Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Beta support for Vulkan on macOS (requires installing Vulkan DLC). Vulkan for macOS DLC provides improved performance and reduced stutters on macOS 10.13+ with a Metal-capable GPU. Vulkan support on macOS still in beta, please file any issues at
Dota 2 - Valve
In today’s update we’ve fixed an issue with the MMR awarded by team challenges. The intended behavior of team challenge tokens is to allow a party to play against a significantly more difficult opponent, and to adjust MMR by an amount relative to that difficulty using the normal MMR formula. However, an update we released fairly recently caused this calculation to overcorrect, resulting in players getting significantly more MMR for wins. We’ve started correcting the MMR and rank medals of accounts affected, but this process may take a day or two to complete.

In other ranked news, we are expecting to ship season two in the coming week or so. We will post more details as we get closer to ship.
Dota 2 - Valve

The upcoming patches will be mostly focused on balance tweaks in preparation for The International. There are a few more biweekly patches planned, with the primary ones scheduled around the final Major and the TI Qualifiers. After TI, we expect the first half of the new season to have longer periods between gameplay updates.

* Bounty Runes team gold reduced from 40 + 3/min to 40 + 2/min

* Reduced the following Movement Speed Talents:
- Bane Level 20: 75->65
- Beastmaster Level 10: 30 -> 25
- Bounty Hunter Level 10: 30 -> 25
- Clockwerk Level 10: 25 -> 20
- Dark Willow Level 15: 40 -> 35
- Gyrocopter Level 20: 50->45
- Legion Commander Level 20: 60->50
- Leshrac Level 15: 40->30
- Lifestealer Level 15: 35 -> 30
- Nature's Prophet Level 10: 40 -> 35
- Nightstalker Level 20: 50 -> 45
- Oracle Level 20: 75 -> 65
- Outworld Devourer Level 15: 40 -> 35
- Sand King Level 10: 30 -> 25
- Shadow Demon Level 15: 40 -> 35
- Shadow Fiend Level 15: 35->30
- Techies Level 20: 75 -> 60
- Zeus: Level 15: 40 -> 30

* Increased Base HP regen to 1.75 for the following Agility heroes: Anti-Mage, Arc Warden, Clinkz, Drow Ranger, Meepo, Pangolier, Phantom Assassin, Templar Assassin, Troll Warlord, Vengeful Spirit

* Melee Barracks health increased from 1800 to 2000

* Roshan attack damage upgrade over time increased from 2.5/min to 4/min

* Blades of Attack: Cost increased from 420 to 430

* Bottle: Fixed Bounty Runes not being storable when the Bottle is full

* Enchanted Mango: HP regen reduced from 0.6 to 0.5

* Hand of Midas: Cooldown reduced from 100 to 95

* Moon Shard: Attack Speed increased from 130 to 140

* Nullifier: Projectile speed reduced from 900 to 750

* Rod of Atos: Recipe cost reduced from 1100 to 1000

* Sentry Ward: Duration increased from 4 to 6 minutes

* Shadow Amulet: Cost increased from 1300 to 1400

* Silver Edge: Recipe cost reduced from 700 to 600

* Skull Basher: Recipe cost reduced from 1150 to 1000

* Vladmir's Offering: Mana regeneration increased from 0.65 to 1.0

* Alchemist: Greevil's Greed bounty rune multiplier increased from 3 to 3.5

* Anti-Mage: Base attack rate improved from 1.45 to 1.4

* Arc Warden: Base damage increased by 2
* Arc Warden: Magnetic Field manacost reduced from 80/90/100/110 to 50/70/90/110

* Bane: Enfeeble duration reduced from 14/16/18/20 to 8/12/16/20

* Bloodseeker: Level 10 Talent increased from +4 Armor to +8 Armor
* Bloodseeker: Level 20 Talent increased from +14% Rupture Damage to +18%

* Bristleback: Level 25 Talent increased from +20 Warpath Damage Per Stack to +30

