Dead Cells - Night
If you somehow missed it the first time, you're in for a treat!

It's been a whole year since you stormed Dracula's Castle on a new quest, met famous heroes, fought classic monsters with iconic weapons and confronted Death & Dracula in epic boss battles, all backed by original and re-imagined tunes!

And to celebrate this joyous occasion, we've dropped the price on the base game and all DLC, including Return to Castlevania!

There's no better time to storm the castle and take the fight to old Dracula himself.

What you can expect...

Castle Outskirts

Before you can enter Dracula's Castle, you'll need to venture through the gardens, across the moat and up the ramparts while avoiding traps and fighting off countless evil minions.

Don't get distracted by the view and keep your eyes peeled for hidden pathways, secret rooms and a certain energetic feline...

Dracula's Castle

Moonlight streaming through stained glass windows. Ornate pillars holding up ceilings of magnificent halls. Towering spires pushing into the night sky over fortified battlements.

The beauty of Dracula's Castle hides a dark heart, as undead creatures wait to pounce from every direction. Make your way from the entrance hall to the top of the castle and find the lair of the most powerful vampire of them all...

Boss Fights

This DLC comes with not 1, but 3 new bosses! Death and Dracula take no prisoners and you are no exception. Be prepared for epic battles against majestic backdrops where the winner takes it all...

If you manage to beat these two creatures then prepare yourself for our most ambitious boss showdown yet!


14 new weapons can be won in this DLC, like the Vampire Killer, Throwing Axe & Holy Water. Each classic Castlevania item has been translated into the fast-paced combat of Dead Cells while keeping their original essence.

Wield whips, crosses and holy powers to carve your way through hordes of the undead and tame the evil powers of the night.

Richter Mode

Hidden somewhere in the castle is a bizarre room that turns you into the indomitable vampire hunter, Richter Belmont!

Unlocking a moveset inspired by his appearance in Symphony of the Night, you'll storm through a section of the castle finding vania moves and classic weapons that will push all the nostalgia buttons.


We're giving you access to an alternative soundtrack made of 51 of the original Castlevania tunes, that can be heard across the entire game.

On top of this, we've taken the 12 most iconic tracks, such as Vampire Killer, Bloody Tears and Simon Belmont's Theme, and reimagined them in the style of Dead Cells as a soundtrack for this DLC, while preserving the Castlevania ambiance of course.


Unlock 20 outfits as you progress through the castle, letting you roleplay as all your favourite characters like Alucard, Richter Belmont, Simon Belmont, Maria Renard, Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, or even Dracula!

We'll see you at the Castle Gates, Beheaded...
Dead Cells - Night

Hello Dead Cells players,

We're reaching out with some important updates on Update 34 "Clean Cut" on mobile, Update 35 "The End is Near" on PC/Consoles, and an important announcement regarding Dead Cells' future.

First off, Update 34 is set to arrive on mobile later this year - sorry about the wait. Our initial plan was to release it alongside Update 35, but as things unfolded, we had to adjust our timeline to get everything where we wanted it to be.

Speaking of Update 35, your patience and enthusiasm since its alpha release have been awesome. We really wanted to bring this update to you quickly, but it turns out we can't release it just yet. We are all hands on deck trying to figure this out, so please look out for more updates in the future.

Update 35 for Dead Cells marks the end of our creative journey on the game. After an incredible 5-year collaboration in bringing additional content to Dead Cells' live-ops, Evil Empire will be pursuing new adventures and we can't wait to see what they come up next. This comes after much reflection, especially following the awesome success of the "Return to Castlevania" DLC last year. Our commitment to avoiding the "more of the same" trap and keeping Dead Cells fresh and original has led us to this point; as we've seen with other long-running series, it's crucial not to overextend and risk diminishing the unique charm that makes Dead Cells special to us all. This change explains the recent quiet period on updates, as concluding such a partnership required careful planning to ensure a smooth process for everyone, including the community. As always, we will of course continue to find solutions to make sure that all quality of life issues and bugs are properly fixed across all platforms to provide a worthy experience to all of you.

