Don't Starve - KJan

The pigs of Hamlet are feeling festive, but they need incentive to throw a party. Incentive like surviving an Aporkalypse.

So if you can survive several days of torment before you avert the cataclysm, the Pigs in towns all across Hamlet will throw a fiesta to celebrate life. Go join them in the fun.

New Feature
  • Pig towns will celebrate for a few days after an Aporkalypse
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed mouse over detection on new Hamlet prepared foods
  • Fixed mouse over detection on new Hamlet turf
  • Fixed assert when traveling to Hamlet wearing the cowl
  • Fixed assert on world load when Beefalo Mating Season was set to ‘Often’
  • Fixed assert when unwrapping a bundle in a Vanilla world
  • Fixed art problem with Woodie’s hair.
  • Fixed a problem with the brush
  • Fixed a typo in dungpile loot
  • Fixed a tooltip on the Smelter
  • Fixed crash when leaving interior with lazy explorer equipped
  • Fixed smelter not working with controller/right mouse button
  • Fixed infinite loop when destroying a beehive in a world with bees set to ‘None’

[Game Update] - Hamlet 305507 (1/25/2019)
  • Fixed a crash with prepared food
  • Fixed a bug with the cookpot text
  • Fixed a rare bug in the mainmenu
  • Brambles won’t spawn in the lily pond biome now.
  • Fixed the number of minisigns given for SW compatible worlds.

[Game Update] - Hamlet 305738
  • Fixed infinite loop when destroying a beehive in a world with bees set to ‘None’ for real this time
Don't Starve - KJan
[Game Update] Hamlet - 303895 (1/16/2019)

  • Fix Player house being locked again for some characters after obtaining deed
  • Fixed crash when using crockpot in vanilla worlds

[Game Update] Hamlet - 303804 (1/16/2019)

New Feature
  • Fast Scrolling craft menu tabs as in DST

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed potential assert with bearger in Hamlet compatible worlds.
  • Fixed missing minimap icon for cave entrance/exit in ROG
  • Fixed assert when picking up Hamlet city possessions in linked worlds
  • Fixed missing old bell blueprint in Hamlet compatible ROG world
  • Mount injured hud fx fixed
  • Mount speeds fixed
  • Missing Mount animations fixed (actions properly limited)
  • Fixed the missing turf art in Hamlet compatible worlds.
  • Fixed Hamlet food in Warly’s crock pot.
  • Burnt Ant Comb Homes won’t produce any more Mants.
  • Can’t bundle bundles now.
  • Fixed Willow’s arms when rowing.
  • Fixed autumn colourcube in ROG worlds
Don't Starve - Klei-JoeW

Welcome to 2019 everyone! We start the new year with an update that brings several nice and fun features from Don't Starve Together to regular Don't Starve. These additions were added to the base game and all DLCs.
  • Beefalo taming and riding (Saddles, Brush, Saddlehorn)
  • The Ewecus (for Steel Wool)
  • Fences (Gates and Walls)
  • Bundles (and Wax Paper and Bee's Wax)
  • Mini signs (and the Feather Pen for writing)
  • Action Key ability while holding an item on your cursor
  • Trap pickup using the action key
Along with these additions, the artists took some time to do a visual color pass of Hamlet. Some changes are larger than others, like seasonal tints and the new background color, and others are smaller, like the claw palm leaf color.

As well, controller support was improved when interacting with interiors and interior decorating.

What's Next?

We would like to revisit Warbucks and Wilba. We think both characters could be improved so that they are more interesting to play outside of Hamlet. Watch for the new and improved Wilba and Warbucks as they try to stick to their new years resolutions to become better rounded on Feb 7th.

