Folk Tale - GF


This is an update to the experimental opt-in build.

The primary change in this patch is the introduction of hero revival, potion consumption and potion making.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Added hero death and revival. including Willow’s ability*
Player: Added Potion consumption**
Player: Potion Making now functional***
Player: Restricted some of Willow's abilities to targets that make sense (e.g she can no longer heal enemies)
Player: Ability targeting improved so now only valid targets are highlighted
Player: Willow's purify ability now removes bad buffs from characters (and prevents them from getting any new bad buffs for 5 seconds)
Player: Added 2 complete armor sets (Gladefolk Plate and Glacian Cloth)
Workbench: Cutscene and CutsceneCut nodes now support changing fade duration (works well when connected directly to CameraPath node)
Workbench: Added DefeatInsteadOfDeath node (used in conjunction with When and CharacterHealth nodes) - character will not die and cannot be attacked
Fix: Weapon vfx prefabs were stacking when players portaled to a different map
Fix: Fixed abilities not always being marked as complete when in combat
Fix: 'usable by: ...' no longer shows in non-equipable item tooltip
Fix: Editor menu bar showing over the workbench canvas
Fix: Collision dimensions on many characters were set by script instead of using the ones on their prefabs

Known Issues:
The sound sync with Willow’s revive ability is off.
Following release and community testing, a CPU spike has been detected which will cause jitter. A fix will be forthcoming ASAP.

Developer Notes:
*If members of your hero party die but you win the battle (no monsters within agro range), fallen members will automatically revive with 1 health point. Willow’s revive ability can be used in combat. The level of the ability will determine how many health points the revived hero will start with. Only heroes can be revived; normal villagers die. In village maps, heroes will revive after a cooldown period shown next to their red portrait (to prevent cheating).

** If you have power or health potions in the global inventory, PCs can consume them via the character portrait wheel in the bottom left of the screen. The game will automatically select the optimal potion size from Lesser, [Normal] and Greater strengths to minimize wastage subject to potion availability. Potion consumption is instant (no animation) as we felt this could get annoying during heated battle.

*** Potion crafting is now functional at the Herbalist Den, however it requires Buckets of Water. Water will eventually be collected on-demand from the Well, however that has not been activated in this build. Instead, we’ve placed Buckets Of Water in various crates and urns in all maps apart from the Tutorial. Wild herbs are collected from clumps of herbs found around the map. They will sparkle when herbs are available for harvesting (requiring you to select on a character and right click on the wild herb clump, just like looting a corpse). Yellow clumps produce Yarrow which is used in Power Potions, while purple clumps produce Thistle used in Health Potions.

We could have waited until the Well was functional to round off potion making, but decided to push this patch out because it adds hero revival. The code required for the Well could possibly be used in other areas of gameplay, for example delivering resources to construction sites before construction begins should we wish. So instead of rushing it, we’re going to code it with future possibilities in mind. That doesn’t mean we’ll implement them, but it does keep those options open. We felt that was the better approach.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


This is an update to the experimental opt-in build.

The primary change in this patch is the introduction of hero revival, potion consumption and potion making.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Added hero death and revival. including Willow’s ability*
Player: Added Potion consumption**
Player: Potion Making now functional***
Player: Restricted some of Willow's abilities to targets that make sense (e.g she can no longer heal enemies)
Player: Ability targeting improved so now only valid targets are highlighted
Player: Willow's purify ability now removes bad buffs from characters (and prevents them from getting any new bad buffs for 5 seconds)
Player: Added 2 complete armor sets (Gladefolk Plate and Glacian Cloth)
Workbench: Cutscene and CutsceneCut nodes now support changing fade duration (works well when connected directly to CameraPath node)
Workbench: Added DefeatInsteadOfDeath node (used in conjunction with When and CharacterHealth nodes) - character will not die and cannot be attacked
Fix: Weapon vfx prefabs were stacking when players portaled to a different map
Fix: Fixed abilities not always being marked as complete when in combat
Fix: 'usable by: ...' no longer shows in non-equipable item tooltip
Fix: Editor menu bar showing over the workbench canvas
Fix: Collision dimensions on many characters were set by script instead of using the ones on their prefabs

Known Issues:
The sound sync with Willow’s revive ability is off.
Following release and community testing, a CPU spike has been detected which will cause jitter. A fix will be forthcoming ASAP.

