Jan 29, 2015
Bloodline Champions - Tautroll
Hello all!

We know some of you are having issues with not getting keys, connecting the wrong keys and just not being able to play.

Please fill out this form

It will take quite some time to sort out these issues

So do not expect an answer until atleast tomorrow.

So please be patient, filling the form multiple times will not get anything done faster and the same with creating multiple threads here on the steam forum.

We're working as fast as we can.
Jan 29, 2015
Bloodline Champions - SLS_Tautroll
Hello all!

We know some of you are having issues with not getting keys, connecting the wrong keys and just not being able to play.

Please fill out this form

It will take quite some time to sort out these issues

So do not expect an answer until atleast tomorrow.

So please be patient, filling the form multiple times will not get anything done faster and the same with creating multiple threads here on the steam forum.

We're working as fast as we can.
Jan 28, 2015
Bloodline Champions - Tautroll
We’re very happy to welcome you to our very own Bloodline Champions servers!
We hope you enjoy your welcome gift!

If you haven't logged in yet, make sure to do it within 2 weeks to get the reward!

We’re sorry for the delay, the transfer of all the data and the set up took longer than expected, but at last we’re done and we hope everything will work smooth from here.

All e-mails with key codes to connect your accounts may not have been sent yet, so we ask you to be patient! It’s a lot of e-mails to send, they have been going out most of the day and will continue to do so for quite some time. So don’t panic yet!

If you, after all e-mails been sent, have a problem, we’ll do our best together with Funcom to help you out. We’ll let you know when there is a solution.

As previously said, we are also talking to Steam to remove all the region restrictions on the game. We hope it can get done soon so you all can come back!

We’ve released a small patch, and you can find the patch notes here

Would also like to thank everyone who took their time to help out with testing 2 weeks ago! It helped more than you could imagine! <3
Jan 28, 2015
Bloodline Champions - SLS_Tautroll
We’re very happy to welcome you to our very own Bloodline Champions servers!
We hope you enjoy your welcome gift!

If you haven't logged in yet, make sure to do it within 2 weeks to get the reward!

We’re sorry for the delay, the transfer of all the data and the set up took longer than expected, but at last we’re done and we hope everything will work smooth from here.

All e-mails with key codes to connect your accounts may not have been sent yet, so we ask you to be patient! It’s a lot of e-mails to send, they have been going out most of the day and will continue to do so for quite some time. So don’t panic yet!

If you, after all e-mails been sent, have a problem, we’ll do our best together with Funcom to help you out. We’ll let you know when there is a solution.

As previously said, we are also talking to Steam to remove all the region restrictions on the game. We hope it can get done soon so you all can come back!

We’ve released a small patch, and you can find the patch notes here

Would also like to thank everyone who took their time to help out with testing 2 weeks ago! It helped more than you could imagine! <3
Jan 28, 2015
Bloodline Champions - Tautroll
Teams Matchmaking has been removed. This is to ensure that the playerbase is less spread out on multiple queues
Teams are still used for Tournaments
Teams Matches statistics now includes Tournament matches win/loss tracking.

Scenario Queues have been removed due to very long queue times. But are still available in Custom games.

Custom Games
Custom Game Blood Coin gain increased from 25% to 90%

Standard Matchmaking
Parties matchmaking balance has been modified to make it less exploitable for high rated users to play with low rated players.
Entire party will now receive a leaver punishment on rating when a party member leaves the match.
Rating required for grades has been slightly reduced.

Fixed a bug where Thorn would gain energy by using Tree Bash on projectiles.

Earth Crush (Ultimate) second jump can now be cancelled by Etheral effects.

Funcom points has been replaced with Gold Coins.

Bloodlines has been divided into 3 different price groups, no prices has been increased so don’t worry about that.

The Bloodcoin costs from cosmetic items has been removed. (such as outfits, weapon skins, emotes, avatars and titles) So these items will only be available for Gold, as rewards and tournament prizes.