With all that said, we are committed to continuing the journey in this amazing world with some really cool new stuff outside of the original game, so that more and more people can enjoy Dead Cells in totally new ways. Stay tuned for more updates about the Animated Series, the Board Game and… the Beheaded appearing in another world?!

In closing, we are wishing the best to Evil Empire on their upcoming projects and want to express our deepest gratitude to you, the players, for your unwavering support and passion for Dead Cells. Your enthusiasm fuels our commitment, and we're eager to embark on the next chapter of this journey together.

~ MT
Dead Cells - Bee
Dearest Dead Cells Veterans,

We have long been wondering what we should do next... 'Why not make a sequel to Dead Cells?’ we asked ourselves.

We tried a whole lot of... brilliant ideas:
  • 'Dead Cells: The Cooking Showdown' with the Beheaded as a master chef.
  • ‘Dead Cells: Love in the Dungeon', a dating sim where you can romance the Bosses
  • 'Dead Cells: The Musical' - self-explanatory... and still considering that one, to be honest.
Whilst we were musing on this, we got VERY distracted by this superfast controller we were toying with... and so we made something else instead. Whoops!

Meet Windblown!

OK, so, imagine DC downed like 312 energy drinks, and then slammed its fist into a 3D button. We then thought what if we made a game that was... absolutely absurdly fast. Almost silly levels of fast.

And we loved it tbh.

Then we’ve thrown in a bunch of those shiny clouds and some floating islands that are just SoOooooo eye-popping!

Ah, and who are you in this? You are a Leaper; one of our heroes who are on a mission to defend the Ark from a very aggro Vortex, hell-bent on destroying EVERYTHING in its path. On your journey you’ll be able to absorb memories of fallen warriors, and then put them to good use by infusing their skills into your weapons. You can become a killing MACHINE!

And guess what? This time, you're not just dodging death alone; you can bring up to 2 friends with you to share in the 'fun' of dying repeatedly! Together! Yey!

Your feedback has been instrumental in crafting DC into what it is today, and we would LOVE to bring you experts in once more to help us shape this little Windblown bad-boy too. Leap into Early Access, give us your unfiltered thoughts, and let's make this game another wild ride.

And hey, while you're here, we're stoked to hear what you think of the Windblown trailer and feel free to smash that wishlist button ;)

Get ready to dash, die, and repeat... again!

See ya soon!

~ MT

!!!!Windblown on Steam!!!!

Follow Windblown on Social
X: WindblownGame
Instagram: WindblownGame
TikTok: WindblownGame
Facebook: Windblowngame

Dead Cells - 你的宝贝
Hey everyone,

We've just pushed a new patch for the beta test of Update 35, including some Balancing works, adjustments on Graphics & UI as well as Music & Sfx, and Bug Fixes of course!

* This patch only affects the current beta test, if you are not participating in the beta, this does not affect you.

If you want to take part in the ongoing beta, just check out here for instructions on how to access.

Here's everything we changed:

  • Misericorde now applies curses only if the attack doesn't crit.
Graphics & UI:
  • Added a Minimap icon when a biome is incentivized.
Music & Sfx:
  • Updated a bunch of sounds for the new mobs.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed World Map displaying deprecated paths.
  • Fixed a bunch of translation problems.
  • Fixed Cursed and Incentivized biomes not reloading properly with the "Multiple lives" assist option on.
  • Fixed a crash when using the Emergency Door against Conjunctivius.
  • Fixed some projectiles not displaying outlines when the options was on.
  • Fixed some heads unlocking in the Training Room.
  • Fixed some visual and music bugs when killing Dracula in Training Room.
  • Fixed Richter not being able to jump down platform.
  • Fixed the number of cursed biomes always being 0 in some seeds.
That's all and thanks for taking part!

XYZ, Matt, EE & MT
Dead Cells - 你的宝贝
Hey everyone!

The upcoming update The End is Near is now in Beta! In case you missed the alpha post, in this update we are stuffing in new mobs, weapons, mutations and biome effects all expanding on the curse mechanic, 40+ new head skins, almost 20 new legendary affixes, extra accessibility options and more!

