Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today we’ve prepared the following items for you:
  • Stridsvagn 2000 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • CV90120 Ghost Tier 9 Premium Light Tank
  • CV90 Mk.IV Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • CV90105 TML Tier 7 Premium Light Tank
  • Swedish bundle with real-life Swedish camouflages
  • Norwegian bundle with real-life Scandinavian camouflages and unit insignia
  • Danish bundle with real-life Danish camouflage and base paint
  • Iron Crate
Between May 30, 2024 and June 6, 2024, the following items will be available:

Stridsvagn 2000

The Stridsvagn 2000 was to be Sweden’s next Main Battle Tank, designed to combat Soviet super-tanks such as the Black Eagle. For its time, the project was nothing short of revolutionary with extremely thick frontal armor and a powerful 140mm gun that could take on literally anything in its day. However, the Soviet threat dissipated with the collapse of the Soviet Union, which pushed Sweden to seek a cheaper solution to its tank problem, namely the Leopard 2 MBT. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Stridsvagn 2000 is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank that represents the essence of practicality. Solid armor, decent mobility and excellent damage over time output make this tank one of the most versatile tools you can have in your arsenal, equally capable in PvP and PvE. Aside from its advanced NERA armor, the Strv 2000 features a coaxial 40mm autocannon. The key to success is switching between both weapon systems and maximizing your damage output while your NERA armor eliminated one enemy shell after another.

The Stridsvagn 2000 MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.



CV90120 Ghost

The CV90120 “Ghost” Light Tank was a Swedish demonstrator based on an earlier fire support model of the CV90120. As its name suggests, the vehicle is armed with 120mm smoothbore cannon but that’s the least interesting on its features. The Ghost is named after a special camouflage system called ADAPTIV that's capable of masking the bulky tank in the IR spectrum so well it disappears from enemy screens – like a ghost. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the CV90120 Ghost is a Tier 9 Premium Light Tank. Depending on your choices, it can be configured two ways – as a fast hit-and-run Light Tank using the combination of a Ready Rack and its excellent mobility, or as a stealthy sniper using the ADAPTIV system and the upgraded ammunition. While you won’t be as stealthy as dedicated Tank Destroyers or small AFVs, you’ll still be able to do a lot of damage from behind the safety of your lines.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



CV90 Mk.IV

The Swedish CV90 Mk.IV IFV is the most modern version of the old but constantly developed CV90 platform. Since its introduction in the early 1990s, the vehicle was upgraded so much that this 2018 model bears little resemblance to the three decades old original, featuring cutting edge electronics as well as a brand new turret. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the CV90 Mk.IV is a Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. It is a durable and reliable infantry carrier capable not only of dealing tremendous damage with its 50mm autocannon, but of launching powerful Spike missiles as well. In addition to that, it’s relatively well-protected and can also carry Mechanized Infantry. What’s there not to like?

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



CV90105 TML

The CV90105 TML from the 1990s was one of the first attempts to convert the CV90 chassis into a fire support vehicle by combining it with a French TML turret. The result was a fairly capable Light Tank with considerable firepower in the form of its 105mm GIAT gun that could successfully take out most MBTs of its time. Unfortunately, the vehicle didn’t manage to attract any customers and remained a prototype only. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the CV90105 TML is a Tier 7 Premium Light Tank. Depending on your choices, it can be configured two ways. You can opt for a more sustained firepower with the large 12-round clip – this way you need to stay behind your own team or hide in bushes, turning your Light Tank into something like a close support Tank Destroyer. Or, you can opt for the fun option of turning your CV90105 TML into a hit and run monster. Ambush an enemy, empty the magazine into his sides or rear and immediately retreat.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Swedish Bundle

Despite its neutrality, Sweden is one of the premiere arms manufacturers in the world and has a powerful standing army to boot. Even though the country is not a part of the NATO, much of its vehicle fleet is compatible with western tech and the country now operates the Leopard 2 MBT (under the name Stridsvagn 122) as well as several CV90 variants. This bundle includes several camouflages tied to Sweden as well as a special player title.

