Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

Today we’ve prepared the following items for you:

  • Object 490 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • M-95 Degman Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • ZUBR PSP Tier 7 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • BWP-2000 Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Europe's Edge Battle Coins

Between June 27 and July 4, 2024, the following items will be available:

Object 490

The Object 490 Main Battle Tank was an advanced concept from the waning days of the Soviet Union. Designed in the 1980s, it represented a radical departure from the MBT paradigm. Its distinct wedge-like shape, along with the fact that the crew was located in the back, offered unparalleled levels of protection. But the most interesting part of the design was its double suspension paired with two engines, allowing the vehicle to stay mobile even after suffering significant damage. However, the conclusion of the Cold War put an end to this design, along with many other advanced Soviet projects. You can learn more about this vehicle in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Object 490 Tier 10 Premium MBT is perhaps the best armored vehicle in the game. It’s a true behemoth that is almost impossible to slow down, let alone knock out, and concentrated effort is required to stop one of these things when encountering them on the battlefield. The combination of extremely thick armor and a powerful 152mm gun makes this tank incredibly deadly, even though these advantages are balanced by its mediocre agility and the fact that its gun is only forward facing. This MBT is ideal for you if you prefer slow, methodical advances while dealing massive amounts of damage with each shot. If you keep your flanks secure, you’ll be all but impossible to stop.

The Object 490 MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.

M-95 Degman

The M-95 Degman is an advanced Croatian prototype MBT, developed during the 1990s and 2000s. It is based on the previous Yugoslavian project, the Vihor MBT, which in turn has its roots in the improved T-72M series produced in former Yugoslavia. You can read more about its history in a dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the tank is relatively fast and fairly agile while carrying some potent firepower for its Tier. In fact, its owners can choose from two powerful guns:

  • 125mm 2A46 Russian-style smoothbore gun, known from many Russian MBTs
  • 120mm CTG NATO-style smoothbore gun that you know from the Challenger 1 Falcon MBT

It’s worth noting that the 120mm shells have higher penetration values and the gun can also fire Falarick ATGMs while the 125mm gun has higher damage per shot. Both guns will feature good handling as well as overall performance to offset the vehicle’s weakness, which is its mediocre armor. The Degman must rely on its mobility and firepower to survive, making it an ideal vehicle for aggressive, daring players.
This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


The ZUBR was a Czech privately-funded project by PSP Bohemia from the 1990s to develop a successor platform to the aging Soviet-era BMP-series IFVs and various other obsolete specialized vehicles. Even though it was quite advanced for its time, it was ultimately unsuccessful due to the end of the Cold War and the subsequent cuts in European military budgets, including the Czech one. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the ZUBR PSP is a Tier 7 wheeled Premium Tank Destroyer. What makes it fairly unique is the fact that you can choose from two different weapon systems for this vehicle:

  • Cockerill CT-CV turret with 105mm gun
  • Four-barreled TOW ATGM launcher

Each of these weapons changes the gameplay style of the vehicle considerably and it is up to you, how you configure this powerful machine.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


The BWP-2000 IFV was a Polish attempt from the mid-1990s to develop a replacement for the license-produced BMP-1 in the Polish military, since it was getting obsolete by that point. Its protracted development led to its cancellation at the onset of War on Terror, leaving Poland without a modern tracked IFV to this day. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the BWP-2000 is a Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle armed with 60mm cannon as well as a set of ATGM launchers. When it comes to AFV playstyle, the BWP-2000 is definitely more of an infantry carrier and fire support vehicle than a scout due to its large size and powerful armament as well as the ability to deploy Mechanized Infantry. It can take quite a bit of punishment and deal it in equal measure.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

Europe's Edge Battle Coins

This week, we are offering you an opportunity to boost your Battle Path progress and get that main prize you know you want – the KF51 Panther Tier 10 Premium MBT!

