First off, thank you so much for all your support and feedback this year. (And all your crazy creatures!) You guys motivate us to keep making CHKN great and we really appreciate it. Happy holidays from the CHKN Team!

We’re doing one last dev stream in 2017 so come join us! We’ll be live on Twitch and YouTube tomorrow (Fri, Dec 22) at 3:30 pm EST pitting our own creatures against some of your creations from the Workshop. Help us choose combatants or just hang out and chat with us!

Now, let’s fill our last post of the year with some awesome creatures and a few sneak peeks, shall we?

Community Creature Spotlight
If you’re looking for cute, creative, or crazy new creatures to check out, here are a few of our recent favorites from the Workshop. Try them out in your own games! (Click the “Subscribe” button on a creature’s page and then press 'U' in Creative Mode to find them in your Subscribed tab.)

R A C E C A R by Ghost is super fun to drive around. And it breathes fire so that’s a plus. Get a group together and race against your friends!

Is it weird that Hotdog by squidking looks delicious? Follow-up question: Is it lunch time yet?

Bunny Cheerleader by Rowdyruff Muffin will be there to cheer you and your creatures on during those tough times. YOU CAN DO IT!

We really like this creative use of blocks in ARCTIC ICE FLOW by susan the water dragon. Look at the penguin!!

If you haven’t seen it yet, CHKN Logo 3.0 by Tycothepug is an amazing update on the original. Load it up in a game to see it in all its glory.

Got some favorites you think we should add to our CHKN Team Favorites collection? Or maybe you have a theme idea for our next creature creation contest (coming soon!)? Let us know in the comments below!

Pre-Release Work in Progress
We’ve got quite a few things in the works but here’s a sneak peek of some of the graphical updates coming soon to Pre-Release.

Tall, obtrusive grass has been a common issue reported in the past so we’re updating it! This is GPU powered grass. No longer in your face but also much more lush. It also bends when touched and animates with the wind.

We’re using a new terrain shader to realistically blend textures with heightmaps and create added detail, like on the edges of this dirt path cutting through the new grass.

Another color correction pass is making the creatures and environment more vibrant and really bringing them to life.

The skybox also got a fix so it’s nice and blue when the weather is clear! (And not so nice during those pesky storms.) The cows are really happy about it.

If you want to help us test these kinds of changes, check out the Pre-Release FAQ & Instructions. And don’t forget to post your feedback so we know what you think!

Farewell, 2017!

Gliding into 2018 like a boss.

Happy holidays! We hope the rest of your 2017 is great and we’ll see you in the new year. We’ve got a lot of exciting stuff coming in 2018 and we can’t wait to share it with you! (Make sure to sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss anything!)

- Team CHKN

First off, thank you so much for all your support and feedback this year. (And all your crazy creatures!) You guys motivate us to keep making CHKN great and we really appreciate it. Happy holidays from the CHKN Team!

We’re doing one last dev stream in 2017 so come join us! We’ll be live on Twitch and YouTube tomorrow (Fri, Dec 22) at 3:30 pm EST pitting our own creatures against some of your creations from the Workshop. Help us choose combatants or just hang out and chat with us!

Now, let’s fill our last post of the year with some awesome creatures and a few sneak peeks, shall we?

Community Creature Spotlight
If you’re looking for cute, creative, or crazy new creatures to check out, here are a few of our recent favorites from the Workshop. Try them out in your own games! (Click the “Subscribe” button on a creature’s page and then press 'U' in Creative Mode to find them in your Subscribed tab.)

R A C E C A R by Ghost is super fun to drive around. And it breathes fire so that’s a plus. Get a group together and race against your friends!

Is it weird that Hotdog by squidking looks delicious? Follow-up question: Is it lunch time yet?

Bunny Cheerleader by Rowdyruff Muffin will be there to cheer you and your creatures on during those tough times. YOU CAN DO IT!

We really like this creative use of blocks in ARCTIC ICE FLOW by susan the water dragon. Look at the penguin!!

If you haven’t seen it yet, CHKN Logo 3.0 by Tycothepug is an amazing update on the original. Load it up in a game to see it in all its glory.

