EDEN STAR - Clarkeh

Greetings Pioneers, Happy Christmas!

This is the last hotfix for 2016, we’ve fixed up the last bits to make sure that Save files should save and load appropriately… We’ve had a number of bugs that you have raised over the past few days and wanted to show our commitment to you by pushing through and get these sorted as much as possible before the year is out.

Thank you for sticking with us and for your feedback, please keep sharing and telling others about it - we’ll be giving away a number of Steam keys to those of you in the community who retweet and help the community by sharing about Eden Star over the coming week to say thank you :)

The core fixes are (plus a few hidden extras such as candy canes for your consumable pleasure!);
  • Bases being duplicated - this was fixed but could still happen in the last update, so again… please try a new game and we sincerely hope that this will be the last time you need to update before being able to get stuck in over Xmas!
  • Laser Posts could also cause a crash when saving or loading - we have now also fixed this and so now should be more stable.
Thanks again and can’t wait to play with you guys over the holidays, the team will be jumping in on the London servers and the Flix Test Server over the coming week, so come join us for a few games when we’re in!

Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas to you all from the Team at Flix!
EDEN STAR - Clarkeh

Greetings Pioneers, Happy Christmas!

This is the last hotfix for 2016, we’ve fixed up the last bits to make sure that Save files should save and load appropriately… We’ve had a number of bugs that you have raised over the past few days and wanted to show our commitment to you by pushing through and get these sorted as much as possible before the year is out.

Thank you for sticking with us and for your feedback, please keep sharing and telling others about it - we’ll be giving away a number of Steam keys to those of you in the community who retweet and help the community by sharing about Eden Star over the coming week to say thank you :)

The core fixes are (plus a few hidden extras such as candy canes for your consumable pleasure!);
  • Bases being duplicated - this was fixed but could still happen in the last update, so again… please try a new game and we sincerely hope that this will be the last time you need to update before being able to get stuck in over Xmas!
  • Laser Posts could also cause a crash when saving or loading - we have now also fixed this and so now should be more stable.
Thanks again and can’t wait to play with you guys over the holidays, the team will be jumping in on the London servers and the Flix Test Server over the coming week, so come join us for a few games when we’re in!

Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas to you all from the Team at Flix!
EDEN STAR - Clarkeh

Greetings Pioneers!

This festive update should address some of the immediate issues that have been raised this last week. We hope you’re dominating and not just surviving in the new world! There’s much more exciting additions to come soon in the new year which you can glimpse here

We cannot thank you all enough for participating in the creation of Eden Star to date.

PLEASE NOTE: ALL public servers will be reset for v0.2.5 update - also restart any previous server saves if the server has saved and then loaded.

  • Added icons for cargo container and canister decorators.
  • Health, Sustenance, and Water levels are now partially depleted at the start of the game single player game instead of oxygen levels.
  • Single Player Introduction sequence now includes multiple damaged armour components.
  • Hosting a Server now saves your Profile Settings when launching a server.
  • Improved HUD feedback for suit readout info.

  • Fixed Server Crash on Loading a Save - this was a memory leak on loading a saved game where Colony Bases are duplicated on top of one another - PLEASE NOTE - we strongly advise starting a fresh server if you saved and loaded prior to this update.
  • Removed some duplicate decorator assets from the build list.
  • Fixed decorators not destroying properly.
  • Fixed client crash when using AOE healing on Laser Post Defences.
  • Fixed a server crash with Laser Posts.
  • Fixed an issue with armour items being able to be repaired at no cost in single player.

Have a fantastic end to 2016 Everyone! Big thanks from the team for all your patience, input and support.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a bug free new year... Apart from those nasty creatures on Pharus of course, those bugs aren’t going to be leaving their home just because you arrived there to exterminate them, you savages.

- Team Flix
EDEN STAR - Clarkeh

Greetings Pioneers!

This festive update should address some of the immediate issues that have been raised this last week. We hope you’re dominating and not just surviving in the new world! There’s much more exciting additions to come soon in the new year which you can glimpse here

We cannot thank you all enough for participating in the creation of Eden Star to date.

PLEASE NOTE: ALL public servers will be reset for v0.2.5 update - also restart any previous server saves if the server has saved and then loaded.

  • Added icons for cargo container and canister decorators.
  • Health, Sustenance, and Water levels are now partially depleted at the start of the game single player game instead of oxygen levels.
  • Single Player Introduction sequence now includes multiple damaged armour components.
  • Hosting a Server now saves your Profile Settings when launching a server.
  • Improved HUD feedback for suit readout info.