[Game Update] Hamlet - 303256 (1/14/2019)

Bug Fixes
  • Character stays suck by goo properly when hit while gooed (Bring friends or armor.)
  • Fixed graphics glitch when examining
  • Fixed sneeze graphics glitch
  • Fixed Wilbur run when riding beefalo
  • Fixed the weird Cave Banana Tree in Hamlet compatible worlds.
  • Fix for assert when burning a minisign in Vanilla worlds
  • Fix assert when placing a gate in Vanilla or ROG worlds
  • Fixed assert when a babybeefalo grew up in Hamlet or Hamlet compatible world
  • Dismount with controller fixed
  • Fences should load properly
  • Fixup for items that went missing from locked display cases.
  • Beefalo mounts attack and take damage properly

[Game Update] Hamlet - 303169 (1/11/2019)

Bug Fixes
  • Fix for potential crash when closing craft-tabs in Hamlet
  • Fixed the Flingomatic
  • Fixed the brush crash
  • Fixed Beefalo shaving
  • Fix for missing items on shelves
  • Fixed several animation bugs when riding
  • Open close gate use anim fixed
  • Fixed the ApplyBuildOverrides crash on baby beefalo
  • Fixed disappearing items in shift-click

[Game Update] Hamlet - 302970 (1/11/2019)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the craft tab scrolling crash
  • Fixed the Hamlet compatible ROG crash
Don't Starve - KJan
[Game Update] Hamlet - 302650 (1/9/2019)

Bug Fixes
  • Fix for yesterday’s patch which caused a crash when trying to modify world settings with no DLC installed

[Game Update] Hamlet - 302498 (1/8/2019)

Bug Fixes
  • Miner hat doesn't magically emit light anymore after re-entering an interior where it was left on the ground
  • Fixed the rare relic that spawns outside the bounds of the room
  • Fix for custom options and ROG worlds that are SW or Hamlet compatible

[Game Update] Hamlet - 301875 (1/3/2019)

Bug Fixes
  • Different handling for aporkalypse clock save load
  • Willow’s lighter should not lost light when moving between interior rooms
  • Lanterns now properly remember whether they were on or off in interiors


[Game Update] Hamlet - 301799 (12/21/2018)

Bug Fixes
  • Hopefully fixed elusive ‘attempt to call nil value’ bug.
  • Shadow creatures spawned by aporkalypse now also despawn when aporkalypse ends
  • Creatures spawned by aporkalypse now remember this fact after a save/load, so they should despawn when aporkalypse ends. Unfortunately ones that were spawned already can not be fixed up.
  • Fixed potentially huge memory spike on load of world.

[Game Update] Hamlet - 301295 & 300612 (12/20/2018)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed fixup of world that were affected by the “disappearing suspicious crack” bug
  • Fixed Aporkalypse clock not rotating
  • Suspicious cracks were not meant to be axeable. They can’t be axed now.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed some worlds to not have the herald pig ruins.
  • Fixed a save/load problem with the Aporkalypse Clock.
  • Fixup of worlds that were affected by the “disappearing suspicious crack” bug
  • Fixes for Linux sound
  • Potential fix for getting stuck outside walls when having followers

[Game Update] Hamlet - 298833 (12/07/2018)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the water walking hippo’s and poison dart frogs.
  • Fixed a bug with secret room doors leading to blackness.
  • All doors are opened now when you leave a ruin, that way, if you end up on the other side of the world, your way back is not blocked.

[Game Update] Hamlet - 298530 (12/06/2018)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a crash when saving during the aporkalypse
Don't Starve - KJan

Originally posted on the official forums.

The Aporkalypse is here. The pre modern pigs saw it coming, did the math and put the date on a calendar. Oh look, it’s this year. What can be done!

There’s also a couple of other fun stuff added to the world. Pigs now have a place they can do some money exchange, and a new magic recipe that captures the energies of the Pugalisk has been discovered.

The new content will be best experienced with a new world as there are some world gen changes for them. So we recommend starting a fresh world to experience them.

What’s Next
In a recent update we noted that we wanted to continue the Early Access until we felt the bugs and performance were improved. There have been several improvements to the performance, but there are still some areas we are investigating to help that. We continue to work through the bug reports both on the forums and submitted through the game.

