Ash of Gods: Redemption - Nessie
Hello, friends!

It's finally Christmas time and we here at AurumDust wish all of you very joyful holidays and a hopeful 2023. We want to thank you for being with us all this time, for your support and help, we really appreciate it. We wish you a plenty of nice moments and the most wonderful games! Cheers!

And we remind you about a Christmas present from us. Now you can get Ash of Gods: Redemption with 80% discount. Hurry up while Steam Winter Sale is on! And have a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Ash of Gods: Redemption - Jelle

Hello friends!

We are stoked to announce that, as part of the #TurnBasedFest event, our brand new demo is now available to play! Experience what we’ve been working on over the past half a year since the last demo. Several changes have been made based on player feedback, so we’re eager to hear what you think.

Watch the new trailer here:

Main features to try out in the demo:

  • Play through the tutorial and the first tournament of the game. Prove your worth and abilities to your king!
  • Try out two different decks: Your trusty Berkanan deck and the ever devious Bandit deck!
  • Three difficulty settings! The pesky difficulty bug has been fixed, so you’ll now be able to pick a difficulty level before starting the game. Normal mode is generally recommended for most players. More interested in the story than the gameplay? Story mode is for you. Want to explore every nook and cranny of the combat? Challenge yourself with Hard mode!

You can download the demo on the Ash of Gods: The Way store page!
While you're there, be sure to follow and wishlist!

Want to give feedback on the demo or discuss something with the developers? Join our Discord!

Ash of Gods: Redemption - Jelle

Hello friends!

We’re beyond excited to let you know that next week, as part of the #TurnBasedFest event here on Steam, a brand new demo will be available for you to play!

We’ve been hard at work this past half year, implementing changes and improvements based on the feedback we got on our last demo. We’ll explore these changes in-depth next week, but here’s what we’ve been working on:

A new and improved main menu has been added. We’re really happy with how it looks now!

Lots of rebalancing. We fixed a few things for classic mode and reworked both story and hard mode. The latter is still a work in progress, but we hope these changes will result in an improved player experience.

We made numerous improvements to the story you can experience in the demo.
This includes improvements to the tutorial and story from slightly later in the game that have been moved forward to make the demo more interesting. The story and dialogue in The Way has been reworked as a whole, though you won’t see much of this in the demo.

If you’d like to discuss something with us or give feedback on the demo, join our Discord!

We also released a (new) dedicated subreddit for the Ash of Gods franchise! You’ll be able to discuss all the Ash of Gods games with others in the community, give feedback, share your thoughts & fan content and help each other out if you run into trouble. All official announcements will also be posted there! Find it here: r/Ash_of_Gods

Want to stay up-to-date here on Steam? Follow the Ash of Gods: The Way Steam page to get all developments directly in your Steam library. While you're there, consider wishlisting the game! It helps us out a ton with getting the game out there.

See you next week!
Ash of Gods: Redemption - Jelle

Hello, friends!

We've been off the radar for a little while, but we're back with a blog discussing the current state of the game, the feedback we got after the last demo, as well as the changes we made for a new demo you'll be able to play soon!

Want to know more? Check it out here:

Interested in The Way and its development? Wishlist and follow it to never miss an update! It supports us a ton.
Jun 21, 2022
Ash of Gods: Redemption - Nessie

Hello, folks!

Steam Next Fest has come to an end, and we’d like to thank you for your engagement and useful feedback left in a questionnaire at the end of the demo. We have yet to read and analyse every reply, and we’ll make a more detailed report about it later, but today we want to share the first results—your marks of our work.

As you can see, most players liked The Way. At the moment the average rating of the game is 4.44 points out of 5. It’s almost 89% of positive marks. For us it’s a very strong indicator that the huge work we made over the game wasn’t for nothing.

At the same time we have to say that the demo has a big and unpleasant bug that considerably influenced the game experience. The thing is that if there are no earlier saves, the game doesn’t offer the player to choose the level of difficulty—and a new game starts by default in the easiest Story Mode.

A lot of players marked this fact and reported that the fights are too easy and in some cases don’t demand any planning. It happened because in the Story Mode many fights don’t work like they should—it was created for those who doesn’t want to deal with strategic challenges.

We will make sure to fix this for the next demo so that you could assess the fights in the Classic and Hard modes. And for now we prolong the access to the demo for one more week, and you have an opportunity to try the game for yourselves (yes, in the Story Mode) and give us your feedback. We’ll surely read it.

If you want to become a tester of Ash of Gods: The Way and to be one of the first players who will see the fights of the new championships, join our Discord channel and—the main thing—add our game to the wishlist!

Thank you again for your feedback and support,
Aurum Dust.