  • Fixed Server Crash on Loading a Save - this was a memory leak on loading a saved game where Colony Bases are duplicated on top of one another - PLEASE NOTE - we strongly advise starting a fresh server if you saved and loaded prior to this update.
  • Removed some duplicate decorator assets from the build list.
  • Fixed decorators not destroying properly.
  • Fixed client crash when using AOE healing on Laser Post Defences.
  • Fixed a server crash with Laser Posts.
  • Fixed an issue with armour items being able to be repaired at no cost in single player.

Have a fantastic end to 2016 Everyone! Big thanks from the team for all your patience, input and support.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a bug free new year... Apart from those nasty creatures on Pharus of course, those bugs aren’t going to be leaving their home just because you arrived there to exterminate them, you savages.

- Team Flix
EDEN STAR - Clarkeh

Greetings Pioneers!

As an early gift to you lovely people, the new map and all the new features from the experimental branch are now in the main branch with multiplayer! In a huge new update from which you can now launch your own servers within the game via a shiny new host game interface.

Set anything from server save interval, day-night cycle length and ratio, free build mode, toggling of A.I. waves, and more. Most of these new settings are also applicable to the single player which now has our introduction sequence which will set the scene for upcoming story development.

For those of you who have not tried the experimental branch, this new update may seem like a whole new game. There are far too many changes to list here so please have a read of all the change-lists below:

- PLEASE NOTE: Existing saves in previous experimental builds do not work with v0.2.4 -

We've also updated our server commands so you'll need to update any existing server commands accordingly. Our updated commands can be found here

Frontend server hosting and options
  • You can now set up your own servers more easily and from within the game menu itself. Multiple server options have been added to streamline this process.
  • Game options (see see previous change-lists below) can now be applied to multiplayer games as well as single player.
  • Please note, you will still need to forward the relevant ports on your router in order to host a server.

Added Danger and Optimsation to Colony Bases

  • Abandoned structures you find in the world will now be a little more interesting to explore and loot, as creatures will now emerge from around them to fight you.

Infection and Medical Station
  • Consuming raw and unprocessed food and water will now give you points of Infection!
  • Higher levels of Infection will impact your stamina, thirst and health (in that order)
  • Craft treatments at the Medical Station to bring down your Infection levels.
  • This is work in progress, so no other sources of Infection or any complexity of choosing the right Treatment is implemented yet.

Lootable drop ship and short introduction tutorial for single player

  • Wake up damaged and disoriented at your crash site
  • Simple Scout Robot tells you what to do (not an active AI at this stage)
  • Defend the drop-ship wreckage from invaders
  • Claim the base at waypoint C21 to get you started!

Introduction features - First implementation WIP
  • In single player, you begin with full Paladin Armour
  • You get a shotgun with limited ammo
  • Go straight into battle with waves of Splintermites
  • Lootable containers in and around the crash site

Rock/Material Balancing
  • Updated visuals for rocks. All types now look sufficiently unique!
  • Added Basalt to mountainous areas and around shelves of Onyx. Removed Basalt from open ground.
  • Spiky Rocks are now Obsidian. Obsidian is extremely rare and only found at high altitudes and hard-to-reach places. It contains Diamond and Uranium Crystals.
  • General pass over material placement and drop chances. This is a work in progress but the idea is to make harvesting more about exploration and discovery and less about RNG. As always, drop us your feedback!
  • More valuable rocks are now progressively harder to mine.

  • AI Wave balancing. In general you should see a reduction in wave size and difficulty, especially when you have a less advanced base.

  • All Primitives, Decorators and the Laser Posts now contribute MUCH less to base threat level.
  • Turrets, Generators, Doors and Fabricators now contribute less to threat level.
  • Armoury, Replication Unit, Medical Station and nearby hives now contribute slightly more to base threat level.
  • You should now see Ika Vipers at lower levels (note - they will not increase numbers, you’ll just see them more often).

Player Stats
  • Sustenance goes down much slower by default - (-0.75 to -0.15).
  • Stamina reduces at half the speed it used to while running.

Fauna and Flora
  • Cerberus (Wolves!) are now bigger, badder, uglier and have slightly more health.
  • Increased number of Underwater fauna in larger bodies of water.
  • Grass now spawns seeds at a 25% chance, increased from 5%, no one should feel like a cow <3

  • Lab Walls and Lab Doors now require 1 Glass and 1 Solid material, instead of 2 solids.
  • Added descriptions to Buildables in the Build menu and tweaked visuals for clarity.
  • Added new Multiplayer spawn points to Verdant Pass and tweaked Onyx Shelf spawns for balancing.
  • Pass over visuals for all dropped Materials and Consumables.
  • Improved Water shader.
  • Added join/left/invited clan prompts and messages
  • Removed Build reticle
  • Added most popups can be ok’d or cancelled with enter, esc, A or B on gamepad

