Gold Hunter - cHaOsFaTz

■ Improve Performance
Gold Hunter - cHaOsFaTz
Level Design

■ Fixed some reported map issues
■ Removed blocking foliages from roads (if you still found something blocking, report if by F8)


■ Added two selling areas outside of the building for scrap yard


■ Reworked light system for vehicles


■ Added function to transfer dirt to item "excavatorshovel01"
■ Added function to transfer dirt to item "excavatorshovel02"


■ Changed limits "arm1" for vehicle "excavator01"


■ Fixed error with toggle ramps for vehicle "trailer01" if attach or detach hitch
■ Fixed error with transfer dirt from item "shovel04"


■ Fixed error with attach items to item "weighingscale01" after loading a savegame
■ Fixed error with attach items to item "weighingscale02" after loading a savegame
Gold Hunter - cHaOsFaTz

■ Now you can switch your savegame from singleplayer to multiplayer. If you started with a multiplayer game, you can switch every time back to a singleplayer.


■ Added more localization for "german"


■ Added message if target item already full
■ Added message if item "minersmoss" not unrolled while working
■ Fixed error with update help panel while still same focus but toggle inventory slot


■ Changed input mode for "dump up" and "dump down" to can use in workmode and drivemode for vehicle "excavator01"
■ Fixed error with can mouse while inventory open

Level Design

■ Reworked area for town

■ Fixed some reported map issues


■ Improved texture "dirt" to not have stretched textures while digging
■ Fixed error with unload voxel lod around the player if entering a vehicle
■ Reduced repeat texture "dirt" to much


■ Fixed error with not showing character name above other players
■ Added function to rotate character name above player to the view direction
■ Fixed error with show correct max players for server on playerlist


■ Activated item "excavator shovel 02"


■ Reworked popup panel for messages, now multiple messages visible


■ Added function to show fill value for inventory quick slots (shovels)
■ Add window to confirm "delete savegame"
■ Add window to confirm "back to menu"
■ Add window to confirm "quit to desktop"
■ Add function to check vehicle volume to fit on other vehicles
■ Added function for items "minersmoss" can be dirty


■ Changed item marker for item "excavatorshovel01" from "point" to "line" image
■ Changed item marker for item "excavatorshovel02" from "point" to "line" image
■ Changed collision for attached items, improve performance on movements


■ Fixed error with collision for ramps of trailer "lowloader01"
■ Fixed error with detect items on loadingbay, if player directly drop from inventory
■ Fixed error with not clear timer for autosave, if player go to main menu
■ Fixed error with update help panel for vehicle "excavator01"
■ Fixed error with can release handbrake while in workmode for vehicle "excavator01"
■ Fixed error with missing help text if player attach/detach item "excavatorshovel01" to vehicle "excavator01"
■ Fixed error with missing help text if player attach/detach item "excavatorshovel02" to vehicle "excavator01"
■ Fixed error with unlimited range of mouse focus to items while inventory open
■ Fixed error with clear focus between mouse and crosshair focus
■ Fixed error with not move dump for vehicle "excavator01" if entering the first time
■ Fixed error with sell vehicle "trailer01"


■ Fixed error with not spawn at last location
■ Fixed error with startup mileage timer after loading a savegame
■ Added function to switch savegame between single- and multiplayer and also back


■ Replaced images "placeholder" for loading screen
Gold Hunter - cHaOsFaTz

■ Added more localization "german"

Level Design

■ Fixed some reported map issues
■ Add foliage for sides of roads


■ Activated password protection for server

■ Fixed client sync for fill falue for item "smelting furnace 01" if smelting process done
■ Fixed client sync for fill falue for item "smelting furnace 02" if smelting process done
■ Fixed error with savegame rollback if another client join the game
■ Fixed error with not showing money in inventory for clients


■ Activated character customizer


■ Added option "item marker color" to change the color for item marker
■ Added function to rescue player inside a vehicle with current location if falling through the map


