Crusader Kings II - BjornB

“Jade Dragon” Pushes Borders Eastward with New Features Spanning India and Transoxiana

STOCKHOLM — Aug. 24, 2017 — Paradox Interactive, a stately pleasure palace devoted to ambitious rulers from all corners of the globe, announces a new expansion coming soon to Crusader Kings II. In “Jade Dragon,” the richest empire on earth looks to the west, seeking subjects and adventure.

In Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon, Paradox Development Studio introduces the Empire of China as an off-map influence that can give great rewards or great dangers to those whose realms lie in the shadow of the Dragon. Flatter the Emperor with gifts of gold or concubines. Ask favors from the mighty prince. Stay on the good side of his appointed marshals on your borders.

What’s the old saying about crisis being both “danger” and “opportunity”?

Paradox hopes you are not too Jaded to enjoy a new trailer:

Features coming in Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon include:
  • The Imperial Majesty Request: A new “China Screen” lays out the status and desires of the Emperor of China, letting you keep tabs on what he wants and how to earn his grace
  • Kow-tow For Now: Submit to the Empire as a tributary, always keeping an eye on the waning power of the Emperor, so you can time your escape to freedom
  • Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere: Disgruntled princes or curious adventurers may leave China to seek their own fortune to the west.
  • Booty and the East: Collect wondrous new Chinese artifacts for your characters, and explore a new Silk Road system that adjusts returns based on China’s stability.
  • Rally Points: Instruct your levies to automatically gather up exactly where you want them.
  • Dictionary of Chinese Characters: New Chinese and Tibetan portraits and Chinese units bring the empire to life
  • Eight New Casus Bellis: You can never have enough

Release date and price will be revealed at a later date
Crusader Kings II - BjornB

“Jade Dragon” Pushes Borders Eastward with New Features Spanning India and Transoxiana

STOCKHOLM — Aug. 24, 2017 — Paradox Interactive, a stately pleasure palace devoted to ambitious rulers from all corners of the globe, announces a new expansion coming soon to Crusader Kings II. In “Jade Dragon,” the richest empire on earth looks to the west, seeking subjects and adventure.

In Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon, Paradox Development Studio introduces the Empire of China as an off-map influence that can give great rewards or great dangers to those whose realms lie in the shadow of the Dragon. Flatter the Emperor with gifts of gold or concubines. Ask favors from the mighty prince. Stay on the good side of his appointed marshals on your borders.

What’s the old saying about crisis being both “danger” and “opportunity”?

Paradox hopes you are not too Jaded to enjoy a new trailer:

Features coming in Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon include:
  • The Imperial Majesty Request: A new “China Screen” lays out the status and desires of the Emperor of China, letting you keep tabs on what he wants and how to earn his grace
  • Kow-tow For Now: Submit to the Empire as a tributary, always keeping an eye on the waning power of the Emperor, so you can time your escape to freedom
  • Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere: Disgruntled princes or curious adventurers may leave China to seek their own fortune to the west.
  • Booty and the East: Collect wondrous new Chinese artifacts for your characters, and explore a new Silk Road system that adjusts returns based on China’s stability.
  • Rally Points: Instruct your levies to automatically gather up exactly where you want them.
  • Dictionary of Chinese Characters: New Chinese and Tibetan portraits and Chinese units bring the empire to life
  • Eight New Casus Bellis: You can never have enough

Release date and price will be revealed at a later date
Crusader Kings II - BjornB
# Balance
- When a Secret Religious Cult reveals itself, all members will join in the conversion instead of just the ones in the same realm
- The AI is now more often unsuccessful in recruiting new members to Secret Religious Cults
- Priests, Zealous characters and Paranoid characters are now much less likely to join a secret cult
- Characters accused of Apostasy (with the modifier) can no longer Induce Sympathy, Induct or Invite characters to Secret Cults
- The cooldown between inviting/inducting characters into Secret Cults increased to 10 years from 5
- The AI is now less likely to recruit/induct characters into cults if they are in a realm without a player
- Lowered the maximum amount of members the AI can recruit into Secret Religious Cults to a more modest number (from 370 to 91)
- Characters in Secret Religious Cults can now only use Prepare Grounds in counties they or their vassals own
- The AI is now much less inclined to create a secret religious cult just because their liege is a player
- Diplomatic immunity now also prevents release from prison, banishment, and execution

