Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
<li>Added Goblin raider</li>
<li>Goblin behavior changes
<li>Goblin raiders attempt to steal items and leave the map with them</li>
<li>Other goblins and ogres will escort raiders</li>
<li>When all raiders have left or died, other goblins will try to leave</li>
<li>Added Goblin tunneler
<li>If a goblin raider lives and returns without stealing any items, they will bring goblin tunneler on their next raid</li>
<li>Goblin tunnelers will start digging a tunnel when they arrive</li>
<li>Tunnels will take at least half a day to complete</li>
<li>When complete, a tunnel exit will appear in your base without destroying any part of the map</li>
<li>Goblin raiders will use the tunnel to attempt to steal items</li>
<li>Tunnels can be deconstructed by gnomes</li>
<li>Tunnel currently uses the base of the well as placeholder art</li>
<li>Goblin attacks are effected by their distance to your Kingdom</li>
<li>FPS Display overlapping with stock quantities</li>
<li>Closing windows sometimes causing a crash trying to write to the settings file</li>
<li>Building a thatch incline through the ramp menu causing strange behavior</li>
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
  • Added Goblin raider
  • Goblin behavior changes
    • Goblin raiders attempt to steal items and leave the map with them
    • Other goblins and ogres will escort raiders
    • When all raiders have left or died, other goblins will try to leave
  • Added Goblin tunneler
    • If a goblin raider lives and returns without stealing any items, they will bring goblin tunneler on their next raid
    • Goblin tunnelers will start digging a tunnel when they arrive
    • Tunnels will take at least half a day to complete
    • When complete, a tunnel exit will appear in your base without destroying any part of the map
    • Goblin raiders will use the tunnel to attempt to steal items
    • Tunnels can be deconstructed by gnomes
    • Tunnel currently uses the base of the well as placeholder art
  • Goblin attacks are effected by their distance to your Kingdom
  • FPS Display overlapping with stock quantities
  • Closing windows sometimes causing a crash trying to write to the settings file
  • Building a thatch incline through the ramp menu causing strange behavior
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
<li>Corner walls are no longer required for privacy status</li>
<li>Tracked stock items - Create groups of items to track real time quantity on the HUD. Groups can be created in the Tracked Items tab of the Stocks window. Previous Food and Drink quantities have been integrated into this method.</li>
<li>Kingdom and Stock windows are now resizable</li>
<li>Window position and sizes are stored in the settings.ini file to preserve window settings across multiple game sessions</li>
<li>Alarm HUD element to indicate when your Kingdom is currently under alarm</li>
<li>Removed the pop up delay in the right click context menu</li>
<li>Crash sending a merchant to trade with items that are no longer available</li>
<li>Crash viewing ambassador after he dies</li>
<li>Personal Quarters being considered "not private" after loading, forcing it to be redesignated to keep the ambassador</li>
<li>Doors within a Personal Quarter but at the edge not being considered for privacy</li>
<li>Foreign Kingdoms getting into a state where it stopped sending merchants or ambassadors</li>
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
  • Corner walls are no longer required for privacy status
  • Tracked stock items - Create groups of items to track real time quantity on the HUD. Groups can be created in the Tracked Items tab of the Stocks window. Previous Food and Drink quantities have been integrated into this method.
  • Kingdom and Stock windows are now resizable
  • Window position and sizes are stored in the settings.ini file to preserve window settings across multiple game sessions
  • Alarm HUD element to indicate when your Kingdom is currently under alarm
  • Removed the pop up delay in the right click context menu
  • Crash sending a merchant to trade with items that are no longer available
  • Crash viewing ambassador after he dies
  • Personal Quarters being considered "not private" after loading, forcing it to be redesignated to keep the ambassador
  • Doors within a Personal Quarter but at the edge not being considered for privacy
  • Foreign Kingdoms getting into a state where it stopped sending merchants or ambassadors
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
<li>Added Ambassadors
<li>Foreign Kingdoms now give the option to host an ambassador</li>
<li>Hosting an ambassador allows trade between Kingdoms</li>
<li>Ambassadors require food and drink while staying at your Kingdom</li>
<li>Ambassadors require their own Personal Quarters with bed, privacy and minimum worth</li>
<li>Viewing the status of an ambassador will show if they are missing a requirement or are satisfied</li>
<li>Ambassadors will leave if their requirements aren't met for an extended period of time. They can also be manually dismissed.</li>
<li>Ambassadors and Merchants will wait to arrive at your Kingdom if it's unsafe</li>
<li>Ambassadors and Merchants will return home (with notification) if there is no way into your Kingdom</li>
<li>Additional friendly Kingdoms will now make contact with you over time and as your Kingdom grows</li>
<li>Added Mining Colony, Lumber Camp and Agricultural Settlement friendly Kingdoms. These Kingdoms offer some goods at a cheaper rate than Merchant City-States and also give more for goods they need. ie Mining Colony has cheaper ore and pays more for food, drink, bandages and pick axes</li>
<li>Pause show arriving merchants gameplay option now also applies to your returning merchants</li>
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
  • Added Ambassadors
    • Foreign Kingdoms now give the option to host an ambassador
    • Hosting an ambassador allows trade between Kingdoms
    • Ambassadors require food and drink while staying at your Kingdom
    • Ambassadors require their own Personal Quarters with bed, privacy and minimum worth
    • Viewing the status of an ambassador will show if they are missing a requirement or are satisfied
    • Ambassadors will leave if their requirements aren't met for an extended period of time. They can also be manually dismissed.
  • Ambassadors and Merchants will wait to arrive at your Kingdom if it's unsafe
  • Ambassadors and Merchants will return home (with notification) if there is no way into your Kingdom
  • Additional friendly Kingdoms will now make contact with you over time and as your Kingdom grows
  • Added Mining Colony, Lumber Camp and Agricultural Settlement friendly Kingdoms. These Kingdoms offer some goods at a cheaper rate than Merchant City-States and also give more for goods they need. ie Mining Colony has cheaper ore and pays more for food, drink, bandages and pick axes
  • Pause show arriving merchants gameplay option now also applies to your returning merchants
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
<li>Crash when loading saves with a gnome 'en route' and has items equipped</li>
<li>No merchants arriving in games that were created in version 0.9.4 or earlier</li>
<li>Items not becoming available for trade again, if the trade was canceled while your gnome was departing</li>
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
  • Crash when loading saves with a gnome 'en route' and has items equipped
  • No merchants arriving in games that were created in version 0.9.4 or earlier
  • Items not becoming available for trade again, if the trade was canceled while your gnome was departing
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
Yay! First patch after a long break. This is sort of a preliminary patch that sets up for more changes to come. Much of the work involved with this update changes how some internal systems work to allow for them to be expanded on in future patches. Some things will behave similar to how they did in the last version but with the internal changes it will be easier to tweak or expand on. In the next update after this, there will likely be some more types of friendly Kingdoms as well as some new options for interacting with them. When I finally get back to updating goblin behaviors they will likely get incorporated into the diplomacy system and have some options for interaction outside of combat.