Got some favorites you think we should add to our CHKN Team Favorites collection? Or maybe you have a theme idea for our next creature creation contest (coming soon!)? Let us know in the comments below!

Pre-Release Work in Progress
We’ve got quite a few things in the works but here’s a sneak peek of some of the graphical updates coming soon to Pre-Release.

Tall, obtrusive grass has been a common issue reported in the past so we’re updating it! This is GPU powered grass. No longer in your face but also much more lush. It also bends when touched and animates with the wind.

We’re using a new terrain shader to realistically blend textures with heightmaps and create added detail, like on the edges of this dirt path cutting through the new grass.

Another color correction pass is making the creatures and environment more vibrant and really bringing them to life.

The skybox also got a fix so it’s nice and blue when the weather is clear! (And not so nice during those pesky storms.) The cows are really happy about it.

If you want to help us test these kinds of changes, check out the Pre-Release FAQ & Instructions. And don’t forget to post your feedback so we know what you think!

Farewell, 2017!

Gliding into 2018 like a boss.

Happy holidays! We hope the rest of your 2017 is great and we’ll see you in the new year. We’ve got a lot of exciting stuff coming in 2018 and we can’t wait to share it with you! (Make sure to sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss anything!)

- Team CHKN

Huge thanks to everyone who entered our inaugural Creature Design Challenge: Bosses! We had a tough time choosing but ‘tis the life of a CHKN scientist. If you didn’t win this time, don’t worry. We want to fill CHKN with all your awesome creations so we’ll have another design challenge for you soon.

These are our choices. We also want to hear your votes in the comments below so we can put your favorites in a future release! Let us know which creatures you’d love to fight against (or even just run across) in CHKN.

Runihara Thanatos by Ultimate Oddball!

Runihara is definitely a creature we don’t want to run into while exploring, which is why it makes an excellent boss creation. Looks and functions great in-game? Check. Quick and scrappy? Check. High health and DPS? Check. Multiple abilities? Check. Tough and fun to face off against in a fight? Double Check!

Congrats, Ultimate Oddball! We’ll be adding Runihara Thanatos to the game in a future release.

Runners Up
These creatures were also really fun to fight and look great in-game. Plus they kind of give us nightmares. Congrats to ramenhar and Jelly Butter!

Cow spider by ramenhar will come at you quickly and then there’s fire everywhere. Fun to fight against, and frightening but also kinda cute somehow!

Arms by Jelly Butter has an amazing strike attack that’s very effective. It may seem like a hug at first but don’t be fooled. Pro Tip: dodge and weave!

Honorable Mentions
These are some great submissions that we loved for their own awesome reasons.

Weirdest entry goes to Hugh-Man by Rowdyruff Muffin. We mean that in a good way, as you can see in this screenshot from its Workshop page. (Rowdyruff’s other entry, Bubblebert, is also weird-in-a-good-way. Check that one out, too.)

Crawly abomination by squidking was definitely the creepiest. Load this up in your game and then run away screaming. Or tame it if you’re not afraid of spiders... but who’s not afraid of spiders!? (Squidking also has three other great entries so be sure to take a look at those!)

Scorpion Mech by BarinAsh isn’t very effective in a fight but it just looks super dang cool. Very creative use of these blocks. (BarinAsh has a whole collection of amazing mech replicants if you like robot creatures.)

We underestimated Fuzzy Hairder by Lordofd. We thought fighting this thing would be easy. We were wrong. And it has a great ‘do.

Cerberus by Crystalseeker is actually really deadly but... dawwww look. It’s so cute! Tame this and you’ve got an excellent battle companion.

Put a saddle on The Block by Tycothepug and you have a really great battle mount. Try it out! The attacks are very effective. (And try out Tyco’s other creative entries while you’re at it.)

We did not expect a Nail Clipper by STEVEBILLYBOB. It somehow matches its name perfectly, plus it’s fun watching it try to attack with both mouths. (We’ll work on that back neck functionality!)

And finally, in the “Pfft, Rules Schmules!” category, SpyCakes, ardutton, and JuliaAiko went over the orb limit but we had to show off their creatures anyway.

The Land Kraken by SpyCakes was just over the orb limit but it’s a beast with both poison and ink shooting. Watching it glide around with its carefully placed octolegs is mesmerizing.