The bundle consists of:
  • Scandinavian Summer camouflage (read more)
  • Scandinavian Winter camouflage (read more)
  • Swedish Export camouflage (read more)
  • Swedish Urban camouflage (as seen on various CV90 prototypes)
  • Swedish Flag decal
  • Player title “Viking”
This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Norwegian Bundle

Unlike Sweden, Norway is a part of the NATO with its units regularly taking part in operations abroad. One of the elite units of the Norwegian military is the famous Telemark Battalion of Mechanized Infantry and this bundle includes two items tied to it as well as the Scandinavian camouflages used by Norway and a Norwegian base paint, as seen on a Telemark Leopard deployed to Estonia in 2017.

The bundle consists of:
  • Scandinavian Summer camouflage (read more)
  • Scandinavian Winter camouflage (read more)
  • Scandinavian base paint (read more)
  • Telemark Battalion decal
  • Telemark Battalion flag
  • Player title “Einheri”
This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Danish Bundle

And last but definitely not least, we have Denmark, the army equipped with some of the best military hardware there is, including the Leopard 2A7DK Main Battle Tank. Aside from its simple but unique camouflage, this bundle contains a Danish player title, the Scandinavian base paint and a decal.

The bundle consists of:
  • Danish camouflage (read more)
  • Scandinavian base paint (read more)
  • Danish 1st Armored Battalion decal
  • Player title “Thrice-Hearted” (referring to the Holger Danske legend)
This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Iron Crate

We’ve prepared for you an additional offer this week. The Iron Crate is available in our Web Shop!

This crate allows you to win a Tier 4 to Tier 10 Premium vehicle (or its value in Gold if you have it already). The crate contains some very rare vehicles, including:
  • ZTL-11 Tier 9 Premium TD
  • VN17 Tier 8 Premium AFV
This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today, we are moving the support service away from the My.Games platform and to one of our own.

What this means for you:
  • The Support button will lead to a new page with a different design (so don't be surprised)
  • New tickets will temporarily take longer to resolve (sometimes considerably, so please contact support only when necessary and do not report bugs via support - post them to our Discord channel)
  • Existing tickets will still be serviced by the old support service so there's no need to open new ones
  • Please make sure you enter the correct nickname and registration e-mail to your account - not doing so will significantly extend the time your ticket will take to be serviced
  • If possible, please enter tickets in English (machine translation is preferrable for non-native speakers), other languages may take longer to process
  • It is temporarily not possible to change your registration e-mail via support
We apologize for the inconvenience and will polish the service as soon as possible.
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today, we’d like to tell you more about the upcoming Tales from the Dark Battle Path campaign as a whole along with the changes and improvements we’ve prepared for you.

Tales from the Dark

As you might have guessed from the previously unveiled vehicles, this Battle Path’s theme revolves around Russia – but rather than its modern history, it’s about ancient Russian tales – dark forests, clear streams and heroes on their quest for glory. Legendary warriors, using guile and might both, defeating cruel enemies such as Zmey Gorynych, a fierce dragon of considerable power, cunning evil crone Baba Yaga and yes, even Koschei the Deathless, a vile immortal lich.

But what would be an epic quest without equally epic rewards? As usual, three vehicles await you:
But there’s another element we’ve added to the rewards – one of choice. Just as old bogatyrs had to choose their path to glory, you too will get to choose – or, in this case, customize – some of the prizes as some of the best rewards of this Battle Path will be camouflages changing their color based on your chosen base paint. Having a large collection will come in handy but if you don’t have that many – fear not, we’ll throw in a bunch as other rewards.

As for the lore element... you’ll be able to delve into the world of ancient Slavic folklore by reading the description of the items, for they will contain fragments of old tales and, who knows? Perhaps a secret or two.

Battle Coin Shop Update

We are also updating the Battle Path shop inventory with nearly 30 new vehicles (including Puma, Boxer CRV, AbramsX, KF41 Lynx Prototype and yes, even the legendary TOS-1M) as well as 45 new camouflages or base paints and 20 new skins, including the most requested ones such as the Obsidian Blade.