Developer Notes:
*If members of your hero party die but you win the battle (no monsters within agro range), fallen members will automatically revive with 1 health point. Willow’s revive ability can be used in combat. The level of the ability will determine how many health points the revived hero will start with. Only heroes can be revived; normal villagers die. In village maps, heroes will revive after a cooldown period shown next to their red portrait (to prevent cheating).

** If you have power or health potions in the global inventory, PCs can consume them via the character portrait wheel in the bottom left of the screen. The game will automatically select the optimal potion size from Lesser, [Normal] and Greater strengths to minimize wastage subject to potion availability. Potion consumption is instant (no animation) as we felt this could get annoying during heated battle.

*** Potion crafting is now functional at the Herbalist Den, however it requires Buckets of Water. Water will eventually be collected on-demand from the Well, however that has not been activated in this build. Instead, we’ve placed Buckets Of Water in various crates and urns in all maps apart from the Tutorial. Wild herbs are collected from clumps of herbs found around the map. They will sparkle when herbs are available for harvesting (requiring you to select on a character and right click on the wild herb clump, just like looting a corpse). Yellow clumps produce Yarrow which is used in Power Potions, while purple clumps produce Thistle used in Health Potions.

We could have waited until the Well was functional to round off potion making, but decided to push this patch out because it adds hero revival. The code required for the Well could possibly be used in other areas of gameplay, for example delivering resources to construction sites before construction begins should we wish. So instead of rushing it, we’re going to code it with future possibilities in mind. That doesn’t mean we’ll implement them, but it does keep those options open. We felt that was the better approach.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


This is an update to the experimental opt-in build.

The primary change in this patch is dynamic loot generation and magic item effects.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Dynamic loot generation system implemented
Player: Magic weapons now have visual effects when they have a suffix enchantment
Player: Added impact sound effects when weapon has suffix enchantment
Player: Campaign: Extended Withering Dead storyline
Player: Campaign: Added start of Gladefolk storyline and portal linked new map ‘The Glade’
Player: F1..F9 single press now only selected hero, double press to zoom camera to them
Player: Single clicking on hero portrait now selects, double click to pan the camera to that hero
Assets: Added defeated animations to some heroes in preparation for future functionality
Assets: Added 11 more NPC portraits, 3 missing ability icons
Assets: Added 2 new sets of Scale armor icons (Glacian and Cult Of Pyros)
Assets: Added new factional jewellery items (rings, necklaces and trinkets)
Assets: Added 39 new weapons inc. models and textures
Workbench: Added OrderMoveToObject node to avoid having to create 'Position' and 'Rotation' nodes
Workbench: Added close button
Fix: Keys and Quest Items are no longer salvageable
Fix: Cooldown data is now cleared when a party is moved to a new location
Fix: Workbench: Fixed special case where the default value of an input could be used instead of the value of the node output that was connected to the input

Known Issues:
Sometimes it’s not possible to talk to key NPCs.
Weapon VFX (e.g. Flames) are stacking each time you portal to a different map.
Loot drop probabilities need tweaking - rare items are dropping too early.

Developer Notes:
Up until this point loot hasn’t played a big role and didn’t scale well. The new system gives us a solution that fits campaign levels, sandbox levels, and community levels.

Magic items potentially receive a prefix which boosts attributes (strength, agility, vitality and mind), and a suffix which can be anything from special damage (fire, cold, shadow, poison etc..) to critical hit bonuses. Each prefix and suffix has four levels of bonus with unique names, for example “Burning”, “Flaming”, “Scorching”, “Immolation”. An example might be an Agile Bow Of Scorching. Economy magic bonuses have not yet been implemented.

In a future patch we will be adding Workbench nodes to be able to create and assign specific magic items to characters. It is envisaged these will mostly be named epic items.

