Cook, Serve, Delicious! - chubigans
Hey y'all! I'm excited to announce that the Xbox One and Xbox Series S/X versions of Cook, Serve, Delicious! are coming February 28th, and the PS4 and PS5 versions will be following that later this Spring! (The Nintendo Switch version is available now!)

Originally I figured that Cook, Serve, Delicious: Re-Mustard! would essentially be the first game's debut onto consoles, but having that strange gap of the first game not being alongside CSD 2 and CSD 3 had a lot of people wondering if it was de-listed or what exactly happened to the first game. I was actually inspired by the Steamworld Dig devs releasing Steamworld Dig 2 on Switch, only to release the first game months later- I was a bit confused as to why they opted to do that, but the more I thought about it, the more it makes sense to be able to welcome new players with a more optimal starting point.

I thought I'd go over some of the small changes I was able to make with these new releases, specifically tied to Achievements.

Achievement/Trophy Changes

When I originally made Achievements for Steam it came at an era where I think a lot of devs were still trying to figure out what Achievements would actually be- should they be extremely difficult, so that players would feel that much more rewarded upon gaining them? Or should they be easier to get to fully maximize the 100% completion rate?

I fell more on the side of challenging, though once the PS3 introduced the concept of Platinum trophies my stance shifted a bit more- it was fun going for the Platinums, though that means just one single hard/impossible trophy could potentially run Platinum runs for players.

So with this release I kept most of the original Steam achievements for Xbox and PlayStation, changed some and removed others to make this a much more achievable 100%! Note that this is only for the console versions- the Steam Achievements will not be altered, as it wouldn't be fair to change them for players that have already earned them.

Removed/Altered Achievements for Consoles

The Love Chef (Date the entire pool of people from Cook4Luv) / ClicknStart Investor (successfully funded all ClicknStart projects) - I think the email based achievements can be a bit too easy to miss, and if you do, you basically have to wait for the game to loop back after "beating" the game. The Love Chef specifically has an issue where if your restaurant is too full your date may not be able to stop by at all.

Why wasn't this fixed for consoles? Well, to be honest, this one bug is tied completely into the delivery system and messing with the code now would have the potential to cause a cascading amount of bugs. I'm rewriting the entire game for Re-Mustard so that the order system won't run into these kinds of issues.

15k Customers Served - This one had one of the lowest clear rates for Steam, and you have to play a considerable amount more after completing the game. This felt like too much of a grind, so it was ultimately axed.

All Food Pins - I dialed this down from 1,500 to 1,000 for all pins for a faster clear rate.

The VIP Treatment (serve a VIP guest) / Quick Challenge (Complete the Quick Challenge in Battle Kitchen) - You're only allowed a certain number of points for both Xbox and PlayStation achievement lists, and I was running out of allotted space, so these two felt like the easiest to cut since they are extremely easy to achieve. Quick Challenge has been cut from the consoles as that mode was actually just the Weekly Challenge from Steam that was discontinued back in 2017 or so with a static challenge that hasn't changed.

When It's Ready (Read a peculiar email) - This is an interesting one, in that this meant to tease what our next big game was at the time of making CSD 1- it was going to be a city builder of sorts, but we ultimately made CSD 2 instead and used the city builder assets for CSD 3's backgrounds. The email is still intact for consoles, but I didn't want to call any attention to it since it's a very outdated teaser. But hey, who knows, maybe we'll revisit the concept someday...

PS4 and PS5 Versions Coming Soon!

We're aiming to release the PS4 and PS5 version of Cook, Serve, Delicious! in April (we're going through the cert process now!). Along with this we're also releasing (for the first time) PS5 versions of Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! and Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! so that our trilogy will remain forward compatible for the years to come. This will feature some neat PS5 extras like an Activity card that lets you jump right into the game. I'm really looking forward to designing games that utilize more of the PS5's feature set in the future. You won't be able to transfer PS4 saves to the new PS5 versions as the game is a completely new build, but we do plan on releasing to PS4/PS5 simultaneously for games going forward.

It's been fun revisiting my old code and getting it back into shape for consoles, and makes me that much more excited to design Cook, Serve, Delicious: Re-Mustard! Thanks everyone for all of the support over the years, and here's to many more cooking adventures to come!

Cook, Serve, Delicious! - chubigans
Howdy y'all! This patch is prep for our Steam Deck Verification and adds a lot of improvements and features!

Did you know we announced a remake today? Cook, Serve, Delicious: Re-Mustard is coming next year! Wishlist today!

