Elsword - webops

  • 2024-07-17 00:00 ~ 2024-07-17 02:00 AM PDT
  • New Lithia Mod Skills

★ Added
★ Ended

★ Added
  • El House DIY: Hall of the Sun https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/07/diy-el-house-hall-of-the-sun/(2024-07-17 00:00 ~ 2024-11-19 23:59)
  • Lithia Light Denim Overalls Costume Suit https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/07/lithia-items-3/(2024-07-17 00:00 ~ 2024-09-10 23:59)
  • Lithia Black Ocean / Blue Ocean Custom Sit Motion https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/07/lithia-items-3/(2024-07-17 00:00 ~ 2024-09-10 23:59)
  • Trump Bunny Costume (Ain~Lithia) http://(2024-07-17 00:00 ~ 2024-09-10 23:59)
  • April Fool’s Maid and Butler Costume (Laby~Lithia) https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/07/lithia-items-3/[/url](2024-07-17 00:00 ~ 2024-09-10 23:59)[/*] [/list] [h3][b]★ Ended[/b][/h3] [list] [*]El House DIY: Forest Friends [url=https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/03/el-house-diy-forest-friends/][View][/url](2024-03-27 00:00 ~ 2024-07-16 23:59)[/*] [*]Elrios Pass Season 7 (Premium) [url=https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/04/elrios-pass-season-7-and-anns-growth-support-pass/][View][/url](2024-04-24 00:00 ~ 2024-07-16 23:59)[/*] [*]Elrios Pass 2000XP Ticket [url=https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/04/elrios-pass-season-7-and-anns-growth-support-pass/][View][/url](2024-04-24 00:00 ~ 2024-07-16 23:59)[/*] [*]Ann’s Growth Support Pass (Premium) [url=https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/04/elrios-pass-season-7-and-anns-growth-support-pass/][View][/url](2024-04-24 00:00 ~ 2024-07-16 23:59)[/*] [*]Ann’s Growth Support Pass 2000XP Ticket [url=https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/04/elrios-pass-season-7-and-anns-growth-support-pass/][View][/url](2024-04-24 00:00 ~ 2024-07-16 23:59)[/*] [*]Lithia Hamel Navy Officer Ice Burner [url=https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/05/new-lithia-ice-burners/][View][/url](2024-05-22 00:00 ~ 2024-07-16 23:59)[/*] [*]Lithia Holy Unicorn Ice Burner [url=https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/05/new-lithia-ice-burners/][View][/url](2024-05-22 00:00 ~ 2024-07-16 23:59)[/*] [*]Pet: Rime [url=https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/06/new-pet-rime-shiru/][View][/url](2024-06-19 00:00 ~ 2024-07-16 23:59)[/*] [*]Pet: Shiru [url=https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/06/new-pet-rime-shiru/][View][/url](2024-06-19 00:00 ~ 2024-07-16 23:59)[/*] [/list] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/4961457/d40c4419bb38c4fe535e0f4b611a91dadad4880d.png[/img] [h3][b]★ New Lithia Mod Skill Additions[/b][/h3] [table][tr][td][b]Job Name[/b][/td][td][b]Skill Name[/b][/td][td][b]Skill Type[/b][/td][td][b]Skill Description[/b][/td][/tr][tr][td]Gembliss[/td][td]Heavy Stone[/td][td]Active[/td][td]Drop a giant gemstone. Enemies hit by the gemstone will be stunned for a set duration.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Gembliss[/td][td]Stone Bomb[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td]Install ores into the ground to use as a land mine. [b][Gem Skill][/b] – Use 1 Gemstone to increase the area by 15% [/td][/tr][tr][td]Gembliss[/td][td]Detonator[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td]Add a chase function to the magic item, Detonator. The detonator will chase the enemy for a certain time and repeatedly cause explosions. [b][Gem Skill][/b] – Use 2 Gemstones to add 1 more Detonator [/td][/tr][tr][td]Gembliss[/td][td]Drum Cutter[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td]Summon a giant cutter at the current location to attack a large area. (Can be used in midair) [b][Cutter Skill][/b] – Enhance Cutter with a Relic to be even larger.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Avarice[/td][td]Deposit[/td][td]Active[/td][td]If you want trust, then pay the price for it. Create and fire a sphere full of Lithia’s greed. The sphere will slowly chase after enemies and create a magic circle upon hit to attack an area. When enemies are hit, a pouch containing something will fly to the caster. Upon obtaining the pouch, gain Gemstones and recover MP. (Can be used in midair)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Avarice[/td][td]Kudos[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td]Lithia’s fame spreads to the corners of the world. The golden honor will be with you. Explode the mana nearby. Party members who come in contact with Lithia’s mana will gain a shield for a set duration. [b][Sandstorm Will][/b] – Caster and Vower’s Shield stat increase [/td][/tr][tr][td]Avarice[/td][td]Falling Flower[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td]Flower petals imbued with magic swirl about. Allies