Gene Shift Auto - bencelot
A few nice changes in this version, the biggest one being a completely reworked menu system. I should have done this earlier, because it looks great and first impressions are oh so important. We've also got some nice changes to the campaign and yet another new combo kill system.

New Menu System
The menu has been reworked in a few ways. The overall aesthetic has been improved with a cool new blue background and new textures. The actual navigation has been changed too, with a dedicated main menu which lets you go into and out of the individual pages. This results in far fewer buttons on the screen at one time and is less overwhelming to new players. Even the options menu has been resdesigned with a new "common options" page that hides most of the advanced settings that no one cares about.

New Kill Combo System (for the 4th time now?)
I've yet again reworked the Kill Combo system, but I think I've got it perfect this time. There is no longer any confusing cash multiplier step that indirectly affects how much money you get per kill. The new system simply gives you extra cash directly. Instead of a double kill increasing you multiplier by 20% so that future kills give more cash, now a double kill just straight up gives you $150 for a kill instead of $100. Easy!

There is still the concept of "special kills" which also award extra cash, and if you combo these together you get more money faster. Kills must be made within 3s of eachother to increase the combo. Here are some examples:

Normal Kill: $100
Road Kill: $150
Stealth Kill: $150
Double Kill: $100, then $150
Double Road Kill: $150, then $250

No Skill Level Restrictions
In the campaign there are no longer level restrictions when you unlock skills. This means you can now unlock high level skills like Teleportation at level 1! Before you had to wait till you reached level 10 to be able to do this, so with this change these skills are FAR more useful. I'm curious to see how this affects speedruns.

New Animated Barricades
In the screenshot above you can see two barricades blocking off the top doors. This is a new feature that replaces the old doors that were hacked together with models. These are better not only because they're animated and sound cool, but because they go down into the ground when they're closed. The old models stayed the same but simply because walkable, which made it really hard to tell if you could go through them or not.

Change Log
General Changes
  • The menu has been reworked, graphically and with a new naviation system.
  • The options menu features a new "common options" section that hides away most of the advanced settings.
  • There are now three presets in the options menu that easily adjust your graphical settings.
  • Tweaked a bunch of text and fonts throughout the menu system.

Campaign Changes
  • Skills can now be unlocked at any level in the campaign.
  • Help Text is now shown as a separate popup down the bottom of the screen, instead of being spoken by guards.
  • A new animated barricade type exists to replace some of the old doors, making it clearer if you can or cannot pass through.
  • The Kill Combo system has been reworked, now rewarding extra cash for special and combo kills directly.
  • On each stage players can now compete for the total cash earned in the stage, rather than compete over the highest cash multiplier (which no longer exists).
  • The loading screen between campaign stages now has animated text to build suspense when you see your end of round stats.
  • Made some general tweaks to Laboratory and Subway.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where vehicles would get stuck on the sides of walls.
  • Fixed a performance issue on some systems.
  • Honestly I fixed a bunch of other things, but I forgot to add them to the changelog this version. Lots of good stuff, go enjoy!
Gene Shift Auto - bencelot
A few nice changes in this version, the biggest one being a completely reworked menu system. I should have done this earlier, because it looks great and first impressions are oh so important. We've also got some nice changes to the campaign and yet another new combo kill system.

New Menu System
The menu has been reworked in a few ways. The overall aesthetic has been improved with a cool new blue background and new textures. The actual navigation has been changed too, with a dedicated main menu which lets you go into and out of the individual pages. This results in far fewer buttons on the screen at one time and is less overwhelming to new players. Even the options menu has been resdesigned with a new "common options" page that hides most of the advanced settings that no one cares about.

New Kill Combo System (for the 4th time now?)
I've yet again reworked the Kill Combo system, but I think I've got it perfect this time. There is no longer any confusing cash multiplier step that indirectly affects how much money you get per kill. The new system simply gives you extra cash directly. Instead of a double kill increasing you multiplier by 20% so that future kills give more cash, now a double kill just straight up gives you $150 for a kill instead of $100. Easy!

