Europa Universalis IV - BjornB
One of the highlights of the year for the Europa Universalis IV team returns soon, with the Grandest Virtual Party taking place on 11-12 December. 21 teams of three, including an official Paradox team, go head to head in a multiplayer extravaganza that emphasizes role-playing as much as it does game skill.

Check out all special offers on Steam for Europa Universalis IV for this event!

You can follow along with the event and cheer on your favorite council of conquerors by watching the stream live on and join your fellow community members in the official Discord to offer your own commentary and insight as strangers become allies and allies become traitors.

You can check out the Official Website for the event here - for more information.

Nov 30, 2021
Europa Universalis IV - BjornB

Following almost a week of public testing we are now releasing 1.32.2 for everyone!

You can read what the patch contain below. You may also find some updates to how the subscription service behaves in-game. We are continuing experimentation with the subscription to improve the experience for both old and new players, meaning some of you might see some changes over the coming months - for example, we have removed the widget for all players that already own all the DLC

As always, please report any issues in our bug report forum or submit a support ticket. Thank you!

Saves should be compatible between all 1.32.x version although we can never guarantee it! Our tests indicate there are no problems however.

*** 1.32.2 Patchnotes ***

# Script
# Achievements
- The achievement "Knights of the Caribbean" will now ask for the entirety of Sardinia.
- The achievement "One nation to rule them all" now correctly checks if your subjects are vassals.
- Fixed a script issue regarding the global unrest for the achievement "This is Fine".
- Fixed an issue which made the achievement "Fugger Banking" impossible.
- The achievement "Prestor John" can now be completed even after forming Aksum as Ethiopia.

# Decisions
- The decision "Build the Third Temple" will be now hidden if you have the event "The Third Temple" open.
- The Mamluks can no longer form Israel.
- Reforming Bulgaria will now update the mission tree.
- Forming Kurland now allows you to be Anglican or Hussite too.
- The "Form Italian Nation" decision will no longer tell you twice that you leave the HRE when you form Italy.
- Forming Somalia will now colonize the provinces Dawa and Ewaso Ngiro.

# Events
- Re-added the Institution message event. This changes everything...
- Added a goto button for the event "Growth of the business of <Province Name>".
- Added a goto button for the event "Stagnation and Drought in <Province Name>".
- Added a goto button for the event "Mysore Revolts!".
- Fixed issues related to the event "Where the Legend Begins".
- Fixed event target issues for the event "Pirate Stronghold in Angoche".
- The event "The Great Mosque of Djenné" now has a goto option.
- The event which end the "Decline of Mali" disaster now gives +100 ADM, +100 DIP and +100 MIL as the +1 Stability was most of the time not needed at this point anymore.
- The event "Isabella of Castille" now has a mean time to happen of 200 months instead of 1000 months.
- The explorer from the event "Unexpected Explorer" is now always a female explorer with 10 Tradition.
- Reformed events will now properly check that the country has the Reformed religion too, and not only the Fervor mechanic.
- Muslim School events will now properly check that the country has a Muslim religion too, and not only the School mechanic.
- Orthodox events will now properly check that the country has the Orthodox religion too, and not only the Patriach Authority mechanic.

# Ideas
- The Plains Native Ideas no longer conflict with the Southeastern Woodlands Ideas.

# Missions
- The mission "Gideon's Revolt" now checks if you actually own the provinces of Semien.
- The mission "Destroy Majapahit" now highlights the Surabaya area even if Majapahit is already dead.
- The Songhain mission "Develop Salt and Cloth" no longer has the awkward custom tooltip in the triggers.
- The modifier "Expansion into the Cape" from the mission "Expand Kilwa" now has a duration of 50 years instead of 30 years.
- The Kilwan mission "Expand Kilwa" can now be completed if the monument in Kilwa has tier 3 too.
- The Songhain mission "Reform the Army" no longer requests you to be ahead in military tech compared to all other countries in the western tech group.
- The Kongolese mission "Unite the Congo Tribes" now counts provinces owned by your subjects too and does no longer request you to have cores on them. This means creating colonies will no longer make the mission impossible.
- The progress for the mission "Temples of Stone" no longer gets reset if you switch your tag.
- The Dithmarscher mission "The Peasants' War" will now properly check for the victory of the Peasants' War.
- The Papal mission "New St. Peter's Basilica" now gives +2 Base Tax to Rome if the monument is already on Tier 3.

# Setup
- The province Zacatecas is now guaranteed to have gold.
- Bunyoro now starts with the Acholi culture as an accepted culture.
- The primary culture of Darfur is now Tunjur.
- Ogaadeen now has cores on the provinces Degehabur and Werder.
- The provinces Korofan, Medwa and Kobbe have now the Tunjur culture.
- The country Geledi has now cores on the Ajuuraan provinces Afgooye, Bardera and Gedo.
- Changed the name of the province Kosti to Waylula.

# Modifiers
- The modifier "The Third Temple is built" now gives normal missionary strength instead of missionary strength against Heretics.
- The modifier "Expansion into the Cape" from Kilwa's mission tree now also increases Global Settler Increase by +25.
- The modifier "Adalan-Ethiopian War" now gives +0.1 Monthly Piety instead +1. Also fixed the tooltip issue with it, showing the wrong number.
- The modifier "Prime Herding Rights" from the privilege now gives +25% Local Manpower Modifier instead of 100%.
- The modifier "Authority Asserted" now increases max absolutism instead of reducing it.
- Fixed an issue where the modifier "Hegemon of Southern Africa" affected the West African culture group instead of the Southern African culture group.
- The modifier "Hegemon of Southern Africa" now gives +33% Sailor Modifier instead of 0.33 Sailors.

# Other
- Added missing dynamic, Greek names for a few provinces.
- Removed the Razing Power Gain modifier from the Buryat Band merc company.
- The estates have now learned to check if you can build manufactories in the first place before giving you the task to build manufactories.
- The estate privilege "Embrace Singular Cult" will no longer add a stability when the regency dies.
- The Malbork Castle Monument now has its garrison size modifier in the correct global modifiers scope.
- The Great Walls of China Monument now has its garrison size modifier in the correct global modifiers scope.
- The Heddal Stave Church Monument now requires the owner to be Christian too in order to have access to its modifiers.
- The estate privilege "Religious Society" now also affects syncretic and harmonized religions.

The original post on our official forum can be found here!
Europa Universalis IV - BjornB

We are currently working on the 1.32.2 patch and we'd like to invite you all to help us test it before releasing it. This patch is targeting the crash occurring with games using Random New World. Unfortunately despite our best attempts - saves loaded in 1.32.1 and crashing will be corrupted and not possible to retrieve. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Please note that beta patches are only available through Steam.

