what kind of update we're cooking up, but we're hoping big updates such as new levels and features would be around 4 to 6 weeks. However since our team is small, we cannot guarantee this. What we can promise is to do our best.

Does the game work on OSX?

And Linux?
Oh yes!

Consoles? Mobile?
Nope. Maybe in the future consoles might be interesting but we need some serious sales figures before this is realistic.

I found a bug or I got suggestions!
We're sure you do, and we're asking you to let us know either here on steam forums or Draconus forums

What about multiplayer?
We'd love to do a co-op multiplayer, but it's not really viable right now. Help us out by getting some wind under our wings and it becomes more realistic :)


Thanks for your support!
Hexters - Draconus Entertainment

Another batch of hotfixes to help with some save/load and level script issues.


Patch notes V0.3.1d:

  • FIXED Some save/load issues
  • FIXED Internal changes in wire connections broke level Defrag Desolation level scripts
  • UPDATED Increased robustness when loading level with invalid level data items such as resources in invalid locations

View developer notes at Draconus forums


How often do you intend to update the Early Access version?
Depends a bit of what kind of update we're cooking up, but we're hoping big updates such as new levels and features would be around 4 to 6 weeks. However since our team is small, we cannot guarantee this. What we can promise is to do our best.

Does the game work on OSX?

And Linux?
Oh yes!

Consoles? Mobile?
Nope. Maybe in the future consoles might be interesting.

I found a bug or I got suggestions!
We're sure you do, and we're asking you to let us know either here on steam forums or Draconus forums

What about multiplayer?
We'd love to do a co-op multiplayer, but it's not really viable right now. Help us out by getting some wind under our wings and it becomes more realistic :)


Thanks for your support!
Hexters - Draconus Entertainment

More hotfixes!


Patch notes V0.3.1c:

  • FIXED Research lab external dependencies were working without dependent lab producing anything
  • FIXED Research labs were forgetting selected recipe upon saving the game
  • FIXED Under rare conditions save games could not be loaded (not corrupted, now they can be loaded)
  • UPDATED Some Bios Beach level dialogue was outdated and was removed

View full update


How often do you intend to update the Early Access version?
Depends a bit of what kind of update we're cooking up, but we're hoping big updates such as new levels and features would be around 4 to 6 weeks. However since our team is small, we cannot guarantee this. What we can promise is to do our best.

Does the game work on OSX?

And Linux?
Oh yes!

Consoles? Mobile?
Nope. Maybe in the future consoles might be interesting.

I found a bug or I got suggestions!
We're sure you do, and we're asking you to let us know in our über-elite bug tracker and forum thing at forums

What about multiplayer?
We'd love to do a co-op multiplayer, but it's not really viable right now. Help us out by getting some wind under our wings and it becomes more realistic :)


Thanks for your support!
Hexters - Draconus Entertainment

Hofixes! Includes two versions due a slight mistake.


Patch notes V0.3.1b:

  • NEW Auto open slots of special buildings (configurable)
  • UPDATED Tweaked resource specific priorities so that Bytes and Triangles don't take too much preference over Bits
  • UPDATED High priority toggle now works on decomission as well
  • UPDATED Some performance optimizations for building placement mode
  • FIXED Level 01 Domicile tutorial was broken

  • NEW Multi-threaded path-finding to improve efficiency
  • UPDATED Visible leash when fetching Data Modules
  • FIXED Minor UI issues
  • FIXED Distance cutoff when choosing workplaces prevented Hexters from completing certain tasks

View full update


How often do you intend to update the Early Access version?
Depends a bit of what kind of update we're cooking up, but we're hoping big updates such as new levels and features would be around 4 to 6 weeks. However since our team is small, we cannot guarantee this. What we can promise is to do our best.

Does the game work on OSX?

And Linux?
Oh yes!

Consoles? Mobile?
Nope. Maybe in the future consoles might be interesting.