There is still the concept of "special kills" which also award extra cash, and if you combo these together you get more money faster. Kills must be made within 3s of eachother to increase the combo. Here are some examples:

Normal Kill: $100
Road Kill: $150
Stealth Kill: $150
Double Kill: $100, then $150
Double Road Kill: $150, then $250

No Skill Level Restrictions
In the campaign there are no longer level restrictions when you unlock skills. This means you can now unlock high level skills like Teleportation at level 1! Before you had to wait till you reached level 10 to be able to do this, so with this change these skills are FAR more useful. I'm curious to see how this affects speedruns.

New Animated Barricades
In the screenshot above you can see two barricades blocking off the top doors. This is a new feature that replaces the old doors that were hacked together with models. These are better not only because they're animated and sound cool, but because they go down into the ground when they're closed. The old models stayed the same but simply because walkable, which made it really hard to tell if you could go through them or not.

Change Log
General Changes
  • The menu has been reworked, graphically and with a new naviation system.
  • The options menu features a new "common options" section that hides away most of the advanced settings.
  • There are now three presets in the options menu that easily adjust your graphical settings.
  • Tweaked a bunch of text and fonts throughout the menu system.

Campaign Changes
  • Skills can now be unlocked at any level in the campaign.
  • Help Text is now shown as a separate popup down the bottom of the screen, instead of being spoken by guards.
  • A new animated barricade type exists to replace some of the old doors, making it clearer if you can or cannot pass through.
  • The Kill Combo system has been reworked, now rewarding extra cash for special and combo kills directly.
  • On each stage players can now compete for the total cash earned in the stage, rather than compete over the highest cash multiplier (which no longer exists).
  • The loading screen between campaign stages now has animated text to build suspense when you see your end of round stats.
  • Made some general tweaks to Laboratory and Subway.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where vehicles would get stuck on the sides of walls.
  • Fixed a performance issue on some systems.
  • Honestly I fixed a bunch of other things, but I forgot to add them to the changelog this version. Lots of good stuff, go enjoy!
Gene Shift Auto - bencelot
Plenty of new features! In the campaign we have a new exploding guard type who alerts nearby enemies, we have a fun new kill combo system, and the skill penalites have all been removed as well! In multiplayer we have a massive rework to how barrier works, and maps that resize based on the number of players in the server.

Exploding Guards
Some guards will now walk with a red backpack filled with explosives chemicals. If you kill them they explode in a dazzling fireworks display, creating a sound that alerts nearby enemies. This new guard type is currently only in the first 2 stages of the campaign, but will allow me to create a variety of awesome puzzles and high adrenalin sequences where the shit hits the fan the moment you explode one of these guards.

New Kill Combo System
The gif above also shows the new kill combo system, showing a new "Double Kill" type as the grenade kills both guards simultaneously. Double Kills (along with Triple, Quad and Multi Kills) are a new kill type that rewards you with extra cash. This is done with the new cash multiplier system, which goes up when you perform "skillful" kills.

The cash multiplier stays at x1.0 unless you do something cool. If you get a double kill, it will jump up to x1.2. If you then get a road kill it will increase futher to x1.3. This means that any kill you get will pay out $130 instead of $100. You are rewarded with more cash for killing in awesome ways, and there are other new kill types as well, such as Skill Kills, Quick Kills, and Stealth Kills.

Resizing Maps
Maps will now resize based on the number of players in the server. When there aren't many players in the server, blue electricity will cover the ground the outsides of the map and kill anyone who walks into it. This forces players to stay in the centre, effectively shrinking the map size and resulting in far more active and fast-paced battles when playing in a smaller server.

Jumping Indicators
In the screenshot above you can also see some blue highlights on the boxes to the right. This new feature indicates if a box is of a jumpable height or not, and makes it much easier to jump in a 3D environment with a top-down view.

Barrier Rework
Barrier is a fundamental part of combat, especially multiplayer combat, and so this rework changes a lot. Barrier no longer absorbs damage into your mana pool. Instead it has been simplified to a simple 25% damage reduction at the price of slower movement and -3 mana/s.

This change makes barrier more useful as you'll no longer lose all of your mana in an instant when damaged. It also ensures that you never die with "unused mana" which was a kinda silly way to die with the old system.