  • Fixed a crash when switching weapons after dying using a gamepad controller.
  • Fixed FPS slowdowns when mining certain Rocks.
  • Fix for World Setup menu issue on blocks, where when loading a saved game the blocks in the world wouldn’t get the correct maximum health value from the new settings.
  • Fixed a problem which has gone unnoticed for eons (or a few months but eons sounds cooler) when paying the cost of upgrades or blocks using exact change could leave unusable ghost items which in your inventory
  • Fixed bug with Coral stack sizes.
  • Fixed a variety of level visual issues (floating assets, invisible surfaces etc). Thank you to the community for your help!
  • Fixed the Player Avatar on the HUD not always displaying correctly, sometimes missing arms or not showing anything at all even after equipping armour.
  • World Setup menu default button working properly, and greying out when no changes have been made
  • Fixed Colony Leave/Create button to properly re-populate when creating/joining or leaving a Colony
  • Fixed bSearchLan option on Server Lobby which was named wrong and cut off
  • Corrected positioning of Password popup
  • Fixed a lot of navigation mesh issues
  • Fixed an issue where Wolves would get stuck in a behaviour loop if they couldn’t reach the player
  • Fixed an issue where Elephants wouldn’t attack if they couldn’t turn correctly
  • Fixed an issue where AI would just ignore laser posts and not try to destroy them if there was no other route to the player bae
  • Fixed an issue where the Wolf wouldn’t always play its correct idle animations
  • Fixed issue where placing an EdenKit wouldn’t always capture the blocks of a base
  • Fixed issue with Laser Turrets beam remaining in world in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue with spawning two turrets at the same location
  • Fixed an issue with AI not always going ragdoll in multiplayer
  • Fixed issues with rebinding the UI to the Tab key, and it not being able to close the UI again once opened

  • If you change World Settings mid-game in single player, blocks health won’t be updated properly when using the Block Durability Factor setting. This also may occur when loading or save both single and multiplayer.
  • Sometimes fabricators and the armoury will throw an error message when crafting. This one has been alluding us, for now you'll have to build a new one when this happens.
  • Re-spawning at a spawn pad after being killed can sometimes cause your movement to get locked out. Exit to main menu and re-enter the game to get around this for now if it happens.
  • Enemies may occasionally get stuck against geometry.
  • Players are able to build over spawn points causing spawning players to get stuck.
  • Random falling debris spawns don't appear in Multiplayer.
  • For additional known issues please check out our updated trello card
V0.2.3 Changes and balancing - Previously in Experimental
v0.2.2 Additions - Previously in Experimental
For full changes and balancing from this update see: http://steamcommunity.com/games/EdenStar/announcements/detail/880845590872095599


For our previous changelists form our experimental branch please see our full post here :D

You can also follow our progress on our Public Trello board here!

Happy hunting Pioneers, we'll see you in the fray!

-Team Flix

EDEN STAR - Clarkeh

Greetings Pioneers!

As an early gift to you lovely people, the new map and all the new features from the experimental branch are now in the main branch with multiplayer! In a huge new update from which you can now launch your own servers within the game via a shiny new host game interface.

Set anything from server save interval, day-night cycle length and ratio, free build mode, toggling of A.I. waves, and more. Most of these new settings are also applicable to the single player which now has our introduction sequence which will set the scene for upcoming story development.

For those of you who have not tried the experimental branch, this new update may seem like a whole new game. There are far too many changes to list here so please have a read of all the change-lists below:

- PLEASE NOTE: Existing saves in previous experimental builds do not work with v0.2.4 -

We've also updated our server commands so you'll need to update any existing server commands accordingly. Our updated commands can be found here

Frontend server hosting and options
  • You can now set up your own servers more easily and from within the game menu itself. Multiple server options have been added to streamline this process.
  • Game options (see see previous change-lists below) can now be applied to multiplayer games as well as single player.
  • Please note, you will still need to forward the relevant ports on your router in order to host a server.

Added Danger and Optimsation to Colony Bases

  • Abandoned structures you find in the world will now be a little more interesting to explore and loot, as creatures will now emerge from around them to fight you.

Infection and Medical Station
  • Consuming raw and unprocessed food and water will now give you points of Infection!
  • Higher levels of Infection will impact your stamina, thirst and health (in that order)
  • Craft treatments at the Medical Station to bring down your Infection levels.
  • This is work in progress, so no other sources of Infection or any complexity of choosing the right Treatment is implemented yet.

Lootable drop ship and short introduction tutorial for single player

  • Wake up damaged and disoriented at your crash site
  • Simple Scout Robot tells you what to do (not an active AI at this stage)
  • Defend the drop-ship wreckage from invaders
  • Claim the base at waypoint C21 to get you started!