The following Battle Coin bundles are available:

  • 1.000 Battle Coins (10% off)
  • 5.000 Battle Coins (15% off)
  • 10.000 Battle Coins (25% off)
  • 25.000 Battle Coins (35% off)
  • 50.000 Battle Coins (45% off)

Battle Coins can be used for a number of things, including:

Please note: In order to use Battle Coins, you need to obtain the access to the Europe's Edge Battle Path.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

You’ve seen the signs. The Account Transfer, new Support Service, the logos... and what’s more, you’ve seen some of the issues brought about by what seemed to you like rushed development in some regards. Well, today, we’d like to tell you more about the state of Armored Warfare, the past, the present, and the future.


Let’s start at the beginning – with Wishlist Games. Wishlist Games is a production company founded and led by Armored Warfare veterans who looked at the game and saw potential unfulfilled. The Wishlist Games team – our team – had bigger dreams, dreams they started working on upon the game’s acquisition from Meta Publishing, introducing new idea concepts such as the upcoming Drone feature.

This was a lengthy process that started many months ago and you’ll have to forgive us that only now we are ready to share all this with you, the players. In the past months, we have scaled up the development team of Armored Warfare and hired not only skilled new people but also experienced veterans who have worked on the game before and their expertise contributed to the establishment of an excellent development team.

This all didn’t happen without hiccups as we are sure you noticed. These were compounded by the fact that around the same time, it was decided to move Armored Warfare away from the MY.GAMES platform to one of our own. Scaling up software development and bringing a lot of fresh faces on board is difficult at the best of times. Doing it simultaneously with an entirely new infrastructure though? Another beast entirely – one that bites and claws and we are extremely grateful that you stuck with us through it all despite receiving a few gashes and bruises in the process along with us.


But we have weathered the worst part of the storm and, to stick with the maritime metaphors, it should be a far smoother sailing from now on. Our own infrastructure is largely built now and we will begin testing our new launcher shortly.

You can help us by transferring your account as soon as possible as, starting from September 1, 2024, MY.GAMES login will no longer be available (which means the MY.GAMES launcher will not work).

To reward you for the hassle, we are preparing a gift that every transferring player will receive (even those who transferred the account before). We are also preparing the process for Steam and Epic Game Store account owners and we’ll keep you informed about the due process in the future.


Own infrastructure is all well and good but surely you are wondering:

“What does this all mean for us, the players?”

Very simply put, these steps will allow us to invest more resources into the game and see it grow. Here’s what’s going to happen.

Right now, we are in the final stages of finalizing the Tales from the Dark Battle Path that we hope you’ll enjoy. This event is bound to launch in early July and will serve as an introduction to a summer of fun and activities (for you) and speeding up the development of the game (for us). While it’s a bit too late to change the event’s economy based on its feedback, we’ll be scaling up the Battle Coin income by introducing:

  • More free boosters (yes, they are returning to regular levels)
  • More Battle Coin bonuses
  • Free and easy bonus events awarding extra Battle Coins

As such, the Battle Path will be easier to complete than the previous one. We are committed to acting upon your feedback (even though it sometimes takes us a bit longer than we would have wanted). Future Battle Paths will already have an overhauled (that is, more manageable) economy.

But that’s not all. It’s not even the beginning.

This summer (end of July, presumably), we’ll be dropping two long-awaited features – a new Special Operation mission and a new progression vehicle. The mission is called Lone Star and will be nothing short of legendary for more reasons than one. We hope you’ll enjoy the spectacle.

The progression vehicle is, of course, the long-awaited T-80BVM Tier 9 MBT. We’ve had a lot of fun with this one (and not always in a good way) but in the end, perseverance wins the day and we are committed to our past promises as much as we humanly can. The Object 292 will be following after a few months as the model needs more work.

Which brings us to the big thing.

For this autumn, aside from the usual content, we’re working on something big. It’s not just one thing – it is many things at once, culminating with... something unexpected, something even bigger, something we’re definitely not ready to share yet. But we’ll do our best to bring you the news as soon as possible.