No Skill Penalties
In the campaign there are no skill penalties. This is pretty huge, and should make it a lot more exciting to discover new skills and mutation vials, as they are nothing but 100% benefit now. I've also made this option available for PvP servers for shits and giggles (though it will probably be pretty unbalanced).

Change Log
General Changes
  • Skill Penalties are now optional in PvP servers.
  • Blood is a lot more gorey.
  • The game now uses a new default font, instead of boring ungamey arial.
  • Dedicated campaign servers now reset to standard difficulty if the server is empty.
  • Neutralizing is no longer required by the Newbie Checklist.
  • Spectating will default to a player instead of free-look mode now.
  • Cash bubbles now occur where you kill your enemy rather than floating above your head, making the cash rewards easier to see.
  • Capturers now display with a blue smoke instead of red.
  • Text bubbles now animate the text, instead of displaying it all at the same time.
  • There's now a little bit of screen recoil whenever you shoot.
  • Sprint speed is now 160% instead of 150%.

Campaign Changes
  • Skills no longer have penalties in Stealth mode.
  • Guards now show a little exclaimation mark above their heads when they're first alerted.
  • You will take a $200 penalty whenever you die.
  • The bomb explosion can't destroy a vehicle if player is inside it.
  • Dying in co-op during a zombie phase switches you to zombie (instead of just sitting there watching).
  • Guards turn speed is now a bit slower.
  • Guards typically now only engage you once they get direct LOS to you, but after this they keep chasing you.
  • Guards prefer not to jump over boxes now if it's possible to run around it instead.

Skill Changes
  • All skills that used to cost 15 mana now cost 20 mana.
  • Regeneration max mana is now 80/70/60/50/40 instead of 90/80/70/60/50.
  • Self Repair mana cost is now 30 instead of 20.
  • Self Repair range is now 2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5 instead of 2/2.5/3/3.5/4.
  • Self Repair regen is now 15/20/25/30/35 instead of 10/15/20/25/30.
  • Self Repair burn is now 6/9/12/15/18 instead of 3/6/9/12/15.
  • Energize no longer awards cash.
  • Energize ammo burn is now 130/140/150/160/170% instead of 140/150/160/170/180%.
  • Static Charges required damage is now 8/7/6/5/4 instead of 14/12/10/8/6.
  • Static Charges removes the barrier burn penalty on your victims.
  • Lasing Orb won't suffer from the 3 mana/s barrier burn penalty.

Weapon Changes
  • Super weapons now do 50% more damage vs zombies.
  • USP damage is now 13 instead of 16.
  • Deagle damage is now 20 instead of 24.
  • Flare Gun flame duration is now 3s instead of 4s.
  • Taser damage is now 20 instead of 24.
  • UZI damage is now 16 instead of 20.
  • MP5 damage is now 16 instead of 20.
  • Nailgun damage is now 16 instead of 20.
  • M3 damage is now 108 instead of 112.
  • M3 rpm is now 90 instead of 100.
  • M3 now does x1.05 damage vs guards.
  • SPAS damage is now 60 instead of 77.
  • SPAS now does x1.05 damage vs guards.
  • Blast Cannon damage is now 44 instead of 52.
  • AK47 damage is now 20 instead of 25.
  • M4A1 damage is now 15 instead of 19.
  • Seek Rifle damage is now 18 instead of 24.
  • M249 damage is now 19 instead of 23.
  • M60 damage is now 26 instead of 32.
  • Minigun damage is now 16 instead of 20.
  • Ruger damage is now 40 instead of 45.
  • Ruger movement speed is now 0.90 instead of 0.95.
  • Barrett damage is now 60 instead of 65.
  • Photon Beam damage is now 50 instead of 60.
  • Flamethrower damage is now 7 instead of 8.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the mouse was too sensitive.
  • Fixed a bug where mini-checkpoints wouldn't always trigger in coop.
  • Fixed a camera zoom issue with rotating vehicle camera.
  • Fixed a bug with smoke bomb view ranges.
  • Optimised netcode performance a bit.
Gene Shift Auto - bencelot
Plenty of new features! In the campaign we have a new exploding guard type who alerts nearby enemies, we have a fun new kill combo system, and the skill penalites have all been removed as well! In multiplayer we have a massive rework to how barrier works, and maps that resize based on the number of players in the server.

