Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Rejoice, ArkcoNauts!

There is finally a launch date for Edge of Space! After sharing this journey through Early Access with all of you, we are preparing to cross the finish line, and deliver the 1.0 version of the game. It's terrifying, and it's thrilling all at once!

Can't wait for the 17th to see what the launch version has in store? We're keeping the closed beta test open right up till launch day. For the small price of your souls (an NDA), you can opt in and check out all the work that's gone into the game since we last patched the main branch. For those who want to see it for the first time when we launch, you can mark your calendars for September 17th!

Either way, we have our new Coming Soon trailer available for everyone to check out:

Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Rejoice, ArkcoNauts!

There is finally a launch date for Edge of Space! After sharing this journey through Early Access with all of you, we are preparing to cross the finish line, and deliver the 1.0 version of the game. It's terrifying, and it's thrilling all at once!

Can't wait for the 17th to see what the launch version has in store? We're keeping the closed beta test open right up till launch day. For the small price of your souls (an NDA), you can opt in and check out all the work that's gone into the game since we last patched the main branch. For those who want to see it for the first time when we launch, you can mark your calendars for September 17th!

Either way, we have our new Coming Soon trailer available for everyone to check out:

Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

Wow, one week into the pre-launch testing already! So far, we're really happy with the testing, and highly encourage everyone who owns the game to come sign up and take part. We're cramming in some very special surprises for launch, and our internal testers will be the first to see what's up our sleeves!

For those not in the test, and who don't want spoilers, look away, because these test updates may contain spoilers! Everyone else, read on!

Last night on the stream, we showed off one of the new content additions to the game, updated outposts and nests, as well as an early look at terraforming. These new events are now replacing the empty ruins and outposts that littered the game world up till now. They will have tasks to be completed, and doing so allows you to dominate the area. Once dominated, you're free to mine out special tiles left behind from the generous explosions. This is the core foundation for the Terraforming system as well. Terraforming surrounds "Primal Zones." which need to be dominated in the same way. Eventually you will be tasked with dominating the entire map to reach the end game condition for Edge of Space. Both events and primal zones present the player with new tiles to collect and use, as well as bringing more variety to the terrain. Our testers are definitely enjoying their new-found dominance over their surroundings.

Again, we want to encourage everyone that owns the game to get in and take part, the only qualifications are signing an NDA, and owning a copy of Edge of Space. With the help of the community we'll make the launch of Edge of Space something to remember!
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

Wow, one week into the pre-launch testing already! So far, we're really happy with the testing, and highly encourage everyone who owns the game to come sign up and take part. We're cramming in some very special surprises for launch, and our internal testers will be the first to see what's up our sleeves!

For those not in the test, and who don't want spoilers, look away, because these test updates may contain spoilers! Everyone else, read on!

Last night on the stream, we showed off one of the new content additions to the game, updated outposts and nests, as well as an early look at terraforming. These new events are now replacing the empty ruins and outposts that littered the game world up till now. They will have tasks to be completed, and doing so allows you to dominate the area. Once dominated, you're free to mine out special tiles left behind from the generous explosions. This is the core foundation for the Terraforming system as well. Terraforming surrounds "Primal Zones." which need to be dominated in the same way. Eventually you will be tasked with dominating the entire map to reach the end game condition for Edge of Space. Both events and primal zones present the player with new tiles to collect and use, as well as bringing more variety to the terrain. Our testers are definitely enjoying their new-found dominance over their surroundings.

Again, we want to encourage everyone that owns the game to get in and take part, the only qualifications are signing an NDA, and owning a copy of Edge of Space. With the help of the community we'll make the launch of Edge of Space something to remember!
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

Today is a very momentous day in the history of Edge of Space. Today, for the very first time, we will mention the “L” word.

Yes, I went there. Launch. It’s coming.

As the internal goal we’ve set for ourselves (no spoilers just yet, sorry! :P ) looms closer, we have decided that the next patch to the main branch, will be 1.0. Does this mean that a buggy version will be launched? No. We want to weed out every possible bug, and make every possible improvement to the game before the time comes to set it free. The pre-launch build already has a significant amount of content and features which have been added, and are waiting to be tested. To that end, we are opening up a large scale internal test of the pre-launch build, and we want anyone and everyone interested in seeing it to please sign up for access to the pre-release test build. Please note, we do require the signing of a simple NDA to participate. We want to leave some surprises in store for launch day, and for those who don’t want to see it till it crosses the line to 1.0.

Due to the above large scale testing, the patches between right now and launch will be showing up on the tester branch, where they will be beaten on, cleaned up, and polished to a lovely shine. We do realize that some will get impatient waiting for the 1.0 update to Edge of Space to go live on the main branch, but we feel that we need to focus on testing to do this right. We need feedback now more than ever to address any significant concerns and issues before launch. Our plans to continue to add content and patches after launch haven’t changed. As long as we get the support at launch, Edge of Space will be updated for a long time to come.

