Elsword - webops
  • 2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-01-31 4:00 AM PST
★ Added
  • Character Balance Patch
  • PvP League Reset
  • Enhancement Improvement
  • Awakening System Improvement
  • Tutorial UI Improvement (Elsword~Noah)
  • Varnimyr and Pruinaum Raid Difficulty Improvement
★ Added
  • Cobo Company Attendance Event
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-03-26 23:59)
  • Class Change Event
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-02-13 23:59)
  • Powerful Punch Master Event
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-02-27 23:59)
  • Break Limit Powerful Punch Master Event
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-02-27 23:59)
  • Consumable Support Event
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-02-27 23:59)
★ Ended
  • Hedgehog Draw Lots Event
    (2024-01-17 00:00 ~ 2024-01-30 23:59)
  • Lithia’s 1st Update Event
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-01-30 23:59)
[Cash items]
★ Added
  • Re-Order Shop
    • ELSTAR Costume (Elsword~Noah)
    • ELSTAR Fan Package (Elsword~Noah)
      • trinityACE
      • MEGA CAKE
      • MAZE
    • Super Star Red Carpet Custom Motion (Elsword~Noah)
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-02-13 23:59)
  • Lithia ELSTAR MEGA CAKE (Ver. Switch) Costume
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-03-26 23:59)
  • Lithia ELSTAR Fan Package
    • trinityACE
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-03-26 23:59)
  • Lithia ELSTAR Another Dance Custom Motion
    • trinityACE
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-03-26 23:59)
  • Lithia ELSTAR Fan Service Custom Motion
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-03-26 23:59)
★ Awakening System Revamp
All characters awakening system will be revamped on the 1/31 game maintenance update.
  • All characters except add will be able to re-awaken.
  • You can charge up to 3 Awakening Beads.
    • You cannot charge any more awakening gauge once you charge 3 awakening beads.
    • The awakening state is not related to the awakening gauge charge.
  • You can use awakening up to 3 stages.
  • The buff icon changes depending on the awakening stage.
    • 3 stage awakening characters excluding Ain will show the awakening stack up to 3 stages.
    • Stage 1 awakening characters will not show stack event when re-awakening.
  • Use all charged awakening beads upon awakening.
    • All awakening beads will be used upon re-awakening as well.
  • Upon re-awakening, if the current awakening stage is lower than 3, the awakening stage will change depending on the number of awakening beads used.
    • Ex. If you are in stage 1 awakening and have 1 awakening bead, you become stage 2 awakening upon re-awakening.
    • If you are in stage 1 awakening and have 2 awakening beads, you become stage 3 awakening upon re-awakening.
  • If you re-awaken when in stage 3 awakening state, stage 3 related effects related to skill or unique system will activate upon re-awakening.
  • Excluding Add, all character’s basic awakening duration will increase to 90 seconds.
    • Basic awakening duration will be max 90 seconds, but it can exceed 90 seconds through effects such as skills or stats.
  • Upon force awakening, it will apply as if you used 1 awakening bead.
    • Ex. Peek-a-Boo Onion effect, Natal Chart Infortune skill effect, etc.
  • Character Change
Skill Name
Nature Aura System
Recover 15 MP per excessive
Nature's Force gained.

Recover 15 MP per excessive
Nature's Force gained.
Recover 15 MP per excessive
Nature's Force gained.