# AI Improvements
- When one AI tells another "get your ass over here" the other AI is now willing to cancel a siege it only just started to actually get "over here"
- The AI will no longer think that just because going back to Rome with its army briefly seemed like a good idea, it should continue going there even if it becomes apparent going to Rome is a terrible idea
- The AI will no longer decide that gathering up to join its allies is a terrible idea just because there's nothing to siege in that friendly province

# Bugfixes
- Fixed an issue where targets of Tainted Touch would get the effects of Soul Corruption rather than the caster
- Fixed giving someone multiple gifts on the same day causing the opinion bonus to stack, then disappear entirely on the next day
- Fixed one way government type could switch away from Tribal on succession for no apparent reason
- Fixed epidemics in some cases never ending due to being stuck on islands
- Fixed the Black Death in some cases never ending due to the end date not working
- If a Secret Religious Cult ends up without a Grandmaster, they will now disband
- Characters not in a society can low lose suspicion level
- When revealing your Secret Cults your suspicion level is reset
- No longer possible to sacrifice the same person to Satan multiple times
- Fixed councillor modifiers not being applied on the very first day of a campaign
Crusader Kings II - BjornB
# Balance
- When a Secret Religious Cult reveals itself, all members will join in the conversion instead of just the ones in the same realm
- The AI is now more often unsuccessful in recruiting new members to Secret Religious Cults
- Priests, Zealous characters and Paranoid characters are now much less likely to join a secret cult
- Characters accused of Apostasy (with the modifier) can no longer Induce Sympathy, Induct or Invite characters to Secret Cults
- The cooldown between inviting/inducting characters into Secret Cults increased to 10 years from 5
- The AI is now less likely to recruit/induct characters into cults if they are in a realm without a player
- Lowered the maximum amount of members the AI can recruit into Secret Religious Cults to a more modest number (from 370 to 91)
- Characters in Secret Religious Cults can now only use Prepare Grounds in counties they or their vassals own
- The AI is now much less inclined to create a secret religious cult just because their liege is a player
- Diplomatic immunity now also prevents release from prison, banishment, and execution

# AI Improvements
- When one AI tells another "get your ass over here" the other AI is now willing to cancel a siege it only just started to actually get "over here"
- The AI will no longer think that just because going back to Rome with its army briefly seemed like a good idea, it should continue going there even if it becomes apparent going to Rome is a terrible idea
- The AI will no longer decide that gathering up to join its allies is a terrible idea just because there's nothing to siege in that friendly province

# Bugfixes
- Fixed an issue where targets of Tainted Touch would get the effects of Soul Corruption rather than the caster
- Fixed giving someone multiple gifts on the same day causing the opinion bonus to stack, then disappear entirely on the next day
- Fixed one way government type could switch away from Tribal on succession for no apparent reason
- Fixed epidemics in some cases never ending due to being stuck on islands
- Fixed the Black Death in some cases never ending due to the end date not working
- If a Secret Religious Cult ends up without a Grandmaster, they will now disband
- Characters not in a society can low lose suspicion level
- When revealing your Secret Cults your suspicion level is reset
- No longer possible to sacrifice the same person to Satan multiple times
- Fixed councillor modifiers not being applied on the very first day of a campaign
Aug 7, 2017
Crusader Kings II - BjornB
Hello folks!

The Swedish summer vacations are drawing to a close and I’m back and eager to talk some more Crusader Kings! What better way to kick off the end of summer than by revealing the theme of the next expansion? Yes my friends, it’s China! Now, before you get all emotional one way or the other, we’re not actually going to expand the map farther east. We considered doing that, long and hard, but eventually decided on a different approach that would not strain performance and stability beyond reason. As I mentioned in Dev Diary #51, it bothers me that the eastern edge of the map just cuts off in such an unnatural way. Playing in the Orient, you should always feel like you’re in the shadow of the Dragon. It should be an interesting and dynamic region right in the center of the Old World. So, we came up with the idea of adding China as a political entity even though you cannot actually see most of its territory.

