Dec 30, 2016
Blitzkrieg 3 - Blitzkrieg 3 Official

Good day to you, comrades!

The New Year is fast approaching with only a few days left, and we are all preparing presents for each other and for ourselves.
We have prepared two surprises for you: a new map for skirmish mode, which you have all been waiting for, as well as a funny gaming event, which is related to the New Year.

Let’s start with the best news first :)
The new map is called Castle Ruins.
It’s a snowy region in the north of France, in the Ardennes mountains near Belgium. A spectacular castle used to stand here, but after past assaults by different nations, only the ruins are left. But even they capture the imagination with their size and former greatness. According to the architect’s plans, the castle was surrounded by a water-filled moat, with bridges and secret passageways leading into the building. These have all been preserved. The large number of assault routes will provide tactical variety to the skirmishes on this map.

One of the features of this map is the presence of towers. These fortifications provide a useful vantage point for the platoons, as well as being very reliable and hard to destroy. The towers are not located near the control points, but the soldiers occupying them can shoot over strategically important areas.

There has been fighting in this region in the past. You can see the evidence in the various weapons left by the castle, whose occupation will help you to win.
We recommend actively using the infantry during fighting on this map. Send your fighters to take the weapons and the towers, and victory will be as good as yours!

Over the holidays, you will find the new map festively decorated – you will be surrounded by beautiful Christmas trees, and General Winter will be waiting for you under the biggest tree. He is completely harmless, although we’ll admit that we wanted to give him a grenade launcher so that he could defend himself if necessary :)

Grandfather hasn’t come alone but with presents. You can find out what’s in them by joining the game.

The New Year has affected not only the map but also the troops in the game. We have introduced a special support during the festive season! Can you guess who it is?

You can summon General Winter himself to help you! The harmless old man makes a pretty good scout, and you can also summon as many greybeards as you like, but remember that reloading the support takes one minute. Can you imagine a whole squad of Generals Winter, who shock the enemy with their appearance? Can you? Unfortunately, war is no place for suspicious-looking types – the poor grandfathers will be gunned down :( You better be quick to save them if they are spotted!
The New Year decorations and support won’t remain in the game for long, so don’t wait to experience the positive emotions when you test them in battle.

By the way, during the festive season, you will get this map every time you log into the skirmish!

On behalf of the development team at Blitzkrieg 3, we wish you a Happy New Year and all the best for the future! To health, happiness and victory! :)
Dec 30, 2016
Blitzkrieg 3 - Blitzkrieg 3 Official

Good day to you, comrades!

The New Year is fast approaching with only a few days left, and we are all preparing presents for each other and for ourselves.
We have prepared two surprises for you: a new map for skirmish mode, which you have all been waiting for, as well as a funny gaming event, which is related to the New Year.

Let’s start with the best news first :)
The new map is called Castle Ruins.
It’s a snowy region in the north of France, in the Ardennes mountains near Belgium. A spectacular castle used to stand here, but after past assaults by different nations, only the ruins are left. But even they capture the imagination with their size and former greatness. According to the architect’s plans, the castle was surrounded by a water-filled moat, with bridges and secret passageways leading into the building. These have all been preserved. The large number of assault routes will provide tactical variety to the skirmishes on this map.

One of the features of this map is the presence of towers. These fortifications provide a useful vantage point for the platoons, as well as being very reliable and hard to destroy. The towers are not located near the control points, but the soldiers occupying them can shoot over strategically important areas.

There has been fighting in this region in the past. You can see the evidence in the various weapons left by the castle, whose occupation will help you to win.
We recommend actively using the infantry during fighting on this map. Send your fighters to take the weapons and the towers, and victory will be as good as yours!

Over the holidays, you will find the new map festively decorated – you will be surrounded by beautiful Christmas trees, and General Winter will be waiting for you under the biggest tree. He is completely harmless, although we’ll admit that we wanted to give him a grenade launcher so that he could defend himself if necessary :)

Grandfather hasn’t come alone but with presents. You can find out what’s in them by joining the game.

