Dec 31, 2019
Contagion - JonnyBoy0719
This hotfix fixes the missing content, that somehow didn't want to package properly. Expect a larger update the next week or so!

  • Fixed "could not load library client"
  • Added the missing content for losmuertos_tutorial
  • Fixed HLMV loading incorrectly
  • Fixed ContagionSDK not loading hammer properly
  • Updated Hammer to support old maps using "-oldbuild" startup paramater
  • Added missing zombie stumble for blocking doors
  • Added where heavy weapons (and items) can stumble zombies when using melee (Quite useful in Extreme Difficulty, only works on AI zombies)
  • Updated the grenade range from 600 to 450
  • Fixed where if you drop weapons mid round in Flatline, you wouldn't be able to pick them up again
  • Fixed where some content missing from the game (whoops)
  • Fixed the official maps vscript not creating the additional spawns properly
  • Updated cf_montclair with new purchable items! (they are quite expensive tho, feedback are appreciated!)
Dec 30, 2019
Contagion - JonnyBoy0719
Mainmenu Freeze
To fix the mainmenu freeze when joining servers, please delete the old VPK files, if that doesn't work just re-install the game (delete all files related to Contagion).
This issue only happens if you have Contagion already installed. The reason for this is due Steam downloaded faulty files, or not everything was fully downloaded.

  • Fixed where it tried to create .cache files, even tho Contagion doesn't use Miles Sound System anymore. Which caused the dedicated server to crash.
  • Fixed "invalid hostversion" not showing a dialog when trying to join servers that haven't been updated
  • Updated MAX_THREADS_SUPPORTED from 32 to 64
  • Added console command ThePresident_SurvivorSpawnPos and ThePresident_SurvivorSpawnPos_Generate to create Vscript survivor spawns
  • Updated In-Game menu to support "Server Browser" button
  • Fixed where the new achievements didn't work due to a calculation error
  • Updated all the maps to support up to 16 survivor spawns
  • Updated barlowe nav mesh
  • Fixed helicopter noise at round start on RoanokePD
  • Fixed an exploit in RoanokePD where you can toss your items into places where they shouldn't be at
  • Added ThePresident.CreateSurvivorSpawn - Create a survivor spawn.
  • Added 4 functions that are fired automatically:
    - OnMapStart
    - OnMapEnd
    - OnRoundStart
    - OnRoundEnd
Contagion - LordCommanderGuts
From Zombie Panic! Source, Contagion and to Contagion VR: Outbreak 10 years has passed! Come check out the Anniversary Update! Thank you all for sticking with us!

Please hang tight, you guys have overloaded the site. xD
Contagion - JonnyBoy0719
We hope everyone will enjoy this meaty update!

This major update revision to Contagion may break some old WWise audiobanks, if your map uses custom audiobanks. The reason is due we have updated WWise to fix some memory problems that the old version had.
We have also fixed the infamous shader crash, and split 2 maps in half because of memory shortage problems.

And we have finally completed Flatline! It's no longer in Beta, but that doesn't mean we are done with it. More changes and additions will be added later down the road!

More interesting things will come in the future! ːGoBoomː

The 10th Anniversary announcement will be posted later today, so expect some more news to come!

Full changelog
  • Added the following maps:
    - cf_unionstation
    - cf_harvest
    - ch_cypruspark_night
    - ch_harvest

  • Added damage masks for Riot Zombie (head only)
  • Added Riot Zombie helmet gibs
  • Added new cvar (wsnd_mute_losefocus) to utilize "audio focus" mode
  • Added new startup parameter (--noworkshop) to disable workshop
  • Added a new trigger called info_safezone
  • Added "DEV CONSOLE" button on the mainmenu, if Developer Console is enabled
  • Added the option to refuse "weapon switch" on weapon pickup with cl_equipweapononpickup set to 0
  • Added new entity shop_item to allow weapons to be bought from the store in Flatline Gamemode
  • Added new entity info_zombie_spawn to spawn specific AI zombie types at the location of choice.
  • Added a notification that shows up if you earn, lose, or buy something in Flatline Gamemode
  • Added 6 new achievements
  • Added the missing empty reload animations for MP5K, AR-15, AK74U, SCAR, SIG, 1911 and KG9
    - We are aware of the missing sounds for empty reload, but this will be fixed right away once they get done!