We are sure you have questions. We are sure you also have doubts. But, once again, we’re committed to make Armored Warfare better for years to come and, in the following months, we’ll show you how. There might be more obstacles along the way and we may stumble once or twice. We are not perfect. But Armored Warfare is our passion project and always will be and we’ll treat it as such.

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

As you already know, the Tales from the Dark Battle Path contains some Russian-themed content. We took the opportunity to take a look at the balance of some Russian vehicles and we’d like to tell you today about the changes will be making to them.

Contrary to popular belief, Russian vehicles in Armored Warfare aren’t typically performing extremely well with most being average at best. However, there definitely are a couple of outliers that are, at the moment at least, very much underperforming. In some cases, it’s because they have always been sort of weak. In other cases, the vehicles started as average but the world around them moved on, so to say. Here’s how we’ll address their situation.

Let’s start with the easy stuff – the T-90 series. These tanks aren’t performing really well but don’t need truly massive buffs, which is why we thought we’d make them a bit interesting:

  • T-90A will receive an additional module that significantly buffs the ERA by replacing its fillers with Relikt (the outer form remains the same) – the ERA will become significantly tougher
  • T-90A will also receive a mobility buff with a new engine (1200hp V-99)
  • T-90 will receive new 3VBM20 APFSDS (stock shells of T-90A)
  • T-90 will also receive the Supercharged Soft Kill APS ability
  • T-90M Proryv (new upcoming vehicle) will also receive a special hard-kill APS that can take down two missiles at once (very useful against those pesky double-launch ATGM enemies)

Object 640 (and its “Black Eagle” variant) also deserves a buff:

  • It will receive a new 1800hp turbine engine (GTD-1800), increasing the maximum speed to 95 km/h and the reverse speed by 10 km/h
  • The magazine will increase to 5 rounds (without reload nerfs, this is a damage per minute value buff)
  • The vehicle will receive the Vakuum-1 APFSDS round from T-14 Armata
  • Ammo carried will increase to 75 rounds
  • Camouflage will increase to 18 percent (due to the vehicle’s low profile)

Speaking of the Armatas. The old T-14 and T-14 152 (as well as the Hades version) have for a long time been the “baseline” MBTs that other MBTs get compared to – a clear-cut case of some vehicles staying the same while everything around them moves on. Well, no more, because we’ll be giving them some buffs.

First, all vehicles will receive a side armor buff. Sadly we can’t simply turn the sides into ERA (it’s planned, but it’ll require a major model update) so we are buffing the side thickness to 735mm (or 1575mm versus HEAT).

Next, the engine. All T-14s will receive a new 2200hp engine called A-85-3AF with the following parameters:

  • Maximum speed: 90 km/h
  • Reverse speed: 42 km/h
  • 0 to 32 km/h: 3.13s (3.26s for Armata 152)
  • 0 to maximum speed: 25.27s (26.47s for Armata 152)
  • Hull traverse rate: 44.61s

Next, all T-14s will receive a new passive ability called APS Radar. In real life, the radar controlling the APS is fairly powerful. In game terms, it’ll reduce the camouflage of every enemy target within 350 meters by 10% (that is, deduces 10% from the original value).

But we haven’t forgotten the firepower either:

  • Armata: 125mm Vakuum-1 APFSDS damage increased to 700
  • Armata: 125mm Vakuum-2 APFSDS damage increased to 750
  • Armata 152: We are adding a new APFSDS round Grifel-2 with 900mm penetration and 1150 damage
  • Armata 152: We are adding a new HEAT ATGM called Kornet-T (1150mm penetration, 1100 damage, 200 non-penetration damage)
  • Armata 152: We are adding a new thermobaric ATGM called 9M133F-3 (80mm penetration, 1000 damage)

And, finally, we are also increasing the camouflage to 18% (as Armata is supposed to be quite stealthy).