How to opt-in to 1.32.2:
1. Right click Europa Universalis IV in Steam and go to Properties
2. Go to the BETAS menu and pick 1.32.2-Beta in the dropdown list
3. Close the window and let the game update in Steam

Please report any problems with 1.32.2 in the Bug Report forum! Make sure you put what version of the game you are playing in the thread title (ex [1.32.1] or [1.32.2]) to help us organize the reports - thank you!

######################## ###########################

# Script
# Achievements
- The achievement "Knights of the Caribbean" will now ask for the entirety of Sardinia.
- The achievement "One nation to rule them all" now correctly checks if your subjects are vassals.
- Fixed a script issue regarding the global unrest for the achievement "This is Fine".
- Fixed an issue which made the achievement "Fugger Banking" impossible.
- The achievement "Prestor John" can now be completed even after forming Aksum as Ethiopia.

# Decisions
- The decision "Build the Third Temple" will be now hidden if you have the event "The Third Temple" open.
- The Mamluks can no longer form Israel.
- Reforming Bulgaria will now update the mission tree.
- Forming Kurland now allows you to be Anglican or Hussite too.
- The "Form Italian Nation" decision will no longer tell you twice that you leave the HRE when you form Italy.
- Forming Somalia will now colonize the provinces Dawa and Ewaso Ngiro.

# Events
- Re-added the Institution message event. This changes everything...
- Added a goto button for the event "Growth of the business of <Province Name>".
- Added a goto button for the event "Stagnation and Drought in <Province Name>".
- Added a goto button for the event "Mysore Revolts!".
- Fixed issues related to the event "Where the Legend Begins".
- Fixed event target issues for the event "Pirate Stronghold in Angoche".
- The event "The Great Mosque of Djenné" now has a goto option.
- The event which end the "Decline of Mali" disaster now gives +100 ADM, +100 DIP and +100 MIL as the +1 Stability was most of the time not needed at this point anymore.
- The event "Isabella of Castille" now has a mean time to happen of 200 months instead of 1000 months.
- The explorer from the event "Unexpected Explorer" is now always a female explorer with 10 Tradition.
- Reformed events will now properly check that the country has the Reformed religion too, and not only the Fervor mechanic.
- Muslim School events will now properly check that the country has a Muslim religion too, and not only the School mechanic.
- Orthodox events will now properly check that the country has the Orthodox religion too, and not only the Patriach Authority mechanic.

# Ideas
- The Plains Native Ideas no longer conflict with the Southeastern Woodlands Ideas.

# Missions
- The mission "Gideon's Revolt" now checks if you actually own the provinces of Semien.
- The mission "Destroy Majapahit" now highlights the Surabaya area even if Majapahit is already dead.
- The Songhain mission "Develop Salt and Cloth" no longer has the awkward custom tooltip in the triggers.
- The modifier "Expansion into the Cape" from the mission "Expand Kilwa" now has a duration of 50 years instead of 30 years.
- The Kilwan mission "Expand Kilwa" can now be completed if the monument in Kilwa has tier 3 too.
- The Songhain mission "Reform the Army" no longer requests you to be ahead in military tech compared to all other countries in the western tech group.
- The Kongolese mission "Unite the Congo Tribes" now counts provinces owned by your subjects too and does no longer request you to have cores on them. This means creating colonies will no longer make the mission impossible.
- The progress for the mission "Temples of Stone" no longer gets reset if you switch your tag.
- The Dithmarscher mission "The Peasants' War" will now properly check for the victory of the Peasants' War.
- The Papal mission "New St. Peter's Basilica" now gives +2 Base Tax to Rome if the monument is already on Tier 3.

# Setup
- The province Zacatecas is now guaranteed to have gold.
- Bunyoro now starts with the Acholi culture as an accepted culture.
- The primary culture of Darfur is now Tunjur.
- Ogaadeen now has cores on the provinces Degehabur and Werder.
- The provinces Korofan, Medwa and Kobbe have now the Tunjur culture.
- The country Geledi has now cores on the Ajuuraan provinces Afgooye, Bardera and Gedo.
- Changed the name of the province Kosti to Waylula.

# Modifiers
- The modifier "The Third Temple is built" now gives normal missionary strength instead of missionary strength against Heretics.
- The modifier "Expansion into the Cape" from Kilwa's mission tree now also increases Global Settler Increase by +25.
- The modifier "Adalan-Ethiopian War" now gives +0.1 Monthly Piety instead +1. Also fixed the tooltip issue with it, showing the wrong number.
- The modifier "Prime Herding Rights" from the privilege now gives +25% Local Manpower Modifier instead of 100%.
- The modifier "Authority Asserted" now increases max absolutism instead of reducing it.
- Fixed an issue where the modifier "Hegemon of Southern Africa" affected the West African culture group instead of the Southern African culture group.
- The modifier "Hegemon of Southern Africa" now gives +33% Sailor Modifier instead of 0.33 Sailors.

# Other
- Added missing dynamic, Greek names for a few provinces.
- Removed the Razing Power Gain modifier from the Buryat Band merc company.
- The estates have now learned to check if you can build manufactories in the first place before giving you the task to build manufactories.
- The estate privilege "Embrace Singular Cult" will no longer add a stability when the regency dies.
- The Malbork Castle Monument now has its garrison size modifier in the correct global modifiers scope.
- The Great Walls of China Monument now has its garrison size modifier in the correct global modifiers scope.
- The Heddal Stave Church Monument now requires the owner to be Christian too in order to have access to its modifiers.
- The estate privilege "Religious Society" now also affects syncretic and harmonized religions.

# AI
# Economy
- Improved AI powerspending priorities to primarily encourage lowering inflation and prioritize ideas higher.

# War
- Improved AI for considering terrain for threat evaluation.
- Fixed so AI is less afraid or rebels and more afraid of non-rebels.
- The Ethopian AI will no longer move its capital while being at war.

# Bugfixes
- Fixed a CTD related to tooltip of core creation.
- Fixed a CTD related to mercenaries when using random new world.
- Fixed a CTD related to removing lifted FoW.
- Fixed a CTD related to increasing great project tier.
- Fixed exploit of concentrating development with the game paused.
- Fixed a bug where condottieri would not deal morale damage.
- Fixed issues with displaying the monthly piety modifier.
- Fixed a few wrong localizations for the provinces "Wadai", "Mayika", "Sulaimaniyah" as well as a localization issue with the country name "Karabakh".
- The opinion modifier of the Torah Aspect "Abrahamic Roots" no longer gets removed and re-applied periodically.
- Fixed a bug where [] freezes the game, if used inside a sub section (e.g. OR).
- Fixed issue with federation names when federation countries form federations.
- Culture and religion of colony changed correctly in TC region.
- Fixed bug where stated territorial cores would cost less governing capacity than unstated territorial cores.
- Fixed OOS related to variable_arithmetic_trigger.
- Fixed OOS related to army exploration mission.
- Fixed issue with navy size trigger not displaying properly.
- Forming a nation with different estates now removes the old estates' privilege modifiers from provinces.
- No longer possible to colonize provinces cut off from the capital instead of it being reported as a 20,000+ days travel time for the colonist.
- Fixed an issue being unable to recall a working merchant, also can now right click him on the outliner to cancel.
Europa Universalis IV - BjornB
Hello and welcome everyone to another Europa Universalis IV development diary. It is a few days since we released the Origins immersion pack and the accompanying 1.32 update. This was the first fully Tinto designed and developed release, and we feel proud of the result.

