Bionic Dues - x-4000
This one includes drastically increases the graphical performance for the game.

It also has a few bugfixes, and two new conducts: Shorter Campaign and Random Exos.


Click here for the official forum discussion about this release.
Bionic Dues - x-4000 (Chris McElligott Park)
This one includes drastically increases the graphical performance for the game.

It also has a few bugfixes, and two new conducts: Shorter Campaign and Random Exos.


Click here for the official forum discussion about this release.
Bionic Dues - x-4000
This one includes the real images for the new achievements (many thanks to community member nas1m for working on these!) and a single small bugfix for the shotgun.

Steam integration for the new achievements will come soon, and won't require a further client-side update.

And that will mark the end of the 1.1 cycle. Hopefully another beta cycle will start breaking things again soon, but either way 1.1 should be a good stable version for folks to enjoy until it's time for another official.

Bionic Dues - x-4000 (Chris McElligott Park)
This one includes the real images for the new achievements (many thanks to community member nas1m for working on these!) and a single small bugfix for the shotgun.

Steam integration for the new achievements will come soon, and won't require a further client-side update.

And that will mark the end of the 1.1 cycle. Hopefully another beta cycle will start breaking things again soon, but either way 1.1 should be a good stable version for folks to enjoy until it's time for another official.

Bionic Dues - x-4000
1.017 marks the official release of the improvements from 8 separate beta releases, including:

* New optional "Conducts" such as the much-requested "Dead Is Dead" (losing an exo is permanent) to the relentless "On Your Toes" (you only get 5 seconds to pick your next action in missions).

* Massive rebalancing of the bot population logic so you don't run into 50 DoomBots in a single mission, and significant rebalancing of bot stats themselves (there's a lot less bullet-sponge-syndrome going on). The logic where the AI picks which bot types to upgrade between missions is now more consistent in the amount of agony it causes you. On the other hand, the Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulty levels are all harder (with Casual, Expert, and Misery mostly retaining their previous positions on the pain-scale).

* The Volatizer and the Shotgun have had their AOE patterns re-imagined to be more interesting and useful. And AOE in general has been heavily revised to make more sense (explosions no longer propogate to nearby rooms as if the walls weren't there at all, etc).

* It's now much easier to mod many of the game's graphical aspects.

Many thanks to the players for the feedback that prompted most of these changes. The specific changes (and the players primarily to blame for causing each new refinement of suffering) are listed here.
Bionic Dues - x-4000 (Chris McElligott Park)
1.017 marks the official release of the improvements from 8 separate beta releases, including:

* New optional "Conducts" such as the much-requested "Dead Is Dead" (losing an exo is permanent) to the relentless "On Your Toes" (you only get 5 seconds to pick your next action in missions).

* Massive rebalancing of the bot population logic so you don't run into 50 DoomBots in a single mission, and significant rebalancing of bot stats themselves (there's a lot less bullet-sponge-syndrome going on). The logic where the AI picks which bot types to upgrade between missions is now more consistent in the amount of agony it causes you. On the other hand, the Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulty levels are all harder (with Casual, Expert, and Misery mostly retaining their previous positions on the pain-scale).

* The Volatizer and the Shotgun have had their AOE patterns re-imagined to be more interesting and useful. And AOE in general has been heavily revised to make more sense (explosions no longer propogate to nearby rooms as if the walls weren't there at all, etc).

* It's now much easier to mod many of the game's graphical aspects.

Many thanks to the players for the feedback that prompted most of these changes. The specific changes (and the players primarily to blame for causing each new refinement of suffering) are listed here.
Bionic Dues - x-4000
This one is very very small, simply updating our Steamworks integration and fixing achievements on linux.


This is a standard update that Steam will automatically download for you. However, if you want to force a quicker update and are currently running Steam, just restart Steam.

Discussion thread on the official forums.
Bionic Dues - x-4000 (Chris McElligott Park)
This one is very very small, simply updating our Steamworks integration and fixing achievements on linux.


This is a standard update that Steam will automatically download for you. However, if you want to force a quicker update and are currently running Steam, just restart Steam.

Discussion thread on the official forums.
Bionic Dues - tigersfan
This one is our first non-beta-branch update to Bionic Dues since it released, and so it comes with a plethora of goodies from 1.001 on upwards in the release notes linked above.

The biggest thing, by far, are the improvements to the customization interface. The game supports a minimum resolution of 1024x720, and so our previous customization interface basically adhered to that at the expense of using the screen space of larger resolutions. Now on resolutions that are 1280x768 or higher, you get a new and easier-to-use customization interface that combines a number of functions into one screen. If you prefer the old interface for some reason, there is a settings option that lets you re-enable that.

A number of balance improvements are also in this version. Sentry turrets are no longer OP. Groups of ClawBots are no longer death on wheels. Tuck now has an improved special ability. And the pistol has been buffed quite a bit. Among other things.


This is a standard update that Steam will automatically download for you. However, if you want to force a quicker update and are currently running Steam, just restart Steam.
Bionic Dues - tigersfan
This one is our first non-beta-branch update to Bionic Dues since it released, and so it comes with a plethora of goodies from 1.001 on upwards in the release notes linked above.

The biggest thing, by far, are the improvements to the customization interface. The game supports a minimum resolution of 1024x720, and so our previous customization interface basically adhered to that at the expense of using the screen space of larger resolutions. Now on resolutions that are 1280x768 or higher, you get a new and easier-to-use customization interface that combines a number of functions into one screen. If you prefer the old interface for some reason, there is a settings option that lets you re-enable that.

A number of balance improvements are also in this version. Sentry turrets are no longer OP. Groups of ClawBots are no longer death on wheels. Tuck now has an improved special ability. And the pistol has been buffed quite a bit. Among other things.


This is a standard update that Steam will automatically download for you. However, if you want to force a quicker update and are currently running Steam, just restart Steam.

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