Before we go through the updated list of new content for the update, a quick note here for the players who didn't like the idea of Cursed mobs and might’ve missed our patches in the Alpha phase.
Instead of making cursed mobs spawn randomly in your run , we have introduced a new effect on biomes, Cursed Biomes, to make sure that players can choose to have cursed mobs in their run or not. Also, the players who choose to take the risk will now get rewards for taking on that risk. We are gonna elaborate more on this mechanic below!

Now, let’s get to the full list of new content:

New Curse additions:

3 new mobs:
  • Sore Loser: a cutie who can’t hurt you but is super clingy and annoying, always trying to be close to you and dash through you. When you kill it, you get cursed.
  • Doom Bringer: every melee attack from it won’t cause damage, but will apply 2 stack of curse and stun you, and you will instantly die if you have already got 50 stacks of curse. Sounds pretty fair right?
  • Curser: it launches a slow homing projectile that can go through the walls. If you “accidentally” get caught by this projectile, you take damage and 5 stacks of curse. One more surprise! If you get close to it, it will bonk you with its staff.
New Cursed Biome system:
  • Cursed biomes only spawn in runs with a Boss Cell level 2 or higher (boss fight biomes won’t be cursed).
  • Just like biome incentives, there will be a specific icon above the exit to a cursed biome, so that you can have the choice of taking this challenge or just going to the other normal biomes.
  • A cursed biome always contains 9 (+/-2) cursed mobs randomly selected from Curser, Sore Loser and Doom Bringer.
  • There is, of course, a reward for that risk: all the items dropped in a cursed biome will drop 1 gear level higher, regardless of their source (shop, loots, etc.). The spawn chance of cursed chests also increases by 10% in such biomes.
  • There is a cap to the number of cursed biomes that you can go through on your route, depending on the BC level, set as follows: from BC 2 to 5 respectively: 2, 3, 5 and 8 (i.e. in 5BC, there is no cap).
  • This cap only limits the number of Cursed Biomes that you can go to in a run, it doesn’t mean that you must go through that many Cursed Biomes to finish your run.
  • Once you have hit the cap, no more cursed biomes will appear in that run. Until you have hit the cap, cursed biomes will continue to appear.
  • As long as you haven’t reached the cap, biomes always have a 25% chance of being cursed. There will always be at least 1 biomes without cursed mobs at any point in your run, no exceptions.
3 new weapons:
  • Anathema: rip a Mushroom Boi’s heart out to fire a heavy indirect projectile dealing AOE damage. However, there is a price for being an utter savage - you will get cursed if your attack hits anything.

  • Indulgence: Calls down a ray of vengeful light on the nearest enemy dealing critical damage if you are not cursed. Targets killed by the ray purge you of 3 stacks of curse instead of 1. Fires 1 additional ray per 5 stacks of curse you have (max: 5 per cast).
  • Misericorde: inflicts crits if the victim has less than 50% HP. Curses you if the attack doesn't kill its target.
3 new mutations (all colorless):
  • Cursed Flask: your health flask has infinite charges but also curses you 20 times each time you use it.
  • Damned Vigor: upon being dealt fatal damage, you stay alive at 1 HP for 2 seconds. If you kill any enemy while under this effect, you will be saved. Otherwise, when the effect disappears or you get hit while under it, you instantly die without any sort of protection applicable.
  • Demonic Strength: Damage increases by 30% if you are cursed. This bonus is increased by 2% per curse stack you have. Cursed Sword counts as 1 stack for this effect (no special bonus for it, but you can still stack curses on top of it).
New legendary affixes:

