Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Dom_Larian
Are you ready for another adventure? We’re delighted to announce the start of a new journey; one that takes Divinity offline and into the realm of friends, hijinks, and shenanigans. Join us on Kickstarter as we bring an entirely new Divinity adventure into the world of board games.

Developed by Lynnvander Studios in very close collaboration with Larian Studios, Divinity: Original Sin - The Board Game features brand new characters as well as notable characters from Divinity: Original Sin 2, all represented by high quality sculpted miniatures.

For a taste of the adventure, click the video below to get a sense of the experience as Larian and Lynnvander take on the Black Ring Commander.

Creating an analogue adventure game that you could enjoy at home with your friends and family has been something we’ve wanted to do for a very long time. We’ve been on the lookout for a partner who could successfully capture the Divinity: Original Sin experience in a board game format. After many, many prototypes, we’re delighted to say Lynnvander have really come up with something that hit the core of what we tried to do with Divinity.

It’s a narrative focused game about adventure, bravery, friendship. It’ll give you an immense amount of choice and consequence, as you decide how to deal with the challenges put in front of you.

Interactive story, elemental interactions, source magic, exploration, cooperative play, replayability, crafting, great combat, epic loot and equally epic monsters, it's all included to give you the most authentic video game to board game adaption we could hope for.

Divinity: Original Sin - The Board Game will take a party of up to four players through the challenges of being a sourceror captured by the Divine Order and escaping from the internment camp known as Fort Joy. Encounter new stories and meet new characters as you experience the adventure in a new way. You can play as new origin characters, and live out their stories or play as one of the core characters from the video game.

The game’s development is already in an advanced stage and plays really well. While there’s still some work to be done, our primary goal for this kickstarter is to see what interest there is in the game. The more backers we get, the bigger and better the game becomes because it lowers the manufacturing costs and lets us put more things in the box.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you like what you see and will support us on Kickstarter!
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Jess_Larian

Hello everyone,

Today we’re releasing our latest Gift Bag: Order & Magic. Packed full of new features – including options to randomize combat, increase your haggling ability, and organise your sweet, sweet loot – all of which will be effortlessly added to your game, absolutely free.

As ever, the contents of each Gift Bag are accessible via the in-game menu, where you can independently enable or disable each individual feature. Of course, these are compatible with all prior Gift Bags (Beauty Salon and Song Of Nature), and you’re free to enable as many or as few as you'd like!

Gift Bag 3 includes:

Pet Power
Pet Power greatly enhances the summoning class and its infusion spells. With this feature, you can cast infusion spells on all available summons, not just your own Incarnate. Each summons receives different skills depending on the base elemental infusion type.

Combat Randomizer
When entering combat, one or more random enemies will receive one of the new special statuses created specially for this feature. Think you know how a particular fight is going to go down? Not any more! This will change everything you thought you knew about combat, with each battle presenting a fresh new challenge.

Nine Lives (Back Cat+)
Transforms the Black Cat into a follower. Once rescued, a whistle will appear in your inventory. You can use this if your cat gets lost or if you want to change who it follows.

Improved Organisation
Find a collection of special bags that allow you to better (and automatically) organise your inventory.

Sourcerous Sundries
In each major hub, you can now find a mysterious vendor selling exotic and potent artifacts. These artifacts can upgrade a character’s gear with immense power, bringing them up to the players' current level.

Tired of forgetting to switch to your 'haggling' character when talking to traders? Now the reputation and skill of your whole party can help you wrangle the best prices!

Please note that once enabled, these features will roll over to your saves on PC, or vice versa on Switch if you have cloud save transfers enabled.