Introduction features - First implementation WIP
  • In single player, you begin with full Paladin Armour
  • You get a shotgun with limited ammo
  • Go straight into battle with waves of Splintermites
  • Lootable containers in and around the crash site

Rock/Material Balancing
  • Updated visuals for rocks. All types now look sufficiently unique!
  • Added Basalt to mountainous areas and around shelves of Onyx. Removed Basalt from open ground.
  • Spiky Rocks are now Obsidian. Obsidian is extremely rare and only found at high altitudes and hard-to-reach places. It contains Diamond and Uranium Crystals.
  • General pass over material placement and drop chances. This is a work in progress but the idea is to make harvesting more about exploration and discovery and less about RNG. As always, drop us your feedback!
  • More valuable rocks are now progressively harder to mine.

  • AI Wave balancing. In general you should see a reduction in wave size and difficulty, especially when you have a less advanced base.

  • All Primitives, Decorators and the Laser Posts now contribute MUCH less to base threat level.
  • Turrets, Generators, Doors and Fabricators now contribute less to threat level.
  • Armoury, Replication Unit, Medical Station and nearby hives now contribute slightly more to base threat level.
  • You should now see Ika Vipers at lower levels (note - they will not increase numbers, you’ll just see them more often).

Player Stats
  • Sustenance goes down much slower by default - (-0.75 to -0.15).
  • Stamina reduces at half the speed it used to while running.

Fauna and Flora
  • Cerberus (Wolves!) are now bigger, badder, uglier and have slightly more health.
  • Increased number of Underwater fauna in larger bodies of water.
  • Grass now spawns seeds at a 25% chance, increased from 5%, no one should feel like a cow <3

  • Lab Walls and Lab Doors now require 1 Glass and 1 Solid material, instead of 2 solids.
  • Added descriptions to Buildables in the Build menu and tweaked visuals for clarity.
  • Added new Multiplayer spawn points to Verdant Pass and tweaked Onyx Shelf spawns for balancing.
  • Pass over visuals for all dropped Materials and Consumables.
  • Improved Water shader.
  • Added join/left/invited clan prompts and messages
  • Removed Build reticle
  • Added most popups can be ok’d or cancelled with enter, esc, A or B on gamepad

  • Fixed a crash when switching weapons after dying using a gamepad controller.
  • Fixed FPS slowdowns when mining certain Rocks.
  • Fix for World Setup menu issue on blocks, where when loading a saved game the blocks in the world wouldn’t get the correct maximum health value from the new settings.
  • Fixed a problem which has gone unnoticed for eons (or a few months but eons sounds cooler) when paying the cost of upgrades or blocks using exact change could leave unusable ghost items which in your inventory
  • Fixed bug with Coral stack sizes.
  • Fixed a variety of level visual issues (floating assets, invisible surfaces etc). Thank you to the community for your help!
  • Fixed the Player Avatar on the HUD not always displaying correctly, sometimes missing arms or not showing anything at all even after equipping armour.
  • World Setup menu default button working properly, and greying out when no changes have been made
  • Fixed Colony Leave/Create button to properly re-populate when creating/joining or leaving a Colony
  • Fixed bSearchLan option on Server Lobby which was named wrong and cut off
  • Corrected positioning of Password popup
  • Fixed a lot of navigation mesh issues
  • Fixed an issue where Wolves would get stuck in a behaviour loop if they couldn’t reach the player
  • Fixed an issue where Elephants wouldn’t attack if they couldn’t turn correctly
  • Fixed an issue where AI would just ignore laser posts and not try to destroy them if there was no other route to the player bae
  • Fixed an issue where the Wolf wouldn’t always play its correct idle animations
  • Fixed issue where placing an EdenKit wouldn’t always capture the blocks of a base
  • Fixed issue with Laser Turrets beam remaining in world in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue with spawning two turrets at the same location
  • Fixed an issue with AI not always going ragdoll in multiplayer
  • Fixed issues with rebinding the UI to the Tab key, and it not being able to close the UI again once opened

  • If you change World Settings mid-game in single player, blocks health won’t be updated properly when using the Block Durability Factor setting. This also may occur when loading or save both single and multiplayer.
  • Sometimes fabricators and the armoury will throw an error message when crafting. This one has been alluding us, for now you'll have to build a new one when this happens.
  • Re-spawning at a spawn pad after being killed can sometimes cause your movement to get locked out. Exit to main menu and re-enter the game to get around this for now if it happens.
  • Enemies may occasionally get stuck against geometry.
  • Players are able to build over spawn points causing spawning players to get stuck.
  • Random falling debris spawns don't appear in Multiplayer.
  • For additional known issues please check out our updated trello card
V0.2.3 Changes and balancing - Previously in Experimental
v0.2.2 Additions - Previously in Experimental
For full changes and balancing from this update see: http://steamcommunity.com/games/EdenStar/announcements/detail/880845590872095599


For our previous changelists form our experimental branch please see our full post here :D

You can also follow our progress on our Public Trello board here!