* Broodmother: Spiderlings health increased from 250 to 280

* Centaur Warrunner: Base damage increased by 4
* Centaur: Hoof Stomp manacost reduced from 130 to 115/120/125/130

* Chaos Knight: Base intelligence increased by 2

* Clinkz: Intelligence increased from 16 + 1.55 to 18 + 1.7
* Clinkz: Strafe dodge no longer has a count limit

* Clockwerk: Power Cogs manacost increased from 50/60/70/80 to 80

* Crystal Maiden: Arcane Aura self mana regeneration increased from 1.3/2.2/3.1/4.0 to 1.6/2.4/3.2/4.0
* Crystal Maiden: Base Damage increased by 2

* Dark Willow: Bedlam cooldown reduced from 40/35/30 to 30
* Dark Willow: Bedlam duration increased from 4 to 5

* Dazzle: Strength gain increased from 2.15 to 2.3
* Dazzle: Poison Touch count rescaled from 4/5/6/7 to 2/4/6/8
* Dazzle: Poison Touch cooldown reduced from 35/30/25/20 to 27/24/21/18

* Death Prophet: Base movement speed reduced from 310 to 305
* Death Prophet: Spirit Siphon manacost increased from 70/65/60/55 to 70
* Death Prophet: Level 10 Talent reduced from +50 Damage to 40

* Disruptor: Thunder Strike cooldown increased from 12/11/10/9 to 15/13/11/9

* Doom: Infernal Blade base damage reduced from 25/30/35/40 to 25
* Doom: Scorched Earth movement speed reduced from 14% to 11/12/13/14%

* Dragon Knight: Base movemend speed reduced from 285 to 280
* Dragon Knight: Elder Dragon Form bonus movement speed increased from 25 to 30
* Drow Ranger: Base Damage increased by 4

* Earthshaker: Base armor increased by 1

* Enchantress: Base strength increased by 1
* Enchantress: Nature's Attendants manacost reduced from 140 to 110/120/130/140

* Enigma: Demonic Conversion Eidolon bounty reduced from 29 to 23

* Gyrocopter: C all Down Missile One damage reduced from 200/275/350 to 150/250/350
* Gyrocopter: Level 10 Talent reduced from +25 Damage to +20

* Huskar: Life Break increased from 34/38/42% to 34/39/44%
* Huskar: Inner Vitality manacost reduced from 170 to 140/150/160/170
* Huskar: Inner Vitality base regen increased from 10 to 12

* Invoker: Invoke manacost removed

* Io: Base movement speed reduced from 290 to 280
* Io: Level 15 Talent reduced from +90 Spirits Damage to +75
* Io: Level 20 Talent changed from Attacks Tether Ally's Target to +20 Health Regen
* Io: Level 25 Talent changed from +50 Health Regen to Attacks Tether Ally's Target

* Kunkka: Level 25 Talent changed from +50% Tidebringer Cleave to -1.5s Tidebringer Cooldown

* Leshrac: Base Intelligence reduced by 2 (base damage unchanged)
* Leshrac: Lightning Storm cast range reduced from 800 to 650/700/750/800

* Lich: Chain Frost damage increased from 280/370/460 to 300/400/500 (Scepter from 370/460/550 to 400/500/600)

* Lycan: Intelligence gain reduced from 1.55 to 1.4
* Lycan: Shapeshift critical strike reduced from 160/180/200% to 150/175/200%

* Magnus: Empower cleave distance increased from 460 to 625 (matching Battle Fury)
* Magnus: Empower cleave end radius increased from 240 to 330 (matching Battle Fury)

* Meepo: Earthbind projectile speed increased from 857 to 900
* Meepo: Earthbind now fully affects invisible units

* Mirana: Leap attack speed increased from 40/60/80/100 to 60/80/100/120
* Mirana: Moonlight Shadow duration increased from 15 to 18 seconds