The New Year has affected not only the map but also the troops in the game. We have introduced a special support during the festive season! Can you guess who it is?

You can summon General Winter himself to help you! The harmless old man makes a pretty good scout, and you can also summon as many greybeards as you like, but remember that reloading the support takes one minute. Can you imagine a whole squad of Generals Winter, who shock the enemy with their appearance? Can you? Unfortunately, war is no place for suspicious-looking types – the poor grandfathers will be gunned down :( You better be quick to save them if they are spotted!
The New Year decorations and support won’t remain in the game for long, so don’t wait to experience the positive emotions when you test them in battle.

By the way, during the festive season, you will get this map every time you log into the skirmish!

On behalf of the development team at Blitzkrieg 3, we wish you a Happy New Year and all the best for the future! To health, happiness and victory! :)
Dec 29, 2016
Blitzkrieg 3 - Blitzkrieg 3 Official

Greetings, officers! Here is the last Allies story mission!

You will be taking part in the heroic Siege of Bastogne!

For a successful offensive after the capture of Antwerp, the Germans had to occupy all the roads in Ardennes. All the main roads converged on the small town of Bastogne, which is why control of its crossroads was vital for both sides. The Allied forces in the Bastogne area held up the German advance, but there was no breakthrough in sight.

Due to a prolonged bout of bad weather, Allied aviation was virtually paralyzed, and the Germans were able to move 70 km forward. The morale among the British and American soldiers was at its lowest. The situation was worsened by the presence of intruders in their midst.

In the first stage, you as the Commander of Special Operations, will have to apply all your knowledge and expertise to the task of improving your army's morale – find the saboteurs that are undermining the already broken spirit of the soldiers and eliminate the enemy mobile MLRS terrorising the area. Bring hope back to your men and thwart the enemy's plans to avoid imminent defeat!

But be careful! If you destroy the enemy without interrogating them first, you will be charged with violating regulations and court-martialed. Proceed with caution and maximum efficiency. Don't let the Germans rob you of this strategically important victory!
Stay vigilant, as the Germans have even disguised their vehicles to look like yours:

Luckily for all the Allied forces in Bastogne, December the 23rd dawns bright and fair. Planes drop long-awaited supplies. Fierce battles for provisions and ammunition await you since the enemy also wants to restock.

The size and strength of your army will depend on how many supplies you manage to collect. Send the maximum number of soldiers into battle, and do not let the enemy grow even stronger!
Battles continue on all fronts, and you are entrusted with the formidable task of moving the wounded and shell-shocked out of the combat zone. You'll have to not only destroy the enemy, but also protect hundreds of innocent lives. Given enough strength and skills, you can save the inhabitants of the Noville village from the vicious German.

A serious battle awaits you after the evacuation of civilians. You will need to retake Noville, which has either been captured by the Germans or is barely holding on (depending on your actions within the mission)! The Germans have dug in well, yet it is not so much the protection of the village but the course of the whole war that is at stake now – if the Germans break through, the Western Front could be lost.

Stop the German forces! Don't let the enemy emerge victorious from this battle.

Fight as fiercely as the soldiers of the Easy Company, the legendary "Band of Brothers". Do not give up but rather tell the Germans, "Us surrender? Aw, nuts!"

P.S. That's exactly what Anthony McAuliffe, commander of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division, said when the Germans offered the Allies to surrender.
Dec 29, 2016
Blitzkrieg 3 - Blitzkrieg 3 Official

Greetings, officers! Here is the last Allies story mission!

You will be taking part in the heroic Siege of Bastogne!

For a successful offensive after the capture of Antwerp, the Germans had to occupy all the roads in Ardennes. All the main roads converged on the small town of Bastogne, which is why control of its crossroads was vital for both sides. The Allied forces in the Bastogne area held up the German advance, but there was no breakthrough in sight.