  • Added new VScript values:
    - Added void ThePresident.ReadMapSavedInformation( bool bEnable ) | Enables map saved information.
    - Added void ThePresident.SetMapSavedInformation( string name, string variable ) | Set map saved information.
    - Added string ThePresident.GetMapSavedInformationValue( string name ) | Get map saved information.
    - Added NetPropManager | Used to get/set entity network fields
  • Removed difficulty health from the zombies, to remove their bullet sponge effect (headshots only).
  • Removed old .cache and .manifest related for sounds, since Contagion does not use Miles
  • Fixed game crashes regarding shaders (if set to medium or higher)
  • Fixed Escape gamemode softlocking due to "zombie lives"
  • Fixed a crash related to the phone
  • Fixed a crash related to weapon highlight proxy
  • Fixed a crash related to flatline when trying to find its way to the shop
  • Fixed female zombies (common) having faulty leg damage masks for ZombieTestProxy
  • Fixed credits not working, due to it was trying to read the wrong search path
  • Fixed fast download not working at all
  • Fixed WWise memory leakage regarding to unloading and loading of audiobanks
  • Fixed the phone causing a crash after changing levels
  • Fixed the navmesh around the statue on ce_montclair
  • Fixed Mia and Yumi not using the female zombie voices
  • Fixed Curtis, Lawrence, Manuel, Mia and Yumi having a broken damage mask
  • Fixed biotec_generator not having a collision mesh
  • Fixed fireaxe being weaker than a golfclub
  • Fixed melee weapons acting like foam on flesh targets (basically, use a gun instead)
  • Fixed “path to shop” causing a crash if it finds nothing on Flatline
  • Fixed Flatline gamemode crashing on the last wave
  • Fixed where the displacement would stick through the basement in ce_harvest
  • Fixed where DLC weapons did not have any physics sound
  • Fixed Contagion Workshop publish / edit tool not working
  • Fixed filter_damage_type ignoring “BLAST” damage filter
  • Fixed contagionds.exe UI not working at all, and refusing to read the VPKS
  • Fixed crossbow ammo not dealing any damage when shooting at the head hitbox
  • Fixed crossbow ammo pack not giving 6, but 24
  • Fixed where you could drop weapons while climbing ladders (this would make the player turn into a T-Pose)
  • Fixed weapon_gasmask not muffling the sound when in use
  • Fixed a crash bug related to NextBot AI trying to call a non existent noisemaker object if their enemy target dies from a grenade, or any explosive material
  • Fixed faulty animations for Jessica and Nicole
  • Updated WWise 2014.1.4 >> 2015.1.9
  • Updated WWise soundbank file structure and reduced all the audio banks file sizes
    - Note: Old soundbank structure for custom maps still work, so no extra changes required!

  • Updated "Downloading workshop add-ons..." text to also include "mounting", to tell the clients that there are workshop content currently being mounted
  • Updated Flatline gamemode, it’s no longer in BETA!
  • Updated Flatline gamemode last wave, to notify the mapper if the logic_relay "flatline_escape" is missing, and if the info_gps for the extraction zone is missing
  • Updated ch_unionstation
    - Fixed the inconsistency between flatline and hunted versions
    - Fixed the broken nav mesh

  • Updated ce_roanokepd
    - Fixed where key items would get stuck in the courtyard

  • Updated ce_montclair
    - *Split montclair into 2 parts (ce_montclair and ce_montclair_partb). Note: Part B is hidden from the map selection.

  • Updated ce_barlowesquare
    - *Split barlowesquare into 2 parts (ce_barlowesquare and ce_barlowesquare_02). Note: Second part is hidden from the map selection.
    - Updated and changed the objectives around
    - Updated the subway and truck escape route to be more intense

  • Updated ce_harvest
    - Fixed an exploit in the first floor of the house, in the living room, where the zombies can’t get to you.

  • Updated cf_montclair
    - Fixed an exploit near the bus, where the zombies couldn't get to you
    - Fixed where the boltcutters never spawned after the 2nd round

  • Updated Riot Zombie to support shooting their helmets off
  • Updated the engine to support "audio focus" mode
  • Updated Hammer Editor
    - Fixed where the “picker” wouldn’t select the brush properly
    - Fixed where it would sometimes fail to save, or cause the VMF to corrupt itself due to bad memory allocation
    - Removed where it tries to add the folder “hl2”