We have also decided there are a few more updates of things we’d like to put out before we’re done. So Early Access will be continuing until about April of 2019. The next is an improvement in the Quality of Life for DS players. We will focus on bringing a bunch of the improvements that have gone into DST over to single player. Watch for the QOL update on Dec 20th.

Update Notes: 298452

World Change
  • The Aporkalypse added. (best with new world, but old worlds are modified slightly to support it)
  • Pugalisk leaves behind something new.
  • Lowered the Beard Rug minimap priority
  • Reduced pay for nightmare fuel
  • Pigs have a bank (New worlds only. Old worlds can craft one with the key to the city)
  • Queen’s gallery has a new exhibit. (New worlds only)

Bug Fixes
  • Fix for disappearing mandrake (or rare crash) when clicking mandrake in inventory
  • Fixed the crash when bird whistle is consumed
  • Fixed the crash when bird whistle is used in Survival or SW worlds.
  • Fixed rare crash in meatrack
  • Fixed crash with pugalisk switching targets
  • Fixed city farm plots showing “MISSING NAME”
  • Fixed city farm plots auto-replanting on load
  • Key to City doesn't conflict with science machine et al anymore
  • Fixed crash when a beehive was burning while the season changed
  • Fixed invisible snakeskin in Hamlet compatible ShipWrecked world
  • Fixed glowflies being deleted when in containers
  • Fixed glowflies not giving off light when released from container
  • Fixed glowflies not having a mouseover during daytime
  • Can’t turn a sprinkler on anymore when it’s out of fuel
  • Pig beautician now accepts thunderbird feathers
  • Fixed yellow gem turning invisible when placed on shelf
  • Mant suit now takes and displays proper damage
  • Manure flies should not buzz anymore when there’s no poop.
  • Fixed crash when spawning a sprinkler away from water
  • Fixed torches not losing durability after being hit by sprinkler
  • ROC doesn't get stuck on trying to destroy farm plots with a crop anymore
  • Farm plots can't be placed in interiors anymore
Don't Starve - Klei-JoeW
Originally posted on the official forums.

Hi everyone! We want to thank you all for all of your continued feedback and bug reports. We’re still busy here squashing bugs (Hamlet has a lot of insects afterall) and summoning up the Aporkalypse. We still have some balance changes and a bit more new content we want to get together before we feel the game is ready to leave Early Access. To that end, we feel that Dec 6th will be too soon for us to have had a good chance to tune the performance and make sure everything is in and ready for launch. The Aporkalypse will still be arriving on Dec. 6th, but we have some things we want to get done before we’re ready to leave Early Access.

If you are waiting for launch to play to have the most stable experience, we thank you for your patience and ask for a little bit more. We will make another announcement when we have a more final launch date.

Balance Changes
  • Stolen items don’t get replaced.
Bug Fixes
  • Bandit camp drops a peagawk feather, not bone shards now
  • Mole hat works better indoors during the day
  • Nettle plant should naturally bloom more consistently during the humid season
  • Fixed a possible avenue that the roc can fail to grab the player, leaving them cowering.
  • Fixed the disappearing shopkeeper desks.
  • Fixed the problem of Ro-bin eggs incubating inside containers and on shelves.
  • Fix for potential crash when entering the player’s own house
  • Exiting a burning house should not send the player off to the middle of nowhere anymore
  • Fixed the memory leak with the sprinkler
Cause we could and it was asked for a long time.
  • You can craft beard hair rug from beard hair and grass. (You know, in case you like pixel art and need black lines.)
Don't Starve - KJan
[Hamlet Game Update] - 296153 (11/23/2018)

Bug Fix
  • Fixed a bug with beefalo loot drop
  • Implemented workaround for when player crashes on entering anthill. Root cause still under investigation.
  • Woodie can use doors in the werebeaver form
  • Fixed some missing strings when the werebeaver gnaws on them
  • Fixed the perpetual fly buzzing sound when poop is dropped in interiors.

