Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki

Hey everyone, we just released an update for the Awesomenauts 4.6: Tinker Time beta! Catch the full patch notes for this Beta compared to the current live version below.

Some of the important changes in this Beta compared to the previous Beta is that Commander Rocket no longer resets the charges on his Salvo when using Rocket Launch, some additional tweaks to Derpl and Sentry, and further changes to Professor M. Yoolip!

Please share your feedback on our forums!

Commander Rocket
Currently too safe and very hard to catch, Rocket needs to be easier to punish
  • Rocket Launch, no longer knocks back enemies.
  • Base Health, reduced from 1150 to 1100
Laser Trap is too unreliable, doing either too much damage or none at all. These changes should make its effect more reliable while also making placement a little bit more skillful.
  • Laser Trap, time between damage ticks increased from 0.2 to 0.3.
  • Laser Trap, damage per tick increased from 60 to 90.
  • Laser Trap, rotation speed increased by 50%.
  • Laser Trap, laser length reduced by 10%.
  • Laser Trap, no longer has deployment time.
  • Laser Trap, duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds.
Some upgrade adjustments based on the above changes. These are intended to keep Rocket brawling closer to his Laser Trap.
  • Profanity filters, now increases trap duration by 2 seconds for 160 solar.
  • Borgo Cigar cutter, CMDR Rocket gets a shield which reduces 30% of the incoming damage as long as he is nearby a deployed laser trap.
This upgrade is still too strong and mandatory
  • Box of Cirean cigars, damage per particle per stage reduced from 20 to 16.
His Rocket Launch no longer deals damage to turrets, but his turret push is still too intense. Adjusting the numbers and making them more consistent.
  • Charged Salvo, damage modifier against droids increased from 75% to 80%
  • Charged Salvo, damage modifier against turrets reduced from 100% to 80%.
This upgrade was a holdover from a time where Rocket’s Laser Trap had a lot more uptime. The intention for this replacement is to enable Rocket to be a bit better at brawling and allowing him to stay a bit closer to the fight
  • Head in Jar, now adds 16% damage to Charged Salvo when firing a single rocket, two stages for 175 solar each.
Part of his safety comes from his relatively high ranged base attack.
  • Charged Salvo, range reduced by 20%.
  • Medal Booster Pack, range increase reduced from 25% to 20%.
Combining Rocket Launch and a full Charged Salvo at melee range provides too much damage, too easily. At the same time we want to stimulate him to get more into the thick of the fight.
  • Rocket Launch, now deals between 150 and 350 damage, depending on how long the rocket has been flying.
  • Mother of Bombs, after using Rocket Launch without hitting an enemy, your next Charged Salvo shot will deal 100 more damage for 170 solar.

Considered too strong specifically on Ribbit and Starstorm, these tweaks attempt to adjust him without affecting his general performance.
  • Siege mode, Derpl is no longer immune to CC during the transformation out of siege mode.
  • Combustion lava lamp, size increase reduced from 22% to 18%.
  • Falling acceleration reduced by 20%.
Traps can be very oppressive, maxing out at full 2.4 seconds of no gameplay for the receiving party. Their long lifetime also stimulates camping gameplay.
  • Trap, snare duration reduced from 1.6 to 1.2 seconds
  • Trap, now also slows for 25% for 2.4 seconds. (extenting 1.2 seconds beyond the snare)
  • Trap, base lifetime reduced from 11 to 9 seconds.
  • Empowered Grid, snare increase per stage reduced from 0.4 to 0.3 seconds.
  • Lead casing, the silence now has a fixed duration of 2.4 seconds.
  • Trap, now charges in the middle of Derpl instead of having an arming time when placed.
Some base attack adjustments to better balance the row and take the above changes into account.
  • Fat Cat, cooldown increased from 4 to 5 seconds, price increased from 185 to 195.
  • Kitty Catsuit, price decreased from 175 to 150 solar per stage.
  • CAT package, price decreased from 175 to 150 solar per stage.
  • Bat Catsuit, now deals 100% increased damage against Nauts who are snared or slowed, no longer works with Fat Cat.
  • Long Cat, now works with Fat Cat.

