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Loyal capsuleers,
New Eden is constantly in motion, ever-evolving, impacted by corruption and suppression, and subjected to the havoc wrought in space and on the ground. A new update sees an influx of strategic enhancements, focusing on enriched Factional Warfare experience, quality of life improvements, and the much-requested return of Loyalty Point (LP) donations. Many of the changes being implemented are in direct response to community requests, specifically proposals for ship rebalancing via the Council of Stellar Management (CSM), which recently concluded its annual summit in Reykjavik.


Cooperation within corporations is a cornerstone of EVE Online, and the return of LP donations is a key step toward further fostering this vital aspect of gameplay. Since LP donations were paused following the release of the Havoc expansion for monitoring the new ecosystem, many groups & communities within the warzone and beyond have expressed a strong need to have this re-enabled sooner rather than later. The ecosystem will continue to be monitored, so in anticipation of the potential impact on the economy and to ensure a balanced environment, a future update will introduce a tax system to these transactions.

This enhancement is part of EVE's ongoing commitment to respond to community feedback and to refine the in-game experience, making cooperation not just a part of survival in New Eden but a thriving aspect of its rich, player-driven narrative.


The EVE community has pointed out myriad opportunities for rebalancing through the CSM, and this feedback has been instrumental in the changes implemented in the new update. In the spirit of fostering a more dynamic and competitive Factional Warfare environment, significant ship rebalances are being introduced to enrich capsuleers' strategic options in New Eden.

The essence of these changes lies in addressing the dominance of certain ships, such as the Exequror Navy Issue, Osprey Navy Issue, and Caracal, which have historically overshadowed their counterparts due to their superior range and damage capabilities. These vessels receive slight adjustments to ensure they don’t dramatically surpass the diversity of viable ships in their respective classes. Furthermore, the Bellicose and the Republic Fleet Firetail receive much-needed enhancements to affirm their place in the combat ecosystem.


Throughout the cluster, nuanced adjustments are being introduced to refine the PvP experience, particularly for veteran pilots. These tweaks, grounded in player input, aim to subtly enhance the strategic diversity and balance of ship performance, making engagements more dynamic without drastically altering the established combat landscape.

Marauders will experience a minor reduction in warp speed, a change designed to subtly affect their battlefield mobility. This adjustment opens up new tactical opportunities for adversaries, potentially allowing for more strategic isolation of marauders in conflict scenarios.

In the realm of command ships, enhancements focus on fostering a balanced distribution of roles and effectiveness. A modest increase in the range of command bursts by 50% is introduced to improve their operational flexibility in fleet settings, enhancing their support capabilities without overshadowing other fleet components. The Nighthawk and the Astarte receive slight modifications to promote balance and encourage diversity in PvP situations.

Entropic disintegrators, synonymous with Triglavian might, are adjusted to offer a more measured performance. The initial damage output is slightly reduced, with a compensatory increase in damage ramp-up per cycle.


Recent enhancements to the EVE Online Excel add-in empower players with even more advanced tools for corporation member tracking, market order analysis, and structured data management. These updates, including intuitive search functions for structures and stations as well as comprehensive insights into market dynamics, are designed to optimize data-driven decision-making in New Eden. Detailed patch notes and discussions can be found in the EVE Online forums. To facilitate a seamless integration of these new features, a sample worksheet is available, providing a practical starting point for data-hungry capsuleers to leverage the full potential of the Excel add-in.


EVE Online continues to evolve, with a focus on ensuring that the journey through New Eden is constantly improving. Whether through balance adjustments, quality-of-life improvements, or player-influenced alterations, the sandbox keeps expanding, and the sky is not the limit but merely the beginning.

Be sure to check out the patch notes for additional information about quality of life changes and bug fixes.
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Up-and-coming capsuleers,

Starting your journey in New Eden is an exciting prospect, and you can get going even faster by securing a Starter Pack, which includes valuable items like 7 days Omega, Core Ship Operations Expert System, two Basic Glamourex Boosters, and stunning SKINs to decorate your ships.


This pack will enable you to speed up your skill training, increase your standings with the factions of New Eden, and look amazing while doing it, all for a fantastic price.

Don’t delay, get the Starter Pack today!

