Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

Following our call to submit your questions to the CEO of Wishlist Games Alexey Larionov, we have prepared the first batch of answers for you. Without further ado, here they are.

UnknownWarrior0: Are you planning to add DLSS support to the game?

We definitely are going to improve the performance of the game for high-end PCs, especially those running AMD chips. We have a research set for that and are working on it. As for the DLSS specifically - we like the possibilities it offers, however at the moment our goal is to provide everyone with good performance at a base level. Afterwards, DLSS and FidelityFX introduction would be the first things to look at.

Ragewort: Hello! I’d like to know about further plans to develop the game’s engine. We all know the game’s engine is obsolete and very poorly optimized. So my question is, is there any work being done on a new engine for the game? And if so, what kind of work?

Good question, but hard to answer. Like you said, we know the game engine has its flaws that we constantly work on. At the same time, to be clear: moving the game to a different engine (UE5 for example) would take years to accomplish even if we didn't do anything else. And that’s not counting the additional costs. Effectively, it’s building a new game. With that being said, to answer your question... we are searching for different ways to make the performance of the game more stable and all PC specs. We will definitely keep you updated on our efforts in this regard.

Wonder_Worker: Hello! One thing we all know is that the amount of players is very important for the game to stay alive. What are your plans to improve the amount of players and to bring more tank game lovers to the fold? What about advertising and game direction?

Another good question. So, what we’re doing right now is basically reinvigorating the advertising and preparing for a (relatively) big push towards player acquisition that should come with something we’re working on for this autumn. We’d sure love to welcome more of you in our ranks! However, as you might imagine, it’s a difficult process that’s being worked on simultaneously with us going independent and, to be clear, it won’t happen until the separation is complete, which should be around the end of summer with a new launcher. We’ll be on our own then, which is an incredibly exciting prospect, but equally a frightening one because Armored Warfare always has had the backing of a large company. But we’re confident we’ll make it.

So, to sum things up – first, the separation and then the marketing activities (we’re looking at autumn right now, although some activities are running even as I write this).

And to make things even more interesting, we’re currently re-evaluating all the game systems because some can really use improvements or an overhaul. We’ll be celebrating a decade on the market soon and want to polish the game for another decade to come. I could tell you that this will all go swimmingly and there will not be any hiccups, but that would be a lie. The truth is, there will be obstacles to overcome and some things will not go as planned. But we’ll deal with that. What I can promise you is that we’ll stay dedicated to the game.

Simbion: Hello, Alexey! Right now, we don’t have any new progression vehicles coming up and the only new ones can be obtained via Battle Paths. Are you planning to add new progression vehicles to the game?

Yes. As we announced already, we have the T-80BVM coming up soon, followed (without any specific deadlines) by the line’s Tier 10 MBT, Object 290. But I guess that’s not what you’re asking since these vehicles have been promised for like a year now. So, first, what happened?

I don’t want to use going independent as an excuse too much, but it really hit us hard in the sense that we hired a lot of new people around this time last year – and those guys started learning the game. By the time we finally got the team together, we were behind the original promises and were only starting to catch up. And that’s where we are now, pretty much.

So yes, we are absolutely planning to add more progression vehicles, but it’ll take time. We’re also scaling up the production, which will take time as well. Please be patient for now.

ЮрПалыч_37рус: Dear Alexey! I have two questions. The game once, back in 2016 or so, had a feature called Base where you could build buildings to get additional bonuses. Are you planning to return it? And what about artillery? I feel the overhaul killed it, are you planning to bring it back to the previous state?

Oh yes, I remember the base. But I also remember why it failed – it was effectively an unfinished feature that we never got to work. The bonuses provided by the base were not done in any meaningful fashion and the whole thing turned into a clicking simulator that only worked in the not-so-generous economy back then. That’s why it got removed and that’s why we definitely won’t be bringing it back. However, the concept of a clan base is intriguing and we might revisit it in some form later down the line, if that is the wish of the entire community.

As for the artillery – some aspects could have been handled better and we’re actively looking into improving things further. But the overall number of players playing artillery vehicles increased by a substantial number compared to the previous PvE-only state so, at this moment, we are not considering reverting the changes.

nomisG: How did you get the idea to make Armored Warfare?