We can write a lot about how great it has been doing, but I want to focus on a few things in today's diary.

First of all, a thank you to all of you who are part of the community. It is sometimes hard to read when the work you have done is not good enough, but all the constructive feedback we have gotten this spring and summer have really helped us fix things for the 1.32 patch.

Secondly, I want to highlight how happy I am with seeing how you enjoy our new missions that our new CD team have designed. With a focus on more interesting experiences than just claims and buffs, it seems to be exactly what you, the community, wants. Hopefully we can attempt to revise some older ones in future updates.

Thirdly, and this ties nicely together to the next part of the diary, we have had a focus on fixing old bugs for EU4, and have managed to reduce our bug count in an unprecedented way for a GSG in the last 14 months. We want to continue this, and make sure that when we finally end development on EU4, the game should not have a large horde of bugs still around, like some previous games sadly have.

So, what happens now?

First of all, we aim to release another larger “hotfix” for any issues remaining, this should be out in good time before the Grandest Lan in December.

Secondly, we aim to release a larger patch with more fixes & improvements during late q1 next year.

After that we’ll start working on another immersion pack. This sadly means though, that for the next few months, there will not be a weekly development diary, but only ones when we have something new to say..


//Johan (read original post here!)
Europa Universalis IV - BjornB
Greetings everyone!

Europa Universalis IV: 1.32.1 Songhai is now live for everyone on Steam, Microsoft and Epic. This hotfix fixes the issues with Aggressive Expansion penalties from Personal Unions, a recurring crash issue affecting some people at certain dates, a problem with the effect of Army Tradition to Development Cost, and a few other issues.

This is the exact same patch that has been available as an opt-in beta patch on Steam since Friday. You should be able to continue save games from both 1.32 and the after updating to 1.32.1.

As always, please report any issues in our bug report forum or submit a support ticket. Thank you!

1.32.1 Patchnotes
# Gamebalance
# Governments
- The Shogunate can no longer switch their primary culture

# War & Peace
- Reduced AE gained from PU. Austria no longer gets coalition when enforcing PU with Bohemia.

# Script
# Achievements
- The achievement "Knights of the Caribbean" does no longer require you to stay as the Knights to complete it
- The achievement "Surfing USA" can now be achieved if your country moves the capital to the new world and form the USA manually instead of using a former colonial nation to do so

# Decisions
- The decision "Build the Third Temple" now highlights Jerusalem if the conditions are not met to enact this decision
- United Hawai can now see the "Form American Nation" decision if they have their capital in North or South America. This change is mostly made for the achievement

# Events
- The AI will now always choose +1 Stability from the event "The Kingdom Semien" and the Jewish provinces gain a hidden modifier for 25 years, which remove the religious unity contribution. This change was made in order to give players a bigger tine window to conquer these provinces before the AI converts them
- The event "The Papal State" will no longer trigger for the united Holy Roman Empire

# Ideas
- The idea "Devoutness" from the Religious Ideas now gives +0.1 Monthly Piety, +0.5 Yearly Patriarch Authority, +0.1 Yearly Karma Decay, +1 Yearly Doom Reduction and +0.15 Yearly Authority (I doubt the last two modifiers will make a big difference though, but who knows.)
- The idea "Local Traditions" from the Humanist Ideas now increases Religious Harmonization Speed by +25%

# Missions
- The Ajuuraan mission "Hydraulic Expertise" can now be completed if you drop the Ajuuraan ideas
- The Ethiopian mission "Unite the Horn" no longer requires you to have the province Fazughli colonized
- The Kilwan mission "The Uncharted South" and the Mutapan mission "Uncover the South" have now an additional mission requirement in order to hinder the African AI to colonize the Cape frequently

# Modifiers
- Being over the Governing Capacity now decreases Tribal Development Growth (-100% at 100% over the capactiy)
- The modifier "Crushed Local Authority" from Court and Country now gives +20 Max Absolutism instead of -20
- The modifier "Rome Reborn" now gives +1.5 more Prestige, 1 Diplomatic Upkeep, +0.25 Legitimacy, +1 Tolerance of the True Faith, +1% Global Missionary Strength and -25% Mercenary Cost

# Other
- The government reform "Tribal Confederacy" is no longer available for other tribes unless they start with it
- Removed Hampi monument requirement for Hindu country with Buddha as personal cult, as it already has Dharmic religious groups as a requirement.
- Removed Ellora Caves monument requirement for Hindu country with Buddha as personal cult, as it already has Dharmic religious groups as a requirement.
- Changed Brandenburg Gate monument Tier 3 Militarization of State to 0.05.
- Changed Baiturrahman Grand Mosque Tier 3 Area Local unrest to -2.
- Added Global ship trade power and Prestige from naval battles modifiers to Cartagena de Indias monument.
- Added Devotion modifier to Malbork Castle monument.

# Bugfixes
- Improved great project UI to show GPs that can be built if all criteria are fulfilled other than cost
- Game will not crash when Mod is lacking icons for the unit tab. There will be entry in error.log instead.
- The achievement "KHAAAAAAN" is no longer locked behind starting as one of three formables, which don't even exist at the game start
- The achievement "One nation to rule them all" does no longer require you to start as Saruhan as they don't exist in 1444
- The achievement "Fugger Banking" has no longer a double negative check for the amount of provinces you own
- The achievement "Where are the Penguins?" will no longer try to highlight provinces in Iberia
- The estate rebel events of Mali's disaster now spawn as many rebels as the tooltip says
- The event "The King of Kongo Converts!" now triggers properly for Kongo and not for anyone else
- The event "Tribal Succession Crisis" will now give you an heir of your dynasty instead one of your consort's dynasty
- Army Tradition will no longer decrease Tribal Development Growth
- Unrest caused by seizing from the estates does no longer stack for 10 years after the land has been seized.
- Assam has now the proper Indian unit types instead of the Chinese units
- The policy "Faith Advisors" now has a monthly piety bonus of +0.1 instead of +10
- City of Prague vanished after taking province.
- Imperial City of Hue only gives 1/1.5% karma decay.
- Changed Fuerte del Morro monument Blockade force required modifier from country to provincial scope.
- Changed Cartagena de Indias monument modifiers Blockade force required and Hostile fleet attrition from country to province scope.
- Fixed Malta Forts Hostile disembark speed modifier scope, so now it's provincial instead of global.
- Fixed bug of Kashi Vishwanath monument (changed 'Keep' trigger requirements to 'Can use' trigger).
- Repair ships mission will choose province with maximum repair speed when faced with a choice of several that are the same number of days away.
- Fixed crash when hovering over units integrated from a country with units in TI.
- FIxed crash for the Yearly Authority modifier.
Europa Universalis IV - BjornB
Greetings everyone!