Mission Overhaul

The mechanics of this Battle Path are similar to those in the Europe’s Edge Battle Path but this time, we’ll be once again changing the chain missions. In Tales from the Dark, they’ll be divided into:
  • Soviet and Russian IFV missions (that can be completed using various BMP vehicles as well as the T-15)
  • Soviet and Russian Airborne missions (that can be completed using various VDV vehicles such as the BMD series or the Sprut)
  • Soviet and Russian MBT missions (where the name is fairly self-explanatory)
We’ve re-evaluated the mission requirements (no damage deflection on Light Tanks this time) but the basic concept is the same – complete the first three mission chains to unlock the fourth mission series called Elite.

Once again, there will be enhanced rewards for the missions, including two new Loot Crates. The basic chains will end with a new reward called Lesser Russian Loot Crate.

The Lesser Russian Loot Crates work just like the current Lesser European Loot Crates:
  • They contain a Tier 4 to Tier 8 Premium Russian or Soviet vehicle that you do not have yet or a “last ditch prize”
  • These loot crates do not contain alternate paintjob versions of the existing vehicles (“reskins”)
  • It is possible to receive “last ditch prize” even if you don’t own some of the vehicles that can drop from these crates (it’s, however, far likelier for you to receive a vehicle)
The “last ditch prize” drop can be one of the following items:
  • 7 Battle Coin Boosters (increased from 5)
  • 1000 Gold (increased from 800)
There will be three of them in the Battle Path (one for each chain), but the truly valuable prize is the Greater Russian Loot Crate awaiting you for completing the Elite mission set. Elite mission rewards work much like those of the Europe’s Edge Battle Path. To summarize:

The individual missions from the Elite mission set will reward you with 10 Armata 152 blueprints each (5 missions, 50 parts in total). The final mission will also reward you with the Greater Russian Loot Crate:
  • It only contains Russian or Soviet Tier 9 to 10 Premium vehicles that you don’t own (specifically Kurganets-25, Object 195, Object 490, Object 640, Kornet-D1, Msta-S or T-15 Kinzhal)
  • There is a “last ditch prize” that you can obtain but in this crate (even if you don’t have all the vehicles listed above) and it’s another 50 Armata 152 blueprints
  • Obtaining this last ditch prize will allow you to instantly receive the Armata 152 Tier 10 Premium MBT – the real trick here is, however, that if you have it already, you will receive its price in Gold
In other words, you are guaranteed to get a Tier 9-10 Premium vehicle from this crate but if you’re really lucky (or have everything), you can get a massive Gold compensation (19.000 Gold) that will set you up for future Battle Paths or you can always trade it for a large amount of Battle Coins in this one.

Now, you might be thinking it’s the same system as in the previous Battle Path but with older vehicles, which isn’t great, but there are two important caveats:
  • For one, we’re planning to introduce a Russian and Soviet vehicle buff along with the Battle Path or before it (wherever needed – Armata 152 and Kornet-D1 definitely do need one while BMD-1 surely does not) so you’ll be getting your hands on solid vehicles in any case
  • Since the older vehicles are more common, you are more likely to get the Gold, which you’ll then be able to spend for Battle Coins, future Battle Paths... you name it

The rest of the Battle Path remains mostly the same, including the prices, both the access itself and level unlocks (5.000 Battle Coins). The Battle Path is currently planned to launch in June but the specific date will be announced a bit later.


The access to the upcoming Tales from the Dark Battle Path is now available with a discount:

  • Tales from the Dark access with the Koschei player avatar and the Bone White base paint
  • Tales from the Dark access with 50.000 Battle Coins, the Koschei player avatar and the Bone White base paint
  • Tales from the Dark access with 10 Battle Coin boosters, the Koschei player avatar and the Bone White base paint

Please note that there is no compensation for repeated purchases of the bundles when it comes to the player avatar and the base paint.



We hope you’ll enjoy this Battle Path as much as we enjoyed designing it and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We are happy to announce that the Update 0.150 is now available!

List of Update 0.150 Changes

Ajax Updates

In this update, we are buffing the Ajax the way we have announced some time ago. The majority of the changes bring the firepower closer to the EBRC Jaguar that effectively uses the same weapon system. We are making the following changes:
  • Increased the rate of fire from 335 to 375
  • Decreased the APFSDS damage from 70 to 60
  • Increased the APFSDS penetration from 340mm to 460mm
  • Added new PELE shells (similar to those used by the EBRC, 100mm penetration and 72/48/8 damage)
  • Turret traverse rate increased to 55 deg/s
  • Increased the active ability range (automatic spotting) from 50m to 100m
  • Increased the passive ability range (gunfire camouflage penalty increase) from 200m to 300m
KF51 Panther Updates

We have made some changes to the KF51 Panther MBT that are a bit technical in nature but will lead to improved performance.