Dizzy is currently a bit too strong. But she's also very finicky, and has a lot of weak upgrades.
  • Multi Dash, time between dashes increased from 0.3 to 0.4 seconds.
  • Multi Dash, damage per dash increased from 150 to 160.
  • Walkbot Pro, speed up dash reload time by 30% when you are near to enemies.
  • Explosive Clone, cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds.
  • Backstage pass, increase the range of your Multi Dash by 25% when you have the maximum amount of dashes charged.
  • Matching Glittery Dungarees, now reduces the cooldown for the next Explosive Clone by 3 seconds when it hits an enemy Awesomenaut.
  • "Purple Prince" lipstick, now also slows enemies when they leave the bubble as well as when they are hit by the explosion.
  • Bubble shot, size increased by 50%.
  • Graffiti artist, price increased from 165 to 190.
  • Tipi teal, merged to one stage of 30% range and speed increase for 140 solar.

Ix generally still brings too much to the table overall, great displace move, solid heals, invincibility frames, excellent mobility and strong brawling. In order to nudge him more towards his role his brawling should be reduced.
  • Refract, cooldown increased from 9 to 10.
  • Radiate, damage per Scatter reduced from 15 to 12.
  • Mammoth hair scarf, ally speed bonus increased from 12% to 15% per stage.
  • Tree hugger, ally damage boost increased from 12% to 15% per stage.
  • Personality Crystal, range increase reduced from 35% to 30%.

  • Ribbit snail slime, fixed that the healthpack would time out if it fell for too long.
Since these aren’t that much better than regular boots, they also don’t have to cost much more.
  • Rocket boots, solar price reduced from 160 to 140.
  • Base speed, increased by 4%.

Max Focus
This item has its use, but it's too weak and expensive.
  • From pond to podium, merged into one stage which adds 30% range and speed for 200 solar.
The homing upgrade looks cool, but doesn't do much. Here is a replacement proposal.
  • UFO spotted, now gives +50% speed during Scene Illumination for 160 solar.
This upgrade is just a bit too expensive, especially given the next change.
  • Sadak mysteries, price reduced from 195 to 175 solar.
Removing the stacking will reduce the need to combo with Sadak.
  • Brutalities of the Kraken, damage increased from 120 to 135 per stage, no longer stacks with Sadak mysteries.
This item is just a bit too expensive.
  • Rob Bourgogne, price reduced from 180 to 160 per stage.
This item was overnerfed shortly after launch, because the skill was too strong to begin with at the time.
  • Hairy King, size increase increased from 10% to 15%, price increased from 175 to 200 solar.
Some overpriced items.
  • Don Steward, price per stage reduced from 175 to 140 solar.
  • Pete Jennirks, price reduced from 240 to 200 solar.
  • Incriminating dirt, price reduced from 180 to 150 solar.
  • Flying camera, price reduced from 210 to 150 solar.
Meanwhile, this one's underpriced.
  • Hidden microphone, price increased from 170 to 200 solar.
This item is the strongest on the row, it doesn't need to stack further.
  • Galactic police scanner, no longer stacks with incriminating dirt, price increased from 180 to 220 solar.

  • Firebreath, fixed that after being Cocooned by Genji during Firebreath she wouldn't resume after the Cocoon wears off.
Some price adjustments.
  • Skull dunduns, price reduced from 200 to 180.
  • Eye of Coba, price reduced from from 215 to 190.
  • Dragon Speaker Idol, now has two stages of +10% attack speed each, at 150 solar per stage.

Professor Milton Yoolip
Some adjustments to improve the item balance for the gaze row.
  • Beard Trimming Fork, price reduced from 165 to 130 solar.
  • Syrup Pouring Robot, maximum lifesteal increased from 120 to 150 per stage.
Some changes to make Dinos more reliable at base.
  • Summon Robo Dinos, now jump at enemies at base.
  • Summon Robo Dinos, damage per bite reduced from 80 to 75.
Now this upgrade has become useless.
  • Holo Pet Food, now reduces the damage dealt by Nauts who have been bitten by 15% for 1.5 seconds.