* Monkey King: Wukong's Command armor increased from 8/14/20 to 12/18/24

* Morphling: Morph now only dispels on initial cast, rather than on all toggles

* Necrophos: Attack Point improved from 0.53 to 0.4
* Necrophos: Base damage increased by 2
* Necrophos: Death Pulse Mana Regen per stack from 2/2.25/2.5/2.75 to 2.25/2.5/2.75/3

* Night Stalker: Void no longer applies a ministun during the day
* Night Stalker: Darkness no longer sets enemy vision to a fixed amount
* Night Stalker: Darkness now reduces enemy unit and ward vision by 25% (doesn't affect buildings)

* Ogre Magi: Multicast 2x chance from 40/50/60 to 60/60/60%
* Ogre Magi: Multicast 3x chance from 0/20/25% to 0/30/30%
* Ogre Magi: Multicast 4x chance from 0/0/12.5% to 0/0/15%
* Ogre Magi: Level 10 Talent increased from +60 Gold/Min to +90

* Pangolier: Level 15 Talent changed from +30 Attack Speed to +2s Rolling Thunder Duration
* Pangolier: Level 20 Talent improved from +30 Swashbuckle Damage to +40
* Pangolier: Level 25 Talent improved from -16s Rolling Thunder Cooldown to -35

* Phantom Assassin: Blur now only triggers on real heroes
* Phantom Assassin: Blur now always triggers on Invisible and Spell Immune enemies

* Phantom Lancer: Doppelganger can no longer be cast while rooted

* Phoenix: Fire Spirits damage increased from 10/30/50/70 to 20/40/60/80

* Pudge: Meat Hook cooldown increased from 14/13/12/11 to 17/15/13/11
* Pudge: Meat Hook damage increased from 90/180/270/360 to 150/220/290/360

* Pugna: Nether Ward damage per mana increased from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0

* Queen of Pain: Level 25 Talent improved from 20s Spell Block to 15s

* Riki: Base HP regen increased from 1.5 to 3.0
* Riki: Blink Strike can now be cast on Spell Immune enemies
* Riki: Tricks of the Trade cooldown increased from 40/35/30 to 50/45/40
* Riki: Cloak and Dagger fade delay increased from 6/5/4/3 to 7.5/6/4.5/3

* Sand King: Caustic Finale slow reduced from 30% to 21/24/27/30%

* Shadow Fiend: Level 20 Talent changed from +20% Evasion to +2 Damage Per Soul
* Shadow Fiend: Level 25 Talent changed from +3 Damage Per Soul to -5 Presence Aura

* Silencer: Last Word cooldown reduced from 30/24/18/12 to 28/22/16/10
* Silencer: Arcane Curse damage increased from 14/22/30/38 to 16/24/32/40

* Slardar: Bash of the Deep damage increased from 60/80/100/120 to 80/100/120/140

* Slark: Pounce damage reduced from 40/80/120/160 to 30/60/90/120

* Sniper: Nigh t vision increased from 1100 to 1400

* Spirit Breaker: Base HP regen increased from 1 to 1.5

* Sven: Level 20 Talent increased from -5s Storm Hammer Cooldown to -6s
* Sven: Level 25 Talent increased from +0.75s Storm Hammer Stun Duration to +1.25s

* Tiny: Tree Grab building bonus damage increased from 60/80/100/120% to 90/120/150/180%
* Tiny: Tree Throw splash damage increased from 100 to 130%

* Tusk: Ice Shards cooldown increased from 21/18/15/12 to 23/20/17/14

* Treant Protector: Living Armor regen increased from 4/7/10/13 to 4/8/12/16

* Undying: Soul Rip manacost reduced from 100/110/120/130 to 80/95/110/125

* Ursa: Level 15 Talent changed from -1s Earthshock Cooldown to +25s Fury Swipes Reset Time
* Ursa: Level 20 Talent changed from +25s Fury Swipes Reset Time to +12 Fury Swipes Damage
* Ursa: Level 25 Talent changed from +14 Fury Swipes Damage to Enrage gains 80% Status Resistance

