Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Julius Borisov
Greetings everyone!

The long-awaited 2.6 Patch for Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, and Icewind Dale Enhanced Editions launched to PC, Mac, and Linux in April. Today we're following that up with the 2.6.6 Patch to squash a few more bugs in these classic RPGs.

Thanks again to our heroic community members who tested out these fixes ahead of today's release.

Together, we are bug-kicking for goodness!🐹

Read on for full patch details...


  • Clicking Sounds | Prevented extra button click sounds from playing in the User Interface (UI)
  • Lightning Bolt Traps | Lightning bolts from the lightning mephit trap and mephit attacks will no longer bounce
  • Melf's Minute Meteors | Fixed the removing of Melf's Minute Meteors (and any similarly implemented spell) when a character moves in Multiplayer
  • Multiplayer | Fixed a Multiplayer issue where a newly added party member was not visible or controllable
  • Multiplayer | Fixed a Multiplayer issue where the 6th slot characters were having the HP and inventory inadvertently changed
  • Multiplayer | Fixed a rare issue where clicking on Multiplayer would crash the game
  • World Map | The World Map no longer reopens when travelling to the same location
  • Tremain | Tremain will now successfully revive his son
  • Yeslick's Dispel Magic | Yeslick's special ability Dispel Magic no longer applies the continuous graphical effect
  • Siege of Dragonspear | Fixed a crash when travelling to the Coalition Camp
  • Siege of Dragonspear | Fixed a Linux crash after a dialogue with Corporal Duncan, near the end of Chapter 10
  • Siege of Dragonspear | Fixed a crash in the music system during the Neothelid fight in the Ritual Chamber
  • Creature Sounds | Right-clicking on creatures will once again play their default sound
  • Boring Beetle Pincers | Fixed pincers on the druid boring beetle form
  • Spirit Wolves | Fixed a crash when using Spirit Wolves by Totemic Druid
May 10, 2021
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Julius Borisov
Greetings everyone!

The long-awaited 2.6 Patch for Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II & Icewind Dale Enhanced Editions on PC, Mac and Linux launched successfully! Our community testers played a HUGE role in this success, and everyone on our team is here humbled by your support and feedback.

We've identified a few issues introduced by the patch that require an immediate fix. This is why we're calling for your help again— testing a 2.6.6 Beta before it's released as a stable patch!

All Games | The World Map no longer reopens when travelling to the same location
All Games | Prevented extra button click noises from playing in the UI
All Games | Lightning bolts from the lightning trap and mephit attacks will no longer bounce
All Games | Fixed the removing of Melf's Minute Meteors (and any similarly implemented spell) when a character moves in Multiplayer
All Games | Fixed a Multiplayer issue where a newly added party member was not visible or controllable
All Games | Fixed a Multiplayer issue where the 6th slot characters were having the HP and inventory inadvertently changed
All Games | Fixed a rare issue where clicking on Multiplayer would crash the game
BGI | Tremain will now successfully revive his son
BGI | Yeslick's special ability Dispel Magic no longer applies the continuous graphical effect
BGII | Right-clicking on creatures will once again play their default sound
SOD | Fixed a crash when travelling to the Coalition Camp
SOD | Fixed a Linux crash after a dialogue with Corporal Duncan, near the end of Chapter 10
SOD | Fixed a crash in the music system during the Neothelid fight in the Ritual Chamber
IWD | Reinstalled pincers on the druid boring beetle form
IWD | Fixed a crash when using Spirit Wolves by Totemic Druid

How to Participate:
- Playthrough some quests & VOTE on the release
- Tell us about *new bugs (the beta shouldn't add any issues) - comment below!
- Tell us about major issues affecting saves, visuals, sound & quality - comment below!

How to opt-in & verify you're using the correct version on Steam:
- Please make sure you're using a clean (unmodded) install. Clear your override folder before testing the beta build
- In your Steam Library, Right-Click on the game and choose “Properties”
- Click on the Beta Tab
- Choose the road_to_2.6 in the drop down menu
- If you don't see the road_to_2.6 in the drop down menu, please restart Steam
- In-game, on the main menu, you will see that the build is

Join the Beta & Vote Below!
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - SDBeamdog
We just launched Patch 2.6 for Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Siege of Dragonspear and Icewind Dale Enhanced Editions.