Exploding Guards
Some guards will now walk with a red backpack filled with explosives chemicals. If you kill them they explode in a dazzling fireworks display, creating a sound that alerts nearby enemies. This new guard type is currently only in the first 2 stages of the campaign, but will allow me to create a variety of awesome puzzles and high adrenalin sequences where the shit hits the fan the moment you explode one of these guards.

New Kill Combo System
The gif above also shows the new kill combo system, showing a new "Double Kill" type as the grenade kills both guards simultaneously. Double Kills (along with Triple, Quad and Multi Kills) are a new kill type that rewards you with extra cash. This is done with the new cash multiplier system, which goes up when you perform "skillful" kills.

The cash multiplier stays at x1.0 unless you do something cool. If you get a double kill, it will jump up to x1.2. If you then get a road kill it will increase futher to x1.3. This means that any kill you get will pay out $130 instead of $100. You are rewarded with more cash for killing in awesome ways, and there are other new kill types as well, such as Skill Kills, Quick Kills, and Stealth Kills.

Resizing Maps
Maps will now resize based on the number of players in the server. When there aren't many players in the server, blue electricity will cover the ground the outsides of the map and kill anyone who walks into it. This forces players to stay in the centre, effectively shrinking the map size and resulting in far more active and fast-paced battles when playing in a smaller server.

Jumping Indicators
In the screenshot above you can also see some blue highlights on the boxes to the right. This new feature indicates if a box is of a jumpable height or not, and makes it much easier to jump in a 3D environment with a top-down view.

Barrier Rework
Barrier is a fundamental part of combat, especially multiplayer combat, and so this rework changes a lot. Barrier no longer absorbs damage into your mana pool. Instead it has been simplified to a simple 25% damage reduction at the price of slower movement and -3 mana/s.

This change makes barrier more useful as you'll no longer lose all of your mana in an instant when damaged. It also ensures that you never die with "unused mana" which was a kinda silly way to die with the old system.

No Skill Penalties
In the campaign there are no skill penalties. This is pretty huge, and should make it a lot more exciting to discover new skills and mutation vials, as they are nothing but 100% benefit now. I've also made this option available for PvP servers for shits and giggles (though it will probably be pretty unbalanced).

Change Log
General Changes
  • Skill Penalties are now optional in PvP servers.
  • Blood is a lot more gorey.
  • The game now uses a new default font, instead of boring ungamey arial.
  • Dedicated campaign servers now reset to standard difficulty if the server is empty.
  • Neutralizing is no longer required by the Newbie Checklist.
  • Spectating will default to a player instead of free-look mode now.
  • Cash bubbles now occur where you kill your enemy rather than floating above your head, making the cash rewards easier to see.
  • Capturers now display with a blue smoke instead of red.
  • Text bubbles now animate the text, instead of displaying it all at the same time.
  • There's now a little bit of screen recoil whenever you shoot.
  • Sprint speed is now 160% instead of 150%.

Campaign Changes
  • Skills no longer have penalties in Stealth mode.
  • Guards now show a little exclaimation mark above their heads when they're first alerted.
  • You will take a $200 penalty whenever you die.
  • The bomb explosion can't destroy a vehicle if player is inside it.
  • Dying in co-op during a zombie phase switches you to zombie (instead of just sitting there watching).
  • Guards turn speed is now a bit slower.
  • Guards typically now only engage you once they get direct LOS to you, but after this they keep chasing you.
  • Guards prefer not to jump over boxes now if it's possible to run around it instead.

Skill Changes
  • All skills that used to cost 15 mana now cost 20 mana.
  • Regeneration max mana is now 80/70/60/50/40 instead of 90/80/70/60/50.
  • Self Repair mana cost is now 30 instead of 20.
  • Self Repair range is now 2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5 instead of 2/2.5/3/3.5/4.
  • Self Repair regen is now 15/20/25/30/35 instead of 10/15/20/25/30.
  • Self Repair burn is now 6/9/12/15/18 instead of 3/6/9/12/15.
  • Energize no longer awards cash.
  • Energize ammo burn is now 130/140/150/160/170% instead of 140/150/160/170/180%.
  • Static Charges required damage is now 8/7/6/5/4 instead of 14/12/10/8/6.
  • Static Charges removes the barrier burn penalty on your victims.
  • Lasing Orb won't suffer from the 3 mana/s barrier burn penalty.