* Vengeful Spirit: Magic Missile cooldown reduced from 13/12/11/10 to 10
* Vengeful Spirit: Wave of Terror manacost reduced from 40 to 25/30/35/40

* Weaver: Shukuchi damage increased from 75/100/125/150 to 80/110/140/170

* Winter Wyvern: Splinter Blast slow increased from 25% to 30%
* Winter Wyvern: Splinter Blast manacost reduced from 120/130/140/150 to 90/110/130/150

* Wraith King: Mortal Strike no longer has a chance to kill creeps
* Wraith King: Mortal Strike now gains skeleton charges for every 2 enemy units you kill
* Wraith King: Mortal Strike skeleton count rescaled from 4/5/6/7 to 2/4/6/8
* Wraith King: Mortal Strike skeletons bounty reduced from 15/15 XP/Gold to 5/5
* Wraith King: Mortal Strike manacost reduced from 75 to 30/45/60/75

* Zeus: Base damage increased by 5
* Zeus: Strength gain reduced from 2.6 to 2.3
* Zeus: Arc Lightning damage rescaled from 85/100/115/145 to 70/95/120/145
* Zeus: Lightning Bolt cast range increased from 700 to 700/750/800/850
* Zeus: Lightning Bolt damage increased from 100/175/275/350 to 125/200/275/350
Dota 2 - Valve
* Fixed Dispersion tooltip incorrectly stating its Spell Immunity Interaction (was a previous change that wasn't documented correctly)
Dota 2 - Valve
* Fixed an exploit with Phantom Lancer
Dota 2 - Valve
We’ve recently had some bugs with the Cavern Crawl not counting wins correctly. There are two classes of bugs that have caused this. The first is a more general rare case that has happened intermittently where the Cavern Crawl didn’t update its progress based on wins. This scenario has been fixed for some users and will take a few days to go through all affected cases. The second class of bugs happened yesterday for a few hours where the client was displaying incorrect information as to which heroes should be played. Users affected by that have been given Cavern Crawl Keys and additional Battle Points.

- All heroes suggested for banning in Mutation are now banned.
- Fixed a bug that would cause super blink dagger to not show up in its mutation.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added a daily and weekly challenge to the Battle Pass.
Dota 2 - Valve

* Bounty Runes now spawn every 5 minutes
* Bounty Runes now grants gold to each player (40 + 3/min)
* Bounty Runes now fully fills bottles
* Bottles heal rate increased from 80/40 HP/MP to 100/50

* Melee Creeps base gold bounty reduced by 2
* Range Creeps base gold bounty reduced by 1
* Range Creeps gold bounty increase per upgrade changed from 1 to 3 (With these changes, the total gold difference on the map at 40 minutes is 2052 less gold)
* Melee Barracks team bounty reduced from 225 to 175
* Ground Courier bounty reduced from 175 to 125 (Flying Courier is still 175)
* Tower denies now remove all gold instead of just half (previously it gave 50/60/70/80 for tier 1/2/3/4 denies)

* Agility heroes base strength increased by 1
* Intelligence heroes base intelligence reduced by 2, except for bane (base damage adjusted to remain the same)

* Neutral camp stack bounty increased from 20% to 25%
* Ancient HP regen increased from 8 to 12
* Observer Wards restock cooldown reduced from 150 to 135
* Observer Wards cost reduced from 80 to 75
* Enchanted Mango HP regen reduced from 0.7 to 0.6

* Roshan Slam damage growth increased from 8 per minute to 10
* Roshan base damage increased from 65 to 75
* Roshan base health increased from 5500 to 6000