  • Updated Valve Model Viewer
    - Removed everything related to GoldSrc (old/unused menu tabs)
    - Fixed where hlmv refused to start properly
    - Fixed Load / Merge Steam Model not working with VPKS properly
    - Fixed a crash related to the “drag/rotation” helper calling an invalid object pointer
    - Fixed a crash related to the "Center View" if there is no model present

  • Updated VPK
    - Added “ignorelist.vdf” support
    - Added where it automatically ignores all .cache files

  • Updated the lightmapped shaders to support Parallax Corrected Cubemaps
  • Updated the Engine Binaries
  • Updated the FGDs
  • Updated hammer_run_launcher.exe, now you no longer need the full path for the game.
  • Updated trigger_escape to allow “next level” change after escape (empty by default, restarts the round)
  • Updated SCAR, Remington870, and M1 Garand firing sounds
  • Updated Create Server advanced options
    - Added toggle cheats
    - Fixed where the settings wouldn’t save properly

  • Updated the navigation on the following maps:
    - ce_harvest
    - ce_roanokepd
    - ce_biotec
    - ce_campwithner

*Montclair and **Barlowe has been split in ***half, due to memory problems. 32-bit software only has access to 3.5GB of memory, to save on memory, we have split the maps in half. Previously the maps took around 2.2~2.5GB which was not a great idea. Since we also use WWise, which loads the entirety of the audiobanks in 1 go, we had no more memory left when changing levels (Source Engine does not properly clean old data, known as memory, which is why around 50-200 MB may still be left on a map change).

**Extraction and Hunted versions of Barlowe Square has not been updated as of yet. Since they require some more tinkering to work right with the latest changes.

***The maps have also been connected together, which is why the trigger entity logic_safezone was created. It works similar, if not almost the same, as the safe room in L4D and L4D2. I took that idea and used it to save precious memory. Survivor items also transfer over to the new map, and this entity can be used by mappers as well to create new creative maps, or campaigns of their own.
Dec 16, 2019
Contagion - LordCommanderGuts
We wanted to give a quick update! As you may have already heard, we have brought on a new programmer for Contagion! He’s currently hard at work, with a number of crucial bug fixes tackled already. We’d like to officially welcome our newest member, Johan (or as you may already know him as, JonnyBoy0719). Please give him a warm welcome! He comes to us from the Zombie Panic! Source team and he really knows his stuff.

Right now the priority are the known major bugs/crashes. After that, getting Flatline out of Beta, general clean up and optimizations of all game modes and levels are also inbound. Steam Workshop is also planned to be working again. More to come later on Contagion.

We will have a very big update coming on December 29th for our 10 year anniversary. Stay tuned!

Monochrome <3

Jul 1, 2019
Contagion - LK|LordCommanderGuts

Hey Guys!

Summer is here, hopefully you guys are enjoying the summer sales.

We have an update for the servers. I went through all the servers and removed all Community made maps and moved them to the "easy" Servers. I changed difficulty to normal even though the name still says easy. So you can still play the mod maps on those servers

If you don’t subscribe to the map, it will crash you. So please be sure to subscribe to the mods. For a current list of implemented mod maps go to this link to subscribe!

All NY servers (except for 2 #3 PZ and #3 Non PZ) rounds have been reduced to 2.

Round limit is a fairly simple fix in case you guys would like less rounds for the other servers.

New community maps status:
Church Siege: Reborn
Biotec (ZPS version)
Abandoned House
Concert (4.0)
Dusk Courtyard

Tested all new maps however, some are fairly outdated. I reached out to some of the community map makers. Some of them are fairly busy, but for now I am going to implement the 2 maps that are most recently updated and are "completable."

Abandoned House and Church Siege: Reborn.

Lastly, new community survey, let us know your favorite features of Contagion in the link below!

We want to hear from you! Feel free to join us on our discord where we are the most active!
Contagion - LK|LordCommanderGuts

Hello Survivors!

Here’s a quick update on Contagion.

Outbreak is almost to PSVR Release. Once we do, we plan to use sales from Outbreak to find and fund a source coder to come in, fix bugs and steam workshop.

In the meantime, in the fall, Mike has set up Mods on official servers. It was a temporary set up. We will be returning all Official servers back to play official maps.

HOWEVER, we will be converting at least 1 server per region dedicated to ONLY Mod maps. :)

What server? The easy servers (changing to normal difficulty, and name to Official Community Map server *insert region*)

If you don’t subscribe to the map, it will crash you. So please be sure to subscribe to the mods. For a current list of implemented mod maps go to this link to subscribe!