Yesterday we released 1.32 Songhai for each and everyone. Unfortunately the update contained a fix for Aggressive Expansion from Personal Unions which previously was too low - but with the fix it got too high. This issue has been fixed in this 1.32.1 patch - along with a number of other things like a bug where people without Conquest of Paradise saw an unnatural increase in development cost from Army Tradition. You can read the full patchnotes below.

1.32.1 is not yet ready for full release as it requires more testing - but we wanted to give you a possibility to play EU4 1.32 Songhai without the above glaring issues over the weekend so we'll release it now as an opt-in beta patch.

How to opt-in to 1.32.1:
1. Right click Europa Universalis IV in Steam and go to Properties
2. Go to the BETAS menu and pick in the dropdown list
3. Close the window and let the game update in Steam

Please report any problems with 1.32.1 (or 1.32 for that matter) in the Bug Report forum! Make sure you put what version of the game you are playing in the thread title (ex [1.32] or [1.32.1]) to help us organize the reports - thank you!

(We will not be able to collect bug reports from Steam I'm afraid)

Here's the full patchnotes for 1.32.1!

# Gamebalance
# Governments
- The Shogunate can no longer switch their primary culture

# War & Peace
- Reduced AE gained from PU. Austria no longer gets coalition when enforcing PU with Bohemia.

# Script
# Achievements
- The achievement "Knights of the Caribbean" does no longer require you to stay as the Knights to complete it
- The achievement "Surfing USA" can now be achieved if your country moves the capital to the new world and form the USA manually instead of using a former colonial nation to do so

# Decisions
- The decision "Build the Third Temple" now highlights Jerusalem if the conditions are not met to enact this decision
- United Hawai can now see the "Form American Nation" decision if they have their capital in North or South America. This change is mostly made for the achievement

# Events
- The AI will now always choose +1 Stability from the event "The Kingdom Semien" and the Jewish provinces gain a hidden modifier for 25 years, which remove the religious unity contribution. This change was made in order to give players a bigger tine window to conquer these provinces before the AI converts them
- The event "The Papal State" will no longer trigger for the united Holy Roman Empire

# Ideas
- The idea "Devoutness" from the Religious Ideas now gives +0.1 Monthly Piety, +0.5 Yearly Patriarch Authority, +0.1 Yearly Karma Decay, +1 Yearly Doom Reduction and +0.15 Yearly Authority (I doubt the last two modifiers will make a big difference though, but who knows.)
- The idea "Local Traditions" from the Humanist Ideas now increases Religious Harmonization Speed by +25%

# Missions
- The Ajuuraan mission "Hydraulic Expertise" can now be completed if you drop the Ajuuraan ideas
- The Ethiopian mission "Unite the Horn" no longer requires you to have the province Fazughli colonized
- The Kilwan mission "The Uncharted South" and the Mutapan mission "Uncover the South" have now an additional mission requirement in order to hinder the African AI to colonize the Cape frequently

# Modifiers
- Being over the Governing Capacity now decreases Tribal Development Growth (-100% at 100% over the capactiy)
- The modifier "Crushed Local Authority" from Court and Country now gives +20 Max Absolutism instead of -20
- The modifier "Rome Reborn" now gives +1.5 more Prestige, 1 Diplomatic Upkeep, +0.25 Legitimacy, +1 Tolerance of the True Faith, +1% Global Missionary Strength and -25% Mercenary Cost

# Other
- The government reform "Tribal Confederacy" is no longer available for other tribes unless they start with it
- Removed Hampi monument requirement for Hindu country with Buddha as personal cult, as it already has Dharmic religious groups as a requirement.
- Removed Ellora Caves monument requirement for Hindu country with Buddha as personal cult, as it already has Dharmic religious groups as a requirement.
- Changed Brandenburg Gate monument Tier 3 Militarization of State to 0.05.
- Changed Baiturrahman Grand Mosque Tier 3 Area Local unrest to -2.
- Added Global ship trade power and Prestige from naval battles modifiers to Cartagena de Indias monument.
- Added Devotion modifier to Malbork Castle monument.

# Bugfixes
- Improved great project UI to show GPs that can be built if all criteria are fulfilled other than cost
- Game will not crash when Mod is lacking icons for the unit tab. There will be entry in error.log instead.
- The achievement "KHAAAAAAN" is no longer locked behind starting as one of three formables, which don't even exist at the game start
- The achievement "One nation to rule them all" does no longer require you to start as Saruhan as they don't exist in 1444
- The achievement "Fugger Banking" has no longer a double negative check for the amount of provinces you own
- The achievement "Where are the Penguins?" will no longer try to highlight provinces in Iberia
- The estate rebel events of Mali's disaster now spawn as many rebels as the tooltip says
- The event "The King of Kongo Converts!" now triggers properly for Kongo and not for anyone else
- The event "Tribal Succession Crisis" will now give you an heir of your dynasty instead one of your consort's dynasty
- Army Tradition will no longer decrease Tribal Development Growth
- Unrest caused by seizing from the estates does no longer stack for 10 years after the land has been seized.
- Assam has now the proper Indian unit types instead of the Chinese units
- The policy "Faith Advisors" now has a monthly piety bonus of +0.1 instead of +10
- City of Prague vanished after taking province.
- Imperial City of Hue only gives 1/1.5% karma decay.
- Changed Fuerte del Morro monument Blockade force required modifier from country to provincial scope.
- Changed Cartagena de Indias monument modifiers Blockade force required and Hostile fleet attrition from country to province scope.
- Fixed Malta Forts Hostile disembark speed modifier scope, so now it's provincial instead of global.
- Fixed bug of Kashi Vishwanath monument (changed 'Keep' trigger requirements to 'Can use' trigger).
- Repair ships mission will choose province with maximum repair speed when faced with a choice of several that are the same number of days away.
- Fixed crash when hovering over units integrated from a country with units in TI.
- FIxed crash for the Yearly Authority modifier.

Here you can read the full 1.32 changelog as well!
Europa Universalis IV - BjornB
Full Cangelog here!


# Free Features


- Added 9 new government reforms for African countries.
- Added 8 additional free estate privileges.
- Added 7 new formable countries (Israel, Aksumite Empire, Great Zimbabwe, Kitara, Nubia, Somalia and Rozwi).
- Reworked 3 already existing formable countries (Mossi, Hausa, Sokoto).
- Reworked 4 already existing countries as reformables (Mali, Macina, Kongo and Ethiopia).
- Added 1 spawnable country: Zulu.
- Added new sets of ideas for all the new formable countries (except for Rozwi), Jolof, Oyo, Adal, Kilwa, and generic for Horn of Africa countries.
- Added 52 new monuments for Leviathan DLC owners.