Happy hunting Pioneers, we'll see you in the fray!

-Team Flix

EDEN STAR - Kittiedragon

Greetings Pioneers!

Debugging and balancing party! Much more needed testing has been done, and the results are promising, most importantly the crashes are few and far between at this stage. A large re-balancing pass for the minerals and their location placement has been implemented with the team testing these changes in multiplayer for extended periods of time, which is a very good sign.

In the mean time we have a multiplayer sneak peak video we made! so you can check us out taking on an ugly Thunderfoot beast.


Here’s a breakdown of what we’ve been upto in house!

John - Lead Designer

BUGS! We’ve been smashing them and now i’ve gone back to balancing and organising the team to fix more BUGS. Testing on the new Multiplayer is well underway and we are starting to invite a handful of people to help test the alpha builds very soon. Beyond that Matt and I have been cleaning up some of the introduction, placing enemy spawn points and have also started implementing new food names and types. You’ll no longer cook meat, but instead you’ll process nutrients and extract proteins to create functional sustenance in keeping with the game-world and setting.

Matt - Art Director

So I’ve migrated to the testing department for a few weeks to help with balancing of the game and to get a bit more hands on with debugging some minor visual issues. Without a doubt Andy is enjoying my company. I’m sitting right next to him as I type this. giving him the determined ‘let's do this’ look, we then proceeded to smash our foreheads off the desk in one single moment before grunting in an outwardly determined fashion, ready to tackle the impossible.

Lee - Technical Director

So this week I have been looking at trying to tweak our navmesh generation because we are not getting the results we would like from it. I’ve also been trying to add more debug functionality for our AI for some hard to track down bugs.

Tristan - Senior Developer

This week I have been looking into some more bugs like uncapturable structures. I have also started profiling for some more possible optimisations of the structures.

Yves - Senior Developer

Fixed up some hard to track down client crashes with Andy.
Also went base rading :)

Ricky - Developer

Helping test out the new multiplayer gameplay and working on bugs we’ve found from this testing. We’re also looking into extra possibilities as to why some players have not been able to see certain servers or their own servers at different times to see if we can streamline this process.

Carlos - Developer

This week has been another multiplayer focused week. I’ve been debugging some of the inventory replication issues that we’re having. As well as making sure we’re updating blocks built to avoid any complications when replicating them.

Also have been getting killed by our very own Art Director as he attempts to hit enemies.

Marcin - Designer

Since the last blog I have been working almost exclusively on debugging. I had a few visual bugs to fix with the buildings, such as removing the last of the logic that made lights reliant on the power network or the laser turret not always switching off when it should. However the main two systems I was chin deep in this week were the IKs and the navmesh.

It was quite apparent by the jittering of the elephant’s legs that not everything there was happening as intended, so I took a long hard look at my logic and found just how convoluted it was. I cleaned it up and immediately the feet stopped jumping up and down on steps. Now I am working on aligning the body to the slope, but that’s still work in progress.

The other big one was the navmesh. Oh yes, more navmesh. We are currently suffering from 2 bugs which are causing our poor unfortunate creatures to get stuck on random objects. Here you can see from my debugging test that sometimes, and only sometimes, which is why it’s so hard to catch this, the avoidance areas around obstacles get lost inside biomes. It’s a complex one, but I’ll get to the bottom of this… eventually. :)

Joe - Environment Artist

This week I finished the placement of our Onyx/Mountain biome Basalt rocks. It’s a simple change on the surface but we hope it’ll drive more exploration and interaction in areas of the map that were lacking previously. We want players to have to explore and experiment to find what they need - rather than hoping the random number generator Gods will work in their favour. I’ve also placed Obsidian rocks in - these are extremely rare and contain Diamond and Uranium Crystals which you couldn’t previously get. Be sure to trek to high altitudes and dangerous biomes if you want any hope of finding them.

I also did a balancing/fixing pass on Material distribution, added early new visuals for Basalt, Obsidian and Sandstone, and fixed a bunch of level-related issues, again. Don’t blame me, it’s a big map ;)

Lauren - Animator

This week I have been working with the rest of the team in smashing multiplayer bugs and carrying on with implementing and debugging hit reactions and staggers for various creatures. I have started with the Cerberus and the Splintermite but more hit reactions will be coming because it is so satisfying to hit them in the face. I can't wait to play the new map with you all very soon!

Andy - Lead QA

The majority of this week was spent working on multiplayer issues such as inventories disappearing, unable to craft in various utilities and server crashes. You will be happy to know that the guys worked their fingers to the bone and got so many fixes, tweaks and balancing in I’ve been rushed off my feet trying to confirm all of them. Late night and little sleep has all been worth it as the game feels like it’s really coming together.

See you in the fray!

-Team Flix
EDEN STAR - Kittiedragon

Greetings Pioneers!

