Mar 28, 2019
Evospace - ishellstrike
Automated farming

Added various blocks designed for automated collection of bamboo. Now you can build a completely independent setup that produces bamboo sticks, sawdust, coal dust or coke.

Automated digging

New blocks also allow automated mining of ore or stone. What other uses can you think of for them?

Gas Turbine

An advanced device for quickly converting flammable liquids into energy. Unlike a steam turbine, it does not consume fuel when the output of the unit is full. May use oxygen for even more efficient energy production.

Liquid tank

Large storage for liquids. Has input on top. Output is at the bottom.

  • Block Placer
  • Item Picker
  • Solar panels
  • Steam Achievements
  • Support for changing control keys
  • Optimization of localization tables for future localization support through the Steam Workshop

  • Fixed saving the display mode of side icons
  • Fixed drop of turbine kinetics
  • Fixed interaction of blast furnace with robo-arms
  • The possibility of remelting metal dust into metal blocks with a press has been fixed.
  • Some missing descriptions added.
Mar 20, 2019
Evospace - ishellstrike
Stainless steel

There was a way to produce stainless steel. The first unique block in this tier is Terminal.


Useful for monitoring the progress of crafting, the contents of chests. It can display the interface of any block. The image is configured via terminal interface.

It is worth noting that items can be dragged from the terminal just like from the block gui.

Industrial separator

An improved version of separator allows deeper processing of dust. Does not reduce the output of metal and gives additional products.

Necessary device for obtaining stainless steel components.

Solid fuel stove

An improved version of the stone furnace, which allows to burn more energy-intensive mixtures, for example, termite. Reaction of burning termite is used to reduce oxides needed to produce stainless steel components: chromium and manganese.

  • Radiator to destroy unnecessary heat
  • Hotbar slot numbering added
  • Added search for items in the database.
  • Objects from the ground go first to inventory, not hotbar

  • Fixed some models, with parts that could not be selected
  • Fixed some minor bugs.
Mar 11, 2019
Evospace - ishellstrike
Concrete production

New building material. You can greatly increase the output by adding metal rods to the recipe.

Fractional Recipes
0.5 ore will no longer be stuck in the machine and will be processed into 0.5 of result.

Advanced steel production
A new, faster way appeared. Cast iron can be smelted in alloy furnace. Steel is produced in arc furnace.


Added switch for wires.

Added option to disable icons on the sides of the blocks.

Mouse wheel click on the block in the world shows related recipes.

  • Fluids no longer fall out of the electrolyzer and do not fit into the chests.
  • Electricity, kinetics and heat no longer fall out of creative generators.
  • The bug of the shelf with fractional items has been fixed.
  • Fixed rotation of blocks on conveyors
Mar 5, 2019
Evospace - ishellstrike

Remade conveyor lines

Items are now distributed in a fixed order. Other conveyor junctions have lower priority.

Large storages

Item Rack for a large number of items of the same type. It can be used for sorting or as storage at the output from the production line.

To automatically retrieve items from storage, use robo-arms.


Added equipment for faster movement. A backpack for jumps has been added to the copper age. A version with a longer flight duration is also available in the Aluminium age.

  • High-level conveyor lines fixed
  • Fixed rare square holes in the map
  • Increased item pickup range
  • Fixed fluid drop from the fermenter
  • Fixed a screwdriver bug when trying to rotate a large block
  • The spawn point is now random
  • Coal fluid is no longer outputs to conveyor
  • Trees no longer respawn
  • Removed selected recipe in the Electrolyser after building
  • Improved load time
Mar 1, 2019
Evospace - ishellstrike

There was a renewable source of fuel - farm. The first cultivated culture is bamboo. It is growing rapidly, and the items derived from it can be used as sticks derived from ordinary logs.


New unit for the processing of organics into fuel. With the help of Ore Washer, organic dust can be converted into biomass, and the fermenter will turn it into methane, which can be used for burning in copper furnaces.

Block Recipe List

Now, when you click the mouse wheel on the crafter item, a list of recipes appears that can be executed in it.