I guess you expect to learn that Armored Warfare was launched after seeing the success of World of Tanks, but that is not so. In fact, the pre-production phase was launched around the World of Tanks’ initial release (in 2010 or so) so back then the founding team had no idea how big a global hit WoT would become. They just thought it would be a good idea back then but the truth is that the initial steps were even before my time. The actual development phase took off in the August of 2012 with Obsidian Entertainment – back then it was 8 developers working on AW, which was gradually scaled up to around 120 people in 2015.

I tend to remember my time working on Armored Warfare fondly and it was awesome to work with people from Obsidian Entertainment. I’m older now but the drive to win and to realize Armored Warfare’s potential is still within me even now, a decade later. I’m also perhaps wiser –at least I’d like to think that – but the flames of passion are still burning within us all.

ShumiQ: Any chance of having a server outside of the EU?

This question appeared a lot in many different forms. After all, everyone wants a server in their country, especially those far from the central cluster.

Right now, we can’t really split the servers again. Aside from the logistical issues, splitting the playerbase would not be a good thing when the queues are as long as they are. Armored Warfare has a lot of dedicated players (roughly 80 thousand active ones at the moment, who play at least every now and then) with more joining to try the game every day. But it has a lot of modes and different queues as well and splitting them would only make the situation worse.

The location of the server is another matter – a matter of stability, first and foremost. In short, we want to keep the servers in the EU at the moment and the providers (and their server clusters) that come in question are located in two cities only – Frankfurt in Germany and Amsterdam in the Netherlands. We analyzed the benefits and issues of each option and decided to keep the servers in Amsterdam. It’s not an ideal solution by any means but it is the best option for the largest number of players.

If the player situation allows it – like we hope it will in the future – we will definitely consider opening new sites.

That’s all the answers that could be fitted in this issue. We are already working on the next one. Until then:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

Today we’ve prepared the following items for you:
  • Stridsvagn 2000 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • CV90120 Ghost Tier 9 Premium Light Tank
  • CV90 Mk.IV Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • CV90105 TML Tier 7 Premium Light Tank
  • Swedish bundle with real-life Swedish camouflages
  • Norwegian bundle with real-life Scandinavian camouflages and unit insignia
  • Danish bundle with real-life Danish camouflage and base paint
  • Iron Crate
Between July 18, 2024 and July 25, 2024, the following items will be available:

Stridsvagn 2000

The Stridsvagn 2000 was to be Sweden’s next Main Battle Tank, designed to combat Soviet super-tanks such as the Black Eagle. For its time, the project was nothing short of revolutionary with extremely thick frontal armor and a powerful 140mm gun that could take on literally anything in its day. However, the Soviet threat dissipated with the collapse of the Soviet Union, which pushed Sweden to seek a cheaper solution to its tank problem, namely the Leopard 2 MBT. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Stridsvagn 2000 is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank that represents the essence of practicality. Solid armor, decent mobility and excellent damage over time output make this tank one of the most versatile tools you can have in your arsenal, equally capable in PvP and PvE. Aside from its advanced NERA armor, the Strv 2000 features a coaxial 40mm autocannon. The key to success is switching between both weapon systems and maximizing your damage output while your NERA armor eliminated one enemy shell after another.

The Stridsvagn 2000 MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.



CV90120 Ghost

The CV90120 “Ghost” Light Tank was a Swedish demonstrator based on an earlier fire support model of the CV90120. As its name suggests, the vehicle is armed with 120mm smoothbore cannon but that’s the least interesting on its features. The Ghost is named after a special camouflage system called ADAPTIV that's capable of masking the bulky tank in the IR spectrum so well it disappears from enemy screens – like a ghost. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the CV90120 Ghost is a Tier 9 Premium Light Tank. Depending on your choices, it can be configured two ways – as a fast hit-and-run Light Tank using the combination of a Ready Rack and its excellent mobility, or as a stealthy sniper using the ADAPTIV system and the upgraded ammunition. While you won’t be as stealthy as dedicated Tank Destroyers or small AFVs, you’ll still be able to do a lot of damage from behind the safety of your lines.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



CV90 Mk.IV

The Swedish CV90 Mk.IV IFV is the most modern version of the old but constantly developed CV90 platform. Since its introduction in the early 1990s, the vehicle was upgraded so much that this 2018 model bears little resemblance to the three decades old original, featuring cutting edge electronics as well as a brand new turret. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the CV90 Mk.IV is a Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. It is a durable and reliable infantry carrier capable not only of dealing tremendous damage with its 50mm autocannon, but of launching powerful Spike missiles as well. In addition to that, it’s relatively well-protected and can also carry Mechanized Infantry. What’s there not to like?