Debugging and balancing party! Much more needed testing has been done, and the results are promising, most importantly the crashes are few and far between at this stage. A large re-balancing pass for the minerals and their location placement has been implemented with the team testing these changes in multiplayer for extended periods of time, which is a very good sign.

In the mean time we have a multiplayer sneak peak video we made! so you can check us out taking on an ugly Thunderfoot beast.


Here’s a breakdown of what we’ve been upto in house!

John - Lead Designer

BUGS! We’ve been smashing them and now i’ve gone back to balancing and organising the team to fix more BUGS. Testing on the new Multiplayer is well underway and we are starting to invite a handful of people to help test the alpha builds very soon. Beyond that Matt and I have been cleaning up some of the introduction, placing enemy spawn points and have also started implementing new food names and types. You’ll no longer cook meat, but instead you’ll process nutrients and extract proteins to create functional sustenance in keeping with the game-world and setting.

Matt - Art Director

So I’ve migrated to the testing department for a few weeks to help with balancing of the game and to get a bit more hands on with debugging some minor visual issues. Without a doubt Andy is enjoying my company. I’m sitting right next to him as I type this. giving him the determined ‘let's do this’ look, we then proceeded to smash our foreheads off the desk in one single moment before grunting in an outwardly determined fashion, ready to tackle the impossible.

Lee - Technical Director

So this week I have been looking at trying to tweak our navmesh generation because we are not getting the results we would like from it. I’ve also been trying to add more debug functionality for our AI for some hard to track down bugs.

Tristan - Senior Developer

This week I have been looking into some more bugs like uncapturable structures. I have also started profiling for some more possible optimisations of the structures.

Yves - Senior Developer

Fixed up some hard to track down client crashes with Andy.
Also went base rading :)

Ricky - Developer

Helping test out the new multiplayer gameplay and working on bugs we’ve found from this testing. We’re also looking into extra possibilities as to why some players have not been able to see certain servers or their own servers at different times to see if we can streamline this process.

Carlos - Developer

This week has been another multiplayer focused week. I’ve been debugging some of the inventory replication issues that we’re having. As well as making sure we’re updating blocks built to avoid any complications when replicating them.

Also have been getting killed by our very own Art Director as he attempts to hit enemies.

Marcin - Designer

Since the last blog I have been working almost exclusively on debugging. I had a few visual bugs to fix with the buildings, such as removing the last of the logic that made lights reliant on the power network or the laser turret not always switching off when it should. However the main two systems I was chin deep in this week were the IKs and the navmesh.

It was quite apparent by the jittering of the elephant’s legs that not everything there was happening as intended, so I took a long hard look at my logic and found just how convoluted it was. I cleaned it up and immediately the feet stopped jumping up and down on steps. Now I am working on aligning the body to the slope, but that’s still work in progress.

The other big one was the navmesh. Oh yes, more navmesh. We are currently suffering from 2 bugs which are causing our poor unfortunate creatures to get stuck on random objects. Here you can see from my debugging test that sometimes, and only sometimes, which is why it’s so hard to catch this, the avoidance areas around obstacles get lost inside biomes. It’s a complex one, but I’ll get to the bottom of this… eventually. :)

Joe - Environment Artist

This week I finished the placement of our Onyx/Mountain biome Basalt rocks. It’s a simple change on the surface but we hope it’ll drive more exploration and interaction in areas of the map that were lacking previously. We want players to have to explore and experiment to find what they need - rather than hoping the random number generator Gods will work in their favour. I’ve also placed Obsidian rocks in - these are extremely rare and contain Diamond and Uranium Crystals which you couldn’t previously get. Be sure to trek to high altitudes and dangerous biomes if you want any hope of finding them.

I also did a balancing/fixing pass on Material distribution, added early new visuals for Basalt, Obsidian and Sandstone, and fixed a bunch of level-related issues, again. Don’t blame me, it’s a big map ;)

Lauren - Animator

This week I have been working with the rest of the team in smashing multiplayer bugs and carrying on with implementing and debugging hit reactions and staggers for various creatures. I have started with the Cerberus and the Splintermite but more hit reactions will be coming because it is so satisfying to hit them in the face. I can't wait to play the new map with you all very soon!

Andy - Lead QA

The majority of this week was spent working on multiplayer issues such as inventories disappearing, unable to craft in various utilities and server crashes. You will be happy to know that the guys worked their fingers to the bone and got so many fixes, tweaks and balancing in I’ve been rushed off my feet trying to confirm all of them. Late night and little sleep has all been worth it as the game feels like it’s really coming together.

See you in the fray!

-Team Flix
EDEN STAR - Clarkeh

Greetings Pioneers!

