General War Memories - jtggame

We've made a few changes and are constantly working to make the game more fun and interesting.
  • Partial or complete change of rewards in the Registration of the day in the game.
  • Increase in the amount of gold coins in the Registration of the day
  • Rearrangement of gold coins in the Registration of the day (day 27)
  • Adding units VI Brigade and Galahad EX
  • Added officer Ambrose Hill for the unit NY Chariot
  • Added officers Chen (Brigade VI (infantry)) and Anton Gaus (Galahad (tank)

Best regards, JTGGame Team!
Farm Together 2 - WaaghMan
After a week without updates (sorry, we took a short vacation!) we're back with a new update bringing a bunch of content and QoL updates. Brace yourselves!

New content:
  • New animal: Goats
  • New town building: Quests Bazaar, where you can purchase additional quests.
  • New town building: Money exchange, where you can perform currency exchanges.

  • You can now travel to the bus stop from the town map.
  • Invite codes for public farms are now the same across sessions. They're also a bit longer (6 characters). Codes for private farms are still generated per session, and have been shortened to 4 characters.
  • Improved UI behavior on non-wide aspect ratios, such as 5:4 or 4:3.
  • You can now use the shop key (usually Q) to close the shop. The filter/stats button has been remapped to a different key to prevent conflicts while using a controller.(Which was the reason why this hadn't been done before).
  • You can now use the mouse wheel to zoom in / zoom out the camera.
  • Improved Quests How to play information to tell what do the different icons mean.
  • Added a Welcome Message to ask for replanting after harvesting.
  • (Windows only)The taskbar will flash 3 times when someone joins your farm.
  • Added sounds when someone joins or leaves the farm.
  • Added a setting to choose your target position when travelling back to the farm from the town.
  • Made nights a bit darker, but added the companion butterfly to light the way. The butterfly model is currently the same for the first game, this will be changed in the future, and probably customizable.

Gameplay changes:
  • Increased max shop levels to 120. Money requirements are noticeably steeper beyond level 100.
  • Added a new Tropical Fruits resource. Some trees will now give this resource instead of the generic Fruits one.
  • Increased minimum Chocolate Cake level to 75. Spices aren't easily available until level 75, so Chocolate Cake couldn't be properly made in lower levels.
  • Increased Favor points earned by non-quest tasks. Slightly reduced Favor points earned by quest tasks.

  • Fixed Customize tractor not working properly in specific cases.
  • Fixed cheap crops not being properly planted when having over 4,000,000,000 coins.
  • Fixed harvest icons disappearing while typing text in chat.
  • Fixed incorrect favorites preventing the whole favorites search from working. Old guestbook entries don't have the proper information for favorites to work. This doesn't fix that, but at least it won't prevent newer entries from working.
  • Fixed wrong Salmon recipe details when it's locked.
  • Fixed being able to interact with the tractor in some unintended ways while in planting mode.
  • Fixed some particle effects not being shown while using Auto tractor after exiting the house.

Today's Farm Showcase: "Building my New Farm Village" by GerseGames
The Nine Tailed Celestial Fox - LouisWu
1.Show the influent of map type in battle fight
2.Immortals below level 10 fight with weapons. not spells any more. beacuse they considered didn't master the magic power fully.
3.Demon main skill the demon path learned 100 pecent will not be killed even by deity.
Tales of Seikyu - Meg
Hello, residents of Seikyu! 🌸

We've been hard at work building our magical land, and we'd love to get your input!

To make sure our game is headed in the right direction, we've created a short survey where you can let us know your thoughts and opinions. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and will help shape the future of Tales of Seikyu! 💙

3 chances to win a merch pack!

To show how much we really appreciate you taking the time to help us, we're giving everyone three chances to win a Tales of Seikyu merch pack! The merch pack contains a custom bag, badge, postcards and a mousepad! All you need to do is complete the survey to be in with a chance of nabbing these limited-edition goodies. ✨

Survey ends Monday 5th, so please complete before then if you can :3

You can help us decide new features and improvements, and together we can create a game that everybody can enjoy and cherish! Thank you so much for your help.