Remember, if you want exclusive updates on all things Larian, Divinity and Baldur’s Gate 3, make sure you’re signed up to the Larian Gazette at the following link: eepurl.com/gs7nAb

Happy adventures,
The Larian Crew

In addition to the Gift Bag content, there are a number of updates and fixes included in the patch today. These cover:

  • Added Japanese language

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed crash in multiplayer Mac-PC crossplay with Crafter’s Kit enabled
  • Fixed crash related to loading saves with Larian modifications enabled
  • Fixed major issue related to enabling/disabling Larian modifications in conjunction with community mods
  • Fixed issue where player could steal Drudanae from the Elf Herbalist without any consequence
  • Fixed player not receiving points for level up if inside Magic Mirror
  • Fixed the Battered Raft being destructible
  • Fixed music not playing during loading sequence when Larian modifications are enabled
  • Fixed rare issue with Alexandar remaining in battle even after death
  • Fixed rare issue when failing to pickpocket Meistr Siva
  • Fixed rare chance of player ending up stuck in combat during the fight for Divinity
  • Fixed minor issues with UI selection when playing with a gamepad
  • Fixed small issues with VO and dialogue in Herb Gardens
  • Fixed minor text and localization issues
  • Fixed minor visual and animation issues
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Dom_Larian
Divinity: Original Sin 2 is now released on Switch. The reception has been very good with Gamespot hailing it as one of the best games on Switch with a 10/10 score, and USgamer is calling it “a masterpiece of role-playing, wherever you go.”

Divinity: Original Sin 2 launched on the Nintendo Switch with the completely unique feature that allows players to share their Steam save files between PC and their Switch, seamlessly and as often as they like.

If you are wondering how such a thing is possible, wonder no more. Watch as Baldur’s Gate 3 and Divinity: Original Sin 2 Creative Director Swen Vinke stealthily (he thinks) infiltrates the home of Portal, Index, and of course, your entire collection of PC games. See things you weren’t supposed to see, and some things you wish you never had!

You heard it here first! Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition will be the first game featuring cross-save compatibility between Switch and Steam. That means you can store your saves on the Cloud when playing at home and continue your adventure on the road on Switch. As one source within Larian indicated, "It took some true heroes at Valve and Nintendo to make this happen. And let’s not forget our partner Blitworks who made work very hard to make this port possible. A hearty thanks to everyone!."
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Jess_Larian

Hello everybody!

We have two pieces of exciting news to talk about today.

First, today marks the release of a new Gift Bag: Song of Nature. There are thousands of mods out there but some have proven to be quite popular within our team and we decided to turn them into game features. Full credit for this goes to each and every mod-maker we reached out to for this to come to light. We've tried to do their ideas justice by fully integrating them into the game and developing them further. There is now a special entry in the in-game menu from which you can access all these features and the list will be extended with future Gift Bags, with original content to come.

Secondly, we have some massive news for you. If you happen to own a Nintendo Switch, then you’ll be able to take all your hundreds of hours of gameplay on the go from today. Divinity: Original Sin 2 has just been released on the Nintendo E-Shop, and it comes not only with all of the Gift Bags you’ve enjoyed on Steam, but also cross-save progression between the Switch and Steam.
It works pretty simply: once you buy DOS2 from the E-Shop and load up the game, you’ll be asked if you want to link to Steam. If you choose to, it’ll automatically grab your saves from the elusive and impenetrable Steam cloud (you’ll see how we managed this next week), and your save will be playable on the Switch. It works vice-versa, too. Finished with a game? It’ll upload the save back into the cloud. You’ll need to be connected to the internet as well as Nintendo’s online service, but you’ll need that anyway if you’re venturing into four player coop on the Switch (which is totally possible!)

We’re extremely proud to be able to bring this to the players in cooperation with Nintendo and Valve who helped us plug everything together.

As a reminder, if you're looking for exclusive updates on all things Larian, Divinity and Baldur's Gate 3, make sure you sign up to the Larian Gazette at the following link: eepurl.com/gs7nAb

Happy adventures through Rivellon,
Larian Crew

Gift Bag 2 features

Crafter's Kit
Plenty of new recipes and unique items to craft!

Endless Runner
Find a new icon in your Hotbar which you can use to toggle sprint on and off. Sprint increases your movement speed of your party and the movement speed of your followers.

Animal Empathy
Allows all player characters to talk to animals without having to spend a talent point. Also Changes Pet Pal talent to grant maximum positive attitude in all conversations with animals.