Useful console commands for testing:
Magic items with visual effects don’t start dropping until later character levels (e.g. 10+). To shortcut this, you can cheat and use the following console commands.

levelup 5 (levels up all selected characters by 5 levels)
genloot 3 glacian (generates 3 loot items as if dropped by a Glacian faction character)
don’t generate more than 3 otherwise as you’ll probably just get non-faction fillers
The list of faction names for use with console are :

Folk Tale - GF


This is an update to the experimental opt-in build.

The primary change in this patch is dynamic loot generation and magic item effects.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Dynamic loot generation system implemented
Player: Magic weapons now have visual effects when they have a suffix enchantment
Player: Added impact sound effects when weapon has suffix enchantment
Player: Campaign: Extended Withering Dead storyline
Player: Campaign: Added start of Gladefolk storyline and portal linked new map ‘The Glade’
Player: F1..F9 single press now only selected hero, double press to zoom camera to them
Player: Single clicking on hero portrait now selects, double click to pan the camera to that hero
Assets: Added defeated animations to some heroes in preparation for future functionality
Assets: Added 11 more NPC portraits, 3 missing ability icons
Assets: Added 2 new sets of Scale armor icons (Glacian and Cult Of Pyros)
Assets: Added new factional jewellery items (rings, necklaces and trinkets)
Assets: Added 39 new weapons inc. models and textures
Workbench: Added OrderMoveToObject node to avoid having to create 'Position' and 'Rotation' nodes
Workbench: Added close button
Fix: Keys and Quest Items are no longer salvageable
Fix: Cooldown data is now cleared when a party is moved to a new location
Fix: Workbench: Fixed special case where the default value of an input could be used instead of the value of the node output that was connected to the input

Known Issues:
Sometimes it’s not possible to talk to key NPCs.
Weapon VFX (e.g. Flames) are stacking each time you portal to a different map.
Loot drop probabilities need tweaking - rare items are dropping too early.

Developer Notes:
Up until this point loot hasn’t played a big role and didn’t scale well. The new system gives us a solution that fits campaign levels, sandbox levels, and community levels.

Magic items potentially receive a prefix which boosts attributes (strength, agility, vitality and mind), and a suffix which can be anything from special damage (fire, cold, shadow, poison etc..) to critical hit bonuses. Each prefix and suffix has four levels of bonus with unique names, for example “Burning”, “Flaming”, “Scorching”, “Immolation”. An example might be an Agile Bow Of Scorching. Economy magic bonuses have not yet been implemented.

In a future patch we will be adding Workbench nodes to be able to create and assign specific magic items to characters. It is envisaged these will mostly be named epic items.

Useful console commands for testing:
Magic items with visual effects don’t start dropping until later character levels (e.g. 10+). To shortcut this, you can cheat and use the following console commands.

levelup 5 (levels up all selected characters by 5 levels)
genloot 3 glacian (generates 3 loot items as if dropped by a Glacian faction character)
don’t generate more than 3 otherwise as you’ll probably just get non-faction fillers
The list of faction names for use with console are :

Folk Tale - Games Foundry


This is an update to the experimental opt-in build.

