The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Magic of Skyrim Mods: A Naked Man Swimming in CabbageJust when you think you've seen it all, you really have not. The wonderful world of Skyrim mods never ceases to delight and amaze.

These screenshots recently popped up online in Japan, with a forum commenter pointing out that The Elders Scrolls V: Skyrim was a game in which you could play in a river of cabbage.

The Magic of Skyrim Mods: A Naked Man Swimming in CabbageRunning into the cool, crisp cabbage.
The Magic of Skyrim Mods: A Naked Man Swimming in Cabbage Plunging in.
The Magic of Skyrim Mods: A Naked Man Swimming in Cabbage Submerging oneself in the vegetable river.
The Magic of Skyrim Mods: A Naked Man Swimming in Cabbage Flying through the air on a cabbage. Buck naked. As one would.
The Magic of Skyrim Mods: A Naked Man Swimming in Cabbage The end.

スカイリムって山からチーズ落としたりキャベツ川に流して遊ぶゲームだろ [豚メシ速報]

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim's DLC Is Coming To PS3 Next Month

Finally! Skyrim's downloadable content, until now exclusive to Xbox 360 and PC, is making its way to the PlayStation 3.

Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn will all be on the PlayStation Network in February. They'll all be 50% off during their launch week.

In case you're a PS3 player and you haven't been paying attention, here are some links to our coverage for the vampire-filled Dawnguard pack (not great), the home-making Hearthfire pack (lovely for fans of domestic activity), and Dragonborn, the best of the three.

So what took so long? Dunno. Last August, Bethesda said bringing Skyrim's DLC to PS3 was a complicated issue.

Dragonborn will also hit PC on February 5, Bethesda's Pete Hines announced today.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Dragonborn Is The First Skyrim DLC That Actually Feels Like An Expansion

When Skyrim first came out, Bethesda had lofty promises for the game's downloadable content. Skyrim's DLC will feel like expansion packs, the developers assured us.

Reality has told a different story. Skyrim's first DLC, Dawnguard, was a disappointing add-on filled with boring, samey quests. The second DLC, Hearthfire, was basically Barbie's Playhouse with dragons.

Third time's a charm. I've spent a few hours with Skyrim's latest piece of DLC, Dragonborn, and what I've played so far certainly feels like an expansion pack. It could also turn out to be Skyrim's best DLC yet.

Skyrim's newest DLC—out today for Xbox 360, and early next year for PC and PS3 (yes, PS3!)—takes you to the island of Solstheim, which you may remember from one of Morrowind's expansion packs, Bloodmoon. Solstheim is full of problems, quests, cities, dungeons, and all sorts of other things to explore and fight your way through. It's also rather unusual.

See, the first thing you'll notice, once you take a boat to Raven's Rock and start poking your way through Solstheim, is that it actually feels like a new experience. There's a new map. There are strange new areas and enemies—a city of nature-worshiping Skaal is protected by a powerful wind barrier; an underground tomb's dark elf corpses turn into hideous (and deadly) Ash Spawn; little goblins called Rieklings infest watchtowers and castles all across the land. It's all very bizarre and interesting.

Entering Solstheim, for me, was sort of like starting up Skyrim from the beginning, with no knowledge of what was in store. Even though I haven't even seen everything that the original game's massive world has to offer, there's still something really exciting about dropping into a new map that's full of potential. In other words, it feels like an expansion pack.

The second thing you'll notice about Dragonborn, if you're like me and recently spent a ton of time with Dishonored, is that you will miss the Blink spell a great deal. That shit should be in everything.

But I digress. Perhaps the most common complaint about Skyrim, generally considered an excellent game, is that its world was not as magical, not as creative, not as unique as the world of Morrowind before it. Solstheim has some solutions to that problem. Yes, you'll still be battling through some dark dungeons filled with the same old traps and levers—hope you like fighting Draugr!—but there's more to see and explore. There are giant mushroom homes furnished with magical air elevators, sickening demon squid Lurkers that shoot blasts of shadowy ink at your face, strange gems that command you to bring them to nearby mountains. You know, the usual.

The main quest is fascinating, too. I won't spoil the details, but it revolves around a dude named Miraak—who may or may not be the first ever Dragonborn—and the spell he's cast upon the people of Solstheim to subconsciously turn them into his slaves. Your goal is to stop him.

"But wait," you might be saying. "It wouldn't be Skyrim without countless bugs and glitches everywhere you turn. Does Dragonborn have any of those?"