Next, Kornet-EM. Here we are increasing its armor from 5mm to 20mm (it’ll make it more resistant to machineguns) and are giving it a new 420hp engine with the following parameters:

  • 0 to 32 km/h: 1.13s
  • 0 to maximum speed: 23.21s

In the end, Kornet-EM doesn’t that big of a buff, unlike its tracked version called Kornet-D1. This one’s getting two buffs:

  • The ATGM Guidance System module also unlocks a thermobaric ATGM (80mm penetration, 1000 damage)
  • We are adding a third mutually exclusive module to the previous two – this one will allow you to fire four missiles at once with 6 seconds between quad launches, followed by 43s of loading time

This is some pretty extreme firepower but we’ll hope you’ll like it. The Kornet-D1 needs a serious buff and this level of firepower is as serious as it gets.

We hope you’ll like all of these changes and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

Today we’ve prepared the following items for you:

  • Type 99B Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • QN-506 Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • VT-5 Tier 9 Premium Light Tank
  • Pindad SBS Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Type 90 Tier 7 Premium Main Battle Tank along with Japanese camouflage

Between June 20 and June 27, 2024, the following items will be available:

Type 99B

The Type 99B is a fictional improved version of the currently most modern Chinese Main Battle Tank. It was designed as a concept by the Chinese tank community some years ago and we used the concept as a basis for its introduction. However, our version bears significant differences, most notably the Red Arrow missile launcher on the roof. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Type 99B is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. It is fast, agile, and capable of dealing tremendous damage over a short period of time thanks to its turret-mounted thermobaric missile launcher.

The Type 99B MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.


The QN-506 fire support vehicle is a Chinese attempt to design a cheap, export-oriented alternative to the Russian BMPT series. Instead of converting a second or third generation MBT, the engineers at Wuhan Guide Infrared Co., Ltd., likely to keep the vehicle as affordable as possible, opted to base their project on the Type 59 MBT, which is, in its basic form anyway, a copy of the old Soviet T-55 medium tank from the late 1950s. They jam-packed it with cutting edge electronics and a number of weapon systems, including ATGMs, an automatic cannon or smaller caliber rockets. However, despite the use of an unmanned turret, the protection levels of this vehicle are still quite low and, so far, there haven’t been any signs of interest in the QN-506. You can learn more about this vehicle in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the QN-506 is a Premium Tier 9 Tank Destroyer that gameplay-wise resembles the popular BMPT series. However, unlike the Russian Terminators, it has a number of interesting features including tree different weapon systems (30mm cannon, 70mm unguided rockets and 151mm ATGMs) and loitering recon ammunition flying towards the end of a map and spotting everything in its path. The last ability is unique to the QN-506 and makes it one of the most potent support vehicles on the battlefield.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


The VT-5 is a modern Chinese Light Tank that was developed specifically with export in mind. There are many reasons why a country without its own tank development should opt to purchase a Light Tank instead of a full-scale Main Battle Tank. It’s equally as fast if not faster with equal firepower but, what is most important, it is affordable. The VT-5 excels in all these categories. While its armor cannot match that of an MBT, it can protect its crew against most infantry threats thanks to its ERA and cage armor sets. It also has a powerful 105mm gun capable of firing guided missiles, it is packed with advanced electronics and is supremely agile thanks to its 1000hp diesel engine. Simply put, wraps cutting edge technologies up into an affordable bundle. You can learn more about it in a dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the VT-5 is a very powerful Tier 9 Premium Light Tank. Fast and agile, it features solid levels of protection (the configuration in the game is the one featuring the ERA kit as well as the turret cage armor) and a good rate of fire. Additionally, its gun is capable of firing guided missiles. It’s an ideal machine for players who value speed and agility, as it offers plenty of both. The VT-5 is capable of dancing around its opponents on the battlefield, outperforming even some AFVs in mobility.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

