Contagion - Tatsur0

Last week we discussed Steam Dev Days, Motion Capture Sessions, Disputed how far along we were with a particular map in development and enjoyed playing again with Alex and Dec who made the trips to Seattle and the UK.

If you missed our last stream or posting. Here is Episode 15 of "Friday Frenzy" on youtube!

We hope to discuss in today's "Friday Frenzy" (which will start 30mins from this posting!) a bit more about our progress with the new levels, hint at a 3rd being developed by our good friend Jason a.k.a who worked with me on NeoTokyo a Half-Life 2 Modification (No fear, setting the ground work with Jason on his own for the moment as we focus on Barlowe Square), and potentially a leak or two by us developers.

If you're interested in the giveaway you must partake in the channel chat and be following the channel itself!

Official Contagion Twitch.TV Channel</center>

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 8:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

Also worth mentioning is that we've broken through some significant barriers that would have limited how far one could mod Contagion when we release the Contagion SDK/Steamworks and have fixed numerous bugs/issues for our upcoming patch.

We will not be announcing ETAs on content however! Not just yet :)


<a href=""><img src="" align="right" width="128" height="128"/></a>

<a href=""><img src="" width="43" height="33" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="34" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="42" height="31" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="37" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="59" height="31" /></a>

-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0

Last week we discussed Steam Dev Days, Motion Capture Sessions, Disputed how far along we were with a particular map in development and enjoyed playing again with Alex and Dec who made the trips to Seattle and the UK.

If you missed our last stream or posting. Here is Episode 15 of "Friday Frenzy" on youtube!

We hope to discuss in today's "Friday Frenzy" (which will start 30mins from this posting!) a bit more about our progress with the new levels, hint at a 3rd being developed by our good friend Jason a.k.a who worked with me on NeoTokyo a Half-Life 2 Modification (No fear, setting the ground work with Jason on his own for the moment as we focus on Barlowe Square), and potentially a leak or two by us developers.

If you're interested in the giveaway you must partake in the channel chat and be following the channel itself!

Official Contagion Twitch.TV Channel</center>

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 8:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

Also worth mentioning is that we've broken through some significant barriers that would have limited how far one could mod Contagion when we release the Contagion SDK/Steamworks and have fixed numerous bugs/issues for our upcoming patch.

We will not be announcing ETAs on content however! Not just yet :)


-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0

Our Programmer and Animator have made their way through Seattle and the UK where we received 2 free copies of Valve's SteamBox, OS, and Gamepad. We met up with the guys from NMRiH, Dead Linger, Polycount, and more! It was an exciting and informative experience and Dec awkwardly waved from a Subway at Gabe Newell. Probably freaked the poor man out.

Not only was Steam Dev Days a success and a lot of fun but our trip to Europe and a much improved larger MoCap studio got us 1,000+ Motion Capture animations to replace all existing PLayer Survivor/Zombie, NPC Survivor/Zombie, and Misc animations. Much more than we could have hoped for with significant improvements to the quality of the recordings.

We still have a lot of surprises in store for everyone especially as we move closer to a Full Release. We also have some good news on the Zombie Panic front. Both Riley & NeoAssassin's hard work has paid off with Valve sorting out our Server issues that came out of nowhere. With our forums up and working again please be sure to let us know if you're still running into issues. Now....

If you missed our last stream or posting. Here is Episode 14 of "Friday Frenzy" on youtube!

We will be Streaming this weeks "Friday Frenzy" 30mins from this posting! If you're interested in seeing the game in Action, watching Devs fumble about like the rest, or looking for a chance to win a free copy of Contagion be sure to join us!

Official Contagion Twitch.TV Channel</center>

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 8:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

We would also like to point out that one of the reasons we post these updates on both our Contagion and ZPS groups (a few have shown concern) is because we still have big plans for ZPS but don't have the free time to sort them out but keeping involved in both has made it easier for myself to continue to focus on both great games and be ready for the love and attention Zombie Panic: Source deserves!


<a href=""><img src="" align="right" width="128" height="128"/></a>

<a href=""><img src="" width="43" height="33" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="34" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="42" height="31" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="37" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="59" height="31" /></a>

-The Contagion & ZPS Teams
Contagion - Tatsur0

Our Programmer and Animator have made their way through Seattle and the UK where we received 2 free copies of Valve's SteamBox, OS, and Gamepad. We met up with the guys from NMRiH, Dead Linger, Polycount, and more! It was an exciting and informative experience and Dec awkwardly waved from a Subway at Gabe Newell. Probably freaked the poor man out.

Not only was Steam Dev Days a success and a lot of fun but our trip to Europe and a much improved larger MoCap studio got us 1,000+ Motion Capture animations to replace all existing PLayer Survivor/Zombie, NPC Survivor/Zombie, and Misc animations. Much more than we could have hoped for with significant improvements to the quality of the recordings.