Recover 3 MP per excessive
Nature's Force gained.
★ Varnimyr and Pruinaum Raid Improvement
Varnimyr and Pruinaum Raid dungeon difficulty will be adjusted on the 1/31 game maintenance update.
  • Varnimyr and Pruinaum Raid Trace Reset Ticket use limits are removed.
  • [Raid] Retrieve Crimson/Soul Trace quest reward is increased. (1 > 3)
  • Varnimyr Raid pattern is adjusted.
    • [Never-Ending Darkness]
      • Even when skipping Dark Observer event scenes, it will use the gaze pattern immediately.
      • Even when skipping Crimson Eye event scene, it will use the spin pattern immediately.
      • Crimson Eye spin pattern damage is decreased.
      • Crimson Eye becomes groggy upon being hit by the rising thorns pattern 3 times.
  • Pruinaum Raid Pattern is adjusted.
    • [Altar of Invocation]
      • The amount of prohibition needed by Altar of Invocation Berthe/Berserk Berthe is increased from 3 > 6.
      • Annihilator’s laser attack, soul orb release, soul orb release (barrage pattern) damage decrease
★ Character Tutotial UI Improvement
Elsword to Noah start tutorial UI is changed to match the new UI during the 1/31 game maintenance update.
★ Enahancement System Revamp
  • All items that can be enhanced will have enhancement gauge from enhancement level 7 ~ 10.
  • Items with enhancement level 7~10 will use Blessed Fluorite Ore during enhancement to increase enhancement gauge.
    • The Enhancement Gauge will be applied identically when using Blessed Fluorite Ore during Protected Enhancement.
Current Enhancement Level
Amount Needed for 100% Enhancement Gauge
Target Item
Blessed Fluorite Ore
[Special] Blessed Fluorite Ore
Blessed Fluorite Ore (Armor Only)
[Cobo] Blessed Fluorite Ore
  • Enhancement Gauge will be applied per item with enhancement attempts.
  • Enhancement Gauge is reset upon Enhancement Change (Increase, Decrease, and Rest) or Trading (Individual Trading, Board Sale Complete, Mail Send, Guild Storage).
    • Enhancement Gauge will remain when moving between character’s inventory and shared bank, registering on board, and receiving the item, Amethystine Prophecy Color Change, and Tenebrous Character Change.
  • Items with 100% Enhancement Gauge will have [Guaranteed Enhancement] button appear and will be guaranteed to increase enhancement without using any ingredients.
★ Enhancement System UI Revamp
  • Overall enhancement UI changed.
  • Basic information upon successful enhancement will be simplified. The details will be available by clicking on the magnifier button on the right.
  • Upon enhancement, the Enhancement Effect UI is added. Enhancement effect per enhancement can be checked by clicking on the magnifier button on the right.
    • You cannot check the details of items without an enhancement effect.
  • You can check the enhancement type and description depending on the ingredients used upon Enhancement attempt.
  • All UI for max enhancement items will be grayed out. Base stats, enhancement effect will be marked with a hypen (-).
  • Parts of Enhancement Help UI and tooltip are changed.
★ Profession (Blacksmith) System Revamp
Blacksmith Dismantle System is removed and Blacksmith Reforge system will be added on the 1/31 game maintenance update.
  • Reforge Fee will be decreased by 1% per Profession level (Max 10%).
  • Characters currently with Blacksmith profession will be given [Ariel] Profession Change Ticket on the 1/31 game maintenance update. The mail will be sent based on the character’s highest profession.
    • Mail will automatically be deleted on 1/29/2025 maintenance.
Amount of Change Ticket
Lv. 1
Lv. 2
Lv. 3
Lv. 4
Lv. 5
Lv. 6
Lv. 7
Lv. 8
Lv. 9
Lv. 10
★ Character
  • Below buff/awakening icons will be fixed to be identical to the skill or item icon.
    Skill/Effect/Item Name
    Rune Master
    Mana Flow
    Battle Magician
    Power Aura
    Chi Release
    Imprint System
    Imprint Effect – Physical Attack Power Increase
    Imprint System
    Imprint Effect – Magical Attack Power Increase
    Imprint System
    Imprint Effect – Critical Damage Increase
    Imprint System
    Imprint Effect – Critical Chance Increase
    Imprint System
    Imprint Effect – Maximize Increase
    Imprint System
    Imprint Effect - Party HP Recovery
    Imprint System
    Imprint Effect - Party MP Recover
    Imprint System
    Imprint Effect – Nearby Enemy Elemental Resistance Decrease
  • ELSTAR (ver. Switch) Costume Hair can now be dyed.
[Rune Master]
  • Fixed the effect not applying properly when selecting Gigantic trait for Rising Slash skill.
  • Fixed →→ZX command chasing Mad Paradox’s Master Skill, Event Horizon (Stage 3, 4).
[Void Princess]
  • When using Hell Drop skill, fixed some monsters following the Hell Drop summons.
  • Fixed the collar being visible around the head while equipping Heart El Shining Change Top Piece (Ver. Switch) during Midnight Romance Grand Piano custom motion.
[Arc Tracer]
  • Fixed Neutron Bomb damage not properly applying to monsters in specific situations.
  • Both Lu/Ciel’s 3rd class portraits will be shown from the Community UI.
[Erbluhen Emotion]
  • Fixed Proof Eid passive awakening duration increase effect exceeding max awakening duration.
  • Shining Presence [Edel Eid Effect]’s [Edel Eid : Rein] effect being applied less than the amount indicated in the tooltip.
[Nisha Labyrinth]
  • Fixed character look looking unnatural in certain situations.
★ Dungeon/PvP/Field
  • During Challenge Mode - ‘Silent Observer’ dungeon, fixed Silent Observer not disappearing in certain situations despite Dark Observer already appearing.
