Evil Genius - [REB] Beldeth
Trapping and Capturing
Hello there! Evil Genius 2 Lead Designer Rich Edwards here, once again blogging for your pleasure. This week, we’ll be looking into Trapping and Capturing enemy Agents – both essential for budding supervillains!

It’s A Trap!
In Evil Genius 2, Traps feed into Lair defense. We’ve previously chatted about how you can defend your base with the help of Guards or other Muscle minions…but what sets traps apart from their fleshy counterparts?

For starters, they don’t talk back and they seem to genuinely enjoy their jobs. Not like some yellow-jumpsuited minions I could care to mention... If your Lair has power, your Traps are usually watching for intruders and when their inbuilt sensors detect someone suspicious then they’ll spring into action.

Now, it’s worth nothing that Traps aren’t a 100% - Agents can disable them, and they do have a cooldown period. Evil never rests, and Traps never sleep.

There’s a few traps I can’t get enough of. For starters, we have the Venus Spy Trap, a great big carnivorous plant that may change your mind about going vegan. But right now, my favorite is the Bubble Cannon. Using an advanced branch of science you and I have never heard of before, it traps Agents in an inescapable prison of soap and water, leaving them floating, completely defenseless, and at your mercy.

Our producer Ash has said that he likes the Freeze Ray because of how pretty the VFX is, in addition to it being ‘classic villain stuff,’ whatever that means.

But, do you know what’s cooler than one Trap by itself? Combining Traps! We’ve touched on Trap Networks before, but let’s dig a little deeper into how they can really help take your Lair Defense to the next level. Your Fan Trap can blows someone in a straight line, have them hit a wall, and take some damage from the experience. But, what if you could subject them to something else mid-blow? Have them pass through a wall of flames, or end their trip with a dunk in a Shark Tank, to create a horrendous chain of events that will leave your enemies spinning.

It’s worth paying attention to the order you place your Traps in – lay out your Lair for maximum damage and pair your Traps to really clean house. Some traps are easier to avoid than others. That fan I mentioned, for instance, might be easily sabotaged by a low level agent, but something more nefarious will catch them out, leaving them vulnerable to the fan.

And let’s look at that flame thrower. If you set fire to someone and then push them into your shark tank, well, that fire is going to be very short lived. Hopefully the same can be said of your victim, but you might be better off letting them burn just a little longer.

Here’s a personal little favourite of mine – a pair of enormous, oversized pinball bumpers, and a single fan positioned to perfectly bounce an agent, time and time again, against the two.

I’m already expecting you all to ask how many Traps you could possibly combine in the creation of your Lair – and I have the answer ready to go. You can combine as many Traps as you want! The two biggest only two limitations; your imagination, and the strength of your enemies.

Oh. And your budget. Terms and conditions apply, I guess, but these traps don’t come cheap, and someone’s got to pay for them. Best find a bank you’re willing to rob.

Which is any of them, right?

But, sometimes you don’t want to kill, and need to consider capturing your enemies…

Gotta Catch ‘Em All
Agents deal in secrets. They steal yours and they have their own. Some of those secrets could very lucrative, if only you could get your greedy hands on them. Problem with this is the Forces of Justice are very good at keeping their lips sealed. They’re the kind of person who has an industrial strength padlock on their diary.

As the old saying goes, we have ways of making people talk. First, you have to capture them.

The process of killing someone is an easy, two step procedure: Reduce their Vitality to 0. Gloat.

Capturing someone is a bit harder. You need to make sure they’re alive, and that they can’t immediately attempt to escape prison. To do this, you’ll need to reduce their Skill – be it through lowering their confidence on the Casino’s rigged roulette tables, hitting them with Traps, applying Henchmen’s special abilities, or simply beating it out of them with a very large stick.

You’ll also need to reduce their Vitality. Not quite as far as Body Bag levels, but far enough to encourage them not to resist anymore.

Once you’ve captured an agent, it’s up to you to break their resolve. Of course, we have the classic way of demoralizing a do-gooder, and that’s for the Evil Genius to mock their captive, explaining their plan to them in an attempt to drive home the futility of their heroics.

Oh, and those traps I keep going on about? They’re another, excellent way of reducing the Agent’s resolve.

Make sure you get your mockery in quickly, though, as Agent Skill will recover over time, leading to escape attempts.

After that, all you have to do is still them in an Interrogation chair and apply a few polite questions to earn your rewards.

When we talk about rewards, there’s a number of handy things you could get from a successful Interrogation. From Schemes, which are ways to take on the Forces of Justice to resources that advance objectives more quickly.

Of course, if you fancy just making someone yours, you can take an enemy Agent to the brainwasher, and turn them into one of your own minions. The type of Agent you brainwash will determine what kind of minion they become, so experiment with this. For example, brainwash an enemy Soldier and you’ll get a Guard. The better the Agent, the better your minion.

The Interrogation room also has a fancy chair. There’s not much else I can say about it…but it does look nice.

Just be careful how you go about dealing with these agents. The more of them who fail to report for duty, whether that’s because they’re waylaid in a holding cell or going up in smoke, the more likely the Forces of Justice are to send their top of the line Soldiers.