within the range of the flower petals will have debuffs removed and will be immune to debuffs. (Can be used in midair) [b][Sandstorm Will][/b] – Caster and Vower are immune to Debuffs for set duration [/td][/tr][tr][td]Avarice[/td][td]Deluxe Blessing[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td]Bloom a flower from in the barren land with holy aura. Expand the domain to hit enemies. Enemies hit will have flowers bloom and fall, dealing additional damage. Special Resources of allies within range will recover with the influence of the holy aura. (Can be used in midair) [b][Gem Skill][/b] – Use 3 Gemstones to increase range by 20% [b][Sandstorm Will][/b] – Caster and Vower enter Super Armor state for a set duration[/td][/tr][tr][td]Achlys[/td][td]Obfission[/td][td]Active[/td][td]Throw a magical item on the ground. The magical item will pull in everything in the surroundings and deal damage. (Can be used in midair)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Achlys[/td][td]Upper Rift[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td]Create a small Rift with the pickaxe. The rift will widen to deal damage to nearby enemies.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Achlys[/td][td]Stray Pisces[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td][b][Rift Manifestation][/b] Open numerous Rifts to allow Pisces to move. ‘I understand their habits now.’[/td][/tr][tr][td]Achlys[/td][td]Scientific Name, Cancer[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td][b][Rift Manifestation][/b] Temporarily create a big Rift of Chaos. Beings from the other side of the Rift will bring chaos to all enemies. ‘I hope you don’t get caught.’[/td][/tr][tr][td]Mischief[/td][td]Merry Haha[/td][td]Active[/td][td]Excited Rabbit and Joyful Rabbit descends and bounces to attack enemies.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Mischief[/td][td]Lucky Chance[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td]Lucky~Chance!!! This prank is no fun~ I’ll just get rid of it for now~ Remove a set number of debuffs applied to Lithia equal to the number of [b][First Dice][/b]. If you’re lucky, remove all debuffs based on the chance of [b][Dice][/b]. (Can be used in midair)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Mischief[/td][td]House of Cards[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td]Send out swirling cards to attack enemies. If used while awakened, ignore a part of the enemies’ defense. (Can be used in midair) [b][Gem Skill][/b] – Use 2 Gemstones to increase damage by 20% [/td][/tr][tr][td]Mischief[/td][td]King le Pix[/td][td]Special Active[/td][td]Summon King le Pix. An angry le Pix goes into an outrage and attacks enemies. Enemies hit by le Pix will have increased critical damage received. If the target is already affected by increased critical damage received from le Pix, roll a [b][Dice][/b]. If the increased critical damage received is lower than the effect before, the effect is not refreshed. [b][Gem Skill][/b] – Use 3 Gemstones to increase le Pix damage by 20%[/td][/tr][/table] [h3][b]★ Character[/b][/h3] [list] [*][General][list] [*]Ocean Pearl Hair Costume is changed to now be dyeable.[/*][/list][/*] [*] [Eve][list] [*][Code: Electra][list] [*]Fixed a bug where Code: Electra could not use the Photon Booster ground/air boost.[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*] [*][Lithia][list] [*][Rima Clavis][list] [*]Fixed a bug where the debuff of Scientific Name, Stingray stacked with Deep Rift Manifestation debuff.[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list] [h3][b]★ Dungeon / PvP / Field[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Challenge Mode – Fixed a bug where Annihilator’s attacks applied debuffs on summons.[/*][/list] [h3][b]★ Pet / Mount[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where the attack effect of Pet: Annihilator Automata had an abnormal appearance in certain situations.[/*][/list] [h3][b]★ ETC[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where Retry and Leave buttons did not work as intended when a party member left while waiting for a retry in dungeons.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug where applying windowed mode in certain resolutions caused the setting to apply with a different resolution from the selected resolution.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug where skills, consumables, and awakening were not able to be used when entering dungeons in certain situations.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug where effect sizes were not displayed as intended when previewing certain customizations.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug where key inputs were not working in the dungeon results screen in certain situations.[/*][/list(2024-07-17 00:00 ~ 2024-09-10 23:59)
★ Ended