Sort inventory

Added button to sort the player's inventory and chests

  • Fixed a rare crash when loading a sector.
  • Fixed some titles.
  • Fixed missing bamboo at zero grass radius
  • Fixed an item stuck in the inventory center during the selected multitool
  • Removed the display of useless recipes that are not used by the player.
  • Fixed bug with electrolyzer and assembler recipes inventory
  • Press fixed
Feb 25, 2019
Evospace - ishellstrike
Filtering robo-arm

Robo-arm, which can only take certain items. Place the necessary items in the arm inventory.


Separates substances into components. Produces high cleaning mixtures.

Maybe any height. The more blocks in its composition - the more can be input and output components.

New heat sources

Gas oven. Electric oven.
They perform the same function as the stone furnace, but use other sources of energy for work.

  • Digging dump fixed
  • Vertical ladder now works.
  • Assembler displays the current recipe in the model.
  • There was a way to get aluminum
  • Balance of some recipes.
  • Bug of unloading ash from the furnace has been fixed.
  • Fixed fluid drossel bug
  • Fixed electric drossel bug
  • Fixed stairs trampoline[/]
Feb 21, 2019
Evospace - ishellstrike
R to rotate blocks when installing

Now you can use not only a screwdriver to rotate blocks. You can rotate blocks, before installation, with the R key. Rotate around the vertical axis.


On the coast now appears bamboo. At the moment it is not very useful, but in future updates it will be the first crop suitable for cultivation. Even fully automated cultivation!


  • Fixed a bug with a "crater" in a flat world
  • Removed broken empty world generator
  • Sand hardness increased to protect against accidental digging
  • Sound volume saving now works correctly
  • Fixed bug with getting PlayerCraft from the database, which filled all inventory
  • Some item descriptions have been fixed
  • Fixed some item tags
  • Fixed some recipes
  • Fixed most of the icons of the sides and inventory of blocks
  • Fixed black lighting color on a flat map (old maps will not be fixed)
  • Fixed sorting of items in the database
  • Fixed drop of cubic blocks when digging near the surface
  • Fixed ash output of the furnace
  • Fixed inverted control. Now the inversion occurs only on the vertical axis
  • Fixed the texture of the lowest indestructible layer
  • Arrows now duplicate WASD
Feb 19, 2019
Evospace - ishellstrike
Plenty of Coal and Clay

Changed map generation.

A large amount of copper and clay is now appearing on the coast, which will be useful for blocks of a copper tier.
In the swamp there is a lot of coal and iron, which are used for the production of steel.

Fuel rebalance

Changed the energy of the fuel. Coal now produces 6 heat, log - 3


  • Added missing ashes texture
  • Some general item descriptions have been added
  • Removed too bright multitool cursor
  • Fixed dropping when installing pipes and wires
  • Fixed a rare crash when destroying large stones
  • Fixed model dryer
  • Fixed spillway model
  • Fixed instant removal of some decorative blocks
  • Fixed fluid stuck in a coke oven
  • The spillway is now functioning and can destroy liquids
  • Fixed drop of fluids during the destruction of some blocks
  • Added some missing beginning recipes
  • Some items are moved to more suitable tabs
  • Fixed updating the available count in the database
Feb 17, 2019
Evospace - ishellstrike
FOV setting and mouse inversion

On request settings have been added. FOV can be changed in the graphics settings, inversion - in the management.

New furnace and smelter

Upon request, the very first machines were detailed.

  • Fixed free macerator recipes
  • Fixed permanent language switching to Russian
  • Removed hints on some empty slots
  • Fixed a bug with the rapid removal of several machines in a row
  • Fixed bug with incorrect interface of some crafters
  • Fixed some typos
  • Fixed bug with blinking of side icons on the chest and some other machines
  • Cpu without AVX compatibility error fixed

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Feb 14, 2019
Evospace - ishellstrike
Tool system redone

We combined a pickaxe, an ax, a wrench and a hand into one tool - the multitool. He is always in the 1st slot of the hotbar.

Any world object interaction

With all the objects in the world, you can now interact using the multitool - no need to select the right tool. But the screwdriver to turn the blocks remained.

Tool progress icon

For convenience, added a wheel of progress digging or removing a block.

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