Potoooooooo by ardutton is a merciless charger, who also looks great with all those feathers. Probably keeps it nice and warm in the winter, too.

And this is Boss Creature by JuliaAiko, the fluffiest T-Rex. Not sure whether to run away or hug it. Many points for creativity.

(Looks like we need to work on screenshots for larger creatures too, whoops.)

Winner Announcement Live Stream
We showed off the winner and runners up in our live stream earlier today and explained more about our choices. Check out the video on YouTube to see them in action!
If you want to try out these creations in your own worlds, make sure to subscribe to them in the Workshop. You can use the links above or here’s a handy collection of ALL the submissions for you to play with:

Nov '17 Boss Challenge Submissions Collection

There were some other really great entries that went over the 2400 orb limit rule or weren’t boss fight material even though they looked really cool, etc. We included those in the list anyway. We’re definitely saving some of these to add to the world in the future!

Don’t forget that you can always share your amazing creations to the Workshop by using the menu in game. Just hold [E] and select “Save to Workshop".

It was a lot of fun looking through all your great entries. We hope you had fun creating them! We can’t wait to see what you build for the next challenge.

- Team CHKN

Huge thanks to everyone who entered our inaugural Creature Design Challenge: Bosses! We had a tough time choosing but ‘tis the life of a CHKN scientist. If you didn’t win this time, don’t worry. We want to fill CHKN with all your awesome creations so we’ll have another design challenge for you soon.

These are our choices. We also want to hear your votes in the comments below so we can put your favorites in a future release! Let us know which creatures you’d love to fight against (or even just run across) in CHKN.

Runihara Thanatos by Ultimate Oddball!

Runihara is definitely a creature we don’t want to run into while exploring, which is why it makes an excellent boss creation. Looks and functions great in-game? Check. Quick and scrappy? Check. High health and DPS? Check. Multiple abilities? Check. Tough and fun to face off against in a fight? Double Check!

Congrats, Ultimate Oddball! We’ll be adding Runihara Thanatos to the game in a future release.

Runners Up
These creatures were also really fun to fight and look great in-game. Plus they kind of give us nightmares. Congrats to ramenhar and Jelly Butter!

Cow spider by ramenhar will come at you quickly and then there’s fire everywhere. Fun to fight against, and frightening but also kinda cute somehow!

Arms by Jelly Butter has an amazing strike attack that’s very effective. It may seem like a hug at first but don’t be fooled. Pro Tip: dodge and weave!

Honorable Mentions
These are some great submissions that we loved for their own awesome reasons.

Weirdest entry goes to Hugh-Man by Rowdyruff Muffin. We mean that in a good way, as you can see in this screenshot from its Workshop page. (Rowdyruff’s other entry, Bubblebert, is also weird-in-a-good-way. Check that one out, too.)

Crawly abomination by squidking was definitely the creepiest. Load this up in your game and then run away screaming. Or tame it if you’re not afraid of spiders... but who’s not afraid of spiders!? (Squidking also has three other great entries so be sure to take a look at those!)

Scorpion Mech by BarinAsh isn’t very effective in a fight but it just looks super dang cool. Very creative use of these blocks. (BarinAsh has a whole collection of amazing mech replicants if you like robot creatures.)

We underestimated Fuzzy Hairder by Lordofd. We thought fighting this thing would be easy. We were wrong. And it has a great ‘do.

Cerberus by Crystalseeker is actually really deadly but... dawwww look. It’s so cute! Tame this and you’ve got an excellent battle companion.

Put a saddle on The Block by Tycothepug and you have a really great battle mount. Try it out! The attacks are very effective. (And try out Tyco’s other creative entries while you’re at it.)

We did not expect a Nail Clipper by STEVEBILLYBOB. It somehow matches its name perfectly, plus it’s fun watching it try to attack with both mouths. (We’ll work on that back neck functionality!)

And finally, in the “Pfft, Rules Schmules!” category, SpyCakes, ardutton, and JuliaAiko went over the orb limit but we had to show off their creatures anyway.

