Nov 26, 2019
Aurora Dusk: Steam Age - Syl
New content for the king:
- 16 new items: Crown, Pegasus, Crosier, Curtana, King Sceptre, Rapier, Royal Flair, Royal Mantle, Sovereign’s Orb, Ambrosia, Chocolate, Diamond Necklace, Pastries, Royal Jelly, Sigillary Ring, Velvet Gloves.
- 1 new building: the Palace.
- 1 new resource: the Gold Coin.
- 1 new soldier: the Elite Protector.

Other new content:
- 1 new playable character: the High Elf.
- 1 new soldier: the healer.
- 1 new defence building: the garrison.
- 1 new spell: the Book of Fellow Healing.
- 1 new animal: the squirrel.
- 1 new monster: the Evil Wizard.
- 2 new tools: the pan and the cauldron (suggested by Neofenris)
- 1 new perk: Attractive.
- 1 new map for the skirmish mode. (4 factions)

- AIs build more resurrection buildings.

Bugs corrected:
- Buttons of setting companions AI corrected. (bug reported by Zulgaines) (
- the cannon of the artillery is displayed on the construction button.
- xp bug of the Disk Thrower corrected (bug reported by garrowe101) (
May 2, 2019
Aurora Dusk: Steam Age - Syl
New options in multiplayer:
- level max.
- password.
- more informations are displayed in the list of multiplayer games.

New content:
- game engine was updated to 64 bits.
- 1 new faction: elves.
- 2 new items: sylvan mage robe, sylvan mage hat.
- 1 new animal: fox.
- 1 new perk: toolmaker.
- 2 new monsters: evil tree, mancubus.
- you can save your selection of soldiers with Crtl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3...
- item shortcuts are saved.
- partial japanese translation.

- you don't need to complete the adventure to unlock all playable races.
- soldiers with range weapons don't move when they are in defensive stance.
- skeletons, mummies and zombies are summoned by 4. (instead 1 by 1)
- cost of town centre (stone age) decrease. (200 -> 150)
- some skills to enhance items are changed. ("hunting" & "stone cutting" -> "weapons forging" and "armour forging")

- attack with "nightmare" give xp to pyrotechnic magic instead repressive magic. (bug reported by Faith)
- 'upgrade' doesn't appear if there's no upgrade.
- a bug when you switch between 2 enhancements of items was corrected. (bug reported by Demonpriest)
- you cannot join a multiplayer game with a different version of the game.
- a bug when you resume the last mission was corrected.
- progressions in the 'siege workshop' are correctly saved in the world.
- counters of stars in the missions are corrected.
- some hats on your character are resized.
- visual effect of healing corrected.
- you cannot sell steel at the gold age.

- less monsters in the missions 14, 15.
- a bug in the mission 15 was corrected.
- a bug when you resume the mission 16 was corrected.
Mar 13, 2019
Aurora Dusk: Steam Age - Syl
Due to bug reports, these 2 features were disabled:
- 'frames per second' are limited to 30.
- 'strategic view' is always displayed if you zoom out.
(these features will come back after corrections)

- a critical bug when you resume a savegame corrected.
- by default, the game saves the world every 10 minutes. (instead 15m)
- 'military engineering' skill corrected and will level up.
- informations added to 'conscription' skill.
- english and french corrections.
Aurora Dusk: Steam Age - Syl
The Early Access ends today. I consider that this game offers almost everything a complete game has to offer.
Aurora Dusk is still imperfect. There are still bugs and other problems in the game. The end of the Early Access does not mean the end of the game development. It will get other updates in the future.

The Early Access lasted almost 3 years. During this period, the game was updated with many major additions:
- the multiplayer mode.
- a new campaign adventure.
- the ability to control multiple characters.
- an editor of artificial intelligences.
- the city centres.
- siege weapons.
- cows ^^.
- statistics.
- perks.
- 50 new items.
And many more.
Aurora Dusk: Steam Age - Syl
- 3 achievements removed: YIAM, AURORA, CREPUSCULUM.
- DEMI_GOD achievement has been replaced by NO_LEVEL_CAP.

- trading cards added.

- The final boss has less life in the last mission. (100 000 => 50 000)
Aurora Dusk: Steam Age - Syl
Demo was updated.

Major correction:
- english corrections.

New content:
- new faction: dwarfs. (skirmish mode only)
- new perk: sprint.
- 1 new ears for female feline.
- 1 new map in skirmish mode with 6 villages.
- 1 new map in skirmish mode with 8 villages.
- 6 new AIs: 'berserker', 'engineer', 'grenadier', 'runic priest', 'tank', 'warrior'.
- there are 5 different files for the autosaves of the worlds. (suggestion from Stevepunk)
- "Display FPS / RAM / GPU" added in options.

