Oct 16, 2018
Contagion - LK|LordCommanderGuts
Hello all!

So over the weekend we put the mods in UK and AU servers. Ch_rottenswamp still causes a crash so for now I’ll keep it off the mapcycles. To play the mods you MUST download the files for the mods. There are 3 Hunted maps(including rottenswamp) and 5 Escape maps. I’ll make sure to make announcement if I get Rottenswamp working, that might require server resets on the Hunted/Easy servers. So no more server resets planned after that!

Hunted mode mods:
Ch_Rotten Swamp(Slightly buggy)
Escape mode mods:
HTY custom content pack1-3. Download the VPKs from link.
{(needed content for ce_hive) Insert in vpk’s into Steamapps/Common/Contagion/Contagion/Addons folder}
Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sn1mxjxqqm17rwx/HTY%20custom%20content%20pack.rar?dl=0
(needed content for ce_hotz)
ce_hotz content pack
CCL's Custom Content Pack I
CCL's Custom Content Pack II
These are the mods^ Just hit subscribe. (and manual HTY custom content 1-3 save into addons folder)

And this Halloween, we’d like to invite folks to play Contagion and try out the mods! From Easy to Extreme! If you are new to Contagion, besure to turn Post Processing on Low and Anti-Aliasing mode to None. This is a work-around for the map change crash.

Big shout out to all the map creators and all the support for implementing the Mods! Good things are coming!

Oct 9, 2018
Contagion - LK|LordCommanderGuts
Hey all,

Some good news, I finally got ce_hive to work on server: Cali Escape Only (EXTREME) #3

So I made a few changes and reuploads. Some of the mods cause a crash on user end, so be sure you are SUBSCRIBED. I'll link ALL of the content below. I’ll be working now to get it all distributed to NY/TX servers this week. So for testing purposes and server resets, I will be working on TX servers Wednesday and NY servers Thursday incase you see those regions resetting. I’ll try to reset non populated servers first, and then eventually jump into the populated region server to warn folks of server reset. Friday I will try see how to bypass UK/AU permissions and will try to get them working there over the weekend.

Next week, I’ll see if I can increase player max size limits to as many of the 8 man servers as possible. If you want me to tweak infection rates let me know, and I’ll see what is in my power to change in at least Normal difficulty servers.

Be sure to subscribe the all of the workshop content.

Hunted mode mods:
Ch_Rotten Swamp(Slightly buggy)
Escape mode mods:
ce_hive(Currently works only on the Cali Extreme #3 server)

HTY custom content pack1-3. Download the VPKs from link. {(needed content for ce_hive) Insert in vpk’s into Steamapps/Common/Contagion/Contagion/Addons folder}
Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sn1mxjxqqm17rwx/HTY%20custom%20content%20pack.rar?dl=0

(needed content for ce_hotz)
ce_hotz content pack
CCL's Custom Content Pack I
CCL's Custom Content Pack II

Oct 5, 2018
Contagion - LK|LordCommanderGuts
Hello everyone,

Happy Friday! So here is the latest. After working with server support, we managed to upload mods ce_hotz, ce_escapethedead, ce_hive, ce_maze.

Unfortunately, ce_hive broke in the upload so none of the models are appearing properly. I reimplemented ce_hotz so now all texture models are in! *phew. I’ll keep working on ce_hive to get it properly implemented. So far the only servers the mods are working on are Official Contagion Texas Server (easy) and Official Contagion Cali Server (easy). For now you can find all the added mods there. Keep requesting mods and I’ll keep testing and implementing them.

Feel free to try out the mods in 15 minutes after I reset them one last time. I am increasing those servers to 12 players. Next week I’ll work on getting the ce_maps added on to all escape servers and ch_maps to all hunted servers. For now ce_hive will be taken off mapcycle list until I can properly upload it. Hotz, Escapethedead and Maze work great. Special thanks to the creators. Backy, CCL_Sama, Vagrant and Glo!mi!

I will also, be working to getting New york and UK (easy) servers to work ASAP, but don’t hold your breath. The Hunted maps Drenched, Rotten Swamp and Diescraper will hopefully be working on listed^ servers sometime next week.

If you find any issues with any of the maps, please report it to me so I can make sure to keep the servers updated. Good things are coming!

Contagion - LK|LordCommanderGuts
Alright guys here is the latest update.

I am adding a few mods to an official server:
NY Official (easy)
I will be testing on this server in case you run into server resets.

This week I hope to get mods working and I can push them out on all easy servers to start it off along with re-adding biotec to easy servers.

