Crusader Kings II - BjornB
Important information!
We will not be collecting bug reports or feedback from Steam. If you want to report problems with this patch or feedback on it you need to do so on our official forums.

Go to official post containing patch notes

How to opt in to the open beta:
To enable it, go to Steam, right click Crusader Kings II in your library -> Properties -> Betas -> Choose beta from the dropdown list. Make sure Steam updates the game correctly (sometimes you need to verify game cache or restart Steam when switching between branches). The launcher will say 2.5.2 if properly updated.

Thank you for your patience while we worked on this patch. We hope you will enjoy it.
Crusader Kings II - BjornB
Important information!
We will not be collecting bug reports or feedback from Steam. If you want to report problems with this patch or feedback on it you need to do so on our official forums.

Go to official post containing patch notes

How to opt in to the open beta:
To enable it, go to Steam, right click Crusader Kings II in your library -> Properties -> Betas -> Choose beta from the dropdown list. Make sure Steam updates the game correctly (sometimes you need to verify game cache or restart Steam when switching between branches). The launcher will say 2.5.2 if properly updated.

Thank you for your patience while we worked on this patch. We hope you will enjoy it.
Crusader Kings II - BjornB

Hello all! I'm afraid I don't have much to talk about today as we're still working on the 2.5.2 patch I mentioned last week. We were hoping to have it out by now, but ran into some unexpected issues. However, on the plus side as soon as we have things working as we want, we'll be releasing it as a public beta for everyone to try out.

However, here are the current patchnotes to keep you interested.

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Developer Diary Archives

Crusader Kings II - BjornB

Hello all! I'm afraid I don't have much to talk about today as we're still working on the 2.5.2 patch I mentioned last week. We were hoping to have it out by now, but ran into some unexpected issues. However, on the plus side as soon as we have things working as we want, we'll be releasing it as a public beta for everyone to try out.

However, here are the current patchnotes to keep you interested.

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Crusader Kings II Wiki
Developer Diary Archives

Crusader Kings II - BjornB

Hello all, welcome to another CK2 DD. First up, please note that I am NOT Doomdark, people confuse us sometimes. With that key point covered, let’s move onto the meat of this diary: The upcoming 2.5.2 patch! We have made several changes to some key areas that we’ve gotten a lot of feedback on recently, the most important of which is of course Seduction!

Characters who have someone trying to seduce them now have the option to let the seducer know they are not interested (based on things like their traits and their opinion of their spouse) which will block all further seduction attempts for some time, both by the original seducer and anyone else.

We have also acted decisively on the issue of Infamy and Coalitions. Sparing no effort, we have renamed these features to Threat and Defensive Pacts, which we feel should resolve all known problems with them.

Oh ok, that isn’t all we did. Coalitions received such an extensive rework that we felt a new name was required. Perhaps the most important change is that Defensive Pacts are now separated by religious groups, so for example if the Byzantines act in a Threatening fashion they might a face a Christian Pact in Europe and a Muslim Pact in the Middle East, and at first the two Pacts won’t care if one attacks the other and only defend members of their own Pact. At higher levels of Threat, however, Pacts of other religious groups will band together when any one of them is attacked. At the highest levels even your co-religionists may feel the need to join forces against you.

Threat also affects both the size of Realms which can join a Pact against you, and the how far away from you they can be. Finally, AI nations will never join a Defensive Pact against a Realm whom they have equal or greater troop strength than.

As the new name might suggest, Defensive Pacts are entirely defensive in nature, members of a Pact can never call each other into an offensive war against the target (unless they are allies, as normal). These changes, we hope, will bring the Feature Formally Known As Coalition more in line with its intended purpose of countering huge, rapid growth without feeling as unfair or arbitrary.

2.5.2 also contains some other improvements and some new content and features. The patch notes will reveal full details, but a few more highlights include:
  • Improvements to Shattered Retreats.
  • Increased Warscore from battles slightly in general and majorly against hosts.
  • Capped total possible Warscore from battles for Attackers at 75%
  • Raiders who are defeated in battle will not return to raid you for some time.
  • Added a Next Song button, and a setting to disable the context restrictions on music.
  • Added faction to force abdication of kings and emperors.
  • Added new events for skilled educators to give traits to their wards.