★ New Lithia Mod Skill Additions
Job Name
Skill Name
Skill Type
Skill Description
Heavy Stone
Drop a giant gemstone. Enemies hit by the gemstone
will be stunned for a set duration.
Stone Bomb
Special Active
Install ores into the ground to use as a land mine.
[Gem Skill]
– Use 1 Gemstone to increase the area by 15%
Special Active
Add a chase function to the magic item, Detonator.
The detonator will chase the enemy for a certain time
and repeatedly cause explosions.
[Gem Skill]
– Use 2 Gemstones to add 1 more Detonator
Drum Cutter
Special Active
Summon a giant cutter at the current location to
attack a large area. (Can be used in midair)
[Cutter Skill]
– Enhance Cutter with a Relic to be even larger.
If you want trust, then pay the price for it. Create and
fire a sphere full of Lithia’s greed. The sphere will
slowly chase after enemies and create a magic circle
upon hit to attack an area. When enemies are hit, a
pouch containing something will fly to the caster.
Upon obtaining the pouch, gain Gemstones and
recover MP.
(Can be used in midair)
Special Active
Lithia’s fame spreads to the corners of the world. The
golden honor will be with you. Explode the mana
nearby. Party members who come in contact with
Lithia’s mana will gain a shield for a set duration.
[Sandstorm Will]
– Caster and Vower’s Shield stat increase
Falling Flower
Special Active
Flower petals imbued with magic swirl about. Allies
within the range of the flower petals will have
debuffs removed and will be immune to debuffs.
(Can be used in midair)
[Sandstorm Will]
– Caster and Vower are immune to Debuffs for set duration
Deluxe Blessing
Special Active
Bloom a flower from in the barren land with holy
aura. Expand the domain to hit enemies. Enemies hit
will have flowers bloom and fall, dealing additional
damage. Special Resources of allies within range will
recover with the influence of the holy aura.
(Can be used in midair)
[Gem Skill]
– Use 3 Gemstones to increase range by 20%
[Sandstorm Will]
– Caster and Vower enter Super Armor state for a set
Throw a magical item on the ground. The magical
item will pull in everything in the surroundings and
deal damage. (Can be used in midair)
Upper Rift
Special Active
Create a small Rift with the pickaxe. The rift will
widen to deal damage to nearby enemies.
Stray Pisces
Special Active
[Rift Manifestation]
Open numerous Rifts to allow Pisces to move.
‘I understand their habits now.’
Scientific Name, Cancer
Special Active
[Rift Manifestation]
Temporarily create a big Rift of Chaos. Beings from
the other side of the Rift will bring chaos to all
‘I hope you don’t get caught.’
Merry Haha
Excited Rabbit and Joyful Rabbit descends and
bounces to attack enemies.
Lucky Chance
Special Active
This prank is no fun~ I’ll just get rid of it for now~
Remove a set number of debuffs applied to Lithia
equal to the number of [First Dice].
If you’re lucky, remove all debuffs based on the
chance of [Dice].
(Can be used in midair)
House of Cards
Special Active
Send out swirling cards to attack enemies. If used
while awakened, ignore a part of the enemies’
defense. (Can be used in midair)
[Gem Skill]
– Use 2 Gemstones to increase damage by 20%
King le Pix
Special Active
Summon King le Pix.
An angry le Pix goes into an outrage and
attacks enemies.
Enemies hit by le Pix will have increased critical
damage received.
If the target is already affected by increased critical
damage received from le Pix, roll a [Dice]. If the
increased critical damage received is lower than the
effect before, the effect is not refreshed.
[Gem Skill]
– Use 3 Gemstones to increase le Pix damage by 20%
★ Character
  • [General]
    • Ocean Pearl Hair Costume is changed to now be dyeable.
  •  [Eve]
    • [Code: Electra]
      • Fixed a bug where Code: Electra could not use the Photon Booster ground/air boost.
  • [Lithia]
    • [Rima Clavis]
      • Fixed a bug where the debuff of Scientific Name, Stingray stacked with Deep Rift Manifestation debuff.
★ Dungeon / PvP / Field
  • Challenge Mode – Fixed a bug where Annihilator’s attacks applied debuffs on summons.
★ Pet / Mount
  • Fixed a bug where the attack effect of Pet: Annihilator Automata had an abnormal appearance in certain situations.
  • Fixed a bug where Retry and Leave buttons did not work as intended when a party member left while waiting for a retry in dungeons.
  • Fixed a bug where applying windowed mode in certain resolutions caused the setting to apply with a different resolution from the selected resolution.
  • Fixed a bug where skills, consumables, and awakening were not able to be used when entering dungeons in certain situations.
  • Fixed a bug where effect sizes were not displayed as intended when previewing certain customizations.
  • Fixed a bug where key inputs were not working in the dungeon results screen in certain situations.
Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