  • Made Qi'Taras seven star strike visual only in front of Qi'Tara to represent the area where damage was being applied better.
  • Fixed that she couldn’t use Chakram Shift to teleport while using Seven Star Strike when the Salty Seal upgrade was bought.
  • Made Qi'Taras seven star strike visual only in front of Qi'Tara to represent the area where damage was being applied better.
  • Fixed that the Lily of the Isle projectiles would spawn at her feet during Seven Star Strike.
Qi’Tara deals too much damage during Seven Star Strike, and too little outside of it.
  • Seven star strike, attack speed increase reduced from 40% to 30%.
  • Poisonous blade, direct damage increased from 45 to 50.
Her relationship with speed feels disjointed, where attacking slows her down but Seven Star Strike speed her up etc. These changes also tie in with the issue above.
  • Poisonous Blade, removed movement penalty when attacking.
  • Seven Star Strike, removed speed bonus during the ability.
With the changes above, this upgrade has now become useless. This change will make Qi’Tara’s damage output more reliable.
  • Chilasi Chakram, now speeds up the damage over time of Poisonous blade by 20% for 160 solar.
Since the bug was fixed where this upgrade doubled your damage, this upgrade has become too weak
  • Lily of the Isle, projectile speed and range increased by 30%.
Salty Seal makes Qi’Tara almost unstoppable, this change should make counterplay possible again
  • Salty Seal, now cleanses all slows, snares and chains at the start of Seven Star Strike.
  • Salty Seal, now activates a shield that blocks 100 damage and provides immunity against slows, stuns, snares, chains, gravity and time warps as long as it’s active.
Other tweaks and adjustments.
  • Seven star strike, now also gives a 10% lifesteal effect.
  • Baby plumbin oil, additional lifesteal reduced from 30% to 15% for 175 solar.
  • Rakki Comb, merged to one stage which adds 200% damage vs. droids for 155 solar.

  • Iron Rifle, fixed that the shield didn’t last long enough to protect the entire charge duration.
This weak upgrade has some heavy competition on the row.
  • Monkey hand, range increase increased from 25% to 40%.

  • Birdseed donuts, cooldown reduction when hit increased from 2 to 4 seconds, duration increase increased from 1 to 2 seconds.

His base attack is a bit too weak in general
  • Sword Strike, Slash damage increased from 100 to 105, Cleave lifesteal increased from 20% to 30%.
  • Banner of the Triple Scoop, price per stage reduced from 130 to 100.
  • Halberd of Justice, bonus damage reduced from 25% to 22%.
  • Titanium Coneshield, price increased from 130 to 150 solar per stage.
Other tweaks and adjustments
  • Brutally Whipped Cream, price reduced from 200 to 180 per stage.

  • Fixed that Sentry’s Beacon no longer emitted a phone interference sound.
  • Fixed that Starstorm statue didn't affect Bug detector.
Reducing his efficiency of laying down mines in choke-points which has little to no counter-play.
  • Mines, damage while stationary reduced from 80 to 70.
With this change in mind, a counter-buff to help him land reliable damage output in close ranged scenarios.
  • Mines, damage on direct hit increased from 80 to 90.
  • Projectile speed of mines increased by 15%.
Camouflage tent is currently emphasizing passive play. This change will reward aggressive use of his AA by increasing his chase potency and reliability.
  • Camouflage tent, now increases projectile speed and range by 15%, one stage for 175 solar.
Drive-over skulls is also providing a lot of easy chip damage and can be replaced with a more active timing based auto-attack.
  • Drive-over skulls, now deals +75% direct damage when not firing for 1.5s.
Currently Black Hole Sun feels inconsistent and very hard to avoid, and if avoided it lingers for a whole 1.5s. This is an attempt at making BHS a more reliable ability and feel more fair on both ends. Starting with rewarding precision and aim on Sentry's end while allowing enemies to dodge the skill easier.
  • Black Hole Sun, projectile distance increased by 10%.
  • Black Hole Sun, projectile speed increased by 10%.
  • Black Hole Sun, size of black hole reduced by 15%.
The next set of changes are both aimed at compensating for the size reduction but also to reduce the duration of BHS.
  • Black Hole Sun, minimum gravity increased by 8%.
  • Black Hole Sun, maximum gravity increased by 5%.
  • Black Hole Sun, duration of black hole reduced from 1.5s to 1.2s.
With these changes aside, his shield charging up also adds up a lot of time where he's difficult to punish. Reducing his shield duration both allows him for using his black hole quicker, while also being vulnerable faster.
  • Shield duration reduced from 2s to 1.5s.
With less up-time of his shields, his base shield scaling could be increased to fulfill his tanky role. This allows him to tank a little extra in fights and reward aggressive play.
  • Black Hole Sun, Base shield increased from 20% to 25%.
  • Microfilm, shielding reduced from 10% to 8%, price reduced to 140 solar per stage.
Some Sentry's just leave their beacon sitting somewhere in order to reveal or permanently put pressure on an area.
  • Teleport Beacon, times out after 45 seconds.