There is a new screen you can open up, which, if you’re within range of China, allows you to interact with the Emperor in various interesting ways. China can grant many wonderful boons if you’re in the emperor’s good graces, but, depending on the current status and policy of the Dragon Throne, the emperor can also decide you’d better show some respect and become a tributary state. When there is turmoil in China, displaced or fleeing armies can arrive on the map and cause all kinds of trouble. China can even seize and rule actual provinces, but the emperor leaves the governing of such areas to the Governor of the Western Protectorate (or, to be a stickler, the “Protectorate General to Pacify the West”.) Potentially, this on-map part of China can grow enormously powerful, but you should not have to worry too much as long as you enjoy the emperor’s grace…

That’s going to be all for now. I’m sure you have a million questions, but you’ll have to wait for the upcoming dev diaries. :)

Meanwhile, remember to tune in to our CK2 livestreams between 16 to 18:00 CET!

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Crusader Kings II Wiki
Crusader Kings II Development Diary Archive
Aug 7, 2017
Crusader Kings II - BjornB
Hello folks!

The Swedish summer vacations are drawing to a close and I’m back and eager to talk some more Crusader Kings! What better way to kick off the end of summer than by revealing the theme of the next expansion? Yes my friends, it’s China! Now, before you get all emotional one way or the other, we’re not actually going to expand the map farther east. We considered doing that, long and hard, but eventually decided on a different approach that would not strain performance and stability beyond reason. As I mentioned in Dev Diary #51, it bothers me that the eastern edge of the map just cuts off in such an unnatural way. Playing in the Orient, you should always feel like you’re in the shadow of the Dragon. It should be an interesting and dynamic region right in the center of the Old World. So, we came up with the idea of adding China as a political entity even though you cannot actually see most of its territory.

There is a new screen you can open up, which, if you’re within range of China, allows you to interact with the Emperor in various interesting ways. China can grant many wonderful boons if you’re in the emperor’s good graces, but, depending on the current status and policy of the Dragon Throne, the emperor can also decide you’d better show some respect and become a tributary state. When there is turmoil in China, displaced or fleeing armies can arrive on the map and cause all kinds of trouble. China can even seize and rule actual provinces, but the emperor leaves the governing of such areas to the Governor of the Western Protectorate (or, to be a stickler, the “Protectorate General to Pacify the West”.) Potentially, this on-map part of China can grow enormously powerful, but you should not have to worry too much as long as you enjoy the emperor’s grace…

That’s going to be all for now. I’m sure you have a million questions, but you’ll have to wait for the upcoming dev diaries. :)

Meanwhile, remember to tune in to our CK2 livestreams between 16 to 18:00 CET!

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Useful links
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Crusader Kings II Development Diary Archive
May 29, 2017
Crusader Kings II - BjornB


Today I’d like to talk to you about a part of the game that we’ve chosen to overhaul and improve - the Tributary system! Introduced in Horse Lords, the ‘Make Tributary’ CB allowed you to go to war with a neighboring realm to make them pay you 40% of their income until the death of your current character. It was quite a simple system that didn’t always fit the intended purpose very well, so we decided to make it more advanced and capable of diverse use!

Tributaries can now come in a lot of flavors, as they are entirely definable in a new ‘tributary_types’ file. You define a name and then you set the parameters for how you would like the Tributary to work. You are able to customize a lot of things, for example; the various tribute percentages, if the Tributary should be set free on death or if the Suzerain must defend the Tributary in wars.

With this new system we have lots of ideas on where we could add new types of Tributaries, i.e. Permanent Tributaries or Nomad Tributaries. If you have any ideas for a type of Tributary (and when it would make sense to have it/when to gain access to the CB) feel free to post a suggestion in this thread!

