Dec 9, 2022
Gunsmith - Rich
Hey everyone, Rich here, today is a pretty huge day for us. Beta for Gunsmith is finally upon us.

We will go live with this version around 8pm LONDON UK time or ( GMT )

I’ll drop the trailer here; it is on the Steam page anyway but here as well if you want to see it.

If anyone missed the more in depth video on what is coming that is also here;

I don't usually get the time to spend a considerable amount of time writing up my thoughts as im a full time dev and a dad of 2 young kids but we've actually for once been ahead of schedule so I thought id take some time to chat and share my experiences working on Gunsmith over the last few years.

It’s taken four years of development to get here and a lot of hard work and learning. I wanted to take some time out to do a write up for those interested to read what it was like to get to this point and what we’ve learned over the years.

When we first started off working on the project we were fairly new to UE4 however we were excited because we could see how powerful and easy it was to get to grips with the engine.

We all had a super long journey of self teaching and experimenting, learning to make 3D models, learning to write blueprints, learning to make a game from scratch even.

We knew that we wanted to make a factory game based around the arms trade and we thought if we combined that with some fun crafting we would have a pretty good game on our hands. What we didn't realise is how many people would actually really like the idea.

With this idea came our biggest strength and our biggest weakness. A great idea, however with a scope far surpassing that of 2 people. We were just super hyped and ambitious at the time and I thought screw it let's go for and we will work that out later.

Well it turns out that making a 3D factory game with over 500 items that all need their own graphics recipes and balances is kinda time consuming. Just to name a few things.

But the enthusiasm for your first original game is a huge driver especially when people are enjoying it and the feedback is positive.

The journey to get to the BETA has been absolutely crazy and the amount of things we have added is actually quite incredible for a team of our size and I'm super proud.

Some of the biggest lessons we’ve learned, shock, planning what you are going to do is actually much faster in the long run rather than just running with an idea. Some of you might notice on our other games that we have been developing generally much faster and that's because we are vastly more experienced in the planning and execution process.

Gunsmith has definitely taken longer than I would have expected it to take. About halfway through its life cycle we were starting to feel the pinch of a game that was not growing as fast as it should have been or was starting to lose momentum.

This put us in a situational crisis where I personally had to make tough calls. Do we plough ahead with Gunsmith and potentially this situation does not get better and we are in a really risky place, or do we try and get more games onto the market to support our team as a whole.

Ultimately we went with option 2 which paid off and has allowed us to continue development on Gunsmith.

I do want to probably make a video explaining my views on Early Access games, having more than one title in development etc in more depth at some point but in short. With my experience speaking from a developer that has grown a company from nothing to multiple titles.

This notion of having to finish a game totally 100% or die on your sword has got to go. I urge any developers who are in a financial rock and hard place. Do not wait for your game to randomly turn its fortunes around as you could run out of time if you can't achieve this and then the dream is over.

If that happens you will never finish the game. There's an argument to say that if we went full tilt on the game it could have gotten more popular but we were feeling that was a super high risk roll of the dice.

Gunsmith fell into a situation where it made us enough money to get on our feet, stay comfortable for a few of those early months, however then the burn rate of the money started to catch up as every month is not super profitable. I can't complain at all, it’s been a blessing to have a game provide us with this much long tail but it just didn't have the early explosion we needed to finance a title of this magnitude.

All of this was a massive learning curve for us. Especially when you consider we started at “let's make this cool factory game” and then years later im discussing diversification of titles and long tails of development etc.

I would actually have loved more than anything to just have been able to finish Gunsmith and wrap it up. But it just didn't play out like that and you sometimes have to play the hand you're given. I’ve never been a quitter, and people close to me will tell you, I can be down but i'm not out, not unless it’s literally impossible and I have zero options. I will try my hardest to not fail. Sometimes we get a lot of the classics. Abandoned game omg !!11. Not here. As ive always said, my company will deliver on the promises we make unless there is an impossible situation.

We would never cut and run and until I'm no longer in charge ( dead ) that won't happen. I think it's happening far too much in the industry now even when some of us make millions it’s still a cut and run. Anyway, I digress.

So we did what we had to and although its taken longer than I would have liked we are finally getting there. Its been a slow burner but we are super proud of where the game is now and we hope all of you that have stuck with us in the long haul will enjoy what is coming in the Beta and what's to come in the run up to the full 1.0 launch.

I will say a super huge thanks to everyone that has supported us to this point. Without you all we would have no reason to continue so a massive thank you. You know who you all are. Also a big thanks to the SCT team. We are a tiny team of 5 now but we are absolutely rocking it and with everyday that passes we get better and better at making high quality titles on a low budget.