  • Fixed not being able to leave the dungeon when the host exits upon clearing phase 3 of Birth of Origin [Story/Normal].
  • Fixed black screen showing in certain situations when clearing Plegas’s Labyrinth.
★ Pet, Mount
  • Fixed Encouragement effect not applying properly when summoning pet in certain situations.
★ Item
  • Fixed open effect appearing in a different location when opening DIY El House.
  • Fixed the cloak turning invisible when a male character equipping Soulmate Under Vows Outfit use the Constant Memory of the Past (For 2) custom.
  • [Ariel] Dark Flame Symbol, [Ariel] Annihilating Soul Symbol item tooltip will have [Fixed Effect] added.
  • Fixed Heart El Shining Chage Top Piece item icon color being different from the actual look.
  • Fixed [Cobo] [Ariel] [Luriel] Chibi costume Magic Wardrobe category not being unified.
  • Fixed ‘unknown error’ message popping up when opening Pet Inventory in the Sparring Waiting Room.
  • When using Market Board, fixed Temporary Inventory UI and Market Info UI overlapping.
  • When using Shop, fixed Temporary Inventory UI overlapping with Item Sell UI.
  • Fixed showing Hair before dye is applied when using Market Board and clicking ‘Hide My Costume’ while previewing dyed Hair Costume (Alt+Click).
  • Fixed Blue Mystic Stone Imbue window also opening when imbuing Equipment Mystic Stone in certain situations.
  • Fixed Official PvP rank increase pop up window not being able to close with keyboard hot-key.
  • Fixed buff icon showing when entering Studio or Wedding Hall in certain situations.
  • Fixed UI not closing when moving to Character Selection Screen while Cobo Growth Guide is still open.
  • Fixed yellow border showing for existing custom item slots as well from full screen mode in the Item Mall.
  • After moving to another village through Cobo Transportation Service from the world map, and logging in to another character or moving villages, fixed another character icon showing in the world map in certain situations.
  • Fixed not being able to control while chatting with NPC when there’s a Friend Request pop up.
  • Fixed Costume Inventory page not functioning properly when removing costume in certain situations.
  • Fixed not being able to use another custom item with stat imbued from the inventory when a custom with stat imbued is selected in the Custom UI.
  • Fixed village interaction working even when clicking the Quest Helper UI from Beyond the Rift
  • Achievement button is added to Character Info, Achievement UI will be closed when using Inspect.
  • Fixed not being able to assemble El Tears through mouse drag.
  • Fixed Stamina and Life Stamina percentage showing different amounts than actual amount in certain situations.
  • Market Board detailed search ‘Enhancement Stage’ category name will be changed to ‘Enhancement Level’.
  • Fixed Gaia’s illustration not having the highlight in <[Lithia] EP.10 Curse in a Blessing in a Shackle>’s '[Village] After the Rescue' quest event scene.
  • Fixed Enhancement UI not closing when accepting Bond/Mentor/Pupil Summon, or individual trade while Enhancement UI is open.
  • Fixed the UI overlapping when viewing another character’s bank while using individual bank.
  • Fixed chibi characters showing nearby when creating a bond far away from each other within the same village.
  • Fixed chat bubble location not being natural in Sparring Waiting Room.
  • Fixed certain Accessory Top Piece looking unnatural when using [Luriel] Collector’s Edition Figure Box Custom Motion in Sparring Waiting Room.
  • Fixed character title showing at the top when opening Mount UI in Sparring Waiting Room.
  • When changing ‘Fountain of Blessing’s blessing while Character UI is active, fixed the changes in the Combat Power not being applied immediately in the Character UI.
  • Fixed actual Combat Power being different from Powerful Punch Master! Combat Power in certain situations.
  • Following Ice Burner Costume pieces will be available for dying.
    Item Name
    Archdevil Hair
    Archdevil Hair Ver.Dark
    El Search Party Officer's Hat
    El Search Party Officer's Hair
    El Search Party Officer's Hat (Ver.Dark)
    Velder Imperial Guard Hair
    Nasod Battle Suit Hair
  • You can purchase [Ariel] +9 Amethystine Armor Full Set Select Cube through the EP Shop from 2024-01-31 after MA ~ 2024-02-28 before MA.
  • Fixed effects removed due to the item effects changes such as ‘accuracy’, ‘dodge’ effects remaining in certain title, pet skill, monsters.
    Pet: Sheriff (White)
    Apply Blind Debuff
    Apply Bleed Debuff
    Pet: Tree Knight (Cherry Blossom)
    Apply Blind Debuff
    Apply Bleed Debuff
    Title: Storm Warrior
    Apply Blind Debuff
    Apply Bleed Debuff
    Monster: Sea Chameleon
    (Abandoned Icerite Plant)
    30% chance to dodge attack
  • Please note that after the 01/31 maintenance, using Fountain of Blessing effect will cost Guild Coins again.
  • Fixed outlines not being shown when a character dies in Dungeon/PvP.
  • Fixed challenge mode alert showing every time a character logs in.
  • Fixed number of maximum Reforge Stange Transfer Ticker you can purchase at once from the Item Mall. (Before 1 > Max 4)
  • Fixed not being able to see if an item can use Magic Wardrobe function from item tooltip unless it was from the Inventory UI.
  • Fixed the quest list not being updated immediately when accepting or forfeiting quests from the Quest UI.
★ Character Balance
Click here to view the complete details of the Character Balance
Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