# Performance


- Fixed a lot of the performance degradation introduced in Leviathan.
- Increased usage of the country's military access cache.
- Fabricate claims and claim states actions don't need to run through every province.
- Stopped "Create States" notification alert from causing significant performance issues.
- Improved macrobuilder performance when a gigantic nation.


# Gamebalance


# Economy

- Concentrate development: changed algorithm to convert dev stolen to monarch points in the pillaged province, then use those monarch points to buy dev at the capital so that after a point it won't buy you anything.
- Fixed the "pillage state, release vassal, pillage it again" exploit.
- Now you know what trade goods are in tribal land so you can't keep migrating around in your land until gold shows up.

# Governments

- Being over the Government Capacity now decreases the Tribal Development Growth (at 100% over capacity, the Tribal Development Growth is decreased by 100%).
- Increased the settlement costs through Tribal Development, making it cost now 50 ADM, 50 DIP and 50 MIL.
- Reforming into monarchies, theocracies or republics as a Totemistic horde will now swap your technology group with the North American tech instead of the Chinese tech. This also applies for Inti, Mayan, Nahuatla and Alcheringa countries, which will get their respective technology groups back.
- Tribal reform into Kingdom, Theocracy or Republic require Feudalism to be embraced.
- Tribal reform into the Horde requires Military Technology level 6.
- Reduced Native tribal development gain.
- HRE: Changed requirements for declaring Reichskrieg: development doesn't matter any more; can declare on countries with a neighbour country that is in the HRE not necessarily a neighbouring province.
- Institutions effect on tech cost is now based on tech level instead of time.
- Added a new government reform for the fith tier of the Native governments, which let the nation remain being a native instead of reforming into a monarchy or any other of the governments. This government is the default reform AI picks, making them a lot less likely to become a proper government.
- Reduced tribal development growth, the growth will be now reduced by current tribal development.
- Replacing the government reform "Settle Down" will now cause a Stab Hit.
- The government reform "Settle Down" now reduces the Governing Capacity by 25%.
- The government reforms "Seasonal Travel" and "War Band" can only be selected if you own only 1 province (Tribal Land does not count).
- Militarists in power in Theocratic Open Public Elections do not cause elections.

# Religion

- Bless Ruler now gives additional +10% Morale of Armies.
Comment from Ogele: We had some additional playtests and we noticed that +5% Land Morale has been not efficient enough to make Catholicism a competitive religion regarding the military strength. Because of that we reverted the change from 5% to 10% again. We will keep a close eye on it though and observe how it performs in Singleplayers and Multiplayers.
- Catholicism gives now +1% Missionary Strength against Heathens instead of -1 Tolerance of Heretics.
- Fetishist provinces no longer have +2% Local Missionary Strength as they were historically not easier to convert than other religions.
- Forgive Usury now gives -0.05 Yearly Corruption.
- Indulgence for Sin is now available for every kind of government, increasing Devotion, Horde Unity and Republican Tradition too. Additionally, it now gives +10% Improve Relations.
- Levy Church Tax for Catholics now gives additional -10% Building Cost.
- Proclaim Holy War now gives additional -5% Army Maintenance.
- Send Papal Legate now gives additional -10% Diplomatic Annexation Cost.
- Shintoism now gives +1 Tolerance for Heathens so they too have two modifiers.
- The relation penalty / benefit to Heretics during the Council of Trent has been halved.
- The reformation speed of the Protestant, Hussite and Reformed reformation center has been increased by 25% in order to balance the reformation in HRE out due to the removed Tolerance of Heretics penalty of the Catholics
Comment from Ogele: In general we were quite pleased with the reformation change. However, Catholicism got eradicated a little bit too often during the nightlys. Because of this we tuned the reformation speed from 50% down to 25% in order to make the reformation stronger without replacing Catholicism entirely.

# Units

- Made it possible to turn Male consorts into generals.
- Tweaked disembark speed modifier usage so hostile_disembark_speed and movement_speed_onto_off_boat_modifier stack multiplicatively.

# War & Peace

- Added feature to pillage capital to allow just malicious pillaging with no gain if what you're pillaging doesn't buy you anything at your capital.
- Infiltrate Administration applies to allies in War.
- Empire: HRE reform Geteilte Macht now prevents other HRE members from accumulating AE against the Emperor when they take non-HRE provinces.
- Nations released through peace treaty will be guaranteed by the winning peace treaty negotiator for the duration of their.
- Scaled back war score, AE and overextension to reflect the fact that there are many more provinces than there were when these things were first balanced. Allows taking slightly bigger chunks of land.
- Currying favours made slower if you're militarily weaker than the target.

# Other

- Increased Kaaba's Prestige modifier.
- Increased Potosí's interest per annum.
- Ethiopia and Mali are now an Endgame Tags.
- Lucky Nations gain additional +25% Governing Capacity Modifier.
- The base Monthly Heir Claim has been reduced from 0.417 to 0.208 in order to make heirs with low and average claims more common.
- The diplomatic policy "Faith Advisors" now gives +0.5% Yearly Patriach Authority instead of +50.0% and +0.05 Yearly Karma Decay instead of +0.5 Yearly Karma Decay.
- The disaster "Crisis of the Ming Dynasty" is now much more lethal. It now cripples Ming's economy and increases the size of rebels spawned through the disaster.
- The modifier "Rome Reborn" from uniting the Holy Roman Empire now has all the modifiers the Emperor would have kept the the vassal swarm.
- The native building "Earthwork" now reduces Hostile Movement Speed by 25%.
- The native building "Fortified House" now only increases the Land Force Limit by 5 down from 10.
- The native building "Longhouse" now reduces the local Province Governing Cost by -25%.
- Changed the requirements for the Imperial City of Hue, and changed the name of the Potosí monument.
- Changed Jerusalem and Mecca max prestige to 0.5, as it was too easy for a muslim countries to stack +2 yearly prestige at max level coming from these two monuments.
- Dishonoring call to arms from defender of faith now a -15 trust loss.
- Chance of new countries being monarchies now depends on absolute number of institutions, not technology cost penalty.
- Corruption gained from lagging tech no longer discounts with tech cost penalty (but situation should be more managable with new system).
- Great Power score calculation changed accordingly to the changes in the Institutions.
- Immunity from instant (10:1) stack wipe now requires 2 institutions ahead of enemy (previously 80% less tech cost penalty).
- Maximum power storage is now based on tech cost penalty for the next tech level of given type.
- Rebels no longer reinforce slower in countries with tech cost penalties.
- Removed incorrect warning of losing monarch points when embracing institutions.
- Trade League no longer disallowed for being behind > 4 institutions.
- Forming Tibet while having Tibetan Ideas will no longer remove Tibetan ideas.
- Favors actions are way too harsh if you miss them. Stab hit now 0 and opinion lost is minimal and capped.
- Reduced migration cooldown
- Removed ability to pillage capital on behalf of your subjects.
- Subject type interaction fixes: can now rescind the upgrades for 100 ducats; fixed up script so that liberty desire isn't added as an effect; admin power taken from overlord, not subject.
- Added a Buddhism alternative for the Imperial City of Hue monument.
- Added +50% Monument cost when in Bankruptcy.
- Changed Forbidden City requirement to having Celestial Empire government reform.
- City of Khami religious requirement now works properly.
- Cologne Cathedral religious requirement now works properly.
- Heddal Stave Church religious requirement now works properly.
- Increased Monument manpower speeding up cost to 10K.
- Removed Alhambra requirements.
- Swapped Himeji Castle and Sankin Kotai Palaces requirements.
- Updated Culture requirements for all Monuments already having them, so now it will always be required to have the same culture of the monument's province as a country's primary or accepted culture.
- Countries inside HRE don't get relations penalty with Emperor if he is a Hegemon.
- Player can now move monuments from his subject's provinces to his own capital.
- Added Church Loyalty modifier to Hagia Sophia.
- Added reduced Idea Cost to Buddha Statues.
- Added Athenian culture to Parthenon requirements.
- Added Nobles Loyalty modifier to Moai.
- Added reduced Global Unrest to Borobodur Temple.
- Nerfed Pyramid of Cheops reduced Advisor Cost to -15% at Tier 3.
- Removed Pagan religion requirement to City of Khami.
- Nerfed reduced General Cost for Sankin Kotai Palaces to -10% at Tier 3.
- Changed the set of modifiers of Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.