Heya adventurers! This week, we're ready to get you into tip top shape with Raven's Summer Camp Event so for sure it's going to be extremely action-packed! Also, don't forget to cast your vote on the Lithia 4th Path Summer Art Contest Voting Event. You have a chance to win K-Ching if one of the artists you voted placed in the top 3, so check that out if you haven't yet. And as always, don't forget to take a gander at the Item Mall for all the fun goodies we have for this week!

Raven's Summer Camp Event

07/17/2024 - 08/13/2024 (23:59 PDT)
You think Summer's all about relaxation and fun and the sun? It is, but Raven's ready to put a challenging twist to your days so you emerge stronger!

  • Raven's Summer Camp has a total of 4 normal stages and 1 Extreme stage. Finish the chain quests in each stage to move on to another stage. If you don't then you can't move on. Extreme Stage will only unlock once all 4 stages have been conquered!

  • These challenges aren't just laughs, though. Every quest you finish will get you rewards such as: [Luriel] Red Bean Sherbets, [Luriel] Sage's Magic Stones, [Cobo] Shining Mystic Stone Cubes, and so much more!

  • Also, finishing a whole stage will get you an extra special reward. You'll find out what it is when the event starts!

  • The Extreme quest can be done as many times as you can possibly do it! Choose 1 Special reward every time you finish it!

Item Mall Goodies

You can now live in the pinnacle of grandeur and majesty with the El House DIY: Hall of the Sun set. Invite your friends, worshippers, and even enemies so you can show off how you live in ultimate opulence!

Ain, Laby, Noah, and Lithia are getting their new threads! Enemies will wish that the odds are in their favor when you "entertain" them in the Trump Bunny Costume Set (Ain- Lithia)! And show them how fluid you are that whether you're wearing skirts or pants the April Fool's Maid and Butler Costume (Laby-Lithia) was made for you!