  • Made separate spawnpoints for Sawblade and Spare blade, and moved them apart a little.
  • Sawblade, now deals direct damage instead of damage over time.

Smiles has been overnerfed in the last few updates.
  • Base health, increased from 1550 to 1650.
  • Trapper’s hook, cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.
  • Bush fire, range increased by 25%.

  • Poolboy, price reduced from 240 to 210 solar.

  • Uranium spikes, price increased from 125 to 150 per stage.
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki

Hey everyone, we just released an update for the Awesomenauts 4.6: Tinker Time beta! Catch the full patch notes for this Beta compared to the current live version below.

Some of the important changes in this Beta compared to the previous Beta is that Commander Rocket no longer resets the charges on his Salvo when using Rocket Launch, some additional tweaks to Derpl and Sentry, and further changes to Professor M. Yoolip!

Please share your feedback on our forums!

Commander Rocket
Currently too safe and very hard to catch, Rocket needs to be easier to punish
  • Rocket Launch, no longer knocks back enemies.
  • Base Health, reduced from 1150 to 1100
Laser Trap is too unreliable, doing either too much damage or none at all. These changes should make its effect more reliable while also making placement a little bit more skillful.
  • Laser Trap, time between damage ticks increased from 0.2 to 0.3.
  • Laser Trap, damage per tick increased from 60 to 90.
  • Laser Trap, rotation speed increased by 50%.
  • Laser Trap, laser length reduced by 10%.
  • Laser Trap, no longer has deployment time.
  • Laser Trap, duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds.
Some upgrade adjustments based on the above changes. These are intended to keep Rocket brawling closer to his Laser Trap.
  • Profanity filters, now increases trap duration by 2 seconds for 160 solar.
  • Borgo Cigar cutter, CMDR Rocket gets a shield which reduces 30% of the incoming damage as long as he is nearby a deployed laser trap.
This upgrade is still too strong and mandatory
  • Box of Cirean cigars, damage per particle per stage reduced from 20 to 16.
His Rocket Launch no longer deals damage to turrets, but his turret push is still too intense. Adjusting the numbers and making them more consistent.
  • Charged Salvo, damage modifier against droids increased from 75% to 80%
  • Charged Salvo, damage modifier against turrets reduced from 100% to 80%.
This upgrade was a holdover from a time where Rocket’s Laser Trap had a lot more uptime. The intention for this replacement is to enable Rocket to be a bit better at brawling and allowing him to stay a bit closer to the fight
  • Head in Jar, now adds 16% damage to Charged Salvo when firing a single rocket, two stages for 175 solar each.
Part of his safety comes from his relatively high ranged base attack.
  • Charged Salvo, range reduced by 20%.
  • Medal Booster Pack, range increase reduced from 25% to 20%.
Combining Rocket Launch and a full Charged Salvo at melee range provides too much damage, too easily. At the same time we want to stimulate him to get more into the thick of the fight.
  • Rocket Launch, now deals between 150 and 350 damage, depending on how long the rocket has been flying.
  • Mother of Bombs, after using Rocket Launch without hitting an enemy, your next Charged Salvo shot will deal 100 more damage for 170 solar.