Jun 13, 2022
Ash of Gods: Redemption - Nessie
Hello, friends!

It’s been half a year since our last demo, and for this time we’ve made a great deal of work, putting a lot of changes which we’ve been describing in the posts UPDATING BATTLEFIELDS и PREPARING FOR A NEW DEMO into the game.

In the new demo-version you will see:

A new colourful cinematic (still a work-in-progress)

Levels of difficulty (we recommend playing the demo in Classic Mode)

New animations of the battlefields, making them much more vivid

A redesigned screen for changing a card before battle fixing the problem with accidental swap of the important unit as it was in the previous version

The animation of free cards that allows you to plan your moves better

Considerably reworked and much more convenient UI

And of course, much more balanced fights with improved mechanics!

Attention! The demo is available on the page of the game:

We hope that you’ll like our new demo and we’re waiting for any feedback—it really helps us make the game better! You can share it by answering a short survey at the end of the demo, in the comments to this post or joining our channel in Discord. We also want to thank you for your support and engagement—your likes and comments really motivate us.

And don’t forget to wishlist and follow the game!

Have a nice game,
AurumDust team.

Ash of Gods: Redemption - Nessie

Hello, friends!

As you know, we are preparing a new demo for Steam Next Fest, and you can already play it on Monday. Apart from balance corrections, we have removed the restriction of 30 FPS, and that made our game way more smooth and pleasing to the eye. We've also considerably changed battlefields and made them more vivid, placing a lot of new animated objects—they look way more classy than Redemption’s.

We have also added a new redesigned intro (it's not a final version though), the choice of difficulty level, free cards animation, an improved screen of card replacement before the start of a fight and a lot more.

What we haven't added but we will for sure: we'll add a new screen for the main menu—it still demands some work with animations and music. We also plan to partially rewrite dialogues to make the story of the first tournament more complete and interesting. And of course, we'll bring back voice acting when all the texts are ready.

And for now follow us in Discord, add the game to the wishlist and check for updates—we'll inform you as soon as the demo will be available.


Working on a demo is a hard and tiring process, but we always work as a team, and that's why we chat a lot and try to cheer each other up—sometimes with absolute nonsense. And today we want to share some with you.

For example, we couldn’t go past the telling expression of Finn’s face in one of the new cinematics. Originally this meme was in Russian, but we managed to find an English alternative—a phrase of Daniel Day-Lewis from the ”Gangs of New York” movie.

Sometimes, after a hard working day our artists join the Dark Side of the Force. I blame Disney and the new trilogy for all of this.

Here, the artist who works with battlefields took the condition “In this battle your opponent will get an unexpected reinforcement” a bit too literally…

And our art-director, while testing animations, turned a poor guardian into a dirty swine, putting flies on him, because “there were no corpses nearby”.

Also he says that he’s added a scroll to a Frisian version of Kleta to punish Finn for bad fights in the tournament.

And he claims that he didn’t try to draw a young revolutionnaire—just wanted to attach the girl to the mother. Of course, we don’t believe him.

But sometimes the game creates memes itself. For example, a ghost of a Hammerer appeared in the deck of Berkana’s champion. Spooky!

By the way, our team is quite young. Some of us are old enough, though, to remember a very ancient meme about Techno Viking…

Anyway, we all are millennials, so the memes are usually pretty classic:

And not always funny (but quite honest!)...

We also share photos of our favourite pets with each other. And it seems, all of us are crazy cat lovers (the image is clickable).

It’s quite weird, but none of us has a dog. We would gladly accept them into our company though. But we have other pets too.

We hope that our pets and our stupid sense of humour have lifted your spirits. At least, just a tad.

Regretfully, we won’t likely post regular updates and tell you about our game in detail anymore. We’ve always tried to create interesting quality content, but it takes a lot of time and effort—and for now these efforts don’t pay off and don’t bring enough wishlists.

Nevertheless, if you like our updates and you’d like to keep reading them, it’s high time to add Ash of Gods: The Way into your wishlist and subscribe to the game to receive important updates. Unfortunately, Steam doesn't let us to put a direct link here but you can find a clickable GIF above the description on Redemption's store page.

Comments, likes and reposts of this post are also very welcome—thanks a lot for your support, anything like that is very precious for us. Besides, you can join our Discord channel—we are always glad to talk to the players and answer any questions.

That’s all for now. We remind you that on Monday, with the start of the festival, our new demo will be available for everyone—and we are waiting for your feedback. Be sure to tell your friends about us!

And, of course, have a nice weekend!

Ash of Gods: Redemption - Nessie

Hello, friends!