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Trailblazing capsuleers,
The new launcher for EVE Online will permanently replace the old one starting on 7 February. This is a crucial move forward in the effort to deepen immersion and streamline the journey into New Eden.

Customize Your Launch
You will now get into space faster, as you choose your character right there in the new launcher. The new launcher sports a sleek and modern look, easier navigation, automatic updates, and improvements to security and performance. In addition, capsuleers now have brand new methods of personalization, including the ability to customize the way they select and launch a character, account, or groups of characters simultaneously.

What to expect
When you first open the EVE launcher after the rollout on 7 February you will get prompted to update, and as you opt in the process will start. Should you choose to wait, the new version will automatically be installed the next time you open the launcher. All your user accounts and settings will be migrated into the new version automatically, and any unnecessary files related to the old launcher will be removed from your system. Any known EVE system shortcuts will be added to the new browser, as well as a shortcut to EVE Vanguard, the in-development FPS module for EVE Online.

You’ll find all the details about the new launcher on the EVE Support website but here are some of the most common questions about the new launcher:

Can I go back to the old launcher?
  • The rollout on 7 February is permanent, and the old launcher will be deprecated. Rest assured, however, that the new one does everything the old one did, and more.
The old launcher left behind some files on my system. How do I get rid of them?
  • The old launcher leaves behind some important files and registry keys. Removing those may have adverse effects, and possibly require reinstalling EVE. Additional cleanup will be performed in a future update.
The update failed and nothing starts right now.
  • In the unlikely event of this happening, download and install a copy of the launcher from https://eveonline.com/download.
  • Do not uninstall the old launcher, since that will remove EVE altogether.
I had personalized shortcuts that are now gone!
  • We tried our best to prepare for as many scenarios as possible, but sadly we can’t anticipate all the different customizations our players may have thought of, so some breakage can’t be helped.
I use Isboxer or other third-party tools, and everything is broken after updating.
  • Please get in touch with the developer of the software you are using. We can provide them with limited assistance, but we do not officially support any third-party launchers.
Some features are not working anymore since updating the launcher.
  • Please submit a bug report so we can fix the issue. There is a button at the top right of the launcher that looks like a bug that takes you to the bug report feature.
I have just updated the launcher, and now it’s asking me to update again.
  • Don’t worry, this is normal. We are constantly making updates to the new launcher and a new version may just have come out.
I play EVE through the Epic platform – what does this mean for me?
  • Epic has already rolled out the update to the new launcher, so if you’re an Epic user you should already be using the new launcher.
I play EVE through the Steam platform – what does this mean for me?
  • If you have recently installed EVE you are likely already using the new launcher. If not, you can wait for the update notification or uninstall EVE in your Steam library and then reinstall, which will usher in the new version.
The Future Is Now
Warping to New Eden has never been faster, easier, and more immersive than with the new EVE launcher. It will soon replace the old one permanently, but why wait? It’s easy to upgrade right away, by simply downloading it from the EVE website and following the instructions.

EVE Online - EVE Online
Greetings Vanguard, 

Recently, legions of warclones took to the battlefield to aid in the corruption of New Eden, lending their hand in the collaborative development of EVE Vanguard. This was the second First Strike playtest, and it was action-packed and explosive.  

The Deathless puts a premium on the valor of warclones, and has kept meticulous records on Vanguard actions and achievements on the battlefield. Here are some highlights from the most recent deployment: 


The continued participation and feedback of the community in these playtests are supremely helpful in the development of EVE Vanguard. We hope to see legions of new and returning warclones in the next one, which will be in February, as announced in the Vanguard roadmap, taking place from 22 to 26 February. The event will be open to all Omega players, as in previous playtests, and there will be impressive rewards up for grabs. 

We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield. 
EVE Online - EVE Online

Welcome to the first Pulse episode of 2024, back in the heart of Jita 4-4 for your source of news from EVE Online!

This episode contains details on the following:

00:00 - Intro
00:21 - EVE Online: Havoc update
01:54 - EVE Vanguard First Strike January playtest
02:39 - Directors’ Letter 02:55 - Anger Games 6
03:13 - EVE: War for New Eden Kickstarter
03:28 - New Starter Packs
03:48 - Outro

Many thanks to Captain Benzie for EVE: War for New Eden review footage!