To join the internal test, please contact me; I will get your NDA to you, and add you to the Skype group. Anyone interested in previewing the NDA before signing, I am providing it here in a view only format. The PDF version will be sent to you upon request.


This is both the most exciting, and also the most terrifying time for the game - it’s the culmination of 3+ years of blood, sweat, Red Bull, and tears. Over the coming weeks, things will definitely get crazy around here, and we want to thank the community for all of the support over the course of the game’s development. We know it hasn’t been an easy road, and at times things haven’t looked the greatest, but we feel proud of the game Edge of Space has become, and we wouldn’t have made it this far without the help of over 100,000 people who took a chance on us. Thanks for being awesome!!

Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

Today is a very momentous day in the history of Edge of Space. Today, for the very first time, we will mention the “L” word.

Yes, I went there. Launch. It’s coming.

As the internal goal we’ve set for ourselves (no spoilers just yet, sorry! :P ) looms closer, we have decided that the next patch to the main branch, will be 1.0. Does this mean that a buggy version will be launched? No. We want to weed out every possible bug, and make every possible improvement to the game before the time comes to set it free. The pre-launch build already has a significant amount of content and features which have been added, and are waiting to be tested. To that end, we are opening up a large scale internal test of the pre-launch build, and we want anyone and everyone interested in seeing it to please sign up for access to the pre-release test build. Please note, we do require the signing of a simple NDA to participate. We want to leave some surprises in store for launch day, and for those who don’t want to see it till it crosses the line to 1.0.

Due to the above large scale testing, the patches between right now and launch will be showing up on the tester branch, where they will be beaten on, cleaned up, and polished to a lovely shine. We do realize that some will get impatient waiting for the 1.0 update to Edge of Space to go live on the main branch, but we feel that we need to focus on testing to do this right. We need feedback now more than ever to address any significant concerns and issues before launch. Our plans to continue to add content and patches after launch haven’t changed. As long as we get the support at launch, Edge of Space will be updated for a long time to come.

To join the internal test, please contact me; I will get your NDA to you, and add you to the Skype group. Anyone interested in previewing the NDA before signing, I am providing it here in a view only format. The PDF version will be sent to you upon request.


This is both the most exciting, and also the most terrifying time for the game - it’s the culmination of 3+ years of blood, sweat, Red Bull, and tears. Over the coming weeks, things will definitely get crazy around here, and we want to thank the community for all of the support over the course of the game’s development. We know it hasn’t been an easy road, and at times things haven’t looked the greatest, but we feel proud of the game Edge of Space has become, and we wouldn’t have made it this far without the help of over 100,000 people who took a chance on us. Thanks for being awesome!!

Jul 1, 2015
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

Just cleaning up a few bugs and issues that cropped up in yesterday’s patch. Keep those reports coming!


  • Corrected an issue that made some guns not fire
  • Corrected an issue that prevented factories from being placed
  • Corrected a rare issue that caused plants to form inside of tiles
  • Guns now have their default shell throwing particle setup
  • Optimized the rendering of plants
  • Added sounds for several kits
Jul 1, 2015
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

Just cleaning up a few bugs and issues that cropped up in yesterday’s patch. Keep those reports coming!


  • Corrected an issue that made some guns not fire
  • Corrected an issue that prevented factories from being placed
  • Corrected a rare issue that caused plants to form inside of tiles
  • Guns now have their default shell throwing particle setup
  • Optimized the rendering of plants
  • Added sounds for several kits
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

Another big round of fixes and polish come your way today, as the quality of life passes continue. We’ve got some fun additions, including a much improved minimap system, and expansion of player inventory! We’ve also empowered the NPC’s to help protect your base, and they will now fire on enemies within range.

Headline Features:
  • Formations have been rewritten to improve and expand their functionality in the near future.
  • New generation/growth algorithm for all formations in all biomes, they should be a lot better!
  • Minimap!
  • Revamped Knowledge Tree
  • Revamped Early game experience