Considered too strong specifically on Ribbit and Starstorm, these tweaks attempt to adjust him without affecting his general performance.
  • Siege mode, Derpl is no longer immune to CC during the transformation out of siege mode.
  • Combustion lava lamp, size increase reduced from 22% to 18%.
  • Falling acceleration reduced by 20%.
Traps can be very oppressive, maxing out at full 2.4 seconds of no gameplay for the receiving party. Their long lifetime also stimulates camping gameplay.
  • Trap, snare duration reduced from 1.6 to 1.2 seconds
  • Trap, now also slows for 25% for 2.4 seconds. (extenting 1.2 seconds beyond the snare)
  • Trap, base lifetime reduced from 11 to 9 seconds.
  • Empowered Grid, snare increase per stage reduced from 0.4 to 0.3 seconds.
  • Lead casing, the silence now has a fixed duration of 2.4 seconds.
  • Trap, now charges in the middle of Derpl instead of having an arming time when placed.
Some base attack adjustments to better balance the row and take the above changes into account.
  • Fat Cat, cooldown increased from 4 to 5 seconds, price increased from 185 to 195.
  • Kitty Catsuit, price decreased from 175 to 150 solar per stage.
  • CAT package, price decreased from 175 to 150 solar per stage.
  • Bat Catsuit, now deals 100% increased damage against Nauts who are snared or slowed, no longer works with Fat Cat.
  • Long Cat, now works with Fat Cat.

Dizzy is currently a bit too strong. But she's also very finicky, and has a lot of weak upgrades.
  • Multi Dash, time between dashes increased from 0.3 to 0.4 seconds.
  • Multi Dash, damage per dash increased from 150 to 160.
  • Walkbot Pro, speed up dash reload time by 30% when you are near to enemies.
  • Explosive Clone, cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds.
  • Backstage pass, increase the range of your Multi Dash by 25% when you have the maximum amount of dashes charged.
  • Matching Glittery Dungarees, now reduces the cooldown for the next Explosive Clone by 3 seconds when it hits an enemy Awesomenaut.
  • "Purple Prince" lipstick, now also slows enemies when they leave the bubble as well as when they are hit by the explosion.
  • Bubble shot, size increased by 50%.
  • Graffiti artist, price increased from 165 to 190.
  • Tipi teal, merged to one stage of 30% range and speed increase for 140 solar.

Ix generally still brings too much to the table overall, great displace move, solid heals, invincibility frames, excellent mobility and strong brawling. In order to nudge him more towards his role his brawling should be reduced.
  • Refract, cooldown increased from 9 to 10.
  • Radiate, damage per Scatter reduced from 15 to 12.
  • Mammoth hair scarf, ally speed bonus increased from 12% to 15% per stage.
  • Tree hugger, ally damage boost increased from 12% to 15% per stage.
  • Personality Crystal, range increase reduced from 35% to 30%.

  • Ribbit snail slime, fixed that the healthpack would time out if it fell for too long.
Since these aren’t that much better than regular boots, they also don’t have to cost much more.
  • Rocket boots, solar price reduced from 160 to 140.
  • Base speed, increased by 4%.

Max Focus
This item has its use, but it's too weak and expensive.
  • From pond to podium, merged into one stage which adds 30% range and speed for 200 solar.
The homing upgrade looks cool, but doesn't do much. Here is a replacement proposal.
  • UFO spotted, now gives +50% speed during Scene Illumination for 160 solar.
This upgrade is just a bit too expensive, especially given the next change.
  • Sadak mysteries, price reduced from 195 to 175 solar.
Removing the stacking will reduce the need to combo with Sadak.
  • Brutalities of the Kraken, damage increased from 120 to 135 per stage, no longer stacks with Sadak mysteries.
This item is just a bit too expensive.
  • Rob Bourgogne, price reduced from 180 to 160 per stage.
This item was overnerfed shortly after launch, because the skill was too strong to begin with at the time.
  • Hairy King, size increase increased from 10% to 15%, price increased from 175 to 200 solar.
Some overpriced items.
  • Don Steward, price per stage reduced from 175 to 140 solar.
  • Pete Jennirks, price reduced from 240 to 200 solar.
  • Incriminating dirt, price reduced from 180 to 150 solar.
  • Flying camera, price reduced from 210 to 150 solar.
Meanwhile, this one's underpriced.
  • Hidden microphone, price increased from 170 to 200 solar.
This item is the strongest on the row, it doesn't need to stack further.
  • Galactic police scanner, no longer stacks with incriminating dirt, price increased from 180 to 220 solar.