Another update, Mike will try to tone down the infection rate on NON PZ Servers only.

Mike isn’t a programmer, he’s merely a dedicated CM who is taking personal time to implement these changes. Hoping for a bit a patience as he figures this out. Please comment on what community maps you would like to see.

Current escape maps Mike will be testing:

Church Siege: Reborn
Biotec (ZPS version)
Abandoned House
Concert (4.0)
Dusk Courtyard
Oct 16, 2018
Contagion - LK|LordCommanderGuts
Hello all!

So over the weekend we put the mods in UK and AU servers. Ch_rottenswamp still causes a crash so for now I’ll keep it off the mapcycles. To play the mods you MUST download the files for the mods. There are 3 Hunted maps(including rottenswamp) and 5 Escape maps. I’ll make sure to make announcement if I get Rottenswamp working, that might require server resets on the Hunted/Easy servers. So no more server resets planned after that!

Hunted mode mods:
Ch_Rotten Swamp(Slightly buggy)
Escape mode mods:
HTY custom content pack1-3. Download the VPKs from link.
{(needed content for ce_hive) Insert in vpk’s into Steamapps/Common/Contagion/Contagion/Addons folder}
(needed content for ce_hotz)
ce_hotz content pack
CCL's Custom Content Pack I
CCL's Custom Content Pack II
These are the mods^ Just hit subscribe. (and manual HTY custom content 1-3 save into addons folder)

And this Halloween, we’d like to invite folks to play Contagion and try out the mods! From Easy to Extreme! If you are new to Contagion, besure to turn Post Processing on Low and Anti-Aliasing mode to None. This is a work-around for the map change crash.

Big shout out to all the map creators and all the support for implementing the Mods! Good things are coming!

Oct 9, 2018
Contagion - LK|LordCommanderGuts
Hey all,

Some good news, I finally got ce_hive to work on server: Cali Escape Only (EXTREME) #3

So I made a few changes and reuploads. Some of the mods cause a crash on user end, so be sure you are SUBSCRIBED. I'll link ALL of the content below. I’ll be working now to get it all distributed to NY/TX servers this week. So for testing purposes and server resets, I will be working on TX servers Wednesday and NY servers Thursday incase you see those regions resetting. I’ll try to reset non populated servers first, and then eventually jump into the populated region server to warn folks of server reset. Friday I will try see how to bypass UK/AU permissions and will try to get them working there over the weekend.

Next week, I’ll see if I can increase player max size limits to as many of the 8 man servers as possible. If you want me to tweak infection rates let me know, and I’ll see what is in my power to change in at least Normal difficulty servers.

Be sure to subscribe the all of the workshop content.

Hunted mode mods:
Ch_Rotten Swamp(Slightly buggy)
Escape mode mods:
ce_hive(Currently works only on the Cali Extreme #3 server)

HTY custom content pack1-3. Download the VPKs from link. {(needed content for ce_hive) Insert in vpk’s into Steamapps/Common/Contagion/Contagion/Addons folder}

(needed content for ce_hotz)
ce_hotz content pack
CCL's Custom Content Pack I
CCL's Custom Content Pack II

Oct 5, 2018
Contagion - LK|LordCommanderGuts
Hello everyone,

Happy Friday! So here is the latest. After working with server support, we managed to upload mods ce_hotz, ce_escapethedead, ce_hive, ce_maze.

Unfortunately, ce_hive broke in the upload so none of the models are appearing properly. I reimplemented ce_hotz so now all texture models are in! *phew. I’ll keep working on ce_hive to get it properly implemented. So far the only servers the mods are working on are Official Contagion Texas Server (easy) and Official Contagion Cali Server (easy). For now you can find all the added mods there. Keep requesting mods and I’ll keep testing and implementing them.

Feel free to try out the mods in 15 minutes after I reset them one last time. I am increasing those servers to 12 players. Next week I’ll work on getting the ce_maps added on to all escape servers and ch_maps to all hunted servers. For now ce_hive will be taken off mapcycle list until I can properly upload it. Hotz, Escapethedead and Maze work great. Special thanks to the creators. Backy, CCL_Sama, Vagrant and Glo!mi!

I will also, be working to getting New york and UK (easy) servers to work ASAP, but don’t hold your breath. The Hunted maps Drenched, Rotten Swamp and Diescraper will hopefully be working on listed^ servers sometime next week.

If you find any issues with any of the maps, please report it to me so I can make sure to keep the servers updated. Good things are coming!


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