That about does it for this blog post! There are more things you can do with Traps and Interrogations, but sometimes the thrill is in discovery. I personally can’t wait for you to share your best Trap combo videos with us on social, or indeed through the Rebellion Discord (which you should definitely join!)

Until next time,

Rich Edwards

Lead Designer
Evil Genius - [REB] Beldeth
Composer James Hannigan Answers Your Questions! (Part 2)
We’re back with more answers from James Hannigan! If you missed Part 1, you can find it through this link. Thanks once again to James for his time!

Will there be different music for each of the geniuses?
There will indeed. Each of the four Evil Geniuses have their own theme… kind of related to their personalities, I would say.

What’s different between making music for EG1 and EG2, beyond having the former as an inspiration when making music for a sequel? Are there new challenges, how has your process changed over the years, or are you tackling this in the same way you tackled the music for EG1?
Since the beginning of this project, there’s been a feeling that EG2’s music should be a kind of progression or evolution of EG1’s music, rather than something wildly different for its own sake. It’s a cliché, but if isn’t broken why try to fix it? Plus, I tend to think that being consistent with a sound and style in a series helps build a more coherent world, creating a musical identity of some sort. That isn’t to say it’s all exactly the same, but a certain amount of the music is in a similar direction.

Were there any tracks that didn’t make it to the final version of Evil Genius 1 that you were particularly fond of? What was your favorite piece from the original game?
There are one or two big band tracks that didn’t make it into the original game, but only because there wasn’t a particular use for them at the time, and they didn’t actually get recorded. It’s easy to forget that music to picture – be it for games, tv or film – needs somewhere to go! It often needs a purpose motivated by something else, such as the narrative or a visual cue, etc.

My favourite track from the first game is the main theme, on the whole, because I think it gives Evil Genius some kind of musical identity, and helps sets up the world and scope of the game’s agenda (which, of course, is world domination!) Plus, I remember the pressure of writing it just a couple of days before recording the orchestra for the first game!

The main theme’s motif returns here and there in different guises as well, including in Evil Genius 2. Every time it shows up I hope it slaps you in the face and says ‘Evil Genius’! But the truth is, it’s also possible to use a motif like that in more subtle and understated ways, delivering an altogether softer message, or simply to create a kind of recognizable Evil Genius atmosphere. That’s the beauty of the ‘leitmotif’. I love how music can operate subconsciously in this way, often when the listener is barely aware of its presence! The funny thing about music is that it can often be more noticeable when it’s absent, especially if its well-integrated in a game’s overall experience.

In addition, have you been able to revisit some of your older compositions for Evil Genius 2?
Yes, there are a few tracks that are undoubtedly linked with those of EG1. Not only the theme, but some of the in-game tracks do echo the first game… often on steroids!

Thanks to James for taking the time to answer our questions! Until next time - stay safe, stay sinister, and make sure you join the Evil Genius 2 Discord!

Ben M-J, Blog Mastermind
Evil Genius - [REB] Beldeth
Composer James Hannigan Answers Your Questions! (Part 1)
It wouldn’t be an Evil Genius game without the sinister sounds of James Hannigan pumping through the airwaves. Once word got out that the sonic mastermind himself had returned, our community had plenty of questions for him. We gathered up the most relevant ones and put them to the man himself! Many thanks to James for his time, and to Nick Brewer for facilitating this conversation.

When you were composing the original Evil Genius, what were your inspirations? You’ve composed several works with Russian influences over the years, what has inspired you in general when shaping your style?
I’ve been quite fortunate as the projects I’ve worked on over the years have been very varied in terms of genre and what they require musically, so I’ve become a bit of a musical chameleon! Despite this, I always hope there is something of ‘me’ running through the work as well, especially within the themes. I love writing those, as it’s often where you try to create a kind of musical blueprint for a project … but it can also be the hardest part!

I do indeed love Russian music of the 20th Century - by the likes of Shostakovich, Stravinsky and many others, and that has probably influenced me to some extent … especially when writing fairly popular tracks such as Soviet March for Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3. But I try to write whatever is stylistically appropriate for what I’m working on, and that’s part of the challenge - and fun - of doing the job. When you write music to picture, going with a story, or to be heard within a particular setting or era, you have to put aside some of your own personal tastes in order create something actually serving the project… especially if it refers to a recognisable genre in the way Evil Genius does, which has a degree of parody involved as well. Fortunately, I absolutely love the spy and sci-fi genres, especially from the 1950s to the 1970s, and there’s something magical for me about the fusion of an orchestra with a jazz flavour in particular.

What was the oddest instrument you’ve used in composing the music for either EG1 or EG2?
Being mostly orchestral, many of the instruments used in the EG1 and EG2 scores aren’t super exotic in themselves, but I do find that the vibraphone [vibes] can be particularly interesting, and pretty integral to a certain sound often heard within the spy genre. Nothing seems to say ‘intrigue’ quite like the low shimmering, mellow tones of the vibes. They have this unmistakable warmth and presence, great for atmospheric, rhythmic beds brimming with mystery and tension.