To demonstrate, here’s the script for an example Tributary type:

example = { # name used for that type of tributary. "default" is the standard type, replacing the old tributaries, and "none" is reserved and should not be used tributary_name = TRIBUTARY_DEFAULT_NAME # localization string used for tributaries of that type (ie "Tributary" for the default type, "Permanent Tributary" for the Permanent type, etc) tributary_plural = TRIBUTARY_DEFAULT_PLURAL # localization string used for tributaries of that type, when there is more than one (ie "Tributaries" for the default type, "Permanent Tributaries" for the Permanent type, etc) suzerain_name = SUZERAIN_DEFAULT_NAME # localization string used for suzerains of that tributary type (ie "Suzerain" for the default type, "Permanent Suzerain" for the Permanent type, etc) tribute_name = TRIBUTARY_DEFAULT_TRIBUTE # localization string used for "paying $TRIBUTE$" for that tributary type breaks_at_suzerain_death = yes # yes/no value determining if the tributary relationship is dissolved when the suzerain dies. breaks_at_tributary_death = no # yes/no value determining if the tributary relationship is dissolved when the tributary dies suzerain_must_defend = no # yes/no value determining if the suzerain is forced to accept calls to arms from tributary in defensive wars (wars were the tributary is the defender) # if they decline anyway, they will lose the tributary and an amount of prestige defined in defines.lua, called SUZERAIN_DEFENDER_CALL_DECLINE_COST tributary_can_be_summoned = yes # yes/no value determining if the suzerain can calls the tributaries to war (as tribal vassals / allies) tributary_must_defend = yes # yes/no value determining if the tributaries are forced to accept defensive calls to arms tributaries_can_infight = yes # yes/no value determining if the tributaries can fight against each others, if both tributaries are of the same type # if tributaries are of different types, they will always be allowed to fight each other, even if they have the same suzerain suzerain_can_join_infighting = yes # yes/no value determining if the suzerain can join a tributary in a war against another tributaries_can_unite = no # yes/no value determining if, when trying to break, the tributaries can band together against the suzerain, à la major revolt breaks_on_realm_change=yes # yes/no value determining if the tributary relationship is dissolved when the tributary's titles change realms cbs_against_suzerain = { # list of CBs tributaries can use against their suzerain free_tributary_cb } income_tribute_percentage = { # how much of their monthly income the tributary must pay to their suzerain. # THIS IS ONLY EVALUATED WHEN THE TRIBUTARY RELATIONSHIP IS FORMED # and is not reevaluated afterwards # this value is an MTTH and should compute a value between 0 and 1, inclusive # in case the total is less than 0, it will be counted as 0 # in case the total is more than 1, it will be counted as 1 # current scope is the tributary, FROM is the suzerain value = 0.10 additive_modifier = { value = 0.05 FROM = { is_merchant_republic = yes } } } reinforce_tribute_percentage = { # How much of the tributary's reinforcement rate will go to the suzerain's instead. # THIS IS ONLY EVALUATED WHEN THE TRIBUTARY RELATIONSHIP IS FORMED # and is not reevaluated afterwards # this value is an MTTH and should compute a value between 0 and 1, inclusive # in case the total is less than 0, it will be counted as 0 # in case the total is more than 1, it will be counted as 1 # current scope is the tributary, FROM is the suzerain # this is applied by subtracting the percentage, as is, from the tributary's reinforcement rate # and adding a scaled (based on demesne size= version of the percentage to the suzerain # So, for example, the tributary loses 10% of reinforcement rate, but the suzerain gains 10% * (tributary's demesne size) / (suzerain's demesne size) value = 0.10 additive_modifier = { value = 0.05 FROM = { is_merchant_republic = yes } } } prestige_to_suzerain = { # how much of prestige the suzerain gains every month per tributary (of that type) he holds # this value is an MTTH and the raw value will be added to the suzerain's prestige every month. # current scope is the suzerain, FROM is the tributary value = 0 } prestige_to_tributary = { # how much prestige the tributary gains every month # this value is an MTTH and the raw value will be added to the tributary's prestige every month. # to make them lose prestige, return a negative value # current scope is the tributary, FROM is the suzerain value = 0 } piety_to_suzerain = { # how much of piety the suzerain gains every month per tributary (of that type) he holds # this value is an MTTH and the raw value will be added to the suzerain's piety every month. # current scope is the suzerain, FROM is the tributary value = 0 } piety_to_tributary = { # how much of piety a tributary gains every month # this value is an MTTH and the raw value will be added to the tributary's piety every month. # to make them lose piety, return a negative value # current scope is the tributary, FROM is the suzerain value = 0 } }