We still have a lot of surprises in store for everyone especially as we move closer to a Full Release. We also have some good news on the Zombie Panic front. Both Riley & NeoAssassin's hard work has paid off with Valve sorting out our Server issues that came out of nowhere. With our forums up and working again please be sure to let us know if you're still running into issues. Now....

If you missed our last stream or posting. Here is Episode 14 of "Friday Frenzy" on youtube!

We will be Streaming this weeks "Friday Frenzy" 30mins from this posting! If you're interested in seeing the game in Action, watching Devs fumble about like the rest, or looking for a chance to win a free copy of Contagion be sure to join us!

Official Contagion Twitch.TV Channel</center>

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 8:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

We would also like to point out that one of the reasons we post these updates on both our Contagion and ZPS groups (a few have shown concern) is because we still have big plans for ZPS but don't have the free time to sort them out but keeping involved in both has made it easier for myself to continue to focus on both great games and be ready for the love and attention Zombie Panic: Source deserves!


-The Contagion & ZPS Teams
Contagion - Tatsur0

Alex Wright (COO/Lead Animator) and Dec Doyle (Lead Programmer) spent there time with friends such as those from NMRiH, Minh Le, and more while attending Steam Dev Days this week but even more interesting was the gifts given. Both received a SteamBox, SteamOS, and Steam Gamepad which will definitely prove useful in the not so distant future.

Having spent there time attending conferences on the new hardware and VR (Yes we're working on the Oculus Rift as well with our DevKit) it's come to an end and while that might have meant having them both present for our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" Stream & Giveaway they are instead heading to the UK to visit our Motion Capture studio where they will spend 2 days (8 hours each day) completing a comprehensive list of animations with a professional actor and props brought in for the occasion. We wish them safe travels and hope Dec won't chain Alex up in the attic.

This weeks attendees will be some familiar voices such as Robert "Respawn RT" Tudor (Lead Art Director), Andrew "Dives" Hielscher (Level Designer), Andreas "ItouchMyselfWhenIhearBrian" Stromberg (3D Env Artist), Myself (SillyOldGoat or Tatsur0), and possibly our friend from DBolical/ModDB/IndieDB Aaron "TeamKillerAzA" Baker.

Our stream goes live in 20mins of posting this. No not because the ridiculous idea of Daylight Savings Time has confused me once again but due to our work schedule this week and cause I have my daughter home today. So we're starting a bit early today. We look forward to seeing you in game!

If you missed our last stream or posting. Here is Episode 13 of "Friday Frenzy" on youtube!

<center><iframe width="450" height="250" src="/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

Again we go live in 20mins!

Official Contagion Twitch.TV Channel</center>

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 8:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

Obviously today we divert our schedule from 7:00PM PST to 6:00PM! Should return to regular hours next week.


<a href=""><img src="" align="right" width="128" height="128"/></a>

<a href=""><img src="" width="43" height="33" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="34" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="42" height="31" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="37" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="59" height="31" /></a>

-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0

Alex Wright (COO/Lead Animator) and Dec Doyle (Lead Programmer) spent there time with friends such as those from NMRiH, Minh Le, and more while attending Steam Dev Days this week but even more interesting was the gifts given. Both received a SteamBox, SteamOS, and Steam Gamepad which will definitely prove useful in the not so distant future.

Having spent there time attending conferences on the new hardware and VR (Yes we're working on the Oculus Rift as well with our DevKit) it's come to an end and while that might have meant having them both present for our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" Stream & Giveaway they are instead heading to the UK to visit our Motion Capture studio where they will spend 2 days (8 hours each day) completing a comprehensive list of animations with a professional actor and props brought in for the occasion. We wish them safe travels and hope Dec won't chain Alex up in the attic.

This weeks attendees will be some familiar voices such as Robert "Respawn RT" Tudor (Lead Art Director), Andrew "Dives" Hielscher (Level Designer), Andreas "ItouchMyselfWhenIhearBrian" Stromberg (3D Env Artist), Myself (SillyOldGoat or Tatsur0), and possibly our friend from DBolical/ModDB/IndieDB Aaron "TeamKillerAzA" Baker.

Our stream goes live in 20mins of posting this. No not because the ridiculous idea of Daylight Savings Time has confused me once again but due to our work schedule this week and cause I have my daughter home today. So we're starting a bit early today. We look forward to seeing you in game!

If you missed our last stream or posting. Here is Episode 13 of "Friday Frenzy" on youtube!

<center><iframe width="450" height="250" src="/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

Again we go live in 20mins!

Official Contagion Twitch.TV Channel</center>

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 8:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

Obviously today we divert our schedule from 7:00PM PST to 6:00PM! Should return to regular hours next week.