EVE Online - EVE Online

The Kickstarter campaign for EVE: War for New Eden is going live! From 24 January to 21 February, you’ll have the limited-time opportunity to support the campaign and secure a special copy of this epic new board game.

Created in cooperation with Titan Forge, EVE: War for New Eden features game pieces of incredible craftsmanship. Choose one of the four empires to lead into strategic combat in the EVE Universe, and explore the boundless possibilities of intergalactic warfare.

Why support the campaign now?
  • You’ll get the Kickstarter version of the game at a better price than at retail.
  • Pledging now means you’ll get the limited edition Kickstarter version of the game not available for standard retail purchase.
  • Kickstarter exclusives include an exciting free add-on to seriously enhance your gameplay. This pack contains tokens for minerals, planetary materials, components, and more! Post-campaign, this add-on will only be available as a separate purchase.

Expand your empire, build your economy, fly epic spaceships

EVE: War for New Eden lets you develop factions and choose from a broad spectrum of developments to invest your research tokens in. Use strategy to keep your plans hidden until you reveal completed advancements and catch enemies off guard. Every game is an opportunity to surprise and invent new paths to victory.

Uncharted solar systems are waiting to be explored and vast stores of resources are yours to claim – if you can seize them. Expand your territory and build economies on a galactic scale to establish dominance.

The best part? You can enjoy your game straight from the box thanks to its streamlined setup. The modular, interconnected map frame holds the game universe steady and secure so you can settle in for a cosmic clash to remember! Experience the 4X like never before.

Back this project on Kickstarter today!
EVE Online - EVE Online
Ambitious capsuleers,

New starter packs are now available from the EVE Store! Each one contains an assortment of Omega, Skill Points, cerebral accelerators and SKINs, and they’re the perfect way for new and veteran players alike to continue their journey through New Eden in 2024.

Here’s what’s inside each one of the packs:

Bronze Starter Pack
  • 14 days Omega
  • Specialist 'Boost' Cerebral Accelerator
  • 50,000 Skill Points
  • 2 x Core Ship Operations Expert System
  • Rifter Snowline Bladeracer SKIN
  • Nereus Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN
  • Inquisitor Khanid SKIN
  • Heron Zento Isideko Combine SKIN
  • Venture Radioactives Reclamation SKIN

Silver Starter Pack
  • 30 days Omega
  • Advanced 'Boost' Cerebral Accelerator
  • 250,000 Skill Points
  • Mining Barge Operations Expert System
  • Rifter Snowline Bladeracer SKIN
  • Iteron Mark V Lodestrike SKIN
  • Inquisitor Khanid SKIN
  • Heron Zento Isideko Combine SKIN
  • Caracal Steel Cardinal SKIN
  • Vexor Luminaire Rising SKIN
  • Arbitrator Crown and Swords SKIN
  • Scythe Hazard Control SKIN
  • Retriever Rockbreaker Pioneer SKIN

Gold Starter Pack
  • Gold Starter Pack
  • 60 days Omega
  • 500 PLEX
  • Standard 'Boost' Cerebral Accelerator
  • 500,000 Skill Points
  • Falcon Blue Tiger SKIN
  • Ishtar Glittering Dream SKIN
  • Scimitar Emergency Response Squad SKIN
  • Devoter Crown and Swords SKIN
  • Sabre Hazard Control SKIN
  • Stork Zento Isideko Combine SKIN
  • Hulk Rockbreaker Pioneers SKIN
  • Viator Serpentis SKIN
  • Men & women’s 'Olympian TorsoRig' Body Augmentation

Platinum Starter Pack
  • Platinum Starter Pack
  • 90 days Omega
  • 800 PLEX
  • 2 x MCT Certificates
  • Specialist 'Boost' Cerebral Accelerator
  • 500,000 Skill Points
  • 10 x Skill Extractor
  • Golem State Police SKIN
  • Paladin Imperial Jubilee SKIN
  • Leshak Metamateria Exotica SKIN
  • Vargur Yoiul Star SKIN
  • Kronos Caille Neon SKIN
  • Charon Vitalshift EGO SKIN
  • Orca Capsuleer Elite XIX SKIN

All four packs are available now, and each one can be purchased once per account.
EVE Online - EVE Online
Attention Vanguard, 

It is nearly time to go planetside once more. The next First Strike playtest for EVE Vanguard is taking place from 12:00 UTC 25 January - 12:00 UTC 29 January, opening the doors once again to the in-development FPS module for EVE Online. The event is open to all Omega players as part of Founders’ Access.   