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



CV90105 TML

The CV90105 TML from the 1990s was one of the first attempts to convert the CV90 chassis into a fire support vehicle by combining it with a French TML turret. The result was a fairly capable Light Tank with considerable firepower in the form of its 105mm GIAT gun that could successfully take out most MBTs of its time. Unfortunately, the vehicle didn’t manage to attract any customers and remained a prototype only. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the CV90105 TML is a Tier 7 Premium Light Tank. Depending on your choices, it can be configured two ways. You can opt for a more sustained firepower with the large 12-round clip – this way you need to stay behind your own team or hide in bushes, turning your Light Tank into something like a close support Tank Destroyer. Or, you can opt for the fun option of turning your CV90105 TML into a hit and run monster. Ambush an enemy, empty the magazine into his sides or rear and immediately retreat.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Swedish Bundle

Despite its neutrality, Sweden is one of the premiere arms manufacturers in the world and has a powerful standing army to boot. Even though the country is not a part of the NATO, much of its vehicle fleet is compatible with western tech and the country now operates the Leopard 2 MBT (under the name Stridsvagn 122) as well as several CV90 variants. This bundle includes several camouflages tied to Sweden as well as a special player title.

The bundle consists of:
  • Scandinavian Summer camouflage (read more)
  • Scandinavian Winter camouflage (read more)
  • Swedish Export camouflage (read more)
  • Swedish Urban camouflage (as seen on various CV90 prototypes)
  • Swedish Flag decal
  • Player title “Viking”
This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Norwegian Bundle

Unlike Sweden, Norway is a part of the NATO with its units regularly taking part in operations abroad. One of the elite units of the Norwegian military is the famous Telemark Battalion of Mechanized Infantry and this bundle includes two items tied to it as well as the Scandinavian camouflages used by Norway and a Norwegian base paint, as seen on a Telemark Leopard deployed to Estonia in 2017.

The bundle consists of:
  • Scandinavian Summer camouflage (read more)
  • Scandinavian Winter camouflage (read more)
  • Scandinavian base paint (read more)
  • Telemark Battalion decal
  • Telemark Battalion flag
  • Player title “Einheri”
This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Danish Bundle

And last but definitely not least, we have Denmark, the army equipped with some of the best military hardware there is, including the Leopard 2A7DK Main Battle Tank. Aside from its simple but unique camouflage, this bundle contains a Danish player title, the Scandinavian base paint and a decal.

The bundle consists of:
  • Danish camouflage (read more)
  • Scandinavian base paint (read more)
  • Danish 1st Armored Battalion decal
  • Player title “Thrice-Hearted” (referring to the Holger Danske legend)
This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Iron Crate

We’ve prepared for you an additional offer this week. The Iron Crate is available in our Web Shop!

This crate allows you to win a Tier 4 to Tier 10 Premium vehicle (or its value in Gold if you have it already). The crate contains some very rare vehicles, including:
  • ZTL-11 Tier 9 Premium TD
  • VN17 Tier 8 Premium AFV
This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

It’s been a while since we announced a vehicle that’s not a progression one (we’ll show you the T-80BVM as soon as it is ready) or a Battle Path one so, to change the pace of things, we have prepared a brand-new MBT for you – the Enhanced Main Battle Tank (EMBT).

The Enhanced Main Battle Tank demonstrator is the latest attempt to integrate German and French technologies and to create a vehicle that could become a future MBT for the entire Western Europe (Main Ground Combat System).

The EMBT was built by KNDS (a consortium of German KMW and French Nexter) by combining a modified Leopard 2 hull with a brand-new French turret that is possibly based on the Leclerc, following an earlier 2018 demonstrator that was also referred to as EMBT (but in this case, it meant European Main Battle Tank). The 2018 EMBT was a simple combination of a Leopard 2 hull and an unmodified Leclerc turret, while the 2022 EMBT already features new developments.