Heya adventurers! Hold on to your hats because this week is going to be extremely jam-packed! You had your chill week but now, we're ramping things up with exciting events and a plethora of sweet rewards! Grab your partner and unleash your draconic spirit to welcome the Lunar New Year with a 2v2 tourney! Sign-up (if you haven't yet) and you can win TONS of K-Ching plus the recognition of being one of Elrios' strongest warriors! And as always, don't forget to check out the Item Mall for all the wonderful things we have in-store this week!

Powerful Punch Master (PPM) & Limit Break! Powerful Punch Master (LB!PPM)
1/31/2024 – 02/27/2024 (23:59 PST)
Becoming powerful is a truly arduous journey but we're here to reward your chosen character every step of the way! Reach a milestone, get rewards - it's that simple!
  • Start racking up rewards through PPM at 300,000 CP until 1,500,000 CP!
  • Then immediately continue with even better rewards through LB! PPM at 1,600,00 until 3,000,000 CP!
  • Apart from getting rewards for each Combat Power milestone achieved, you'll get additional rewards just by clearing dungeons within your level range 3 times for both PPM and LB! PPM events!
  • But that's not all! Get a powerful boost with Weapon +11 Buff and Adaptation 20% Buff for the duration of the events! However, please remember that these effects do not stack on characters participating.

Cobo Company Attendance Event
1/31/2024 – 02/27/2024 (23:59 PST)

Your weekly logins have a chance to give you more! Just login once a week for 30 cumulative minutes and get the weekly featured cube that when opened would give you a random number of the item featured!