Pindad SBS

The SBS platform is one of the first domestic armored vehicles developed by Pindad (the largest Indonesian armor producer) for Indonesia and is officially listed as a “light tank”. It was developed sometimes in the early 2010s with some prototypes in different configuration appearing in public in 2014 or so. The variant in the game is a long-range MLRS fire support vehicle with a 122mm multi-barreled rocket launcher. You can learn more about it in our In Armored Warfare, the Pindad SBS is a Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. This AFV is fairly unique, since its main weapon is a multi-barreled rocket launcher capable of firing over obstacles. This makes the Pindad incredibly powerful in both offense and defense. Static enemy targets stand no chance! This vehicle is best used with Commander Ophelia Kitescu and in a platoon – the firepower of such a formation is truly without equal.This bundle is available in our Web Shop.[url]

Type 90

The Type 90 is the current service main battle tank of the Japanese Self-Defense Force. On the outside, it vaguely resembled the German Leopard 2, but inside, the vehicle’s completely different. It was adequately armed and armored for the time it was developed in, but what made it really stand out were its cutting-edge Japanese electronics and its hydraulic suspension, allowing the tank to tilt itself forward or backward, enhancing its gun elevation and depression beyond what the turret would normally allow. This trait was considered to be an important for Japan, as much of its landmass is covered by mountainous areas. You can read more about it in our In Armored Warfare, the Type 90 is a Tier 7 Premium Main Battle Tank. Gameplay-wise, it resembles the Leopard 2 and Abrams version of the same Tier. The difference between the Leopard and the Type 90 MBT lie in the presence of an automatic loading mechanism – otherwise, the firepower and protection levels is roughly the same with the Japanese tank having a little less armor, compensated by more module hitpoints. Overall, it is not the best-protected MBT on the battlefield, requiring careful long-range gameplay. However, the advanced electronics installed in this tank as well as its hydraulic suspension allow it to aim faster than all its class and Tier counterparts.The Type 90 is available in the Japanese bundle, which contains:
  • Type 90 Tier 7 Premium MBT
  • Japanese camouflage
  • Two Japanese decals
  • Japanese red flag
You can learn more about the Japanese camouflage in our [url]dedicated article.[/url]This bundle is available in our Web Shop.[url]

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

We are happy to announce that the Update 0.155.2 is now available!

List of Update 0.155.2 Changes

  • We are extending the Europe's Edge Battle Path to July 11
  • Fixed an issue where the Challenger 2 Streetfighter II missile launcher was missing
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand
On the 20th of June 2024, starting from 8:00 CEST, the server will not be available for 5 hours due to a planned server maintenance.

Please note that the maintenance can be extended beyond the abovementioned timeframe. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Starting today, until June 17 (16:00 CEST), you will earn 50% more Battle Coins from each match.

Enjoy the weekend and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

Today we’ve prepared the following items for you:

  • EBRC Jaguar Tier 10 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Desert Ajax skin for Ajax
  • Otomatic Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • Gepard Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Lynx Skyranger Tier 10 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Leopard 2 Revolution Tier 8 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Leclerc T40 Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • Marder 2 Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • AMX 10 RCR Tier 8 Premium Tank Destroyer
  • Europe's Edge Loot Crate

Between June 13 and June 20, 2024, the following items will be available:


The Jaguar is a part of the Scorpion program, launched to develop France’s next generation of armored fighting vehicles. In this program, the Jaguar fulfills the role of a light recon and fire support vehicle. It combines cutting edge technology with high speed and excellent firepower. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Jaguar is a Tier 10 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. It’s fast, light and an amazing scout, but it can also hold its own in combat thanks to its 40mm cannon, guided missiles and active suspension.

The Jaguar Tier 10 Premium AFV is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.


We have prepared a new skin for the Ajax, Europe’s Edge Battle Path reward vehicle. The skin is based on an Ajax that appeared in this configuration (featuring a Barracuda camouflage and a desert paintjob) at an expo in the Middle East. Specifically it was the World Defense Show that took place in February 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

The skin is available as a part of the Desert Ajax Bundle, which contains the following items:

  • Skin: Desert Ajax
  • 3 Platinum Loot Crates
  • 500 Gold

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


The Otomatic was an attempt from the 1980s and 1990s to mate originally naval 76mm rapid-firing cannon with a tracked chassis (either of Palmaria or a Leopard) to create an advanced anti-aircraft gun. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Otomatic a Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer. Thanks to its fast-firing 76mm gun it can deal tremendous amounts of damage over short periods of time and can deal effectively with any target it encounters on the battlefield.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