The concept of the EMBT tank is similar to AbramsX and KF51, focusing on advanced technologies and active protection in order to reduce the vehicle’s weight. The tank features plenty of cutting edge tech, including the Trophy hard-kill APS, Galix soft-kill APS and an advanced fire control system that’s perhaps the most advanced piece of equipment of its kind in the world.

The main armament of the demonstrator was the French 120mm gun of the Leclerc, although the idea was to arm it with the fearsome automatically loaded 140mm ASCALON gun.

A single prototype was unveiled at the Eurosatory 2022 expo in Paris and, much like the KF51, immediately caught a lot of attention. It is not related to the KF51 MBT – rather, it’s a direct competitor. Another version was unveiled in 2024, featuring a different turret. However, our in-game model is based on the 2022 one.

In Armored Warfare, the EMBT will be a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank.

Gameplay-wise, you’re looking at another member of the Leopard family, much like the KF51 Panther. Unlike the Panther the EMBT doesn’t have a separate missile launcher. What it does have, however, is a bigger gun – the French 140mm ASCALON cannon with a rather special ability.

But let’s start, as usual, with the protection. The vehicle is relatively well-armored frontally (about as well as the Panther) although the sides are less protected as the tank does not have any ERA covering its flanks – it’s all just composites and steel. What the tank does have, however, is both a soft-kill APS (Galix) and hard-kill APS (Trophy). The smoke cover is frontal only.

Speaking of protection – we have replaced the remote-controlled weapons station on top with a jammer module. Upon the introduction of the UAVs, this vehicle will receive the Drone Jammer active ability.

Next, the mobility. Nothing unusual here – 61 tons and the 1500hp MTU 883 EPP engine. In other words, it’s basically a Leopard 2A6. It won’t win any races but it’ll be mobile enough to do this job.

And, finally, the thing the Leopard series of vehicles are all about in Armored Warfare – long-range firepower. You’ll have a new French 140mm ASCALON gun at your disposal firing two types of shells.

  • 140mm APFSDS (875mm penetration, 855 damage)
  • 140mm NLOS HEAT-TA (650mm penetration, 675 damage, 190 partial damage and 48 non-penetrating damage)

The latter shell type you may already be familiar with from our Altay and K2 buffs. Top-attack HEAT rounds fly over the target, exploding and dealing damage to the roof of the turret that is typically very poorly armored. The 140mm version the EMBT can fire is the most powerful round of its kind and can be used to wreak havoc even amongst well-hidden enemies. The vehicle will also offer reasonable gun depression (-6 or -7 degrees depending on the area) and the Improved Propellant module, making firing APFSDS at long distances more effective.

As for the gun, you’ll have a three-round clip at your disposal. This is to accommodate a new system called Machine Learning.

The EMBT has an advanced computer on board that learns from its mistakes and also scans the target for weakspots. In game terms, when firing APFSDS rounds, each subsequent shot increases penetrates more than the previous one. This is an upscaled version of the ability the Griffin 50mm has with one major difference. You don’t need to hit with all three – the second and third one will always feature improved penetration (by how much is still being tested). That way, you can “pre-load” the high-penetration shot by firing the first two. How you use that ability is up to you. Other than that, the vehicle will offer 10% camouflage value and 360m viewrange.

In summation, what you have here is a an effective mid-range fighter that should generally stay away from close combat to guard its weak sides, but is capable of effectively engaging the enemy at long distances. In short, it’s a sniper MBT.

We hope that you’ll enjoy it and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand
On the 18th of July 2024, starting from 8:00 CEST, the server will not be available for 2 hours due to a planned server maintenance.

Please note that the maintenance can be extended beyond the abovementioned timeframe. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

Are you stuck home with nothing to do? Tired of destroying enemy tanks? It's time to take a break! We’d like to invite you to a special Battle Path stream, taking place together with Panzermarmelade on his Twitch channel 17th of July at 18:00 CEST.

We will be taking questions and answering them during the stream, so don’t miss the opportunity to ask anything you’d like to know about Armored Warfare!