The Land Kraken by SpyCakes was just over the orb limit but it’s a beast with both poison and ink shooting. Watching it glide around with its carefully placed octolegs is mesmerizing.

Potoooooooo by ardutton is a merciless charger, who also looks great with all those feathers. Probably keeps it nice and warm in the winter, too.

And this is Boss Creature by JuliaAiko, the fluffiest T-Rex. Not sure whether to run away or hug it. Many points for creativity.

(Looks like we need to work on screenshots for larger creatures too, whoops.)

Winner Announcement Live Stream
We showed off the winner and runners up in our live stream earlier today and explained more about our choices. Check out the video on YouTube to see them in action!
If you want to try out these creations in your own worlds, make sure to subscribe to them in the Workshop. You can use the links above or here’s a handy collection of ALL the submissions for you to play with:

Nov '17 Boss Challenge Submissions Collection

There were some other really great entries that went over the 2400 orb limit rule or weren’t boss fight material even though they looked really cool, etc. We included those in the list anyway. We’re definitely saving some of these to add to the world in the future!

Don’t forget that you can always share your amazing creations to the Workshop by using the menu in game. Just hold [E] and select “Save to Workshop".

It was a lot of fun looking through all your great entries. We hope you had fun creating them! We can’t wait to see what you build for the next challenge.

- Team CHKN

Enter our boss design challenge! Your boss creature could be featured in a future game release, standing guard over some epic loot and striking fear into the hearts of players everywhere. Here’s how to enter. Good luck!

The Rules
  1. Build a boss creature within a maximum orb limit of 2400 and save it to the Workshop
  2. That’s it! Your boss creature can use any Life Blocks in any combination you like. It can be scary or cute or a true abomination. It’s up to you.

Whoops! Over 2400 orb limit! Gotta remove some parts...

How to Enter Your Creation
  1. Launch CHKN in Creative Mode
  2. Build your boss under 2400. Have fun and get creative!

  3. Exit the build sphere and save your creation to the Workshop so we can see it. (Use the [Q] command on your creature and select “Save to Workshop”.)

  4. Make sure to give your creature a name! Add “Boss Challenge” to the title or description to help us find it more easily.

You’re done! If you have more than one idea, fear not. You can enter as many times as you like.

All creatures saved to the Workshop before Tuesday, Nov 28 @ 23:59:59 EST will be entered into the challenge!

Who Will Win?
Once entries are closed, our crack team of CHKN scientists will go over all the entries and try our best to narrow them down to a winner. We have a feeling this will be really tough but also very fun!

We’ll announce the winners and show off our favorite entries during our next live stream on Friday, Dec 1 @ 3:30 PM EST. Join us!

CHKN Logo by Tycothepug

We’ve always wanted to fill the world of CHKN with awesome creatures created by you guys so we figured we’d start big. We can’t wait to see your epic boss creations!

- Team CHKN

Enter our boss design challenge! Your boss creature could be featured in a future game release, standing guard over some epic loot and striking fear into the hearts of players everywhere. Here’s how to enter. Good luck!

The Rules
  1. Build a boss creature within a maximum orb limit of 2400 and save it to the Workshop
  2. That’s it! Your boss creature can use any Life Blocks in any combination you like. It can be scary or cute or a true abomination. It’s up to you.

Whoops! Over 2400 orb limit! Gotta remove some parts...

How to Enter Your Creation
  1. Launch CHKN in Creative Mode
  2. Build your boss under 2400. Have fun and get creative!

  3. Exit the build sphere and save your creation to the Workshop so we can see it. (Use the [Q] command on your creature and select “Save to Workshop”.)

  4. Make sure to give your creature a name! Add “Boss Challenge” to the title or description to help us find it more easily.

You’re done! If you have more than one idea, fear not. You can enter as many times as you like.

All creatures saved to the Workshop before Tuesday, Nov 28 @ 23:59:59 EST will be entered into the challenge!

Who Will Win?
Once entries are closed, our crack team of CHKN scientists will go over all the entries and try our best to narrow them down to a winner. We have a feeling this will be really tough but also very fun!

We’ll announce the winners and show off our favorite entries during our next live stream on Friday, Dec 1 @ 3:30 PM EST. Join us!