* Removed a tree to the bottom right of the dire mid lane, near the map ledge
* Minor adjustments to the position of the powerup runes
* Reduced spawn box sizes for a few of Dire neutral spawns
* Removed a tree to the right of the bottom Radiant bounty rune
* Moved the bottom Dire T1 tower slightly down
* Moved the bottom Dire bounty rune slightly to the right
* Moved the bottom Dire shrine location slightly down
* Moved the top Dire T1 slightly to the right
* Slight adjustments to the line of sight and trees to the left of the mid Dire T1
* Ranged creeps now always spawn behind the melee creeps

* Captains Mode round time increased from 30 to 35
* Captains Mode second ban phase order changed from 2nd/1st/2nd/1st to 1st/2nd/1st/2nd
Dota 2 - Valve
- Cavern Crawl is now active during Mutation mode games.
- Fixed Ranked Role Selection to now require all players in a party to select a role.
- Fixed a bug with a party switching between Ranked Role Selection and regular Ranked causing very long queue times.
- Fixed a bug with Team Challenge mode not deducting tokens or granting bonus rank on victory.
Dota 2 - Valve

* Enabled Techies in Captains Mode

* First creep wave no longer draws aggro on the side lanes until they meet the other wave

* Skull Basher: Now uses Mithril Hammer instead of Javelin. Gives +25 Damage and +10 Strength.
* Skull Basher: Bash no longer pierces evasion
* Abyssal Blade: Now grants +25 Damage
* Abyssal Blade: Bash no longer pierces evasion
* Monkey King Bar: Now uses Demon Edge, Quarterstaff and Javelin. Gives +52 Damage and 10 Attack Speed.
* Monkey King Bar: Procs changed from 60 Pure damage to 100 Magical damage
* Maelstrom: Now uses Javelin instead of Gloves and Recipe.
* Maelstrom: No longer gives +25 Attack Speed
* Maelstrom: Chain Lightning damage increased from 120 to 170
* Maelstrom: Procs can no longer be evaded
* Mjollnir: Procs can no longer be evaded
* Mjollnir: Chain Lightning damage increased from 150 to 170
* Mjollnir: Attack speed reduced from 80 to 75

* Battle Fury: Now requires a 300 gold recipe

* Blink Dagger: Cooldown increased from 14 to 15

* Boots of Travel: Building prioritization range increased from 700 to 900

* Dagon: Manacost rescaled from 180 to 120/140/160/180/200

* Force Staff: Now requires a Ring of Regeneration instead of a Ring of Health (total price is still the same)
* Force Staff: Manacost increased from 25 to 100
* Force Staff: Health regen reduced from 5 to 2
* Hurricane Pike: Health regen reduced from 5.5 to 2
* Hurricane Pike: Manacost increased from 25 to 100

* Helm of the Dominator: Health regen decreased from 8 to 7
* Helm of the Dominator: No longer grants +5 attack speed to the item holder
* Helm of the Dominator: Bounty increased from 125 to 200

* Linken's Sphere: All Stats reduced from 15 to 13

* Magic Wand: Now requires a 150 gold recipe instead of a Mango
* Magic Wand: Now provides +3 All Stats instead of +2 All Stats and 1.5 HP Regen
* Magic Wand: Max Charges increased from 17 to 20

* Enchanted Mango: On sale now from 100 to 70
* Enchanted Mango: Health regen decreased from 1 to 0.7
* Enchanted Mango: Consumed Mana restore reduced from 175 to 125
* Enchanted Mango: Daily Bonus Hero now gives 2 Mangoes

* Necronomicon: Duration increased from 50 to 60

* Phase Boots: During Phase your base turn rate is improved to 1.0 (the highest value, can still be lowered by other effects)
* Phase Boots: Active duration increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds
* Phase Boots: Active speed reduced from 24/20% to 20/16%

* Observer Ward: Gold/XP Bounty rescaled from a constant 100 Gold and 100 XP to growing over time with 100 + 2/min Gold and 50 + 4/min XP

* Sange: Recipe cost increased from 500 to 700
* Sange: Now grants Greater Maim
* Heaven's Halberd: Now grants Greater Maim
* Yasha: Recipe cost increased from 500 to 700
* Manta Style: Recipe cost lowered from 900 to 500