Class Change Event
1/31/2024 – 02/13/2024 (23:59 PST)

Waiting for your chance to change things up? It's as easy as staying logged in to get your hands on 1 [Cobo] Class Change Select Cube for the first 30 cumulative minutes and a 1 [Cobo] Physical/Magical Mystic Stone Change Ticket for the succeeding 30 cumulative minutes!

Consumable Support Event
1/31/2024 – 02/27/2024 (23:59 PST)

Which of your characters need the most support in their journey to the top? In this event, it doesn't matter if their level 1 or 99, just input their names in the UI and they'll immediately receive 1 [Cobo] Budding Sprout Gift Cube that contains useful consumables they can utilize during their journeys!

Item Mall Goodies
With Lithia's successful debut into the El Search Party, comes her full fledged debut as an ELSTAR idol! Check her out as a member of Mega Cake and get her all the bells and whistles that idol life has to offer: Custom Motions, Accessories, and more!

ELSTAR is coming back for everyone! ACE, MEGA CAKE, ALTER CROWN, and MAZE costumes, accessories, custom motions, and more have returned so that your characters can take a break from being a hero and experience the idol life for a change!

That's all for now, folks~

See y'all in-game!
Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

It's the year of the Dragon and we're roaring to go with a 2v2 PVP Tournament! Sign ups are open for the NA region in the link below!


Elsword - webops
★ On-going
  • Lithia’s 1st Update Event
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-01-30 23:59)
  • Hedgehog Draw Lots Event
    (2024-01-17 00:00 ~ 2024-01-30 23:59)
[Cash Items]
★ Added
  • Lithia Marching Band Costume
    (2024-01-24 00:00 ~ 2024-03-19 23:59)
★ Ended
  • Re-Order Shop
    • Meow Meow Mascot – Black Kitty
    • ELSTAR Trainee
  • (2024-01-10 00:00 ~ 2024-01-23 23:59)
  • Summon Stone: Pure Bear
    (2023-12-27 00:00 ~ 2024-01-23 23:59)
Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

Heya adventurers! How are y'all faring with drawing lots with Hedgehog Prize Board? Extremely easy right? You get so many rewards for something so simple to do so if you haven't started it yet, better get to it so you can get everything! If you didn't know yet, Lithia's very first 1v1 tourney has opened its registrations from January 17th until January 28th! So, everyone in NA, SEA, and LATAM who thinks they've already mastered Lithia still has plenty of time to train and eventually register. Who knows, you might be the first ultimate treasure hunter to grace the lands of Elrios! It's going to be a pretty chill week so you can focus on training and hauling in those rewards from the Lithia Release Event that's still ongoing! And as always, don't forget to check out the goodies we have at the Item Mall this week!

Item Mall Goodies
Lithia's ready to create blood-pumping music! Equipped with a trumpet that resonates a victorious boom, she dons the Marching Band Costume Set and is ready to exhibit flawless beats!

That's all for now, folks~

See y'all in-game!

Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

Heya adventurers! We have plenty of exciting on-going events for you, so we'll make getting your hands on more rewards easier! If you haven't started yet on any of the Lithia events we have, make sure you get started soon or you'll miss on some awesome goodies! And if you're an artist, show-off your amazing art through Lithia Winter Wallpaper Art Contest! You might be voted number 1 and win TONS of K-Ching! Make sure you're also participating in Lithia's SNS Events for more chances to win K-Ching and even Lithia Merch! And as always, don't forget to check out the Item Mall for the lovely goodies we have in store!

Hedgehog Draw Lots Event
01/17/2024 - 01/30/2024 (23:59 PST)
Your daily log in will not go unrewarded! Get Free Draws and accumulate draw times! You'll get a plethora of useful rewards for your adventures!

When you clear dungeons within your level range 3 times daily, you'll get 1 Free Draw.
Clearing 10 dungeons within your level range weekly will give you 2 Free Draws!
The more you draw, the better the rewards you'll get! Get your hands on rewards like: [Luriel] Adventurer Support Potions, [Luriel] El Tree Seeds, a [Cobo] Spectral Amethyst or Tenebrous Aura Select Cube, and so much more!