Here are all the details for this patch:


  • Adjusted UI elements for Steam Deck verification
  • Replaced Wii U Pro controller with Switch Pro controller
  • Added volume adjustments for Music and Sound
  • Built using the latest Game Maker engine for faster performance on older machines
  • New Mac OS build allows the game to be played with the newest Mac OSes available
  • New Pins UI images w/updated Achievement art
  • Replaced gunshot sound with CSD 2 version
  • Changed starting options for better initial settings (the options will be reset the first time you start the patched game)


  • Fixed crash issues in certain situations when using a gamepad and navigating the menu
  • Fixed issue where Specialty foods were not counted in the Checklist
  • Improved gamepad support in certain areas
  • Fixed tutorial issue with gamepad that allowed you to select a food without highlighting it
Cook, Serve, Delicious! - chubigans

What a great day for some Delicious announcements. Can you believe it's been over ten years since Cook, Serve, Delicious! launched on Steam? Since then this little franchise has spawned numerous sequels and has millions of players all over the world. It's been humbling to see our little game grow in ways we never imagined.

As we released more sequels to CSD I always felt the first game was its own unique adventure that still holds up today. I've been wanting to go back and really explore the first game in a way that I've never been able to before, and today I want to show what we've been cookin' and what's to come!

Cook, Serve, Delicious: Re-Mustard!

That's right y'all, the original Cook, Serve, Delicious! is getting an all new remake in 2024!

Originally I thought it would just be a simple update to the original, but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to make this a much larger game. You can read more about the new features on the Steam page (be sure to wishlist it!!) but we plan on adding new modes, new features, more foods, a new campaign, but still retaining the same classic gameplay as the first game. For those who want to shake things up a bit, we also plan on adding an all new Typing mode that tests your Ingredients-Per-Minute! Look forward to more details in the months to come!

Cook, Serve, Delicious! Gets a PC Update!

Today we're releasing a new patch for Cook, Serve, Delicious! on Steam! This all new update adds Steam Deck support that is currently going through the Steam Deck Verify process, as well as adding some quality of life features such as volume controls, replacing the Wii U gamepad with the Switch Pro gamepad, updating the code to the latest version of Game Maker Studio to ensure forward compatibility (as well as adding support for the latest Mac OSes), fixed some longstanding crash bugs, updated some graphical UI elements, and more!

More Platforms!

For the first time ever, Cook, Serve, Delicious! is coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 and Xbox later this year! It always felt odd to have CSD 2 and 3 on consoles but not the original, and this was something that I always wanted to do and the time seemed right to do it. This is a great way to enjoy a classic before the all new remake comes out next year, so be sure to grab it on your platform of choice!

And More CSD Related Goodness!

In case you missed it, Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! and 3?! got their own updates to be Steam Deck Verified over the summer, so be sure to grab those on the deck! Speaking of which, all the CSD games are currently on sale to celebrate this trove of announcements, so why not pick up a few to complete your collection?

We're also releasing a major update to Cook Serve Forever next month, our chill narrative spinoff game that we aim to release in 1.0 early to mid next year!

The Future is Delicious!

I'm excited to be diving back into the Cook, Serve, Delicious! series again- we have lots of news to share in the months to come so be sure to follow us everywhere, including our new Threads account!

Thanks y'all and here's to another decade of fun, Delicious gaming!
Cook, Serve, Delicious! - Jarogoodness
We have some big Cook, Serve, Delicious! news in store for everyone this week! Join us tomorrow -- Thursday, July 27th @ 1PM Eastern Time -- for a major CSD announcement and our subsequent live stream on CSD's store page to chat about all the details as we play.

Hope to see you then!

Cook, Serve, Delicious! - Jarogoodness

Our friends at Auroch Digital and Stray Fawn Studio have put together a festival celebrating simulation games on Steam, and the OG Cook, Serve, Delicious! got the invite!

In celebration, we're pleased to share that both verified status on Steam Deck as well as a limited-time demo are currently being reviewed for release by Steam and we expect both to arrive imminently. Steam Deck verification is something we've been working to get for all our Cook Serve games (currently CSD2 and CSD3 are verified, while CSD and CSF are playable); and after dusting off the original CSD code even further, we're excited to be able to offer a demo for folks that might be new to the series, along with anyone that's been on the fence, or those looking for insight on how the game plays before they make their purchase.

The incoming CSD patch will also include a number of small fixes and quality of life improvements (such as volume sliders for music and SFX), as well as porting the game to the newest version of Game Maker Studio, which will also bring a new Mac version for newer OSes that have previously been unable to play the game. Look for details very soon!

Starting today and continuing on through the festival and the rest of July, we'll be detailing everything else we currently have in store for the the original CSD and the entire Cook Serve franchise -- including news on future updates, platform releases, and more. To stay current with all Vertigo Gaming Inc. updates now and down the road, check out our newsletter and Discord. The next week in particular is going to be a flurry!
Cook, Serve, Delicious! - Jarogoodness

Our friends at Frogsong Studios have brought back their Friendship Games Week event for 2023 -- celebrating the best of local co-op games!