However, the real problem was that due to a rather complicated mechanical issue, it was possible to penetrate the Panther’s ERA very easily, leaving the vehicle practically unarmored despite the information in the Armor Calculator. We fixed the issue and the protection now behaves as intended. Furthermore:
  • StrikeShield is now correctly marked as ERA in the Armor Inspector window
  • We have added frontal-facing hard-kill APS that will intercept shells coming from the front (as a part of the StrikeShield system) which has 6 charges but 0.1s recharge time
  • This new APS basically only covers the frontal area of the hull and the lower turret hull, it does not protect the tank against top attack ATGMs
As you can probably also see from the module choices, we are also working on the Hero-120 drone addition to the vehicle, which should arrive in the foreseeable future (but is not ready yet).

K2 Black Panther and Altay Updates

In order to increase the Altay and K2 performance, we have added the following new shells.

K2 Black Panther:
  • Improved APFSDS with 880mm penetration and 630 damage
  • Improved HEAT-MP with 960mm penetration and 780 damage
  • KSTAM-II top-attack HEAT shell (new shell type) that targets enemy vehicle roofs
  • Improved APFSDS with 870mm penetration and 630 damage
  • Improved HEAT-MP with 950mm penetration and 750 damage
  • Improved HE with 65mm penetration and 1000/280/70 damage
  • TANKOK top-attack HEAT shell (new shell type) that targets enemy vehicle roofs
Vehicle Fixes and Updates

With each patch we continue (and will continue) to update vehicles based on your feedback and fix them. In this update, we have the following changes for you:
  • Fixed an issue with the flying ERA of Russian MBTs buffed in the previous update, the side ERA panels on the affected vehicles now work normally
  • Fixed an issue present on a large amount of vehicles where they could have more than one ATGM in the air at the same time when they should not
  • AbramsX: Aiming reticle for the autocannon now works as intended (this is a bundle of multiple fixes that include reticle alignment, missing penetration indicator and “jumping” autocannon reticle – the vehicle should now be considerably more comfortable to play)
  • Akatsiya: Aiming reticle is now aligned with the vehicle’s gun
  • Akatsiya: Fixed an issue where the machinegun shells had an incorrect warning that players must unlock the machinegun first
  • BMD-1: Increased the ATGM reload time from 10.5s to 11s
  • BMP-1: Increased the hitpoints from 1200 to 1300
  • BMP-1: Reduced the ATGM reload time from 10.5s to 10s
  • BWP-2000: Increased the rate of fire 60 to 150 rounds per minute
  • BWP-2000: Reduced the magazine reload time from 6s to 4s
  • BWP-2000: Increased the magazine size from 16 to 30
  • BWP-2000: Increased the amount of ammo carried from 480 to 960
  • BWP-2000: Reduced the AP shell damage from 200 to 90
  • BWP-2000: Reduced the HE shell damage from 200 to 135
  • BWP-2000: Significantly reduced the camouflage loss from firing
  • Challenger 2 ATDU: Fixed several artifacts on the destroyed model of the Honey Badger skin
  • Challenger 2 Hades: HESH shell now deals the same 460 damage as on the progression variant
  • Derivatsiya: Camouflage on this vehicle is no longer distorted
  • ERC-90 F4: Added new APFSDS shell M669A1 with 580mm penetration and 360 damage
  • Gadyuka: Switching between ammo types now properly reloads a full magazine
  • Griffin 120mm: Removed the incorrect Modern Kinetic Rounds trait
  • Griffin 120mm: MRM-CE HEAT shells no longer ignore hard-kill APS
  • Gvozdika: Fixed an issue where the machinegun shells had an incorrect warning that players must unlock the machinegun first
  • Gvozdika: Removed the non-penetration damage of the HEAT shells
  • Gvozdika: HEAT shells now have the correct bonus module damage listed
  • Leclerc T4: Shells no longer fly through the destroyed APS model
  • Leopard Cockerill: Changed the Garage gun depression value from -12 to -10 (this is a UI change only, the actual depression did not change)
  • M8 MGM-166: Added the Kinetic ATGM trait
  • M48 GAU-8: Firing modes are no longer swapped
  • Otomatic: Ammo rack now burns and explodes as intended (previously, destroying ammo rack did not start a fire)
  • Palmaria: Removed the non-penetration damage of the HEAT shells
  • PLZ-89: Improved HESH penetration to 500mm (from 450mm)
  • PLZ-89: Turret traverse rate set to 40s
  • Puma: Fixed the broken textures
  • Puma: Fixed the dirt mapping (some parts appeared too dirty compared to others)
  • Puma: Fixed the issue where the gun fired through enemy targets at short distances
  • PzH 2000: Removed the Ready Rack mechanism, the vehicle now has a regular magazine
  • PzH 2000: Time between shots within magazine set to 5s
  • PzH 2000: Magazine reload time set to 20s
  • PzH 2000: Turret traverse rate set to 40s
  • Strv 2000: Dust no longer flies out of the tank through headlights (corrected the visual effect of driving on sand and snow)
  • T-90: Added extra ERA elements to the frontal turret that correspond to their real-life location
  • T-90A: Added extra ERA elements to the frontal turret that correspond to their real-life location
  • Type 90: Engine now uses diesel sound
  • TOS-1M: Shells no longer fly through the destroyed 30mm autocannon model
Modern British Contract Achievements