I’m also a huge fan of surf guitar, which is another musical stalwart of the spy genre. There’s something about its ability to cut through a mix and carry a tune that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The original James Bond theme is undoubtedly a testament to its twangy awesomeness.
Big bold brass and high trumpets, percussion like bongos and congas are also a lot of fun to work with on a project like Evil Genius 2, and help make the music a little bit more eccentric and suave than an orchestra alone could.

That’s it for today’s blog post! We’ll be taking a few weeks off posting to give our minions a little rest – but rest assured we’ll be coming back in January of next year with more deep dives, and part two of this interview! Until then, stay safe, stay sinister, and make sure you join the Evil Genius 2 Discord!

Ben M-J, Blog Mastermind
Evil Genius - [REB] Beldeth
Rebellion, one of Europe’s leading independent studios, is delighted to reveal a brand new gameplay trailer for Evil Genius 2: World Domination, featuring none other than the legendary Brian Blessed.


The new trailer features world-first gameplay footage of playable genius Red Ivan, as voiced by Blessed. Not only can you see Red Ivan’s literally iron fist and destructive rocket launcher in action, but also never-before-seen traps, minions, henchmen, rooms, contraptions and more!

Blessed is known for his incredible performances across film, TV and stage, including in Flash Gordon, Henry V, Tarzan and Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace - so who better to play a mastermind with a predilection for loudly blowing things up?  
Evil Genius - [REB] Beldeth
The Dos and Dodos of Domination

Hello, minions! Rich Edwards here, Lead Designer on Evil Genius 2, here to lift the lid on another Development Blog. Does a blog have a lid? No matter.

Let’s talk about World Domination. In the last blog, we talked a little bit about the differences between each Evil Genius’ campaigns, but that was just a tease. The full World Domination mode is so much more.

World Domination

In the last blog we talked about your place as a Genius in the world. We were talking metaphorically. It’s time to talk literally.

Pick your Genius, pick a tropical Lair location, and get ready to build the ultimate in evil organizations.

Over the course of the campaign you’ll be spreading your influence through Global Operations – establishing Criminal Networks in all the regions of the world, then utilizing your minions to earn gold, advancing the progress of Global Objectives, and generally reaching out across the world stage to exploit every dastardly opportunity you can.

Naturally, the world doesn’t start dominated. As we hinted at last time, it was once, but things have slowly slipped back to something approaching normal. The Forces of Justice have reasserted themselves as self-appointed global protectors. They watch over their territory closely, fiercely guarding it against… well, against people like you.

Send some minions into a Region and they’ll establish a Criminal Network, exposing all manner of Schemes for you to run. Bolster your Networks and they’ll find even bigger and better opportunities.

However, there’s two sides to every coin, something you should know after you’ve stolen enough of them. The flipside here is that people tend to hate it when you commit a crime. Run too many schemes in a Region and you’ll trigger the wrath of the local “Good Guys”. I don’t want to spend too much time on this, but safe to say it’s unlikely to end well for you.

And that’s before we even start talking about their champions, the so-called “Super Agents.”

We designed World Domination to have a lot of different scenarios regardless of what Evil Genius you start out as – so how you spread your criminal empire across the globe is up to you! With all the content we’ve packed into it, it’s going to have plenty of replayability.

Talking of a criminal empire, every Genius needs a good Lair to base their operations from. At the start of a campaign, you’ll get to pick your island from a selection of pre-built tropical paradises. There are three islands in the game, and each one has a different layout and character to it, which in turn will influence how you lay out your Lair. You might even be able to spot a couple of classic spy genre influences in some of our Island designs.

Naturally, all three are unlocked from the start, and each provides its own specific advantage, from richer Gold seams to a larger Cover Operation, so you can really tailor your Lair to your playstyle. Once you’ve chosen your island you’ll be there until you either conquer the world or die in the attempt.

On the topic of building your Lair, we should talk about Loot. There’s a whole bunch of weird, wonderful and unique items of Loot in Evil Genius 2, and via a series of side-stories, you can acquire one of those Loot Items for yourself to display in your Lair. Now, these items aren’t just for show – they’ll have unique effects when placed. Throughout the campaign, you’ll have plenty of chances to decorate your Lair with the spoils of your adventures…and let’s get into one of those right now.

Enter The Dodo
Yes, you read that right. Let’s talk about The Dodo, if that’s ok with you. Sometimes, a picture says more than I could ever hope to describe through words alone, so here is The Dodo.

As you can see, he has a Mortarboard. That’s because what you’re looking at here is the world’s smartest Dodo. Smarts are essential if you intend to survive for as long as this bird has. At some point in your campaign, your Evil Genius is going to realize that this one of a kind Dodo exists out in the world. When you compare your minions’ own tenacity and intelligence to that of this bird, your Genius will begin to notice that their minions could stand to learn a lot from this Dodo.

As the player, you’ll spend some time sending minions into the world on Schemes, with the goal of capturing this intelligent bird! Each Loot Item in Evil Genius 2 has a variety of tasks you have to perform before you can get your maniacal mitts on them, because why would anything be easy?

Eventually, you’ll be able to bring the Dodo back to your Lair, where it will act as a Science Trainer. Minions will be able to study the Dodo, and skill up in Science faster than they would normally be able to. Here’s what that looks like.