Of course! When you first load up your copy of Skyrim with Dragonborn installed, you'll be accosted by a group of cult members who want to kill you. This happened to me in Windhelm. Except they weren't very good at showing that they wanted to kill me: once our dialogue had ended, they walked around in a circle for a few seconds before finally going hostile and pulling out their fireballs.

And of course there are the goblins floating in mid-air in the middle of fights, the janky animation during one particular moment when you're switched to a third-person point of view, and all of the other little bugs that make Skyrim Skyrim.

But still, so far I'm very pleased with this piece of DLC. It might have taken a year for Skyrim to get its first real expansion pack, but this seems to be the one we've all been waiting for.

I'll have more on Dragonborn here on Kotaku as I continue to play the game today. Expect a full review soon.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Leaker Shows Off Supposed Skyrim: Dragonborn Screenshots, Details

Skyrim's next piece of downloadable content, Dragonborn, is out tomorrow for Xbox 360.

Can't wait til then? One person claiming to be a beta tester has sent some screenshots and alleged details about the new DLC to the website I've asked Bethesda whether or not this stuff is real, and will update if they respond, but for now, here are some of the highlights from the alleged leak.

Potential Dragonborn spoilers follow.

Perhaps the most interesting detail is the list of achievements, which, if real, would confirm the rumor that you can tame and ride dragons in Dragonborn.

  • Outlander - Arrive on Solstheim (20 G)
  • Raven Rock Owner - Own a house in Raven Rock (20 G)
  • Solstheim Explorer - Discover 30 Locations on the island of Soltheim (30 G)
  • The Temple of Knowledge - Complete "The Temple of Miraak" (20 G)
  • The Path of Knowledge - Complete "The Path of Knowledge" (20 G)
  • At the Summit of Apocrypha - Complete "At the Summit of Apocrypha (40 G)
  • Hidden Knowledge - Learn the secrets of 5 Black Books (40 G)
  • Stalhrim Crafter - Craft an item out of Stalhrim (20 G)
  • Dragon Aspect - Learn all 3 words of Dragon Aspect (20 G)
  • DragonRider - Tame and Ride 5 dragons (20 G)

According to the leaker, the DLC starts off with cultists coming after you, calling you "the false Dragonborn." You find a note on their bodies that leads you to a ship at Windhelm, which you can then take to Solstheim, the continent brought back from Morrowind. You can then explore and quest your way through the new continent.

The leaker has also got purported lists of some of the new spells, weapons, armor, and locations in Dragonborn.

Head on over to TheOuthousers for the full leak. Or just wait til tomorrow for the actual DLC.

Leaker Shows Off Supposed Skyrim: Dragonborn Screenshots, Details Leaker Shows Off Supposed Skyrim: Dragonborn Screenshots, Details Leaker Shows Off Supposed Skyrim: Dragonborn Screenshots, Details

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim Will Be Getting a Premium Edition, According to Amazon Listing [Update: Europe Only] Maybe you held off from getting and playing Skyrim last year, thanks to either the tingling of your wizardly instincts or an emptiness of wallet. Whether you waited or couldn't get it a year ago, you can get a Premium edition of Bethesda's hit action/RPG hybrid.

According to, the enhanced release of The Elder Scrolls V will be packed in with a bonus disc with behind-the-scenes content, trailers, walkthroughs, five music tracks and a 600-page e-book. The Premium Edition reportedly also comes with a map of the game's environs, a t-shirt with the dragon emblem and postcards featuring concept art. lists the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the Premium Edition at €59.99 (about $77.36) with a PC counterpart costing €49.99 on the PC (approximately $64.47). The product has a release date of December 7 on the online retailer listing.

Bethesda Softworks—publisher of Skyrim—has told Kotaku that the Premium Edition will be only available in some territories in Europe, with the U.K., Benelux, and Germany the only ones announced so far.

First images and details for premium edition of ‘The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim' [, via Polygon]

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

New Skyrim Patch Suggests That DLC Will Bring The Game Back To Morrowind Skyrim's next DLC could be taking us back to the world of Morrowind, the third game in Bethesda's popular RPG series.

Eagle-eyed Elder Scrolls fans have dug through the files for patch 1.8, which Bethesda released yesterday for PC, and found all sorts of clues that could hint at future content for the game.

One line hints at a return to Solstheim, the Nord colony last seen in the second expansion to Morrowind, Bloodmoon. Other patch files hint at dragon riding (!) and a bunch of other locations in and around Solstheim.