Due to a prolonged bout of bad weather, Allied aviation was virtually paralyzed, and the Germans were able to move 70 km forward. The morale among the British and American soldiers was at its lowest. The situation was worsened by the presence of intruders in their midst.

In the first stage, you as the Commander of Special Operations, will have to apply all your knowledge and expertise to the task of improving your army's morale – find the saboteurs that are undermining the already broken spirit of the soldiers and eliminate the enemy mobile MLRS terrorising the area. Bring hope back to your men and thwart the enemy's plans to avoid imminent defeat!

But be careful! If you destroy the enemy without interrogating them first, you will be charged with violating regulations and court-martialed. Proceed with caution and maximum efficiency. Don't let the Germans rob you of this strategically important victory!
Stay vigilant, as the Germans have even disguised their vehicles to look like yours:

Luckily for all the Allied forces in Bastogne, December the 23rd dawns bright and fair. Planes drop long-awaited supplies. Fierce battles for provisions and ammunition await you since the enemy also wants to restock.

The size and strength of your army will depend on how many supplies you manage to collect. Send the maximum number of soldiers into battle, and do not let the enemy grow even stronger!
Battles continue on all fronts, and you are entrusted with the formidable task of moving the wounded and shell-shocked out of the combat zone. You'll have to not only destroy the enemy, but also protect hundreds of innocent lives. Given enough strength and skills, you can save the inhabitants of the Noville village from the vicious German.

A serious battle awaits you after the evacuation of civilians. You will need to retake Noville, which has either been captured by the Germans or is barely holding on (depending on your actions within the mission)! The Germans have dug in well, yet it is not so much the protection of the village but the course of the whole war that is at stake now – if the Germans break through, the Western Front could be lost.

Stop the German forces! Don't let the enemy emerge victorious from this battle.

Fight as fiercely as the soldiers of the Easy Company, the legendary "Band of Brothers". Do not give up but rather tell the Germans, "Us surrender? Aw, nuts!"

P.S. That's exactly what Anthony McAuliffe, commander of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division, said when the Germans offered the Allies to surrender.
Dec 28, 2016
Blitzkrieg 3 - Blitzkrieg 3 Official

• Introducing the final Allies mission – the Siege of Bastogne!*
• The Deluxe Edition mission Dora has been added!*
(this scenario is available if you are playing on the side of Germany)
• A new type of mission is added: the mini-mission!

They are faster and more straightforward than all the others in the game.
They are very easy to find as they are marked with blue and white icons on the globe (Search and Rescue, Battle of Smolensk).

Two new additional missions and 10 mini-missions have arrived!

The Breath of Freedom mission
The new mission Breath of Freedom will appeal to the true commanders with its complexity and valuable prizes! If you win, you will receive the SU-100Y and SU-14!
You will have to rescue the captured prisoners in far from easy conditions, so don’t expect a painless victory.

The Search and Rescue and An Unexpected Encounter missions
These two missions are closely linked, moreover, there will be two scenarios taking place on the same map, one for each side of the conflict. If you’re playing for the USSR, you will need to capture a German soldier and question him, all the while protecting the local populace from attacks by the Third Reich. If you’re playing for the Axis, you will be dealing with the consequences of the first storyline.

A new map has been added to the game for skirmish mode, called Castle Ruins, and the probability of getting it during the New Year holidays is 100%!
On New Year’s Eve, this map will be decorated for the festive season, with Christmas trees as well as the General Winter! There will be valuable presents waiting for you under the Christmas trees, so don’t forget to open them! The map will stay with us after the New Year, but General Winter will take the trees and leave until the next festive season.

To celebrate the holidays, we’re temporarily introducing a new support character, General Winter. Despite their vulnerability, they can become excellent intelligence officers. Indeed, who would suspect that a bearded old man might be a brave general? By summoning one General Winter after another, you can create a whole holiday platoon.