Our team is intensely getting ready for the Steam Next Fest, preparing a new demo—the old one is deactivated and isn’t available anymore. Besides, we have finished the battles for all the games and will announce the search for players for a closed testing. If you want to be among the first who will see what we have made in new tournaments, join our Discord channel, please—we will post an announcement there, when the time comes, and we’ll also collect feedback there.

And today we’ll tell you about other important updates which make our game better.


We have already shown our progress with new cinemanics. As you remember, a lot of images were black and white, and they had a lack of details.

We’ve considerably moved forward finishing our work with separate images and making them much more colourful and rich.

Every clip sets the atmosphere of the places where Finn goes and reveals the characters he has to meet much better—and also shows emotions and relations between characters.

Almost all the cinematics are already put together, and we’ll start adding sounds and music to them. But you will see a refreshed version of the intro in a new demo—not a final one, we’re planning to elaborate on sounds and music.

New looks

As you know, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. That’s why we’ve «redressed» Finn’s companions into Frisian costumes so that they wouldn’t outtand from the crowd.

They also got new poses and animations to look more alive. That’s how, for example, Raylo will move and look:

New animations of battlefields

We also go on revitalising battlefields—adding different effects, things and animals. By the way, according to the number of locations and the variety of animations, The Way is far richer than Redemption. We’ll make one more update a bit later, and now here are some cats deciding what to do with a fresh-caught lizard.

Animation of cards

New visual effects have become one more important detail of fights. We consider it important to highlight «free» cards—the ones that don’t make you spend a turn when playing. It’ll help the player identify them faster among the usual ones.


We have also redesigned the menu: we’ve changed the concept and the colour scheme to make it more suitable for the theme of the game. But regretfully it won’t probably be in a new demo—there is plenty of work with animations ahead, to revitalise the picture and to make it more warm and cosy.

That’s all for now. Be sure to add the game to your wishlist, subscribe to the updates to follow the news and join our Discord channel to talk to us and share your feedback. See you!

May 13, 2022
Ash of Gods: Redemption - Nessie
Hello, friends!

While we were telling you about the lore and the characters of Ash of Gods: The Way, our team was going on working on the new tournaments. For each of them we tried to create unique screens and, of course, battlefields, trying to underline special traits of the areas whether it is…

…dry Rigga with gloomy deserts,

...snowy Gollah, surrounded by proud mountains,

…or strict Wodan with its architecture of straight lines.

If you have already played our new demo and finished Berkana Tournament, in new battles there will be new challenges and mechanics, waiting for you:

Different traps and runes

Fighting for checkpoints

Special tiles with different buffs

In this arena you will see almost all buffs. IInteresting—which combinations will be the most successful?

We’ve also been thinking about the improvement of the general look of battlefields. At the moment we’re redesigning the crowd, leading people in different tournaments (citizens, soldiers, slaves) to the uniform style. These berkans, for example, will replace their more diverse predecessors.

We also want to liven up every scene at most, and that’s why we experiment with different weather effects…

…and add animated objects:

We also want every field to be full of life. For example, here are some birds that peacefully look for food while the battle is on:

We’re only experimenting with these things but as soon as we reach the final result, we’ll definitely show it to you.

We’ll tell you about some other important changes in our game, but for now that’s all. Share your impressions about new animations in the comments, follow our page and be sure to add the game into your wishlist! And also join our Discord community!

May 6, 2022
Ash of Gods: Redemption - Nessie
Hello, folks!

Today we’d like to tell you about one more useful character who will follow you from tournament to tournament — the merchant. From this article you will find out what he sells and why you should visit him quite often.

The merchant doesn’t appear from the very beginning—Eik brings him to the tavern in the second half of the tournament, when Finn turns to challenger battles. By this moment our character has enough gold—let’s see what he can spend it for.


The part of the assortment of the merchant is cards of characters and support—items and charms. But you can also buy an elite fighter and considerably strengthen your deck—Skovos will come in very handy in challenger battles!


If cards of characters and support can be received in the battles later, the experience is never too much. You will definitely need it for the card upgrade—if not in Berkana, then in Rigga. With every tournament points of new fractions experience will be added, but players will be able to gain the experience for the rest of the decks they play.


You can get a unique card from the merchant as well. It’s one of the commanders — a bercanan lancer Ainsly. She can buff the attack which will definitely help in the fights with powerful Frisians.

The merchant can сonsiderably diversify the game. He has goods for any taste and strategy—anything you can afford. But remember that you will also need gold for the improvement of cards of support—and you won’t be able to call off the deal. Choose cleverly!

Explore the assortment of the merchant in our demo-version, share your opinion which goods you’d like to see in his shop, follow our page and—the main thing—add the game to your wishlist.


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