<li>Added early implementation of Diplomacy system
<li>Changed how merchants work so that any faction can send merchants</li>
<li>Foreign Kingdoms now have a distance from the player's Kingdom</li>
<li>Merchant goods are now determined by the player kingdom's worth at the time of departure instead of arrival</li>
<li>Merchants will now spawn even if there are no market stalls</li>
<li>Merchants can now arrive in winter</li>
<li>Merchants bandage themselves or go to a hospital when necessary</li>
<li>Merchants sleep, eat and drink</li>
<li>Merchants idle at the Great Hall if there are no available Market Stalls</li>
<li>Diplomacy tab added to Kingdom window for viewing and interacting with foreign Kingdoms</li>
<li>A Merchant can be sent to foreign Kingdoms
<li>Uses a trading window similar to the Market Stall</li>
<li>When the chosen gnome leaves the map, the items being traded disappear with him (like trading with a merchant at a market stall)</li>
<li>If all gnomes die while one of your gnomes is off the map travelling, the game will still end</li>
<li>Dig Floor jobs queuing in invalid locations</li>
<li>Dig Floor job not creating above a ramp</li>
<li>Items not storing in crates and wheelbarrows: Wooden Shield, Tower Shield, Tower shield backing and stone weapons</li>
<li>Wooden shield, tower shield and stone weapons trading for too much with merchants</li>
<li>Tower shield and tower shield backing not smelting</li>
<li>Merchants leaving the map incorrectly</li>
<li>UI not respecting Windows Primary/Secondary button swap setting</li>
Gnomoria - Robotronic Games
Yay! First patch after a long break. This is sort of a preliminary patch that sets up for more changes to come. Much of the work involved with this update changes how some internal systems work to allow for them to be expanded on in future patches. Some things will behave similar to how they did in the last version but with the internal changes it will be easier to tweak or expand on. In the next update after this, there will likely be some more types of friendly Kingdoms as well as some new options for interacting with them. When I finally get back to updating goblin behaviors they will likely get incorporated into the diplomacy system and have some options for interaction outside of combat.

  • Added early implementation of Diplomacy system
    • Changed how merchants work so that any faction can send merchants
    • Foreign Kingdoms now have a distance from the player's Kingdom
    • Merchant goods are now determined by the player kingdom's worth at the time of departure instead of arrival
    • Merchants will now spawn even if there are no market stalls
    • Merchants can now arrive in winter
    • Merchants bandage themselves or go to a hospital when necessary
    • Merchants sleep, eat and drink
    • Merchants idle at the Great Hall if there are no available Market Stalls
    • Diplomacy tab added to Kingdom window for viewing and interacting with foreign Kingdoms
    • A Merchant can be sent to foreign Kingdoms
      • Uses a trading window similar to the Market Stall
      • When the chosen gnome leaves the map, the items being traded disappear with him (like trading with a merchant at a market stall)
      • If all gnomes die while one of your gnomes is off the map travelling, the game will still end
  • Dig Floor jobs queuing in invalid locations
  • Dig Floor job not creating above a ramp
  • Items not storing in crates and wheelbarrows: Wooden Shield, Tower Shield, Tower shield backing and stone weapons
  • Wooden shield, tower shield and stone weapons trading for too much with merchants
  • Tower shield and tower shield backing not smelting
  • Merchants leaving the map incorrectly
  • UI not respecting Windows Primary/Secondary button swap setting

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