Talk soon <3
Dawnmaker - ArpentorStudio
Dear players,

Today is a very special day for us. After 2.5 years of hard work, Dawnmaker is finally out! 🎉 Thank you all for taking part in this adventure!

Watch the launch trailer that we lovingly cooked for you:

Dawnmaker is available now at $9.99 (with regional variations). Now go build your cities, find exciting cards and assemble the most powerful combos you can! Destroy the toxic Smog and bring life back to the world of Dawnmaker!


Join our Discord server
Join our Newsletter

Happy playing!
Arpentor Studio
Vainly - alisaneei
Fixed several minor bugs that were immersion breaking.
Warhammer The Horus Heresy: Legions - Cunz_rac

"This will be a bloody matter."
– Alexis Polux

An Imperial Fist Retribution Fleet dispatched by Rogal Dorn found itself assaulted by the Warp and trapped in the Phall System. Stranded and unable to communicate with Terra, the VIIth Legion was ambushed by the Iron Warriors.

Now, you can take control of the Imperial Fists in their struggle to break the Iron Warriors blockade in the Battle of Phall single-player campaign. This gripping campaign is now freely available for the next four weeks!

For more details, check out the official announcement on our website.
Last Epoch - DiJi_Mon

The histories of Eterra have been saved, and we have many of you to thank for it. Your efforts have secured the knowledge of the land for time unknowable; but a devoted few who have proven to be true scholars of the land deserve to be recognized.

1st place
First to correctly submit the answers to all 7 questions: FatherToast has taken first place receiving the Forum Badge and in-game title of Last Archive Headmaster


2nd place
Coming in second place, congratulations to vonGorre, receiving the Forum Badge and in-game title of Last Archive Librarian

3rd place
The final podium finalist coming in third place, is Gavryngaming, receiving the Forum Badge and in-game title of Last Archive Researcher

Top 50
To the remaining entries, your efforts have not gone unnoticed and for that we offer you the Forum Badge and in-game title of Last Archive Student.

In-Game titles can be found in the cosmetics menu. Please allow 24 hours for your rewards to become accessible in each of your accounts.

On behalf of the Last Archive and all of us here at EHG, we would like to thank all of our participants for joining us and we look forward to seeing you all in our next event!
Guild Wars 2 - jhiers
Greetings, Tyrians! Gather around the fire and settle in as we chat with Andrew Gray and Joel Eckert, two of the designers working to bring you one of the newest features in Guild Wars 2®: Janthir Wilds™. Today, they’ll conjure a magical doorway and take us on a tour of Homesteads.

With the launch just a few weeks away, we're excited to answer some essential questions that will help you on your journey to turn a plot of land into a home. In the next few weeks, be sure to check out our social media channels for inspiring homestead designs, and join us soon for a livestream where we'll explore Homesteads even further. For now, we'll be covering some of the general Homesteads information that you'll need to know.

Q: How do I get my homestead?

A: The story of Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will introduce you to the plot of land that you will tend to and claim as your homestead.

Q: How do I access my homestead?

A: Once your homestead is unlocked, you'll have access to a Summon Conjured Doorway Mastery skill. Any character on your account can conjure a doorway and simply step through into the homestead.

Q: Can friends visit my homestead?

A: Yes, you can invite your party members to your homestead via your conjured doorway. Players who are not in a party can use the door to request a party invitation from the door owner, and the owner interacting with the door will initiate the instance-transfer countdown. You can even give your visitors permission to help decorate your homestead!

Q: Can I return to my original location (the place I entered from) when I exit my homestead?

A: Yes, you'll find a familiar instance exit button on the lower right of your screen that will return you to your previous location. This will even persist across sessions, so if you log out and log back in to your homestead to take advantage of the homestead's resting bonus, upon logging back in, the instance exit button will return you to your last open-world location. This will not persist if you visit another instance, though.