I found a bug or I got suggestions!
We're sure you do, and we're asking you to let us know in our über-elite bug tracker and forum thing at forums

What about multiplayer?
We'd love to do a co-op multiplayer, but it's not really viable right now. Help us out by getting some wind under our wings and it becomes more realistic :)


Thanks for your support!
Sep 28, 2018
Hexters - Draconus Entertainment

The most asked feature is finally here, building priorization:
    We got some optimization and improvisations going in as well, helping performance on the bit older rigs.


    How often do you intend to update the Early Access version?
    Depends a bit of what kind of update we're cooking up, but we're hoping big updates such as new levels and features would be around 4 to 6 weeks. However since our team is small, we cannot guarantee this. What we can promise is to do our best.

    Does the game work on OSX?

    And Linux?
    Oh yes!

    Consoles? Mobile?
    Nope. Maybe in the future consoles might be interesting.

    I found a bug or I got suggestions!
    We're sure you do, and we're asking you to let us know in our über-elite bug tracker and forum thing at forums

    What about multiplayer?
    We'd love to do a co-op multiplayer, but it's not really viable right now. Help us out by getting some wind under our wings and it becomes more realistic :)


    Patch notes V0.3.1 - Cool Cucumber:

    • NEW Building blueprints can now be halted and prioritized
    • NEW Max limit set in Beacon for Logistics zone now acts as a hard limit for production
    • UPDATED Added Restart level confirmation dialog
    • UPDATED Improved logistics zone route UI to make assigning cargo drones easier
    • UPDATED Various optimizations
    • FIXED Level geometry did not properly continue at the borders
    • FIXED Boosted priority of stockpile in Bitmobile when unloading
    • FIXED Loading savegames while already in-game did not work properly
    • FIXED There was hauling jitter between Storage and Refinery under certain conditions
    • FIXED There was noticeable frame-rate stuttering when research building overlay was open
    • FIXED Game speed display was not always in sync with the actual speed

    View full update


    Thanks for your support!
    Hexters - Draconus Entertainment

    After a slight hiatus in a form of life in general here is finally the next bigger update with new features and a new level. Hope you enjoy it.

    If you got suggestions for the next version name, let us know. If it's silly, it might end up to be used ;-)

    Here are some highlights of this release:

    Adventure continues! Enter the dark Caves of CMOS.

    Cyberscapeologists have completely new functionality after certain new technologies available:
    Enter fog of war...

    Fight back, with a whip of course!

    Ignite torches to reveal FoW!

    Build museums!

    And bring back ancient relics of unknown origins!

    No probe available underground so it's permantenly dark and your cyberscapeologists with their new abilities can help you.


    How often do you intend to update the Early Access version?
    Depends a bit of what kind of update we're cooking up, but we're hoping big updates such as new levels and features would not be around 4 to 6 weeks. However since our team is small, we cannot guarantee this. What we can promise is to do our best.

    Does the game work on OSX?

    And Linux?
    Oh yes!

    Consoles? Mobile?
    Nope. Maybe in the future consoles might be interesting.

    I found a bug or I got suggestions!
    We're sure you do, and we're asking you to let us know in our über-elite bug tracker and forum thing at forums

    What about multiplayer?
    We'd love to do a co-op multiplayer, but it's not really viable right now. Help us out by getting some wind under our wings and it becomes more realistic :)


    Patch notes V0.3.0 - Cool Cucumber:

    • NEW Level Caves of CMOS
    • NEW Level Caves of CMOS music added to soundtrack
    • NEW Feature: Outpost quest mode
    • NEW Feature: Wireless Illumination Service Providers (WISP)
    • NEW Cyberscapeologist functionality: arc whip for fighting back
    • NEW Cyberscapeologist functionality: light Torches
    • NEW Cyberscapeologist functionality: retrieve Relics
    • NEW Cyberscapeologist functionality: enter FoW
    • NEW Light source: Torch
    • NEW Technology: Retrology
    • NEW Technology: Digital physics
    • NEW Technology: Illumination
    • NEW Building: Museum
    • NEW Building: Lamp
    • NEW Ditty system when Hexter acquires a special role
    • NEW Trooper ditties
    • NEW Technology recipe: REP
    • NEW Technology recipe: REM
    • NEW Status icons and states for research buildings
    • NEW UI marker for newly acquired buildings
    • NEW Load game screen now has markings for incompatible save games
    • NEW Improved robustness of failing to load or save game

    • UPDATED Some aural and sequencing improvements to research lightning
    • UPDATED Path finding improvements and optimizations
    • UPDATED Added missing stop button to certain buildings
    • UPDATED Generic optimizations and improvements
    • UPDATED Save games now have proper level names instead of level ID

    • FIXED Depot tooltip did not list missing garage
    • FIXED Some building did not release resources when destroyed

    View full update


    Thanks for your support!
    Jul 7, 2018
    Hexters - Draconus Entertainment

    Back in business, here's few nice additions while waiting for bigger features.

    Engineer have now auto repair functionality in addition of 1.5x repair modifier

    Some delicious drone recharge visuals. Drone can now also recharge from Beacons.


    How often do you intend to update the Early Access version?
    Depends a bit of what kind of update we're cooking up, but we're hoping big updates such as new levels and features would be around 4 to 6 weeks.

    Does the game work on OSX?

    And Linux?
    Oh yes!

    Consoles? Mobile?
    Nope. Maybe in the future consoles might be interesting.

    I found a bug or I got suggestions!
    We're sure you do, and we're asking you to let us know in our über-elite bug tracker and forum thing at forums

    What about multiplayer?
    We'd love to do a co-op multiplayer, but it's not really viable right now. Help us out by getting some wind under our wings and it becomes more realistic :)


    Patch notes V0.2.1:

    • NEW: Engineer auto repair
    • NEW: Engineer repairs now with 1.5x modifier
    • NEW: Drone charge visuals
    • NEW: Drones can rechange from beacons

    View full update


    Thanks for your support!
    Hexters - Dragst
    Hey everyone,

    Here's the first big content update amongst a lot of other fixes, changes and improvements. Apologies for the delay in release. We hope you enjoy the next level in the adventure!

    We're now in the new major, uh, minor version 0.2 called ants in the pants. If you got suggestions for the next version name, let us know. If it's silly, it might end up to be used :-)

    Here are some highlights of this release:

    New level! Time to develop a burning hatred for sand in Data Desert!

    In this level, we will be introducing the Research System.

    Burn your enemies to crisp with a Laser Tower!

    And talking of enemies, hope you like fast-moving, self-replicating enemies who love to wreak havoc to your base.

    Also complete rework of logistics limit UI to give explicit feedback of what the gargo drones are going to do.

    How often do you intend to update the Early Access version?
    Depends a bit of what kind of update we're cooking up, but we're hoping big updates such as new levels and features would be around 4 to 6 weeks.

    Does the game work on OSX?

    And Linux?
    Oh yes!

    Consoles? Mobile?
    Nope. Maybe in the future consoles might be interesting.

    I found a bug or I got suggestions!
    We're sure you do, and we're asking you to let us know in our über-elite bug tracker and forum thing at forums

    What about multiplayer?
    We'd love to do a co-op multiplayer, but it's not really viable right now. Help us out by getting some wind under our wings and it becomes more realistic :)


    Patch notes V0.2.0 - Ants in the pants:

    • NEW Level Data Desert
    • NEW Research System with technology tree
    • NEW Level Data Desert music added to soundtrack
    • NEW Introducing a new science related character
    • NEW Building: Laser Tower
    • NEW Building: Solar Collector + panels
    • NEW Building: ICE Module
    • NEW Location markers that must be explored with drone even if not in FoW
    • NEW Extractor now has limited work radius with visuals
    • NEW Other types of data modules introduced, blueprints and map data
    • NEW Sunlight damage to Scourge now raycasts, so no damage in shadows (uh oh)
    • NEW Ingame pause menu now shows elapsed level time
    • NEW Stockpile limits per resource can now be configured manually to prevent production deadlocks
    • NEW Release notes splash screen with some fancy info (you're looking at it)
    • NEW Level Mountains of Memory Beacon building objective now shows visual range
    • UPDATED Cycle spreading logic change, Hub now allows cycles to pass-through
    • UPDATED Improved wire connection detection related to blocking buildings
    • UPDATED Tweaked Survey Station and Heuristics Module add-on distances
    • UPDATED HUD now shows "RMB to move" tooltip constantly when waypointable entity is selected
    • UPDATED Building decomission tooltip now lists resource yield
    • UPDATED Waypoint line now turns red if no path is found
    • UPDATED Survey Drone shows no path status icon if path-find failed
    • UPDATED Path-finding related improvements
    • UPDATED Hub now only stores bits
    • UPDATED Barrier Controls has a new mesh
    • UPDATED Adjusted LR Node description to point out the longer range only works between 2 LR Nodes
    • UPDATED New warning log icon
    • UPDATED All buildings with visible inventory should now also show the limits (Refinery, Hub etc)
    • UPDATED Domicile now shows resident count in an infotile
    • UPDATED Survey Station now decomissionable, and only buildable near Hub
    • FIXED Bit pillar is now destroyed after being harvested completely
    • FIXED Quarry stockpile now has status marker when full
    • FIXED Garage distance problems
    • FIXED Level Mountains of Memory had bizarre visual garble in one dialogue
    • FIXED Geothermal Generator particles are no more when visible in FoW or when derelict
    • FIXED Level Mountains of Memory had some missing Finnish language strings
    • FIXED Cycles are not visible in FoW anymore
    • FIXED Breach and Investigate button now properly takes in account if Hexter has the required skill
    • FIXED Buildings in FoW won't affect Hive aggro and won't be targetted by Scourge
    • FIXED Clicking a log item with multiple entries now properly cycles through them
    • FIXED Entity tooltip should no longer get stuck on the screen
    • FIXED Survey Drone and Squad HUD buttons sometimes were not in sync to what happened in game
    • FIXED Survey Drone reveal pulse now follows the drone instead of spawned position
    • FIXED Extractor and Refineries had no visible HP info tile
    • FIXED Hexters will not try to haul inaccessible resources anymore
    • FIXED Rare Extractor deadlock
    • FIXED Blueprint stockpile not correctly getting updated when enqueued or cancelled
    • FIXED Dropped attachments (hats, armour) not selectable by player anymore
    • FIXED World map tutorial arrow was going wonky when target behind camera
    • FIXED Defense towers reload infotile had missing translation
    • FIXED Survey Drone is now automatically set to "recall" when spawned
    • FIXED Optional text in objectives now properly localized

    View full update


    Thanks for your support!
    Hexters - Dragst
    Hey everyone,

    Here's the first big content update amongst a lot of other fixes, changes and improvements. Apologies for the delay in release. We hope you enjoy the next level in the adventure!

    We're now in the new major, uh, minor version 0.2 called ants in the pants. If you got suggestions for the next version name, let us know. If it's silly, it might end up to be used :-)

    Here are some highlights of this release:

    New level! Time to develop a burning hatred for sand in Data Desert!

    In this level, we will be introducing the Research System.

    Burn your enemies to crisp with a Laser Tower!

    And talking of enemies, hope you like fast-moving, self-replicating enemies who love to wreak havoc to your base.

    Also complete rework of logistics limit UI to give explicit feedback of what the gargo drones are going to do.

    How often do you intend to update the Early Access version?
    Depends a bit of what kind of update we're cooking up, but we're hoping big updates such as new levels and features would be around 4 to 6 weeks.