I’d also like to expand upon something we touched upon in the last DD; the new ‘unjust conquest’ CB (now renamed to Border Dispute). When declaring a Border Dispute over a County you first and foremost have to pay an upfront cost of Piety and Gold scaled to your tier (in the case of Pagans, prestige is used), but you also take an opinion hit from both your religious head (if you have one) as well as any landed characters of the targeted religious group in both your realm and the one you’re attacking. Note that these opinion modifiers stack! This makes the border Dispute CB dangerous to use on characters of your own religion, especially if you have a religious head capable of excommunicating you. You will primarily want to use this CB to expand early on when drawing the ire of your co-religionists is worth the risk, or against characters not of your religion.

Example is of an Irish Count wanting to conquer another Irish Count.

Note that Muslims, Nomads and in certain cases Pagans do not have access to this CB, as their current CB’s are already superior. It is also possible to turn the CB off entirely by using Game Rules.

Note that we’ve also decided to leave Fabricate Claim as it is right now.


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May 29, 2017
Crusader Kings II - BjornB


Today I’d like to talk to you about a part of the game that we’ve chosen to overhaul and improve - the Tributary system! Introduced in Horse Lords, the ‘Make Tributary’ CB allowed you to go to war with a neighboring realm to make them pay you 40% of their income until the death of your current character. It was quite a simple system that didn’t always fit the intended purpose very well, so we decided to make it more advanced and capable of diverse use!

Tributaries can now come in a lot of flavors, as they are entirely definable in a new ‘tributary_types’ file. You define a name and then you set the parameters for how you would like the Tributary to work. You are able to customize a lot of things, for example; the various tribute percentages, if the Tributary should be set free on death or if the Suzerain must defend the Tributary in wars.

With this new system we have lots of ideas on where we could add new types of Tributaries, i.e. Permanent Tributaries or Nomad Tributaries. If you have any ideas for a type of Tributary (and when it would make sense to have it/when to gain access to the CB) feel free to post a suggestion in this thread!

To demonstrate, here’s the script for an example Tributary type:

example = { # name used for that type of tributary. "default" is the standard type, replacing the old tributaries, and "none" is reserved and should not be used tributary_name = TRIBUTARY_DEFAULT_NAME # localization string used for tributaries of that type (ie "Tributary" for the default type, "Permanent Tributary" for the Permanent type, etc) tributary_plural = TRIBUTARY_DEFAULT_PLURAL # localization string used for tributaries of that type, when there is more than one (ie "Tributaries" for the default type, "Permanent Tributaries" for the Permanent type, etc) suzerain_name = SUZERAIN_DEFAULT_NAME # localization string used for suzerains of that tributary type (ie "Suzerain" for the default type, "Permanent Suzerain" for the Permanent type, etc) tribute_name = TRIBUTARY_DEFAULT_TRIBUTE # localization string used for "paying $TRIBUTE$" for that tributary type breaks_at_suzerain_death = yes # yes/no value determining if the tributary relationship is dissolved when the suzerain dies. breaks_at_tributary_death = no # yes/no value determining if the tributary relationship is dissolved when the tributary dies suzerain_must_defend = no # yes/no value determining if the suzerain is forced to accept calls to arms from tributary in defensive wars (wars were the tributary is the defender) # if they decline anyway, they will lose the tributary and an amount of prestige defined in defines.lua, called SUZERAIN_DEFENDER_CALL_DECLINE_COST tributary_can_be_summoned = yes # yes/no value determining if the suzerain can calls the tributaries to war (as tribal vassals / allies) tributary_must_defend = yes # yes/no value determining if the tributaries are forced to accept defensive calls to arms tributaries_can_infight = yes # yes/no value determining if the tributaries can fight against each others, if both tributaries are of the same type # if tributaries are of different types, they will always be allowed to fight each other, even if they have the same suzerain suzerain_can_join_infighting = yes # yes/no value determining if the suzerain can join a tributary in a war against another tributaries_can_unite = no # yes/no value determining if, when trying to break, the tributaries can band together against the suzerain, à la major revolt breaks_on_realm_change=yes # yes/no value determining if the tributary relationship is dissolved when the tributary's titles change realms cbs_against_suzerain = { # list of CBs tributaries can use against their suzerain free_tributary_cb } income_tribute_percentage = { # how much of their monthly income the tributary must pay to their suzerain. # THIS IS ONLY EVALUATED WHEN THE TRIBUTARY RELATIONSHIP IS FORMED # and is not reevaluated afterwards # this value is an MTTH and should compute a value between 0 and 1, inclusive # in case the total is less than 0, it will be counted as 0 # in case the total is more than 1, it will be counted as 1 # current scope is the tributary, FROM is the suzerain value = 0.10 additive_modifier = { value = 0.05 FROM = { is_merchant_republic = yes } } } reinforce_tribute_percentage = { # How much of the tributary's reinforcement rate will go to the suzerain's instead. # THIS IS ONLY EVALUATED WHEN THE TRIBUTARY RELATIONSHIP IS FORMED # and is not reevaluated afterwards # this value is an MTTH and should compute a value between 0 and 1, inclusive # in case the total is less than 0, it will be counted as 0 # in case the total is more than 1, it will be counted as 1 # current scope is the tributary, FROM is the suzerain # this is applied by subtracting the percentage, as is, from the tributary's reinforcement rate # and adding a scaled (based on demesne size= version of the percentage to the suzerain # So, for example, the tributary loses 10% of reinforcement rate, but the suzerain gains 10% * (tributary's demesne size) / (suzerain's demesne size) value = 0.10 additive_modifier = { value = 0.05 FROM = { is_merchant_republic = yes } } } prestige_to_suzerain = { # how much of prestige the suzerain gains every month per tributary (of that type) he holds # this value is an MTTH and the raw value will be added to the suzerain's prestige every month. # current scope is the suzerain, FROM is the tributary value = 0 } prestige_to_tributary = { # how much prestige the tributary gains every month # this value is an MTTH and the raw value will be added to the tributary's prestige every month. # to make them lose prestige, return a negative value # current scope is the tributary, FROM is the suzerain value = 0 } piety_to_suzerain = { # how much of piety the suzerain gains every month per tributary (of that type) he holds # this value is an MTTH and the raw value will be added to the suzerain's piety every month. # current scope is the suzerain, FROM is the tributary value = 0 } piety_to_tributary = { # how much of piety a tributary gains every month # this value is an MTTH and the raw value will be added to the tributary's piety every month. # to make them lose piety, return a negative value # current scope is the tributary, FROM is the suzerain value = 0 } }

I’d also like to expand upon something we touched upon in the last DD; the new ‘unjust conquest’ CB (now renamed to Border Dispute). When declaring a Border Dispute over a County you first and foremost have to pay an upfront cost of Piety and Gold scaled to your tier (in the case of Pagans, prestige is used), but you also take an opinion hit from both your religious head (if you have one) as well as any landed characters of the targeted religious group in both your realm and the one you’re attacking. Note that these opinion modifiers stack! This makes the border Dispute CB dangerous to use on characters of your own religion, especially if you have a religious head capable of excommunicating you. You will primarily want to use this CB to expand early on when drawing the ire of your co-religionists is worth the risk, or against characters not of your religion.

Example is of an Irish Count wanting to conquer another Irish Count.