See you there!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

France celebrates its Bastille Day holiday on July 14 and we celebrate with it! That’s why we’ve prepared another gift, a bonus and a set of missions in addition to the ongoing American ones.

As before, let’s start with the bonus. Starting right now and until Monday, July 15 (8:00 CEST), you’ll be earning 25% more Experience from each match.

Additionally, you can pick up a Bastille Day Gift from our Web Shop, which contains:

  • 3-day version of the EBRC Jaguar Tier 10 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • 3 Platinum Loot Crates
  • 3 days of Premium Time
  • 2 Battle Coin boosters

Click the link below to open the Web Shop. You’ll find the gift in the Gift section of the shop.

Bastille Day Mission

And last but definitely not least, we have prepared a special mission for you where you can earn a new camouflage and decals. Between July 11 and July 31:

  • Win 10 matches of any type using Leclerc to receive the French ATOM camouflage
  • Win 10 matches of any type using Leclerc T4 to receive the French XP2 camouflage
  • Win 10 matches of any type using VCAC Mephisto to receive the French Mountain camouflage
  • Win 8 matches of any type using Leclerc Prototype to receive 6 French military decals

These assets are all based on real-life experimental camouflages seen on French vehicles. The Mountains camouflage. This experimental camouflage was developed by the French 93rd Mountain Artillery Regiment (from Varces-Allières-et-Risset near Grenoble) and used on a VAB in the 2000s.

The ATOM camouflage was seen on an ATOM IFV French-Russian prototype by Renault Defense and UVZ in Nizhny Tagil in 2013.

The XP2 camouflage was seen on the XP2 demonstrator during the AUSA expo in the United States in 2012.

And last but not least, we have six new decals for you:

  • Emblem of the 7th Armored Brigade stationed in Besançon
  • Emblem of the 1st Chasseur Regiment of the 7th Armored Brigade, equipped with Leclerc MBTs
  • Emblem of the 5th Dragoon Regiment of the 7th Armored Brigade, equipped with (amongst other vehicles) Leclerc MBTs
  • Emblem of Operation Aigle
  • Emblem of Operation Chammal
  • Emblem of the 501st Combat Tank Regiment of the 2nd Armored Brigade, equipped with (amongst other vehicles) Leclerc MBTs

Please note:

  • The prizes will be handed out after the end of the event
  • The mission begins on July 11 at 00:01 CEST and ends on July 31 at 22:59 CEST

We hope you’ll enjoy the event and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

Today we’ve prepared the following items for you:

  • EBRC Jaguar Tier 10 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Challenger 2 Streetfighter II Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Leclerc Tropicalisé skin for Leclerc
  • Glorieux skin for Leclerc
  • Bastille skin for Leclerc Prototype
  • Leclerc T40 Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • AMX-10 RCR with the Vive la France skin
  • French camouflages
  • Panzer 87-140 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Marder 2 Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Leopard Revolution Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Treasure Trove with 10.000 Gold

Between July 11 and July 18, 2024, the following items will be available:


The Jaguar is a part of the Scorpion program, launched to develop France’s next generation of armored fighting vehicles. In this program, the Jaguar fulfills the role of a light recon and fire support vehicle. It combines cutting edge technology with high speed and excellent firepower. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Jaguar is a Tier 10 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. It’s fast, light and an amazing scout, but it can also hold its own in combat thanks to its 40mm cannon, guided missiles and active suspension.

The Jaguar Tier 10 Premium AFV is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.

Challenger 2 Streetfighter II

The Streetfighter II is an upgrade program to overhaul the venerable Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank for the conditions of modern battlefields, especially urban combat. It features a number of improvements and extra components, most notably a dozer blade, a Brimstone ATGM twin launcher and an advanced camera system by Elbit. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Challenger 2 Streetfighter is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. Its main advantages include excellent frontal armor (enhanced by the presence of its dozer blade covering its lower frontal plate), increased ramming damage and long range lethality, courtesy of a powerful ATGM launcher. Whether you desire to bring the fighting up close or support other MBTs at distance, the Streetfighter’s got your back.

The Streetfighter II Tier 10 Premium MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.