  • Flawless: NEW Almost Perfect: Killing an enemy within one second after getting hit allows you continue causing crits.
  • Gold Digger: NEW Filthy Rich: Crit multiplier increases with your gold.
  • Punishment: NEW Punish Combo: Recasts the AOE effect if it kills at least one target.
  • Rampart: NEW Mirror Coating: Reflects damage of attacks received while under the effect of the shield's force field. This damage scales with the attack received (i.e., the stronger the attack is, the more damage the shield reflects).
  • Cocoon: NEW Parry Streak: Each consecutive parry reduces Cocoon's cooldown the next time it starts.
  • Emergency Door: NEW Armored Door: The door can't be destroyed by enemies (except for bosses).
  • Bone: NEW Whirlwind: Increases the last attack's whirlwind duration by 2 sec with every enemy it kills.
  • Wrenching Whip: NEW Retiarus: The first attack throws 3 crow's feet in front of you (with the same internal cooldown as the grenade affix).
  • Explosive Decoy: NEW Foolproof: The cooldown of the item is instantly reset if its explosion doesn't hit at least one target.
  • Barrel Launcher: Triple Bullet (i.e. not a new affix, but we changed the one it had before).
  • Leghugger: NEW Mitosis: Summons 2 Leghuggers instead of 1.
  • Assault Shield: NEW Charged Dash: Holding the shield button will charge a stronger version of the dash, which can then be used by releasing the button.
  • Ice Shards: NEW Bouncy: Projectiles bounce on the ground twice before disappearing.
  • Quick Bow: NEW Sharpshooter: Critical hits will refill one ammo.
  • Bladed Tonfas: NEW Lacerator: Only uses the first attack of the combo.
  • Grappling Hook: NEW Octavio: Also fires a chain behind you.
  • Tesla Coil: NEW Double Use: You can use the skill twice. Each use has its own cooldown.
  • Lightning Rods: NEW Double Use: You can use the skill twice. Each use has its own cooldown.
Some notable balances:

  • The Bank is slightly easier in 2, 4 and 5BC. Yeah, SLIGHTLY...
  • The Throw Master's bone projectile deals less damage in Return to Castlevania DLC.
  • Alienation rework: Instead of healing the player per curse reduced, it will now heal the player when the curse is lifted, with the amount of health recovered based on the max amount of curses you had (for that curse instance). The effect only starts triggering when the player had more than 5 curses, and requires 35 stacks of curse to fully heal you.
New head customisation:

What do we have in the Tailor’s Daughter’s secret stash?
  • Flame heads based on various appearances of the Beheaded along the years.
  • Bosses’ heads such as the Scarecrow Hat.
  • And lots of strange and secret heads, such as the Cell Head, are waiting for you!

New routing

We've also changed the connections between biomes:
  • Added an exit to Master's Keep in High Peak Castle.
  • Added exits to Corrupted Prison and Ossuary in Castle's Outskirts.
  • Added an exit to Dracula's Castle (early) in Corrupted Prison and Toxic Sewers.
  • Added an exit to Black Bridge in Dracula's Castle (early).
  • Added an exit to Defiled Necropolis in Ossuary.
  • Replaced the exit to Fractured Shrines in Defiled Necropolis by an exit to Graveyard.
  • Added a light source in the Mimic Hint lore room, when it spawns in Forgotten Sepulcher.
  • Added an exit to Dracula's Castle (late) in Mausoleum, Guardian's Haven and Clock Room.
Yes, this does mean that you can now go to both Return to Castlevania biomes in one run...

More accessibility options

  • Added two new sets of control icons and an option to select them. You can select either "Legacy" (current icons), "New" (a new, cleaner set) or "Big" (accessibiliy focused, easier to read).
  • Changed the Daily Challenge's boss arrow opacity, for better visibility.
  • Added new input options for the "going through platform" action.
  • Added options to change the controller triggers' deadzone.
  • Reworked the Auto-hit assist mode option. It will no longer force the use of a melee weapon in the first slot.
  • Added an option to add a background to most texts in the game. The background's color and opacity can be adjusted.
  • The left stick can now be used to scroll through item descriptions in the pause menu.
  • Added options to fully invert the player and camera movement.
  • Added a bunch of options to tweak the camera's behavior. The influence of the player's movement, combat, or points of interest can be customized.
  • Split the "controller sticks deadzone" into two options, one for each stick.
  • Added an outline option for spikes.
  • Added a button to center the minimap on the player.
We have also done some tweaks and fixed some bugs with this build:

Graphics & UI:
  • Added Latin-American Spanish and Polish as language options.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed Death Outfits being able to equip custom heads.
  • Fixed Spoiler Level's Lightning Walls being able to kill entities immune to lava.
  • Fixed Legendary Hook cooldown resetting when only one of the hooks missed.
  • Fixed a crash when loading a save with speedrun data.
If you wanna take part in this Beta test, please follow the instructions below:
  • Go to your Steam game library.
  • Right click on Dead Cells and click "properties".
  • Select the tab "Betas".
  • In the first dropdown box select "Beta".
  • Click close and wait for the upload to finish downloading.
  • Start playing.
Bug reports can be sent to us with the following form to help us collect all information on bugs and crashes in one place, this helps us to fix them quicker!
Bugs & Crashes Report

For feedback and suggestions, just leave them here or on our official Discord - there are two channels called update35-beta-discussion and update35-beta-feedback.

XYZ, Matt, EE & MT

Dead Cells - 你的宝贝
Hey everyone,

We've just pushed the fifth patch for the alpha test of Update 35, including some Balancing works and Bug Fixes.

* This patch only affects the current alpha test, if you are not participating in the alpha, this does not affect you.

If you want to take part in the ongoing alpha, just check out here for instructions on how to access.

Here's everything we changed:


  • Curser can now detect the player and shoot its projectile through walls.
  • Fixed Mimic despawning when trying to jump a very long distance.
  • Reduced Doom Bringer's speech frequency.
  • Increased Doom Bringer's walking speed when targeting a player.
  • Doom Bringer's stun attack radius was increased, and it can now hit through walls.
  • Doom Bringer's attack now gives two curses instead of one.
  • Alienation's minimum curse was reduced to 5.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed Death's instant death attack sending the player back to Prison when in Training Mode or Boss Rush.
  • Fixed heads' particle effects sometimes not playing.
  • Fixed some lore rooms still spawning in Dilapidated Arboretum with the "Disable Lore Rooms" option enabled.
  • Fixed a crash when Dracula's Castle tries to generate a Cursed Chest.
  • Fixed Giant sometimes getting stuck during the double fist slam attack animation.
  • Fixed some ranged multi-hit weapons (Scarecrow's Sickles, Cross, Bible, etc.) not dealing any damage after hitting an unbreakable door.
  • Fixed head unlock notification not replacing text variables with the right number.
  • Ygdar Orus Li Ox can no longer be removed from the inventory by resetting mutations.
  • Fixed Glitch head not unlock retro-actively.
  • Fixed Boss Rush Servants just standing there when skipping the fight.

That's all and thanks for taking part!

XYZ, Matt, EE & MT
Dead Cells - 你的宝贝
Hey everyone,

We've just pushed the fourth patch for the alpha test of Update 35 yesterday, including some Balancing works and Bug Fixes.

* This patch only affects the current alpha test, if you are not participating in the alpha, this does not affect you.

If you want to take part in the ongoing alpha, just check out here for instructions on how to access.

Here's everything we changed:


  • Reduced Cursed Biomes chance and increased the number of Cursed Mobs in a Cursed Biome.
  • Buffed Alienation's healing by reducing the curse threshold for a max heal.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed mob animations not being the right speed, when the mob was taunted or slowed.
  • Fixed Smoke Bomb damage buff not affecting projectiles.
  • Fixed Cursed Mobs replacing normal mobs instead of adding themselves to the list.
  • Prevent Boss Rush modified Concierge from jumping when the other instance is also jumping or throwing a fire wave.
  • Fixed not being able to roll in the other direction while holding the Morning Star.

That's all and thanks for taking part!

XYZ, Matt, EE & MT
Dead Cells - 你的宝贝
Hey everyone!

During the past few weeks we've seen a bunch of different opinions on the new curse additions, especially the cursed mobs…

We fully understand the pushback on mobs that give curses, as curse and its instadeath effect has always been an optional experience that gave extra rewards if you chose to add some spicy danger in your run.

In this update so far, the cursed mobs were unavoidable at 2BC+, even with a low chance of them spawning, and they didn't give any reward for the risk. So the choice was removed. For people who want to consciously avoid instadeath – no bueno.