So, as you can see – Loot Items are fantastic. We have a staggering number of them in the game (Lady Liberty’s Torch, anyone?), and I personally can’t wait to see how you put them to use. The Dodo also helps set the tone, in my mind, for a lot of the Loot items in the game. They’re silly, fun and just plain great to look at. Our Artists and Animators have done a fantastic job bringing them to life. Every time we got a new one into the game it’s been a genuine delight.

There’s so much more in Evil Genius 2’s World Domination mode – this blog was only intended to scratch the surface and give you all something to salivate over. We’ve hidden a lot within this mode, I’m excited to watch you discover the many weird and wonderful ways you’re going to expand your empire.

We’ll be back soon with another Development Blog, but until then make sure you’re in the Evil Genius 2 Discord Channel!

Rich Edwards

Lead Designer

Evil Genius - [REB] Beldeth
Hello everyone! It’s Rich Edwards, Lead Designer on Evil Genius 2, and I’m running out of ways to say “I’m back again.”

I’m back once more with another Development Blog for you. Today I’m going to be changing up the format slightly and telling you about all of our Evil Geniuses. You may already know some of them, but there are a definitely a couple you don’t… so let’s get on with introducing our four nefarious supervillains.

First of all, let’s talk about how they play, and their place in the grander world…

Breaking the Lore

We’ve got four distinct Evil Geniuses and, while each of them is tailored to a different play style, they do have some things in common. For example, they’re need to be protected. Yes, that includes Red Ivan, who might be hardier than the others, but he’s still at risk of being overwhelmed by some well-trained Agents. Keep them protected by minions at all times, and ensure that you send others to do your fighting. After all, a true criminal mastermind doesn’t like to get their hands dirty.

First up, let’s talk about our Gold Standard in villainy – Maximillian. He’s returning from the original game, but I’d like to drop a little bit more information on what that means for him. You see, an Evil Genius did conquer the world, but… Well, it wasn’t dear old Max. Speculate all you want, I’m not allowed to say more! Maximillian is your all-rounder – a great Genius for beginners to sink their teeth into, generating gold and specialized minions to do his work for him.

Our other Geniuses are slightly more weighted towards each of the different Villainous Specializations in the game.

Red Ivan, as you may have guessed, focuses more on ‘Might Makes Right’ as his ethos. If you want to have the kind of Lair that features armed Guards on every single corner, then Ivan’s your man. He’s also slightly hardier in combat, so a great choice for first-time players.

Also, for those still wondering about the events of the first game, yes – Ivan was involved. The Genius even rewarded him with his own country, the Nation of Ivania, probably just to keep him away from the Lair. Things have taken a sour turn for your militaristic mastermind since then.

Zalika is Science-focused, ensuring that research goes smoothly, cracking through research trees more reliably than other geniuses. However, as Zalika’s Lair has a scientific focus, you’re going to need more Technicians and Scientists to keep everything running and up to date, so keep that in mind when choosing her.

Finally we have Emma – who focuses around the Deception Tree. She’s a former Spymaster, embittered at her defeat during the events of the original Evil Genius, and has a general fondness for beating agents at their own game. If you want to keep a low profile on the world stage, taking over the world almost completely in secret, then Emma is the Genius for you. She also prefers working more closely with her Henchmen, able to assist them and get them back into the fight more quickly.

Of course, all of our Geniuses are available at the start of the game, but it’s worth re-iterating that you can pick whoever you like. Each Genius has some key differences between them, but don’t take their advantages as guidance for your play style – you can still play Evil Genius the way you want, despite each of our Characters’ strengths and weaknesses. Although Zalika can unlock and maintain traps more cheaply, if you, a hardcore Ivan fanatic, want to forsake Muscle minions and build a diabolical marvel of a trap network, well, we’re not going to stop you. By the same token, did you choose Zalika? Did you want train wave after wave of guards and arm them with only the very finest weapons? Go right ahead.

We wouldn’t stop you even if we could.

In addition, all of our Geniuses have their own abilities to bring to the table…

Genius Abilities

Not just pretty faces, each of our Evil Geniuses has their own truly unique ability. They also have passive effects, which we’ll leave it up to you to discover, but we wanted to give each Genius an advantage that fits their character and nature.

Max excels at boosting minion training – rapidly promoting his workforce and creating more Specialists. So if you’re lacking in certain minions and want to quickly have them skill up to fill slots in your Lair, then Max is excellent at that.

Despite our protestations, Red Ivan has brought his Rocket Launcher into the modern age. Want to deal with invaders personally? Then put Red Ivan on the front lines and have him directly involved in combat. Now…it’s quite tricky to control a rocket in motion, so he’ll only do this when you command. Nobody, except maybe Ivan in his younger days, wants their Lair in a constant state of ‘on fire’. You’re in control of Red Ivan and his Rocket Launcher, so if you do want to set your base ablaze…

Emma’s abilities play into her close relationship with her Henchmen, giving her the power to reset their cooldowns. She’s used to overseeing spies, making her henchmen more efficient than everybody else. Given that you can choose your own Henchmen, then Emma’s playstyle can really be tailored to the player in question. So, if you wanted to keep Jubei in the fight for longer, you could have him return to Emma for a pep talk, before sending him into battle once again. If you pick a load of Muscle henchmen, then you can really give Emma a fighting force to be reckoned with.