-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0

We hope you enjoyed your holidays! We definitely did but that did not prevent us from getting work done as promised. Barlowe Square and Pioneer Express are coming along fantastically and if all goes as planned we'll be seeing them in the public build next month. We're also making significant progress on our Linux and Mac platforms as well as our Dedicated Server and working on Sourcemod to help those running servers have more control.


We've got so much going on it's a bit overwhelming but with the new hires we're blasting through it all. We've also got some interesting news that may reassure many or just irritate others (Playing our game for 2 hours a week apparently really gets on some ppl's nerves haha). Both Alex Wright (COO & Lead Animator) and Dec Doyle (Lead Programmer) are packed and flying out to Seattle, WA for Steam Dev Days where we'll meet face to face with some of our friends and colleagues as well as improving relations with contacts and furthering our reach and experience that will benefit all.

From there they will be flying to England for a few days (not even 24 hours rest) heading to our Motion Capture Studio where we've hired professional actors as we do a complete series of animations to replace the existing (it helps to have experienced and learned from our last MoCap session last year) animations for Player Survivors & Zombies, NPC Survivor (not all are friendly) & Zombies. With our layered animations and improved mechanics this will make a significant impact to immersion.

Our guys have been at it without much free time to live their lives so very soon the work we've been on will be pouring in. Yes that means NEW CONTENT and we thank all of you (most of you) for the patience as developing a game is nowhere near as simple as some would lead you to believe. Early Access is/has been better than we could have ever hoped for and the cooperation of the community in helping us catch and reporting bugs and issues with the game that will make for a smooth Full Release!


Here is this weeks changelog-

Contagion "Early Access" Build 3918
  • Fixed & Improved lag compensation as well as hit boxes on both Survivor and Zombie players (Waiting for the told you so's heh)
  • Improved net-code update and latency timers
  • Fixed not being able to reload sniper and mossberg
  • Fixed missing bullet decals
  • Adjusted sound system update system for NPC's
  • Adjusted sound system state updating for player deaths
  • Fixed missing floor textures
  • Fixed stuttering while holding melee secondary attacks
  • Added melee weapon attack gibbing system
  • Removed melee attack stamina limit for primary attack
  • Melee swipe attacks now has the chance to do more damage to the head
  • Added grenade and explosion gibbing to zombies
  • Added non-fatal grenade explosion gibbing
  • Remade melee system again for steady reliability of attacking (WIP but definitely worth it in the end. Sorry to those who prefer the old HL2 crowbar melee system)
  • Fixed hit detection on melee, while distance is still WIP
  • Removed ability to sprint while charging melee attacks
  • Recompiled material VPK's due to modified directory structure further optimizing the game
  • Removed Christmas update, models, textures, sounds etc
  • Possible fix of invisible and T-pose zombie models by forcing model update on spawn (Please grab screens/vids and report if still seen)
  • Improved environmental assets for all existing maps
  • New & Improved sound updates and attenuation fixes for all weapons
  • Fixed AR15 looping sound error fixed
  • Fixed KG9 attenuation
  • Fixed nav issues in RPD
  • Fixed fire dynamic lighting

Don't worry the content and media updates are coming sooner than we thought. Will keep you guys posted on how things go during Steam Dev Days and our progress. Don't stop reporting bugs, we couldn't have made it this far without you all.


<a href=""><img src="" width="43" height="33" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="34" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="42" height="31" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="37" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="59" height="31" /></a>

-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0

We hope you enjoyed your holidays! We definitely did but that did not prevent us from getting work done as promised. Barlowe Square and Pioneer Express are coming along fantastically and if all goes as planned we'll be seeing them in the public build next month. We're also making significant progress on our Linux and Mac platforms as well as our Dedicated Server and working on Sourcemod to help those running servers have more control.


We've got so much going on it's a bit overwhelming but with the new hires we're blasting through it all. We've also got some interesting news that may reassure many or just irritate others (Playing our game for 2 hours a week apparently really gets on some ppl's nerves haha). Both Alex Wright (COO & Lead Animator) and Dec Doyle (Lead Programmer) are packed and flying out to Seattle, WA for Steam Dev Days where we'll meet face to face with some of our friends and colleagues as well as improving relations with contacts and furthering our reach and experience that will benefit all.

From there they will be flying to England for a few days (not even 24 hours rest) heading to our Motion Capture Studio where we've hired professional actors as we do a complete series of animations to replace the existing (it helps to have experienced and learned from our last MoCap session last year) animations for Player Survivors & Zombies, NPC Survivor (not all are friendly) & Zombies. With our layered animations and improved mechanics this will make a significant impact to immersion.

Our guys have been at it without much free time to live their lives so very soon the work we've been on will be pouring in. Yes that means NEW CONTENT and we thank all of you (most of you) for the patience as developing a game is nowhere near as simple as some would lead you to believe. Early Access is/has been better than we could have ever hoped for and the cooperation of the community in helping us catch and reporting bugs and issues with the game that will make for a smooth Full Release!