CHKN Logo by Tycothepug

We’ve always wanted to fill the world of CHKN with awesome creatures created by you guys so we figured we’d start big. We can’t wait to see your epic boss creations!

- Team CHKN

We’re in progress on development for the future of CHKN. We want you to test and give us feedback on the pre-release build. Full notes on what’s new and how to install it are below!

Since it’s a work in progress, expect bugs, performance issues, unfinished gameplay, and other weirdness. You can report anything you find here on the forums. It really helps and we love hearing from you!

Download Pre-Release
To try out all the new features, you’ll need to switch to the Pre-Release (testing) version of CHKN. Just follow these steps:
  1. Right click on CHKN in your Steam Library and select “Properties”.
  2. Click on the “Betas” tab.
  3. In the dropdown menu, select “prerelease”.
That’s it! Steam will download the Pre-Release build and you can create a new game to start testing all the new content. (If you ever want to switch back to the stable release build, just select “NONE” from the dropdown at any time. Your saved games will still be there when you return!)

Testing Tip: Teleporting!
To help you move around more quickly while testing, you can also teleport. Hit [Enter] and type one of these /teleport commands into the chat bar. Then hold onto your shorts!
  • New zone starting area: /teleport 3477 83 3366
  • Old starting temple: /teleport -2593 69 439
  • Forest temple: /teleport -1356 107 -137
  • Desert temple: /teleport 82 129 402
  • Swamp temple: /teleport -48 155 -1085
Patch Notes
New Features
  • New Adventure Mode Starting Area: a whole new starting experience to explore!
    • Includes a new biome (Tropical Oasis/Beach) with improved art style for all new assets: vegetation, trees, terrain, textures, and items (food & resources)
    • New wild chicken, pig, dog, and cow creature variations (leave your favorites in the comments!)
    • First pass at updated tutorial mechanics and new prompts to teach new players in a clearer way
      • Tutorial messages will now pause the game and display important information the first time a player encounters an item or a game mechanic
    • Solve new puzzles, find hidden treasure chests, and defeat a brand new boss CHKN at the end of the zone
    • Completing the tutorial takes you to the old tutorial’s “starter temple” to continue your adventures in the larger world (which will be updated to the new art style in the future!)
  • Updated life blocks and textures
    • Revamped chicken: updated life blocks (eye, mouth, wing, leg, comb) + new body block variations and textures
      • Smaller blocks are lighter, larger ones are tougher… experiment with Life Block combinations!
    • Updated dog textures
    • More creatures will be revamped in the coming months as we continue to add more meaning and depth to creature building.
  • New creature ability: Glide
    • Chicken wings now unlock the Glide ability!
      • We’ll be adding more abilities/AI/animations unlocked by specific Life Blocks in the coming months. Suggestions welcome!
    • Ride a creature (using a saddle), then hold spacebar to jump and glide through the air.
    • Best to pick up momentum before hand by sprinting.
    • Consumes stamina per wing attached (if a creature is out of stamina mid-glide, it will fall to the ground)
    • Gliding fall rate is determined by the mass mass of creature vs the amount of attached wings.
      • Tip: Try making your your chicken lighter and/or faster to glide farther in a single jump.
  • Stamina bar added to the UI
    • Added for both the player (you!) and tamed/bonded creatures
    • Stamina will decrease when sprinting, running, rolling, performing melee strikes, and when using certain abilities. If winded, these actions will not be possible so keep an eye on it!
  • Life Shaper Relic progression updated
    • Creature bonding/revival and creature building are now unlocked with two separate relics for smoother progression ramping
  • Structure breaking updated
    • A structure item will now will break with one hit for first 30 seconds after placed for quick recovery when misplacing or just changing your mind. (Afterwards, hit points and minimal break damage values will be used as per usual.)
Bug Fixes
  • Attaching to a top of a block now faces forward by default
  • Game crashing bugs caused by poachers fixed
  • Frozen unresponsive poachers fixed
  • Rain volume not impacted by options fixed
This is a work in progress. Leave a post on the forums to let us know what you think so far!

Next Dev Stream: Community Workshop Creations!
Since it’s a holiday here in the U.S. this week, our next developer stream will be on Wednesday (Nov 22) @ 3:30 PM EST. Join us on Twitch or YouTube and show us your favorite creations!