# AI


# Diplomacy

- Fixed bug where subsidies were being given far too much budget for no reason
- Fixed it being possible to have AI nation subsidise your new nation by playing as a former colonial nation.

# Economy

- Fixed bug where advisors were always budgeted for, even when not required
- Fixed AI budgeting of the forts
- AI no longer gives budget for corruption when it's at 0
- Made AI less interested in buildings without concrete value.
- Added a mechanism to recall AI colonists promoting settlement growth if there's no budget for it.
- Fixed AI countries with very low income and loans clinging on to forts they can't afford.
- AI can now protect trade if they do not have any warships.

# War

- Made AI more likely to chase your armies.
- AI more competent at hunting down smaller armies.
- Better understanding of terrain effects on combat.
- Fixed AI exiled armies could stand idle instead of going to a province that would clear the exile.
- AI can now pick up and drop off troops in port.
- Fixed bugs preventing AI from completing troop transports and invasions.
- Made AI better at prioritizing between invasions.
- Made AI better at sticking to sieges.
- AI recruitment/disbanding issues - was disbanding regular troops before mercs.

# Other

- AI for settling and adding tribal land added.
- Improved AI monarch point handling (tech).
- Optimized Add/Remove strategy.
- Added a few more modifiers for the AI to be more likely to take the Land Rights privileges.
- Further improved AI fort building so that incremental improvements can be made to upgrade forts and improve the forts mapmode.
- Toned down releasing of vassals from governing capacity. Now tolerates 50% over instead of 20% over, and won't release anything that gives way more of a reduction than it needs.
- Some AI changes to consider using reform progress or estate privileges to boost governing capacity before releasing vassals.
- AI can no longer take blessings assigned to a different religion.
- Improved the AI decision making for Orthodox events, so they will be more likely to get authority.
- Made AI less eager to select icons when at low Authority.


# Interface


# Country

- Subject details displayed properly on lower resolutions.
- Refusal to do favor actions is now defaulted to popup and pause to show you that you've done it.
- Allow seeing ¨Sue for peace¨ window without needing a free diplomat.
- Added Perpetual Diet location to HRE interface and mapmode.
- HRE member shields now have a blue outline if they support the latest reform.
- Added Centers of Trade page to the ledger.
- New Filtering option called War Allies added in the Ledger.
- Hovering over a shield of an non-existent nation on the cores list will now highlight all the cores that this nation still have.
- Added new institution icons to tech view. Changed description of institution spawn event.
- Add space for extra edict on the edicts list.
- Condottieri while at peace alert doesn't need to popup if the price I'm paying is 0 ducats anyway.
- Added an alert for when federation cohesion maxes out.

# Icons/Art

- Added the flag for the Alcheringa rebels.
- Added new icon for Jewish mechanics.
- Added icon for "global_rebel_suppression_efficiency.
- Added new modifiers for "yearly_authority", "overlord_naval_forcelimit" and "all_estate_loyalty_equilibrium".
- Added new UI Gfx for the new cawa regiments.
- Added new icon for the institutions inside the great powers window.
- Fixed social buttons for lower resolutions.
- Fixed Sicily (SIC) and Two Sicilies (TTS) have mistakenly swapped flags.
- Added new different institution icons for the technology window.
- Added new alert icon for "Armies on missions too scared to engage Enemies".
- Added new icons for auto-improve relations in the outliner.
- Added new icon for "Convert consort to general".
- Added more "consistency" to the papacy dip bonus icon.
- Added new icons for disabled settlement growth.
- Added new icon for waiting human response in war window.
- Added new row to the edicts background.
- Added new message icons for favor actions.
- Added new icons for different cloud save states.
- Added exceptions to lower resolutions in the Subject statics window.
- Fixed great projects ledger background.
- Recolored "Absolute Reichstabilität" icon for better reading.
- Adjusted Hostile and maximize profit icons in the outliner.
- Added New siege iamges to polynesian cities.
- Added New alert icon for "Enemies sieging our provinces".
- Added new Icons for "move_capital_cost_modifier" and "local_gold_depletion_chance_modifier".
- Added new GFX for "Queen Nzingha Mbande of Ndongo and Matamba".

# Mapmodes

- Included nations that support a subject's independence on the diplomatic map mode.
- Added stripes to provinces with separatism in unrest map mode.
- Changed Development mapmode to use median as the colour anchor.
- Modified the "Coalition" mapmode to be more useful. Reds = enough AE and low enough opinion to join coalition; Ambers = enough AE but not low enough opinion, so full Amber = improve opinion NOW; Greens = not enough AE to join a coalition.
- Improved development mapmode so that yellow is still the median but now green is maximum instead of median x 2.
- When hovering over rebel progress provinces affected are now highlighted.
- Added Tribal Development to ledger and development mapmode.
- The Jewish religion has now a blue map color instead of the red it used to have.

# Tooltips

- set_ruler effect shows the ruler's age.
- The tooltip for faith tolerance tells precisely what Tolerance does now.
- The tooltip of the banners has been adjusted and now mentions Jurchen culture and the Great Mongol State.
- The tooltip on disasters lists "possible" progress increasing factors so you know what to avoid.
- Fixed a missing tooltip for the demands of the Alcheringa rebels.
- Fixed non-translated tooltip in suppress rebels interface.
- Added a tooltip in outliner for kick players.
- Improved building tooltips.
- The army action tooltips have been tidied up.