Here is this weeks changelog-

Contagion "Early Access" Build 3918
  • Fixed & Improved lag compensation as well as hit boxes on both Survivor and Zombie players (Waiting for the told you so's heh)
  • Improved net-code update and latency timers
  • Fixed not being able to reload sniper and mossberg
  • Fixed missing bullet decals
  • Adjusted sound system update system for NPC's
  • Adjusted sound system state updating for player deaths
  • Fixed missing floor textures
  • Fixed stuttering while holding melee secondary attacks
  • Added melee weapon attack gibbing system
  • Removed melee attack stamina limit for primary attack
  • Melee swipe attacks now has the chance to do more damage to the head
  • Added grenade and explosion gibbing to zombies
  • Added non-fatal grenade explosion gibbing
  • Remade melee system again for steady reliability of attacking (WIP but definitely worth it in the end. Sorry to those who prefer the old HL2 crowbar melee system)
  • Fixed hit detection on melee, while distance is still WIP
  • Removed ability to sprint while charging melee attacks
  • Recompiled material VPK's due to modified directory structure further optimizing the game
  • Removed Christmas update, models, textures, sounds etc
  • Possible fix of invisible and T-pose zombie models by forcing model update on spawn (Please grab screens/vids and report if still seen)
  • Improved environmental assets for all existing maps
  • New & Improved sound updates and attenuation fixes for all weapons
  • Fixed AR15 looping sound error fixed
  • Fixed KG9 attenuation
  • Fixed nav issues in RPD
  • Fixed fire dynamic lighting

Don't worry the content and media updates are coming sooner than we thought. Will keep you guys posted on how things go during Steam Dev Days and our progress. Don't stop reporting bugs, we couldn't have made it this far without you all.


-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0

We've been busy creating what will be the largest ever Source map "Barlowe Square" which will include all 3 game modes and we hope to reveal some images soon which usually means testing of the map should be soon after. Still no ETA on Barlowe Square or Pioneer Express but both maps are both in progress and the new developers are doing a fantastic job of fitting in. Speaking of which! Andreas one of the new guys (though you coulda fooled me) should be joining us shortly for our "Friday Frenzy" Stream which will be live in 1hr 20mins of posting this!

With us Streaming our 13th Episode of "Friday Frenzy" we've just put up Episode 12 on youtube which you can watch while you wait!

<center><iframe width="450" height="250" src="/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

Again Stream for Episode 13 as well as a giveaway goes live in 1hr 20 mins from the time of this post! Be sure to follow the channel and participate in chat for a chance to win a free copy of Contagion!

Official Contagion Twitch.TV Channel</center>

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 8:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

So this week we have some of the team heading to Steam Dev Days then off to finish up our Motion Capture sessions. We have a lot more going on in the background for Full Release with a makeover and a release trailer. We've made significant progress on both Barlowe Square and Pioneer Express and hope to share more soon.


We also made it into PCGamer's "The Best PC Games of 2014" list! That was quite nice :D


Forums are back up and running and once the dust settles from all that is going on we hope to announce more about our plans for Zombie Panic: Source so keep your eyes peeled!


<a href=""><img src="" align="right" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" width="43" height="33" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="34" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="42" height="31" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="37" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="59" height="31" /></a>

-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0

We've been busy creating what will be the largest ever Source map "Barlowe Square" which will include all 3 game modes and we hope to reveal some images soon which usually means testing of the map should be soon after. Still no ETA on Barlowe Square or Pioneer Express but both maps are both in progress and the new developers are doing a fantastic job of fitting in. Speaking of which! Andreas one of the new guys (though you coulda fooled me) should be joining us shortly for our "Friday Frenzy" Stream which will be live in 1hr 20mins of posting this!

With us Streaming our 13th Episode of "Friday Frenzy" we've just put up Episode 12 on youtube which you can watch while you wait!

<center><iframe width="450" height="250" src="/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

Again Stream for Episode 13 as well as a giveaway goes live in 1hr 20 mins from the time of this post! Be sure to follow the channel and participate in chat for a chance to win a free copy of Contagion!

Official Contagion Twitch.TV Channel</center>

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 8:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

So this week we have some of the team heading to Steam Dev Days then off to finish up our Motion Capture sessions. We have a lot more going on in the background for Full Release with a makeover and a release trailer. We've made significant progress on both Barlowe Square and Pioneer Express and hope to share more soon.


We also made it into PCGamer's "The Best PC Games of 2014" list! That was quite nice :D


Forums are back up and running and once the dust settles from all that is going on we hope to announce more about our plans for Zombie Panic: Source so keep your eyes peeled!


-The Contagion Team

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