See you then!

- Team CHKN

We’re in progress on development for the future of CHKN. We want you to test and give us feedback on the pre-release build. Full notes on what’s new and how to install it are below!

Since it’s a work in progress, expect bugs, performance issues, unfinished gameplay, and other weirdness. You can report anything you find here on the forums. It really helps and we love hearing from you!

Download Pre-Release
To try out all the new features, you’ll need to switch to the Pre-Release (testing) version of CHKN. Just follow these steps:
  1. Right click on CHKN in your Steam Library and select “Properties”.
  2. Click on the “Betas” tab.
  3. In the dropdown menu, select “prerelease”.
That’s it! Steam will download the Pre-Release build and you can create a new game to start testing all the new content. (If you ever want to switch back to the stable release build, just select “NONE” from the dropdown at any time. Your saved games will still be there when you return!)

Testing Tip: Teleporting!
To help you move around more quickly while testing, you can also teleport. Hit [Enter] and type one of these /teleport commands into the chat bar. Then hold onto your shorts!
  • New zone starting area: /teleport 3477 83 3366
  • Old starting temple: /teleport -2593 69 439
  • Forest temple: /teleport -1356 107 -137
  • Desert temple: /teleport 82 129 402
  • Swamp temple: /teleport -48 155 -1085
Patch Notes
New Features
  • New Adventure Mode Starting Area: a whole new starting experience to explore!
    • Includes a new biome (Tropical Oasis/Beach) with improved art style for all new assets: vegetation, trees, terrain, textures, and items (food & resources)
    • New wild chicken, pig, dog, and cow creature variations (leave your favorites in the comments!)
    • First pass at updated tutorial mechanics and new prompts to teach new players in a clearer way
      • Tutorial messages will now pause the game and display important information the first time a player encounters an item or a game mechanic
    • Solve new puzzles, find hidden treasure chests, and defeat a brand new boss CHKN at the end of the zone
    • Completing the tutorial takes you to the old tutorial’s “starter temple” to continue your adventures in the larger world (which will be updated to the new art style in the future!)
  • Updated life blocks and textures
    • Revamped chicken: updated life blocks (eye, mouth, wing, leg, comb) + new body block variations and textures
      • Smaller blocks are lighter, larger ones are tougher… experiment with Life Block combinations!
    • Updated dog textures
    • More creatures will be revamped in the coming months as we continue to add more meaning and depth to creature building.
  • New creature ability: Glide
    • Chicken wings now unlock the Glide ability!
      • We’ll be adding more abilities/AI/animations unlocked by specific Life Blocks in the coming months. Suggestions welcome!
    • Ride a creature (using a saddle), then hold spacebar to jump and glide through the air.
    • Best to pick up momentum before hand by sprinting.
    • Consumes stamina per wing attached (if a creature is out of stamina mid-glide, it will fall to the ground)
    • Gliding fall rate is determined by the mass mass of creature vs the amount of attached wings.
      • Tip: Try making your your chicken lighter and/or faster to glide farther in a single jump.
  • Stamina bar added to the UI
    • Added for both the player (you!) and tamed/bonded creatures
    • Stamina will decrease when sprinting, running, rolling, performing melee strikes, and when using certain abilities. If winded, these actions will not be possible so keep an eye on it!
  • Life Shaper Relic progression updated
    • Creature bonding/revival and creature building are now unlocked with two separate relics for smoother progression ramping
  • Structure breaking updated
    • A structure item will now will break with one hit for first 30 seconds after placed for quick recovery when misplacing or just changing your mind. (Afterwards, hit points and minimal break damage values will be used as per usual.)
Bug Fixes
  • Attaching to a top of a block now faces forward by default
  • Game crashing bugs caused by poachers fixed
  • Frozen unresponsive poachers fixed
  • Rain volume not impacted by options fixed
This is a work in progress. Leave a post on the forums to let us know what you think so far!

Next Dev Stream: Community Workshop Creations!
Since it’s a holiday here in the U.S. this week, our next developer stream will be on Wednesday (Nov 22) @ 3:30 PM EST. Join us on Twitch or YouTube and show us your favorite creations!

