Oct 26, 2014
Folk Tale - Games Foundry

Welcome to Folk Tale Dev Blog 28, and our first look at the new Toadkin race. As inhabitants of the swamp lands, Toadkin are the natural opponents to the Goblin race. Once we add the quest designer, we’ll be pitting these two enemies against each other, and the decision of which to befriend will be up to you. As a sentient speaking race, it’s going to be an interesting task for the script writer, voice actor and the sound designer to deliver their dialogue.

Toadkin society is patriarchal, with the King protected by the Warriors, overseeing the smaller workers that do most of the labour.

Toadkin are inspired by ancient Mayan culture, and this is reflected throughout, including architecture, armor and weapons, and the loot items that they’ll drop. Here are just a few of the loot items that you can expect to gain from your encounters with Toadkin.

Earlier this month we released patch 0.2.10, including two new swamp kits which you can see in the images throughout this blog. We’ll be continuing to add to the swamp kits with the inclusion of the Goblin Architecture Kit in a future patch.

The soundtrack accompanying the blog video features tracks from the Swamp biome. All of the tracks for all biomes are now complete, and we’ll be releasing the ultra high quality Official Soundtrack as DLC at the same time as Patch 0.3. We hope to expand the soundtrack as more tracks are composed to accompany the cinematics that will go into production next year.

One of the significant additions in Patch 0.2.10 was the ranged Arbalist profession, which you can train at the Barracks along with the City Watch. Using control groups which we’ve added for the next patch, you can now quickly select and command your melee units into combat while keeping your ranged units at the rear.

Using the new console we can add one of every item to my global inventory to demonstrate gear attributes. Using the inventory filters I can show only the items I’m interested in. Equipping armor now modifies unit armor ratings, increasing the damage reduction effect when they take physical damage. Armor effectiveness varies by type and rarity, and in Folk Tale we’ll have Cloth, Leather, Chainmail, Scale mail and Plate.

In Patch 0.2.10 we also added the prototype of the special abilities system. While special abilities will be used by heroes, for testing we’ve added some of the early prototype effects to the staffs. The Cursed Staff has Fire Shield, a passive aura that inflicts fire damage on any opponent caught within the area of effect. The Amber Staff has a mass heal spell which is activated by clicking on the button on the character portrait wheel. The Emerald Staff has a passive heal over time aura that replenishes the health of nearby friendly units. And finally the Staff Of The Dead has the targeted Firestorm spell, Life Steal, and Electrocute. We’ll be improving the look of these abilities in time, but for now they are fun addition to play with.

While we’re on the subject of the character portrait wheel, in Patch 0.2.10 we enabled the Auto-AI toggle. When Auto-AI is active, characters will go about their daily work routines. For the Hunter, this was problematic in previous patches when you wanted to use them as a ranged scouting unit. By turning off Auto-AI, you can now do that, and the Hunter won’t return to work duties until you tell them to.

For the next patch, we’ve added Guard Mode, very useful when you want military units to guard key locations such as your city walls and gatehouses. When Guard Mode is activated, characters will diligently guard that spot, only attacking units that come within range.

The Swamp Ruins kit included in the last patch is specifically designed for creating Toadkin habitat. While we were testing the kit, we decided to indulge level designer creativity by providing props for creating interiors. While future Dungeon Kits will specifically cater for interior locations, we’re interested in experimenting with the help of the community to understand how such kits might be used.

Jumping into the Editor, level designers will hopefully be pleased with the addition of the new swamp kits mentioned earlier, and also the Colliders Kit which includes invisible camera colliders and navmesh cuts. Camera colliders prevent the camera from entering areas or passing through walls, while navmesh cuts prevent characters from walking through certain objects such as sign posts. While most props already include colliders and navmesh cuts, there are special cases where level designers will benefit from being able to place these manually.

If you’re interested in keeping up with the latest developments, as well as sharing your ideas with other friendly community members, the Sunday Dev Hangouts are well worth dropping in to. For more information, please visit http://twitch.tv/gamesfoundry and follow to the channel. The broadcast times can be found towards the bottom of the channel. Hopefully I’ll get to chat with you soon.

As with all of our dev blogs, I’d like to finish by thanking everyone in the community who continue to support development during Early Access. Until next time, bye for now.
Oct 26, 2014
Folk Tale - GF

Welcome to Folk Tale Dev Blog 28, and our first look at the new Toadkin race. As inhabitants of the swamp lands, Toadkin are the natural opponents to the Goblin race. Once we add the quest designer, we’ll be pitting these two enemies against each other, and the decision of which to befriend will be up to you. As a sentient speaking race, it’s going to be an interesting task for the script writer, voice actor and the sound designer to deliver their dialogue.