Chat messages containing invalid characters for the font used will no longer be displayed for the user. (Less Questionmarks)
Starter Quest no longer requires a Conquest and Capture the Artifact Match
Jan 28, 2015
Bloodline Champions - SLS_Tautroll
Teams Matchmaking has been removed. This is to ensure that the playerbase is less spread out on multiple queues
Teams are still used for Tournaments
Teams Matches statistics now includes Tournament matches win/loss tracking.

Scenario Queues have been removed due to very long queue times. But are still available in Custom games.

Custom Games
Custom Game Blood Coin gain increased from 25% to 90%

Standard Matchmaking
Parties matchmaking balance has been modified to make it less exploitable for high rated users to play with low rated players.
Entire party will now receive a leaver punishment on rating when a party member leaves the match.
Rating required for grades has been slightly reduced.

Fixed a bug where Thorn would gain energy by using Tree Bash on projectiles.

Earth Crush (Ultimate) second jump can now be cancelled by Etheral effects.

Funcom points has been replaced with Gold Coins.

Bloodlines has been divided into 3 different price groups, no prices has been increased so don’t worry about that.

The Bloodcoin costs from cosmetic items has been removed. (such as outfits, weapon skins, emotes, avatars and titles) So these items will only be available for Gold, as rewards and tournament prizes.

Chat messages containing invalid characters for the font used will no longer be displayed for the user. (Less Questionmarks)
Starter Quest no longer requires a Conquest and Capture the Artifact Match
Jan 27, 2015
Bloodline Champions - Tautroll
Stunlock Studios will take over the Bloodline Champions servers tomorrow, 28th of January!

[28 January 2015, 09:00 UTC] Server Host Switch Downtime
There will be a server downtime Wednesday 28th of January due to a hosting switch on the Bloodline Champions Servers. The downtime will also include a minor patch.
Servers will be closed at 9:00 UTC. We expect to have the servers up later in the afternoon, but due to the size of this Host Switch the estimated time of completion is Unknown.

We will take down the current servers tomorrow at 09:00 UTC. When this has been done there’s quite a lot to sort out to get everything working. We hope to have the new servers up and running for your glorious return to the game during the afternoon!
We will let you know when the new servers are up and ready for you! Wish us luck! ^^

As previously mentioned some changes will be made and a small patch will be applied.

The funcom currency you have will be converted into our new very innovatively named “gold” currency on the new servers.

The marketplace will have have some new prices and changes too which items will be available for what type of currency. All cosmetic items such as outfits, weapon skins, emotes, avatars and titles will only be available for Gold.

Connecting your account
Tomorrow morning we will start sending out the key-codes you will use to connect your current account to your steam account. All information you will need is going to be available in the e-mail.

We are in the process of getting steam to remove all region restrictions to the game, we hope it will be sorted soon.

Make sure to log in during the first 2 weeks to receive a “Welcome to the new servers”-reward!
Jan 27, 2015
Bloodline Champions - SLS_Tautroll
Stunlock Studios will take over the Bloodline Champions servers tomorrow, 28th of January!

[28 January 2015, 09:00 UTC] Server Host Switch Downtime
There will be a server downtime Wednesday 28th of January due to a hosting switch on the Bloodline Champions Servers. The downtime will also include a minor patch.
Servers will be closed at 9:00 UTC. We expect to have the servers up later in the afternoon, but due to the size of this Host Switch the estimated time of completion is Unknown.

We will take down the current servers tomorrow at 09:00 UTC. When this has been done there’s quite a lot to sort out to get everything working. We hope to have the new servers up and running for your glorious return to the game during the afternoon!
We will let you know when the new servers are up and ready for you! Wish us luck! ^^

As previously mentioned some changes will be made and a small patch will be applied.

The funcom currency you have will be converted into our new very innovatively named “gold” currency on the new servers.

The marketplace will have have some new prices and changes too which items will be available for what type of currency. All cosmetic items such as outfits, weapon skins, emotes, avatars and titles will only be available for Gold.

Connecting your account
Tomorrow morning we will start sending out the key-codes you will use to connect your current account to your steam account. All information you will need is going to be available in the e-mail.