Put on your Light Denim Overalls Costume Suit because Lithia came fresh from farm! But if you want to park your yacht in the streets of Elrios, Lithia can whip out her Black Ocean or Blue Ocean Custom Motion!

That's all for now, folks~

See y'all in-game!
Elsword - webops

★ On-going

★ Added
★ Ended
  • Re-Order Shop: Custom Motion and Accessory https://elsword.koggames.com/2024/06/reorder-shop-4/
    (2024-06-26 00:00 ~ 2024-07-09 23:59)
    • Tickle Meow / Snuggle Meow (Elsword~Noah)
    • Place of Unfulfilled Promises / Place of Radiant Memories (Elsword~Noah)
    • SWAT Break Time (Day & Night) (Elsword~Noah)
    • Part Time Butler's Glasses & Part Time Maid's Headpiece, & Maid Earrings
    • Gloomy Accessory Package (1P & 2P)
    • SWAT Accessory Package (Cyan & Amber)
    • Cat Accessory Package (White & Black)
Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

Heya adventurers! How many thieving Phorus have you caught yet? It's going to be a particularly chill week because we need all the help we can get with the Catch the Thief Phoru Event. If you haven't started yet, now's the perfect moment to go hunting in dungeons! And as always, don't forget to check out the many things we have at the Item Mall!

Item Mall Goodies

Quick island getaways are possible with the newest Little Island Beach Custom Motion! You can now bring the sun and sand with you wherever you go~

Just in time for Summer - these fancy fits are making a comeback and will make your sweltering days cooler! Get your hands on the Sailor/Marine Beach Chair Package (which includes the Elrios Beach Chair Custom Motion), Twinkle Summer Package, or the Tropical Summer Package coming this week!

Lithia's ready for a fun, and maybe romantic summer! Let her have a spoiled, relaxing afternoon with the Romantic Tea Time Custom Motion; or get her ready for a day out in the beach with her very own Sailor Swimwear; or better yet, dress her up for a big day with the Elternal Wedding Costume Set!

That's all for now, folks~

See y'all in-game!
Elsword - webops

  • 2024-07-03 00:00 ~ 2024-07-03 02:30 AM PDT

★ Added
★ Ongoing
★ Ended

★ Added
★ Ended

★ Character

  • Fixed a bug where using Idle Motions that did not display weapons caused certain Custom Motions to display weapon enhancement effects.
  • Fixed a bug where equipping Crimson Sailor/Navy Sailor Hair caused abnormal appearance in the back part of the hair.
  • [Code: Empress]
    • Cheat Code: Rule Breaker’s Ophelia Aura will be adjusted as below.
      • Before: Physical Damage Received Reduced: 20%
      • After: Damage Received Reduced: 20%
  • [Diangelion]
    • Fixed a bug where using Special Active Skills during Manic Demon Form while equipping a title with Special Active Skill Cooldown Decrease caused Skill Cooldown Decrease to not be applied as intended.
  • [Erbluhen Emotion]
    • Fixed a bug where sound effects from Vertrauen Melodie was repeated when used.
  • Fixed a bug where equipping Steam Cape caused the cape appearance to not be displayed.
  • Fixed a bug where equipping Ariel’s Halloween Demon’s Cloak caused the cape to not be displayed.
  • Fixed a bug where equipping Steam Cape caused the cape appearance to not be displayed.
[Second Grief]
  • Fixed a bug where using Moon Shard on sloped terrain caused the effects to remain.
  • Fixed a bug where equipping Ariel’s Halloween Demon’s Cloak caused the cape to not be displayed.
  • Fixed a bug where equipping Steam Cape caused the cape appearance to not be displayed.
★ Dungeon/PvP/Field
  • Theme Park Entrance – Fixed a bug where monsters could fly outside of terrain and be unable to be attacked in the stage before the boss.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Alt+Enter caused window to become full screen.
  • Fixed a bug where equipping Horse Mask Face Accessory and El Lord Earrings together and entering the dungeon caused the earring accessory to appear outside of the mask.
  • Twinkle Summer and Sailor/Marine Avatar Hair can now be dyed.
  • Fixed a bug where using the arrow keys in the mailbox caused the typing cursor to change locations.
Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

Heya adventurers! Are you making progress in your Lithia 4th Path Events and Community Events? You don't have much time left if you want to complete it! For this week though, a fun new event is popping up randomly at dungeons. Go on and check it out when it comes out! And as always, don't forget to check out the new things we have at the Item Mall!