The Gepard is one of the best short-range anti-aircraft self-propelled guns in the world. Made primarily for Germany and the Netherlands, it remains in active use to this day and has recently seen some combat in Ukraine. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Gepard a Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. Unlike the Otomatic, it relies not on a single larger gun, but on the hailstorm of shells provided by its two 35mm autocannons. Even the toughest of targets crumble under its withering fire.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


This is a version of the cutting edge Lynx platform but instead of the standard IFV configuration, it utilizes the Skyranger HEL turret to create a short-range anti-aircraft vehicle that can also eliminate drone swarms with ease. This configuration was proposed for the recent Hungarian military upgrade program but never built in real life. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Lynx Skyranger is a Tier 10 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. It’s best used as a scout killer but it is capable of other roles as well. It features three rather unusual abilities, such as the programmable HE ammunition that explodes above targets, the Starstreak missiles that deal more damages over larger distances and ignore APS, and the High Energy Laser active ability. When activated, the laser blinds enemy targets, significantly reducing their spotting range. You can learn more about these abilities from our developer diary.

The Lynx Skyranger Tier 10 Premium AFV is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.


The Leopard 2 Revolution is a continuation of the older Evolution upgrade, intended to improve the performance of the older variants of the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank in order to make it excel even on the battlefields of the 21st century. The improvements include a comprehensive armor upgrade, ROSY soft-kill APS and smoke grenade launchers as well as an entire suite of cutting edge electronics. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Leopard 2 Revolution is a Tier 8 Main Battle Tank. It is not only well-armored, it also features an extremely accurate 120mm gun with advanced ammunition, allowing it to destroy its opponents at very long ranges, rivaling those of Tank Destroyers. The German tanks in general perform best at longer ranges and the Revolution is no exception.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


Sometimes called the French Terminator, this vehicle was designed on the Leclerc MBT chassis with one purpose in mind – to accompany tanks and fight off infantry attacks the same way as the Russian BMPT series does. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Leclerc T40 is a Tier 9 Premium Tank Destroyer. It offers you a combination of a durable hull, rapid-fire 40mm automatic cannon and, most importantly, the Javelin missile system. Simply right-click the target, wait until it becomes locket and fire the Javelin ATGM – it will home itself on the target, attacking its weak roof armor. Thanks to this ability, the Leclerc T40 is one of the most destructive vehicles in the game.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


The Marder 2 was an experimental German IFV, developed in the late 1980s to replace the aging Marder IFV. It featured more armor, a new turret and a brand-new Rheinmetall dual-caliber autocannon that could fire both 35mm and 50mm rounds. Despite its qualities, the vehicle was never accepted in service due to its high cost and because it was no longer needed because of the fall of the Soviet Union. A single surviving prototype can be found today in the Koblenz military collection. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Marder 2 is a Tier 8 Armored Fighting Vehicle. With its 44 tons, it’s one of the heaviest and toughest AFVs around. Unlike many other AFVs of its Tier, it is not armed with guided missiles, relying instead on its extremely powerful 50mm autocannon. This vehicle can also deploy Mechanized Infantry.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.


The AMX 10 RCR is the updated variant of the French AMX 10 RC fire support vehicle by GIAT, originally developed in the early 1980s. This light and nimble wheeled 6x6 AFV was armed with a 105mm gun, allowing it to knock out even armored targets at considerable distances. Over 200 of these aging vehicles were upgraded by Nexter in 2010 with improved armor and electronics, enabling them to fulfill modern battlefield tasks until their eventual replacement by the Jaguar. You can learn more about its history in our dedicated article!