Item Mall Goodies
Don a spectacularly posh ensemble on your night outs! Dress up in Mood Night and stun not only enemies but also everyone you come across! Get it this week!

It may still be winter but Lithia's having feels already! Take the beachy feeling wherever she goes with the Photo Shoot Custom Motion!

That's all for now, folks~

See y'all in-game!

Elsword - webops
★ Added
  • Login Event
    (2024-01-10 00:00 ~ 2024-01-16 23:59)
★ On-going
  • Lithia’s Part Time Event
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-01-16 23:59)
  • Lithia’s 1st Update Event
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-01-30 23:59)
[Cash Items]
★ Added
  • Re-Order Shop
    • Meow Meow Mascot – Black Kitty
    • ELSTAR Trainee
    (2024-01-10 00:00 ~ 2024-01-23 23:59)
  • Lithia Archangel Ice Burner
    (2024-01-10 00:00 ~ 2024-03-05 23:59)
  • Lithia Archangel 1+1 Ice Burner Package
    (2024-01-10 00:00 ~ 2024-01-16 23:59)
★ Ended
  • Enhancement Package
    • Special Blessed Fluorite Ore Package (Buying Limit: 2 per Week)
  • (2023-12-27 00:00 ~ 2024-01-09 23:59)
Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

Heya adventurers! How are you loving our newest seeker, Lithia? Have you participated in the events yet? If you haven’t, well, you still have a bit of time to complete it get all the amazing rewards! And as always, don’t forget to check out the many things we have in the Item Mall for this week!

Login Event
Ready your grabby hands for easy-peasy rewards! Why is it easy? Because all you have to do is login! Just 30 cumulative login minutes will give you 1 [Cobo] Vestige of Soul – Weapon of Requiem Cube! This is available for all characters not just Lithia and whoever opens it gets the weapon! And if you’re a Lithia, you’ll get trial titles from the [Cobo] Titles for Lithia Cube!

Item Mall Goodies
These fun and casual costumes are back! Elsword and the Gang can pause training for fights and train for stardom instead with ELSTAR Trainee Costume! Feeling and little catty inside and want to manifest it outside? Don the Meow Meow Mascot – Black Kitty Costume Suit!

Lithia’s second IB is literally heaven-sent! Enrobe this truth-seeker in an angelic garb with the Archangel Ice Burner Set!