Weapon Changes
  • Super weapons now do 50% more damage vs zombies.
  • USP damage is now 13 instead of 16.
  • Deagle damage is now 20 instead of 24.
  • Flare Gun flame duration is now 3s instead of 4s.
  • Taser damage is now 20 instead of 24.
  • UZI damage is now 16 instead of 20.
  • MP5 damage is now 16 instead of 20.
  • Nailgun damage is now 16 instead of 20.
  • M3 damage is now 108 instead of 112.
  • M3 rpm is now 90 instead of 100.
  • M3 now does x1.05 damage vs guards.
  • SPAS damage is now 60 instead of 77.
  • SPAS now does x1.05 damage vs guards.
  • Blast Cannon damage is now 44 instead of 52.
  • AK47 damage is now 20 instead of 25.
  • M4A1 damage is now 15 instead of 19.
  • Seek Rifle damage is now 18 instead of 24.
  • M249 damage is now 19 instead of 23.
  • M60 damage is now 26 instead of 32.
  • Minigun damage is now 16 instead of 20.
  • Ruger damage is now 40 instead of 45.
  • Ruger movement speed is now 0.90 instead of 0.95.
  • Barrett damage is now 60 instead of 65.
  • Photon Beam damage is now 50 instead of 60.
  • Flamethrower damage is now 7 instead of 8.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the mouse was too sensitive.
  • Fixed a bug where mini-checkpoints wouldn't always trigger in coop.
  • Fixed a camera zoom issue with rotating vehicle camera.
  • Fixed a bug with smoke bomb view ranges.
  • Optimised netcode performance a bit.
Aug 15, 2017
Gene Shift Auto - bencelot
This version is inspired by the extremely challenging and awesome shooter, Hotline Miami. I've completely reworked the campaign by adding a new checkpoint system and increasing enemy damage by over 500%!

5x More Guard Damage
Guards in the campaign now deal 5x as much damage as they did last version. They've gone from 20% damage up to the full 100% damage that players do in multiplayer. This obviously makes the campaign a lot more difficult, but it plays much better because of it. You really need to play tactically to survive now, as every mistake will be punished.

The old damage values were designed to make Geneshift a more casual, relaxed experience. It was noob friendly, but in hindsight that wasn't the way to go. Multiplayer is brutal and kills you endlessly, and the singleplayer should do the same. So taking inspiration from Hotline Miami's instant 1-shot kill approach, Geneshift just got a whole lot tougher. You'll die a lot more often now, but this just makes each new checkpoint all the more satisfying to reach.

New Checkpoint System
There's also a new checkpoint system that fundamentally changes how the game is played - dying now makes you lose progress and go back to the previous checkpoint. On the ground there are little yellow checkpoint symbols that save the game state when you walk into them. If you then die, you will go back to the yellow checkpoint and lose ALL your progress since then. This change was also inspired by the checkpoint resets in Hotline Miami.

This is a really huge change. Previously, when you died you would simply respawn a bit back and not lose any progress at all. Any guards you killed would stay dead, and you could simply run forward again and pick up where you left off. While this was nice and friendly to a casual player, it really took a lot of the challenge out of the game and made death feel a bit meaningless.

This new system penalizes death a whole lot more, and combined with the 500% damage increase is really brutal. Dying will lose all your progress since the last checkpoint, so if you're pinned down with only 20hp remaining, you're really going to try as hard as you can to survive.

The new checkpoint system also affects how co-op is played, as dying in co-op now puts you into spectator mode. You'll respawn only when you friend dies or reaches the next checkpoint. This change is needed to preserve the all or nothing challenge the new checkpoint system provides, rather than letting co-op players just constantly respawn and push forward without any real fear of death.

Chinese Translation Incoming
I've also been working with a friend to add a Simplifed Chinese translation to the game. Many years ago during the beta Geneshift had a strong Chinese community, and I'm excited to finally give Chinese gamers a proper translation. The translation isn't ready yet, but I hope to release it in a few versions time. When this happens we'll see plenty of activity in the multiplayer servers, so let's make sure to welcome the new Chinese community. The more players the better!