We have added the appropriate achievements for Modern British Contract that awards you with AS90. You can now earn decals and a British camouflage by completing the contracts.


We have fixed a general error that caused the Kevlar Spall Liner module to add hitpoints to your ERA modules as well as your tank. This might sound like a good thing (and a nerf) but it is not due to the way ERA mechanics work.

The core problem with this issue was that the ERA mechanism was set so that if an ERA module had more hitpoints than the damage roll of an incoming shell, the game (very simply put) assumed the ERA did not work and only added the ERA’s armor thickness to the armor instead of the tile exploding.

This led to many cases of ERA not working. We fixed this problem and the ERA modules are now protecting your vehicles as intended.

General Changes
  • Fixed an issue that caused dirt flickering on a teammate vehicle if it’s the same vehicle you are driving
  • Fixed the American Bull avatar obtainable for the American Collector achievement
  • Fixed the artillery voiceover for firing your machinegun
  • Cerberus PvE mission: Fixed an issue where, if you destroyed enemy lieutenants at the same time, the counter showed only one destroyed (thus failing the mission)
  • Fixed a rare issue where players could see their teammates’ turrets moving during the mission countdown without the other players actually moving them
  • Fixed several localization issues
  • Added a number of future event assets
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The final prize of the upcoming Tales from the Dark Battle Path will be a Russian Main Battle Tank called T-90M Proryv.

The T-90M Proryv Main Battle Tank is the latest modernization of the older T-90 series of MBTs and the most modern Russian tank currently in service. The modernization started in the early 2010s as a part of the Proryv-3 program (Proryv-2 being the T-90MS) with the first prototypes being ready in 2016.

Compared to the older T-90 and T-90A MBT, the this tank has received a number of upgrades in terms of fire control systems and electronics, including new commander panoramic optics fitted with an advanced thermal imager, advanced gunner optics, an additional APU, a satellite navigation system and a new battlefield management system. Crew protection was improved by the inclusion of new Relikt ERA as well as internal changes. The frontal fuel tank was removed and the frontal ammo rack was moved to an isolated rear compartment. The vehicle was also fitted with a new spall liner.

Since its reveal, it has been a subject of speculation whether the tank is fitted with Armata’s 125mm 2A82 gun as well. While at least one prototype with this gun was likely built, the mass-produced version is equipped with the 125mm 2A46M-6 gun that cannot use the truly advanced ammunition such as Vakuum-2.

The tank underwent state trials in 2017 and its mass production began almost immediately with the first vehicles reaching the Russian army (the Tamanskaya division) in 2020. This was possible by re-using the components that were developed earlier for the T-90MS.