[Hamlet Game Update] - 296123 (11/23/2018)

Bug Fix
  • Fixed a crash in non Hamlet Compatible worlds with the runaway component.

[Hamlet Game Update] - 296000 (11/23/2018)

Balance Changes
  • Krampus is a bit more persistent.

Bug Fixes
  • Customizing a SW compatible ROG world, no longer generates a Vanilla world.
  • Fixed a bug with customization presets.
  • Fixed Wilba’s missing map icon
  • Fixed several Wilba anim bugs
  • Fixed a problem with Glowflies not returning after saving in a humid season.
  • Fixed a potential crash when an antman warrior’s queen was killed

[Hamlet Game Update] - 295671 (11/21/2018)

Balance Changes
  • Nettle plants do not bloom because of the Humid season now ( but they will still bloom in the Humid season, it’s a subtle difference). They also do not like dirt other that Deep Jungle dirt.

Bug Fixes
  • Player can’t sneeze when making transitions now.
  • Game won’t crash when jumping to a SW or ROG world while the player suffers Hayfever.
  • Pig mechanics are no longer a source of infinite hammers.
  • The Pig Mayor won’t fall asleep while hosting a guest now.
  • Fixed hard crash when hitting the edge of the map in Hamlet compatible Shipwrecked world.
  • Fix potential crash when attacking with an army of followers.
  • Fixed a crash when two things took things from a shelf at the same time.
  • Added StopHammerTime() console commands that attempts to removes all hammers lying on the ground in cities.
  • Improved performance with hanging vine decorations and light rays.

[Hamlet Game Update] - 295272 (11/20/2018)

Bug Fixes
  • Pugalisk ruin pillars save properly
  • Pugalisk fountain will reset (after the normal delay) when the player returns to hamlet if the Magic water was taken outside the world and used.
  • Magic Water and magic Flower won’t crash in a world with no Fountain of Youth
  • Fixed the disappearing home decor
  • Fixed the ottoman art
  • Reduced collision on home chairs
  • Reduced the odd items that get collected at 0,0,0
  • Fixed crash when target was destroyed while shooting it
  • Boat repair kit returns to the crafting menu
  • Sprinkler and fan are not common recipes now
  • Fixed crash with Ancient Robot Laser


[Hamlet Game Update] - 294865 (11/16/2018)

Balance Change
  • Reduced sanity gain from the Magic Flower

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a crash with the gnatbrain
  • Fixed a Deciduous Monster Tree crash when the wind blows
  • Fix crash when resuming a world with a burnt shop
  • Fix crash when resuming a world with a burnt farm plot
  • Fixed crash related to loading burned shelves. Shelves were not supposed to be burnable.
  • Fixed an extra way the roc cave exit could fail
  • Aloe, Radish and Asparagus seed icons fixed
  • Fix a crash related to items that lost track their of shelf as result of a previous bug
  • Fix rare crash when pog gets attacked while rummaging
  • Fixed crash when toggling on boat lantern
  • Fixed crash from dead bandits on world load
  • Fixed rare crash when pigs repair house
  • Fixed a bug with the Magic Flower.

[Hamlet Game Update] - 294625 (11/15/2018)

Balance Change
  • Fixed character selection between DLC compatibilities.
  • The Roc Cave should be exitable now
  • The Roc should not give house calls now
  • The Roc should show as frequently as is supposed to now.
  • Fixed a crash with the infestable component
  • Fixed a crash when things that had previously been on a shelf are removed from game.
  • Mined pillars save properly
  • Dart Traps save properly
  • Smashing Pots save properly
  • Player shouldn’t spawn in the clouds now when leaving a building close to the edge of the world
  • Fixed the “inventoryimages2” crash

[Hamlet Game Update] - 294212 (11/13/2018)

Bug Fix
  • Fixed the crash on newgamescreen when customizing worlds.