■ Changed volume "funnel" for item "washingplant01" from 20 liters to 30 liters
■ Changed collision for vehicle "trailer01"
■ Changed locations for items if player unpack an item
■ Changed ligth impact on vehicle "excavator01"
■ Changed outline system, only outline when interactable
■ Changed window "early access" only visible after start the game


■ Fixed error with not showing red marker on ground if item "excavatorshovel01" attached to vehicle "excavator01"
■ Fixed error with can not interact with items and vehicles on bridges
■ Fixed error with makes dark at night
■ Fixed error with delete items while move item to another inventory slot
■ Fixed error with show correct rounded values on item "weighingscale 01"
■ Fixed error with show correct rounded values on item "weighingscale 02"
■ Fixed error can move while inventory open
■ Fixed error with not continue smelting process after open the cover for item "smelting furnace 01"
■ Fixed error with not continue smelting process after open the cover for item "smelting furnace 02"
■ Fixed error with drop wrong selected inventory item from quick slots


■ Improved performance


■ Fixed error with attach items to other items again after loading a savegame
■ Fixed error with did not load all voxel data
■ Fixed error with spawn inside vehicle store after loading a savegame
Gold Hunter - cHaOsFaTz

We added with this update the mini excavator. Was a lot of work, but finally done.
If you find any bugs, please feel free to report by pressing F8.


■ Added localization "french"
■ Added more localizations for "german"


■ Fixed error with did not set active camera if client enter a vehicle
■ Fixed error with join as client again after kicking from server
■ Fixed error with falling vehicles through the map after client join
■ Fixed error with can not drive another vehicles
■ Fixed error with no footstep sounds on bridges for clients


■ Activated vehicle "excavator01"
■ Activated item "excavatorshovel01"


■ Added help information for numplate of vehicle "trailer01"
■ Added function to open and close ramps for vehicle "trailer01" by focus the numplate and hold "E"
■ Added function to show the current category for bugreport on tablet


■ Changed sound "horn" for vehicle "truck01"


■ Fixed error with falling vehicle "trailer01" through the world
■ Fixed error with falling vehicle "lowloader01" through the world
■ Fixed error with refresh help panel
■ Fixed error with vehicles falling through the map
■ Fixed error with falling through the map after attach vehicle "trailer01"
■ Fixed error with falling through the map after attach vehicle "lowloader01"
■ Fixed error with show wrong help text
■ Fixed error with show correct value for widget "template select" (values in options will be now shown correct)
■ Fixed error to delete vehicles with item "hammer01"


■ Improved time format for widget "skipday"
■ Improved time format for widget "tablet"

■ Improved reset at current location, find free area


■ Fixed error with destroy items in savegame after sell at scrap yard
■ Fixed error with save new inputs in options


■ Replaced static mesh vehicle "pickup03" for vehicle store


■ Removed teleport function, it remains current location
Gold Hunter - cHaOsFaTz

■ Fixed error with set localization "german"

Level Design

■ Reworked landscape for biome "redwood"


■ Fixed client sync error after detach an item


■ Fixed error with transfer volume
■ Fixed error with destroy vehicle after sell at scrap yard
Gold Hunter - cHaOsFaTz

■ Player receive a notification one hour before a store will be close


■ Added localization "german" (part 1/2)


■ Added missing help inputs for a lot of items
■ Added interactive tutorial for item "safe01"

Level Design

■ Fixed some reported map issues
■ Prepared new road width for upcoming road design


■ Fixed error with show wrong color after bought a vehicle for clients


■ Activated option "fill status color" to change the color


■ Add function to reduce fall speed for item "goldbar01"
■ Add function to reduce fall speed for item "goldflake01"
■ Add function to reduce fall speed for item "goldnugget01"
■ Added hitch for vehicle "pickup03"