Game chat is now available both at the base and during battles. A friends list has also been added!
Please note that adding to the list is unilateral. The person that you add to your friends list will not receive any information, including an invite to add you to their friends list in return.
We have also introduced teams. You can now invite one or two friends to your group and play in 2x2 or 3x3 modes. :)
Furthermore, when you fight in the same battles, you will have access to the team chat!

Your Game is an agreed fight with chosen allies and opponents. For example, if there are four of you, you can split into two teams, A and B, and fight each other! Prizes are not awarded for winning in these matches.

• Awards given for completing the missions are now displayed more are displayed more clearly!
• Large infantry platoons are now better positioned in fortifications.
• The balance has undergone the following changes:
1) Increased damage from tank coaxial guns.
2) Unit experience has been reworked. Now they will receive a significant addition to their profile abilities when they reach levels 3, 6 and 10.

* - We will tell you about these missions in a separate post, very soon! :)
Dec 28, 2016
Blitzkrieg 3 - Blitzkrieg 3 Official

• Introducing the final Allies mission – the Siege of Bastogne!*
• The Deluxe Edition mission Dora has been added!*
(this scenario is available if you are playing on the side of Germany)
• A new type of mission is added: the mini-mission!

They are faster and more straightforward than all the others in the game.
They are very easy to find as they are marked with blue and white icons on the globe (Search and Rescue, Battle of Smolensk).

Two new additional missions and 10 mini-missions have arrived!

The Breath of Freedom mission
The new mission Breath of Freedom will appeal to the true commanders with its complexity and valuable prizes! If you win, you will receive the SU-100Y and SU-14!
You will have to rescue the captured prisoners in far from easy conditions, so don’t expect a painless victory.

The Search and Rescue and An Unexpected Encounter missions
These two missions are closely linked, moreover, there will be two scenarios taking place on the same map, one for each side of the conflict. If you’re playing for the USSR, you will need to capture a German soldier and question him, all the while protecting the local populace from attacks by the Third Reich. If you’re playing for the Axis, you will be dealing with the consequences of the first storyline.

A new map has been added to the game for skirmish mode, called Castle Ruins, and the probability of getting it during the New Year holidays is 100%!
On New Year’s Eve, this map will be decorated for the festive season, with Christmas trees as well as the General Winter! There will be valuable presents waiting for you under the Christmas trees, so don’t forget to open them! The map will stay with us after the New Year, but General Winter will take the trees and leave until the next festive season.

To celebrate the holidays, we’re temporarily introducing a new support character, General Winter. Despite their vulnerability, they can become excellent intelligence officers. Indeed, who would suspect that a bearded old man might be a brave general? By summoning one General Winter after another, you can create a whole holiday platoon.

Game chat is now available both at the base and during battles. A friends list has also been added!
Please note that adding to the list is unilateral. The person that you add to your friends list will not receive any information, including an invite to add you to their friends list in return.
We have also introduced teams. You can now invite one or two friends to your group and play in 2x2 or 3x3 modes. :)
Furthermore, when you fight in the same battles, you will have access to the team chat!

Your Game is an agreed fight with chosen allies and opponents. For example, if there are four of you, you can split into two teams, A and B, and fight each other! Prizes are not awarded for winning in these matches.

• Awards given for completing the missions are now displayed more are displayed more clearly!
• Large infantry platoons are now better positioned in fortifications.
• The balance has undergone the following changes:
1) Increased damage from tank coaxial guns.
2) Unit experience has been reworked. Now they will receive a significant addition to their profile abilities when they reach levels 3, 6 and 10.

* - We will tell you about these missions in a separate post, very soon! :)
Dec 16, 2016
Blitzkrieg 3 - Blitzkrieg 3 Official

Greetings, dear commanders!

In this issue of the dev blog, we suggest you take a break from reading and simply enjoy looking at our new vehicle models! It bears mentioning that they include some that you yourselves have been asking for, such as the SU-100Y!