Catch the Thief Phoru Event

07/03/2024 - 07/16/2024 (23:59 PDT)
We've seen reports of Thieving Phorus wreaking havoc inside dungeons and we need your help to stop this menace!

  • Stop that thieving Phoru and take his [Cobo] Thief Phoru's Stolen Bundle of Essentials! inside you'll find [Cobo] Fighter Potions, [Cobo] Giant Stone Apples, and [Cobo] Thief Phoru Emergency Rations! That'll delay their pesky tactics!

  • Defeat 3 Thief Phorus once a day to get [Cobo] Thief Phoru Extermination Exchange Tickets. Exchange them through Ariel for epic rewards such as [Luriel] Floaty Mascot Seal Stickers or [Luriel] Floaty Doodle Shape Seal Stickers and a bunch of high value adventuring essentials!

Item Mall Goodies

This new costume is serving up styles of cuteness and functionality! Don't choose between becoming a maid or a cat; you can be both! Don the Nyan Maid and Servant Costume Set coming this week!

That's all for now, folks~

See y'all in-game
Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

Heya adventurers! It’s going to be another chill week— or will it? With the exciting events and rewards from Lithia’s 4th Path, plus the plethora of Community Events that have been released, you’ll be glad for a slightly "quieter" week so you can focus on completing them and hauling your rewards! But while the week is fairly chill, the Item Mall is certainly buzzing with tons of returning items! Don't forget to check 'em out!

Item Mall Goodies

These returning motions are a mix of cute, solemn, and edgy! Take your pick from Tickle & Snuggle Meow, Place of Unfulfilled Promises & Place of Radiant Promises, or SWAT Break Time (Day & Night). If you missed them before, don't miss 'em again!

If you're not satisfied with just having motions, we've got the accessories so you can mix and match according to your mood and style sense! Choose any one of these or get 'em all: Cat Accessory Package (White & Black), Part Time Butler's Glasses & Part Time Maid's Headpiece & Earrings, Gloomy Accessory Package (1P & 2P), SWAT Accessory Package (Cyan & Amber).

That's all for now, folks~

See y'all in-game!
Elsword - webops

  • 2024-06-19 00:00 ~ 2024-06-19 3:00 AM PDT

  • Lithia 4th Path Update
  • PvP League Reset

★ Added
★ On-going
★ Ended

★ Added
★ Ended

★ New Character: Lithia 4th Path
  • Lithia 4th path, who uses and develops demon magic disguised as magic tricks to ravage enemies, is updated!
    • Trick Finder – Cynical Sneer – Mischief
★ Lithia El Search Party Collection
  • Lithia 4th path collection is added.
  • Synergy will be added at a later date.

★ Life Content UI Improvements
  • After the 6/19 game maintenance, Pet expedition and Fishing UI will be changed to match the new UI design.
★ El House Improvements
  • Wooden Picture Frame for 3rd Class Advance for each character can now be crafted at NPC Ariel.
★ Character
  • [Sword Knight]
    • Fixed a bug where [Luriel] Sword Knight Promotional Weapon did not change appearance upon awakening.