- Amulet of Fire
damage 150% -> 200%
mana cost 2 -> 5
xp intelligence /2
- Bright Multiple Fire Scepter
damage 58% -> 125%
damage area added
- Comet Staff
attack time 8s -> 6s
damage area 32 -> 96
- Dragon Breath Staff
attack time 4s -> 3s
mana per attack 12 -> 20
- Fire Elemental
attack 300 -> 600
- Fire Scepter
damage area added
- Multiple Fire Scepter
damage 93% -> 150%
damage area added
- Spark Scroll
cost 4 parchments -> 1 parchment
- Spark
attack 400 -> 1000
- Sunfire Staff
damage area added

- Amulet of Lightning
xp intelligence /2
- Chain Lightning Staff
attack time 0.83s -> 2s
range 80 -> 50
- Cristal Star Staff
damage 37% -> 50%
range of snow flaks /2
- Lightning Staff
range 70 -> 50
- Peel Skin
health bonus medium armors 90% -> 50%
health bonus shamanic magic 0% -> 50%
speed malus -0.25 -> 0
- Ring of Ice Shards
damage 30% -> 75%
range 70 -> 90
- Snowflake Belt
damage 28% -> 200%
- Snow Star Staff
attack time 2s -> 4s
damage 33% -> 50%
- Thunder Hammer
damage 200% -> 300%
range 40 -> 10

- Death Beam Rod
damage 10% -> 50%
mana per attack 2 -> 3
health per attack 0 -> 1
- Gloves of Ghoul Touch
attack time 2s -> 1s
xp gain to intelligence /8
- Lich Transformation
health bonus 25pts -> 25% of endurance
mana bonus 25pts -> 25% of willpower
chaotic magic bonus +25pts -> 0
necromantic magic bonus +25pts -> 0
mana regeneration +0 -> +100%
- Nightmare Mount
fireball damage 200% -> removed
flamethower damage 300% -> 500%
- Poison Nova Staff
damage 33% -> 150%
- Poison Scepter
attack time 4s -> 0.3s
damage 62% -> 25%
- Poison Staff
attack time 4s -> 1s
- Summon Skeleton Scroll
cost 2 parchments -> 1 parchment
- Summon Zombie Scroll
cost 3 parchments -> 2 parchments

- Bright Light Staff
damage 22% -> 50%
- Healing Book
scaled from Redemptive magic instead of Willpower
- Healing Scroll
scaled from Redemptive magic instead of Willpower
- Light Scepter
damage 15% -> 50%
- Light Staff
damage 33% -> 50%
- Protection
scaled by redemptive Magic * 25% instead 50 fixed points
- Solaris Diadem
damage 5% -> 50%

- Throwing Axe don't do 'missile' damage anymore
- Hand Grenade don't do 'missile' damage anymore
- Spherical Grenade don't do 'missile' damage anymore

- Ring of Faith
willpower bonus 12% -> 25pts
- Ring of Fire Resistance
fire resistance 20% -> 40%
- Ring of Human Influence
charisma bonus 12% -> 25pts
- Ring of Knowledge
intelligence bonus 12% -> 25pts
- Strength Ring
strength bonus 12% -> 25pts

- Back Missile Launcher
attack time 12s -> 6s
- Cartridges
cost of cast iron +1
- Gunblade
range damage 150% -> 500%
- Hand Grenade
damage 500% -> 800%
area of damage 32 -> 64
- Handgun
damage 150% -> 250%
- Machine Pistol
damage 68% -> 250%
- Missile Launcher
damage 1200% -> 2000%
area of damage 0 -> 64
- Rifle
damage 300% -> 500%
- Shoulder Cannon
area of damage 32 -> 96
- Sniper rifle
damage 340% -> 1000%
- Spherical Grenade
damage 600% -> 800%
area of damage 32 -> 64

Food bonus give extra XP. (+1% for each bonus)

You can create an item+1 with a skill at 150 instead 200.

+100% health when you repair a golem.

- Golden Wall
defense 600 -> 500
- Steel Wall
defense 500 -> 600

- Bat
speed 120 -> 200
- Mummy
health 250 -> 400
- Skeleton
resistance to missiles 0% -> 75%
- Wolf
speed 100 -> 150
- Wolf Rider
speed 100 -> 150

- you can select servants in AI editor.
- IAs 'tanks' and 'golemologue' added to the faction of astalans.
- A 'validate' button added to the editor.
- A message is displayed when you select an AI.

- "dark elf" and "astalan" are locked until you defeat the Devorer in the adventure.
- messages of the "saving world" changed. A message is displayed at the start of the save and a second message is displayed at the end.

Bugs corrected:
- max resources are set to 999999999.
- you can use blessing and vitality at the same time.
- some other bugs were corrected.
Aurora Dusk: Steam Age - Syl
New content:
- (Beta) 3 new missions.
- 2 new customised missions.
- 4 new soldiers: light horseman, horse raider, heavy horseman, knight. (suggestion from Tallestdavid)
- 1 new siege weapon: heavy cannon. (suggestion from Cirno)
- the remaining cost of the structures are displayed.
- 3 new maps for skirmish mode.
- new artwork for the main screen.