Zalika’s scientific prowess also extends to Furniture repair. If any item in your Lair is falling apart, you can order her to deploy Nano-Drones, repairing the area around her – extinguishing fires, repairing objects and keeping her Lair in a good state. This is especially useful if your Lair is power-hungry, so if you’re looking to keep the lights on regardless of outside interference, then you and Zalika have a lot in common.

(Someone in marketing has suggested we say “Zalika is your gal-ika.” Personally, I can’t think of anything more evil than inflicting that phrase on you.)

They’ve All Got It Infamy
Each Evil Genius has their unique own campaign, with its own story, and a unique Doomsday Device for you to build. We’ll be going into more specifics on the details of the campaign at a later date, but let’s talk through the basics.

They’re completely unique for each Genius, with objectives built from the ground-up for said Genius. For example, when playing as Red Ivan, an early mission would have you sending out Muscle minions to deal with the fall of Once Great Ivania, whilst Max’s first objective has you trying to weasel your way into being elected head of the world. Obviously, that doesn’t work for him…hence the Superweapon. Each campaign focuses purely on that character’s journey – from the start of their adventure, all the way through to World Domination. Spoilers for that, I guess.

However, regardless of which Evil Genius you choose, there’s Loot to collect, Crime Lords to overcome and recruit, and plenty more to discover. But I think that’s best served by our next blog post, which digs a little deeper into World Domination. Definitely come back for that one, there’s plenty of info in store…

Until next time, stay sinister, and make sure to join the Evil Genius 2 Discord Channel.

Rich Edwards

Lead Designer

Evil Genius - [REB] Beldeth
Hello, minions!

Recently, we invited a select group of individuals to a series of exclusive, hands-off preview sessions for Evil Genius 2: World Domination. The evil thing to do would be to ask you to do the necessary legwork…but we figured a good misinformation campaign needs some propaganda. So, we’ve compiled a selection of our personal favourites here for your enjoyment. Happy reading, muahahaha.

PC Gamer
“This sequel is more lavishly made, with a more '60s retro flair than the first, but it retains and updates the best parts.”

Game Informer
"With so many ways to try and destroy and/or take over the world, Evil Genius 2: World Domination looks like a much more enjoyable road to doomsday than we're accustomed to."

“Evil Genius 2 might be arriving 16 years late, but it looks like the sequel I always wanted”

"Looks gorgeous and thoroughly modern"

US Gamer
"This almost feels like the sequel that would've come a year or two after Evil Genius, albeit with a modern sheen. That's one way to have done this sequel, and given the cult classic nature of the original, it's probably the right one."

Hardcore Gamer
"Rebellion clearly respect this IP and their additions via the sequel look to have found a way to bring this once mid-2000’s stand-alone strategy title into the present day."

Bleeding Cool
"There are three unique islands to choose from for your evil lair location, each coming with their own pluses and minuses. Tons of new henchmen, agents, rooms, devices, traps, and loot. And so much more."

Screen Rant
"Ultimately, Evil Genius 2: World Domination has potential, but more needs to be seen... the capacity for a complex sim game is there as every part, in concept, complements the other."

"With a team dedicated to enhancing and updating the Evil Genius experience, things look promising for the simulation sequel."

"Evil Genius 2 is looking to bring back the cult-classic management sim with a bunch of new bells and whistles... My preview didn’t cover all aspects of the game, but I was impressed with what I saw from Rebellion Developments."

Want everything in a handily digestible video? Then check out this piece from Blarla!

We’ll be back in two weeks with yet more for you, but until then join the Evil Genius 2 Discord Channel for more!

Until next time,
The Team At Rebellion
Evil Genius - [REB] Beldeth

Hey there! It’s me, Lead Designer Rich Edwards. Back again with another Developer Blog post on Evil Genius 2: World Domination. This time, we’re going to be talking about the first lines of defence in your base. We nefarious types call it the Cover Operation, but the public know it as a Casino.

A successful cover operation is the Evil Genius’ front, a means of shifting prying eyes away from their Lair, and in our game this takes the form of a Casino. This is your first line of defence against the Forces of Justice. This doesn’t mean you have to invest heavily in it – Muscle and Traps are totally fine if you want to go that way – but it will be where most Agents show up for the first time. With a strong Cover Operation, you’ll be able to turn away some Agents before they even enter the Lair by investing in the Deception Tree, which I talked about in my previous blog.

I should note that your Casino isn’t a metagame – we’re not secretly crafting Casino Manager 2021, but you do have some options. You can choose the Furniture you place, who you staff it with, and all these things help to determine how effective it is at turning away enemy Agents. The longer and Agent stays in your Casino, the more you'll lower their Resolve. If that ever hits zero then, congratulations, you just convinced them that their orders from Headquarters aren't as important as they once were. Goodbye Agent, we hope you enjoyed your stay.

Of course, a Casino doesn't just attract enemy agents. No. It also attracts a horde of gullible Tourists who are easily parted from their money. If you'd rather defend your lair with traps, minions and henchmen, then your Casino makes for an effective side hustle.