See you then!

- Team CHKN

Check out the awesome new lighting and rendering overhaul we just added to Pre-Release! This change is step one to upgrade CHKN’s graphics and look & feel. We’re still tweaking so please let us know your feedback, We think it looks pretty dang snazzy already so we wanted to share it with you first! (Click the screenshots below to see larger versions.)

Left is today’s game. Right is on Pre-Release. Note the lighting now has better detail (see horns) and sky is atmospheric (haze, clouds).

Venus flytrap in a new forest scene on Pre-Release (right). Fog effects plus color correction allows for warm night time atmosphere. Note the improved light reflecting off the eyes.

To the desert! The new skybox is in full effect (on right). The sunlight is scattered and reflected nicely off the beetle mouth... right before it bites your face.

Here are the technical details, if you’re into that sort of thing:
  • Upgraded Visuals (Lighting, Colors, Rendering and Effects):
    • Switched lighting from gamma to linear model to produce much more accurate and realistic lighting
    • Switched from LDR to HDR rendering to produce more accurate colors and better shader effects
    • Upgraded skybox to a new dynamic system for better day/night cycle lighting, atmospheric scattering, advanced fog, and dynamic animated clouds
    • Added new post processing effects to tie it all together (color grading, motion blur, ambient occlusion, bloom, screen space reflection)

In the swamp, the mist is enhanced by the new scattering and height-based fogs. Add the color correction with custom LUTs and we get this eerie blue-green look!

Light beams from the sun shine down through the trees, washing over the player and creatures. No epic crab fight here. Everything’s fine.

The new skybox creates a pretty amazing sunset. The light beams are shining, the coloring is warm and realistic, and the scattering adds to the effect in the background. Time to relax before night falls.

We’ve also got new environment art, some updated creatures, and a whole new Adventure starting experience in the works, all coming soon in the next update.

For video sneak peek, join us for our next dev livestream on Monday (Oct 30th) at 3:30 PM EST on Twitch and YouTube.

For now, there’s lots of work left to do so we’ll get back to it.

Later gators.

- Team CHKN

Check out the awesome new lighting and rendering overhaul we just added to Pre-Release! This change is step one to upgrade CHKN’s graphics and look & feel. We’re still tweaking so please let us know your feedback, We think it looks pretty dang snazzy already so we wanted to share it with you first! (Click the screenshots below to see larger versions.)

Left is today’s game. Right is on Pre-Release. Note the lighting now has better detail (see horns) and sky is atmospheric (haze, clouds).

Venus flytrap in a new forest scene on Pre-Release (right). Fog effects plus color correction allows for warm night time atmosphere. Note the improved light reflecting off the eyes.

To the desert! The new skybox is in full effect (on right). The sunlight is scattered and reflected nicely off the beetle mouth... right before it bites your face.

Here are the technical details, if you’re into that sort of thing:
  • Upgraded Visuals (Lighting, Colors, Rendering and Effects):
    • Switched lighting from gamma to linear model to produce much more accurate and realistic lighting
    • Switched from LDR to HDR rendering to produce more accurate colors and better shader effects
    • Upgraded skybox to a new dynamic system for better day/night cycle lighting, atmospheric scattering, advanced fog, and dynamic animated clouds
    • Added new post processing effects to tie it all together (color grading, motion blur, ambient occlusion, bloom, screen space reflection)

In the swamp, the mist is enhanced by the new scattering and height-based fogs. Add the color correction with custom LUTs and we get this eerie blue-green look!

Light beams from the sun shine down through the trees, washing over the player and creatures. No epic crab fight here. Everything’s fine.

The new skybox creates a pretty amazing sunset. The light beams are shining, the coloring is warm and realistic, and the scattering adds to the effect in the background. Time to relax before night falls.

We’ve also got new environment art, some updated creatures, and a whole new Adventure starting experience in the works, all coming soon in the next update.

For video sneak peek, join us for our next dev livestream on Monday (Oct 30th) at 3:30 PM EST on Twitch and YouTube.

For now, there’s lots of work left to do so we’ll get back to it.

Later gators.

- Team CHKN

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