Useful links
Official Website
Crusader Kings II Wiki
Developer Diary Archives
Crusader Kings II - BjornB

Hello all, welcome to another CK2 DD. First up, please note that I am NOT Doomdark, people confuse us sometimes. With that key point covered, let’s move onto the meat of this diary: The upcoming 2.5.2 patch! We have made several changes to some key areas that we’ve gotten a lot of feedback on recently, the most important of which is of course Seduction!

Characters who have someone trying to seduce them now have the option to let the seducer know they are not interested (based on things like their traits and their opinion of their spouse) which will block all further seduction attempts for some time, both by the original seducer and anyone else.

We have also acted decisively on the issue of Infamy and Coalitions. Sparing no effort, we have renamed these features to Threat and Defensive Pacts, which we feel should resolve all known problems with them.

Oh ok, that isn’t all we did. Coalitions received such an extensive rework that we felt a new name was required. Perhaps the most important change is that Defensive Pacts are now separated by religious groups, so for example if the Byzantines act in a Threatening fashion they might a face a Christian Pact in Europe and a Muslim Pact in the Middle East, and at first the two Pacts won’t care if one attacks the other and only defend members of their own Pact. At higher levels of Threat, however, Pacts of other religious groups will band together when any one of them is attacked. At the highest levels even your co-religionists may feel the need to join forces against you.

Threat also affects both the size of Realms which can join a Pact against you, and the how far away from you they can be. Finally, AI nations will never join a Defensive Pact against a Realm whom they have equal or greater troop strength than.

As the new name might suggest, Defensive Pacts are entirely defensive in nature, members of a Pact can never call each other into an offensive war against the target (unless they are allies, as normal). These changes, we hope, will bring the Feature Formally Known As Coalition more in line with its intended purpose of countering huge, rapid growth without feeling as unfair or arbitrary.

2.5.2 also contains some other improvements and some new content and features. The patch notes will reveal full details, but a few more highlights include:
  • Improvements to Shattered Retreats.
  • Increased Warscore from battles slightly in general and majorly against hosts.
  • Capped total possible Warscore from battles for Attackers at 75%
  • Raiders who are defeated in battle will not return to raid you for some time.
  • Added a Next Song button, and a setting to disable the context restrictions on music.
  • Added faction to force abdication of kings and emperors.
  • Added new events for skilled educators to give traits to their wards.

Useful links
Official Website
Crusader Kings II Wiki
Developer Diary Archives
Crusader Kings II - BjornB


It’s been a week since release and a lot of people have been playing Conclave. As usual, we have carefully listened to feedback from our players, and as Doomdark explained last week, we’ve been looking into ways of improving the design and implementation of certain features. The two main areas of concern are Coalitions and Shattered Retreats, and we are currently testing the revised solutions. Read more about these changes in Conclave: The Near Future.

On top of this, we’ve been looking to improve the experience in Conclave further. Here’s a selection of new features:
  • A new favor use where a vassal can get pardoned by the liege.
  • A new faction that can unite vassals against tyrannical rulers, change succession law and put the most liked (or the least disliked) vassal on the throne.
  • Clarity, balancing and some new non-congenital traits in the Education system.
  • More events related to favors.
The patch also feature some quality of life improvements such as:
  • A next song button.
  • An option to ignore the music scripts and play all songs randomly (Christmas carols all year long!)
Plus about a hundred more fixes.

As soon as the changes are fully implemented and approved by our internal QA department, we will release it as a public beta to get the opportunity to gather your feedback before finalizing the patch.