Exploding Heads and Bubbly Text Bubbles
There are a few more fun things in this version, such as enemy heads will now fly off when you kill them, creating some funny death physics. Also text bubbles have a bit more personality when they pop up, wobbling like they were in a game of Candy Crush or something.

Anyway I'm very excited to see your thoughts on the new Hotline Miami inspired gameplay. Enjoy!
Aug 15, 2017
Gene Shift Auto - bencelot
This version is inspired by the extremely challenging and awesome shooter, Hotline Miami. I've completely reworked the campaign by adding a new checkpoint system and increasing enemy damage by over 500%!

5x More Guard Damage
Guards in the campaign now deal 5x as much damage as they did last version. They've gone from 20% damage up to the full 100% damage that players do in multiplayer. This obviously makes the campaign a lot more difficult, but it plays much better because of it. You really need to play tactically to survive now, as every mistake will be punished.

The old damage values were designed to make Geneshift a more casual, relaxed experience. It was noob friendly, but in hindsight that wasn't the way to go. Multiplayer is brutal and kills you endlessly, and the singleplayer should do the same. So taking inspiration from Hotline Miami's instant 1-shot kill approach, Geneshift just got a whole lot tougher. You'll die a lot more often now, but this just makes each new checkpoint all the more satisfying to reach.

New Checkpoint System
There's also a new checkpoint system that fundamentally changes how the game is played - dying now makes you lose progress and go back to the previous checkpoint. On the ground there are little yellow checkpoint symbols that save the game state when you walk into them. If you then die, you will go back to the yellow checkpoint and lose ALL your progress since then. This change was also inspired by the checkpoint resets in Hotline Miami.

This is a really huge change. Previously, when you died you would simply respawn a bit back and not lose any progress at all. Any guards you killed would stay dead, and you could simply run forward again and pick up where you left off. While this was nice and friendly to a casual player, it really took a lot of the challenge out of the game and made death feel a bit meaningless.

This new system penalizes death a whole lot more, and combined with the 500% damage increase is really brutal. Dying will lose all your progress since the last checkpoint, so if you're pinned down with only 20hp remaining, you're really going to try as hard as you can to survive.

The new checkpoint system also affects how co-op is played, as dying in co-op now puts you into spectator mode. You'll respawn only when you friend dies or reaches the next checkpoint. This change is needed to preserve the all or nothing challenge the new checkpoint system provides, rather than letting co-op players just constantly respawn and push forward without any real fear of death.

Chinese Translation Incoming
I've also been working with a friend to add a Simplifed Chinese translation to the game. Many years ago during the beta Geneshift had a strong Chinese community, and I'm excited to finally give Chinese gamers a proper translation. The translation isn't ready yet, but I hope to release it in a few versions time. When this happens we'll see plenty of activity in the multiplayer servers, so let's make sure to welcome the new Chinese community. The more players the better!

Exploding Heads and Bubbly Text Bubbles
There are a few more fun things in this version, such as enemy heads will now fly off when you kill them, creating some funny death physics. Also text bubbles have a bit more personality when they pop up, wobbling like they were in a game of Candy Crush or something.

Anyway I'm very excited to see your thoughts on the new Hotline Miami inspired gameplay. Enjoy!
Jul 31, 2017
Gene Shift Auto - bencelot
Version 1.03 introduces a brand new aiming system. You can now zoom the camera way out, showing a lot more of your surroundings. This gives you more situational awareness and makes aiming feel smoother too!

Subway Reworks
I've also completely reworked SubwayS02, adding 2 new vehicle sections and an interesting new "Hotline Miami" inspired section as well. The guards in this section wear red clothing and deal MUCH more damage. This requires more precise, tactical skill to take them out. Many people have compared Geneshift to Hotline Miami, and it is indeed a great game, so I'm going to be adding more of these high damage sections in future versions. Feedback is welcome on this new type of enemy!

Rotating Camera
There's also a new rotating camera view, which applies when driving vehicles. Some people get motion sick from it though, so I've made it optional and off by default. Still, it's pretty fun to mess around with, and makes for a more immersive driving experience!