# Unitmodels

- Florence and Venice keep their unique units while dynamic color versions are given to minors with Tuscan and Venetian/Dalmatian cultures.
- French models from the Evangelical Union and Evangelical Majors unit packs no longer override Colonial French units in the Americas.
- Savoy keeps its unique units even if you change to Occitan culture in the mission trees.
- Tweaked some African country colors to fit the new unit models.
- Mothballed fleets now have an icon next to the location name so you can see mothballed fleets in a stack.
- Display a missionary model based on graphical culture AND religion.

# Other

- Malay, Tai, and Mon-Khmer culture groups given southeastasiangfx primary graphical culture, and their original asiangfx has been relegated to their secondary graphical culture.
- Added a pop up for the first time you get an institution.
- Added sound to Hussite and Alcheringa conversion and religion tab as well as sound for claiming the Defender of Faith for Hussite.
- Don't set window to collidable at show if it is already collidable.
- Added option for showing region names for parts of your country in other regions (e.g. 'Swedish Kongo' instead of 'Sweden').
- Added "Your forts are under siege" alert.
- Added an alert if your armies doing Rebel Suppression or Carpet Siegeing do not dare to engage Rebels.
- Added a chat message from the system when a player is kicked.
- Outliner: Added little Icon to show what Auto-improve relations task a diplomat is on.
- Outliner: Added subject revolt progress in Outliner and Alert bar.
- Added keyboard shortcuts to some often-used buttons.
- Macrobuilder: Show Military Tech for each Mercenary Company on hiring list.
- MP: added Mod and Version filter.
- Trade favours for trust is now just auto-accepted.
- Don't show claim shield if it's a core. The claim still being there is valid, but it just adds clutter.
- The UI was just doing its own thing, not using any of the combatant's engaged ships data. Also took the opportunity to add some sanity to the inland sea/coastal sea/open sea types and make sure it was accounted for when assessing naval strength.

...and much more
Europa Universalis IV - BjornB
From the trading ports on the eastern coast to the gold mines of Mali, early modern Africa was a continent of rich kingdoms and cultural variety. Now, Europa Universalis IV: Origins brings this history to vivid life with new missions, events and regional flavor.


Europa Universalis IV: Origins includes:
  • Jewish Religion: The Ethiopian Jews of Beta Israel are included, and Jewish nations can choose from nine religious characteristics to accentuate their national strengths, with new flavor events.
  • Missions for Mali: Halt the decline of West Africa’s greatest medieval empire and reassert control of former vassals.
  • Missions for Songhai: Develop your provinces and claim the mantles of Mali and Timbuktu as the new rising power.
  • Missions for Kongo: Unite the peoples of the Congo River and confront the growing European threat.
  • Missions for Ethiopia: Ensure religious unity and prestige in the Kingdom of Solomon while unifying the nations of the African Horn. Also adds the noble Ç̌äwa regiments.
  • Missions for Ajuuraan: Control Indian Ocean trade and bring water to your desert provinces.
  • Missions for Kilwa: Focus on naval economic power, establishing a colonial empire across the seas.
  • Missions for Mutapa: Build on the legacy of the founders of Great Zimbabwe and exploit the riches of South Africa to dominate trade.
  • Minor Mission Additions: New mission options for Jolof, Mossi, Hausa, Oyo and Adal.
  • New Regional Mission Trees: New Missions for minor powers in Central, East and West Africa, and the African Horn, as well as new estate privileges for many nations and regions.
  • New Army Sprites: 4 new army sprites each for Congo, Great Lakes, Southern Africa and Bantu nations
  • Two New Missionary models: African Coptic and African Fetishist missionary animations added.
  • New Music: 12 minutes of new West African themed music, and 12 minutes of new East African themed music.

Europa Universalis IV: Origins is accompanied by a major update, free for all EU4 players. This update, called 1.32 Songhai, includes reworks of Institution adoption by non-European nations, changes to Catholic Curia actions, rebalancing of existing game concepts and many more changes.
Europa Universalis IV - PDX_MordredViking
Hello, and welcome to the last dev diary before we release Origins and the 1.32 update! We’re very excited about the upcoming release, and we hope that it meets your expectations, both the Immersion Pack and the free update.

Today different members of our team will be showing you a lot of different stuff. First, the new achievements. Then, the complete list of new monuments (although someone has already posted it here in the forums, for what I’ve seen). Finally, we’ll talk about how we handle tests and analysis of the game, how that has helped us with the 1.32 update, and specifically about the Tribal Development rework. Let’s go!


Hello everybody!
My name is Raúl Trullenque (@RaulTrullenque in the forums), I am a new Content Designer working here at Tinto. Before joining this team I was not a regular forum denizen, just part of the silent majority of Paradox GSG players. Nonetheless I’ll do my best to be on par with my colleagues @Aldaron, @Ogele and @Pavía , and answer your questions as best as I can. Wish me luck. :)

First and most important, as many of you already know, sadly this past September Ivo passed away after a hard fought battle against leukemia. To the community he was known as Atwix, he was a streamer, a forum legend and one of the most experienced and knowledgeable EU4 players. His passing has been deeply felt both in the community and in the studio. From Tinto we want to send our condolences to his family and we would like to make sure that his name will be forever intertwined with EU4.

Atwix Legacy

Have 10 personal unions at the same time.

The description is short and to the point, as there is nothing that I could say that would improve on what the PU master explained already, so I would just link his famous guide here and encourage you to read it, as his wise words would help you a lot to get this achievement.

Now on a lighter note, I would like to showcase some of the new achievements that will be available with Origins, then we'll follow with the entire list:

Imposter Syndrome

As Sus, have three countries hostile to you (less than 0 opinion of you) after they discovered your spy.

- “I promise, it wasn’t me, I am sure that 100k rebellion raised itself.” Oh!, you found a Sus diplomat giving away weapons on the streets?. Mmm, no, it doesn’t ring any bells. I am sure it was Morocco's fault. We should vote on it!”

Ultimate Military

As Songhai, have Prussia and Nepal as Marches!

If you have been following the dev diaries you should know by now that Origins Songhai is very different from vanilla Songhai, it is now an even stronger Stronghai. To challenge this new strength we have created this new achievement that puts the player on the path to create the mightiest military in history.

Where are the penguins?

As a Malagasy country, unite all of Madagascar and hold all the most southern provinces of the world.

This achievement encourages a different way of playing the game, not focusing on development or big wars, but on a quest, a difficult quest to find a quartet of very elusive birds that are anywhere but in Madagascar. No penguins were harmed in the making of this achievement.

Golden Wind

As Air, make at least 50 ducats profit per month and have 50% of your income made through gold provinces.

And to close this DD down we present to you a very plain and boring achievement without any possible second readings, with an icon that it’s only a random whirl of air and a name that is just a pun on Air and gold. It is totally not a reference to anything. ;)

The entire list of new achievements:

Mansa Musa - As Mali, give at least 10k Ducats away to another great power without having a single loan or being bankrupt.