Toadkin society is patriarchal, with the King protected by the Warriors, overseeing the smaller workers that do most of the labour.

Toadkin are inspired by ancient Mayan culture, and this is reflected throughout, including architecture, armor and weapons, and the loot items that they’ll drop. Here are just a few of the loot items that you can expect to gain from your encounters with Toadkin.

Earlier this month we released patch 0.2.10, including two new swamp kits which you can see in the images throughout this blog. We’ll be continuing to add to the swamp kits with the inclusion of the Goblin Architecture Kit in a future patch.

The soundtrack accompanying the blog video features tracks from the Swamp biome. All of the tracks for all biomes are now complete, and we’ll be releasing the ultra high quality Official Soundtrack as DLC at the same time as Patch 0.3. We hope to expand the soundtrack as more tracks are composed to accompany the cinematics that will go into production next year.

One of the significant additions in Patch 0.2.10 was the ranged Arbalist profession, which you can train at the Barracks along with the City Watch. Using control groups which we’ve added for the next patch, you can now quickly select and command your melee units into combat while keeping your ranged units at the rear.

Using the new console we can add one of every item to my global inventory to demonstrate gear attributes. Using the inventory filters I can show only the items I’m interested in. Equipping armor now modifies unit armor ratings, increasing the damage reduction effect when they take physical damage. Armor effectiveness varies by type and rarity, and in Folk Tale we’ll have Cloth, Leather, Chainmail, Scale mail and Plate.

In Patch 0.2.10 we also added the prototype of the special abilities system. While special abilities will be used by heroes, for testing we’ve added some of the early prototype effects to the staffs. The Cursed Staff has Fire Shield, a passive aura that inflicts fire damage on any opponent caught within the area of effect. The Amber Staff has a mass heal spell which is activated by clicking on the button on the character portrait wheel. The Emerald Staff has a passive heal over time aura that replenishes the health of nearby friendly units. And finally the Staff Of The Dead has the targeted Firestorm spell, Life Steal, and Electrocute. We’ll be improving the look of these abilities in time, but for now they are fun addition to play with.

While we’re on the subject of the character portrait wheel, in Patch 0.2.10 we enabled the Auto-AI toggle. When Auto-AI is active, characters will go about their daily work routines. For the Hunter, this was problematic in previous patches when you wanted to use them as a ranged scouting unit. By turning off Auto-AI, you can now do that, and the Hunter won’t return to work duties until you tell them to.

For the next patch, we’ve added Guard Mode, very useful when you want military units to guard key locations such as your city walls and gatehouses. When Guard Mode is activated, characters will diligently guard that spot, only attacking units that come within range.

The Swamp Ruins kit included in the last patch is specifically designed for creating Toadkin habitat. While we were testing the kit, we decided to indulge level designer creativity by providing props for creating interiors. While future Dungeon Kits will specifically cater for interior locations, we’re interested in experimenting with the help of the community to understand how such kits might be used.

Jumping into the Editor, level designers will hopefully be pleased with the addition of the new swamp kits mentioned earlier, and also the Colliders Kit which includes invisible camera colliders and navmesh cuts. Camera colliders prevent the camera from entering areas or passing through walls, while navmesh cuts prevent characters from walking through certain objects such as sign posts. While most props already include colliders and navmesh cuts, there are special cases where level designers will benefit from being able to place these manually.

If you’re interested in keeping up with the latest developments, as well as sharing your ideas with other friendly community members, the Sunday Dev Hangouts are well worth dropping in to. For more information, please visit http://twitch.tv/gamesfoundry and follow to the channel. The broadcast times can be found towards the bottom of the channel. Hopefully I’ll get to chat with you soon.

As with all of our dev blogs, I’d like to finish by thanking everyone in the community who continue to support development during Early Access. Until next time, bye for now.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry

PC, Mac

Sandbox Player: Added Arbalist unit (trainable at Barracks)
Sandbox Player: Gear now updates character sheet Attack, Armor Ratings and Resistances
Sandbox Player: Added a console. It has support for various commands such as “kill nearby enemies” or “heal allies” or “day” or “gold”.
Sandbox Player: Special abilities prototype (see Dec Comments)
Sandbox Player: Added Tier 1 Wall Towers Damage Visuals
Sandbox Player: Updated icons for train unit on building dialog to support multiple unit types
Sandbox Player: New map added ‘Stinking Swamp’
Sandbox Player: Auto-Grass system updated to detect surface material and tint grass
Sandbox Player: Fishing economy chain completed (villagers now consume fish)
Sandbox Player: I (capital i) is now hotkeyed to global inventory (see Dev Comments)
Sandbox Player: C is now hotkeyed to character sheet (see Dev Comments)
Sandbox Player: Tab hotkey now cycles through selected units when the character sheet is open
Sandbox Player: Corpse sparkles are now always lootable and don’t require nearby friendly units
Sandbox Player: Auto AI toggle is now enabled on the circular character portrait. Turn it off to prevent units such as the Hunter returning to work
Sandbox Editor: Added Swamp Environment Kit
Sandbox Editor: Added Swamp Ruins Kit
Sandbox Editor: Added more loot items (see Game Guide on website for info)
Sandbox Editor: Loot armor items now have their armor ratings set, and the correct sfx
Sandbox Editor: Added kit with invisible camera colliders and navmesh cuts
Sandbox Editor: Undead added to Wave Spawning system
Sandbox Character Designer: Added Arbalist uniform

Bug Fixes
#0106 Sandbox Player: Decals (Roads, Cobwebs etc) Flickering
#0107 Sandbox Player: Peasants don't do any damage
#0108 Sandbox Player: Enemies and villagers are regenerating health during combat
#0109 Sandbox Editor: Moving pieces with navmesh cuts causes large frame rate drop
#0110 Tutorial: Intro Movie Not Playing on OSX (game inaccessible)

Developer Comments
Now that the I key opens global inventory, drawing paths in both the sandbox editor and player has changed to the P key.
Now that the C key opens the selected unit’s character sheet, swapping the camera between overhead RTS camera and the terrain camera has been remapped to T.
Some characters will start to level up, but attributes don't currently affect anything.

Damage taken takes into account Damage Resistance provided by armor.

There is a known issue where occasionally sandbox maps won’t load (progress might freeze around 35%). To fix, please quit and reload (ALT+F4 or Cmd+Q).

There is a known issue with 'C' and 'I' in that if the mouse pointer is over UI, key presses won't register. This is an engine issue that we hope will be addressed in a future update.

Special Abilities Prototype
Special abilities will be hero abilities accessible via the character portrait wheel in the bottom left of the screen. For now we've applied a few to loot items. To gain access to them, open the console and type oneofeverything to create one of every item in the global inventory. You can then equip the following items onto characters:

Cursed Staff - Fire Shield (Passive Aura)

Staff Of The Dead - Firestorm, Life Steal, Electrocute

Amber Staff - Mass Heal Spell

Emerald Staff - Heal Over Time (Passive Aura)

We’d like to remind players that the default build for Windows is now 64-bit, which the vast majority of players are using. Players with older 32-bit versions of Windows will need to opt in to the 32-bit build. For more information, please visit http://steamcommunity.com/app/224440/discussions/0/540744474771635312/

Update: Oops
It appears the starts of the Snow Kit and Colliders kit were included in this patch by mistake. They are far from complete, and it is strongly recommended you do not use pieces from these kits in your maps because they will be subject to extensive change.
Folk Tale - GF

PC, Mac

Sandbox Player: Added Arbalist unit (trainable at Barracks)
Sandbox Player: Gear now updates character sheet Attack, Armor Ratings and Resistances
Sandbox Player: Added a console. It has support for various commands such as “kill nearby enemies” or “heal allies” or “day” or “gold”.
Sandbox Player: Special abilities prototype (see Dec Comments)
Sandbox Player: Added Tier 1 Wall Towers Damage Visuals
Sandbox Player: Updated icons for train unit on building dialog to support multiple unit types
Sandbox Player: New map added ‘Stinking Swamp’
Sandbox Player: Auto-Grass system updated to detect surface material and tint grass
Sandbox Player: Fishing economy chain completed (villagers now consume fish)
Sandbox Player: I (capital i) is now hotkeyed to global inventory (see Dev Comments)
Sandbox Player: C is now hotkeyed to character sheet (see Dev Comments)
Sandbox Player: Tab hotkey now cycles through selected units when the character sheet is open
Sandbox Player: Corpse sparkles are now always lootable and don’t require nearby friendly units
Sandbox Player: Auto AI toggle is now enabled on the circular character portrait. Turn it off to prevent units such as the Hunter returning to work
Sandbox Editor: Added Swamp Environment Kit
Sandbox Editor: Added Swamp Ruins Kit
Sandbox Editor: Added more loot items (see Game Guide on website for info)
Sandbox Editor: Loot armor items now have their armor ratings set, and the correct sfx
Sandbox Editor: Added kit with invisible camera colliders and navmesh cuts
Sandbox Editor: Undead added to Wave Spawning system
Sandbox Character Designer: Added Arbalist uniform