That’s all for now, folks~
See y’all in-game!
Elsword - webops
  • 2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-01-03 04:30 AM PST
  • PvP League Reset
  • Lithia 1st Path Release
  • Lithia Dungeons
  • New / Returning User Attendance Improvement
★ Added
  • Lithia’s Part Time Event
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-01-16 23:59)
  • Lithia’s 1st Update Event
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-01-30 23:59)
  • Lithia’s Update Celebration Weekend Event
    (2024-01-06 00:00 ~ 2024-01-07 23:59)
★ Ended
  • Lithia Pre-registration Event
    (2023-12-13 00:00 ~ 2024-01-01 23:59)
  • Mysterious Rift that appeared in Elrios Event
    (2023-12-20 00:00 ~ 2024-01-02 23:59)
[Cash Items]
★ Added
  • Lithia 1st Path Class Advance Ticket
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ Permanent)
  • Lithia Aether Nobilitas Ice Burner
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-02-27 23:59)
  • Lithia Aether Nobilitas Ice Burner Trial Package (Buying Limit: 1)
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-02-27 23:59)
  • Lithia Aether Nobilitas 1+1 Ice Burner Package (Buying Limit: 10)
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-01-09 23:59)
  • Lithia’s Costume and Costume Suit (Permanent)
    • Bad Guys Costume
    • Fantasy Star Academy Costume
    • Fantasy Hunter Costume
    • ELS Casual / Spring Raid Costume
    • Adventurer Fox Costume
    • Summer Casual Costume
    • Dark/Holy Priest Costume
    • Matching Top with Developers
    • Elite Search Party Uniform – Crimson Edge Costume Suit
    • Invisible Costume Suit
    • Lithia’s ELS-N1 Grand Prix Maintenance Team (Red/Black)
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ Permanent)
  • Lithia’s Accessory (Permanent)
    • El Lord Red Earrings
    • El Lord Blue Earrings
    • Black Angel’s Wing Weapon Guard
    • White Angel’s Wing Weapon Guard
    • Adventurer Fox Tail (Arctic / Desert)
    • Nasod Battle Guard
    • Mithril Arm Support (30 Days)
    • Blue / Purple Gothic Ribbon
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ Permanent)
  • Lithia’s Customization (Permanent)
    • Tree Stump of Memories
    • Moonlight Dream (Origin/Sapphire/Emerald/Crystal)
    • ELSTAR Skill Cut-In (Ver. Special)
    • Promotional Skill Cut-In (Ver. International)
    • Pickaxe Caring Lithia
    • Negotiator Lithia
    • Warm Up Exercise
    • Lithia’s Model Pose
    • Lithia’s Eyes (Odd/Star/Cat/Chic/Red/Black/Ieru/Lime)
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ Permanent)
  • Lithia’s Costume and Costume Suit
    • Winter Preppy
    • ELSTAR Trainee
    • Luxury Wedding
    • SWAT
    • Snow Foxy
    • Meow Meow Mascot – Black Kitty Costume Suit
    • Elrios Noble Duelist Costume Suit
  • (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-02-27 00:00)
  • Lithia’s Accessory
    • ALTER CROWN Fan Package
    • MAZE Fan Package
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-02-27 00:00)
  • Lithia’s Customization
    • ALTER CROWN Young – Another Dance
    • MAZE Cuz’ (reset) – Another Dance
    • Memory of the Youthful Days
    • SWAT Break Time (Day/Night)
    • Super Star Red Carpet – Black
    • Warm Mini Spa
    • Beautiful Memory of the Past
    • Bright Memory of the Past
    (2024-01-03 00:00 ~ 2024-02-27 00:00)
★ Ended
  • Re-Order Shop: Christmas
    • Winter Salvation (Elsword~LuCiel)
    • 'X-MAS' Fairy of Holy Nights (Elsword~Rose)
    • Christmas Party Costume Suit (Elsword~Noah)
    • Christmas Velvet (Elsword~Noah)
    (2023-12-20 00:00 ~ 2024-01-02 23:59)
★ New Character: Lithia 1st Path
  • Lithia 1st Path, who utilizes the power of ores and combined magic items with relics to deal even greater damage, is updated!
    • Poten Finder – Mighty Miner – Gembliss
  • Intro: A class that utilizes the power of ores and combined magic items with relics to deal even greater damage.
    • Attack Style: Physical Attack
    • Range: Close Range
★ Lithia Exclusive Village: Beyond the Rift
  • Lithia Only Village, ‘Beyond the Rift’ is updated.
  • You cannot move your character in ‘Beyond the Rift’. There are no other NPCs other than the ‘Rift inside the Rift’ and the mailbox.
  • Upon achieving Lv. 99, Lithia can move to Elrianode through Rift inside the Rift NPC.
  • Upon achieving Lv. 99, Lithia can also move to Ruben ~ Elrianode through Cobo Transportation Service.
  • Other characters cannot enter Lithia’s realm
★ Lithia Exclusive Dungeon
  • 8 new dungeons that only Lithia can enter are added.
  • Lithia cannot enter Ruben ~ Elrianode dungeons before Lv. 99 and can only enter Lithia only dungeons.
  • Lithia can enter Ruben ~ Elrianode region dungeons after achieving Lv. 99. (Upon clearing Epic Quest ‘Entering Demon Realm’, Lithia can enter Varnimyr region like other characters.)
★ Lithia Event Dungeon
  • Lithia can enter Velder Academy Library, Velder Academy Athletic Meet, Velder Academy Concert, Dessert Café, ELSTAR Showcase, ELSTAR Signing event dungeons.
  • Lithia cannot enter Elrios City Run, Elrios City Defense, Heart El Puzzle event dungeons.
  • Lithia cannot open the cube exchange reward item from the Velder Academy Event.
  • We will announce at a later date when the entry to the event dungeons and opening the cube becomes available.
★ Lithia El Search Party Collection
  • Lithia 1st Path collection is added.
  • Synergy will be added at a later date.

