HOARD - Stratecade
Hi all--

The original Hoard composer Adri has posted the recent Survival Mode Re-Mix done by KEARLEY with proper attribution here. Please check it out and be sure to thank KEARLEY and Adri if you like it.


HOARD - Stratecade
KEARLEY has created a REMIX of the Survival Mode theme, and has graciously offered it for free download. Hope you enjoy it!

Survival Mode REMIX Track by KEARLEY

HOARD - Stratecade
There is a new Camera Option for Camera Angle. You can select the Legacy skewed camera angle or a more top-down angle, which doesn't look quite as fancy but it's easier to tell what your dragon is over.

Happy burning!
Dec 8, 2019
HOARD - Stratecade
  • Reworked mouse aiming, which broke in the last series of updates. Also, the new reticle will now always keep at the same radius away so it doesn't get lost on the dragon itself. (Note: that bug went unnoticed by me for FAR too long--sincere apologies.)
  • Also fixed a missing music file, which could cause music to cut out in TIMED MODE.

I'll monitor feedback to make sure the Mouse Aiming is working properly.

In the meantime, if you are having any problems, you can subscribe to the BETA branch which is the fallback build from 2014. You can access it as follows:

  1. Right click on HOARD in your Library
  2. Select PROPERTIES
  3. Select BETAs tab
  4. Enter this code into the box: "AIMFIXAIMFIX" (without the quotes)
  5. Select the BETA branch that appears. The game will update after a few minutes.

HOARD - Stratecade
Hello dragons,

We posted a new update that:
  • Updates the Direct X redistributable and SDK target...this should alleviate problems a few of you were having from the last patch.
  • Includes a fix for the graphics corruption on GCN based Radeon cards (their stuff from 2012 or so). Hopefully it doesn’t break stuff on other GPUs but let us know if you have any problems.
  • Game files are now decrypted! What does this mean? See below...

The vast majority of actual gameplay logic in HOARD runs off of Squirrel script files, which end in ".nut".

Previously, these were all encrypted, I believe. Now, they should be accessible.

This means that you can mess with the game tuning--even create new content in theory.

I'm considering adding workshop support to facilitate this more easily. In the meantime, go nuts! I'll post some tips when I find some time.

I've always been impressed by what motivated player communities have been able to create, so figured we'd give it a try here.

HOARD - Stratecade
Hello dragons!

The game has been updated, restoring the original music as an option!

You can select the music set from the OPTIONS->AUDIO screen.

You can choose from "ORIGINAL" which is the legacy music which matches PS3, or from the "ALT1" music set which is the music that's been on Steam for the past number of years.

Hope you enjoy!

HOARD - Stratecade
Hello fellow dragons,

HOARD was originally developed by Big Sandwich Games and it's hard to believe it's been 8 years since it launched on Steam.

Recently, Big Sandwich Games finally closed. Before that, the company basically was existing in name only, as all employees had long since gone on to other jobs in the industry.

Two weeks ago, I (Tyler) bought the rights back to HOARD. I was the original game designer on the game, and was one of the partners in Big Sandwich.

HOARD is one of the most fun games I have worked on, and it's always held a very special place in my heart. Buying it back was truly an act of appreciation for the game, and I did it in the hopes that I can perhaps improve it or make a sequel one day.

When the opportunity presented itself, I decided to take the plunge. Happily, I might add.

I'm not sure yet exactly what this means for the current HOARD, as I'm definitely very busy with work at Red Hook Studios. (I work on Darkest Dungeon.)

However, there is always the chance of publishing some improvements or bug fixes here and there.

First, I have to get the game compiling again and regain the ability to push new builds to Steam. For that, I'm getting help from a good friend and someone who originally did the Linux port to HOARD many years ago.

I think the first (and relatively simple) thing I'd like to do is try to patch back in the original music.

I can't make any promises just yet, but if there are features or fixes that you'd like to see, please post so I know what's on your mind.

Long live HOARD!

HOARD - Tranicos
<img src="http://www.hoardgame.com/miscimages/HOARDheader_DLC_Arabian.jpg" alt="Flame Broiled SANDwich Pack" />

A complete set of alternate visuals for your HOARDing--fly to the desert continent, and do battle with ifreets, brave knights, and torch thieves' tents. Even the dragon has adapted with a feathery set of scales.

The pack sells for $1.99, or is part of the new HOARD: Complete Pack, which is on sale for 25% off for 1 week only.

Your support means a lot to us. If you like this sort of thing (alternate visuals, new content), we'll keep doing it!

--The HOARD Team
HOARD - Tranicos

A complete set of alternate visuals for your HOARDing--fly to the desert continent, and do battle with ifreets, brave knights, and torch thieves' tents. Even the dragon has adapted with a feathery set of scales.

The pack sells for $1.99, or is part of the new HOARD: Complete Pack, which is on sale for 25% off for 1 week only.

Your support means a lot to us. If you like this sort of thing (alternate visuals, new content), we'll keep doing it!

--The HOARD Team
HOARD - Tranicos
Our first DLC pack has gone live for PC and Mac! Pick it up on the Steam store today!

HOARD: Dynamite Roll DLC pack is full of new and exciting content that any self-respecting dragon should own! Hours of new treasure-hoarding joy are included:
• 9 new maps, including more co-op maps: Team up to break through the arcane defenses of Artillery and keep enemies at bay in Rampart! Compete for scraps on Splits, and bathe yourself in gold in Giant Problem.
• Bomb Wagons: the enterprising villagers have started shipping wagons full of fireworks between towns. Light their fuses and use them to blow up enemies…but watch out for your own hide!
• Bumper Crops: valuable crops will sometimes grow. Burn them down and collect the cash before they disappear!
• Bell-towers: a new town building. Burn it down to reveal a Heal Powerup!
• Heal Powerups: instantly regain full health and surprise your enemies!
• 11 New Achievements that will test your skills as a dragon! Can you take out two knights with a single bomb wagon to earn Simultaneous Attack? Put all that tree burning to good use with Woodburn.

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