This 🐲massive patch upgrades the games to 64-bit systems, fixes hundreds of bugs, and adds brand new portraits & voice sets to customize your heroes— including two sets from the legendary Mark Meer (voice of Commander Shepard in Mass Effect)!

🙏Huge thanks to our heroic community for their tireless adventuring in beta builds for this mammoth patch. Thank You!

Note: Patch 2.6 won't fix every issue in the games, but don't worry— we're still working on future updates!

Check out full patch details below...

Patch Highlights
  • Upgrade to 64-Bit | A much needed upgrade for modern machines— this improves system compatibility
  • 7 New Character Voice Sets | New player voice sets, including two from the legendary Mark Meer reprising his roles as Alveus Malcanter and Baeloth Barrityl
  • 11 New Character Portraits | New character portraits to customize your hero’s look
  • Hundreds of Bug Fixes | Includes scores of fixes to spells and hero abilities
  • Improved Pathfinding | Smoother party movement and navigation
  • New Localizations |
  • Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition | Added French text localization (beta)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear | Added French (beta), Italian, German, Ukrainian and Polish text localizations
  • Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition | Added Brazilian Portuguese and Chinese (Simplified) text localizations

Attention! Known Issues
  • New System Requirements | 32-bit operating systems are no longer supported. Check out the updated system requirements below, or visit game pages for details.
  • Crossplay with Mobile | Crossplay between computers and mobile devices will not be available until we release the 2.6 patch for iOS and Android (this is in the works!!).
  • OpenAL | Some windows users encounter launch issues due to OpenAL. If your game fails to launch, try reinstalling OpenAL— the installer "oalinst.exe" can be found in the root of the game install folder.
  • Multiplayer Latency | Some players report multiplayer latency (delay in communication between game clients)
  • French Localizations in Beta | We consider the new French text localization to be a beta release. We welcome feedback from the community!
  • Haste Spell | The spell works correctly, but the combat log doesn't reflect the correct double speed/damage that is taking place

Updates | All Games
These updates appear in Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, and Icewind Dale Enhanced Editions. Updates that only appear in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition can be found further down the list

Upgrade to 64-bit
This upgrade improves system compatibility, including the 64-bit requirement for macOS. 32 bit-operating systems are no longer supported.

New Character Options
  • 11 New Character Portraits | New character portraits to customize your hero’s look
  • 7 New Character Voice Sets | New player voice sets to customize your hero's battle cries
  • Mark Meer | The legendary Mark Meer reprises his roles as Alveus Malcanter (the most major of minor mages) and Baeloth Barrityl (The Entertainer of the Black Pits)
  • CEO & Co. | You'll also be treated to the barbarian battle cries of Beamdog CEO, Trent Oster (who
    lost his voice for a few days after the recording session), plus four more Beamdog team voices!

Mark Meer voiced the Enhanced Edition characters, Alveus Malcanter and Baeloth Barrityl. New voice sets let you use these character voices for your hero! (Images left to right: Alveus Illustration, Baeloth Illustration, Photo of Mark Meer as Baeloth)

Multiplayer Improvements
  • Area Names | Area names now display correctly on multiplayer saves
  • Character Imports | Fixed issue with multiplayer character imports, specifically thief skills
  • Chat Hotkey | Added a hotkey for multiplayer chat: hit “T” to open the chat
  • Crash Fixes | Fixed several multiplayer crashes
  • Client Connection | Fixed a few conditions preventing client connection
  • Error Handling | Improved internal error handling
  • Host Reload | Hosts reloading no longer cause clients to get stuck in level-up
  • New Characters | New characters joining multiplayer sessions no longer receive default equipment
  • Player Familiars | Player familiars and their stat blocks now load correctly in multiplayer games
  • Time Played | Fixed error in multiplayer time played information
  • Troubleshooting | Improved multiplayer troubleshooting by adding a network.log file and a fix to how the jingle.log file resets