  • Firebreath, fixed that after being Cocooned by Genji during Firebreath she wouldn't resume after the Cocoon wears off.
Some price adjustments.
  • Skull dunduns, price reduced from 200 to 180.
  • Eye of Coba, price reduced from from 215 to 190.
  • Dragon Speaker Idol, now has two stages of +10% attack speed each, at 150 solar per stage.

Professor Milton Yoolip
Some adjustments to improve the item balance for the gaze row.
  • Beard Trimming Fork, price reduced from 165 to 130 solar.
  • Syrup Pouring Robot, maximum lifesteal increased from 120 to 150 per stage.
Some changes to make Dinos more reliable at base.
  • Summon Robo Dinos, now jump at enemies at base.
  • Summon Robo Dinos, damage per bite reduced from 80 to 75.
Now this upgrade has become useless.
  • Holo Pet Food, now reduces the damage dealt by Nauts who have been bitten by 15% for 1.5 seconds.

  • Made Qi'Taras seven star strike visual only in front of Qi'Tara to represent the area where damage was being applied better.
  • Fixed that she couldn’t use Chakram Shift to teleport while using Seven Star Strike when the Salty Seal upgrade was bought.
  • Made Qi'Taras seven star strike visual only in front of Qi'Tara to represent the area where damage was being applied better.
  • Fixed that the Lily of the Isle projectiles would spawn at her feet during Seven Star Strike.
Qi’Tara deals too much damage during Seven Star Strike, and too little outside of it.
  • Seven star strike, attack speed increase reduced from 40% to 30%.
  • Poisonous blade, direct damage increased from 45 to 50.
Her relationship with speed feels disjointed, where attacking slows her down but Seven Star Strike speed her up etc. These changes also tie in with the issue above.
  • Poisonous Blade, removed movement penalty when attacking.
  • Seven Star Strike, removed speed bonus during the ability.
With the changes above, this upgrade has now become useless. This change will make Qi’Tara’s damage output more reliable.
  • Chilasi Chakram, now speeds up the damage over time of Poisonous blade by 20% for 160 solar.
Since the bug was fixed where this upgrade doubled your damage, this upgrade has become too weak
  • Lily of the Isle, projectile speed and range increased by 30%.
Salty Seal makes Qi’Tara almost unstoppable, this change should make counterplay possible again
  • Salty Seal, now cleanses all slows, snares and chains at the start of Seven Star Strike.
  • Salty Seal, now activates a shield that blocks 100 damage and provides immunity against slows, stuns, snares, chains, gravity and time warps as long as it’s active.
Other tweaks and adjustments.
  • Seven star strike, now also gives a 10% lifesteal effect.
  • Baby plumbin oil, additional lifesteal reduced from 30% to 15% for 175 solar.
  • Rakki Comb, merged to one stage which adds 200% damage vs. droids for 155 solar.

  • Iron Rifle, fixed that the shield didn’t last long enough to protect the entire charge duration.
This weak upgrade has some heavy competition on the row.
  • Monkey hand, range increase increased from 25% to 40%.

  • Birdseed donuts, cooldown reduction when hit increased from 2 to 4 seconds, duration increase increased from 1 to 2 seconds.

His base attack is a bit too weak in general
  • Sword Strike, Slash damage increased from 100 to 105, Cleave lifesteal increased from 20% to 30%.
  • Banner of the Triple Scoop, price per stage reduced from 130 to 100.
  • Halberd of Justice, bonus damage reduced from 25% to 22%.
  • Titanium Coneshield, price increased from 130 to 150 solar per stage.
Other tweaks and adjustments
  • Brutally Whipped Cream, price reduced from 200 to 180 per stage.