- (Beta) PvP added. You can play select your team in multiplayer.
- You can play "customised missions" in multiplayer.
- if you join a multiplayer game in pause, you cannot move. (Bug reported by many players)

- partial English and French corrections. (interface & missions)

- NPCs are less agressive.
- maps 1v1 in Skirmish Mode were resized. (64*64 => 128*128)

Bugs corrected:
- a major bug when you select "random" for team 1 was corrected. (Bug reported by KylarNightAngel)
- IAs can build a Town Centre at the Steam Age.
- a crash when you load a savegame with an artillery was corrected.
- the mount "nightmare" disapear if you unequip it.
- in the warehouse, "K" display change at 10000 instead 2000. (Bug reported by Cirno)
- label of "inventory shortcut" in options corrected.
- a crash with collecting resources from AI was corrected.
- the rectangle to select units was opimized and should not cause crash anymore.
- Food bonus are fixed. (Bug reported by Lee)
- cities localisation in skirmish corrected. (Bug reported by Nathaël)
Aurora Dusk: Steam Age - Syl
Major updates:
- online multiplayer. (beta)
- you can store resources in the town center.
- you can recruit servants at town center.
- you can improve your perks.

Multiplayer content:
- you recover your inventory when you reconnect to the same server.
- 2 new windows: messages & list of players.
- maximum of players added to server settings.

New content:
- 3 new missions.
- 2 new walls: "ice wall" and "golden wall".
- 1 new spell: "werewolf transformation". (shamanic altar)
- 1 new monster: "mushroom guy".
- 4 new male hairs.
- 5 new female hairs. 1 new female face.
- 7 new beards for male dwarfs.
- you can repair golems even if they move or fight.

- number of resurrections in chapel: 15 -> 20.
- cost of soldiers increased by 20%.

Bugs corrected:
- tooltips added to age selection. (in the construction bar)
- items enhancement are better managed by the AIs. (thanks to Airstrike)
- an endless loop with AI corrected. (thanks to Airstrike)
- 'Warrior born' perk give attack and defense bonus. (thanks to Akari Akaza)
- soldier's counter corrected when you load a world or a mission. (thanks to Jseah)
- appearence change when you recycle or sell an item. (thanks to NoobToy)
- many memory leaks in AI editor corrected. (thanks to Jseah)
- if you recycle or sell an enhanced item+X, you gain more resources.
- max resources are limited to 999999999.
- AIs stop going to medicinal plants in combat.
- the monsters only attack the walls that are on their way.
- you cannot order your units to attack themselves.
- feline ears disapear when you transform to lich.
- when your lich transformation ends you transform to human back.
- GPU limit extended from 512ko to 2Mo. (may avoid invisible sprites)
May 18, 2018
Aurora Dusk: Steam Age - Syl
New content:
- new campaign with 10 new missions. This campaign is uncomplete and the translations are approximate.
- new game mode: "custom missions" with 2 new missions.
- you can switch to a strategic view when you zoom out. (it can be disabled in options)
- You can select items in inventory with 10 new buttons.
- height effects added to the ground.
- frame rate increased.
- You can sell items to market.
- 1 new monster: "wolf rider".
- 1 new map in skirmish mode for 10 villages.

- "Gauges of characteristics" are rectangular. You can change it to circular in options.
- confirmation screen added before leaving the game.
- in options: the "limit x2" was increase to x4.
- the recycle button indicates how much resources it take back.
- New button 'next mission' added to skip mission selection screen.
- in skirmish mode you can remove a faction.

- the perk "gun nut" affect firearms forging. (suggestion from Yotokan)
- you can upgrade "leather gloves" to "gloves of ghoul touch".
- self-guided missiles doesn't disapear when they doesn't find any target. (They continue straight)

Minor changes
- Steam effect added on starting screen.
- new sound effect added when you plant a resource.
- game settings don't reset when you select a character or companions.
- milk added to market.
- circle buttons display a white ring when selected.
- rollover colors in inventory popup menu changed.
- tooptips doesn't appear over dialog screen with a NPC.
- AI window does't bug with dialog screen. (thanks to Telemak)
- in AI editor "meat pie bonus" changed to iron age. (thanks to Telemak)
- screens adapted to Ultrawide Resolution Support. (thanks to Hmm)
- you keep all your resources in next mission if you have a backpack.
Jan 12, 2018
Aurora Dusk: Steam Age - Syl
New content:
- town centers added. You need to build/upgrade a town center to reach next ages.
- 2 new factions: "dark elves" and "astalans". (skirmish mode only)
- 3 new custom AIs: "astalan", "dark elf", "golemologist".

- you keep your inventory and resources in missions.
- attack range against buildings is changed.
- dungeons can order a general offensive.
- many custom AIs changed.
- AIs are disabled at the beginning of first tutorial missions.
- you cannot select higher difficulty if you play a mission for the first time.
- more options when you select "age speed".

- speed of dwarf increased (80 to 90)
- defense of rat decreased (100 to 25)
- dungeons don't spawn monsters at the begining of the game.

Bugs corrected:
- the game load faster if you play with more than 50 custom characters.
- 'give resource' disabled when you have 0 resource.
- when you walk in water 'splash effects' are always displayed.
- damages above 999 are displayed correctly. (thanks to Bigheaded)
- crash when you build a second artillery corrected. (thanks to Bigheaded again)
- max unzoom corrected.

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