Bug Fixes
#0106 Sandbox Player: Decals (Roads, Cobwebs etc) Flickering
#0107 Sandbox Player: Peasants don't do any damage
#0108 Sandbox Player: Enemies and villagers are regenerating health during combat
#0109 Sandbox Editor: Moving pieces with navmesh cuts causes large frame rate drop
#0110 Tutorial: Intro Movie Not Playing on OSX (game inaccessible)

Developer Comments
Now that the I key opens global inventory, drawing paths in both the sandbox editor and player has changed to the P key.
Now that the C key opens the selected unit’s character sheet, swapping the camera between overhead RTS camera and the terrain camera has been remapped to T.
Some characters will start to level up, but attributes don't currently affect anything.

Damage taken takes into account Damage Resistance provided by armor.

There is a known issue where occasionally sandbox maps won’t load (progress might freeze around 35%). To fix, please quit and reload (ALT+F4 or Cmd+Q).

There is a known issue with 'C' and 'I' in that if the mouse pointer is over UI, key presses won't register. This is an engine issue that we hope will be addressed in a future update.

Special Abilities Prototype
Special abilities will be hero abilities accessible via the character portrait wheel in the bottom left of the screen. For now we've applied a few to loot items. To gain access to them, open the console and type oneofeverything to create one of every item in the global inventory. You can then equip the following items onto characters:

Cursed Staff - Fire Shield (Passive Aura)

Staff Of The Dead - Firestorm, Life Steal, Electrocute

Amber Staff - Mass Heal Spell

Emerald Staff - Heal Over Time (Passive Aura)

We’d like to remind players that the default build for Windows is now 64-bit, which the vast majority of players are using. Players with older 32-bit versions of Windows will need to opt in to the 32-bit build. For more information, please visit http://steamcommunity.com/app/224440/discussions/0/540744474771635312/

Update: Oops
It appears the starts of the Snow Kit and Colliders kit were included in this patch by mistake. They are far from complete, and it is strongly recommended you do not use pieces from these kits in your maps because they will be subject to extensive change.
Sep 20, 2014
Folk Tale - Games Foundry

Welcome to Folk Tale Dev Blog 27. Today’s blog coincides with the release of Patch 0.2.9, so let’s take a look at what’s new, as well as taking a sneak peak at content from the next patch.

Patch 0.2.9 introduces Tier 1 City Walls. At the start of a game, your buildings and walls are all Tier 1. As you expand and your culture grows, in a future patch you’ll be able to upgrade to stone buildings and defenses and the appearance of your village will change from an impoverished hovel into a thriving market town. For the next patch we’re working on the Crossbowmen unit to join your City Watch in patrolling the walls.

In the economy, we’ve added the Fisherman profession. Best situated near rivers and shoreline, these early stage economic units live in Fishing Huts, easily identifiable by it’s boat shape and nets. Fisherman travel to nearby fishing spots where they cast their lines into schools of fish, before returning to fillet their catch and sell on to hungry Villagers.

We’ve continued to improve the editor, adding plenty of new props, many of which have been added in response to community feedback. Patch 0.2.9 introduces the Loot Inspector for both chests and monsters. Adding loot is as simple as searching for a keyword in the loot item name, clicking the item in the results, and then setting the probability and quantity.

We’ve also added loot profiles for assigning predefined loot tables, with blue items randomized during gameplay so that each game is slightly different. For a full list of all the loot we’ve added so far, please visit the Game Guide on our website at http://www.gamesfoundry.com/.

In the next four weeks, we’re focusing on adding several new professions and buildings. The Weaver profession cultivate cotton buds that are then woven into Bolts of Cotton ready for use by the Tailor profession. Weaver’s live in Weavers Huts, waterwheel powered mini-factories that spin the strands of cotton before being woven on looms.

Once the weaver’s have delivered Bolts Of Cotton to the Storehouse, the Tailor profession cuts the fabric into Clothes that your villagers will then buy. Tailors live in the Tailor's Emporium, designed to look like a pin-cushion for easy recognition. Tailors can equip tools to be more productive, including needles and thread, and thimbles, and can craft cloth armor for equipping your heroes and villagers.

The Herbalist cultivates herbs and brews medicines and potions. Medicinal Herbs are grown in Farmer’s Fields, while rarer herbs can be found in the world for use as ingredients in making potions and poisons. Medicine helps cure sick villagers, who would otherwise infect others, revolt from unhappiness, and ultimately die. Herbalists live in Greenhouses, easily identified by the large potion vials on the roof and the outdoor greenhouse.