■ Changed design for playername above character in multiplayer
■ Changed exit locations for vehicle "campervan01"
■ Changed detection for find gold with item "metaldetector01", now only find in forests
■ Changed inventory attach location for item "shovel01"
■ Changed inventory attach location for item "shovel02"
■ Changed inventory attach location for item "shovel03"
■ Changed inventory attach location for item "shovel04"
■ Changed inventory attach location for item "bottle01"
■ Changed inventory attach location for item "bottle02"
■ Changed inventory attach location for item "bottle03"
■ Changed inventory attach location for item "hammer01"
■ Changed design for fill indicator
■ Changed prices for a lot of items


■ Fixed error with attach item "goldbar01" to other items after weight with item "weighingscale01"
■ Fixed error with attach item "goldbar01" to other items after weight with item "weighingscale02"
■ Fixed error with transfer volume to item "mold01" while item "goldbar01" not removed
■ Fixed error with skip time with item "tent01" while not open
■ Fixed show wrong light icon for vehicle hud
■ Fixed error with drop item if focused an other item which is freezed
■ Fixed error with attach items to other items, if not payed for it
■ Fixed error with freeze item "tent01" while unrolled
■ Fixed error with spawn vehicle at vehicle store while another vehicle is blocking
■ Fixed error with dig outside of the parcel
■ Fixed error with show head from character inside vehicle


■ Improved performance while driving vehicle "campervan01"


■ Added save variable "held actor" to attach again held actor after loading a savegame
■ Fixed error with save character rotation after loading a savegame
■ Added save variable "last camera" for character after load a savegame
■ Fixed error with not save progress for voxel data after using a metal detector on parcel


■ Removed function "autosave" for creating a new game, it´s already inside options
Gold Hunter - cHaOsFaTz

■ Fixed error with refresh help input panel for item "minersmoss"


■ Fixed error with show progress for input "E" while item attached to other item

Level Design

■ Fixed reported map issues


■ Activated textbox "discord" for bugreports


■ Changed light "headlight" intensity for vehicles
■ Changed light intensity for object "streetsign01"
■ Changed worker speed for item "highbanker01"
■ Changed worker speed for item "washingplant01"


■ Fixed error with attach items to other item while freezed
■ Fixed error with calculate wrong total price on screen for basket area
■ Fixed error with not showing error message, if player did not have enough money
■ Fixed error with switch between character and actor cameras
■ Fixed error with show correct type of bugreports if player sorted by type
■ Fixed error with not kill timer for attach items
■ Fixed error with show weight on item "weighingscale01"
■ Fixed error with show weight on item "weighingscale02"
■ Fixed error with show wrong outline color
■ Fixed error with show outline while in third person mode in vehicle
■ Fixed error with interaction with world items while widget open
■ Fixed error with not show popup message, if player sended bugreport


■ Improved camera system


■ Fixed error with show fill value smelting progress after loading a savegame
■ Added save variable "engine" for vehicles to savegame
■ Added save variable "handbrake" for vehicles to savegame
■ Added save variable "lights" for vehicles to savegame
■ Added save variable "indicators" for vehicles to savegame
■ Added save variable "beacon" for vehicles to savegame
Gold Hunter - cHaOsFaTz

■ Changed light "headlight" intensity for vehicles


■ Fixed error with attach items to other item while freezed
■ Fixed error with calculate wrong total price on screen for basket area
■ Fixed error with not showing error message, if player did not have enough money
Gold Hunter - cHaOsFaTz
Level Design

■ Fixed some reported map issues


■ Fixed error with not respawn at current location with vehicle
■ Fixed error with detect blocked vehicle at vehicle location for vehicle store
■ Fixed error with detect gold at the gold store
■ Fixed error with attach items while focused item freezed
■ Fixed error with show just 99% of smelting progress
■ Fixed error with go over 100% while smelting process
■ Fixed error with incorrect camera location if switched between character and item cameras


■ Improved collision for attached items on vehicle, reduce frame drops while driving (rework not yet done)


■ Fixed error with continue smelting after loading a savegame


■ Removed camera for each vehicle at the vehicle store

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