  • [Genesis]
    • Fixed a bug where ZZZ hits in Dash XZZZ Command was considered as Destruction.
  • Fixed quest titles for Aisha’s Before Joining story quest in the Media Gallery.
  • [Sniping Ranger]
    • Changed Additional Commands tooltip in the Job Change Completion page.
      • Before: During dash, fire 3 arrows backwards.
      • After: During dash, attack 2 times backwards then fire 3 arrows backwards.
  • [Grand Archer]
    • Fixed command list to include the below commands.
      • ZZX + Siege Mode
      • ZZZX + Siege Mode
  • Fixed a bug where equipping certain glove costumes after equipping Victorian Classic Top Piece caused the character’s shoulder to have abnormal graphics.
  • Fixed a bug where equipping Waltz of Flowers Bottom Piece costume caused abnormal graphics in the flower.
  • Fixed abnormal upper body graphics when using “Pastel Bubble Flower: Blowing Bubbles” custom idle motion.
  • Fixed abnormal weapon effect when equipping Elesis’s Sunshine Week Claymore – Deep Blue Sea.
  • [Doom Bringer]
    • Fixed a bug where Nasod Armor Cannon could not be chained after [Change] Pulse Cannon if Action Speed was above a certain value.
  • Fixed a bug where motions with the knee bending while Ciel is wearing the Trump Bunny Waiter Bottom Piece caused abnormal graphics for the knee.
  • [Tempest Burster]
    • Fixed a bug where Enhanced Heavy Weapon Passive’s Cannon Skill damage was not displayed under skill damage in Free Training Mode.
    • Changed Enhanced Heavy Weaponry Passive such that Laser Skill effect is applied to all enemies hit by Laser Skills.
  • [Crimson Rose]
    • Fixed a bug where Frenzy’s Enemy Critical Damage Received increase effect only applied to targets with Bleed effect.
  • [Schatz Reprise]
    • Fixed where Steal (Physical) had an abnormal multi hit count when using Wegnahme Skill.
  • Duelist’s Sparring Equipment added to Magic Wardrobe List.
  • Fixed typo in Gemstones tooltip.
    • Before: Upon reawakening, use all Gemstones. Skill Cooldown decrease by 10% per Gemstone.
    • After: Upon awakening, use all Gemstones. Skill Cooldown decrease by 10% per Gemstone.
  • Fixed a bug where the Fishing Rod did not display when equipping certain Fishing Rods.
  • Fixed a bug where using “Gentle Chamberlain: Maid for You” Idle Motion caused the weapon to not be displayed.
  • Fixed a bug where the damage reduction effect from Gemstones were not applied after dying and reviving in certain situations.
  • [Mighty Miner]
    • Fixed a bug where Mining skill’s time window for the Drill Relic was abnormal in PvP.
    • Fixed a bug where Sixth Sense’s MP Gain when Attacking Increase was different from described in the tooltip.
★ Dungeon/PvP/Field
  • Changed player numbers for Elrianode City Dungeon in Dungeon UI
    • Before: Players: 1
    • After: Players: 1~3
  • Fixed a bug where the Confusion debuff that swapped up and down direction keys also applied to title switching.
  • Fixed a bug where Twisted Time and Space – Fahrmann’s Peak Dungeon awarded an F rank reward regardless of contribution in certain situations.
  • Fixed a bug where characters would sometimes not return to the front after being transported to the back area in The Great Steel Wall Dungeon Stage 3.
  • Change player numbers for Varnimyr/Pruinaum Raids.
    • Before: Players 5~6
    • After: Players 3~6
  • Fixed a bug in Secret Dungeons where Treasure Chests and Treasure Chest Monsters would appear.
  • Fixed a bug in Challenge Mode – Berserk Berthe players would be transported to Isolation while trapped in the Ice Prison.
  • Fixed a bug in Dimension of Sinister Intent where the character could not move as intended after being hit by “Unicorn Master Rona’s” Impact Zone.
  • Fixed a bug in Tricky House Boss Stage where the Diamond suite pattern could not be seen in the frames in the background.
★ Pet/Mount
  • Fixed a bug where Pet Passive skill effect was included in character detailed stat (PvP).
★ Item
  • Fixed typos in the following Custom Idle Motion tooltips.
    • Before: Custom Motion
    • After: Custom Idle Motion