So we’ve been very busy knocking out fixes, like a digital boxer. We’ve been solving some major issues with the game and its performance this week. We’ve begun adding an early version of our long planned survival feature known as ‘corruption’ which in essence is similar to radiation poisoning except without the horrific mutation effects.

Exposure outside of your Eden Kit shield, certain areas of the Island, consumption of contaminated food and attacks from creatures are all planned to influence your corruption level. Luckily you’re able to develop Treatments using the new treatment station which we’ll be implementing with our next release!

John - Lead Designer

Reviewing the build and debugging! We are hitting bug after bug at the moment with the new replication system which has mainly surrounded ownership, this has meant that I came off what I was doing with designs and started to get back into the build to look at supporting testing. This weekend I’ll be creating a build to test from different places in order to launch servers and see what issues we face. If you want to help us out with this over the coming week, please let us know!

Matt - Art Director

Completed our data collection spree with Joe for our rock distribution throughout the Island, this is so we can revise ‘clusters’ of rocks for better visual association/balancing. I’ve also been developing item designs for our corruption treatments, as well as implementing the treatment crafting station, otherwise known as the medical station.

Lee - Technical Director

I have continued this week with looking at a few multiplayer bugs to do with AI and looking at multiplayer performance. I’ve also been looking at changing some of the framework to do with AI to hopefully allow for a quicker turnaround time.

Tristan - Senior Developer

This week I have been helping out debugging a load of multiplayer bugs to do with our new structure replication logic including duplicate turrets which sounds like a feature but one of them doesn’t do anything :D

Yves - Senior Developer

I’ve been helping guide Carlos on looking into a bug with loading a save and assigning the correct team affiliation in Multiplayer. This has a bunch of knock-on effects that, once it’s fixed, should mean that a good number of the critical issues are fixed up! So, next week’s build should be looking a lot better once this is complete and in.

Marcin - Designer

I’ve been working on a few experimental features this week, while the work on multiplayer fixes and balancing are going on. Firstly, I implemented the very basic first pass of the Infection mechanic a few days ago. Infection is a new survival statistic, with less combat and more story driven consequences. Infection gets worse the more careless you are (if you eat raw food, breathe contaminated air, don’t treat your wounds, etc.), but you can control it with the use of various treatments. However just like with real diseases, if you abuse one cure too much, it will become less effective. That the general idea.

On top of that I was also further experimenting with the “Stalking” behaviour for the AI. Just to remind that’s the behaviour that should be happening after you are noticed by the creature but before you are attacked. It’s all still in the air, so i’ll give you more details when it’s getting implemented.

Ricky - Developer

Bugs glorious bugs. Bugs are virtuossssaarrrr. I’m a bug, you’re a bug everyones a bug bug. Fixin bugs… chaaa *jazz hands* But seriously, we've had a few graphical issues to iron out since we did an optimisation pass on the HUD and inventory screens, which has required careful tweaking to hit that nice middleground where visuals and performance work in unison.

Carlos - Developer

I’ve been looking into structure ownership, figuring out how to make my turrets stop shooting at me and just love me instead. This is a lengthy task, looking into how the server saves our built structures and how it loads them when the server has been shut down.

Joe - Environment Artist

Mainly bug fixes and rock adjustments this week! I’ve also placed the new AI spawners around some of the bases and worked a little on spawners for the large corrupted base. There are still some issues to clean up here but we’re confident it should make base exploration much more exciting.

Disclaimer: the visuals are for clarity of placement only, we aren't actually adding pink rocks.

I believe I have fixed all the remaining major issues with the Intro sequence, including duplicate Pioneers, cleaning up AI spawners and removing the Pioneer butt-shot (sorry guys). Most of my time has actually been spent removing and re-balancing rock outcrops, focusing on the mountainous/rocky shelf areas, make them more fun to explore and add a reason to explore in the first place!

Lauren - Animator

Moved onto rigging for other creatures and adding flinch animations which we’ve been syncing up with push back attacks such as single blast. Take my word for it, it feels SOO much better with these hit reactions now going into the game.

I also animated myself going on holiday. Kind of like a digital voodoo doll.. and it appears to of worked! I’ve been magically transported to having a few days off before getting back into it next week.

In hindsight animating myself back flip everywhere I go wasn’t such a good idea.

Andy - Lead QA

Once again, this week I have been looking into the issues we are having with multiplayer and relaying them all back to the dev team.

We have debugged our fancy new intro sequence, fixed some minor collision issues with the new medical station asset, did a balancing pass on our first implementation of the new Infection mechanic and working on debugging an audio issue a member of the community is having with single blast.

Massive thanks to @Terik92 (twitter handle)  for being so patient and understanding. Go check out his YT channel and show him some love. (https://t.co/XpNtTfKnpy)

See you in the fray!

-Team Flix
EDEN STAR - Clarkeh

Greetings Pioneers!

