Dec 18, 2019
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
happy christmas - 6 new events!
- fixed: 3-up battle selection screen: enemy HP above MAX!
- new: classic game mode now includes 3-up battle selection screen, (after 100 days, 30% of the time)
- fixed: camera position resets when behemoth takes damage in battle
- fixed: mouse up after clicking event outcome triggered a click on gladiator (kids, use a game engine. if you write a game in c to prove something to the world, let me be the first to tell you its a dumb idea.)

Nov 29, 2019
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
- fixed: jupiters sheild in tharex upgrade path
- fixed: ai bug preventing evasive maneuvres (actually a section of code that was commented out for debugging but never got put back in becuase omfg u guys its not even funny any more why wont this end)
- fixed: max stamina bar clamped on battle screen, while mind controlling.
- sacked: all the previous people responsible for sacking the previous people who should have been sacked but were not sacked.
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
  • fixed: ACCIDENTAL CLICK on EVENT - if mouse was not actually clicked on event window, the mouse-up will not select an option. (sorry, this issue was fixed for ALL other windows, except the stupid event window)
  • equipment upgrade order fixed AGAAAAAAIN (but you'll be delighted to know, we found the bug in our toolchain that was causing this issue and the responsible parties have been sacked.)
  • equipment weight adjustments (on a few of the more ridiculous ones.)
  • beta DLC: velite - added missle hp dmg mofidiers based on attack training.
  • beta DLC: increased unlocks per player 1! (total: 3)

Nov 27, 2019
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
fixed: endless mode jupiter's blessings would stop showing up (500 cards deployed wtfffff who are you people? new limit is 750)

hall of heroes:
  • hibernating gladiator can now be smashed, rather than only having the option to restore him.
  • fixed incorrect "full" warning when there was an empty space available.
  • fixed audio volume

  • fixed training spot alignment
  • 2 more spots

  • ai will attempt to restock with arrows rather than fall back to using the bow as a club, once in a while
  • arrow damage multiplier: gladiator training now provides added damage to arrows on impact.
Nov 21, 2019
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
- fixed: domina missing hair/equipment before domina challenge. (this game is super fair.)
- fixed: negative HP opponent in pit fights!
- fixed: sagittarius/retiarius save/load right/left equipment malfunction
Nov 15, 2019
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
- endless mode: increased chance of a 1v1 battle option in selection screen
- sagittarius: dual fisting bow appeared while standing. (it'd be cool... but lets not.)
- sagittarius: cant upgrade alternate equipment until he has a bow equipped
- (ffs Jupiter may this finally be) fixed: exhibition matches incorrectly assigning victory/loss to the wrong guy beacuse you'd think something that simple wouldnt be possible to break, more than once, but here we are again.
- balancing: equipment loss chance reduced by 50% overall.
- fixed: ai: high TURTLE guys incorrectly get locked into an evasive loop, kiting away -> now they correctly just turtle, more often.
- new: red damage indicator doesnt flash alpha channel any more
- new: rather than just NOT roll any more, there is a slight chance (based on ai training) that gladiator will still get a grace-roll even if there is no stamina
- inventory: behemoth equipment hidden now (most had no descriptions or prices correctly set since they're not upgradable or transferable, so no point)

- fixed: tharex shield upgrade order broke (this is the sort of stuff thats impossible and yet, here we are, 2 years from launch? wtfffff)
- fixed: 'opponent' gladiator in exhibition match would not have damage modified after match, if he was healing when he went into battle.

Nov 8, 2019
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
- new: sagittarius class is now available to limited beta!

- new: velite class is now available to limited beta!

- ai upgrade: ai will attempt to avoid being cornered or confined against a wall. the more skilled, the faster the gladiator will attempt to escape.

- increased freebie DLC unlock codes to TWO (2) II !!, for beta testers who know the top secret password, the right people, the right connections, you know who you are. wink. no, you're being weird.

- triumphant return of the heal button (hp costs more coin, and scales with game difficulty, so as to reflect the true cost of having an external professional heal the dude, which is obviously what we should have done in the first place, but the button was buggy AF so, hey, we tried to sweep one under the rug for a quick win but yall said "WE'RE OBVIOUSLY STILL USING THAT BUTTON, DUMB****" and we were like "oops shit shit shit shit shit shit" but here we are... its a new day.)

OSX note: unfortunately, we're dropping OSX support for now. reasons are numerous but mainly: having not booted an apple device in months, we're focused on this DLC getting done and waiting for dust to settle on OSX changes to see what we can offer in the future.
Oct 30, 2019
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
1.2.30 BETA
  • fixed: ESC key to close Jupiter's Blessing Deck does not reset camera position correctly
    • chariot racing :
    • naked dudes have significant power:weight ratio advantage now
    • charioteer DLC now in testing - will mitigate his armour weight with AI training, and now has a whip to turbo boost horse! (right-mouse/Defend-key while in chariot, use/'E' while in regular battle)
    • chariot physics model is now MORE POINTY! to clear debris from piling up in front of it
    • chariot wheels have slightly different friction characteristics now, to stop them sticking to the front of horses and chariots

1.2.31 BETA
  • attempted fix: ai stun lock (not rolling, not attacking, even when stamina available) was a snafu with DLC: trying to add a new dimension of AI to the game, and the new code interfered with the old. should be fixed now!
  • fixed: jupiter's blessing defence priority card may cause game crash, first time it used in battle.
  • fixed: sparks re-enabled when opponents defend/block was hit
  • fixed: gladiator running into fence if a weapon was dropped beyond it (well look, you dont want INTELLIGENT HUMANS fighting to the death, thats awful, you want veritable oxen, so AI can't be too smart, see, ya, thats the ticket.)

1.2.32 BETA
fixed: bug with collisions happening on a weapon before hitting a gladiator's body
Oct 28, 2019
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
- attempted fix: ai stun lock (not rolling, not attacking, even when stamina available) was a snafu with DLC: trying to add a new dimension of AI to the game, and the new code interfered with the old. should be fixed now!
- fixed: jupiter's blessing defence priority card may cause game crash, first time it used in battle.
- fixed: sparks re-enabled when opponents defend/block was hit
- fixed: gladiator running into fence if a weapon was dropped beyond it (well look, you dont want INTELLIGENT HUMANS fighting to the death, that's an incredible waste. well no excuses, this is just bad programming.)
Oct 24, 2019
Community Announcements - DolphinBarnInc
- fixed: ESC key to close Jupiter's Blessing Deck does not reset camera position correctly
chariot racing :
- naked dudes have significant power:weight ratio advantage now
- charioteer DLC now in testing - will mitigate his armour weight with AI training, and now has a whip to turbo boost horse! (right-mouse/Defend-key while in chariot, use/'E' while in regular battle)
- chariot physics model is now MORE POINTY! to clear debris from piling up in front of it
- chariot wheels have slightly different friction characteristics now, to stop them sticking to the front of horses and chariots

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