Leclerc Tropicalisé Skin

This skin for the Leclerc Tier 9 Main Battle Tank is based on an export model for the United Arab Emirates. In real life, the vehicle features a number of improvements or modifications over the French model, but the in-game version simply adds this cool desert look to your Leclerc. You can read more in our dedicated article.

The skin is available as a part of the Tropicalisé Bundle, which contains the following items:
  • Tropicalisé skin for Leclerc
  • FORAD Blue base paint
  • 7 Platinum Loot Crates
  • 1.500 Gold

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

Glorieux Skin for Leclerc

Another realistic skin that we introduced based on your feedback is the Glorieux one. This skin for the Leclerc Tier 9 progression Main Battle Tank is based on one particular Leclerc MBT that took part in the KFOR operations in former Yugoslavia. Its unique camouflage along with other historical details makes it one of the best looking skins to date. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

This skin is available in a bundle:

  • Glorieux skin for Leclerc
  • White base paint (used by the French during U.N. peacekeeper missions, goes nicely with the next decal)
  • Battle-Hardened status for Leclerc
  • 1.000 Gold

Please note that the bundles include the skin but not the Leclerc MBT itself. This tank needs to be obtained via progression directly in the game.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

Bastille skin for Leclerc Prototype

Bastille is a French-themed skin for the Leclerc Prototype Tier 7 progression Main Battle Tank, celebrating the abovementioned holiday with the traditional French colors.

The skin is available as a part of the Bastille Bundle, which contains the following items:
  • Bastille skin for Leclerc Prototype
  • 3 Platinum Loot Crates
  • 500 Gold
Please note that this bundle does not contain the Leclerc Prototype Tier 7 MBT, only the skin itself.

Please note that this bundle does not contain the Leclerc Prototype Tier 7 MBT, only the skin itself.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

Leclerc T40

Sometimes called the French Terminator, this vehicle was designed on the Leclerc MBT chassis with one purpose in mind – to accompany tanks and fight off infantry attacks the same way as the Russian BMPT series does. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Leclerc T40 is a Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer. It offers you a combination of a durable hull, rapid-fire 40mm automatic cannon and, most importantly, the Javelin missile system. Simply right-click the target, wait until it becomes locket and fire the Javelin ATGM – it will home itself on the target, attacking its weak roof armor. Thanks to this ability, the Leclerc T40 is one of the most destructive vehicles in the game.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


The AMX 10 RCR is the updated variant of the French AMX 10 RC fire support vehicle by GIAT, originally developed in the early 1980s. This light and nimble wheeled 6x6 AFV was armed with a 105mm gun, allowing it to knock out even armored targets at considerable distances. Over 200 of these aging vehicles were upgraded by Nexter in 2010 with improved armor and electronics, enabling them to fulfill modern battlefield tasks until their eventual replacement by the Jaguar. You can learn more about its history in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the AMX 10 RCR is a Tier 8 wheeled Premium Tank Destroyer. It’s incredibly agile with its wheeled chassis allowing it to outrun pretty much any enemy on the battlefield save for the fastest AFVs. Its gun accuracy is also top notch, making this vehicle perfect for sniper-style gameplay as its thin armor can’t protect it against enemy shells at close distances. This vehicle also comes with the Hydraulic Suspension active ability.

This vehicle is also available in a special bundle, which contains the following items:

  • AMX-10 RCR Tier 8 Premium TD
  • Vive la France skin for AMX-10 RCR
  • République skin for ERC-90 F4 Sagaie
  • 500 Gold

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

French Camouflages

We’ve also prepared two French historical camouflages. In reality, it’s pretty much one iconic camouflage with two different layouts that is most famous for its appearance on the Leclerc MBT. It consists of green, brown and black stripes and is available in two variants – one has the edges clearly defined while the other variant has them blurred. Both were observed on the Leclerc MBT, sometimes even on vehicles from the same series.

Please note that each of these camouflages can be installed on any vehicle that has the camouflage customization feature available (any vehicle with the exception of vehicles with permanent skins) and that each of these camouflages can be used in all three environments.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

Panzer 87-140

The Panzer 87-140 is an experimental version of Panzer 87 (Swiss Leopard 2A4), fitted with a RUAG 140mm smoothbore cannon and an armor kit called WE. It was developed in the 1980s and early 1990s to counter the next generation of Soviet MBTs, but with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the project was shelved, only to resurface around 2005-2006 but never passing the experimental stage. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Panzer 87-140 is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. Much like other Leopard series MBTs, it’s a long-range fighter with an extremely powerful gun and the ability to fire with pinpoint accuracy. Even though its armor leaves much to be desired, at long range, this MBT has few equals and can be considered one of the best snipers of its class.