The primary change in this patch is the introduction of the faction standing system. This is an essential prerequisite to the continued rollout of the campaign. We've also added a number of Workbench nodes aimed at cleaning up spaghetti scripts.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Added faction standing system (precursor to allies and enemies)
Player: Tweaked when healthbars appear (hiding for neutral and friendly non-human factions)
Player: Active Quests: Added red x for when quest failed
Player: Active Quests: Added find icon next to subquests
Player: Added connection cost smoothing to pathfinding code to try to improve path quality
Player: Increased speed of number transitions in marketplace
Player: Slightly extended the Withering Dead campaign (it’s still very much WIP)
Maps: Locked two doors in Mordrich’s Factory unless you are a faction friend of Withering Dead
Assets: Added Zombie Ogre (aka Zombie Harvester)
Assets: Added 46 hand-painted loot icons
Editor: Defined all the proper factions for drop downs
Workbench: Added FactionStanding group of nodes
Workbench: Added ifFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added FactionStandingSimple node
Workbench: Added FactionStanding node
Workbench: Added FactionStandingFull node
Workbench: Added IncreaseFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added IncreaseFactionStandingSimple node
Workbench: Added DecreaseFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added DecreaseFactionStandingSimple node
Workbench: Added ModifyFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added SetFactionStanding node for setting explicit value (e.g. -100 to +100)
Workbench: Added LockFactionStanding node (for when player fully commits to a faction)
Workbench: Added UnlockFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added EveryStart node which is run every time a location is loaded instead of just the first time
Workbench: Added StoreCharacter and GetCharacter nodes to clean up long wires
Workbench: Added duplicate node (CTRL+D), also works on multiple-selection
Workbench: AllCharacters and RandomCharacter nodes now filter using faction instead of allegiance
Workbench: Inspector is now opaque to aid readability in busy workbench scripts
Workbench: Added interaction character to WhenQuestGiverInteraction node
Workbench: PersistentAnimation now has support for playing animations on non-character objects as well
Workbench: Trigger now takes Faction instead of Allegiance (see breaking changes below). Default has been set to Humans so most existing triggers should work as expected.
Fix: Fixed marketplace breaking when closing the window too quickly
Fix: Prevented AOE splash damage (e.g. shield bash) from affecting friendly faction units
Fix: Added new stunned animation to bandit (dagger wasn’t animating)
Fix: Green dotted wall placement outline sometimes not being disabled during initialization
Fix: CharacterSetActiveOnDeath not restoring state properly when loading a saved game
Fix: Character collider being enabled on dead characters when loading a saved game
Fix: Box colliders on static characters not being disabled on dead (e.g destructible door in Bandit Cave)
Fix: Modified script on tall torches in Shirebrook map to prevent null exceptions being logged
Fix: Modified script on spike traps in Bandit Cave so that their state persists correctly

Breaking Changes
Level designers...all factions are now neutral to one another, including the player (Human faction). So it’s likely very little combat will happen in your maps. You can quickly reinstate factional enemies using the LockFactionStanding node, setting the value to something like -100. e.g. Human v Undead.
Folk Tale - GF


This is an update to the experimental opt-in build.

The primary change in this patch is the introduction of the faction standing system. This is an essential prerequisite to the continued rollout of the campaign. We've also added a number of Workbench nodes aimed at cleaning up spaghetti scripts.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Added faction standing system (precursor to allies and enemies)
Player: Tweaked when healthbars appear (hiding for neutral and friendly non-human factions)
Player: Active Quests: Added red x for when quest failed
Player: Active Quests: Added find icon next to subquests
Player: Added connection cost smoothing to pathfinding code to try to improve path quality
Player: Increased speed of number transitions in marketplace
Player: Slightly extended the Withering Dead campaign (it’s still very much WIP)
Maps: Locked two doors in Mordrich’s Factory unless you are a faction friend of Withering Dead
Assets: Added Zombie Ogre (aka Zombie Harvester)
Assets: Added 46 hand-painted loot icons
Editor: Defined all the proper factions for drop downs
Workbench: Added FactionStanding group of nodes
Workbench: Added ifFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added FactionStandingSimple node
Workbench: Added FactionStanding node
Workbench: Added FactionStandingFull node
Workbench: Added IncreaseFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added IncreaseFactionStandingSimple node
Workbench: Added DecreaseFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added DecreaseFactionStandingSimple node
Workbench: Added ModifyFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added SetFactionStanding node for setting explicit value (e.g. -100 to +100)
Workbench: Added LockFactionStanding node (for when player fully commits to a faction)
Workbench: Added UnlockFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added EveryStart node which is run every time a location is loaded instead of just the first time
Workbench: Added StoreCharacter and GetCharacter nodes to clean up long wires
Workbench: Added duplicate node (CTRL+D), also works on multiple-selection
Workbench: AllCharacters and RandomCharacter nodes now filter using faction instead of allegiance
Workbench: Inspector is now opaque to aid readability in busy workbench scripts
Workbench: Added interaction character to WhenQuestGiverInteraction node
Workbench: PersistentAnimation now has support for playing animations on non-character objects as well
Workbench: Trigger now takes Faction instead of Allegiance (see breaking changes below). Default has been set to Humans so most existing triggers should work as expected.
Fix: Fixed marketplace breaking when closing the window too quickly
Fix: Prevented AOE splash damage (e.g. shield bash) from affecting friendly faction units
Fix: Added new stunned animation to bandit (dagger wasn’t animating)
Fix: Green dotted wall placement outline sometimes not being disabled during initialization
Fix: CharacterSetActiveOnDeath not restoring state properly when loading a saved game
Fix: Character collider being enabled on dead characters when loading a saved game
Fix: Box colliders on static characters not being disabled on dead (e.g destructible door in Bandit Cave)
Fix: Modified script on tall torches in Shirebrook map to prevent null exceptions being logged
Fix: Modified script on spike traps in Bandit Cave so that their state persists correctly