Q: What can I unlock for my homestead?

A: As you progress your Homesteading Mastery, you'll unlock more rooms within your homestead to decorate. You can also unlock improvements to your lumber mill, mine, and farm facilities. Because upgrades and spawns for your personal story home instance carry over to the homestead, you can also collect various gathering nodes, convenience features, and characters like the hungry cats.

And, finally, you can unlock decorations through the handiworker discipline, which is a refined, account-wide crafting ability.

Q: Can we control where unlocked nodes spawn?

A: Things like resource nodes, cats, and chests are placed in predetermined areas to ensure they all function properly.

Q: Where do homestead decorations come from?

A: Handiworker is the new crafting discipline that will be used to create decorations. New decorations are unlocked via Mastery points spent in the Homesteading Mastery line.

Q: Tell me more about handiwork, the new personal version of guild scribing.

A: Handiwork functions very similarly to scribing, but it is designed and balanced for a single player to be able to craft things on their own. There is a material cost for each copy of a decoration that you craft, but the prices for personal decorations via handiworker crafting are significantly lower.

Q: Why is handiworker crafting part of a Mastery line and not leveled like other crafting disciplines?

A: Since your homestead is account bound, we also wanted your handiworker crafting discipline to be account bound. We also wanted to create a stronger synergy between the content of Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds and your homestead, so, rather than reaching higher levels of the crafting discipline by crafting more decorations inside your homestead, you'll instead do so by playing the rest of the Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content and earning regular experience points.

Q: How do I decorate my homestead?

A: A "Decorate" button on the heads-up display or the skill panel will activate decorating mode.

In this mode, players have access to various skills on the skill bar for placing new decorations, modifying already placed decorations, or removing decorations. Additionally, you can enter a flying mode that allows placement of items anywhere a player normally cannot reach.

We'll be demonstrating homestead decoration live on Twitch this Friday, August 2, at noon PDT (UTC-7). Join us to catch the placement tools—which include a Toggle X-Ray Vision skill and flying mode—in action.

Q: How do the characters on my account interact with the homestead?

A: When you exit to the character selection screen while inside your homestead, the character you were playing will be visible in your homestead as an NPC while you play other characters. These NPC versions of your characters default to one of three predetermined locations in the homestead, based on whether they are soldiers who wear heavy armor, adventurers who wear medium armor, or scholars who wear light armor.
  • Soldiers are found around the main homestead structure and the entry area near the portal.
  • Adventurers are found on the far side of the river near the main homestead building, in a wilder area.
  • Scholars are found in and around a secluded cave away from the main homestead, which is perfect for concentrating.
If you approach any of these logged-out alternate characters, you can ask them to follow you and lead them elsewhere. When you're ready for them to stay put again, you can ask them to stay, and they'll stop following.

Q: Will all of the characters I leave in the homestead when I log out show up? Can I control which ones show up or disable them?

A: All characters left within the homestead when you log out will be visible when you're playing other characters.

Q: Can we control the appearance and dyes of mounts in the stable? How are those chosen?

A: Mounts housed within the mount stable will have the same skin and dye settings used by the player character that is currently accessing the homestead. The skiff's dye and skin are controlled by the same means.

Q: Will there be a livestream to show off Homesteads?

There will be a livestream! As we mentioned above, we'll be showing off the design elements and finer details of the Homesteads feature on our Twitch channel, on August 2 at noon Pacific Time (UTC-7). We hope to see you there!

Prepurchasing any edition of Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds before the expansion launches will grant you the "Homesteader" title, the Whispering Serpents Pauldrons skin, and a box with your choice of one Serpent's Wrath weapon skin.

Visit the official store page for full details on the items included in the Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate editions.
The Lord of the Rings Online™ - Cordovan
Update 41 Release Notes
Here the Release Notes for Update 41: On the Wing, released on Wednesday, July 31st, 2024.