So here are the long-awaited additions to the unit pool:

For the USSR:

You might be wondering why so many units have been added for one single faction.
This is because we analysed the current state of the game’s vehicle pool and noticed that the USSR had fewer vehicles than the other fractions. Approximately 5 fewer, in fact.
So we decided to equalise the number of various units available for each side. That's why this devblog consists of Soviet units :)

Deluxe edition owners have been waiting for their premium vehicles for a long time now. We’re pleased to inform you that they will appear in the game soon!
Today we can show you only the soviet premium unit, but the premium units for Germany and Allies are in work and soon they will be ready to please your eye in game!

Behold, T-34E!

Now go enjoy the game and win epic victories!
Dec 16, 2016
Blitzkrieg 3 - Blitzkrieg 3 Official

Greetings, dear commanders!

In this issue of the dev blog, we suggest you take a break from reading and simply enjoy looking at our new vehicle models! It bears mentioning that they include some that you yourselves have been asking for, such as the SU-100Y!

So here are the long-awaited additions to the unit pool:

For the USSR:

You might be wondering why so many units have been added for one single faction.
This is because we analysed the current state of the game’s vehicle pool and noticed that the USSR had fewer vehicles than the other fractions. Approximately 5 fewer, in fact.
So we decided to equalise the number of various units available for each side. That's why this devblog consists of Soviet units :)

Deluxe edition owners have been waiting for their premium vehicles for a long time now. We’re pleased to inform you that they will appear in the game soon!
Today we can show you only the soviet premium unit, but the premium units for Germany and Allies are in work and soon they will be ready to please your eye in game!

Behold, T-34E!

Now go enjoy the game and win epic victories!
Dec 13, 2016
Blitzkrieg 3 - Blitzkrieg 3 Official

Gameplay changes:
  1. 3 missions for the Allies have been added:
    Operation Lightfoot, The Invasion of Normandy / D-Day, and The Battle of Anzio!

  2. New commanders have been introduced!

    For the Axis: Commander of Artillery Georg von Küchler!

    Georg von Küchler was one of the authors of the German doctrine of combined arms reconnaissance. He participated in World War I, where he received many orders and medals for his actions. In 1919, he volunteered to go to Poland to fight the Red Army. During World War II, he took part in the invasions of Poland, the Netherlands, and Belgium. In 1944, he was forced to resign, but when he was offered a chance to join the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler known as the 20 July Plot, he refused it. Coming from a family of German officers, he was a real patriot of his Fatherland and believed in its ideals. Küchler learned all of the advantages of conducting reconnaissance in force when he was in Poland. For this purpose, he uses snipers, light vehicles, and anti-tank artillery supported by infantry and assault infantry. His views on defensive warfare were formed under the influence of constant redeployments from one front to another. That's why he prefers light and mobile squads with anti-tank rifles, mortars, and anti-tank guns rather than permanent fortifications.

    Premium Units for reaching new levels:
    1) SdKfz 231 + Pz IVe;
    2) 2 Wespe;
    3) SdKfz 234 Puma + Sturmtiger!

    For the Allies: Infantry Commander Claude Auchinleck!

    Claude Auchinleck was a British military commander, knight (by June 1945), and Field Marshal. During World War I he took part in military operations in Egypt, Aden, and Mesopotamia. He was one of the most respected commanders in the British Army. In 1941 he was appointer Commander-in-Chief in India, then he was sent to North Africa to replace Field Marshal A. Wavell as Commander-in-Chief, British Middle East Command. He started preparing an advance operation against German and Italian troops under the command of General Rommel (Operation Crusader). Despite heavy casualties, Auchinleck managed to have some success (breaking the siege of Tobruk). After that, however, Rommel counter-attacked, captured Benghazi on 29th January 1942, and pushed the British forces back to Gazala and Bir Hakeim. Auchinleck moved his reserves up and launched a new attack, defeating Rommel in July 1942 in the Battle of El Alamein.

    Premium Units for reaching new levels:
    1) Assault Infantry + Panhard 178;
    2) 2 rare Anti-Tank Infantry squads;
    3) Machine Gunners and Greyhound!