Well, we like to trumpet that we work with the community when we add updates so, 'toot toot', we've listened to you, we've had lots of discussions and have come up with a new solution.

New 'Cursed Biome' system

The previous system where, from 2BC+, cursed mobs could randomly spawn in a random biome is gone.

Instead, we have introduced a new type of biome, Cursed Biome, which features the new cursed mobs in exchange for extra rewards. NOTE: This is not a new biome, it is a new effect on biomes.

And of course, you can choose to go into the cursed biome with its rewards, or go to the other biomes that don't have any scary cursed mobs.

How Cursed Biome works:
  • Cursed biomes only spawn in runs with a Boss Cell level 2 or higher.

  • Just like biome incentives, there will be a specific icon above the exit to a cursed biome, so that you can have the choice of taking this challenge or just going to the other normal biomes.

  • A cursed biome always contains 6 cursed mobs randomly selected from Curser, Sore Loser and Doom Bringer. This number might change based on alpha/beta feedback.

  • There is, of course, a reward for that risk: all the items dropped in a cursed biome will drop 1 gear level higher, regardless of their source (shop, loots, etc.). The spawn chance of cursed chests also increases by 10% in such biomes.

  • There is a cap to the number of cursed biomes that you can go through on your route, depending on the BC level, set as follows: from BC 2 to 5 respectively: 2, 3, 5 and 8 (i.e. in 5BC, there is no cap).
    This cap only limits the number of Cursed Biomes that you can go to in a run, it doesn’t mean that you must go through that many Cursed Biomes to finish your run.
    Once you have hit the cap, no more cursed biomes will appear in that run. Until you have hit the cap, cursed biomes will continue to appear.

  • As long as you haven’t reached the cap, there can be only up to 2 exits to cursed biomes at once. There will always be at least 1 biome without cursed mobs at any point in your run, no exceptions.
This system has been implemented in-game with a new patch, you just need to update the game now to have it in your run.

We believe that this is a good solution that respects the feedback players gave us, while also honouring our vision for the update, but we are still in Alpha phase so we still need feedback on this new system.
The numbers are easily adjustable, so if this new setup works on a basic level then we can tweak chances, percentages, ratios afterwards - if it's mathematical, we can rebuild it, we have the technology.

We also made other changes!

  • Alienation rework. Instead of healing the player per curse reduced, it will now heal the player when the curse is lifted, with the amount of health recovered based on the max amount of curses they had (for that curse instance). The effect only starts triggering when the player had more than 10 curses.
  • Slightly nerfed Anathema's damage.
  • Reduced Dracula's Castle (late) scroll fragments count, to match other biomes at the same depth.
  • Added a small cooldown to Emergency Triage forcefield.
Graphics & UI
  • Tweaked the update banner to improve readability.
Quality of life
  • Added a tooltip for Cursed Mobs in the Boss Cell Selection UI.
  • The Tailor's Daughter will now create notifications for any head you might unlock when talking to her.
  • Removed the "Leave the Body" prompt of the throne fountain, when at 5BC.
You can leave feedback in the comments here, or on our official Discord – there are two channels called update35-alpha-discussion and update35-alpha-feedback specifically for these conversations, so please use them!

As always, this patch only affects the current alpha test, if you are not participating in the alpha, this does not affect you.
If you want to take part in the ongoing alpha, just check out here for instructions on how to access.

XYZ, Matt, EE & MT
Dead Cells - 你的宝贝
Hey everyone,

We've just pushed the second patch for the alpha test of Update 35 yesterday, including some Balancing works and Bug Fixes.

* This patch only affects the current alpha test, if you are not participating in the alpha, this does not affect you.

If you want to take part in the ongoing alpha, just check out here for instructions on how to access.