  • Fixed that Sentry’s Beacon no longer emitted a phone interference sound.
  • Fixed that Starstorm statue didn't affect Bug detector.
Reducing his efficiency of laying down mines in choke-points which has little to no counter-play.
  • Mines, damage while stationary reduced from 80 to 70.
With this change in mind, a counter-buff to help him land reliable damage output in close ranged scenarios.
  • Mines, damage on direct hit increased from 80 to 90.
  • Projectile speed of mines increased by 15%.
Camouflage tent is currently emphasizing passive play. This change will reward aggressive use of his AA by increasing his chase potency and reliability.
  • Camouflage tent, now increases projectile speed and range by 15%, one stage for 175 solar.
Drive-over skulls is also providing a lot of easy chip damage and can be replaced with a more active timing based auto-attack.
  • Drive-over skulls, now deals +75% direct damage when not firing for 1.5s.
Currently Black Hole Sun feels inconsistent and very hard to avoid, and if avoided it lingers for a whole 1.5s. This is an attempt at making BHS a more reliable ability and feel more fair on both ends. Starting with rewarding precision and aim on Sentry's end while allowing enemies to dodge the skill easier.
  • Black Hole Sun, projectile distance increased by 10%.
  • Black Hole Sun, projectile speed increased by 10%.
  • Black Hole Sun, size of black hole reduced by 15%.
The next set of changes are both aimed at compensating for the size reduction but also to reduce the duration of BHS.
  • Black Hole Sun, minimum gravity increased by 8%.
  • Black Hole Sun, maximum gravity increased by 5%.
  • Black Hole Sun, duration of black hole reduced from 1.5s to 1.2s.
With these changes aside, his shield charging up also adds up a lot of time where he's difficult to punish. Reducing his shield duration both allows him for using his black hole quicker, while also being vulnerable faster.
  • Shield duration reduced from 2s to 1.5s.
With less up-time of his shields, his base shield scaling could be increased to fulfill his tanky role. This allows him to tank a little extra in fights and reward aggressive play.
  • Black Hole Sun, Base shield increased from 20% to 25%.
  • Microfilm, shielding reduced from 10% to 8%, price reduced to 140 solar per stage.
Some Sentry's just leave their beacon sitting somewhere in order to reveal or permanently put pressure on an area.
  • Teleport Beacon, times out after 45 seconds.

  • Made separate spawnpoints for Sawblade and Spare blade, and moved them apart a little.
  • Sawblade, now deals direct damage instead of damage over time.

Smiles has been overnerfed in the last few updates.
  • Base health, increased from 1550 to 1650.
  • Trapper’s hook, cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.
  • Bush fire, range increased by 25%.

  • Poolboy, price reduced from 240 to 210 solar.

  • Uranium spikes, price increased from 125 to 150 per stage.
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki

The votes are in, and the winners of the UMA Map Contest have been announced! The United Mapmakers of Awesomenauts community hosted this contest to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Map Editor, and their submissions have been stunning! Many thanks to everybody involved in hosting the event, and to all those who submitted their creations!

The winners will receive an in-game UMA Medal as well as a bunch of skins of their choosing!

And now, the winners! Download the mods and try them in in-game with your friends - they're definitely worth a look!

Best looking map
Vikri with Omicron City V2
Best innovative map
Vmar with Pokernauts
User choice award
Linn with Jungle
Most enjoyable map
Giginss with Bouncy Castle
Best map design
Sty with Escort the Payload
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki

The votes are in, and the winners of the UMA Map Contest have been announced! The United Mapmakers of Awesomenauts community hosted this contest to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Map Editor, and their submissions have been stunning! Many thanks to everybody involved in hosting the event, and to all those who submitted their creations!

The winners will receive an in-game UMA Medal as well as a bunch of skins of their choosing!

And now, the winners! Download the mods and try them in in-game with your friends - they're definitely worth a look!

Best looking map
Vikri with Omicron City V2
Best innovative map
Vmar with Pokernauts
User choice award
Linn with Jungle
Most enjoyable map
Giginss with Bouncy Castle
Best map design
Sty with Escort the Payload
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
The field has been whittled down and only the eight best teams in the world remain! The time has come: the Awesomenauts Rumble Season 2 Championship Cup finals are starting soon!