* Alchemist: Chemical Rage Health regen increased from 40/48/56 to 40/55/70
* Alchemist: Bounty Runes bonus gold increased from 2.5 to 3x

* Ancient Apparition: Chilling Touch damage rescaled from 30/45/60/75 to 20/40/60/80
* Ancient Apparition: Chilling Touch no longer pierces Spell Immunity

* Arc Warden: Magnetic Field cooldown reduced from 35/30/25/20 to 20
* Arc Warden: Level 15 Talent changed from +3s Flux Duration to +400 Flux Cast Range

* Axe: Battle Hunger manacost rescaled from 75 to 50/60/70/80
* Axe: Base movement speed increased by 5

* Batrider: Base strength increased by 3

* Bloodseeker: Blood Rite ground vision now increased to match the AoE of the spell (from 400 to 600)
* Bloodseeker: Bloodrage cooldown reduced from 12/10/8/6 to 9/8/7/6

* Brewmaster: Primal Split Fire Permanent Immolation damage increased from 15/30/45 to 20/40/60

* Broodmother: Spiderite bounty reduced from 16-21 gold and 20 exp to 3 gold and 3 xp
* Broodmother: Spiderling bounty reduced from 11-13 gold and 31 exp to 9 gold and 9 xp
* Broodmother: Spiderite armor reduced from 8 to 0
* Broodmother: Spiderling armor reduced from 8 to 0
* Broodmother: Spiderling damage reduced from 18-19 to 14-16 (~19% less)
* Broodmother: Spawn Spiderling manacost reduced from 120 to 100
* Broodmother: Spawn Spiderling cooldown reduced from 10 to 11/10/9/8

* Chen: Hand of God heal improved from 250/375/500 to 250/400/550

* Crystal Maiden: Base armor increased by 1
* Crystal Maiden: Freezing Field attack speed slow increased from 30 to 60

* Dark Seer: Wall of Replica illusions incoming damage reduced from 300% to 200%
* Dark Seer: Wall of Replica illusions outgoing damage increased from 60/75/90% to 70/85/100%
* Dark Seer: Wall of Replica now auto attacks the hero it made the illusion of (can still be controlled)

* Dark Willow: Bedlam damage reduced from 60/140/220 to 60/120/180
* Dark Willow: Bedlam rotation duration increased from 1.5 to 1.8 seconds
* Dark Willow: Cursed Crown no longer grants vision after it stuns
* Dark Willow: Level 25 Talent increased from +1 Terrorize Duration to +1.5

* Dazzle: Fixed Poison Touch effective area covered not scaling properly with cast range bonuses

* Death Prophet: Base Health regen reduced from 2 to 1.5

* Earthshaker: Base damage increased by 3

* Ember Spirit: Flame Guard magical damage absorbed rescaled from 50/200/350/500 to 80/220/360/500
* Ember Spirit: Searing Chains duration rescaled from 1/2/2/3 to 1.5/2/2.5/3
* Ember Spirit: Searing Chains now does damage in 0.5 second intervals
* Ember Spirit: Searing Chains total damage rescaled from 80/120/240/300 to 90/160/230/300

* Enigma: Malefice stun duration rescaled from 0.25/0.5/0.75/1 to 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0
* Enigma: Malefice cooldown rescaled from 15 to 18/17/16/15
* Enigma: Malefice manacost reduced from 110/130/150/160 to 100/120/140/160