EVE Vanguard is a work in progress, being developed in collaboration with you, the community. This upcoming playtest will welcome even more warclones by opening server access in the Asia Pacific and South American territories.  

The First Strike playtest event in December provided a wealth of insights which have already been put to good use in the upcoming build. Issues have been identified, bugs have been fixed and minor changes have been made, all of which would not have been possible without participation and feedback from you, the Founders. We look forward to welcoming you to the First Strike January playtest, whether you were a part of the last playtest or are a brand new Founder, and want to thank you in advance for providing vital insights to help further develop the FPS module for EVE Online. 

Among the improvements and adjustments that were made based on player feedback after the playtest in December are fixes for some exploit issues discovered by players, UI changes, bugs, and more, along with numerous smaller alterations. 

Here is the full list of changes made for January’s playtest build:  
  • An exploit allowing players to avoid melee cooldowns by switching ammo has been fixed. 
  • An exploit related to fire rate being connected to mouse clicks, allowing very rapid firing with no cooldowns, has been addressed. 
  • A UI change has been implemented, fixing an issue that prevented players from looting if their inventory was full. 
  • Clones appearing to be walking around after being shot dead have been addressed. 
  • A problem that caused issues with reporting players after they had left their squads has been fixed. 
  • Collisions and assets have been adjusted to address an issue with multiple players falling through the floor. 
  • An issue causing squad mates’ ping markers to get stuck on screen after re-cloning has been addressed.  
  • An error causing the contract UI to stay on screen when extracting and redeploying into the same session has been fixed.  
  • A fix was made to prevent AR map icons from disappearing when switching window across monitors.  
  • An issue with changing input and output audio devices has been addressed.  
  • An issue that caused ammo to be duplicated when shooting and changing ammo type has been fixed.  
  • Streaming stats have been fixed to prevent flickering.  
  • A fix has been implemented to prevent the use of macros to increase fire rate. 
  • An issue preventing users from quickly looting energy cells has been addressed.  
  • Numerous crash fixes have been implemented.  
  • A new informational splash screen has been added.  
  • Numerous installation fixes have been made around EAD and Unreal prerequisites.  
Following the December playtest, participants ran into challenges with uninstalling Vanguard from their devices. We understand the frustration this has caused and have been working towards a solution. Unfortunately, we do not have an uninstaller for Vanguard at this time. However, you can reference this help center article which outlines a method for removing Vanguard-related files from your PC without affecting your EVE Online installation. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this and plan to have a solution in place for the March event.  


There are quite a few rewards available to earn throughout the playtest that will be tied to your achievements and activities.  

Vanguard completing at least one deployment as part of a squad of 2 or more over the course of the event will get an Executioner Arkombine Arisen SKIN. This EVE ship SKIN is exclusive and non-tradeable, and the reward is only available if the deployment is played all the way through. 
Delivering the killing blow to 50 threats, including NPCs, other Vanguards, and turrets over the course of the event will reward you with the exclusive but tradeable Dragoon Arkombine Arisen SKIN in EVE Online. 

In addition, a wealth of PLEX is up for grabs, depending on how you stack up against other Vanguard players in number of contracts completed during the playtest. The results will be tallied up when the playtest officially ends at 12:00 UTC on 29 January. 

Leaderboard Rank
PLEX Reward

Lastly, each playtest presents unique challenges you can complete for special rewards. For the January playtest, completing at least one deployment as part of a squad of 2 or more will make you eligible for an additional reward down the road. More will be revealed in further playtests and beyond. 


As with the previous First Strike playtest event in December, the doors to Vanguard will be open to players with Founders’ Access, meaning the only requirement to join the event is to have Omega access. There has never been a better time to upgrade, as both the EVE Store and the New Eden Store are offering 14 days of Omega access for a limited time, giving anyone interested in jumping into EVE Vanguard an unmissable opportunity. 