Speaking of minions and henchmen, let’s talk about how you can make their life easier…

Keeping Safe
Agent invasions happen. That’s a fact of life, and you’re going to have to accept it sooner or… Well, you can’t accept it later because we’re about to talk about them.

Have you accepted it yet? Hurry up if you haven’t.

It’s how you prepare for that eventuality that is important. Guards patrol your hallways, checking your minions to make sure they aren’t actually an Agent in disguise. However, they could always use a helping hand in this. Initially, this will be up to you as the Genius, but as threats grow, you’ll want to do what every Evil Genius should do and delegate. So, it’s time to start building Cameras and Staging Posts throughout your Lair.

If a threat is detected on your Camera Network – dutifully manned by your minions – then an alert will be sent to the nearest Staging Post. You may have seen screenshots of Guards lounging around with their feet up on an expensive looking table. Believe it or not, these finely honed killing machines are actually waiting for an excuse to spring into action.

The Armoury is home to the largest Staging Posts, as well as the Security Consoles your minions need to monitor your Cameras. But that’s not all you’ll find there.

You’ve seen Guards in your Lair. While they are capable fighters, rippling with muscle, I want to share a secret with you. I think they put too much emphasis on their glamour muscles, and I’ve seen them skip leg day more than once. Higher tier minions are stronger, but even then, why take the chance? Why not give them an array of deadly weapons? After all, no matter how impressive your muscles, you should never take a glute to a gunfight.

And so the final thing that ends up in your Armoury is naturally Weapons. Minions will pick up the weapon they want and carry that with them in order to respond to any intruders. You don’t *need* to build Weapon Racks, but if you don’t your minions are going to try and solve every problem with their fists. While admirable, they will be shot to death relatively quickly. You can grab both lethal and non-lethal weapons, especially useful if you want to capture enemy Agents. There are even Batons available, useful for handing down a pummelling. However you want to deal with your foes, there’s a weapon available for that purpose. You can even skill up your Guards into different classes – the Martial Artist, for example, excels at Hand-To-Hand combat.

Standing In The Way Of Control (Room)

All of this does filter back into the Traits system we talked about previously – and, additionally, how your minions have a series of stats you should pay attention to if you want your Lair to operate to its fullest potential. If your minions have low Smarts, then your security network is going to suffer. They’ll tire out quicker, and they won’t be paying as much attention to their screens. So, you need to make sure your minions are well-rested, well-fed, and prepared to stare at a screen all day, ready to dispatch guards at a moment’s notice. Of course, Traps are also incredibly important to Lair defence, but we’re going to be diving in to those at a later date. Eventually, we want you to free up your headspace to focus on the bigger picture of World Domination. A lair that can take care of itself is a successfully run operation, with the first line of defence being your minions’ ability to spot incoming threats.

Before we close this blog out, let’s flip the script and switch from defence to offence – heading straight over to the Control Room! Your gateway to the world stage, the Control Room is the key to World Domination, a topic we’ll be covering more in the future. However, as a room in the lair, it is incredibly important. As the hub of your global Operations, your Control Room helps you establish and organise your criminal network and Schemes. The bigger your control room, the more minions you have working in it, the more you’re going to be able to exploit the world and enhance your effectiveness. A small control room will be fine for robbing the bank down the road, but if you want to literally steal the riches of a thousand kingdoms in some kind of mega heist, you’re going to need a sizeable Control Room. We’ll be coming back to this room more at a later date, because of its importance to the World Domination mode. You should definitely look forward to that…all in good time.

That’s it for another Evil Genius 2 Development Blog! Lair Defence is just one step in your grand plan, but an important one to consider. I can’t wait to see how you all lay out your lairs – there’s bound to be some inventive designs out there! We’ll be back in two weeks with yet more for you, but until then join the Evil Genius 2 Discord Channel for more!

Rich Edwards

Lead Designer
Evil Genius - Rebellion_Beldeth

Hello! Rich Edwards back again, Lead Designer on Evil Genius 2: World Domination.

We’re here with another Development Blog, this time covering minion Traits. It’s a broad topic, but every character in Evil Genius 2 can have Traits – these inform the personality and the behavior of that character. Traits come out in all sorts of different ways, so let’s dive in and see what they’re all about.

Trait-ing Places

I’m going to address the unspoken first. You and I are two different people. I enjoy puzzles, I’m soft spoken, and I wear comfortable hoodies. You’re a fan of Evil Genius 2: World Domination, so I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say you’re some sort of incredible super being, blessed with amazing charisma, a keen mind, and excellent taste. Aren’t you amazing?

In Evil Genius 2, we call these differences Traits.

Whenever a new character is called into existence they are assigned a number of Traits. Perhaps they’re a Homebody, or have a Fear of Needles? They could be a Workaholic, or have a Sweet Tooth too.

Traits run the gamut from sillier little Easter Eggs (watch your minions closely for some of those), through to them being former Agents, with the ability to see through disguises more effectively. Certain minions could have disastrous traits, which might even work against you.