The T-90M has been used extensively and successfully in combat during the conflict in Ukraine. The experience from this conflict was used in its numerous upgrades and several patterns exist with various armor layouts, including the soft Relikt containers seen as early as in 2017 in Syria and with additional rear ERA plates to protect the engine compartment. Several vehicles were captured by the Ukrainian armed forces.

In Armored Warfare, the T-90M will be a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank.

The baseline vehicle is not unlike the other T-90s you already know from the game, especially the T-90MS. What this means is it’ll be a solid, fast Main Battle Tank with relatively high damage per minute value, which will come in handy especially in PvE. But having another T-90MS would be relatively boring so there will be upgrades.

For one, the vehicle will feature additional layers of extra Relikt ERA, which will make it very well protected anything HEAT-based, be it shells or missiles. Unlike on other Russian MBTs, there will also be ERA elements covering the rear of the vehicle, even the hull. And, for even more missile protection, the vehicle will also feature Arena hard-kill APS available right away as well as Shtora soft-kill APS.

Aside from the “standard” ERA layout, there will also be an additional ERA layer in form of soft “bag” ERA elements on its sides. This kit will be possible to unlock via the Workshop feature (by completing Battle Path missions and such). So, all in all, this MBT will be fairly well-protected.

The mobility will be slightly worse than that of the T-90MS – after all, the vehicle is heavier. We are looking at 1250hp engine for its 50 tons, which translates into:
  • 5.83s to 32 km/h
  • 30s to its maximum speed of 65 km/h
  • Hull traverse rate 39 deg/s
But the firepower will be excellent. The tank will start with the 125mm 2A82 gun used by the T-14 Armata MBT along with a set of the same rounds Armata has (Vakuum-2 APFSDS, 3VBK27 HEAT, Sokol-V ATGM and a HE round).

But that’s still not all.

The vehicle will feature a new ability called Recon Optics that will activate an extendable set of optics located on the back of the vehicle. This ability is partially similar to that of the AFT-10. It increases your vision range and the ability to spot enemies hiding behind foliage (bushes, canopies) at the cost of your own camouflage factor. In other words, activating this ability makes you easier to spot. The exact numbers are still being tuned but we are looking at roughly 345m with the ability enabled.

There’s more to it though. With this ability switched off, the gun-launched ATGMs behave as usual. But with it enabled, they gain the fire-and-forget function. In other words, you can just lock your target, fire, and they will home at it automatically.

The rest is of the values is normal for its Tier and class – 337m viewrange and 15% camouflage. It is the ability along with its versatile ammo set, good protection and solid damage output that make the vehicle interesting. In short, unlike some specialist machines out there, the T-90M doesn’t have any glaring weaknesses and will perform well under most circumstances, even in the hands of beginning players.

We hope that you’ll like it and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
On the 28th of May 2024, starting from 8:00 CEST, the server will not be available for 5 hours due to a planned server maintenance.

Please note that the maintenance can be extended beyond the abovementioned timeframe. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Premium Time boosts your progression speed by allowing you to obtain more Credits and Experience in battles.

The following bundles are now available with a discount:
  • 90 days of Premium Time - 5% off
  • 180 days of Premium Time - 10% off
  • 365 days of Premium Time - 20% off
These bundles are available in our Web Shop in the Premium Status section.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The second prize of the upcoming Tales from the Dark Battle Path will be a Russian Armored Fighting Vehicle called BMP-2M Berezhok.

Now, you might be already familiar with the story of the BMP-2 and if you are not, we recommend reading the following articles as they form the foundation of this one:
In short, the BMP-1/2 platform has been around for a very long time and will likely continue to be a common sight on pretty much every active battlefield due to its ubiquity even though it is by now completely obsolete and offers almost no protection against current threats. The Russians themselves as the inheritors of the Soviet legacy have replaced it with the BMP-3 a long time ago and have even developed upgrades to its successor.

But despite this replacement, hundreds or even thousands of BMP-1/2s remain mothballed across Russia, awaiting their reactivation and restoration. For the BMP-1s, the upgrade is called BMP-1AM Basurmanin (replacing the original BMP-1 turret with the one from BTR-82A). But the BMP-2 upgrade is different. It too consists of a turret replacement but the B05Ya01 Berezhok combat module is very different. Thus upgraded, the vehicle is known as BMP-2M (or B-22).