    Does the game work on OSX?

    And Linux?
    Oh yes!

    Consoles? Mobile?
    Nope. Maybe in the future consoles might be interesting.

    I found a bug or I got suggestions!
    We're sure you do, and we're asking you to let us know in our über-elite bug tracker and forum thing at forums

    What about multiplayer?
    We'd love to do a co-op multiplayer, but it's not really viable right now. Help us out by getting some wind under our wings and it becomes more realistic :)


    Patch notes V0.2.0 - Ants in the pants:

    • NEW Level Data Desert
    • NEW Research System with technology tree
    • NEW Level Data Desert music added to soundtrack
    • NEW Introducing a new science related character
    • NEW Building: Laser Tower
    • NEW Building: Solar Collector + panels
    • NEW Building: ICE Module
    • NEW Location markers that must be explored with drone even if not in FoW
    • NEW Extractor now has limited work radius with visuals
    • NEW Other types of data modules introduced, blueprints and map data
    • NEW Sunlight damage to Scourge now raycasts, so no damage in shadows (uh oh)
    • NEW Ingame pause menu now shows elapsed level time
    • NEW Stockpile limits per resource can now be configured manually to prevent production deadlocks
    • NEW Release notes splash screen with some fancy info (you're looking at it)
    • NEW Level Mountains of Memory Beacon building objective now shows visual range
    • UPDATED Cycle spreading logic change, Hub now allows cycles to pass-through
    • UPDATED Improved wire connection detection related to blocking buildings
    • UPDATED Tweaked Survey Station and Heuristics Module add-on distances
    • UPDATED HUD now shows "RMB to move" tooltip constantly when waypointable entity is selected
    • UPDATED Building decomission tooltip now lists resource yield
    • UPDATED Waypoint line now turns red if no path is found
    • UPDATED Survey Drone shows no path status icon if path-find failed
    • UPDATED Path-finding related improvements
    • UPDATED Hub now only stores bits
    • UPDATED Barrier Controls has a new mesh
    • UPDATED Adjusted LR Node description to point out the longer range only works between 2 LR Nodes
    • UPDATED New warning log icon
    • UPDATED All buildings with visible inventory should now also show the limits (Refinery, Hub etc)
    • UPDATED Domicile now shows resident count in an infotile
    • UPDATED Survey Station now decomissionable, and only buildable near Hub
    • FIXED Bit pillar is now destroyed after being harvested completely
    • FIXED Quarry stockpile now has status marker when full
    • FIXED Garage distance problems
    • FIXED Level Mountains of Memory had bizarre visual garble in one dialogue
    • FIXED Geothermal Generator particles are no more when visible in FoW or when derelict
    • FIXED Level Mountains of Memory had some missing Finnish language strings
    • FIXED Cycles are not visible in FoW anymore
    • FIXED Breach and Investigate button now properly takes in account if Hexter has the required skill
    • FIXED Buildings in FoW won't affect Hive aggro and won't be targetted by Scourge
    • FIXED Clicking a log item with multiple entries now properly cycles through them
    • FIXED Entity tooltip should no longer get stuck on the screen
    • FIXED Survey Drone and Squad HUD buttons sometimes were not in sync to what happened in game
    • FIXED Survey Drone reveal pulse now follows the drone instead of spawned position
    • FIXED Extractor and Refineries had no visible HP info tile
    • FIXED Hexters will not try to haul inaccessible resources anymore
    • FIXED Rare Extractor deadlock
    • FIXED Blueprint stockpile not correctly getting updated when enqueued or cancelled
    • FIXED Dropped attachments (hats, armour) not selectable by player anymore
    • FIXED World map tutorial arrow was going wonky when target behind camera
    • FIXED Defense towers reload infotile had missing translation
    • FIXED Survey Drone is now automatically set to "recall" when spawned
    • FIXED Optional text in objectives now properly localized

    View full update


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