General Fixes
  • Character Imports | Advanced AI now loads correctly with character imports
  • German Font | Fixed German text font size in menu for character voice selection
  • Item Comparison | You can now disable item comparison
  • Map | Fixed visual issues in map area backgrounds
  • Text Input | You no longer need to click before typing in text inputs— the cursor will remain active

Abilities, Spells & Magic
  • Aid Bonuses | Aid bonuses to hits and damage now display correctly on the inventory screen, and the status icon displays on the character record screen
  • Bigby’s Hand Spells | Updated spell graphics and fixed saving throws for Bigby’s Clenched Fist and Bigby’s Crushing Hand
  • Breach | Breach now uses projectiles and visuals consistent with the other spell protection removal spells
  • Detect Illusion | Corrected the casting range on Detect Illusion
  • Call Lightning and Pillar Spells | Effects that involve pillar animations, such as Call Lightning have been remastered into a single animation sequence rather than several stacked animations
  • Chaos Shield | Chaos Shield and Improved Chaos Shield now use graphics distinct from Miscast Magic
  • Chaotic Commands | Chaotic Commands now use the correct projectiles at all levels
  • Cloud Projectiles | Updated Cloud Projectiles so they are cleared by Zone of Sweet Air
  • Cloud Spells | Several Cloud Spell visual effects have been updated to match their color descriptions (including Cloudkill, Stinking Cloud, Death Fog, and Incendiary Cloud)
  • Club Proficiency | Club proficiency now displays correctly on character records
  • Fire and Cold | Fire and cold graphics of numerous items, spells, and abilities have been recolored to appear more realistic
  • Fire Shields and Blade Barriers | Fire shields and similar effects no longer display text feedback if the striking creature is out of range of the struck creature
  • Fire Shields and Blade Barriers | Damage suffered when striking a protected creature now ignores mirror image
  • Fire Shields and Blade Barriers | These spells may now be refreshed before their durations expire
  • Fireball | Updated visual effects for the Fireball spell and for items that use Fireball style explosions
  • Haste Scrolls | Haste Scrolls now correctly target an area rather than a particular creature
  • Hit Dice | Spells affecting creatures based on their hit dice now work as expected
  • HP Drain | Spells that drain HP now work as expected, and cannot drain more HP than available from a target
  • Invisibility, 10' Radius | Invisibility, 10' Radius now no longer affects enemies and uses a 10 foot radius area of effect
  • Lightning Bolt | Restored Lightning Bolt to behavior in the original games: the bolt continues in a straight line beyond the initial target, hitting all in its path and bouncing off obstacles
  • Magic Resistance | Spells such as Glitterdust, Contagion, and Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere no longer bypass magic resistance
  • Melf's Minute Meteors | Updated damage type from piercing to missile
  • Movement Effects | Movement effects from spells such as Entangle now relate properly with stacking or counteracting effects from spells or the environment
  • Non-Detection | Spells blocked by Non-Detection will no longer play visuals or sound effects on targeted creatures
  • Physical Mirror | Physical Mirror effects now have consistent duration and dispel behavior
  • Poison Immunity | Creatures immune to poison no longer visibly recoil in combat when hit by poison or disease effects
  • Polymorph Self | Fixed inconsistencies, casting time and minor issues with Polymorph Self
  • Power Levels | Corrected the power level of several items and spells to make sure they interact properly with spell protections, such as Spell Turning or Globe of Invulnerability
  • Power Word and Symbol Spells | audio and visual spell effects will only play if targets are actually affected by the spell
  • Projectile Speeds | Updated projectile speeds so they are more consistent
  • Projectile Speeds | Thrown darts and dagger speeds have been sped up to appear more realistic
  • Priests of Tyr | Divine Favor and Exaltation now play expected graphics and sounds
  • Priests of Tempus | Chaos of Battle now plays different animations on allies and opponents
  • Psionic Blast | Description for Psionic Blast now appears in the innate ability menu when you shapechange into a Mind Flayer
  • Raise Dead & Resurrection | Raise Dead and Resurrection type spells can no longer be cast on living targets, only dead targets
  • Recurring Effects | Spells and items with effects that refresh each round now reapply the recurring effect properly
  • Regeneration | Updated Regeneration status icon used on portraits
  • Repulse Undead | Aligned School of Magic for Repulse Undead’s parent and child spells
  • Saving Throws | Corrected saving throw messages and functionality on a handful of spells and magic items
  • Shaman Spirits | The spirit animals summoned by shamanic dancing are now correctly dispelled when they reach the edge of the shaman’s visual range
  • Shamanic Spells | Shamanic spells and abilities now play consistent visual effects with “shamanic themed” colors
  • Shapechange | Fixed inconsistencies, casting time and minor issues with Shapechange
  • Simulacrums | Simulacrums and Projected Images no longer incorrectly inherit temporary abilities from casters
  • Sleep & Unconsciousness | Fixed a few minor issues in the Sleep and Unconsciousness effects; status icons on character record screen now differentiate between Sleep and Unconsciousness
  • Spell and Potion Icons | Added or updated portrait icons to portray suitable magical effects for several spells, potions and abilities
  • Spell Protection Removal | Spell Protection Removal spells may now be cast onto invisible creatures
  • Spell Target Glow | Creatures targeted by spells now glow consistently
  • Spellstrike | Spellstrike now uses projectiles and visuals consistent with the other spell protection removal spells
  • Spirit Armor | Spirit Armor saving throws now work as expected
  • Spirit Fire | Aligned School of Magic for Spirit Fire’s parent and child spells
  • Time Trap | Trap projectile for thieves’ Time Trap ability now plays audio
  • Wish and Limited Wish | These spells now behave correctly as level 9 and level 7 spells when interacting with spell protections