Breaking Changes
Level designers...all factions are now neutral to one another, including the player (Human faction). So it’s likely very little combat will happen in your maps. You can quickly reinstate factional enemies using the LockFactionStanding node, setting the value to something like -100. e.g. Human v Undead.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


This is an update to the experimental opt-in build.

The primary change in this patch is cross-map tracking of quests.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Added Ser Gregory’s missing voice lines
Player: Edited Lilith’s voice files to flow into sequential dialogue more smoothly
Maps: Bandit Caves: Fixed navmesh causing characters to stick where mine tracks cross stream
Maps: Bandit Caves: Added ladder portal in Kenny’s throne room to save players running back to entrance
Workbench: Cross-map tracking of quests
Workbench: StartSubQuest node added
Workbench: Added SubQuestInProgress node
Workbench: Added SubQuestCompleted node
Workbench: Added CompleteSubQuest node
Workbench: Added FailSubQuest node
Workbench: Popup dialog appearance improved
Workbench: Conversation node portraits can now be explicitly set via categorized dropdown (portrait input still optional). A mini portrait icon will appear above the node to help readability.
Workbench: Conversation node option checkboxes are now hidden in the inspector to reduce clutter; inputs work as usual
Editor: Expanded Swamp Ruins Kit with pieces that will become a dungeon
Assets: Added earth, lava and ice worms; not functional
Assets: Added Jax (Glacian boss); not functional
Assets: Fixed animations used by Goblin Axe Warrior
Assets: Refreshed kobold animations and geometry
Assets: Added portraits for Lavallos and Singularity XB-101
Assets: Added 158 paragraphs of voice acting for Willow, Nara and Ambassador O’Kleefe ready for campaign extension
Fix: Bridge in snow kit had navmesh issues
Fix: Cave waterfall tile had collider issues allowing characters to part climb them at odd angles
Fix: Woodcutters could not manually plant saplings
Fix: Woodcutters would sometimes stop working until manually commanded to move
Fix: Only start cooldown for ability if it was successfully started
Fix: Improved some animation blending when issuing orders to moving targets
Fix: Trebuchet rotation sound volume reduced, no longer constantly plays
Fix: Ser Gregory no longer gets stuck in his stunned animation when Willow uses Purify ability
Fix: Camera framing shouldn’t fly wildly up in the air
Fix: Fixed all conversation dialogs that had the wrong portraits

Developer Notes:
Several quest related nodes are being deprecated and will be renamed with the suffix ‘Old’ in Workbench. They are: QuestOld, SubQuestWhenOld. Please migrate your maps to use the new nodes.

The conversation node portrait input is still valid, and should be used when referencing spawned villagers whose faces are dynamically generated. For all other NPCs, it’s cleaner and faster to set their portrait explicitly using the categorized dropdown. The new portrait dropdown goes a long way to cleaning up wire count in dialogue intensive maps.
Folk Tale - GF


This is an update to the experimental opt-in build.