  3. We have re-worked and improved the characteristics of the units:
    - Characteristics have become more authentic;
    - Now units of different eras are closer in strength;
    Previously units of an older era used to be much stronger than those of the previous one. We have balanced these limits, and now it's the unit's historical characteristics that affect its strength, not a link to a particular period of the war;
    - We have corrected armor characteristics: thanks to your help we found some inconsistencies in our characteristics and corrected them!
    - Additional balance improvements.

  4. Assault mode has undergone significant changes!
    - We have increased the maximum number of initial troops and the reinforcement limit for the attacker and the defender;
    - We have changed Reinforcement Point generation and bonuses for capturing Control Points.

P.S. Visit our Development Blog to read a new post about the history of Assault mode! :)
Dec 13, 2016
Blitzkrieg 3 - Blitzkrieg 3 Official

Gameplay changes:
  1. 3 missions for the Allies have been added:
    Operation Lightfoot, The Invasion of Normandy / D-Day, and The Battle of Anzio!

  2. New commanders have been introduced!

    For the Axis: Commander of Artillery Georg von Küchler!

    Georg von Küchler was one of the authors of the German doctrine of combined arms reconnaissance. He participated in World War I, where he received many orders and medals for his actions. In 1919, he volunteered to go to Poland to fight the Red Army. During World War II, he took part in the invasions of Poland, the Netherlands, and Belgium. In 1944, he was forced to resign, but when he was offered a chance to join the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler known as the 20 July Plot, he refused it. Coming from a family of German officers, he was a real patriot of his Fatherland and believed in its ideals. Küchler learned all of the advantages of conducting reconnaissance in force when he was in Poland. For this purpose, he uses snipers, light vehicles, and anti-tank artillery supported by infantry and assault infantry. His views on defensive warfare were formed under the influence of constant redeployments from one front to another. That's why he prefers light and mobile squads with anti-tank rifles, mortars, and anti-tank guns rather than permanent fortifications.

    Premium Units for reaching new levels:
    1) SdKfz 231 + Pz IVe;
    2) 2 Wespe;
    3) SdKfz 234 Puma + Sturmtiger!

    For the Allies: Infantry Commander Claude Auchinleck!

    Claude Auchinleck was a British military commander, knight (by June 1945), and Field Marshal. During World War I he took part in military operations in Egypt, Aden, and Mesopotamia. He was one of the most respected commanders in the British Army. In 1941 he was appointer Commander-in-Chief in India, then he was sent to North Africa to replace Field Marshal A. Wavell as Commander-in-Chief, British Middle East Command. He started preparing an advance operation against German and Italian troops under the command of General Rommel (Operation Crusader). Despite heavy casualties, Auchinleck managed to have some success (breaking the siege of Tobruk). After that, however, Rommel counter-attacked, captured Benghazi on 29th January 1942, and pushed the British forces back to Gazala and Bir Hakeim. Auchinleck moved his reserves up and launched a new attack, defeating Rommel in July 1942 in the Battle of El Alamein.

    Premium Units for reaching new levels:
    1) Assault Infantry + Panhard 178;
    2) 2 rare Anti-Tank Infantry squads;
    3) Machine Gunners and Greyhound!

  3. We have re-worked and improved the characteristics of the units:
    - Characteristics have become more authentic;
    - Now units of different eras are closer in strength;
    Previously units of an older era used to be much stronger than those of the previous one. We have balanced these limits, and now it's the unit's historical characteristics that affect its strength, not a link to a particular period of the war;
    - We have corrected armor characteristics: thanks to your help we found some inconsistencies in our characteristics and corrected them!
    - Additional balance improvements.

  4. Assault mode has undergone significant changes!
    - We have increased the maximum number of initial troops and the reinforcement limit for the attacker and the defender;
    - We have changed Reinforcement Point generation and bonuses for capturing Control Points.

P.S. Visit our Development Blog to read a new post about the history of Assault mode! :)

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