Did you know that a minion can be Oblivious? This means they can’t see through disguises, letting enemy Agents run rampant – a trait to be avoided. They could also arrive in your Lair with a nasty case of Hay Fever? A sniffling worker will do everything they can to avoid becoming a Biologist – but if they do, and they have to work with dangerous, pollen spewing plants in the Laboratory? Well, then they’ll lose health more rapidly.

Minions can have a number of traits, so make sure to inspect your workforce regularly. If you want to get in there, micro-manage and root out the weaker employees, then you absolutely can. In fact we encourage it. Who wants to employ a Lazy, Oblivious Worker when you could hire someone is Dedicated and Oblivious? Wait – that’s isn’t much better…

While you can’t filter minions by Traits when employing them – an Evil Genius doesn’t involve themselves in middle management. Instead, it’s simplicity itself to execute a minion after recruiting them. Not only does this… terminate their employment, it also provides a temporary boost to any witnesses. After all – if you saw someone executed in front of you, you’d probably work a little harder, too.

(Editor’s Note: that isn’t how Rebellion operates. We’re much fairer. All executions are done in trial by combat.)

Every worker minion in Evil Genius 2 comes to you with a basic set of traits. However, when you skill them up through training methods, they become inherently better in one aspect. So a minion might retain some traits, but they’ll gain new attributes. Some traits, like Pacifism, might even disappear with enough combat training.

There’s nothing quite like making a minion punch something enough until they enjoy it. Not that you’ll be overseeing this process every single time, mind. Training is mostly big picture stuff – if you say ‘I want X Guards and Y Technicians’, your minions will then organize themselves into teams, training themselves up automatically until they can call themselves a Guard or a Technician.

However, that could take a while, a potentially daunting prospect if you need specialized minions a little quicker. So, you can assign existing minions to assist with training, speeding up the entire process. Your minions are always helping train their own replacement, filling in slots based on how many specialists you want. Nobody wants to get involved in micro-management. There’s a World to dominate, and that’s Big Picture Stuff.

The Deception Tree

As any Lawyer will tell you, all Crime comes in one of three flavours. It’s either a Muscle crime, Science-y, or mired in Deception. That’s why we themed our minions after these three criminal aspects, creating the Muscle, Science, and Deception Tree.

What can I tell you about the Deception Tree? It’s instead a career path for minions who excel at keeping your enemies misinformed.

Let’s take a look at how your minions can help reduce the stats of your enemies, and keep your Casino running! The Deception Tree covers all the minions that can work in the Casino, ensuring no Agents infiltrate your Lair, keeping them all handily distracted. Valets are the lowest rung of this ladder of lies – keeping people occupied, but their powers can only stretch so far. Eventually, they’ll progress to becoming a Socialite or Spin Doctor, who can in turn become a Counter Agent, the final tier of The Deception Tree.

The Casino is a necessary part of keeping your Lair running. After all, without it your Island is just your lair, making it the perfect target for the Forces of Justice. When operating your Casino, Tourists will naturally flood to your island – who could resist gambling in paradise? Unfortunately, they tend to distract Valets from their real purpose – distracting Agents. Which brings us to…
Drumroll please. Swing a spotlight over this way because our next minion won’t put in an appearance unless we make a fuss. Enter the Socialite.

The Socialite is a loud, brash presence, who draws a lot of Tourist attention, allowing your other minions to distract more Agents. Sometimes, being a chatterbox does help.

The Spin Doctor, on the other side, acts as a sort of damage-dealing character, reducing the skill of any Agents that are approaching your lair – confusing them for a while, ensuring they can’t do their job effectively. If any Agents do stumble across anything suspicious, then the Spin Doctor will be right there with them, ensuring that everything is normal – Look, every Casino has a ray gun, have you even been to a Casino before?

And lurking behind the scenes this whole time is the final Deception Minion: the Counter Agent. These folks are incredible at seeing through disguises, and lowering Agent skills – rooting them out and damaging their ability to perform their mission before they even set foot in the lair. They won’t convince them to go home, but they will ensure that Agents can barely perform. A good combination of all of these minions will ensure a flawless operation. For more details on how to keep your Lair running smoothly…we suggest you wait for our next blog post.

Minion traits is a complex system, but I hope I was able to give you all enough information to excite you. We’ll be back in another two weeks with another Dev Blog, so see you all then. Remember, make sure to check out the Evil Genius 2 Discord Channel to discuss this post and anything else Evil Genius 2 related.

I better get out of here, my producer is getting out the dueling pistols. It would appear that whole ‘trial by combat’ thing was no empty threat. Until next time!

Rich Edwards

Lead Designer
Evil Genius - Rebellion_Beldeth

Hello. This is Rich Edwards here, Lead Designer on Evil Genius 2: World Domination.
In today’s Development Blog we’ll be covering Lair Building. The best criminal masterminds put a lot of thought into their Lair and we know this is something you’ve been asking us to divulge more on, so let’s get right to it.

Enter The Lair Builder

Let’s tackle the elephant-sized-device in the room first. You might have noticed in our trailers that your minions have a fancy new tool they’ve been putting to use. The Lair Builder 5000 is its name, and it is the answer to ‘how do your minions do X?’ The Lair Builder is a state of the art multi-tool, allowing minions to do all manner of things throughout the Lair – from destroying solid rock to putting up new walls, all the way through to constructing equipment and sucking up body bags. It’s a brilliant tool that all minions have access to, and it’s definitely a lot cooler than giving them pick axes and shovels.

