E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy - Valve

Added: 3 new maps for TM and BR game modes.

Updated: Battle Royal rebalancing, lower level characters have bonus against hi-level characters.

Bug fixes
Fixed: Textures not displayed bug.
Fixed: Mistakes in the weapons description text.
Fixed: Saves transfer bugs.
Fixed: Save bugs after playing in coopmission.
Fixed: Prerequisite bug for buying sentries.

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy - Valve
Changelog v1.37:

• Fixed: Crash when killed in close combat by a Deus Ex Machina.
• Fixed: Crash on cc_end.
• Character reset due to the new anti-cheat security.
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy - Valve
Changelog v1.31:
• Added: Custom maps support: FGD and guidelines to create your own levels.
• Added: New NPC on Temple allowing to play custom maps.
• Added: New secondary and coop missions map: cm_wurstercorp (cc_tuto2).
• Added: New custom secondary and coop missions map: cm_cu_minos.
• Added: Keyboard shortcut for the slaves control action.
• Added: Additional player spawnpoints.
• Added: Possibility to use firearms while underwater.
• Added: The Cyber Sprint icon is now displayed while sprinting.
• Updated: Improvement of the slaves (clones, drones...).
• Updated: Decreased the ammunition weight.
• Updated: There is no more delay before being able to attack after a short sprint or after using the ironsight.
• Updated: New system of secondary and coop missions (cm_).
• Updated: Falling in pits does not restart the mission anymore.
• Updated: Latency optimization on cc_new_eden.
• Updated: New interface when speaking with the NPCs.
• Updated: Removed the possibility to answer with the keyboard during dialogues.
• Updated: The parry against firearms doesn't work anymore if the stamina level reaches 0.
• Updated: Improved the NPC navigation on Temple.
• Updated: New collision system for the players.
• Updated: The video tutorials do not automatically display anymore on cc_tuto.
• Updated: Increased the maximum avatar level from 230 to 250.
• Updated: Improved the hitboxes localization and added new hitboxes for players and for most of the NPCs.
• Updated: Modified the rat's walking animation.
• Updated: Removed the thrown car script on New Eden.
• Updated: The Scrabouillor armor has been increased and the armor shock has been decreased.
• Updated: Great decrease of the latency when using a blade.
• Updated: Possessed NPCs cannot target an invulnerable NPC anymore.
• Updated: Invulnerable NPCs cannot be possessed anymore.
• Updated: Access to the Character's Menu during death or while falling has been removed.
• Updated: Federal Special Forces now use plasma weapons instead of laser weapons in multiplayer.
Bug fixes:
• Fixed: Mission not saved in some cases on cc_forgotten.
• Fixed: Possible crash that could occur in coop campaign when players accomplished missions before a Master of Fate was in the game.
• Fixed: Possible crash while using the Excidium.
• Fixed: The PSI drain was too frequent and too deadly with the Dragon spell.
• Fixed: Possible melee issue after a maintenance.
• Fixed: Some weapons were not displayed correctly in third person when players were cloaked or using the EYE Vision or the Sound Triangulation.
• Fixed: Possible crash on cc_tuto.
• Fixed: The BK13 wasn't wall-piercing in all firemodes.
• Fixed: Clones could be created even when a player died from a PSI drain while using Polycloning.
• Fixed: The armor-piercing icon for the BK13 in the armory was missing.
• Fixed: Skinning issue with the Manduco when it's dismembered.
• Fixed: Skinning issue in first person with the left hand of the player holding a Caw Hammer.
• Fixed: Incorrect physbox on a tube on Electric Sheep.
• Fixed: Skinning issue on the light Jian's player model.
• Fixed: Bug on the character creation during a change level.
• Fixed: The medkit and grenades could be used during maintenance.
• Fixed: Dual weapons exploit.
• Fixed: Removed the console messages 'No special command for Cheater! LOL!' that could show up when players didn't cheat.
• Fixed: Invisible hackable transcom on cm_new_eden.
• Fixed: Relationship error between the punks on cc_forgotten.
• Fixed: Updated obsolete triggers on Temple.
• Fixed: Possibility to respawn in the pits on Temple.
• Fixed: Model overlap on Temple.
• Fixed: Movements weren't correctly displayed in third person view while leaning in some circumstances.
• Fixed: Endurance was incorrectly taken into account instead of Agility for the purchase of the Scrabouillor.
• Fixed: Hole under the arch model on noctis.
• Fixed: Holding some keyboard shortcut could prevent players from respawning or make players respawn faster.
• Fixed: Incorrect respawn situation when a player was killed in mid-air above a pit.
• Fixed: Incorrect tiling of some textures.
• Fixed: The Actions menu wasn't correctly refreshed after an avatar change without exiting the game.
• Fixed: Using Invocation on a target in a confined area could make the spawned creature stuck.
• Fixed: Farming exploit on Noctis.
• Fixed: Researches didn’t affect the Scrabouillor’s armor.
• Fixed: Model overlap on cc_tuto2.
• Fixed: Call of nonexistent gibs for the model bio_drone_01.
• Fixed: Incorrect relationship between Culters and Jians on cm_dreams.
• Fixed: Players could lean while jumping.
• Fixed: Lavalette could spawn infinite carnophages as long as he was alive on cc_ancient.
• Fixed: Balthazar could be killed by NPCs on cc_falling.
• Fixed: Incorrect alpha channel on the Cyberware seller’s icon.
• Fixed: Animation jerking in first person view when players switched weapons while looking up or down.
• Fixed: Lugger, the punk boss and his boys were present on cm_forgotten.
• Fixed: The apostrophe cannot be used in the avatar’s name anymore. It could reset the avatar if it was renamed with a name containing an apostrophe.
• Fixed: Missing node graph on cc_end.
• Fixed: Various typo errors in texts.
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy - Valve
Changelog v1.3:

• Updated: Improved AI and squad tactics.
• Added: Several new AI management options: sound detection, sight distance, shooting reaction time and shooting accuracy.
• Updated: All the NPC spawn and repop system has been reworked; NPC don’t spawn in your back anymore, for example.
• Updated: General latency reduced, especially on cm_new_eden, cm_noctis, cc_noctis, cc_purge and cm_purge.
• Updated: NPC spawn frequencies on cm_forgotten.
• Added: 43 new achievements.
• Added: Messages during death caused by PSI shocks, medkit overdoses and hacking.
• Added: Messages when players are hurt by PSI shocks, medkit overdoses and hacking.
• Removed: Christmas gifts and reindeers.
• Updated: Every magazine took in the armory now counts as one magazine, except for the Betty Boom.
• Updated: Change of the font used in game.
• Updated: Cubemap optimization on cc_falling.
• Updated: Animations played during the cyber-brain transaction between the Special Force and the Culter on cc_new_eden.
• Updated: Mapcycle.txt and maplist.txt filled with all cm_ maps.
• Updated: Synicle and Manduco NPC animations compiled outside of the main model.
• Updated: AI settings during the siege on cc_forgotten.
• Added: Music track on cm_dreams.
• Added: In coop campaign, if the master of fate leaves the game, the warp level is immediately launched in order to choose a new master of fate.
• Added: When a player dies or disconnects, their sentries and scrabouillors are now destroyed.
• Updated: Limitation of the velocity due to received damages.
• Added: Maximum number of active grenades at a same time.
• Updated: Improvement of the player respawn routine.
• Updated: Improvement of the spawning routine at the beginning of a level.
• Updated: The resurector does not kill nearby NPC and players anymore.
• Added: Using the Dragon on an enemy where the teleportation isn’t possible will kill the user.
• Added: The Deus Ex pushes away foes attacking it in close-range.
• Updated: Change of the electric box sound on cc_tuto.
Bug fixes:
• Fixed: Characters could be reset, deleted or lost in some cases.
• Fixed: Possible crashes on cm_forgotten and cm_sheep during the display of the objectives.
• Fixed: Crashes due to the use of Dragon or Invocation on a spawning player.
• Fixed: Possible crash with the Substitution Door.
• Fixed: Crash occurring when a player killed an unarmed player.
• Fixed: Hacking and PSI powers being usable through the quick actions interface during dialogues or while a player was dead.
• Fixed: Melee attacks that couldn’t hit in some cases.
• Fixed: Prototype Xium displayed instead of Prositium in researches.
• Fixed: Skills being able to increase to 120 when they reached 0.
• Fixed: Some cases in which grenades couldn’t be thrown.
• Fixed: The random assignment of the number of missions on the cm_ maps didn’t work.
• Fixed: Cases in which players could respawn and get immediately stuck on geometry after the use of resurectors.
• Fixed: Damages due to PSI drains could propel players far away.
• Fixed: Exploit with the snipers that gave the player an XP surplus.
• Fixed: The laser beam and the collision with the monorail didn’t do damage to players and could get them stuck on cc_ancient.
• Fixed: Areas where players could get stuck on forgotten center.
• Fixed: Bug of the invisible double agent on cc_forgotten.
• Fixed: Gerard Von Spectre being invulnerable to sentries on cc_forgotten.
• Fixed: Some current objectives weren’t saved on cc_forgotten.
• Fixed: If Dutch died on cc_monolith before the player reached the entrance gate to hack it, it would remain permanently closed.
• Fixed: Issues with some displacement surfaces on noctis.
• Fixed: Player respawn issues on the stairs on electric sheep.
• Fixed: Possibility to get stuck behind the statue in Rimanah’s office on temple.
• Fixed: Possible spawn kill from the NPC on cm_purge.
• Fixed: Brushes that could prevent the player from falling in some chasms on temple.
• Fixed: The elevator didn’t hurt players on cc_tuto.
• Fixed: Issue on a physical box of a door on cc_tuto.
• Fixed: Vermin NPC could spawn underwater on cc_tuto.
• Fixed: Some chasms that sometimes didn’t kill players on temple and noctis.
• Fixed: NPC spawn frequency too important and radius too small on cm_dreams, cc_purge and cm_forgotten.
• Fixed: Nodraw overlap with the main gate on cm_monolith.
• Fixed: Nodraw overlap with a door on cc_ancient.
• Fixed: TRK weapon appearing during its zoom deployment.
• Fixed: Elevator physics on cc_tuto.
• Fixed: Nocull property missing on the texture of the bottle gibs.
• Fixed: Hands texture incorrect for the player in first person view with the grenade.
• Fixed: Bad LOD setup and holes on the research briefcase.
• Fixed: Incorrect light projector texture.