Note that Muslims, Nomads and in certain cases Pagans do not have access to this CB, as their current CB’s are already superior. It is also possible to turn the CB off entirely by using Game Rules.

Note that we’ve also decided to leave Fabricate Claim as it is right now.


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May 22, 2017
Crusader Kings II - BjornB

Greetings all!

One of the great things about meeting our dear players - you folks - in real life (such as at PDXCON) is getting to hear such a lot of constructive, persuasive suggestions for improvements. For example, two things that were brought up last week were how annoying the “Fabricate Claim” job is, and the fact that Siege Assaults are rather overpowered when you have the numbers to just blitz down even heavily fortified Holdings. So, we decided to experiment with some changes…

First off, we’re going to deemphasize the “Fabricate Claim” job by giving all playable entities (including Christians) a form of “Unjustified War” Casus Belli that will allow you to seize a single County for an upfront cost of Piety, Prestige or Gold (depending on your Religion and Government Form.) Ideally, I’d also like to replace the “Fabricate Claim” job with something else (maybe something to do with foreign embassies and arranging marriages, or something to do with Laws. Suggestions are welcome!) However, we might decide leave it there as it is (it does still have some uses.)

Next, we’re adding a Game Rule for Siege Assaults. The options are “Unlimited”, which works like before, “On”, which disables Assaults against Holdings at Fort Level 6 or above, and “Off”, which disables Assaults entirely. We’re currently playing around with these changes, so the exact rules for the “On” setting might change. On a related note, the time it takes to siege down Holdings is also being tweaked, to make it quicker overall but also making the Fort Level matter more.

When we sat down and talked about the above tweaks, we also decided to (rather dramatically) increase the “Ticking Warscore” rate for the attackers in wars. This necessitated splitting some defines (CONTESTED_TITLE_OCCUPIED_WARSCORE_BONUS, etc) into defender and attacker versions.

We are still evaluating how well these changes turned out. It’s likely we’ll tweak some numbers (or even backtrack on something.) So far though, it appears quite promising, positively altering the “rhythm” of warfare!

That’s all for now, stay tuned for the CK2 livestream, starting at 16:00 CET today. Until next time!

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Crusader Kings II Development Diary Archive
May 22, 2017
Crusader Kings II - BjornB

Greetings all!

One of the great things about meeting our dear players - you folks - in real life (such as at PDXCON) is getting to hear such a lot of constructive, persuasive suggestions for improvements. For example, two things that were brought up last week were how annoying the “Fabricate Claim” job is, and the fact that Siege Assaults are rather overpowered when you have the numbers to just blitz down even heavily fortified Holdings. So, we decided to experiment with some changes…

First off, we’re going to deemphasize the “Fabricate Claim” job by giving all playable entities (including Christians) a form of “Unjustified War” Casus Belli that will allow you to seize a single County for an upfront cost of Piety, Prestige or Gold (depending on your Religion and Government Form.) Ideally, I’d also like to replace the “Fabricate Claim” job with something else (maybe something to do with foreign embassies and arranging marriages, or something to do with Laws. Suggestions are welcome!) However, we might decide leave it there as it is (it does still have some uses.)

Next, we’re adding a Game Rule for Siege Assaults. The options are “Unlimited”, which works like before, “On”, which disables Assaults against Holdings at Fort Level 6 or above, and “Off”, which disables Assaults entirely. We’re currently playing around with these changes, so the exact rules for the “On” setting might change. On a related note, the time it takes to siege down Holdings is also being tweaked, to make it quicker overall but also making the Fort Level matter more.

When we sat down and talked about the above tweaks, we also decided to (rather dramatically) increase the “Ticking Warscore” rate for the attackers in wars. This necessitated splitting some defines (CONTESTED_TITLE_OCCUPIED_WARSCORE_BONUS, etc) into defender and attacker versions.

We are still evaluating how well these changes turned out. It’s likely we’ll tweak some numbers (or even backtrack on something.) So far though, it appears quite promising, positively altering the “rhythm” of warfare!

That’s all for now, stay tuned for the CK2 livestream, starting at 16:00 CET today. Until next time!

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