I hope the mod files are all fully uploaded by today. It has taken me all weekend. These files are huge. Anywho, I am adding:

Update*** (To make clear, the mission models are missing due to the files still uploading)***
Hotz currently has a few missing model textures for Cups, Food trays, stools, light switch, and window panes. The Mod is still playable, though there will be some strange looking models. I made it to the end before getting trapped :( If you get stuck, CCL Sama has made a guide to help walk you through, or spend an hour and a half in game being thorough like me. ;)

Escapethedead I got stuck in the house, though that could be because I'm a noob. I'll see if I can get a hold of Vagrant see if there is a guide.

^I'll figure it all out before pushing mods to official easy servers. (and eventually to harder difficulty servers)

Other updates:
Now before folks start asking for patches, I am not a dev, I am a Community Manager. I have no Coding/Programming knowledge. I have had to learn how to work through the servers and how to upload the mods. Phew...

I need to let you guys know right now:
-New content will be unlikely.
-Bug fixes will happen if we can gather enough resources from Outbreak's PSVR launch to hire a Source engine coder. Somewhere between End 2018/Start 2019 Ish.
-No new languages are planned to be added.
-More mods may be tested and added if we recieve many requests.

Griefing, reporting, harassment:
-There has been a lot of reports, I am taking all reports in discord add me(Mike) through there and PM me screenshots/footage. (https://discord.gg/monochrome) Though I can't permaban for people disliking each other.

---If you feel as if your life is in immediate danger, please call the police, and pm me anything of others threatening your life, locating your address, threatening to expose your credentials, etc. That is a permaban offense.---

As much as some might claim, we can't outright ban people unless of the above^ Only temp ban. We hate resorting to bans. With that said, I will do what I can, to open up a server with passwords and on the discord so players can join with other non griefing, non bullying players. And if one sneaks in to troll, I can server kick.

|||||Please respect other players|||||
If you come to a disagreement with another player, best to not further argue and just mute each other. Not everyone is meant to get along and that’s fine. Rule of thumb, if you no longer have anything nice to say, then keep it to yourself, or move along.

Do not take advantage of exploits and toss keys in irretrievable areas, camp exploited areas, etc. on Official servers.

If you do want to, do it on your own private server. Have at it there. If you report a griefer on their own private server, it will be overlooked and you will be asked to stay on official servers or rent your own.

With that said, let me know what mods you would like me to test out. :)

Contagion - LK|LordCommanderGuts

Alright guys for the time being, I am removing biotec from ALL servers. I'm trying to see if we can prioritize fixing exploits on Biotec so we can push that back out. I hate to resort to this, but I can't just ban someone for taking advantage of an exploit left behind by us the team. Nor can I ban someone for saying rude and disrespectful things. I can only temp ban. My recommendation is to mute any player that says anything offensive.

Keep reporting any toxic players to me. I'll try to reach out and ask them to take it easy.

I've just been handed some power in servers. So even though we are losing Biotec with its exploited ending, we may soon have at least a server or 2 which may have player made mods! i.e The Hive, Highschool of the dead, etc.

Send me your requests for any mods and I will test them on a server. For now I will see if a NY server can be used for mods. So EU and NA players can still jump in with decent ping (not ideal, but trying to give you guys something new). Keep in mind some of the mods may seem sort of buggy and may need some work arounds before we can push it to a server.

Contagion - VictorBurgos
(This update is old. I left the company back in Nov 2018. I wish you all the best of luck!)


Hey all! I hope you all had a great summer! Some of you may be wondering, we did end up releasing Contagion VR: Outbreak on June 29th and it was a crazy launch.

We had a Loyalty Discount for all Contagion owners at 15% for two months. Launch discount was 10%, so basically all Contagion owners got Outbreak for 25% off at launch.

If you have any questions, just ask below! I'll answer pretty much almost anything ːsteammockingː

Current Dev Team

Just want to recap a few things here. The new dev team was brought on for Contagion VR: Outbreak, not for Contagion. I and most of the new development team are Unreal Engine 4 developers, and we had nothing to do with Contagion or Source Engine.

Even so, I didn't mind trying my hand at it in my free time and seeing what I could do. It didn't go so well, the docs are practically non-existent, the engine itself was archaic. A grand mess. We tried to even get some of the old programmers to jump in and help, but that was a bust.

So what now?

We are still focusing our efforts on Contagion VR: Outbreak, since that's what we came on for.

But, we'd like to see about getting some talent onboard that will focus 100% attention to fixing Contagion's bugs and polish up other areas.

Source Engine Programmer

If you have worked with Source Engine before, please fill out this form:


(copy/paste it into your browser... Steam is blocking it)

We'll get back to you if you're the right candidate to tackle this job.