We are in the process of getting steam to remove all region restrictions to the game, we hope it will be sorted soon.

Make sure to log in during the first 2 weeks to receive a “Welcome to the new servers”-reward!
Bloodline Champions - Tautroll
Thanks for helping out with testing the servers yesterday!
We had more people than we expected and it’s great to see such dedication! Feels like we’re not trying to keep the servers alive for nothing! <3

We’ve done some changes to the forum here on steam. We’ve added a community announcement forum, where you will see news about further tests, community activities et cetera. We’ve also added a test forum, where we’d like to get reports on bugs and how the servers behave while you play during the tests. And there’s now also a support forum for technical issues or problems you have with the game. Last but not least, we’ve also split up the discussion forums into general and bloodline discussion.
So make sure to swing by and make your voice heard!

Upcoming test session
Next test session will not be as long as this one, because we felt both you guys and we got pretty tired at the end.

Next test is scheduled for Friday, January 16th at 16:00 UTC to 19:00 UTC
We’d be really happy if you had a chance to show up and help out again!

All connections have been reset and since some people decided to spend more time on trying to ninja other peoples accounts rather than test, for this session we will require both email and account name to connect an account.
Please focus people, we’re testing a game here! :D

We got a lot of information on how the servers perform, especially the shop and we will do some tweaks before next test to get the best possible results.

I lost a lot of rating in the test server! Are you going to fix it!?

Nothing on the test servers are saved and will not affect your account on live. So you lost no rating, you get none of the new items you bought with your free gold and you did not get that name change. Everything on live is just as before you started testing.

I can’t play, how do I get back on live?!

If you try and enter now, this is done automatically since we’ve removed the beta. But when it’s available and you want to play on live you need to do this:
To play on live, you need to Opt out of the beta in the beta drop down list in your Bloodline Champions properties on Steam. It should look like this:

What will happen with Titan accounts?

Titan accounts will keep all their perks after the transfer, except for the 10% Funcom Points discount on prices in the shop. This is because Funcom Points has been removed and due to technical reasons with the new shop. Titan users will however get a gold coins compensation for this. Hope that’s ok. :)
Bloodline Champions - SLS_Tautroll
Thanks for helping out with testing the servers yesterday!
We had more people than we expected and it’s great to see such dedication! Feels like we’re not trying to keep the servers alive for nothing! <3

We’ve done some changes to the forum here on steam. We’ve added a community announcement forum, where you will see news about further tests, community activities et cetera. We’ve also added a test forum, where we’d like to get reports on bugs and how the servers behave while you play during the tests. And there’s now also a support forum for technical issues or problems you have with the game. Last but not least, we’ve also split up the discussion forums into general and bloodline discussion.
So make sure to swing by and make your voice heard!

Upcoming test session
Next test session will not be as long as this one, because we felt both you guys and we got pretty tired at the end.

Next test is scheduled for Friday, January 16th at 16:00 UTC to 19:00 UTC
We’d be really happy if you had a chance to show up and help out again!

All connections have been reset and since some people decided to spend more time on trying to ninja other peoples accounts rather than test, for this session we will require both email and account name to connect an account.
Please focus people, we’re testing a game here! :D

We got a lot of information on how the servers perform, especially the shop and we will do some tweaks before next test to get the best possible results.

I lost a lot of rating in the test server! Are you going to fix it!?

Nothing on the test servers are saved and will not affect your account on live. So you lost no rating, you get none of the new items you bought with your free gold and you did not get that name change. Everything on live is just as before you started testing.

I can’t play, how do I get back on live?!

If you try and enter now, this is done automatically since we’ve removed the beta. But when it’s available and you want to play on live you need to do this:
To play on live, you need to Opt out of the beta in the beta drop down list in your Bloodline Champions properties on Steam. It should look like this:

What will happen with Titan accounts?

Titan accounts will keep all their perks after the transfer, except for the 10% Funcom Points discount on prices in the shop. This is because Funcom Points has been removed and due to technical reasons with the new shop. Titan users will however get a gold coins compensation for this. Hope that’s ok. :)

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