Fort Joy Magic Mirror
Manifests a Magic Mirror in the Arena of Fort Joy, along with a new Character Creation level. This allows you to respec before moving on to the next act of the game.

8 Action Points
Increases the base maximum Action Points of hero characters to 8.

Herb Gardens
Plant your own herb garden! Take any herb and combine it with a bucket to create a seedling. Then just place your seedling in the ground and watch it grow.
We will have additional Gift Bags of free and cool content for you in the coming months, too!

Special thanks to Helaene, Kalavinka, LadyCassandra, Rockfire, LaughingLeader, SimranZenov, Elvasat, Baardvaark, JonTerp, DeadlyEssence01 and The Composer for creating the awesome mods these features were inspired by.

In addition to the Gift Bag content, there are a number of fixes included in the patch today. These cover:

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed rare crash when using the Magic Mirror in multiplayer
  • Fixed rare crash when returning to the Main Menu from Story
  • Fixed issue with conjuring Incarnates on electrified water surfaces
  • Fixed some inconsistencies between in-game models and portraits
  • Fixed skills not staying on hotbar after being unmemorized
  • Fixed character portraits getting stuck to the cursor in certain situations
  • Fixed rare chance of player indefinitely boosting stats while in multiplayer
  • Fixed rare issue with turn order after player gets knocked down
  • Fixed several small UI issues
  • Fixed small text and name issues
  • Fixed minor visual and audio issues
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Dom_Larian

The Gazette prides itself on bringing you the latest and greatest breaking news about all things Larian, and the insider stories that go with it.

Yesterday‘s headline was the show-stopping, heart-pounding revelation that “LARIAN STUDIOS IS MAKING BALDUR’S GATE 3!” A teaser trailer of our new role-playing game was unveiled yesterday, and it was so spectacularly intense that the internet went into auto-censorship mode. In case you missed it - and you have the stomach for it - you can find the uncut version here:


The Gazette was more than a little intrigued by the mind flayer invasion of Baldur’s Gate. Our best reporter pursued their slimy trail to discover how Larian convinced Wizards of the Coast to let them unleash their madness on the crown jewel of the Sword Coast.

The brave reporter went deep undercover and resurfaced with a harrowing tale involving no less than the brutal abduction of Wizards’ own Mike Mearls! Interpol has been alerted of the situation, and you, dear reader, may rest assured that the Gazette is monitoring the situation closely! In the meantime, please enjoy our full video report:


For more breaking news and behind the scenes stories about everything Larian, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter at https://baldursgate3.game/. You've helped us make two amazing games already, dear reader, and your reactions and feedback as we post updates will be as valuable as ever. We will not be doing any more Kickstarter updates so signing up for the newsletter is the definitive way to stay posted.

You can of course also follow us on social media, and click Youtube’s notification bell, just to make sure you never miss the many shenanigans and investigative journalism to come.

Speaking of social media: try using the hashtags #gatheryourparty, #baldursgate3, and #bg3 when tweeting to see our brand new Mindflayer Emoji!

Finally, please make sure you wishlist the game here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1086940/Baldurs_Gate_III/




Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Jess_Larian
Hi Everyone,

Good news for our Korean players - you can now play the Definitive Edition of Divinity: Original Sin 2 in Korean on PC.

To change languages, right-click the game in your Library, choose Properties, and go to the Languages tab. If Korean doesn't pop up, try restarting Steam.

Happy adventures through Rivellon!

Larian Crew

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Jess_Larian
We’re so happy to announce this one. Divinity: Fallen Heroes is a game we’ve wanted to make for a long time. Ever since Dragon Commander, we toyed with the idea of mixing D:OS tactical turn-based combat with Dragon Commander’s decision-making elements. We thought there was a very cool game hiding in there, but we never had the resources to make it. Since then, the idea remained unexplored.

Until now.

Last year, we gave the D:OS2 engine to Danish studio Logic Artists and asked them to see where it’d take them. Their brief was to develop a game in which your narrative choices affect which missions you can play-- and where your performance during these missions would affect subsequent narrative options.