This combat module was developed in Tula and features the classic 30mm 2A42 autocannon combined with two Kornet ATGM twin-tube launchers, 30mm AG-30M grenade launcher and, of course, modern optics (“Redut” fire control system, B09S02 gunner sight with a thermal imager and a commander panoramic sight with laser rangefinder). The vehicle weighs 16 tons or 17 tons with extra armor (675-sb3KDZ) that protects its sides against heavy machinegun fires and RPG-7 rockets.

The first version of the BMP-2M was unveiled in 2005 and immediately caught the attention of Algeria. A contract was signed to modernize 300 BMP-2s this way (it’s unclear how many were truly modernized but the estimates vary between 100 and 200). Russia ordered its own BMP-2Ms in 2020 in order to replace the losses of lighter BMD class vehicles in the Ukraine conflict.

The BMP-2M is currently in use by the Russian military (notably the VDV) and is still in production. Overall, it seems that around 200-300 were built in total (including the Algerian contract) so it is nowhere near as common as the BTR-82A. To makes things even more complicated, there are two other BMP-2Ms developed by Kurganmashzavod – these are called BMP-2M (sb4-2) and BMP-2M (sb4-3) and are intended for export only. They are offered with additional set of cage armor that has since made its way to the Russian BMP-2M configuration.

In Armored Warfare, the BMP-2M will be a Tier 9 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle.

In its most basic configuration, the vehicle is pretty much what you might expect – a fragile platform with a lot of firepower consisting of a single 30mm autocannon and two double Kornet launchers similar to those on the T-15.

There will be an additional armor upgrade that will noticeably increase its protection but the vehicle will still be quite fragile. In this sense, it’ll be a counterpart to the BTR-82A, just one Tier higher and with more focus on burst damage than sustained DPM. The mobility will of course be solid, but the highlight will of course be the amount of damage this vehicle will deal in battle. And it will be a lot thanks to its two potential (upgrade) configurations.

Once you unlock them using the Workshop mechanism, you’ll be able to choose between two weapon configurations in addition to the basic autocannon and ATGM combo:
  • Grenade launcher configuration
  • ATGM configuration
The grenade launcher configuration will add a third weapon (fourth, if you count the coaxial machinegun) to your arsenal – 30mm AG-30M grenade launcher. At first sight it sounds like something very weak but it’s anything but.

For one, the grenades use a very narrow arc of flight, which means they will be arriving from above. You still need to keep the enemy in your line of sight to use them but they will devastate anything with a thin roof that’s trying to hide behind a hill with only a tiny bit of the turret peeking out.

Additionally, this grenade launcher will be fitted with a silencer (yes, that’s a thing that was recently developed) so you don’t lose any camouflage firing it. On the downside, these grenades fly fairly slowly so hitting a moving target with them will not be easy. Two shell types will likely be available (HE and HEAT) with enough performance to ruin the day of anything that’s not a Main Battle Tank (and even then they’ll be useful, you just need to aim better).

The ATGM configuration will, on the other hand, replace the grenade launcher with an additional twin-tube Ataka ATGM launcher (that was also an experimental thing). And you know what that means – thermobaric warhead ATGMs and all the fun that comes with them.

With so many weapons at its disposal, the BMP-2M will be all about weapon management to make sure you squeeze every last drop of damage from the platform. It’ll take some getting used to but we’re sure experienced players will master it in no time.

We hope that you’ll enjoy this vehicle and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

At last we have solved the majority of the issues with website transfer, Steam, Daily Bonus, payments and vice versa (but in case you have further issues to report, don’t hesitate to open a new support ticket). To thank you for your patience, we have prepared a gift for you.

The gift contains the following items:
  • 7 days of Premium Time
  • 3 Platinum Battlefield Glory boost tokens
  • 3 Platinum Loot Crates
  • 300 Gold
The gift can be obtained via our Web Shop.