From now until 23:59 UTC on 28 January, you can upgrade to 14 days of Omega time for only $9.99 in the EVE Store, or 250 PLEX in the NES, giving you Founders’ Access to the First Strike January playtest. 


We look forward to seeing you in the EVE Vanguard First Strike January playtest, and continuing to work with you on creating the ultimate FPS experience set in the EVE Universe. 

Make sure you tune in to CCP TV at 16:00 UTC on 25 January as EVE devs will be going live to talk about all things Vanguard, and join the AMA on the Discord server at 16:00 UTC on 26 January. In addition, the Live2Feed stream from 14:00-16:00 on Friday 26 January will feature EVE Vanguard, so stay tuned for that. 

EVE Online - EVE Online
Ambitious capsuleers,
The Havoc expansion for EVE Online was introduced last November, and has been a big hit with capsuleers, introducing the chance to align with pirates or fight against them, in a gripping struggle between suppression and corruption. Nothing is static in New Eden, including Havoc, and the first update of the new year is now live, bringing adjustments to Pirate Insurgencies, graphical updates, certain NPCs respecting pirate alignment, and more.

Modify your ambitions

Among the things announced on stage at Fanfest 2023, when the Havoc expansion was revealed, was the inclusion of an Ambition Modifier, which adjusts the number of points needed to win an Insurgency. The Ambition Modifier has now been implemented in Havoc, and it will affect the side that regularly wins Insurgencies by requiring more system wins for subsequent victories. In effect, this means that the more victorious one side is, the more it will take to keep the winning streak going. This will make the struggle between suppression and corruption more balanced, the fight more gripping, and the achievement of victory all the sweeter.

Capsuleers now have improved oversight when it comes to the status of systems, as a filter can be applied to the new and classic star maps to view corruption and suppression in Insurgency systems. Additionally, the pirate FOB in the main Insurgency system now visually displays the level of corruption or suppression, as well as the current Ambition Modifier level, making it a lot easier to see the system’s status at a glance. Also, stargates and selected stations in corrupted systems now fly pirate banners, giving a better feel for pirate-affected space by setting the tone immediately upon entry. All of this combines to bring added quality of life to pilots involved in the struggle between pirates and militias, help capsuleers strategize more effectively, and add to the immersion in affected systems.

Honor among thieves

Since the introduction of Havoc, countless capsuleers have seized the opportunity to align with the Angel Cartel or the Guristas to bring corruption to various systems around New Eden. Impressed with the performance of capsuleer insurgents, Esri Hakuzosu of the Guristas Pirates has issued new orders to roaming patrols in the system of H-PA29 - they will now no longer fire upon those capsuleers enlisted with the Commado Guri. Rafik Zohar has relayed similar orders to Angel Cartel forces in G-0Q86 and Turnur, such that roaming patrols will not attack those who have pledged their support to the Malakim Zealots.

The chaos continues

It has been a wild time in New Eden, and the Havoc continues. Capsuleers keep spreading chaos throughout the cluster, altering the shape of space. Omega players will get another chance to try out an early version of EVE Vanguard on 25-29 January, and every month for the first half of the year. Also, if you act quickly, you can get your hands on value-filled EVE Online Starter Packs in the EVE Store for up to 50% off – but only until midnight tonight! More updates are coming to EVE Online, fun-filled events throughout the year, and much more, so stay tuned.
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Festive capsuleers!

A gift has been left for you in the New Eden Store*! Inside your Yoiul Festival Celebration Crate you’ll find a festive firework to help celebrate the season, along with 20 free PLEX. Pop your PLEX into the vault and fire up your fireworks as we ring in the new year together.

PLEX can be used to upgrade your account to Omega, unlocking doubled training speed and access to advanced skills. PLEX can also be used to unlock Multiple Character Training, Skill Extractors, SKINs - or you can sell it for a little extra ISK!

Make sure you head to the store and pick up your Yoiul Festival Celebration Crate before 4 January and enjoy your festive freebies.

[url]Warp to NES[/url]

*This gift is available to all of you who played from 1 Dec 2022- 21 Dec 2023, as long as your player account had over three hours of playtime throughout the year

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