In Armored Warfare, the AMX 10 RCR is a Tier 8 wheeled Premium Tank Destroyer. It’s incredibly agile with its wheeled chassis allowing it to outrun pretty much any enemy on the battlefield save for the fastest AFVs. Its gun accuracy is also top notch, making this vehicle perfect for sniper-style gameplay as its thin armor can’t protect it against enemy shells at close distances. This vehicle also comes with the Hydraulic Suspension active ability.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

The Europe's Edge Loot Crate is now available. This Loot Crate contains Europe's Edge Battle Coins and Boosters.

  • Battle Coins are the primary currency of the Europe's Edge Battle Path campaign and are used to progress through it and to obtain its prizes.
  • Battle Coin Boosters are usable only during an active Battle Path and increase your Battle Coin income by 900 percent for two hours.

Please note that you have to obtain the access to a Battle Path to use both items.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

We are happy to announce that the Update 0.155 is now available!

List of Update 0.155 Changes

Rollbacks from Previous Update

First and foremost, we are rolling back two features that we released in the previous update. The first rollback concerns the rework of the BWP-2000, which you, the players, were not happy about. Since we are committed to listen to your feedback wherever we can, we are rolling the BWP-2000 changes back and the vehicle will return to the pre-Update 0.150 state.

The second rollback is a bit more complicated. In the previous update, we have released the following change:

  • Fixed an issue present on a large amount of vehicles where they could have more than one ATGM in the air at the same time when they should not
This was a legitimate fix we thought fully justified because many of these vehicles were not supposed to do that. Unfortunately, we have discovered that due to a number of undocumented changes left behind the code, this broke a number of things, most notably:

  • QN-506 drone missile switching/reload
  • Kurganets’ Bulat missiles
  • Stryker ADATS missiles
This is why we are returning things to the previous state and all the affected vehicles should behave the way they had before.

In connection with this issue, we have discovered a special case in Stryker ADATS where the module that should be providing such a bonus is not doing anything as the vehicle uses the feature already by default. That is why we have added a new reload bonus to the module (improved the ADATS missile reload from 30s to 21.25s).

Machinegun Elevation and Depression Fix
In preparation for the release of the drones, we have heard your feedback and began to fix machinegun elevation and depression angles on all vehicles where they did not match the main armament. This is an ongoing process as some changes are more complicated than others but in this batch, we have addressed the issue on the following vehicles:

PT-85, Type 69, Type 79, T-55, T-62, Tiran 6, T-55 Enigma, Chieftain Mk.2, Type 80-II, T-64A Mod.1969, T-62M, T-55M1, Object 430, Type 85-IIM, T-80, T-72, T-72M1, T-72A, T-64A Mod.1976, Rooikat, Merkava Mk.1, Chieftain Mk.6, Chieftain Mk.10, Chieftain Mk.11, Type 96, Type 90-II, T-72M2 Wilk, T-72B, Merkava Mk.2B, Chieftain 900, Type 96A, T-90, T-80U, T-72M4CZ, Merkava Mk.2D, PTL-02, Type 99, VT4, 9910, Type 96B, T-90A, T-72B3, ST1, Merkava Mk.3 BAZ, Ariete, ASCOD LT, ZTL-11, VT5, Type 99A, Merkava Mk.4, T-90MS, Centauro 120, PL-01, Merkava Mk.4M and T-90A Burlak.

In addition to these changes, we have made several technical changes in preparation of the second stage of this fix. They are mostly not visible to players but there’s one exception – the Altay remote-controlled machinegun module is no longer moving with the gun (it was based on an obsolete animation scheme). We’ll return to the Altay in the next iteration.

Vehicle Fixes and Updates

With each patch we continue (and will continue) to update vehicles based on your feedback and fix them. In this update, we have the following changes for you:

  • Ajax: Increased the ammo capacity to 1200 rounds
  • KF51 Panther: Increased the gun depression to -8 degrees
  • KF51 Panther: Drone launcher no longer appears in the Upgrade window
General Changes

  • Fixed the issue of invisible UAVs on several maps (mostly Global Operations)
  • Fixed several localization issues
  • Added a number of future event assets

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