* Faceless Void: Chronosphere cooldown increased from 140/125/110 to 140/130/120

* Invoker: Invoke manacost reduced from 60 to 40

* Io: Tether can now target Spell Immune allies
* Io: Tether cast point changed from 0.001 to 0
* Io: Tether no longer applies slow on impact
* Io: Spirits now apply a 20/40/60/80% movement speed slow on impact for 0.3 seconds
* Io: Spirits now have two fixed positions they go to, 700 and 100 (No longer granular with toggles, but just a single press action)
* Io: Spirits In/Out is just one ability now, alternates the direction (has a 1.5 second cooldown, same hotkey as spirits ability. Base cooldown/duration is still the same)
* Io: Spirits creep damage increased from 8/14/20/26 to 10/18/26/34
* Io: Spirits manacost from 150 to 120/130/140/150
* Io: Spirits collision AoE increased from 70 to 110
* Io: Spirits explosion damage AoE increased from 300 to 360
* Io: Level 10 Talent changed from +400 Spirits Max Range to +25% XP
* Io: Level 25 Talent changed from Tether Stuns to -60s Relocate Cooldown

* Leshrac: Lightning Storm manacost increased from 75/90/105/120 to 80/100/120/140

* Lich: Level 20 Talent increased from +120 Gold/Min to +180

* Lycan: Summon Wolves health increased from 200/240/280/320 to 230/260/290/320
* Lycan: Summon Wolves damage increased from 17/28/37/46 to 26/34/42/50

* Mirana: Leap speed buff duration increased from 2 to 2.5
* Mirana: Leap attack speed rescaled from 25/50/75/100 to 40/60/80/100
* Mirana: Moonlight Shadow now grants 15% movement speed bonus while invisible
* Monkey King: Primal Spring manacost reduced from 130/120/110/100 to 100

* Morphling: Adaptive Strike Talent now has a 300 cast range buffer for the secondary targets
* Morphling: Level 10 Talent from +300 Waveform Range to +350
* Morphling: Level 25 Talent from +2 Multishot Adaptive Strike to +3

* Necrophos: Reaper's Scythe respawn time penalty increased from 10/20/30 to 15/30/45

* Omniknight: Purification cooldown increased from 11 to 14/13/12/11
* Omniknight: Base armor reduced by 1

* Outworld Devourer: Fixed Arcane Orb not using mana if it misses on the target
* Outworld Devourer: Arcane Orb manacost increased from 100/120/140/160 to 110/140/170/200

* Ogre Magi: Bloodlust on self now grants you 30/50/70/90 Attack Speed (default is 30/40/50/60)

* Pangolier: Rolling Thunder no longer gets canceled when rooted or disabled (rolls in place instead)
* Pangolier: Rolling Thunder cooldown increased from 70/65/60 to 70
* Pangolier: Swashbuckle manacost increased from 70/80/90/100 to 80/90/100/110
* Pangolier: Shield Crash cooldown increased from 13 to 19/17/15/13
* Pangolier: Fixed Shield Crash counting Spell Immune heroes
* Pangolier: Level 10 Talent reduced from +2 Mana Regen to +1.5

* Pudge: Base damage increased by 7
* Pudge: Rot slow reduced from 17/22/27/32 to 11/18/25/32

* Pugna: Base armor increased by 1
* Pugna: Level 15 Talent increased from +2 Nether Ward Health to +3

* Puck: Level 20 Talent from -5s Waning Rift Cooldown to -8s

* Queen of Pain: Sonic Wave damage increased from 290/380/470 to 320/410/500
* Queen of Pain: Sonic Wave Scepter damage increased from 325/440/555 to 370/480/590

* Riki: Tricks of the Trade now attacks at a slower pace, nerfed from 0.5/0.45/0.4 to 0.6/0.55/0.5

* Rubick: Telekinesis lift duration rescaled from 1.5/1.75/2/2.25 to 1.1/1.5/1.9/2.3

* Sand King: Caustic Finale no longer triggers when a unit is denied

* Shadow Demon: Strength growth increased from 2.2 to 2.4

* Shadow Fiend: Level 10 Talent reduced from 10% Spell Amplification to 8%
* Shadow Fiend: Level 15 Talent reduced from +40 Movement Speed to +35

* Shadow Shaman: Fixed Ether Shock effective area covered not scaling properly with cast range bonuses