The Panzer 87-140 Tier 10 Premium MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.

Leopard 2 Revolution

The Leopard 2 Revolution is a continuation of the older Evolution upgrade, intended to improve the performance of the older variants of the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank in order to make it excel even on the battlefields of the 21st century. The improvements include a comprehensive armor upgrade, ROSY soft-kill APS and smoke grenade launchers as well as an entire suite of cutting edge electronics. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Leopard 2 Revolution is a Tier 8 Main Battle Tank. It is not only well-armored, it also features an extremely accurate 120mm gun with advanced ammunition, allowing it to destroy its opponents at very long ranges, rivaling those of Tank Destroyers. The German tanks in general perform best at longer ranges and the Revolution is no exception.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

Marder 2

The Marder 2 was an experimental German IFV, developed in the late 1980s to replace the aging Marder IFV. It featured more armor, a new turret and a brand-new Rheinmetall dual-caliber autocannon that could fire both 35mm and 50mm rounds. Despite its qualities, the vehicle was never accepted in service due to its high cost and because it was no longer needed because of the fall of the Soviet Union. A single surviving prototype can be found today in the Koblenz military collection. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Marder 2 is a Tier 8 Armored Fighting Vehicle. With its 44 tons, it’s one of the heaviest and toughest AFVs around. Unlike many other AFVs of its Tier, it is not armed with guided missiles, relying instead on its extremely powerful 50mm autocannon. This vehicle can also deploy Mechanized Infantry.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

Treasure Trove

Today, we have a special offer for you. A veritable treasure trove of 10.000 Gold awaits you at a discounted price.

Please note that this item can only be purchased once per user. You can find out more about Gold and its uses in our dedicated article.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand
On the 12nd of July 2024, starting from 8:00 CEST, the server will not be available for 4 hours due to a planned server maintenance.

Please note that the maintenance can be extended beyond the abovementioned timeframe. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

We’re happy to announce that the Tales from the Dark Battle Path campaign has just begun.

This four-month-long campaign returns to the roots of realistic-themed Battle Path in the sense that it offers you the access to modern real-life camouflages as well as cutting edge European technology. The reward vehicles this time are:

Additionally, the following vehicles can be obtained by collecting 100 blueprints in the Battle Path Shop:

  • Object 787 Gadyuka
  • 2S38 Derivatsiya
  • CV90120T Ghost
  • ZTL-11

And last but not least, four Russian Loot Crates are available for completing various missions.

Please note that the chain missions are temporarily disabled. They will return with the next update. We apologize for the inconvenience.

What’s New

This Battle Path is mechanically similar to the previous one although we have enhanced the prizes and added more boosters. Many additional items have also been added to the Battle Path shop.

Additionally, this Battle Path will last four months, not three. You can find more information about the changes in our dedicated article.

Accessing the Battle Path

In order to join the Battle Path campaign, please enter the game and click on the Tales from the Dark icon on the upper bar. From there, you can simply purchase the Battle Path access:

  • Standard pass (access only)
  • Golden pass with access and 50.000 Battle Coins

Please note that there might be a delay of up to 10 minutes between the purchase and the access to the event.

The access can also be purchased in our Web Shop:

Enjoy the event and see you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

We are happy to announce that the Update 0.160 is now available!

List of Update 0.160 Changes

Tales from the Dark Battle Path

We are rolling out a new four-month-long Battle Path featuring a lot of exciting content, including the following prizes:

  • T-90M Proryv Tier 10 Premium MBT
  • BMP-2M Tier 9 Premium AFV
  • BTR-82A Tier 8 Premium AFV
  • Epic skins
  • Numerous camouflages
And much more!