• Fixed: Wrong design and incorrect physic box on the damaged water tank model on noctis.
• Fixed: Nocull property missing on some clothes textures for the punks.
• Fixed: Physics issues on the federal cops when their heads are cut off.
• Fixed: Chair model not compiled on cc_shadows.
• Fixed: Missing description for the Streumonic Complementarity.
• Fixed: Non-localization of the name of a door on cc_ancient in the french version.
• Fixed: Missing description for the Bioregeneration researches.
• Fixed: Visible tiling of some rock textures displayed on Noctis.
• Fixed: Definebones missing on the Carnophage models.
• Fixed: Missing icon for the Bosco in the armory.
• Fixed: Players being able to use the Medkit and PSI powers at an abnormal rate with an exploit.
• Fixed: The Dr. Hyde achievement could be unlocked under wrong circumstances.
• Fixed: Weapons not usable anymore after a death from a Triangular Gate.
• Fixed: Wrong icon displayed when a player was killed by a physical object.
• Fixed: Player animation missing when jumping and switching weapons.
• Fixed: Culter Heavy’s mission texture not being animated.
• Fixed: The Bosco model stayed on the ground after having been picked up.
• Fixed: FOV and fire continuity when the hack interface is displayed.
• Fixed: PSI powers could be activated during a weapon reload or a maintenance.
• Fixed: Glitches allowing to reach some undesired locations on several maps.
• Fixed: Possible problems with player respawns on monolith, cc_temple6, divine_cybermancy and cc_dark.
• Fixed: Collision problem with Mitch when the script stops on cc_ancient.
• Fixed: Nodraw overlap and model overlaps on temple.
• Fixed: Non-hostile NPC in some cases.
• Fixed: Mistake in the name of a mission on cm_new_eden and cm_monolith.
• Fixed: Blur of the TRK still displayed when Attack1 key was held.
• Fixed: Rate of fire exploit by switching weapons or fire modes.
• Fixed: Moving continuity during dialogue with a NPC.
• Fixed: Ability to use PSI powers and to reload while on a ladder.
• Fixed: Exploit allowing to shoot while running.
• Fixed: No limitation of the cybernetic implants depending on the researches done.
• Fixed: The “I’m feeling better...” text appearing on player’s death.
• Fixed: Holograms showing available levels were solid.
• Fixed: Nodraw face visible in Rimanah’s office on temple.
• Fixed: Missing soundscape on cc_falling.
• Fixed: NPC navigation issue in some areas on monolith.
• Fixed: Players spawn points were not the same as those of the master of fate.
• Fixed: The desks were destructible but the objects on it were static on temple.
• Fixed: Players could be stuck in mid-air while using an interface.
• Fixed: The door to minos stayed closed in coop.
• Fixed: The Kraaknagul couldn’t hit a crouched or small enemy.
• Fixed: The Deus Ex couldn’t always hit its target in close combat.
• Fixed: The Streumonic NPC couldn’t do damage in close combat to an enemy too high or on top of them.
• Fixed: Explosive charges in missions could get players stuck while planting them.
• Fixed: Various typo errors in texts.
• Fixed: The camera could go through players’ arms with the Betty Boom.
• Fixed: Incomplete message on cc_temple4.
• Fixed: Mission exploit on cm_noctis.
• Fixed: Blurred weapon icons in the armory.
• Fixed: In coop campaign, the missions depended on the host instead of the master of fate.
• Fixed: Exploit allowing to ignore the maximum weight limit carried by a player.
• Fixed: Power Conversion worked only when the player had Dermal Sheath.
• Fixed: Players could get stuck on a NPC if they used Invocation too close to it.
• Fixed: Players’ weapons switched between lowered and normal state when they were at a certain distance of an allied NPC.
• Fixed: Coop campaign progression blocked if the master of fate left the game.
• Fixed: Some ammunition had no weight.
• Fixed: Reno could be killed on Divine_Cybermancy.
• Fixed: Bug with the pacifist mission on cc_falling.
• Fixed: Grenades from the grenade launcher didn’t follow prop_physics, prop_ragdoll...
• Fixed: Patrol bug on cm_dreams.
• Fixed: Several corpses appeared for the mission “Find the corpse” on cm_forgotten.
• Fixed: Collision issue with the skybox on the warp level.
• Fixed: Menu_thumb texture missing for cc_point, cc_severed, zxdivine_cybermancy, cc_minos and cc_end.
• Fixed: Localization of some texts in French concerning hacking.
• Fixed: If the player used the PSI Wave when equipped with 444+katana, the 444 handgun that was not dual-wielded lost its ammunition.
• Fixed: Missing entity to limit the dropped weapons on forgotten center.
• Fixed: Error message when launching a dedicated server.
• Fixed: Reset of the options setup of the create server panel.

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