Here's everything we changed:


  • Reduced the chance of having Cursed Mobs in a run to 40%.
  • Increased maximum number of levels where Cursed Mobs can appear.
  • Increased the spawning chance and the max number of Cursed Mobs per biome.
  • Removed some affixes from Anathema's pool: Pierce, Super Pierce and Fire Bullet.
  • Greatly increased Anathema's damage.
  • Anathema now only applies one curse when hitting an enemy.
  • Changed Anathema's legendary affix to Global Shield on Use.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed Servant Head not unlocking properly. It now unlocks after having killed all the servants at least 15 times.
  • Fixed Katana's dash attack not doing any damage if it hits a door.
  • Fixed Doom Bringer not dealing any damage when the player has more than 50 curses.
  • Fixed text backgrounds appearing in undiscovered parts of the minimap.
  • Fixed Deep Pockets not working with arrow or grenade affixes.
  • Fixed Blue Hole head not unlocking properly
  • Fixed custom heads' animation stopping in some situations.
  • Fixed Sewer's Tentacle movement particles not being played enough and being the wrong color.
  • Fixed a bunch of custom heads' horizontal and vertical offsets.
  • Fixed Boss Cell head not unlocking retroactively.
  • Fixed Anathema dealing melee damage.
  • Fixed Anathema's AoE damage not scaling to player and weapon stats.
  • Fixed a crash sometimes happening when reloading the game when the Owl was active.
  • Fixed Damned Vigor not letting the player resurrect when killing a boss.
  • Fixed heads having a downwards offset in the head selection UI.
  • Fixed Collector's menu flickering when opening it.
  • Fixed being able to use the flask at full health, when equipped with both Tainted Flask and Cursed Flask.

That's all and thanks for taking part!

XYZ, Matt, EE & MT
Dead Cells - 你的宝贝
Hey everyone,

We've just pushed a new patch for the alpha test of Update 35, including some Balancing works, Graphics & UI change and Bug Fixes.

* This patch only affects the current alpha test, if you are not participating in the alpha, this does not affect you.

If you want to take part in the ongoing alpha, just check out the post yesterday for instructions on how to access.

Here's everything we changed:

  • Increased Anathema's damage.
  • Added a cap to the number of levels that can have cursed monsters. This cap is different per difficulty.
  • Added a 50% chance for a run to not have cursed monsters.
  • Dead Inside no longer lets you use the Health Flask.

Graphics & UI:
  • Removed the crit display for Anathema.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed custom head animations not being updated after door transitions.
  • Fixed exit doors sometimes facing the wrong way.
  • Fixed Damned Vigor not working in training room.
  • Fixed Sore Loser not dropping the Indulgence blueprint.
  • Fixed the cooldown display of Decoy and Maria's Cat.
  • Fixed a crash when exiting the game while Medusa was performing her Petrification attack.
  • Fixed a crash sometimes happening when using the Leghugger or Serenade.

Cursed mob spawns

We also wanted to give more detail on the system that manages the way the new mobs spawn. It wasn't finished in time for the initial open alpha patch, but the new one released today contains a first implementation of the system.

Here is how it works in any given biome:
  • We start by checking if the run will have "cursed" mobs or not. This will be a 40% chance of happening (50% in the build you're playing on), meaning that in 60% of 2+BC runs, there won't be any cursed mobs at all.
  • If your run contains cursed mobs, we then check to see in how many biomes you have encountered them up until now. If this value is equal to the cap, you won't see any new cursed mobs in the rest of the run.
    The cap depends on the BC level and is set as follows, from BC 2 to 5 respectively: 2, 3, 5 and 8 (i.e. in 5BC, there is no cap).
  • Then, if you are both in a "cursed mobs" run AND you haven't reached the cap, we roll to see if any of the three mobs spawn. In the next alpha update, the probability of a mob spawning will be 60% (50% in the current build) and up to 2 of each mob can spawn in the biome.
    All of these are SEPARATE: I can very well roll and get no cursed mobs at all, or 1 Curser, 2 Sore Losers and no Doom Bringer.
    These values are the same across the board and do not vary between biomes.
As a reminder, please note that the cursed mobs start spawning in 2BC and never earlier. They start spawning after the first boss in 2BC, and then spread to the rest of the game as you progress towards 5BC, in which they can spawn anywhere.

That's all and thanks for taking part!

XYZ, Matt, EE & MT

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