The prizes can be explored in this article and you can read about the entire Battle Path in our dedicated article. Connected to the topic are also the changes on the content you might have seen already:

  • T-90M Proryv now has a special hard-kill APS that can intercept two incoming ATGMs at once
  • BMP-2M gained an overprogression module that allows it to launch two missiles at once (however, this module is mutually exclusive with thermobaric ATGMs)
  • BTR-82A has a double launch module as well (but we did mention it in the article where we unveiled it)
  • Disabled the Drone Jamming ability on all three vehicles as it does nothing right now without the drones available to players
Please note that the chain missions are temporarily disabled. They will return with the next update. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Russian Vehicle Updates

As previously announced in an article, we are making a number of changes to underperforming Russian vehicles in the game.

  • Rebalanced the 3VBM20 APFSDS to 700mm of penetration, 630 damage and 25% module damage bonus due to it being a depleted Uranium round
  • Rebalanced the 3VBM22 APFSDS to 750mm of penetration, 630 damage and 25% module damage bonus due to it being a depleted Uranium round
  • Object 640: Added a new 1800hp turbine engine
  • Object 640: Increased maximum speed to 95 km/h and reverse speed by 10 km/h
  • Object 640: Magazine increased to 5 rounds
  • Object 640: Replaced the APFSDS shell with Armata’s Vakuum-1
  • Object 640: Increased the amount of ammunition carried to 75 rounds
  • Object 640: Camouflage increased to 18%
  • T-14 and T-14 152: Machinegun turret is now properly animated
  • T-14 and T-14 152: Increased the side armor blocks significantly
  • T-14 and T-14 152: Added a new 2200hp engine
  • T-14 and T-14 152: Added a new passive ability called APS radar, reducing enemy camouflage by 10% within 350 meters
  • T-14 and T-14 152: Camouflage increased to 18%
  • T-14, Object 640: Increased the Vakuum-1 APFSDS damage to 700
  • T-14: Increased the Vakuum-2 APFSDS damage to 750
  • T-14 152: Added a new HEAT ATGM called Sprinter (1150mm penetration, 1100 damage, 200 non-penetration damage)
  • T-14 152: Added a new thermobaric ATGM called 9M133F-3 (80mm penetration, 1000 damage)
  • T-14 152: Added a new APFSDS round called Grifel-2 (900mm penetration, 1150 damage)
  • T-90: Added the 3VBM20 APFSDS
  • T-90: Added the Supercharged Soft Kill APS ability
  • T-90A: Added new 1200hp engine
  • T-90A: Added new Relikt armor module, increasing the efficiency of the vehicle’s ERA
  • Kornet-EM: Armor increased to 20mm
  • Kornet-EM: Added a new 420hp engine
  • Kornet-D1: ATGM Guidance System module also unlocks a weaker thermobaric ATGM (80mm penetration, 1000 damage)
  • Kornet-D1: Added partial reload to both configurations (please note that this does cause visual glitches that are in the process of being fixed)
  • Kornet-D1: Added the Active Suspension ability

Additional Vehicle Fixes and Updates

With each patch we continue (and will continue) to update vehicles based on your feedback and fix them. In this update, we have the following changes for you:

  • All direct-fire SPGs can now use first person (sniper) mode with their machineguns
  • Ajax: Removed the incorrect Large Troop Compartment trait
  • Challenger 2 Streetfighter II: Significantly reduced the dead zone of ATGMs
  • KF51 Panther: Fixed the vehicle’s rear armor material
  • Osorio: Bullets now fly correctly from the machinegun model
  • TTB: Machinegun is now properly animated
  • ZTZ-20: ATGMs now correctly fly out of the launcher under an angle and have a noticeable dead zone
General Changes

  • Fixed the issue that made it impossible to buy items from the Web Shop when logging via Epic Games Store
  • Fixed the Supercharged Hard-Kill APS visual effect
  • Fixed the long queue wait compensation (Credits, Battle Coins), it is applied only if the match lasts more than 60 second
  • Crew and Commander abilities cannot be changed when a vehicle with them is in combat (this previously caused an issue where the changes would reset)
  • Fixed an issue where players from opposing teams could summon a pillbox on the same place at the same time (now only the player who started the process first will be able to summon it)
  • Fixed an issue where brake lights on allied vehicles flickered for no reason
  • Fixed a whole bunch of localization issues
  • Added a number of assets

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