Merchants work at the Marketplace and act as middlemen enabling you to buy and sell resources on the open market. The Art Team are still working on the marketplace and the Jeweller profession, and we’ll take a look at those once they are ready in the Sunday Dev Hangouts and a future dev blog.

If you’re interested in keeping up with the latest developments, as well as sharing your ideas with other friendly community members, the Sunday Dev Hangouts are well worth dropping in to. For more information, please visit http://twitch.tv/gamesfoundry and subscribe to the channel. The broadcast times can be found towards the bottom of the channel. Hopefully I’ll get to chat with you soon.

As always, our sincere thanks for supporting Folk Tale during development and continuing to provide great feedback. Until next time, bye for now.
Sep 20, 2014
Folk Tale - GF

Welcome to Folk Tale Dev Blog 27. Today’s blog coincides with the release of Patch 0.2.9, so let’s take a look at what’s new, as well as taking a sneak peak at content from the next patch.

Patch 0.2.9 introduces Tier 1 City Walls. At the start of a game, your buildings and walls are all Tier 1. As you expand and your culture grows, in a future patch you’ll be able to upgrade to stone buildings and defenses and the appearance of your village will change from an impoverished hovel into a thriving market town. For the next patch we’re working on the Crossbowmen unit to join your City Watch in patrolling the walls.

In the economy, we’ve added the Fisherman profession. Best situated near rivers and shoreline, these early stage economic units live in Fishing Huts, easily identifiable by it’s boat shape and nets. Fisherman travel to nearby fishing spots where they cast their lines into schools of fish, before returning to fillet their catch and sell on to hungry Villagers.

We’ve continued to improve the editor, adding plenty of new props, many of which have been added in response to community feedback. Patch 0.2.9 introduces the Loot Inspector for both chests and monsters. Adding loot is as simple as searching for a keyword in the loot item name, clicking the item in the results, and then setting the probability and quantity.

We’ve also added loot profiles for assigning predefined loot tables, with blue items randomized during gameplay so that each game is slightly different. For a full list of all the loot we’ve added so far, please visit the Game Guide on our website at http://www.gamesfoundry.com/.

In the next four weeks, we’re focusing on adding several new professions and buildings. The Weaver profession cultivate cotton buds that are then woven into Bolts of Cotton ready for use by the Tailor profession. Weaver’s live in Weavers Huts, waterwheel powered mini-factories that spin the strands of cotton before being woven on looms.

Once the weaver’s have delivered Bolts Of Cotton to the Storehouse, the Tailor profession cuts the fabric into Clothes that your villagers will then buy. Tailors live in the Tailor's Emporium, designed to look like a pin-cushion for easy recognition. Tailors can equip tools to be more productive, including needles and thread, and thimbles, and can craft cloth armor for equipping your heroes and villagers.

The Herbalist cultivates herbs and brews medicines and potions. Medicinal Herbs are grown in Farmer’s Fields, while rarer herbs can be found in the world for use as ingredients in making potions and poisons. Medicine helps cure sick villagers, who would otherwise infect others, revolt from unhappiness, and ultimately die. Herbalists live in Greenhouses, easily identified by the large potion vials on the roof and the outdoor greenhouse.

Merchants work at the Marketplace and act as middlemen enabling you to buy and sell resources on the open market. The Art Team are still working on the marketplace and the Jeweller profession, and we’ll take a look at those once they are ready in the Sunday Dev Hangouts and a future dev blog.

If you’re interested in keeping up with the latest developments, as well as sharing your ideas with other friendly community members, the Sunday Dev Hangouts are well worth dropping in to. For more information, please visit http://twitch.tv/gamesfoundry and subscribe to the channel. The broadcast times can be found towards the bottom of the channel. Hopefully I’ll get to chat with you soon.

As always, our sincere thanks for supporting Folk Tale during development and continuing to provide great feedback. Until next time, bye for now.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry

PC, Mac

Sandbox Editor: Community requested kit pieces added (river tiles, cemetery trim concave etc,)
Sandbox Editor: Loot inspector for chests added inc. Loot Profiles, custom definitions and keyword search
Sandbox Editor: More loot items added
Sandbox Editor: River tile with 1 corner island had to be rotated 180 degrees
Sandbox Editor: Pivot on the Quarry has moved (community maps will need updating)
Sandbox Editor: CTRL+SHIFT+U moves all props and tiles up a full tile height. CTRL+SHIFT+D moves them down (CMD instead of CTRL on OS X)
Sandbox Editor: Wave spawn points can now loop indefinitely
Sandbox Editor & Player: Added placeholder loading screen
Sandbox Player: Added Fisherman profession, Fisherman’s Hut, and Fishing
Sandbox Player: Added ability to delete wall sections and towers
Sandbox Player: Added Tier 1 Wooden Palisade Walls inc. stairs and gatehouse
Sandbox Player: Monsters now drop loot (right click to open on loot sparkles when mouse pointer changes to bag)
Sandbox Player: Optimization for buildings searching for nearby resources (small frame rate increase)
Sandbox Player: Minimap now shows correct colors for units, does not show blips for units inside fog of war, and is clickable again, some known issues
Sandbox Player: Improved tooltips for inventory items (still placeholders though)
Sandbox Player: Stacks in the inventory can now be split using shift+LMB
Sandbox Player: Dropping inventory item in wrong character slot now checks correct slot
Sandbox Player: Increased texture resolution of handheld weapons
Sandbox Player: Reduced loading time of maps by roughly 33%
Sandbox Player: Iron Mine and Quarry now have LOD models
Sandbox Player: Added camera shake when destroying structures, large monsters walk, and heavy attacks ( e.g. Beastman overhead cleave attack )
Sandbox Player: Added human fist, weapon and bow impact sounds
Sandbox Player: Reduced movement speed when camera is on the ground
Sandbox Player: Trees now sway gently (on normal and high settings)
Sandbox Player: Added building ambient sfx loops for Workshop, Monastery, Stonecutter Lodge, Blacksmith, Bakery
Sandbox Player: All buildings should now have mud foundation when constructing
Sandbox Player: Monks walking animation speed fixed to reduce gliding
Sandbox Player: Gold income is now in 3D world space and not UI space because let’s face it, during a raid on the bakery it gets really annoying!

Bug Fixes
#0102 Sandbox Player: Night Windows Flicker When Camera Moves
#0103 Sandbox Player: Frame rate drops when dragging placement for city walls
#0104 Sandbox Player: Moving icons between character sheet slots causing icon to vanish
#0105 Sandbox Player: Peasants no longer have the item “Default Equipment” in their inventory

Developer Comments
There is a known navmesh issue with Walls. This will be improved in a later patch.

There is a known issue with grass not always getting redrawn as the camera moves around.

Under Settings, Contrast and Gamma are currently not working.

Copses will now regenerate deer, but you need to first delete all copses from your maps and recreate them.

Please delete all your previous wave spawn points (the colored circles) and recreate. Plain monster spawn points still work. Sorry!

We’d like to remind players that the default build for Windows is now 64-bit, which the vast majority of players are using. Players with older 32-bit versions of Windows will need to opt in to the 32-bit build. For more information, please visit http://steamcommunity.com/app/224440/discussions/0/540744474771635312/

We’ve also made some key binding changes. While key mapping is not yet implemented in the UI, can you define your own by editing the StreamingAssets/Data/keymap.json text file.
Folk Tale - GF

PC, Mac

Sandbox Editor: Community requested kit pieces added (river tiles, cemetery trim concave etc,)
Sandbox Editor: Loot inspector for chests added inc. Loot Profiles, custom definitions and keyword search
Sandbox Editor: More loot items added
Sandbox Editor: River tile with 1 corner island had to be rotated 180 degrees
Sandbox Editor: Pivot on the Quarry has moved (community maps will need updating)
Sandbox Editor: CTRL+SHIFT+U moves all props and tiles up a full tile height. CTRL+SHIFT+D moves them down (CMD instead of CTRL on OS X)
Sandbox Editor: Wave spawn points can now loop indefinitely
Sandbox Editor & Player: Added placeholder loading screen
Sandbox Player: Added Fisherman profession, Fisherman’s Hut, and Fishing
Sandbox Player: Added ability to delete wall sections and towers
Sandbox Player: Added Tier 1 Wooden Palisade Walls inc. stairs and gatehouse
Sandbox Player: Monsters now drop loot (right click to open on loot sparkles when mouse pointer changes to bag)
Sandbox Player: Optimization for buildings searching for nearby resources (small frame rate increase)
Sandbox Player: Minimap now shows correct colors for units, does not show blips for units inside fog of war, and is clickable again, some known issues
Sandbox Player: Improved tooltips for inventory items (still placeholders though)
Sandbox Player: Stacks in the inventory can now be split using shift+LMB
Sandbox Player: Dropping inventory item in wrong character slot now checks correct slot
Sandbox Player: Increased texture resolution of handheld weapons
Sandbox Player: Reduced loading time of maps by roughly 33%
Sandbox Player: Iron Mine and Quarry now have LOD models
Sandbox Player: Added camera shake when destroying structures, large monsters walk, and heavy attacks ( e.g. Beastman overhead cleave attack )
Sandbox Player: Added human fist, weapon and bow impact sounds
Sandbox Player: Reduced movement speed when camera is on the ground
Sandbox Player: Trees now sway gently (on normal and high settings)
Sandbox Player: Added building ambient sfx loops for Workshop, Monastery, Stonecutter Lodge, Blacksmith, Bakery
Sandbox Player: All buildings should now have mud foundation when constructing
Sandbox Player: Monks walking animation speed fixed to reduce gliding
Sandbox Player: Gold income is now in 3D world space and not UI space because let’s face it, during a raid on the bakery it gets really annoying!