I’ve seen a few of you mentioning this online, and wanted to dispel a small misconception about the Lair Builder 5000 – it doesn’t create furniture out of thin air. Your minions will still need to pick equipment up from the depot and carry it into the Lair, but these items are often heavy, and let's face it, your workers aren't the strongest people in the world. The Lair builder simply turns the heavy, back-breaking labour into more manageable back-straining labour. When it comes to adding items to your Lair, we’ve kept the flow from the original Evil Genius is still intact, not to worry. We just thought we’d enhance how minions go about their business – and honestly, a spy-fi gadget is far fancier than crates, as is befitting for your stylish underground Lair.

We're also doing our level best to ensure that the feedback on building is more immediate. If you give an order - say, if you lay down a plan for a brand new Inner Sanctum, complete with impressive boardroom table and chairs you’d literally die for - the minions will immediately start work. As soon as you hit Confirm on your build order, you'll see a horde of jumpsuits converging on the building site, brandishing their Lair Builders, eager to get to work.

Let's talk about dynamite briefly. We loved how that felt in the original game, how satisfying it was to watch the ripple of explosions expertly, and improbably, carve a winding tunnel through the mountain. That feeling is still there as your minions tunnel into the bedrock tile by tile. Only now there’s far less waiting around for stacks of explosives to be piled haphazardly against the wall.

As Maximillian says – Faster. Faster, faster.

Also, there’s an auto-decoration system –if you don’t want to take the time to decorate your Lair, you can relax, safe in the knowledge that each room will look amazing right from the start. A number of decorations will appear on your walls automatically, fitting themselves around any items you’re adding. But this is a Lair Builder at heart, we know you’re going to want to decorate the rooms yourself, so we’ve made sure there’s a whole host of cosmetic items available to you.

The Veins Of The Lair

Corridors. Who doesn’t love corridors? The endless stretches of safety lights, the quiet humming of generators. The distant sound of squeaking rubber soles.

And that’s before we even mention the total lack of hiding places for Agents or the concealed death traps built into the walls and floors.

Corridors make the ideal home for your Trap Networks. We experimented early on with having them in multiple rooms, but it turns out that minions find it hard to sleep next to saw blades, guards kept falling into the shark tanks, and let’s not even mention the time Eli got too close to a flamethrower. So, we decided to adhere to some form of health and safety in our Lair constructions.

They’re also great places for gunfights – with great line of sights. Think of the corridor as the veins connecting your Lair, allowing you to spot undesirables with relative ease. Minions don’t hang around in corridors…so that could be an Agent in disguise.

For their unassuming nature, corridors might just be the most important area in the Lair. Making sure that minions can get where they need to go quickly, while ensuring any Agents who break through your security get lost in the maze is just one of the many aspects you’re going to need to account for when you’re building your Lair.

Or you could even remove corridors entirely. If you want to connect your barracks straight to a Mess Hall be our guest. You are the Genius, after all.

There’s also doors to consider. Yes, doors. The indefatigable Forces of Justice have many tricks up their sleeve, but each of their Agents struggles with certain doors. I’m not going to reveal all the combinations here, but…it’s worth considering the types of agent you’re going to come up against, and trying to beat them at their own game. A Rogue might get past a simple door’s security with ease, but a high tech laser grid? That’s trickier.

You might have also noticed that your Lair now has multiple floors…the possibilities for crafting your dream Lair truly are endless, but watch out for the Forces Of Justice attacking on multiple fronts. You’ll have to make sure all your floors are properly defended.

Of course, we have all sorts of rooms in the Lair for you to get your heads around - but you’ll want to pay special attention to the Barracks and the Mess Hall. These two rooms serve very important purposes in your Lair – helping to replenish your minions’ stats. A hungry workforce can’t perform adequately, and if your minions don’t have the rest they need to function, then your Lair is going to suffer.

The Barracks is actually the only room in the Lair that can contain Beds – which, as you might expect, are completely necessary for helping your minions rest up. They’re also one of the cheapest rooms in the game to build, because the value of a good nights’ sleep is absolutely priceless. Similarly, the Mess Hall is the only room in the game that contains furniture that allows them to take a lunch break – no snacking on the job. Your minions will automatically gather at these two locations when they feel either tired or hungry, which is definitely one less thing to worry about as you’re plotting your eventual World Domination.

Just keep an eye on those rooms. If a significant number of overworked, tired, hungry minions gather in one place for too long… Well, let’s just say that you might be a Genius, but you are outnumbered…

Until We Meet Again

That’s it for Lair Building Basics. Remember, we’ll be back in two weeks’ time with yet another Dev Blog, so we’ll see you then. Until then, make sure you check out the Evil Genius 2 Discord Channel if you haven’t already joined – it’s a great place to chat to like-minded fans, and who knows – maybe a couple members of the dev team will pop in from time to time.

Maybe a couple of us are already there. Watching. Scheming. Waiting for you to betray your weaknesses so we can spring into action.

Who can say?

Rich Edwards
Lead Designer

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