Once again, thank you for sticking with us through thick and thin and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Today we’ve prepared the following items for you:
  • Type 10 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Hunter Tier 9 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Pindad SBS Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Type 89 Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • K21 Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Europe's Edge Loot Crate
Between May 23 and May 30, 2024, the following items will be available:

Type 10

The Type 10 MBT is the most modern Japanese Main Battle Tank in service and one of the most advanced war machines in the world. Using sophisticated electronics and crystalline steel armor, this tank is more than a match for any enemy that would threaten the islands of Japan. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Type 10 is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. What puts it apart from the other MBTs of its Tier is its special NERA armor. This highly-mobile MBT starts every battle well-armored, but the protection levels decrease with every shot taken. Additionally, this MBT features a special system that tells you the exact chance to penetrate your target. Overall, it’s one of the most powerful MBTs of its Tier and certainly a good choice for players, who prefer rapid action to slow advances.

The Type 10 Tier 10 Premium MBT is available in our Web Shop via Loot Crates. Collect 100 blueprint pieces from these crates to obtain the vehicle.



Hunter AFV

Another alternative name for this vehicle is NGAFV (or Next Gen AFV), since it belongs to a whole program to replace the obsolete M113 APC in Singaporean service and to operate alongside its predecessor, another indigenous Singaporean IFV called Bionix. Hunter is the name of the production model of this program. The Hunter AFV is the pinnacle of bleeding edge of technology. In this sense, it can be compared to the AS21 Redback and both vehicles share several characteristics, not the least of which being relatively large size. This bulky IFV offers considerable levels of protection and firepower. It is expected to serve in the Singaporean army in large numbers in the near future with its mass-production having recently begun. You can read more about its history in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Hunter AFV is a Tier 9 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. As its description above suggests, it is a rather standard-sized IFV with good levels of protection and excellent firepower (consisting of a 30mm autocannon and a Spike ATGM launcher). It also features a recently introduced type of armor, NERA. Simply put, NERA is an ablative armor kit that deteriorates whenever it gets hit. In other words, the vehicle starts with excellent protection levels but it will lose some with damage taken as the battle progresses. Apart from that, the vehicle is adequately mobile and quite universal. It can, of course, also deploy Mechanized Infantry.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Pindad SBS

The SBS platform is one of the first domestic armored vehicles developed by Pindad (the largest Indonesian armor producer) for Indonesia and is officially listed as a “light tank”. It was developed sometimes in the early 2010s with some prototypes in different configuration appearing in public in 2014 or so. The variant in the game is a long-range MLRS fire support vehicle with a 122mm multi-barreled rocket launcher. You can learn more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Pindad SBS is a Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. This AFV is fairly unique, since its main weapon is a multi-barreled rocket launcher capable of firing over obstacles. This makes the Pindad incredibly powerful in both offense and defense. Static enemy targets stand no chance! This vehicle is best used with Commander Ophelia Kitescu and in a platoon – the firepower of such a formation is truly without equal.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Type 89

The Type 89 Infantry Fighting Vehicle is the current Japanese service IFV. It was built in very small numbers between 1989 and 2004. The low-production meant that, with the development costs sunk into it, each unit was incredibly expensive. In fact, to date, the Type 89 is the most expensive IFV in the world. Otherwise it’s generally unremarkable – last generation steel armor, a 35mm autocannon and massive guided missiles (that were also meant for landing ship destruction instead of just anti-tank combat) are generally being all phased out by now. The Type 89 is, however, still waiting for its replacement. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Type 89 is a Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle that is capable of not only deploying Mechanized Infantry, but also to destroy its targets at long distances using its powerful guided missiles. It is also fast and maneuverable, but does not feature thick armor.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.




The K21 is a modern Infantry Fighting Vehicle, designed to replace the K200 series in the Korean Army. It features good protection and a hi-tech weapon system with the "hunter-killer" capability. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the K21 is a Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. In the game, it is an IFV with solid protection and firepower, but also excellent mobility. It carries Mechanized Infantry.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



Europe's Edge Loot Crate

The Europe's Edge Loot Crate is now available. This Loot Crate contains Europe's Edge Battle Coins and Boosters.

  • Battle Coins are the primary currency of the Europe's Edge Battle Path campaign and are used to progress through it and to obtain its prizes.
  • Battle Coin Boosters are usable only during an active Battle Path and increase your Battle Coin income by 900 percent for two hours.
Please note that you have to obtain the access to a Battle Path to use both items.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop.



We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!

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