  • Missiles | Corrected a handful of labelling inconsistencies for missile ids
  • Missiles | MISSILE.ids now accurately label projectiles
  • SPLPROT.2da | Added labels and standardized SPLPROT.2da across Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II and Icewind Dale Enhanced Editions

Updates | Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition

New Localizations for Siege of Dragonspear DLC
  • Added French (beta), Italian, German, Ukrainian and Polish text localizations
  • Note: We consider the new French text localization to be a beta release. We welcome feedback from the community!

Abilities, Spells & Magic
  • Burning Hands | Burning Hands now correctly casts as an area of effect spell, rather than targeting one creature
  • Chant | Detrimental effects play graphics and sound on opponents
  • Chaotic Commands | Chaotic Commands now use the correct projectiles at all levels
  • Confusion | Confusion no longer causes Sarevok to become invincible
  • Darkness 15’ Radius | Darkness 15’ Radius' visual effects now blend to make it appear more realistic
  • Death Ward | Death Ward now blocks the special version of Power Word: Kill used by the Death Knight
  • Ethereal Retribution | The effect message for Ethereal Retribution now displays as expected
  • False Dawn | Updated graphical effects of False Dawn to match its listed description more closely
  • Immunities | Fixed several spells so they no longer affect creatures who are supposed to be immune
  • Incendiary Cloud | Incendiary Cloud now uses consistent visual effects, regardless of the caster’s level
  • Level Drain | Reported levels and actual levels drained now align correctly
  • Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere | Aligned school of magic for Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere parent and child spells
  • Polymorph | Corrected icon and damage for Brown Bear Polymorph
  • Polymorph Self | Casting Polymorph Self into a brown bear no longer causes crash if a record screen is open
  • Summon Monsters | Monsters summoned via wand will now behave the same as those summoned directly via spell
  • Tiax | Fixed an issue where Tiax would sometimes fail to search for traps when the option was selected