After this Beta goes live we will be going to get an update ready for our other game JUNKPUNK, its also a factory game so if you like what you see maybe hop on over there and play that.

and if you like city builders we are also building a funny city builder as a side project here;

Don't worry theres no more games in the works until Gunsmith is finished. But i can't wait to share more of my game designs with the world and im really excited for the future.

Lastly I will say, we always need your help in telling people about our games and dropping us reviews so shameless plug time… If you’re still here, tell a friend, tell a Youtuber or drop a review. It would really help us out.

Thanks as always.


Gunsmith - Rich
Hey everyone Rich here, so today im putting out some news about another huge change coming in the Beta, a new research system!

So we have been working for ages on this new system. As per usual I have made a nice video showing all the new system integrations and improvements that you can view here!

As you can see we've done a tonne, it's been awesome working on the research system and hopefully this will allow us to build in this area as well.

For those of you who are continually asking for the physical belt system to come back, i hear you, i hear you. Give me some time and I will think of a solution. I have one in mind that I might be able to do but not 100% sure yet.

Super hyped to get some testers into the beta next week, then we will put it live on the 9th!


Rich and SCT
Gunsmith - Rich
Hello everyone Rich here, massive news coming for Gunsmith, were happy to announce a major update coming 9th December 2022. Gunsmith Beta update is coming! This will mark a massive milestone in the games development!

I've made a short video with some insight with current dev progress for you all to enjoy!

Cant wait for this one!


Gunsmith - Rich
Hey everyone RIch here, i've made a 10 minute video showing off the new UX improvements we have in the works. I think you're all going to like this a tonne! Let me know your thoughts as we continue to work and improve the game. Huge changes and improvements coming as per usual.



Gunsmith - Rich
Hello everyone Rich here, i'm dropping an update on the development of Gunsmith! We've got some super exciting stuff in the works that we are really happy with. The progress is going well and next week or very soon after i'm sure we will have something tangible to show to the community!

I'll drop a video below that I made a few weeks back but i've been so busy i've not put it on the official Steam channel so here it is. I will also write some stuff below to explain in text form where we are at with Gunsmith.

So we took an annual break over the September period and I took 2 weeks to actually build a dev studio in my back yard ( more to come on this ). However apart from that, I've been playing a tonne of games ( that are not mine / ours ).

I've been studying on the value that games create for both their players and their games. I have seen upon coming back to design that Gunsmith has lacked a huge amount of potential for both us as a studio/creators and also value for players.

Our main goal for the last 2 years has been content, content,

However when I take a deeper look at this I essentially just see now a giant buffet of food with no real direction. All our scenarios are essentially a sandbox leaving the player to ultimately quit the game because they are bored.

I don't see that as the worse thing ever, the fact someone has sunk so much time into the game they exhaust it is actually a massive compliment, however I would like players to quit their play session on a high rather than a low. I digress slightly.

Being extremely critical of our own work means that when we see how we pick scenarios, countries etc to play. Really what is the point. There is no real difference. So therefore this is something I now consider a major part of the game that needs improvement as a matter of urgency.

I think the best way I have started to look at certain things with our games is the fact that I am also a huge fan and player of multiple games and genres of game. I have to ask myself "would I be happy if i was playing this and it wasn't my game" and the response to myself is, absolutely not I would think XYZ is super under performing.

So we have been quietly taking a look at all these issues over the last few weeks and even some days spending nothing but 2 hours straight breaking down exactly what happens in Gunsmith, how we start a game, how the user interacts, what we think is lacklustre and what needs major improvement.

We have identified huge portions of User Experience we think we can massively improve upon.

Next week or soon after I shall drop another update with more to show and tell but we are very excited.

I think we will be breathing new life into the game with the next major update that is coming soon.

So overall, it's been a nice break to go and come back with a fresh look on how to design games better, how to make the experience better for the players and really make the most of what we have also put into the game. I'm hoping this will really improve many aspects of game play.

Thank you all for your continued support during this games Early Access journey!

We continue!!!

Take Care



Gunsmith - Rich
Hey everyone, Rich here, over the last week we have been taking a tonne of feedback from players and tonight were showing off some new stuff to come for the end of the week.

Thanks for all the feedback and i've made another video showing our progress and what we are working on!

Here it is!

Take care!

Gunsmith - Rich
Belt Links update now picks up save's sorry about that! Wasn't actually a bug I just put up wrong build type as i was tired!
Gunsmith - Rich
As above
Jul 18, 2022
Gunsmith - Rich
We are introducing a game mechanic we think is going to help quite a bit, here is a video to show you what were doing! It's a new system for showing belt links we think it will improve belt game play greatly.

Theres also a few small fixes in this version.

Jul 11, 2022
Gunsmith - Rich
- Implemented 2 merging modes into all merging machines, one is the same style as mergers used to be merges both inputs depending on which came first, the second tries to alternate between inputs with a slight wait.

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