To mark the occasion, we'll be live February 14th playing games in the co-operative friendly Cook, Serve, Delicious! series at 10a Pacific / 1p Eastern on the Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! store page and CSD 1-3 Bundle page.

We'll also take a peek at our upcoming release Cook Serve Forever at some point during the stream. CSF currently has a pre-release demo available for a limited time following its inclusion in the just concluded Steam Next Fest; be sure to check it out if you haven't already, we appreciate all the great feedback we've received over the past month!

For those looking to purchase any of the Cook, Serve, Delicious! games during this week, we ask that you wishlist for now and purchase shortly during our next round of discounts, as unfortunately we were unable to run discounts this week due to store cooldown rules. (And Wishlisting ensures that you'll be notified the next time the games are on sale, which won't be long from now!)

To stay current with all Vertigo Gaming Inc. updates, check out our newsletter and Discord.
Cook, Serve, Delicious! - Jarogoodness
The Cook Serve Forever pre-release demo has arrived! Check it out on the store page ahead of our Steam Next Fest inclusion next month (February 6-13) and Early Access release in April. We're continually updating the build to address bugs and balance, and look forward to all the feedback. Stay tuned for more info over the coming weeks!

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Dec 20, 2022
Cook, Serve, Delicious! - Jarogoodness
Hey Chefs!

The year of Cook Serve Forever is almost here! We hope you’ve had a fantastic 2022, and to cap it off we’ve got some special holiday gifts for you.

Holiday Gift #1:
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! was our team’s first foray into proper storytelling in a game. While we’re very proud of the story we told, its integration into the gameplay meant that only players determined enough to play all the way through the 45+ hour game actually got to experience it. In the indie game industry, we call that a real bummer.

So, for this holiday season, we have compiled every cutscene and moment of in-game story dialog from CSD3 into a single 27-minute-long movie on YouTube. Check it out right here, complete with chapters for easy navigation:

Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! The Movie

Holiday Gift #2
We have some big stuff to announce about Cook Serve Forever soon — but in the meantime here’s a little tease of the first campaign menu from the game:

Ahh yeah that looks slick and worth adding to your wishlist!

But hey, who says this holiday gift has to be limited to one image? We'd like to also formally reveal the Cook Serve Forever box art!

Holiday Gift #3
Upcoming Sales
We’re discounting our games across all platforms for the holiday season! This is a great time to finish your collection or pick up a gift for a friend!
  • Steam players can get our entire catalog of games on sale during our early bird end-of-year sale December 20-22 and Steam’s End of Year Sale December 22 - January 5.
  • Switch players in America can pick up CSD2 and CSD3 on sale from December 24 - January 13.
  • Switch players in Europe can pick up CSD2 and CSD3 on sale right now through December 29.
  • PlayStation players in North America and Europe can pick up CSD2 and CSD3 on sale from December 21 - January 6.
  • Android players can get Cook, Serve, Delicious! on sale on the Google Play store from December 24-31.
  • iOS players can get Cook, Serve, Delicious! on sale on the Apple App Store through December 31st.

Vertigo Gaming Inc. is turning 15!
Next year will mark the 15th anniversary of Vertigo Gaming Inc. and we intend to celebrate! Make sure you’re following us on socials to stay in the loop on all the surprises we have in store for you!

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And for those who missed it, we were honored to be featured in the IndieCade Festival and Armistice Event — the latter of which had a portion of all purchases donated to support children impacted by conflict.

Happy Holidays and can't wait for what's to come in the new year!

- Vertigo Gaming Inc. Team

Cook, Serve, Delicious! - Cupogoodness
Happy 10th Anniversary to Cook, Serve, Delicious! Complete the trilogy with some incredible deals on Steam through October 15th at 12pm CST — and join us for a celebration of the entire series this Wednesday hosted by @BaerTaffy with all kinds of giveaways and surprises!

Follow us on our Developer Page and Socials for more reveals throughout the week -- including new footage from our upcoming release Cook Serve Forever. ːcsd3perfectː

Cook, Serve, Delicious! - chubigans

We cordially invite you to our new game announcement Tuesday, April 12th at 10a PST / 1p EST on the following channels (do remember it’s BYOE: bring your own eats):

- | @ElspethEastman
- | @negaoryx

We’ll be live on the Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! Steam store page stream with Vertigo Gaming's Producer @cupogoodness as well. We have quite a bit in store to celebrate the unveiling tomorrow and can’t wait to show everyone what we’ve been up to, hope you’re able to tune in!

Can’t make it or just want to stay in the know? Join our community Discord and Newsletter for reminders, updates, and more!

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