  • Water, Water Everywhere | When flooding the mines at Cloakwood, you will now receive the 'Water, Water Everywhere' achievement if you open the plug via dialogue with the miner.
  • Fisherman’s Foe | Fixed an issue in Tenya's area that prevented the 'Fishermans Foe' achievement from being awarded

  • Adoy’s Enclave | Added experience reward when killing Magreb and completing Adoy’s Enclave quest
  • Adoy’s Enclave | Adoy's Enclave is now accessible from the Gullykin to its north on the world map.
  • Adoy’s Enclave | Fixed an issue where nearby goblins would sometimes attack and kill the bear in Adoy's Enclave
  • Bassilus | Bassilus’ skeletons now correctly attack along with Bassilus when players choose any of the hostile dialogue options
  • Black Pits | Splitting slimes in the Black Pits can no longer kill the party in Story Mode
  • Black Pits | When replaying the Black Pits battle with Llyrk (Tier 1, Battle 3), his Crumbling Skeletons will no longer die immediately
  • Beregost | Fixed a bug preventing players from entering a home near the Red Sheaf in Beregost.
  • Doppelgangers | Doppelgangers at the Seven Suns no longer lose their loot when transforming out of their human disguises
  • Doppelgangers | Aldeth now recognizes when you have completed the quest to clear out the doppelgangers at Merchant’s League
  • Dorn | Dorn is no longer too easily killed when you meet him in his initial ambush
  • Dorn | When approaching Kryll, Dorn will no longer jump to a new position before initiating dialogue
  • Dradeel | Dradeel should now remain dead if you kill him in his hut, and will no longer turn up later as you try to escape the island.
  • Drizzt | Fixed an issue where players could stand close enough to activate gnolls attacking Drizzt without activating Drizzt to fight back
  • Drizzt | Drizzt will now properly acknowledge the player's help in the gnoll ambush
  • Ducal Palace | The entrance to the Ducal Palace is now only available once the bars are open
  • Durlag’s Tower | A handful of traps in Durlag's Tower and the Dark Moon temple are no longer flagged as already discovered
  • Durlag’s Tower | Fixed an issue in the basement of Durlag’s Tower where killing the initial fission slime prematurely sent the party to the chessboard
  • Dynaheir | Dynaheir no longer comments on Edwin’s death if he is killed before you meet her
  • Elfsong Tavern | In Chapter 7 in the Elfsong Tavern, Husam no longer appears and disappears repeatedly
  • Nashkel | Fixed an issue where killing Brage would not result in his body being dropped, which prevented players from being able to collect his bounty in Nashkel
  • Mutamin | Fixed an issue occurring when Mutamin is hidden: one of his basilisks could be attacked and killed without turning hostile and fighting back
  • Prism | If you complete the Prism quest before talking to Oublek, he will no longer list Prism as an outstanding bounty
  • Ramazith | Ramazith now returns inside if he finds himself coaxed outside his home during the completion of his quest
  • Rasaad | The female monk in Rasaad’s quest no longer uses a male avatar and some male sounds
  • Rasaad | Fixed an issue during Rasaad's quest where the party will encounter Gamaz but not 'officially' kill Gamaz, so he would never be added to the party stats (such as the 'most powerful vanquished')
  • Scar | Reworked Scar’s rewards for completing the investigation into the Seven Suns
  • Story Mode | NPCs (non-player characters) who leave the party now lose their invincibility, as expected
  • Tazok | If you join the bandits with Kivan in your party, you will no longer get trapped in a loop if you choose to attack Tazok in the Bandit Camp
  • Tenya | Reworked Tenya’s rewards for returning her bowl
  • Tutorial | Fixed an issue preventing Belt from moving to the next floor in the tutorial.