Bug Fixes
#0102 Sandbox Player: Night Windows Flicker When Camera Moves
#0103 Sandbox Player: Frame rate drops when dragging placement for city walls
#0104 Sandbox Player: Moving icons between character sheet slots causing icon to vanish
#0105 Sandbox Player: Peasants no longer have the item “Default Equipment” in their inventory

Developer Comments
There is a known navmesh issue with Walls. This will be improved in a later patch.

There is a known issue with grass not always getting redrawn as the camera moves around.

Under Settings, Contrast and Gamma are currently not working.

Copses will now regenerate deer, but you need to first delete all copses from your maps and recreate them.

Please delete all your previous wave spawn points (the colored circles) and recreate. Plain monster spawn points still work. Sorry!

We’d like to remind players that the default build for Windows is now 64-bit, which the vast majority of players are using. Players with older 32-bit versions of Windows will need to opt in to the 32-bit build. For more information, please visit http://steamcommunity.com/app/224440/discussions/0/540744474771635312/

We’ve also made some key binding changes. While key mapping is not yet implemented in the UI, can you define your own by editing the StreamingAssets/Data/keymap.json text file.
Aug 23, 2014
Folk Tale - Games Foundry

Welcome to Folk Tale Dev Blog 26. Patch 0.2.8 is out and once again we've got a wealth of improvements to share starting with work-in-progress character and global inventory. Besides equipping villagers with armor and tools, weapons can be swapped out and shown on characters. For this patch only we've included one of every item into the global inventory, which can be accessed by clicking on the inventory bag on the top bar. To open a character's inventory, first select an individual which will cause the portrait circle to appear in the bottom left of the screen. Next, click the inventory bag on the portrait wheel. You can now drag and drop items onto your character.

For larger screenshots and more info, please visit http://blog.gamesfoundry.com/2014/08/folk-tale-dev-blog-26.html.

We've still got much work to do on inventory, including proper tooltips, right click to auto-equip, and shift+left click to split stacks, which we'll be working on for the next patch. Inventory is a stepping stone to looting both corpses and chests, so you can expect that soon too.

Two of the economy chains are now complete. The Butchery and Bakery both produce finished goods, and now hungry villagers will buy products ( parting with coin to fill your coffers ) to satiate their hunger. Different foods will fill empty stomachs by differing amounts, and the taste buds of your villagers will evolve as your settlement progresses from Tier 1 through to Tier 3. We've taken the first step by allowing the crop type to be set in the Farmer's Fields.

The worker cap for Tier 1 profession buildings has been increased from 2 to 4, which should make training a small company of City Watch a lot less painful. When enabled, Tier 2 will support 8 characters, and Tier 3 the maximum of 12.

On a final note about economy, we've moved away from the economy simulation first introduced in sandbox and gone back to an actual work performed basis similar to that of the Tutorial. What that means is that there is now a direct correlation between workers dropping off resources and quantities increasing in your inventory. That move opens up a number of options, including the ability to clear areas of land from the map, which we'll be adding in a future patch.

Combat has taken another step forward with the addition of the wave inspector in the Editor. Each wave can comprise of multiple groups, each group being a different monster class. For example, in wave 1 you can spawn a Beastman in Group 1 and a couple of War Pigs in Group 2. In wave 2, you can setup a completely different set of monsters to spawn. Each wave can have a different behaviour, including standing still, wandering within a radius, and seeking out player characters and buildings. You can also choose the wave starting formation, with Group 1 being the captain who's position is denoted by the colour dot in the formation options.

We've migrated the Goblins across into Sandbox and made some improvements, including the addition of the Goblin Warship prop. Goblins can now scale your City Walls, so Engineer's Turrets, Traps and Siege Machines will play an important role in defending your village in later patches. We've also made changes to the Trebuchet including the framework to support different ammo types, with each shot consuming items directly from your global inventory.