So we’ve been very busy knocking out fixes, like a digital boxer. We’ve been solving some major issues with the game and its performance this week. We’ve begun adding an early version of our long planned survival feature known as ‘corruption’ which in essence is similar to radiation poisoning except without the horrific mutation effects.

Exposure outside of your Eden Kit shield, certain areas of the Island, consumption of contaminated food and attacks from creatures are all planned to influence your corruption level. Luckily you’re able to develop Treatments using the new treatment station which we’ll be implementing with our next release!

John - Lead Designer

Reviewing the build and debugging! We are hitting bug after bug at the moment with the new replication system which has mainly surrounded ownership, this has meant that I came off what I was doing with designs and started to get back into the build to look at supporting testing. This weekend I’ll be creating a build to test from different places in order to launch servers and see what issues we face. If you want to help us out with this over the coming week, please let us know!

Matt - Art Director

Completed our data collection spree with Joe for our rock distribution throughout the Island, this is so we can revise ‘clusters’ of rocks for better visual association/balancing. I’ve also been developing item designs for our corruption treatments, as well as implementing the treatment crafting station, otherwise known as the medical station.

Lee - Technical Director

I have continued this week with looking at a few multiplayer bugs to do with AI and looking at multiplayer performance. I’ve also been looking at changing some of the framework to do with AI to hopefully allow for a quicker turnaround time.

Tristan - Senior Developer

This week I have been helping out debugging a load of multiplayer bugs to do with our new structure replication logic including duplicate turrets which sounds like a feature but one of them doesn’t do anything :D

Yves - Senior Developer

I’ve been helping guide Carlos on looking into a bug with loading a save and assigning the correct team affiliation in Multiplayer. This has a bunch of knock-on effects that, once it’s fixed, should mean that a good number of the critical issues are fixed up! So, next week’s build should be looking a lot better once this is complete and in.

Marcin - Designer

I’ve been working on a few experimental features this week, while the work on multiplayer fixes and balancing are going on. Firstly, I implemented the very basic first pass of the Infection mechanic a few days ago. Infection is a new survival statistic, with less combat and more story driven consequences. Infection gets worse the more careless you are (if you eat raw food, breathe contaminated air, don’t treat your wounds, etc.), but you can control it with the use of various treatments. However just like with real diseases, if you abuse one cure too much, it will become less effective. That the general idea.

On top of that I was also further experimenting with the “Stalking” behaviour for the AI. Just to remind that’s the behaviour that should be happening after you are noticed by the creature but before you are attacked. It’s all still in the air, so i’ll give you more details when it’s getting implemented.

Ricky - Developer

Bugs glorious bugs. Bugs are virtuossssaarrrr. I’m a bug, you’re a bug everyones a bug bug. Fixin bugs… chaaa *jazz hands* But seriously, we've had a few graphical issues to iron out since we did an optimisation pass on the HUD and inventory screens, which has required careful tweaking to hit that nice middleground where visuals and performance work in unison.

Carlos - Developer

I’ve been looking into structure ownership, figuring out how to make my turrets stop shooting at me and just love me instead. This is a lengthy task, looking into how the server saves our built structures and how it loads them when the server has been shut down.

Joe - Environment Artist

Mainly bug fixes and rock adjustments this week! I’ve also placed the new AI spawners around some of the bases and worked a little on spawners for the large corrupted base. There are still some issues to clean up here but we’re confident it should make base exploration much more exciting.

Disclaimer: the visuals are for clarity of placement only, we aren't actually adding pink rocks.

I believe I have fixed all the remaining major issues with the Intro sequence, including duplicate Pioneers, cleaning up AI spawners and removing the Pioneer butt-shot (sorry guys). Most of my time has actually been spent removing and re-balancing rock outcrops, focusing on the mountainous/rocky shelf areas, make them more fun to explore and add a reason to explore in the first place!

Lauren - Animator

Moved onto rigging for other creatures and adding flinch animations which we’ve been syncing up with push back attacks such as single blast. Take my word for it, it feels SOO much better with these hit reactions now going into the game.

I also animated myself going on holiday. Kind of like a digital voodoo doll.. and it appears to of worked! I’ve been magically transported to having a few days off before getting back into it next week.

In hindsight animating myself back flip everywhere I go wasn’t such a good idea.

Andy - Lead QA

Once again, this week I have been looking into the issues we are having with multiplayer and relaying them all back to the dev team.

We have debugged our fancy new intro sequence, fixed some minor collision issues with the new medical station asset, did a balancing pass on our first implementation of the new Infection mechanic and working on debugging an audio issue a member of the community is having with single blast.

Massive thanks to @Terik92 (twitter handle)  for being so patient and understanding. Go check out his YT channel and show him some love. (https://t.co/XpNtTfKnpy)

See you in the fray!

-Team Flix

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