  • Maximum character space will be increased with the addition of Lithia 4th Path (Max 71 > Max 72)
  • Fixed a bug where the General’s Dignity title’s special dialogue (This is pretty interesting…) was not displayed in Elysion Tower Dungeon Boss Stage.
  • Changed tooltip for “Alchemy Specialist” Guild Skill.
    • Before: [Dungeon] Potion, Food, Dungeon Recovery Item Effect + %
    • After: [Dungeon] Recovery Item Effect + %
  • Fixed a bug where equipped Bottom Piece Accessory was not displayed when using sitting customs in certain situations.
  • Fixed a bug where Tenebrous Equipment’s barrier creation socket effect would activate during Guild Mini Games.
  • Fixed a bug where the party invitation window did not disappear immediately when sending party invitations to characters already in the party through Guild UI.
  • Fixed a bug where the buttons on the dungeon result screen were not responsive after opening the additional pop-up windows in the inventory.
  • Fixed a bug where leaving the dungeon by leaving the party caused the expel notification to appear in certain situations.
  • Fixed a bug where the quest marker effect appeared at an abnormal location while talking to NPCs.
  • Fixed a bug where equipping an item by dragging the item in the Fishing UI would display duplicated effects.
  • Fixed a bug where the 4th path preview button was not able to be clicked in certain situations.
  • Fixed a bug where the full party name was not displayed in the Party List UI if the party name was too long.

Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

Heya adventurers! It's going to be an exciting, jam-packed, show-stopping week filled with wonderful events and even more wonderful rewards! Lithia's 4th Path Celebration is here, and we can't wait for you to try her out! The community's eagerly anticipating her launch in a couple days and has prepared a plethora of events with K-Ching and Merch rewards. Look forward to Lithia's 4th Path Community Events this week! And as always don't forget to check out the many things we have at the Item Mall for this week.

Lithia’s 4th Path Updates

Come one, come all! Lithia's incredibly hyped to get this show on the road. Walk the path of vengeance and unleash powerful demonic abilities all while filling your inventories with rewards!

06/19/2024 – 07/16/2024 (23:59 PDT)
  • Lithia’s Contract Event is back. The whole El Search Party gets to participate and acquire rewards from the event quest every time a quest is completed daily! Gain a special reward once the whole chain quest is completed!

06/19/2024 – 07/02/2024 (23:59 PDT)
  • Get ready for Lithia’s Stage Preparation Event. Keep your eyes peeled or you just might miss Lithia's show stopping and twisted abilities to haul in tons of rewards!

Item Mall Goodies

"Beware of dogs". Especially when you see the newest Pets Rime and Shiru! But don't underestimate these adorable poms, their attacks will leave you overwhelmed!

Lithia is exuding a traditional demeanor but is looking extra blooming! Like a bud blossoming in Spring, Lithia's Eternal Love Costume Suit will make your heart bloom even at a glance!

That's all for now, folks~

See y'all in-game!
Elsword - webops

★ On-going

★ Added
  • Re-Order Shop
    • Waltz of the Flowers (Elsword~Luciel)
    • Steam Fever (Elsword~Luciel)
    • Velder Academy Band (Elsword~Noah)
    • Dear Little Bird (Elsword~Noah)
    (2024-06-12 00:00 ~ 2024-06-25 23:59)
  • Lithia Gentle Chamberlain Costume
    (2024-06-12 00:00 ~ 2024-08-06 23:59)
  • Lithia Elrios Detective Academy Costume
    (2024-06-12 00:00 ~ 2024-08-06 23:59)
  • Lithia Velder Academy Band Costume
    (2024-06-12 00:00 ~ 2024-08-06 23:59)
  • Lithia Velder Rock n’ Roll Custom Sit Motion
    (2024-06-12 00:00 ~ 2024-08-06 23:59)
★ Ended

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