The result was truly awesome. Thus, some time later this year, there will be a new stand-alone Divinity game featuring all our favourite characters, tactical turn-based combat, and plenty of difficult decisions to make. There’s tons of new combos to discover, tons of combat enhancements and… you can play with a friend in co-op!

The story will see you take on the role of commanders in the Divine Order, charged with arresting the half-demon Malady for stealing the Order's doomsday weapons. Before you know it, you’ll be engaged in a high-stakes play for global domination against none other than the Lord of Chaos himself. Together with the former Godwoken and the unreliable half-demon, you’ll engage in a grand adventure that’ll see you become the last hope of the free world.

To get a first taste of Divinity: Fallen Heroes, check out our brand new shiny trailer. And if you’re lucky enough to attend PAX East, come to our booth and try out the game yourself. We’re demoing an early build to collect feedback.

It’s still early days and we have plenty of work left to do, but do let us know your thoughts and what you would hope to see in Divinity: Fallen Heroes. We’re listening, and as always, your feedback will help us make the game better.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Jess_Larian

Fellow Godwoken,

We're pleased to tell you that our latest update is now live, and it features our first Gift Bag of free content for Divinity: Original Sin 2! Working in cooperation with Fool's Theory and Anshar Studios, we have created new visual options for your characters. There are new faces for each race, more hairstyles, and additional facial features for you to use when creating a new character. You can also respec your existing characters using these new options by using the Magic Mirror aboard the Lady Vengeance.

We have more Gift Bags planned for this year, and the treats inside will continue to enrich your adventures in Rivellon. We will have more information about future Gift Bags for you soon, and we can’t wait to see what you do with them.

In addition to today’s Gift Bag, in this update we have also addressed issues with fast-traveling to the Lady Vengeance, Sir Lora incorrectly absorbing Source, and some minor audio and visual issues.

Happy adventures through Rivellon,

Larian Crew

Full patch notes below:

  • Added new Character Creation assets
  • Mac Pro 2013 now supported
  • MacOS 10.14.4 introduces a fix for Apple Gamecenter lobbies

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a rare crash when joining multiplayer games with certain mods
  • Fixed save file compatibility issue
  • Fixed an issue with using the Swornbreaker in multiplayer games
  • Fixed issue with player fast-traveling to Lady Vengeance
  • Fixed Dashing June not taking gold from player inventory
  • Fixed Sir Lora incorrectly absorbing Source
  • Fixed the Frozen Family incorrectly initiating combat if defrosted in a certain way
  • Fixed issue with Malady not appearing on the lower deck in some situations
  • Fixed issues with players not receiving Seascape and Liberator achievements
  • Fixed issues with The Gargoyle's Maze quest not appearing in the Journal under certain circumstances
  • GM: Fixed issues with certain children missing faces and limbs when switching torsos
  • Fixed minor visual and audio issues
  • Fixed some dialogue issues
  • Fixed UI cutoff in Spanish
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Jess_Larian
Hi Everyone,

We have some good news for our Italian players - from now on you can all play in your first language!

First of all, we’d like to thank you for your patience. We've been working hard with our friends from TIGER - Gruppo Traduzioni Amatoriali to deliver this localisation. You can be sure that lots of heart and love was put into this project, as TIGER are big fans of Divinity: Original Sin 2, so it was very personal to them.

Along with adding Italian, we have also addressed some issues with the AI not starting combat in certain instances and you can now close empty containers by using the space bar.

Happy adventures through Rivellon!

-Larian Team

Full patch notes below:

  • Italian added as a language

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed empty containers not closing with space bar
  • Fixed certain NPCs not entering combat when attacked from a distance

Mac Specific Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed visual issue with journal pages
  • Fixed scrolling issue when using a mouse wheel
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Jess_Larian

Hi Everyone,

Our latest update for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition is now live! We've addressed the AI skipping turns and issues with loading saves when certain mods are in use.

Wishing you happy travels through Rivellon!

Larian Crew

Full changelist below:

General issues:
  • Fixed AI skipping turns in some cases
  • Fixed crash loading saves with certain mods

Mac Specific:
  • Initial support for Intel Iris configs
  • The launcher now shows on first launch so you can select a language

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