I just wanted to iterate this. I know some of you are mad that the game hasn't been updated in what seems like forever now. No matter the excuse, you are all entitled to your opinions.

Is the game dead? Only if you want it to be. There are PLENTY of players that own this game. A lot of opportunities to get together and play the game.


Join us on our Discord and visit the Contagion channels (after opt-in)


Meet over 1500+ fellow Survivors
Contagion - VictorBurgos
So, real quick. We haven't forgotten about Contagion. However, Outbreak is releasing next month, so it's been quite busy and all of the attention has been on it.

A few months back, I did have a little bit of time on my hands and actually tried to update the game. However, I ran into some issues and was unsuccessful.ːsteamfacepalmː

We got ahold of the original programmer to get his workflow and see if there was something I was doing wrong, but we couldn't figure it out at the time (also, he had been out of the game for awhile).ːsteamsadː

You can watch dev streaming of Outbreak through Twitch or YouTubeːsteamhappyː:




Also, every once in awhile during streams I will be providing Contagion keys, so if you don't have one, jump in and chat. If you do, grab one for a friend.

Once things slow down for Outbreak, we'll go ahead and take another crack at updating Contagion. Sadly, we don't have anyone dedicated (and really can't afford it right now) to OG Contagion.

I just realized that my head has been down in the sand (I rarely have any spare time) and it's been 4 months since the last update. Time flies. I know you've probably heard this song and dance before but I know from the bottom of my heart that we wish we could clone ourselves and work on both games at the same time. But we can't ːsteamsadː

Post Responses

9/21 - Haven't been on here for awhile. I was NOT on the original Contagion dev team. I was brought on for Contagion VR: Outbreak, and that's it. So is everyone else on the team.

The fact that I was planning on doing something in my FREE spare time to get this thing back on track, was just that...a plan. Source Engine is old as hell, like so old... I am an Unreal Engine 4 developer first and foremost.

So, yeah, plan failed. I am very open and honest, so I tell it how it is.

Many of you don't understand game development or programming, and as a consumer you don't have to.

You all have the right to be mad that the game was not maintained after awhile. No one is trying to take that away from you all.

Just have some patience and empathy. All I am asking.

Jan 19, 2018
Contagion - VictorBurgos

The Good

Well, as you can see from that image, I was able to successfully build the darn thing.ːsteamhappyː It took me a lot longer than I had hoped to get to that point. ːsteamsadː

The Bad

So after getting it to build, I tried running the game. It turns out that there is some...err, "magical", workflow I have yet to figure out and no documentation I can refer back toːsteamfacepalmː:. A lot of the assets were missing but I tried to just unpak them from the Steam version and I did get somewhere with it, but it's not a 1:1.ːsteamsaltyː

So what now?

I am trying to get in touch with one of the previous programmers who knew the actual workflow so that I can be brought up to speed real quick. Once I know exactly how I can test a local build successfully, I'm confident that I can start working on some of those outstanding bugs finally. ːsteamhappyːːsteammockingːːsteamhappyː

My priority will be:
  • Crashes
  • Game-breaking bugs
  • Quality of life / UX

P.S. Due to some crazy NDA/Legal stuff, I guess I can't stream Source Engine codeːsteamsaltyː:....sooooo until I resolve that (if I even can...), I'll try to update you all as much as I can on the progressːsteamhappyː.
Jan 19, 2018
Contagion - VictorBurgos

The Good

Well, as you can see from that image, I was able to successfully build the darn thing.ːsteamhappyː It took me a lot longer than I had hoped to get to that point. ːsteamsadː

The Bad

So after getting it to build, I tried running the game. It turns out that there is some...err, "magical", workflow I have yet to figure out and no documentation I can refer back toːsteamfacepalmː:. A lot of the assets were missing but I tried to just unpak them from the Steam version and I did get somewhere with it, but it's not a 1:1.ːsteamsaltyː

So what now?

I am trying to get in touch with one of the previous programmers who knew the actual workflow so that I can be brought up to speed real quick. Once I know exactly how I can test a local build successfully, I'm confident that I can start working on some of those outstanding bugs finally. ːsteamhappyːːsteammockingːːsteamhappyː

My priority will be:
  • Crashes
  • Game-breaking bugs
  • Quality of life / UX

P.S. Due to some crazy NDA/Legal stuff, I guess I can't stream Source Engine codeːsteamsaltyː:....sooooo until I resolve that (if I even can...), I'll try to update you all as much as I can on the progressːsteamhappyː.
Jan 9, 2018
Contagion - Lord Commander Guts
Come check out the Teaser! Special thanks to Spook. New patch for the demo is coming out tonight for all the early demo testers.

Thank you guys!



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