Guncraft - Darknuke
Happy (almost) Halloween! 'Tis the season for candy, horror movies, costumes, and scary video games. Well, we just released Death Tractor, a goofy, fun, scary multiplayer experience that will complete your Halloween experience. We'd love for you to give it a shot. It can be enjoyed in minutes or binged for hours, so there's almost no reason NOT to try it!

Store Page: $3.39 introductory price!

-4 player online/LAN multiplayer
-Multiple levels
-Accurate corn harvesting physics and real-time growth patterns
-Tractors so frightening you will dream of nothing but them bearing down over your soul.
-Gameplay so easy to learn even your Grandma could do it. Until she has a heart attack from the TERRIFYING DEATH TRACTORS.
Guncraft - Darknuke
Happy (almost) Halloween! 'Tis the season for candy, horror movies, costumes, and scary video games. Well, we just released Death Tractor, a goofy, fun, scary multiplayer experience that will complete your Halloween experience. We'd love for you to give it a shot. It can be enjoyed in minutes or binged for hours, so there's almost no reason NOT to try it!

Store Page: $3.39 introductory price!

-4 player online/LAN multiplayer
-Multiple levels
-Accurate corn harvesting physics and real-time growth patterns
-Tractors so frightening you will dream of nothing but them bearing down over your soul.
-Gameplay so easy to learn even your Grandma could do it. Until she has a heart attack from the TERRIFYING DEATH TRACTORS.
Guncraft - BigMtnSkier(REVERB)
Guncraft - BigMtnSkier
May 27, 2015
Guncraft - Rav3n
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my proud duty to inform you all that our sister game - Death Tractor - has just been Greenlit by Valve!! On behalf of Exato Game Studios, I thank you all for your support. What a week it's been for us!

I'll have more information for everyone once we have it (and when we stop partying xD).
May 27, 2015
Guncraft - Rav3n
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my proud duty to inform you all that our sister game - Death Tractor - has just been Greenlit by Valve!! On behalf of Exato Game Studios, I thank you all for your support. What a week it's been for us!

I'll have more information for everyone once we have it (and when we stop partying xD).
Guncraft - Rav3n
Hey guys,

Its time once again for those few minutes of your time we call the Newsletter! Sorry about that, but I promise you that this will be time well spent.

Lets start with the community. Do you remember that at the start of the year, we ran the Battle of the Clans competition? Well judging from the feedback we got back from it, its clear that many of you would be interested in doing it all again. Thanks in no small part to that feedback, we have decided to do it all again! We haven't yet set a date for registrations to open, but I can tell you that we will be aiming to have the majority (if not all) of the battles over the school Summer holidays, just so we can try to open up some more times for competitors around the world to beat the everlasting life out of each other! Keep watching both the News & Announcements and General Discussion sections of the board to get more information as its revealed!

Next up, we have a bit of bittersweet news. Due to various reasons, it has been decided between the senior staff and himself that Merlock should leave the team. I'm sorry to see him go, but on behalf of EGS, I wish him all the best for the future. However, Merlock's departure means that the Moderating team was left a little bare for a while. After much discussion, we eventually decided that both Turbozack and Zusheqiel are to be promoted to the Mod team! Let me be the first of many to congratulate you both on your new roles. Send me an e-mail and I'll get an NDA and instructions to you asap.

And now we've got the comparatively small reports out of the road, its time for the big one! Yes ladies and gentlemen, on May 15th 2015 at 5:15PM BST, our friend and developer Darknuke dropped me this bombshell:
(note that we were discussing BotC at the time)

[17:15:24] Darknuke: ... That sounds like a good idea. Might also work when we release Guncraft on Xbox. We passed cert, but [there's still work to be done].

[17:15:58] Rav3n: oooh, you just made my day!
[17:16:22] Rav3n: and once I get it in the newsletter, it'll make everyone else's as well

Yes, if you didn't catch it in the chat above, let me spell it out for you.

Guncraft has passed Microsoft certification!

This means that in theory, Guncraft: Blocked and Loaded could appear on the virtual shelves from any point from now on. However, I would ask you all not to expect it immediately, as there are still one or two things the devs need to do in order to be ready for the launch. Having said that though, the certification was arguably the biggest hurdle that we faced, so now that we're through it, it really won't be long before our little voxel game is sitting on the shelves alongside some of the bigger titles!

When I come to write the next Newsletter, I hope that I'll be able to give everyone a definite launch date! See you all then!
Guncraft - Rav3n
Hey guys,

Its time once again for those few minutes of your time we call the Newsletter! Sorry about that, but I promise you that this will be time well spent.