Several Editor Kits have received new content, including an expanded Kobold Camp Kit and new Grassland Kit pieces including flaming torches, sconce, braziers, mushrooms, and mine carts. The biggest addition is to the Cemetery Kit which now includes modular snap-together components to create an entire mausoleum complex for your necromancers, skeletons and spiders.

With the kind agreement of community member Matty101, we're including one of his Sandbox maps for you to play around with in Sandbox Player which we've called The Valley. It's completely different to the Human Village map and is well worth playing. It's also pretty stunning, and shows just have great a tile-based terrain system can be made to look.

And finally, if you weren't already aware, we've started the Sunday Dev Hangouts. The live streams on Twitch.tv have been running for several weeks now and provide a great opportunity for us to connect with our community. I always have the latest dev build of Folk Tale on show, and answer questions in chat about game features, what we've been working on, our plans for the future, and how to use the Editor. So if you'd like to hangout with a friendly bunch for a few hours every Sunday, head on over to our Twitch Channel and follow us.

Aug 23, 2014
Folk Tale - GF

Welcome to Folk Tale Dev Blog 26. Patch 0.2.8 is out and once again we've got a wealth of improvements to share starting with work-in-progress character and global inventory. Besides equipping villagers with armor and tools, weapons can be swapped out and shown on characters. For this patch only we've included one of every item into the global inventory, which can be accessed by clicking on the inventory bag on the top bar. To open a character's inventory, first select an individual which will cause the portrait circle to appear in the bottom left of the screen. Next, click the inventory bag on the portrait wheel. You can now drag and drop items onto your character.

For larger screenshots and more info, please visit http://blog.gamesfoundry.com/2014/08/folk-tale-dev-blog-26.html.

We've still got much work to do on inventory, including proper tooltips, right click to auto-equip, and shift+left click to split stacks, which we'll be working on for the next patch. Inventory is a stepping stone to looting both corpses and chests, so you can expect that soon too.

Two of the economy chains are now complete. The Butchery and Bakery both produce finished goods, and now hungry villagers will buy products ( parting with coin to fill your coffers ) to satiate their hunger. Different foods will fill empty stomachs by differing amounts, and the taste buds of your villagers will evolve as your settlement progresses from Tier 1 through to Tier 3. We've taken the first step by allowing the crop type to be set in the Farmer's Fields.

The worker cap for Tier 1 profession buildings has been increased from 2 to 4, which should make training a small company of City Watch a lot less painful. When enabled, Tier 2 will support 8 characters, and Tier 3 the maximum of 12.

On a final note about economy, we've moved away from the economy simulation first introduced in sandbox and gone back to an actual work performed basis similar to that of the Tutorial. What that means is that there is now a direct correlation between workers dropping off resources and quantities increasing in your inventory. That move opens up a number of options, including the ability to clear areas of land from the map, which we'll be adding in a future patch.

Combat has taken another step forward with the addition of the wave inspector in the Editor. Each wave can comprise of multiple groups, each group being a different monster class. For example, in wave 1 you can spawn a Beastman in Group 1 and a couple of War Pigs in Group 2. In wave 2, you can setup a completely different set of monsters to spawn. Each wave can have a different behaviour, including standing still, wandering within a radius, and seeking out player characters and buildings. You can also choose the wave starting formation, with Group 1 being the captain who's position is denoted by the colour dot in the formation options.

We've migrated the Goblins across into Sandbox and made some improvements, including the addition of the Goblin Warship prop. Goblins can now scale your City Walls, so Engineer's Turrets, Traps and Siege Machines will play an important role in defending your village in later patches. We've also made changes to the Trebuchet including the framework to support different ammo types, with each shot consuming items directly from your global inventory.

Several Editor Kits have received new content, including an expanded Kobold Camp Kit and new Grassland Kit pieces including flaming torches, sconce, braziers, mushrooms, and mine carts. The biggest addition is to the Cemetery Kit which now includes modular snap-together components to create an entire mausoleum complex for your necromancers, skeletons and spiders.

With the kind agreement of community member Matty101, we're including one of his Sandbox maps for you to play around with in Sandbox Player which we've called The Valley. It's completely different to the Human Village map and is well worth playing. It's also pretty stunning, and shows just have great a tile-based terrain system can be made to look.

And finally, if you weren't already aware, we've started the Sunday Dev Hangouts. The live streams on Twitch.tv have been running for several weeks now and provide a great opportunity for us to connect with our community. I always have the latest dev build of Folk Tale on show, and answer questions in chat about game features, what we've been working on, our plans for the future, and how to use the Editor. So if you'd like to hangout with a friendly bunch for a few hours every Sunday, head on over to our Twitch Channel and follow us.


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