This weekend, the Awesomenauts Rumble Team will be hosting a livestream to highlight the playoffs stage, and every weekend until mid-April will see anynother stage of the finals casted live. Tune in to to catch the shows with Pyrocheese and Seltzy! Show schedule:
March 18th, 1PM EST - Stream of playoffs bracket
March 24th, 1PM EST- Winner's Finals, livecasted
March 31st, 1PM EST - Loser's Semi's, livecasted
April 7th, 1PM EST - Loser's Finals, Livecasted
April 14th, 1PM EST - Grand Finals, Livecasted

Good luck to the contenders: Boys R Us, please LOVE (EASY POINTS), Idiots, Full Monty, YOUDODAMATH, Team Rocket, Akio, and K.O.
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
The field has been whittled down and only the eight best teams in the world remain! The time has come: the Awesomenauts Rumble Season 2 Championship Cup finals are starting soon!

This weekend, the Awesomenauts Rumble Team will be hosting a livestream to highlight the playoffs stage, and every weekend until mid-April will see anynother stage of the finals casted live. Tune in to to catch the shows with Pyrocheese and Seltzy! Show schedule:
March 18th, 1PM EST - Stream of playoffs bracket
March 24th, 1PM EST- Winner's Finals, livecasted
March 31st, 1PM EST - Loser's Semi's, livecasted
April 7th, 1PM EST - Loser's Finals, Livecasted
April 14th, 1PM EST - Grand Finals, Livecasted

Good luck to the contenders: Boys R Us, please LOVE (EASY POINTS), Idiots, Full Monty, YOUDODAMATH, Team Rocket, Akio, and K.O.
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
Last wednesday during the Streamisho, Jasper and Koen unveiled all the changes coming to Awesomenauts in Update 4.6: Tinker Time! Missed the show? Catch the VOD on YouTube! This upcoming update focusses on balance improvements, and features extensive changes to Derpl Zork, Professor Milton Yoolip, Commander Rocket, Qi'Tara, and others. Catch the full patch notes for this first Beta here:

All players can try out the Beta, and we appreciate all feedback on these changes. Share your thoughts on the offical Beta forums: Want to know how to access the Beta? Check out this guide:
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
Last wednesday during the Streamisho, Jasper and Koen unveiled all the changes coming to Awesomenauts in Update 4.6: Tinker Time! Missed the show? Catch the VOD on YouTube! This upcoming update focusses on balance improvements, and features extensive changes to Derpl Zork, Professor Milton Yoolip, Commander Rocket, Qi'Tara, and others. Catch the full patch notes for this first Beta here:

All players can try out the Beta, and we appreciate all feedback on these changes. Share your thoughts on the offical Beta forums: Want to know how to access the Beta? Check out this guide:
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
Hey everyone, as we continue to take community input for the upcoming balance & bug fixing update, our designer Jasper has published a document containing tentative balance changes we're planning to introduce in the upcoming Beta. The document is open to comments, and we'd love to get a little more input on these intended changes before we fully implement them.

You can find the document here:

Please use the comment feature in Google Docs to share your thoughts and provide additional input to the suggestions of other players, but keep it civilized!

Some of the more exciting changes currently lined up include the transformation of Professor M. Yoolip's Wrench Smack to a ranged Wrench Fling attack, multiple tweaks to upgrades for Qi'Tara and Commander Rocket, and changes to the way Turret Mode and Trap placement work for Derpl.

Furthermore, you can share thoughts on some proposed changes to different upgrades in a different sheet, over here: These changes are currently under consideration but have not yet made it into the list for 'planned' changes, so share your input there as well!

Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
Hey everyone, as we continue to take community input for the upcoming balance & bug fixing update, our designer Jasper has published a document containing tentative balance changes we're planning to introduce in the upcoming Beta. The document is open to comments, and we'd love to get a little more input on these intended changes before we fully implement them.

You can find the document here:

Please use the comment feature in Google Docs to share your thoughts and provide additional input to the suggestions of other players, but keep it civilized!

Some of the more exciting changes currently lined up include the transformation of Professor M. Yoolip's Wrench Smack to a ranged Wrench Fling attack, multiple tweaks to upgrades for Qi'Tara and Commander Rocket, and changes to the way Turret Mode and Trap placement work for Derpl.

Furthermore, you can share thoughts on some proposed changes to different upgrades in a different sheet, over here: These changes are currently under consideration but have not yet made it into the list for 'planned' changes, so share your input there as well!


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