  • Waukeen’s Promenade | Fixed a crash when checking area background in Waukeen's Promenade
  • Items
  • Arrows | In Chapter 6, Arkanis and Deder now carry normal arrows, not special arrows
  • Baeloth’s Ring | Fixed message displayed when clicking Baeloth’s non-removable ring in his inventory; message now correctly reads “This item cannot be removed”
  • Blinding Powder | Removed redundant combat feedback when using Blinding Powder
  • Dwarven Runestones | Multiple copies of dwarven runestones can no longer be pickpocketed from Ike
  • Eldoth’s Poison | Eldoth’s Poison Arrows no longer do 50% more damage than expected
  • Elemental Bullets | Elemental Bullets of Fire, Ice and Electricity now use unique icons to distinguish them from other bullets
  • Elemental Bullets | Increased the price of elemental darts due to their higher damage potential over +1 darts
  • Rilsa’s Ring | Added Rilsa’s Ring item description
  • Shield of the Falling Stars | Multiple copies of the unique item Shield of the Falling Stars can no longer be looted from Varci
  • Journal Entries
  • Dorn | Failing to discover Gorion’s letter in Candlekeep no longer prevents the journal entry for Dorn’s quest from closing; the entry now closes with the death of Simmeon
  • Melicamp | Melicamp’s journal entries are now filed together under one header, rather than separate quests
  • Kagain | Interrupting Kagain’s dialogue when he finally sees the destroyed caravan no longer causes the journal entry to remain open
  • Rasaad | Several notes from Rasaad's side quest are now flagged as critical so they will no longer disappear from ground piles and prevent the completion of the quest
  • Rising Tensions with Amn | The journal entries filed under 'Rising Tensions with Amn' now close as expected once you complete Chapter 4 and discover the true source of the conflict
  • Tandem in Extremis | The “Tandem in Extremis” journal entry will now close when you meet Winski at the end of the Thieves Maze, rather than remaining open.
  • Tazok and the Bandits | Informational journal entries for “Tazok and the Bandits” journal entries now appear in the Info section of the journal, rather than the quest section
  • Display, Dialogue & Audio
  • Adoy’s Enclave | Added the missing footstep sounds in Adoy’s Enclave and Dark Moon Temple
  • Ambush Cutscene | Cutscene of Gorion’s ambush now correctly shows the player’s familiar fleeing along with the player
  • Baldur’s Gate Creatures | Some hidden creatures in the City of Baldur’s Gate in Chapter 7 no longer display a string of code when they disappear
  • Baeloth | Fixed an issue where Baeloth’s dialogue after the Margarine of Evil fight could interrupt the party’s return from the arena, breaking the campaign
  • Bruel | Bruel’s retort now displays correctly
  • Dialogue Choices | Dialogue choices now display correctly, without cutting off longer text blocks
  • Gandlor | Removed superfluous dialogue option causing conversation with Gandlor to repeat
  • Fog of War | Fog of War and map features now reset as expected when players reenter the area where Dorn gets ambushed
  • Inn Screens | Inn screens now display properly in the center of the screen
  • Iron Throne | Fixed missing weather on the Iron Throne roof
  • Neera | Fixed an issue where Neera starts her post-fight dialogue despite remaining enemies
  • Play Button | Corrected code for the “Play” button when choosing a character voice
  • Thieving Message | When caught thieving, the message “Someone has noticed you! You hear the guards being summoned” will now only appear when guards are actually summoned
  • Russian TLK Table | Added Russian Female TLK table to resolve some grammatical issues
  • Spell Sound Effects | Less intrusive sound effects play for numerous area of effect spells
  • Waylay Areas | Fixed missing combat music in many waylay areas