Changes & Additions

  • Moved the Full Inventory alert to below the clock
  • Added sounds across the board and better animated banners
  • Added full video tutorial recap accessible via codex entry granted after tutorial
  • New formatting for knowledges screen
  • Various theme tweaks to the crafting screen.
  • Reworked science xp usage system
  • Five new NPCs added
  • Prevented double reloads of guns
  • Added new emitters to guns
  • Added a reload bonus to guns, manually reload before you run out of ammo to reload faster
  • Added an audio indication as your gun runs out of ammunition
  • New more detailed minimap
  • All schematics use their result item name in the schematic list now
  • Rebuilt formation system (plants and other world objects)
  • Adjusted progression unlocks
  • Creatures now can inflict a range of damage
  • Creatures now have a range of health
  • Gun damage range has been adjusted
  • Increased player base inventory to 30
  • NPCs that have weapons now attack enemy creatures in range
  • Chat bubbles now have more consistent formatting word wrap
  • Adjusted arklight clip
  • Adjusted jelly mount stats
  • Adjusted lat/long/elevation items to be more efficient (you still will require the same number of items however will not have to hunt for 3 separate items)
  • Several fixes for the “Save Gilbert” quest
  • Mech Anomaly no longer spawns the Mech partly underground
  • Tooltips will now show if a kit needs extra stations to be equipped
  • Adjusted MCP and death mechanics
  • Kits have been adjusted and re-ordered
  • Early kits no longer require an outfitting station
  • Adjusted projectile xp requirement
  • Added mouse over labels to many plants
  • Added mouse over labels to creatures
  • Added sounds to doors
  • Added the crab mount’s jetpack sound
  • Placeables now sleep/wake based on having players near them, will improve performance.
  • The saw has been rewritten to perform smoother.
  • Various new placeable rules to work with the new formation system.
  • Fixed rules relating to system and invisible tiles in their relation to placement and removal.
  • Master pod no longer has cryorods in it and will no longer produce them
  • Master pod generates a regeneration buff periodically around it
  • Command node was moved to rank 1 base construction
  • Cryopod 1 was moved to rank 1 base construction, Cryopod 1 can now be crafted with basic workbench


  • Formations will no longer grow inside of tiles.
  • Formations growth limits are now correctly obeyed.
  • Numerous fixes and adjustments for NPCs, NPC animations, and NPC quests
  • Corrected an issue that allowed more than one Dennis to exist
  • Fixed several issues related to killing certain creatures with AoE weapons
  • Corrected an issue that prevented NPC chat appearing in multiplayer
  • Corrected an issue with projectiles needing optimizations
Edge of Space - LadyAijou
Hey ArkCoNauts!

Another big round of fixes and polish come your way today, as the quality of life passes continue. We’ve got some fun additions, including a much improved minimap system, and expansion of player inventory! We’ve also empowered the NPC’s to help protect your base, and they will now fire on enemies within range.

Headline Features:
  • Formations have been rewritten to improve and expand their functionality in the near future.
  • New generation/growth algorithm for all formations in all biomes, they should be a lot better!
  • Minimap!
  • Revamped Knowledge Tree
  • Revamped Early game experience

Changes & Additions

  • Moved the Full Inventory alert to below the clock
  • Added sounds across the board and better animated banners
  • Added full video tutorial recap accessible via codex entry granted after tutorial
  • New formatting for knowledges screen
  • Various theme tweaks to the crafting screen.
  • Reworked science xp usage system
  • Five new NPCs added
  • Prevented double reloads of guns
  • Added new emitters to guns
  • Added a reload bonus to guns, manually reload before you run out of ammo to reload faster
  • Added an audio indication as your gun runs out of ammunition
  • New more detailed minimap
  • All schematics use their result item name in the schematic list now
  • Rebuilt formation system (plants and other world objects)
  • Adjusted progression unlocks
  • Creatures now can inflict a range of damage
  • Creatures now have a range of health
  • Gun damage range has been adjusted
  • Increased player base inventory to 30
  • NPCs that have weapons now attack enemy creatures in range
  • Chat bubbles now have more consistent formatting word wrap
  • Adjusted arklight clip
  • Adjusted jelly mount stats
  • Adjusted lat/long/elevation items to be more efficient (you still will require the same number of items however will not have to hunt for 3 separate items)
  • Several fixes for the “Save Gilbert” quest
  • Mech Anomaly no longer spawns the Mech partly underground
  • Tooltips will now show if a kit needs extra stations to be equipped
  • Adjusted MCP and death mechanics
  • Kits have been adjusted and re-ordered
  • Early kits no longer require an outfitting station
  • Adjusted projectile xp requirement
  • Added mouse over labels to many plants
  • Added mouse over labels to creatures
  • Added sounds to doors
  • Added the crab mount’s jetpack sound
  • Placeables now sleep/wake based on having players near them, will improve performance.
  • The saw has been rewritten to perform smoother.
  • Various new placeable rules to work with the new formation system.
  • Fixed rules relating to system and invisible tiles in their relation to placement and removal.
  • Master pod no longer has cryorods in it and will no longer produce them
  • Master pod generates a regeneration buff periodically around it
  • Command node was moved to rank 1 base construction
  • Cryopod 1 was moved to rank 1 base construction, Cryopod 1 can now be crafted with basic workbench


  • Formations will no longer grow inside of tiles.
  • Formations growth limits are now correctly obeyed.
  • Numerous fixes and adjustments for NPCs, NPC animations, and NPC quests
  • Corrected an issue that allowed more than one Dennis to exist
  • Fixed several issues related to killing certain creatures with AoE weapons
  • Corrected an issue that prevented NPC chat appearing in multiplayer
  • Corrected an issue with projectiles needing optimizations

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