* Silencer: Glaives of Wisdom from 15/30/45/60% to 25/40/55/70%
* Silencer: Global Silence duration increased from 4/5/6 to 4.5/5.25/6
* Silencer: Level 15 Talent increased from +90 Gold/Min to +120

* Slark: Base HP regen increased from 2.75 to 3.25
* Slark: Shadow Dance move speed bonus increased from 30/35/40% to 30/40/50%

* Spectre: Spectral Dagger manacost rescaled from 130/140/150/160 to 100/120/140/160
* Spectre: Haunt illusion damage increased from 40 to 40/50/60%

* Spirit Breaker: Greater Bash movespeed bonus increased from 15% to 17%
* Spirit Breaker: Netherstrike's knockback now pushes the enemy twice the distance

* Storm Spirit: Level 15 Talent increased from +300 Health to +400

* Sven: Cleave distance increased from 570 to 625 (same as Battle Fury)
* Sven: Cleave end radius increased from 300 to 330 (same as Battle Fury)

* Terrorblade: Base HP regen reduced from 3 to 1.5
* Terrorblade: Reflection illusion now disappears when the reflection slow debuff is removed
* Terrorblade: Sunder minimum HP rescaled from 25% to 35/30/25%
* Terrorblade: Sunder cast range reduced from 550 to 475

* Timbersaw: Whirling Death attribute reduction now considers bonus attributes (instead of only base)
* Timbersaw: Whirling Death attribute reduction lowered from 15% to 13%

* Tiny: Tree Grab area damage reduced from 100% to 30/40/50/60%

* Treant Protector: Leech Seed duration increased from 4.5 to 5.25 (1 extra pulse)

* Tusk: Ice Shards duration reduced from 7 to 4/5/6/7
* Tusk: Snowball Speed reduced from 675 to 600/625/650/675
* Tusk: Frozen Sigil no longer provides flying vision (ground only now)

* Underlord: Firestorm overtime percentage based damage no longer affects Roshan/Ancients
* Underlord: Dark Rift manacost from 75/150/225 to 100/200/300

* Undying: Tombstone spawn interval improved from 4.5/4/3.5/3 to 4/3.5/3/2.5
* Undying: Level 15 Talent increased from +30 Decay Duration to +50
* Undying: Level 20 Talent increased from +4 Tombstone Attacks to +6

* Ursa: Base armor increased by 2

* Venomancer: Poison Nova duration increased from 16 to 18 seconds

* V isage: Grave Chill duration reduced from 3.25/4 .5/5.75/7 to 3/4/5/6

* Warlock: Chaotic Offering Golem health increased from 1000/1500/2000 to 1000/2000/3000
* Warlock: Chaotic Offering Golem Permanent Immolation DPS increased from 30/40/50 to 30/50/70

* Weaver: Health regen increased from 1.5 to 2.5
* Weaver: The Swarm attack damage from 14/16/18/20 to 18/20/22/24

* Wi ndranger: Powershot damage increased from 180/260/340/420 to 180/270/360/450
* Windranger: Focus Fire attack speed increased from 350 to 400
* Windranger: Focus Fire now always fires on the target unless you are attacking another target, or pressed stop and are not moving.

* Winter Wyvern: Winter's Curse duration increased from 3.25/4/4.75 to 4/4.75/5.5 seconds
* Winter Wyvern: Winter's Curse attack speed bonus reduced from 85 to 55

* Wraith King: Wraithfire Blast manacost rescaled from 140 to 95/110/125/140
* Wraith King: Wraithfire Blast cooldown rescaled from 8 to 11/10/9/8
* Wraith King: Level 10 Talent changed from +40 Wraithfire DPS to +1.5s Wraithfire Blast Slow Duration

* Witch Doctor: Maledict cooldown increased from 20 to 50/40/30/20

* Zeus: Level 15 Talent increased from +1% Static Field to +1.5%

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