Useful links
Official Website
Crusader Kings II Wiki
Developer Diary Archives
Crusader Kings II - BjornB


It’s been a week since release and a lot of people have been playing Conclave. As usual, we have carefully listened to feedback from our players, and as Doomdark explained last week, we’ve been looking into ways of improving the design and implementation of certain features. The two main areas of concern are Coalitions and Shattered Retreats, and we are currently testing the revised solutions. Read more about these changes in Conclave: The Near Future.

On top of this, we’ve been looking to improve the experience in Conclave further. Here’s a selection of new features:
  • A new favor use where a vassal can get pardoned by the liege.
  • A new faction that can unite vassals against tyrannical rulers, change succession law and put the most liked (or the least disliked) vassal on the throne.
  • Clarity, balancing and some new non-congenital traits in the Education system.
  • More events related to favors.
The patch also feature some quality of life improvements such as:
  • A next song button.
  • An option to ignore the music scripts and play all songs randomly (Christmas carols all year long!)
Plus about a hundred more fixes.

As soon as the changes are fully implemented and approved by our internal QA department, we will release it as a public beta to get the opportunity to gather your feedback before finalizing the patch.

Useful links
Official Website
Crusader Kings II Wiki
Developer Diary Archives
Crusader Kings II - BjornB

Crusader Kings II Expansion Now Available

Once upon a time there was a king. He had amassed a large kingdom through the assistance and guidance of his wise councilors. Their skill, martial prowess and intelligence were guided by total loyalty to the king’s royal will. But these men, all drawn from the most powerful nobles in the realm, were not immortal. Now their equally powerful children hold their fathers’ seats, and they seem to have ideas of their own.

Crusader Kings II: Conclave, the newest expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s critically acclaimed medieval grand-strategy game, is now available at major digital retailers and the Paradox store. This expansion focuses on the internal dynamics of managing a realm with powerful vassals demanding to be heard on the royal council. How much power can you give to your advisors before you stop feeling like a king?

Conclave also includes:

- new realm laws to fine tune the future and culture of your country (including female inheritance)
- fine tuning of how much money or gold you expect from your vassals
- new diplomatic system returns royal marriages to the center of medieval politics
- changes to the military game, including renting your soldiers out as mercenaries

And, we're releasing a new content pack - the cleverly named Crusader Kings II: Conclave Content Pack, to bring you new cosmetic changes to your game including world wonders, new portraits for some nations, and some new unit designs. It is sold separately.

And, as usual, whether you buy Conclave or not, the release is accompanied by a free, major patch that will improve Crusader Kings II for everyone.

So raise your banners. The council is in session.

Full Patch Notes 2.5.1

Useful links
Official Website
Crusader Kings II Wiki
Developer Diary Archives
Crusader Kings II - BjornB

Crusader Kings II Expansion Now Available

Once upon a time there was a king. He had amassed a large kingdom through the assistance and guidance of his wise councilors. Their skill, martial prowess and intelligence were guided by total loyalty to the king’s royal will. But these men, all drawn from the most powerful nobles in the realm, were not immortal. Now their equally powerful children hold their fathers’ seats, and they seem to have ideas of their own.

Crusader Kings II: Conclave, the newest expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s critically acclaimed medieval grand-strategy game, is now available at major digital retailers and the Paradox store. This expansion focuses on the internal dynamics of managing a realm with powerful vassals demanding to be heard on the royal council. How much power can you give to your advisors before you stop feeling like a king?

Conclave also includes:

- new realm laws to fine tune the future and culture of your country (including female inheritance)
- fine tuning of how much money or gold you expect from your vassals
- new diplomatic system returns royal marriages to the center of medieval politics
- changes to the military game, including renting your soldiers out as mercenaries

And, we're releasing a new content pack - the cleverly named Crusader Kings II: Conclave Content Pack, to bring you new cosmetic changes to your game including world wonders, new portraits for some nations, and some new unit designs. It is sold separately.

And, as usual, whether you buy Conclave or not, the release is accompanied by a free, major patch that will improve Crusader Kings II for everyone.

So raise your banners. The council is in session.

Full Patch Notes 2.5.1

Useful links
Official Website
Crusader Kings II Wiki
Developer Diary Archives

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