Fugger Banking - As Augsburg, subsidize 3 Great Powers at least 20% of their income while having less than 20 provinces

This is fine - Have at least +10 Global Unrest and be in a winning coalition war, which was targeted against you.

KHAAAAAAN - Restore the Mongol Empire before the Age of Absolutism.

Knights of the Caribbean - As the Knights, own all of the Caribbean and every island in the Mediterranean Sea. (Colonies are NOT allowed)

Australia - Hungary - Starting as an Australian tribe unite Australia and subjugate Hungary

Shemot is Not - As a Jewish nation, convert all of Egypt to Jewish while having the Jewish Community Aspect active.

One Nation to rule them all - As Saruhan, have at least 9 loyal vassals with at least 100 development each.

Swahili Persuasion - As Kilwa, convert all of the Moluccas and Indonesia.

I don't like sand - Have the most development of all countries while owning no province with terrain other than desert or coastal desert.

Surfing USA - Form the USA as Hawaii.


Now, I (@Pavía) will be presenting the new monument list.

Take into account a couple things: yes, we’ve already noticed some bugs that people have pointed out, and that didn’t get into 1.32 release version for stability reasons, but that will be already fixed in the first hotfix we deliver; the other is that yes, some monuments will be stronger, other weaker, and we will be taking charge of that as you play with them and report your impressions, as we did in 1.31 patches (and we’ve even done some more extra monuments fixes for 1.32, as you could already see in the changelog). Please notice that we've come through 3 different iterations of the new monuments during its development, and that 3 separate teams (dev team, QA, and betatesters) have been testing the monuments in the past weeks; however, we couldn't post this list until having the number tweaked for the release version of 1.32, and then you, players, aren't posting your feedback, we lack a lot of information about their balance.

So, I really hope that you enjoy most of the new monuments, and I’ll be reading with attention your suggestions in the monouments thread

See the monuments in full here (check the spoiler); Paradox Forums


Finally, hello, my name is Kuba, here known as @Rossarness, and I’m the Release Engineer here at Tinto. Today I’d like to tell you how we are testing and analyzing the game, and I’ll also talk a bit about the upcoming changes to the American Native Tribes.

I did write testing however I meant the automated nightly runs that I’m in charge of. Every night we run automated runs using the latest code of our game. That gives us an opportunity to analyze how our changes affect the game. This is especially useful when we are doing some balancing changes (e.g. latest changes to the Protestants and Orthodox).

Usually in the morning I check all the nightlies for potential issues, if there are no crashes I can proceed to analyzing the game state.
With each run we get a diplomatic mode map attached to the report so I can decide which runs might require in-depth analysis.

Here’s an example of interesting run:

As you can see the standard Ottoblob was destroyed by the Mamluks, so it’s quite an unusual outcome. If such a situation would be common, this would mean for us that we nerfed some mechanic too much or made it OP.

That’s how I noticed the problems with the Protestants and Orthodox countries. After implementing changes to the Catholics I saw that across almost all runs, Europe is united as Catholics. Basically after loading the game each run looked similar to this one:

Usually only the Ottomans were strong enough to resist the Catholic crusade. So together with our Content Designers we analyzed key countries which could oppose them (like in the screenshot above Russia ceased to exist - which was very common at this point). Then we buffed the Protestant religions and observed how it affected the game.

I also kept Russia under observation which helped us to find that AI had problems with getting and maintaining high Patriarch Authority and couldn’t be a real counterbalance to the Ottomans. Of course our automation also saves the game at regular intervals, so we can analyze various variables that led to the end result, or to check our changes mid-game. Like, one of the religions might become almost one-faith in the end, as long as in the mid-game it looks balanced when in conflict with others, and that it doesn’t happen in every run. A screenshot below with AI getting high PA as Russia now, after doing some AI fixes.

After changes done to the guarantee system, we can also now observe interesting alt-history outcomes, like an independent Revolutionary Catalonia allied to France:

And Switzerland with access to the sea as a bonus. :)

Last aspect of our automation which is very important are the performance metrics, with each run we gather statistics on how long it takes to make a daily or monthly tick on average. Results are calculated from the finished game, this allows us to check possible performance improvements or detect degradation just a day after we merge in changes that might cause it. So worry not, I'm now guarding the performance of the game and we are looking forward to improving it. For 1.32 the performance is better than in 1.31, and although we’re not at 1.30.6, as Johan already announced, our objective is to keep working to reach at least that point.

Below some good (and interesting) overnight results:

Strong Spain which started to eat France (and of course Ottoblob).

Strong France which caused most of the colonies to go independent. Also some people were worried that African countries would be eaten by the European Powers. As you can see mostly they survive, sometimes even thrive, so don’t worry.

Strong Russia with nice France and Spain, also in Africa you can see Great Zimbabwe formed. Also Ottomans are not that powerful, with Persia being formed. :)

So the last thing I want to talk about are the Tribal balance changes. I know there were many issues with them, so I made it my personal mission to improve them. So again I used the nightlies to analyze the tribal countries, and found that they created megacities in the Amazon forest (250+ development) on every run. Then I found that as the Tribal Development cost increase is linear, that allowed them to freely accumulate the development over the course of the game. So now the development growth will decrease exponentially, making it almost impossible to reach such high values. The amount of Tribal Development gained is divided by the current development if it’s above 1. That means if you reach 10, the further growth will be reduced by the factor of ten. It’s not perfect but still better than the current system and I look forward to improving it further - I had to prepare so many other things related to the release, TBH.

Here is the list of provinces sorted by development. You can see that end game results are back to sane levels and there are no provinces from the Americas in the top list, the highest was 37 owned by the USA.


So, that’s all for today! We really expect that you might have liked the content we’ve just shown to you. We will be talking more about the new content and the 1.32 changelog tomorrow, in the Paradox Twitch Stream, at 17h (CET), with @BjornB and @Mordred Viking. And as the release is in a couple days, we really hope you enjoy both the Origins Immersion Pack and the Songhai Update, and give us feedback about it as soon as you start playing. See you!
Europa Universalis IV - PDX_MordredViking
Ey folks!:D

Happy to be back! As most of you know… WE ARE A WEEK AWAY FROM THE RELEASE OF ORIGINS.

It’s crazy how fast time goes by, but I’m really proud of the work that the Dev Team has put into the Immersion Pack over the past couple of months.

You have been reading a lot of interesting Dev Diaries about Origins content, but as my colleague Pavía said in his last DD, it’s time to talk about the 1.32 update.

I want to emphasize how important this update is, since we have done more than +450 fixes, I mean it’s awesome.

Well like I said before, I’m so proud of our team, but as the saying goes, a changelog says a thousand words :)

Thanks for your attention, cheers!

You can find the patch notes here; Patch Notes

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