[Hamlet Game Update] - 294181 (11/13/2018)

  • Cork chests are Pog proof

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an error with poison and fire snakes
  • The thunderbird will no longer attack the player postmortem
  • Fixed a bug with spiders when they investigated.
  • Gnats will abandon chase if you get far enough away from them. If you can run faster than them..
  • Fixed a bug with items that were on shelves that were hammered
  • The changes set in the customization are now properly applied to the game itself
  • Wilba can eat monster meat without penalty now.
  • Fixed the background color problem when generating a ROG world.

[Hamlet Game Update] - 293829 (11/08/2018)

Bug Fixes
  • Bug reporter didn’t properly unpause the game
  • World customization now works properly when world hopping in SW
  • Fixed a typo

[Hamlet Game Update] - 2937099 (11/08/2018)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the Crafting menu in non Hamlet compatible worlds.
  • Fixed startup crash for people who had played the screecher previously
  • Fixed a crash that was looking for a missing DLC button for some people
Don't Starve - Klei-JoeW

Well, here we are! 

Today we launched Don't Starve: Hamlet into Early Access. Like our previous DLC for Don't Starve we will be using this time with Hamlet to gather feedback and put the finishing touches on the game. 

With the launch of Early Access we introduce Wilba and Roc:

  • Wilba: Daughter to Queen Malfalfa, Princess Wilba has the love of her people. If only she wanted the job. She would much rather be out in the world exploring and soaking up life, even if she still requires a nightlight when she gets tucked in.
  • ROC: There's something that moves above the clouds. No one talks about it. No one answers questions about it. Maybe that's cause they are just pigs. But it seems pretty freaking big.  Was that just your echo? or the lonely cry of 500 tonnes of bird?
Head over here for a full list of update notes. 

What happens next?

Between November the 8th and the launch currently planned for December, we will continue with more content and bug fix updates and prepare for the coming Aporkalypse.

Once again, thanks everybody for your support. Please enjoy Hamlet and keep sending us your suggestions and feedback!
Don't Starve - Klei-JoeW
Originally posted by Bigfoot on the official forums.

Hello everybody,

First of all, a HUGE thanks to everybody participating in the beta right now. We have got so much feedback from you all (almost 12,000 of you!), it's really helped to energize the team and we're all super excited to launch Don't Starve: Hamlet in December.

Here is an update of our plans for Hamlet:

  • As planned, the Beta phase of Hamlet ends today.

  • As a thanks for all your outstanding feedback, all current beta testers will get to keep the game, for free. Thanks for signing up and helping out, you all really knocked it out of the park, and it's very much appreciated.

  • The price of Hamlet is going to be $6.99. We feel the amount of content that Hamlet has is worth a slightly higher price; we hope you agree! Players will also be able to purchase the new Megapack Plus, which is 33% off all the Don’t Starve franchise content, and you can complete the bundle and only purchase the part you do not currently own.

  • We’ve received a lot of feedback that players want access to the game before December, and that it feels ready to play now.

    The team isn’t quite ready to call it out of Beta right now, so we’re going to fix a few more bugs, balance the game, introduce Wilba & the Roc, then launch it in Early Access on November 8.

  • Between November the 8th and launch, we will continue with more content and bug fix updates and prepare for the coming Aporkalypse.

Once again, thanks everybody for another great round of beta!
Don't Starve - KJan

Hey everybody, we're so close. Hamlet Closed Beta is right around the corner!

Registration is now closed!

For more information, check out the FAQ and sign up on our original forum post:


Hey everybody. Just a quick update. 

We're not going to be sending out emails. We decided it would take too long to sync up the emails and the granting of the game in steam. So we're going to just start letting people in by granting access in steam. 

So. If you signed up and you own DS on steam, you will be getting into the beta. 

HOWEVER - this process takes some time, so once it starts, don't get scared if you are not in right away, it's going to take several hours to let everybody in. We have not started this part yet - we needed to make some adjustments that are taking longer than anticipated. 

But I wanted to let you all know because I know that you're "patiently" waiting for everything to start. 

I will inform you all here when access starts going out and I will let you know when the last person is added. 

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