Bug & Balance Fixes
There are a bunch of bug fixes and performance tweaks. I've fixed one really silly bug that was causing some paying customers to see the demo version, and made a huge improvement to the performance in the singleplayer campaign as well.

Finally, Geneshift is going on sale for a week on Steam at 20% off. If you haven't bought it yet or have some friends who are keen, now would be a great time to let them know.

Jul 31, 2017
Gene Shift Auto - bencelot
Version 1.03 introduces a brand new aiming system. You can now zoom the camera way out, showing a lot more of your surroundings. This gives you more situational awareness and makes aiming feel smoother too!

Subway Reworks
I've also completely reworked SubwayS02, adding 2 new vehicle sections and an interesting new "Hotline Miami" inspired section as well. The guards in this section wear red clothing and deal MUCH more damage. This requires more precise, tactical skill to take them out. Many people have compared Geneshift to Hotline Miami, and it is indeed a great game, so I'm going to be adding more of these high damage sections in future versions. Feedback is welcome on this new type of enemy!

Rotating Camera
There's also a new rotating camera view, which applies when driving vehicles. Some people get motion sick from it though, so I've made it optional and off by default. Still, it's pretty fun to mess around with, and makes for a more immersive driving experience!

Bug & Balance Fixes
There are a bunch of bug fixes and performance tweaks. I've fixed one really silly bug that was causing some paying customers to see the demo version, and made a huge improvement to the performance in the singleplayer campaign as well.

Finally, Geneshift is going on sale for a week on Steam at 20% off. If you haven't bought it yet or have some friends who are keen, now would be a great time to let them know.

Jun 27, 2017
Gene Shift Auto - bencelot
Version 1.02 is out with 3 brand new skills. The ideas came from the massive reddit thread I made a few weeks ago asking for skill suggestions. There were some amazing ideas there and I've just added my 3 favorites!

3 New Skills
Physicals get Reverse Fire, allowing you to shoot bullets behind you and cover your rear. Mentals get Mirror Image, which creates a clone of yourself to deceive enemies; and Cybernetic players get Vapor Slide, which makes the floor slippery and lets you move extra fast. They're probably super unbalanced, so please help me test them out and give feedback!

3 New Cash System
This version also includes a big change to the cash system in the campaign, placing a lot more focus on earning kill combos. Underneath the minimap is a miniature leaderboard that shows the highest kill combo earned on a given stage, and gives credit to the player who got it.

New Vehicle Section
From reading reviews the vehicles are everyone's favourite part of the campaign, so I wanted to give more of that. I've added a second car sequence to Laboratory where you fly through a road-block and drive a bunch of dudes over.

Bug & Balance Fixes
As always there are bug and balance fixes. The most notable ones are a rework to Blade Fury's busting mechanic, and Firestorm's explosions are now spread out in a line. Venom has been nerfed along with shotguns. For more details check the changelog in-game or on the forums.

Have fun!
Jun 27, 2017
Gene Shift Auto - bencelot
Version 1.02 is out with 3 brand new skills. The ideas came from the massive reddit thread I made a few weeks ago asking for skill suggestions. There were some amazing ideas there and I've just added my 3 favorites!

3 New Skills
Physicals get Reverse Fire, allowing you to shoot bullets behind you and cover your rear. Mentals get Mirror Image, which creates a clone of yourself to deceive enemies; and Cybernetic players get Vapor Slide, which makes the floor slippery and lets you move extra fast. They're probably super unbalanced, so please help me test them out and give feedback!

3 New Cash System
This version also includes a big change to the cash system in the campaign, placing a lot more focus on earning kill combos. Underneath the minimap is a miniature leaderboard that shows the highest kill combo earned on a given stage, and gives credit to the player who got it.

New Vehicle Section
From reading reviews the vehicles are everyone's favourite part of the campaign, so I wanted to give more of that. I've added a second car sequence to Laboratory where you fly through a road-block and drive a bunch of dudes over.

Bug & Balance Fixes
As always there are bug and balance fixes. The most notable ones are a rework to Blade Fury's busting mechanic, and Firestorm's explosions are now spread out in a line. Venom has been nerfed along with shotguns. For more details check the changelog in-game or on the forums.

Have fun!

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