★ Ereda Island Ranking Reset and Improvements
  • Ereda Island Ranking and Records will be reset.
  • You can purchase a new item, ‘Warrior’s Courageous Aura’ from the EP Shop.
  • You can use ‘Warrior's Courageous Aura’ to upgrade Ring of Fury and Rings of Skills through NPC Camilla.
★ New/Returning Elrios Attendance Improvement
  • With the improvement of the New/Returning Attendance, the previous attendance event will end.
  • You will not be able to receive rewards from the previous attendance event after the maintenance, so please make sure to receive all the rewards before 1/3 00:00 Pacific Time.
[New Adventurer Elrios Attendance Check]
  • Target: All adventurer’s playing Elsword (per account)

[New Adventurer Elrios Attendance Check]
  • Target: Adventurer’s who haven’t logged on to Elsword for 30 consecutive days (per account)

★ Character

  • Fixed certain title information being blocked when using custom motions in certain situations.
  • [Immortal]
    • Fixed Conwell’s Sun Sword shooting effect not activating when using [Mod] Infinity Strike after using Sunrise skill.
  • [Metamorphy]
    • Fixed not being able to cast Shangr-La Sketch due to certain mounts after using My Magical Debut! Skill.
  • [Surya]
    • Fixed [Mod] Convert skill not receiving Accord passive effect.
★ Dungeon/PvP/Field
  • Fixed not changing from aiming page after turret appears in certain situations during phase 2 of The Great Steel Wall.
  • Berauk lightning pattern in Add’s Energy Fusion Theory Dungeon will have MP burn effect removed.
  • Fixed top event icon disappearing in certain situations.
  • Fixed not being able to change blessing effect when blessing gauge is at 100% if the amount of Guild Coins owned is 0.
  • Fixed not being able to exit even by clicking NPC window exit button after exiting the sparring room.
  • Fixed quest hide function not being properly applied from Quest UI in certain situations.
  • Fixed mails from mailbox bond tab not being deleted despite passing the deletion date.
    • Mails with 1/3 delete date will be deleted all at once at 1/16 23:59 Pacific Time. Please make sure to receive the mails past the deletion date.
  • Fixed Talk UI appearing abnormally when moving channels in certain situations.
  • Fixed dismount button appearing abnormally in certain situations after getting on a mount.
  • Fixed mount’s stamina being shown when entering guild games while on a mount.
  • Character slot will be increased by 1 so that adventurer’s who have max number of characters can still enjoy the newly updated Lithia’s 1st path. (Max 68 > Max 69)
  • Buff icon for Fighter Potion will be improved for easier legibility.
  • When entering official arena and after completing a match from the El House, players will be moved to the area before entering the El House has been fixed.
  • Upon completing the character tutorial, quest event scene skip select UI will be updated to fit the new UI design.
  • Fixed not being able to change to the basic key setting after character creation and upon completing the tutorial dungeon.
  • Cobo Growth Guide related to Prof. Pho’s Growth Guide will be shown after failing a dungeon.
  • ELSTAR Skill Cut-In (ver. Special) (Elsword~Noah) items will always be available.
  • There is a string edit to Aisha’s character story to match the updated story.
Elsword - GM Raiden KOG

Heya adventurers! Happy Holidays to everyone who celebrate it as well as to those who don’t! This week, if you celebrate the holidays with Elsword and the gang, you’ll be rewarded with plenty of items which you can use to enhance your equipment! And as always, don’t forget to take a look at the Item Mall for the wonderful goodies we have in-store!

Preparation for a New Adventure Event

We may have reached the end of the year but that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for the next! And ho boy, prepared you will be! We will have amazing deals, but you’ll have to watch out for it this week to find out!

Item Mall Goodies

Raring to add another cute mount to your collection? Or are you just looking for a cuddly, cute bear? Whichever category you fall on Pure Bear Mount is ready to travel the lands of Elrios with you! Get him this week!

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

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