Of Special Note
The Hard Tack Crafting Event Begins August 1st!
The second Crafting Event has arrived called the Hard Tack of Thorin's Hall! This community effort is open to everyone but focuses particularly on Prospecting and Cooking. This is a cooperative event that can be completed by crafters and non-crafters alike. The event takes place every hour with an access point in Thorin's Gates outside of Thorin's Hall. There is a broadcast to Ered Luin five minutes before the event begins, and the event lasts for twenty minutes.

Taking part in the event provides ribbons that can be bartered for rewards with the vendor Heori Firefeed outside of the event space. Once inside of Ukhbab-gairu, speak to Ogmund Bellowbreath to acquire the event quest. Once acquired, three NPCs are available. Prospectors can speak to Skuld Scentlode to pick up the Prospector-only quest, Cooks can speak to Ingul Ovestoke to pick up the Cook-only quest, and everyone can speak to Velgerd Kilnwarden, Skuld, or Ingul to pick up a support quest available to everyone, including non-crafters. Characters must have reached Novice before they can take part in the event.

Birding has arrived!
A new Hobby is now available in The Lord of the Rings Online! Discover and track birds throughout Middle-earth and earn new rewards! Players can visit a Hobby Master in any of the locations throughout the world to get started, including The Last Homely House in the Hall of Fire, Arnfin in The Twenty-first Hall, Dol Amroth in the Havens of Belfalas, Henry Oakeshott in the Scholar's Stair Archives in Bree, and Brago Puddifoot by the Bywater Pool in The Shire. Equip your Birdwatcher's Kit and locate birds while traveling! Use a Birding skill called "Spot Bird" to determine what bird if any is discovered. Once you use "Spot Bird" a thirty second channeling begins, during which you will get three birdwatching execution chances at random intervals. Successfully executing the skill during each of these opportunities will allow you to find rarer birds!

Discovered birds are entered as a stamp into a new tab in the Collections Panel created for Birding. The Collections Panel can be accessed through the main menu or by pressing Shift+C. Birdwatcher's Kits can be purchased from any Supplier vendor. Leveling up your Birding gives you a chance to discover rarer birds. When you train Birding you will get text showing you which regions birds can be found in, and birds can be found in any outdoor areas in those regions. Currently, Birding is possible in Forochel, Angmar, Ered Luin, Evendim, North Downs, Misty Mountains, the Shire, Bree-land, Lone-lands, Cardolan, Trollshaws, Swanfleet, Eregion, Enedwaith, and Dunland. After twenty Birding attempts in a region the area will grow cold and you'll need to travel to a different region to continue or wait for the cooldown to end.

Lore-master Update
The Lore-master class is getting a big update! The changes aim to better differentiate the roles and play styles of the three different Lore-master Trait specializations. See the full list of changes in the release notes below.

Monster Play Questing and Reward Track
New quests have been added to support a new Monster Player Reward Track available in the LOTRO Store! These quests are available from Faranil at Glân Vraig for Free Players and by Cinaid in Gramsfoot for Monster Players. Two quests introduce the new daily offerings available. The first asks you to find an item in the Ettenmoors, and the second asks you to get advice from people who might know more. Once these introductory quests are completed, new daily quests from Faranil and Cinaid open that rotate daily and drive direct conflict across the Ettenmoors. The sides will work to cultivate or corrupt a sapling through daily questing. These daily quests can be reset with Mithril on the Monster side of the battle.

PvMP Glory Seeking
Glory-seeking is a new quest type available in the Ettenmoors where up to four players on each side can choose to become a glory-seeker. This marks their location on the map, places visual effects over their heads, and increases their damage output by 20%. Glory-seekers are rewarded for defeating opponents and grow stronger with every few kills. Defeating a large number of opponents within a twenty minute time limit gives glory-seekers a buff to damage, Renown/Infamy, and earned Glory for an additional 30 minutes.

News and Notes
The release notes are too lengthy to post in Steam. Read the full release notes on LOTRO.com.

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