The patch also suggests that the DLC will be named Dragonborn, which was trademarked by Bethesda back in May.

If Dragonborn is really a thing, it would be Skyrim's third piece of downloadable content. Dawnguard and Hearthfire were both released earlier this year.

I've reached out to Bethesda for comment and will update should they respond.

Update: Bethesda says no comment.

1.8 Beta Update and Dragonborn DLC hints discussion [Bethsoft Forums]

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This Photo Series Is What Happens When Fashion Photography Meets Skyrim Fashion photographer Emilie Elizabeth lives and works in Los Angeles, and has done a number of photo shoots for magazines, record labels, and advertising campaigns. She is also a gamer, and has done shoots for 2K Games and Treyarch.

Her series The Dragonborn is an uncommon look at the world of Skyrim. The series combines elements of high fashion photography—including the clothes, the make-up, and the models—with favorite elements from Skyrim. Everything from a bucket on the head to an arrow thankfully not-actually-in-the-knee appears, as well as gorgeous Californian landscapes that make a surprisingly good stand-in for Skyrim's Nord scenery. The full set is definitely worth a look.

The Dragonborn [Emilie Elizabeth Photography — thanks, Ryan!]

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See

Behold these lovely screenshots and videos from Skywind, the ambitious fan-driven project to mod all of Morrowind in the world of Skyrim.

The project is already pretty stunning, but they have a ways to go. The modders are posting about their plans and goals on the forums of Morroblivion, a site designed to re-create Morrowind in Oblivion.

(And in case you want more Elder Scrolls recreations, it looks like they're making Oblivion in Skyrim too: You can see the Imperial City from Oblivion in one of the videos below.)

Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See Morrowind Modded Into Skyrim Is Something You Must See

Skywind Development [Morroblivion via PC Gamer]

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Sony Says That They’ve Been “Working Closely” With Bethesda to Get Skyrim DLC Working on the PS3 People who bought Skyrim for the PS3 are pissed. And you can't necessarily blame them.

First, they get a version of Bethesda's hit action/RPG release that became increasingly unplayable. Then, PS3 owners had to endure news that they may not even get the Dawnguard DLC that Xbox 360 users got back at the end of June. The Dawnguard troubles make it all too easy to believe that Hearthfire's home-building features may never make it to the PS3 either.

So, yeah, if you're a PS3 who wants all that Skyrim magic on your console, you might feel cursed. Sony VP Adam Boyes feels your pain.

Boyes handles publisher relations for Sony, which means he interfaces with third-party developers. He's new there, having arrived about three, four months ago. But he knew all about the Skyrim woes when I asked him about the game after he spoke at the New York Gaming Conference this week. He took a deep breath before replying.

"We work with all of our partners to try and solve their problems," Boyes answered. "We have a big, broad dev support team that works closely with Bethesda—and with all of our partners—to work with them to solve that any sort of issues they have along the way."

"Of course, I always want everything to work always for everyone. I can't promise any kind of resolution or timeline but can say that everyone involved is trying their best to get this stuff working."

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Here's How To Avoid A Major Bug In Skyrim: Hearthfire

Just a heads up: I've experienced a significant bug in Skyrim's newest downloadable content that seems to be avoidable.

When you get your plot of land in Hearthfire, you'll be using two major devices: the drafting table and the carpenter's workbench. At the drafting table, you can select blueprints for buildings and wings in your new home. Once you've selected a blueprint, it moves over to the carpenter's workbench, where you can actually piece it together in stages: first you build a door, then a floor, then walls, etc.

After you've built an entryway and a main hall for your manor, you can start selecting optional rooms like a library or kitchen. Each set of rooms is attached to a wing of the house—you can only build bedrooms in the west wing, for example—but you can only start planning out one room per wing at a time.

This is where the problems start. If you pick a plan from the west wing, start building parts of it over at the workbench, and then select another plan from the west wing at the drafting table, everything goes wonky. You can lose progress and even deny yourself access to entire rooms. (One of my blueprints disappeared entirely, and I can't get it back.)

So what's the solution? Build one thing at a time. Don't pick multiple blueprints from the drafting table at once: just select one, finish all of its pieces at the workbench, and then move on to the next plan. Don't get cute and experiment with drafting, or you might lock yourself out of some of the game's content.

I've reached out to Bethesda to inform them of the bug and ask if they have plans to fix it. If you've experienced any other bugs (and know how they can be avoided) please post'em here!


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