General Fixes
  • Fixed crash when players attempt to load after idling

  • Aec’Letec’s Death Gaze | Fixed an issue where if the player mods the game to allow the protagonist to die, the game would still end if Player1 is turned into a ghast via Aec'Letec's death gaze
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - SDBeamdog
Patch 2.6 is almost ready!
A new Beta for Baldur's Gate:Enhanced Edition is available now, and we want your feedback. Are we ready for the big release? Go on an adventure and share your thoughts!

How to Join the Beta

- This is NOT the last update for BGEE
- 2.6 will not fix every issue— but we hope to improve the game in future updates
- Here's what we've focused on for this patch: 2.6 Patch Items
- System Requirements have changed:
Minimum: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 64-bit, OS X 10.9, Ubuntu 18.04 or equivalent
- Please check your device meets the updated System Requirements before testing
- Make sure your device supports 64-bit games

How to Participate
- Playthrough some quests
- Tell us about *new bugs (the beta shouldn't add any issues) - comment below!
- Tell us about major issues affecting saves, visuals, sound & quality - comment below!
- VOTE on the release, and include your OS (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Yes, Release the Patch!
  • No, it's not ready! (Please explain)

*You can also participate on the Beamdog Forums!

How to opt-in & verify you're using the correct version
  • Please make sure you're using a clean (unmodded) install. Clear your override folder before testing the beta build
  • In your Steam Library, Right-Click Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and choose “Properties”
  • Click on the Beta Tab
  • Choose the road_to_2.6 in the drop down menu
  • If you don't see the road_to_2.6 in the drop down menu, please restart Steam
  • In-game, on the main menu, you will see that the build is

We won't move forward with a 2.6 Patch release until we hear feedback from enough Windows, Linux & macOS players for each game included in this update:
Check out testing progress on the Beamdog Forums!

Vote Below (include your OS)
Is the 2.6 Patch ready to release?
  • Yes, Release the Patch! [Windows / macOS / Linux]
  • No, It's not ready! [Windows / macOS / Linux]
Nov 10, 2020
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - SDBeamdog
Greetings Adventurers!

We've released a new Beta for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition to prepare for the BIG 2.6 Patch! We need your help to test out this build, and tell us if it's ready for release.

The first bit of feedback we're seeking is a simple Launch & Save Test.

How to Participate:
  • From your Steam Library > Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition > Properties, Switch to the 2.6 Beta
  • Install the 2.6 Beta
  • Launch the 2.6 Beta
  • Save your Game in the 2.6 Beta
  • COMMENT below!
  • ***Please share your System [Windows / macOS / Linux], Launch [Success/Fail] and Save [Success/Fail]***

For more details on our planned updates in the 2.6 Patch, check out this article on our forums.

Huge thanks to our amazing community for the great feedback we've received on our forums so far!
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Merro

A fair wind favors the Sword Coast today as the 2.5 update arrives in Baldur’s Gate! After weeks of waiting on becalmed seas, our swashbuckling team of developers have released a patch filled with features and fixes. Beyond the city gates, adventurers will find enhancements to the Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition expansion, Siege of Dragonspear!

Find the full list of patch notes on the Beamdog blog:
Apr 6, 2018
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Merro
Attention Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition players! The 2.5 Update Beta for BG:EE has just been updated on Steam and Beamdog to v2.5.15.1!

Please note that this beta update will temporarily bring the beta version of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition out of line with Siege of Dragonspear. This will be addressed in a future update.

Find out more in today's blog:
Apr 6, 2018
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Merro
Attention Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition players! The 2.5 Update Beta for BG:EE has just been updated on Steam and Beamdog to v2.5.15.1!

Please note that this beta update will temporarily bring the beta version of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition out of line with Siege of Dragonspear. This will be addressed in a future update.

Find out more in today's blog:
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Merro

Find the full list of patch notes here:

To try the 2.5 update beta, right-click on the game you'd like to try the beta in and select Properties. Go to the Betas tab, and choose the bg1_beta, bg2_beta, or iwd_beta option. The beta will then begin downloading.

If you've already tried the beta, we’ve written up a quick survey to find out what your experiences have been like:

Please include any information you have so far about any crashes and other issues you may have encountered during the beta. We'll be accepting survey entries until Jan. 15.
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Merro

Find the full list of patch notes here:

To try the 2.5 update beta, right-click on the game you'd like to try the beta in and select Properties. Go to the Betas tab, and choose the bg1_beta, bg2_beta, or iwd_beta option. The beta will then begin downloading.

If you've already tried the beta, we’ve written up a quick survey to find out what your experiences have been like:

Please include any information you have so far about any crashes and other issues you may have encountered during the beta. We'll be accepting survey entries until Jan. 15.

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