Lets start with the community. Do you remember that at the start of the year, we ran the Battle of the Clans competition? Well judging from the feedback we got back from it, its clear that many of you would be interested in doing it all again. Thanks in no small part to that feedback, we have decided to do it all again! We haven't yet set a date for registrations to open, but I can tell you that we will be aiming to have the majority (if not all) of the battles over the school Summer holidays, just so we can try to open up some more times for competitors around the world to beat the everlasting life out of each other! Keep watching both the News & Announcements and General Discussion sections of the board to get more information as its revealed!

Next up, we have a bit of bittersweet news. Due to various reasons, it has been decided between the senior staff and himself that Merlock should leave the team. I'm sorry to see him go, but on behalf of EGS, I wish him all the best for the future. However, Merlock's departure means that the Moderating team was left a little bare for a while. After much discussion, we eventually decided that both Turbozack and Zusheqiel are to be promoted to the Mod team! Let me be the first of many to congratulate you both on your new roles. Send me an e-mail and I'll get an NDA and instructions to you asap.

And now we've got the comparatively small reports out of the road, its time for the big one! Yes ladies and gentlemen, on May 15th 2015 at 5:15PM BST, our friend and developer Darknuke dropped me this bombshell:
(note that we were discussing BotC at the time)

[17:15:24] Darknuke: ... That sounds like a good idea. Might also work when we release Guncraft on Xbox. We passed cert, but [there's still work to be done].

[17:15:58] Rav3n: oooh, you just made my day!
[17:16:22] Rav3n: and once I get it in the newsletter, it'll make everyone else's as well

Yes, if you didn't catch it in the chat above, let me spell it out for you.

Guncraft has passed Microsoft certification!

This means that in theory, Guncraft: Blocked and Loaded could appear on the virtual shelves from any point from now on. However, I would ask you all not to expect it immediately, as there are still one or two things the devs need to do in order to be ready for the launch. Having said that though, the certification was arguably the biggest hurdle that we faced, so now that we're through it, it really won't be long before our little voxel game is sitting on the shelves alongside some of the bigger titles!

When I come to write the next Newsletter, I hope that I'll be able to give everyone a definite launch date! See you all then!
Guncraft - Darknuke
Are you ready for the most insane corn harvesting simulator you've ever experienced?! Prepare yourself, the DEATH TRACTORs are upon you!


Death Tractor Website - Includes a link to play the game!

You are a member of the Nomsanto family. The luck of these average, run of the mill GMO corn farmers goes sour when their loyal tractors get fed up with the modifications the family is making to their corn. They transform into horrendous, murderous death machines hellbent on wiping out the Nomsantos and returning the crops to their pristine state. However, the darkness has also changed the Nomsantos. They've been consumed by their capitalist greed and will stop at nothing to harvest as much profit as they can, even if that means murdering their other family members. How much corn will YOU harvest before your eventual death by tractor? Don't let your family, or the tractors, stop you from becoming the ultimate capitalist in DEATH TRACTOR!

This totally serious, 100% accurate to life corn harvesting simulation experience will get your adrenaline pumping and nerves excited. You'll never be able to farm for corn in the same light again!

Features include:
-4 player online/LAN multiplayer**
-Multiple levels
-Accurate corn harvesting physics and real-time growth patterns
-Tractors so frightening you will dream of nothing but them bearing down over your soul.
-Gameplay so easy to learn even your Grandma could do it. Until she has a heart attack from the TERRIFYING DEATH TRACTORS.

VOTE FOR US ON GREENLIGHT and we'll make this a full fledged game.
Guncraft - Darknuke
Are you ready for the most insane corn harvesting simulator you've ever experienced?! Prepare yourself, the DEATH TRACTORs are upon you!


Death Tractor Website - Includes a link to play the game!

You are a member of the Nomsanto family. The luck of these average, run of the mill GMO corn farmers goes sour when their loyal tractors get fed up with the modifications the family is making to their corn. They transform into horrendous, murderous death machines hellbent on wiping out the Nomsantos and returning the crops to their pristine state. However, the darkness has also changed the Nomsantos. They've been consumed by their capitalist greed and will stop at nothing to harvest as much profit as they can, even if that means murdering their other family members. How much corn will YOU harvest before your eventual death by tractor? Don't let your family, or the tractors, stop you from becoming the ultimate capitalist in DEATH TRACTOR!

This totally serious, 100% accurate to life corn harvesting simulation experience will get your adrenaline pumping and nerves excited. You'll never be able to farm for corn in the same light again!

Features include:
-4 player online/LAN multiplayer**
-Multiple levels
-Accurate corn harvesting physics and real-time growth patterns
-Tractors so frightening you will dream of nothing but them bearing down over your soul.
-Gameplay so easy to learn even your Grandma could do it. Until she has a heart attack from the TERRIFYING DEATH TRACTORS.

VOTE FOR US ON GREENLIGHT and we'll make this a full fledged game.

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