The primary change in this patch is cross-map tracking of quests.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Added Ser Gregory’s missing voice lines
Player: Edited Lilith’s voice files to flow into sequential dialogue more smoothly
Maps: Bandit Caves: Fixed navmesh causing characters to stick where mine tracks cross stream
Maps: Bandit Caves: Added ladder portal in Kenny’s throne room to save players running back to entrance
Workbench: Cross-map tracking of quests
Workbench: StartSubQuest node added
Workbench: Added SubQuestInProgress node
Workbench: Added SubQuestCompleted node
Workbench: Added CompleteSubQuest node
Workbench: Added FailSubQuest node
Workbench: Popup dialog appearance improved
Workbench: Conversation node portraits can now be explicitly set via categorized dropdown (portrait input still optional). A mini portrait icon will appear above the node to help readability.
Workbench: Conversation node option checkboxes are now hidden in the inspector to reduce clutter; inputs work as usual
Editor: Expanded Swamp Ruins Kit with pieces that will become a dungeon
Assets: Added earth, lava and ice worms; not functional
Assets: Added Jax (Glacian boss); not functional
Assets: Fixed animations used by Goblin Axe Warrior
Assets: Refreshed kobold animations and geometry
Assets: Added portraits for Lavallos and Singularity XB-101
Assets: Added 158 paragraphs of voice acting for Willow, Nara and Ambassador O’Kleefe ready for campaign extension
Fix: Bridge in snow kit had navmesh issues
Fix: Cave waterfall tile had collider issues allowing characters to part climb them at odd angles
Fix: Woodcutters could not manually plant saplings
Fix: Woodcutters would sometimes stop working until manually commanded to move
Fix: Only start cooldown for ability if it was successfully started
Fix: Improved some animation blending when issuing orders to moving targets
Fix: Trebuchet rotation sound volume reduced, no longer constantly plays
Fix: Ser Gregory no longer gets stuck in his stunned animation when Willow uses Purify ability
Fix: Camera framing shouldn’t fly wildly up in the air
Fix: Fixed all conversation dialogs that had the wrong portraits

Developer Notes:
Several quest related nodes are being deprecated and will be renamed with the suffix ‘Old’ in Workbench. They are: QuestOld, SubQuestWhenOld. Please migrate your maps to use the new nodes.

The conversation node portrait input is still valid, and should be used when referencing spawned villagers whose faces are dynamically generated. For all other NPCs, it’s cleaner and faster to set their portrait explicitly using the categorized dropdown. The new portrait dropdown goes a long way to cleaning up wire count in dialogue intensive maps.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


This is a small update to the experimental opt-in build before the holidays to fix a number of usability issues and add in a much requested feature (find peasants button). The normal patching schedule will resume in the New Year.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Added find peasants button to minimap including headcount
Player: Z and X now adjust camera zoom (Aron to do), especially useful in construction mode
Player: Mouse cursor is now constrained to the window when in fullscreen mode (Windows only)
Player: Added audio settings toggle to prevent battle music from playing
Player: Save games now always create a new save instead of overwriting the last one
Maps: Tutorial: UI blocking removed so game responds to input from keyboard and/or mouse during dialogue
Maps: Mordrich’s Factory: Temporarily removed option to fight Mordrich as it stops campaign from advancing
Maps: Added dialog at end of campaign to let players know that’s as far as we’ve got
Balancing: Villagers require fewer carrots to become full
Editor: Q and E now change elevation, Z and X zoom
Fix: Workbench: OrderMove should not work on dead characters
Fix: Workbench: Mobs set to human faction will no longer require food
Fix: Workbench: Disabled conversation options would mess up the output order
Fix: Selling buildings would not return items from the equipment store back to global inventory
Folk Tale - GF


This is a small update to the experimental opt-in build before the holidays to fix a number of usability issues and add in a much requested feature (find peasants button). The normal patching schedule will resume in the New Year.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Added find peasants button to minimap including headcount
Player: Z and X now adjust camera zoom (Aron to do), especially useful in construction mode
Player: Mouse cursor is now constrained to the window when in fullscreen mode (Windows only)
Player: Added audio settings toggle to prevent battle music from playing
Player: Save games now always create a new save instead of overwriting the last one
Maps: Tutorial: UI blocking removed so game responds to input from keyboard and/or mouse during dialogue
Maps: Mordrich’s Factory: Temporarily removed option to fight Mordrich as it stops campaign from advancing
Maps: Added dialog at end of campaign to let players know that’s as far as we’ve got
Balancing: Villagers require fewer carrots to become full
Editor: Q and E now change elevation, Z and X zoom
Fix: Workbench: OrderMove should not work on dead characters
Fix: Workbench: Mobs set to human faction will no longer require food
Fix: Workbench: Disabled conversation options would mess up the output order
Fix: Selling buildings would not return items from the equipment store back to global inventory

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